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Russian Chabadniks warn of punishment for disobedience to Noahide laws

peoples of the world

Classification of the peoples of the world and the source of their vitality. beliefs among the peoples of the world. Freedom of choice, punishment and reward. Monarchy among the peoples of the world. Peoples of the World and Liberation.

354 (one)
peoples of the world
All people on earth - the descendants of Adam, the first man, with the exception of the Jewish people - are called "peoples of the world." In addition, they are the sons of Noah, since the other descendants of Adam died during the Flood. Only Noah (Noah) with his wife and his children survived.

Here is the genealogy of Noah: Adam - Shet - Enosh - Kenan - Maalalel - Yered - Hanoch - Methuselah - Lemech - Hoax.

Adam was the creation of the hands of the Almighty himself, and his soul was "a particle of the boundless essence of God from above in the literal sense"; moreover, it was a common soul, including the souls of the entire Jewish people. After he sinned and ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the nations of the world also descended from Adam.

Classification of the peoples of the world and the source of their vitality

Among the peoples of the world there are many gradations according to the origin of their souls. Here is the most general classification:

People who know and keep the 7 commandments of the descendants of Noah belong to the realm of holiness. They draw their life force from a neutral shell that acts as a protection for holiness (this shell is like a protective skin around the fruit).

There are people who engage in idolatry and other forbidden things. Their souls belong to the realm of spiritual impurity. These are selfish people who think only of themselves. It is said about them: "All the just and charitable acts of the peoples of the world are performed only out of vanity." Among them there are also several sublevels.

There are people who, even though they are idolaters, are not inherently evil. They have a positive potential and are able to leave this path. But there are those who are inherently evil, and they do not know the correction, like Amalek, who can only be corrected by destruction.

These three main groups (the righteous, the wicked and the average) correspond to the three sons of Noah, whose names were Shem, Ham and Japhet.

Beliefs among the peoples of the world

Since the root of the peoples of the world comes from the enveloping (this is a term from Kabbalah, it means the highest and transcendent light that is above all boundaries) light of the Most High, and their receipt of vitality is associated with numerous reductions, this affects their comprehension of the Most High and their attitude towards His Providence.

The peoples of the world are not included in His unity on the level of faith, but there is wisdom; since the knowledge of the Most High is based on pure reason, the peoples of the world represent Him as the highest power, and the Most High limits Himself and hides His power in nature. But the fact that the Almighty is infinite and unlimited, they cannot comprehend, since the human mind cannot comprehend infinity. Therefore, Pharaoh said: "I do not know G-d" - covering light, but he also said: "The finger of the Almighty is this" - filling light. (In Kabbalah, see the concept of filling light).

There are peoples who deny the existence of the Creator or even know about Him, but deliberately oppose it, like Amalek. It is forbidden as idolatry.

There are peoples who practice idolatry in everyday life, but do not deny the presence of the Creator. But in their opinion, the Almighty (God forbid to think so!) created our world and stepped aside, transferring control to the "management" of the planets and stars. They deny the personal supervision of the Almighty over humanity.

There are people who believe in G-d, but attach some auxiliary images (“shituf”) to Him. Regarding this, there are different opinions among our sages - whether such behavior is forbidden or not.

Freedom of choice, punishment and reward

Truly free choice - without any restriction or coercion of any kind - is only for the one who is truly unlimited - the essence of G-d, therefore only He is completely free to choose as He pleases.





The nations of the world have two levels of choice:

1) Being intelligent people, they are less limited than animals, and even more so than plants and inanimate objects, that is, they are more free in nature and character, and can choose the path at will.

Moreover, all animals are limited in their nature, as the Creator created them (the eagle is kind to the chicks and noble, and the raven is cruel, etc.), and cannot change their essence. Meanwhile, man includes various kinds of nature and can transform one kind into another.

2) With regard to those commandments that were commanded to them, that is, the seven commandments of the sons of Noah, they have a choice. Because the very command of the Almighty to keep these commandments elevates them above nature and puts them on a path in which they have a choice.


People in the city



Hence the justification of the rewards and punishments given to peoples for their deeds. And it also comes in two forms:

1) In fact, reward and punishment are nothing but the result of human actions - a causal relationship. For example, when a child sticks his finger into boiling water, the result is a burn and pain.

2) The reward and punishment for their actions in the seven commandments of the sons of Noah is the reward from G-d for their deeds. In these commandments, they have a real choice according to their level, arising from the connection with the Almighty, who gave them these commandments.

Monarchy among the peoples of the world

The Supreme has created the world in such a way that He controls it in all aspects in a transcendental way. But in order to reveal itself to the world, He places His power in the hands of a flesh-and-blood monarch, who ideally ensures this disclosure.





During the existence of the Temple, this role was performed by the Jewish king, who, through absolute submission to the Creator, could induce the people to obey Him. After the destruction of the Temple, this power was partially given to non-Jewish rulers (therefore, when meeting with them, a special blessing should be pronounced).

And when the Almighty fulfills our requests for the destruction of the kingdom of evil and the subjugation of the kingdom of the Gentiles, we will receive in advance the fulfillment of our desires in blessing: “Return to us our judges, as at the beginning, and advisers, as before” through the Rebbe, King Moshiach.

Peoples of the World and Liberation

One can see how the nations of the world today do good deeds and reveal the fact that there is a Creator of the world. This is a preparation for the time when "on earth there will be the revelation of the Supreme" in true and complete Liberation.


Rav Gerenstat in 770 with Bnei Noah



In past generations, the task of turning the world into a dwelling place for the Almighty was entrusted only to the Jewish people. Today we see how the peoples of the world themselves perform acts of goodness and justice. And this reveals even more the presence of the Supreme - as a preparation for Liberation.

Bibliography: "Tania" ch. 2, 6. "Likutei Sikhot" volume 1, p. 239; volume 4, page 1094; volume 15, page 127; vol. 16, p. 574. Or ha-Torah, ch. "Vayikra" p. 3. "Bad Kodesh" ch. 1. Conversation of the Rebbe of King Moshiach on Nisan 11, 5749
