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Russian version of Kabbalah red string believed to originated with Khazarian goddess Lybid

The color of blood and strength: how the red thread attracts money and luck

The red thread on the wrist can be seen in many people. Someone wears it as a miraculous amulet, someone for beauty, without thinking seriously, how a simple amulet attracts good luck and scares away evil forces. In this material you will learn his history of the red thread and the rules, how to tie it and how to wear it.

The color of blood and strength: how the red thread attracts money and luck

Ancient talisman

The origin of the red thread as a mascot is found in a variety of cultures. The mention of the red thread is in the Gypsy legend. According to him, the holy seer Sarah, after salvation from the persecution of the holy apostles, received the right to choose a gypsy baron. Pulling a thread out of the red shawl, she tied its fragments into the hands of the applicants, and one of them had a thread. Until now, Gypsies in different countries tie a red thread to the contenders for the title of first baron.

Slavic legend says that the goddess Lybid gave people a red thread as protection of the house and the hearth from enemies. The thread should have been hung on the gate of the house. In addition, the Slavs tied a red thread on their wrist as a protection against the eye and spoilage.

LybidThere is a legend that the tomb of the progenitor of all living Israeli woman Rachel was wrapped in a red thread. The North American goddess Grey, revered by the Indians, used the red thread for revival and healing. Similar stories are found in many peoples, however, in any culture the mystical forces of ancient guarding forces are associated with the red thread.

What should the red thread be made of, how to tie and who can't wear it?

First of all, the thread should be woolen, no synthetics are even considered as a talisman. The explanation for this is simple and has nothing to do with magic: wool forms static electricity, thanks to which there is a slight positive effect. It is not for nothing that long before the invention of electricity of premature babies, the ancestors instinctively put sheep's wool. And it worked.

The color of the thread is associated with many symbols, and one of them is predictably blood, a symbol of life itself. In astrology, Mars is associated with red - the most aggressive and energetic planet. The Kabbalah calls the red color of danger, and in general in many religions the amulets of the decoration of different temples - red, designed to scare away evil spirits with color alone.

The red thread should be tied in a special way, and it must be specially bought or received as a gift, the found thread will work exactly the opposite. A close person should tie the amulet: parents, a loved one. However, it can be tied by yourself, although it is not easy, but in the process it is necessary to light a candle, and not a church one, tie the thread on seven knots, and burn both ends of the thread with fire. At the same time, if the red thread is equipped with amulets, locks and beads - it's just a fashion accessory, and there is no healing or magical power in it.

In the East, the red thread is worn by unmarried girls on their right hands: it's for luck and money. The Slavs tie a thread on their left hand to protect against evil spirits, and on their right hand for success and well-being. At the same time, not everyone is recommended to wear a red thread. For hot-tempered and aggressors to wear a red thread is contraindicated, it is better if they wear amulets with rosaries. For apathetic and depressed people, the red thread will also only do harm. Do not wear thread to cores and hypertension, as this can adversely affect their health, however, there is no reliable information.

The red thread can also cure its owner. There is an old grandmother's method of treating barley or other supping. It is necessary to tie two fingers with a red thread - the thumb and index - on the hand on which the barley jumped out, in the form of an eight, and in three days everything will pass. After that, the thread should be removed and buried under the tree.

If you want to make a talisman against the eye and damage yourself, you need to take three red threads, weave a pigtail, tie it on one knot on your wrist and burn the ends. You can't remove the amulet for two weeks, then you can remove it for a few hours, but not for long, otherwise it will lose its magical properties.
