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Russians make formal complaint against demented Alexander Dugin, calling for him to undergo psychiatric evaluation

The great philosopher Dugin was complained to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office

July 3, 2024

"Protection of Fish" continues publications about Alexander Gelevich Dugin.

Today it became known that the prosecutor's office of the city of Moscow received an appeal demanding that he, the great philosopher Dugin, conduct a psychiatric examination.

The author of the appeal, a Muscovite by birth, by the surname of Ivanov D., writes:

Dear prosecutor!
Reading the publications of Alexander Gelevich Dugin, who, according to Konstantin Malofeev, is a great philosopher of our time, and comments on his publications and publications about the great philosopher Dugin, the first thing that comes to mind is that Dugin A.G. is terminally ill with a mental disorder. To diagnose him, it is enough to read his statements, with which he makes:
"The most terrible ghettos will be created for surfers - this is the most impudent, the most anti-Eurasian phenomenon. There is nothing more disgusting than riding with a white-toothed smile on this disgusting board.
Initiation is what distinguishes a person from an animal. Having lost their initiation, people turned into defective, trembling sheep.
For 300 years of modernization of Russia, our ancestors were not really engaged in the development of Russian philosophy. They took some fragments of Western paradigms, introduced them, argued with them, did not understand for a long time (and it's good that they didn't understand), got confused, tried to offer their own, but again slipped into borrowings - and haphazard, Russian disheveled...
"Chemistry and physics are demonic sciences"
"We refuse to recognize gravity because it's an Anglo-Saxon invention"
"History is the process of splitting mankind into sheep and goats"
"The end of science has come, and modern scientists are crazy sectarians who have lost all connection with reality, and are useful only for the invention of technical devices, whose production has long since broken away from fundamental science."
If we want to save science, we need to go back, reject atomism and everything built on it (in physics, chemistry, political science, etc.) and start all over again.
"The development of cosmonautics is a disgusting and shameful thing"
After the line of the black millennium, it became clear that we need to change everything - to change our music. And then we heard her. Incontournable Katya Lel with a delightful "Marmalade". Not a moment of hesitation, the new anthem is marked. This is modern gnosis, a feast of the right strictly educated feelings and faithful sacrificial orientations.
I can't forget the "Caramel" band. I only saw one clip, but I couldn't tear myself away from it. The phrase repeats: "Pam-pam-param, the rain is dripping." I liked everything - from the content and melody to the girls themselves, who were probably already at a decent age, but so naively squealed (like forks) that all together created the impression of heavenly, completely unclouded by thought, idiocy.
This is no longer even a game with the listener, but a message that fundamentally lacks a sending and receiving party. The product is in itself. Dazzling, almost Buddhist emptiness. There is something superhuman, "fascist" in the good sense of the word... In my opinion, the example of a genuine stage should be such a brilliant whole stupidity.
"It's impossible to find it in the city. A city is a territory where everyone is only lost... Let's leave the cities. This will be a great Russian outcome. We'll go out in peace."
"Cities of degeneration, alienation and madness"
"To solve Russia's demographic problem with one blow, you just need to move from Modern to Tradition at once. And that's it.
The cities will be immediately settled, strong Orthodox families with many people will be formed on the ground.
Divorce - not like abortion! - will be banned. They won't be there. You can't do everything. Married - be kind and live to death. I used to think.
For fornication - a fire. Hanging for theft. For blasphemy against the Tsar - eternal hard labor."
"In the stone urban jungle, no one will really give birth to children. Despite any maternity capital. Children are born on earth."
"But the first round dances should be led by businessmen and business ladies. Dressed with a needle, after fitness, tanned and with beautiful figures, they will stand in a giant circle for many kilometers and begin to move gracefully, slightly swaying, to the sounds of rhythmic technomusic. Ministers with wives, and then representatives of large and small businesses, should speak ahead. That's how the general revival will begin..."
"Our idea of man is Eurasian, and it teaches that man is a convention, just a convention. And then he can expand the boundaries of his "I" to infinity. For example, up to say, "I'm a spirit."
"the point of omega for mankind will be its split, division into sheep and goats."
"Becoming a tourist, a person gets an idiot's passport... it's a shame to be a tourist.
"It is very important that passers-by, God's people, Russian wanderers, go through Russia again in streams. They were the blood of Russia, staying in eternal pilgrimage - from place to place. From shrine to shrine. They weaved a heavenly carpet on the ground, their move made the wind moist and sweet, spreading their aroma through the gardens and the grass splashing with elastic juices. Sometimes up to a third of the population took part in the continuous round dance of Russian wanderers, they were driven by subtle inaudible voices, the bell ringing of nowhere, attracted by the whisper of wild flowers and the stormy disputes of forest trees about the magical properties of secret berries the size of midnight. They were rulers of dreams and interpreters of silence. Sometimes they sang or howled, and often the words became incomprehensible, turning into a crunch of straw or a creaking of floorboards. Four elements have always been safely hidden in their shabby knots - from them they in a busie and concentrated way sculpted distant worlds and bizarre galaxies, invisible to the cold eye of the telescope. At first glance, their seemingly meaningless routes gave the territory the highest elusive meaning for the mind. Sometimes they went headlong into the ground and made their way there by invisible roads. Sometimes they swam without touching the ground, surrounded by transparent creatures with furry wings. Kaliki are passers-by, please come back to us... We die without you."
"Our goal is absolute power. We are the Union of Lords, the new lords of Eurasia. We will assert our will sovereignly, unshakably, irrevocably."

