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Russia approves COVID clot shot for children 6-11


Gustavo Valiente/RIA Novosti

April 15, 2023

MOSCOW—The Ministry of Health of Russia has registered a two-component vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus infection in children aged 6 to 11 years inclusive, follows from the data of the State Register of Medicines (GRLS).

“Gam-COVID-Vak-D Combined vector vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” the registry says.

Among the contraindications are hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug or to a drug with similar components, a history of severe allergic reactions, age up to six years. In acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, vaccination is carried out two to four weeks after recovery or remission. In the case of mild SARS, acute infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immunization is organized after the temperature returns to normal.

In January, the director of the NICEM them. N.F. Gamalei of the Ministry of Health of Russia Alexander Gintsburg reported that the composition of the vaccine is planned to be updated after registration.
