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Quick info on the JQ


A research paper published by the Ruderman Program for American Jewish Studies -

  • Jews have been on the frontier of liberal political movements, spearheading social reforms and shaping American policies from within. 
  • Jews in America are disproportionately wealthy, charitable, and politically engaged
  • In the 2016 presidential race, the Jewish financial vote remains disproportionately important
  • Jewish donors contribute 50 percent of the funds to the Democratic Party and 25 percent to the Republican Party
  • Since the elections in 1928, the majority of American Jews have voted Democratic - usually in the 70% range - and are proud liberals.
  • Many American Jews see their liberalism as part of their Jewish inheritance, along with rags-to-riches stories of success, candlesticks from the Old Country, and grandma’s matzoh ball recipe


"Jews totally run Hollywood"


The Founding Fathers of Hollywood : AN EMPIRE OF THEIR OWN : How the Jews Invented Hollywood 


Jewish controlled Google steps in to stop people from finding out Hollywood is controlled by Jews


"Jews DO control the media"


“A 1990 list of the top 10 US entertainment companies published in American Film found that Jews accounted of 8 of their ten CEOs (Lynn, 2011). The companies were Time Warner, Paramount, CBS, Fox, Columbia Pictures, Viacom, ABC, and MCA Inc.”


Back in 2013, Michael Kulich, the (now deceased) Jewish founder and chairman of the porn company Monarchy Distribution revealed that the porn industry was "pretty much founded by the Jews" and that the business side is still controlled by them.


"Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America"


“...the amusement industry in America was brought to its present high position mainly through Jewish initiative. The exit of William Fox was somewhat of a regression from the Jewish point of view, but no manipulations of Wall Street bankers can hide the main fact that the amusement and film industry became what it is only through Jewish initiative.