Dugin's speeches and statements are freely available, he influences, affects the feedy minds of young people. Readers' comments are unambiguous. This is a person who is terminally ill:
- "if he were kept in the hospital, then yes, and this is broadcast to the masses. Therefore, it is necessary to consider it seriously, so as not to take it with "understood" later.
- this mentally ill person is read and listened to by people vested with the highest power in our country. He is put - think about it! - at the head of a higher political school! That is, he is not only listened to, but also followed by his delusional fabrications, put to teach others, young leaders this delirium! And you and I are in their hands, our lives and our children depend on them."
- "Is it all serious? Horror, horror, horror"
- "if freaks are released into the information field, then someone needs it"
- "New Napoleon in room number 6!"
- "Somebody, give him aminazine already!"
- "An oppressive impression."
- Jokes are jokes, but it's time to think about checking with specialists people who have access to the tribune. Or rather, to give admission after inspection, went to the podium without a certificate - criminal liability."
- "I'm afraid I won't be able to come to such a state as Mr. Gelich. I don't have that much cocaine"
- "It's easier to forget about this man and similar nonsense"
- "You know. it would be better not to quote the words of a sick person. but to beg him for a bed in room number six - she's been crying for him for a long time..."
- "Some kind of BRED..."
_"call the nurses"
- "It's so funny, it's scary..."
- "Some mixture of elements of fascism, Nazism, and house construction. And everything is densely filled with complete idiocy. The troubled time pushes various muddy adventurers, "teachers" (sectarian), yes, and just idiots to the surface."
- "A marasmatic is a schizophrenic, not a philosopher. His place is stupid. A man who denies science in the 21st century is an oligophrene with the brains of Australopithecus."
- "Such idiots were treated in the USSR!"
- "Unegually to treat. Close and treat. In quarantine. And suddenly this head philosophical and meliorative cold will fall on the brains of the broad marginal public weakened by Putin's propaganda and nightingale litture. It's better to braid his shirt sleeves behind his back in time than to let the already braided citizens braid the gyris. To treat, to drip, give a shovel, indicate the vector on the Orenburg region, there you need reclamation, water is needed. And you don't need to breed philosophical water."
And there are a lot of such statements of people. A lot.

In this regard, I ask you to take measures to examine Dugin Alexander Gelevich, born on January 7, 1962, a native of Moscow in a psychiatric clinic, as his worldview, involved in obscurantism, constantly published in the media, is dangerous for the younger generation.
Please notify me of the decision.
