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RAS: By 2050, the Chinese will become the second largest people in Russia

imperial commission

An increase in the migration flow from China will lead to the fact that by 2050 the Chinese will become the second largest people in Russia , said Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya , scientific director of the Center for Migration Research at the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences .

“In China, there are even more unemployed people than the Russian population as a whole. If strong relations are maintained with China, then, I think, by 2050 the Chinese can become the second largest people in Russia and bypass the peoples of Central Asia in terms of migration, ”TASS reports her words.

An expert in the field of demography explained this process by a decrease in migration flows from the countries of Central Asia after 2030, since a large proportion of the young population of these countries has already left to study and work in neighboring states.

Now the main "donors" of Russia are Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, a significant part of the population comes from Ukraine.

“If we think about other “donors”, and, of course, Russia will have to, in order to develop normally economically, receive population from other countries, then here, apart from China, I see no alternative ,” Zayonchkovskaya noted.

According to the expert, changes in pension legislation will not be able to equalize the situation with the decline in the working-age population.

“Raising the retirement age does not even out demographic waves, does not solve the problem of employment, it solves the problems of the pension fund, but the demographic situation will remain the same difficult,” the scientist said, adding that, according to the Federal Migration Service, international migration in Russia in 2015 amounted to 9 .8 million people.
