Putin says Russia to save the world through 'more equitable world order'
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on November 28, 2023, 12:43November 28, 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the World Russian People's Council (VRNS) announced the country's battle for the freedom of the whole world. His speech was broadcast via video link by the Kremlin’s Telegram channel.According to the head of state, it was Moscow that blocked the path of those who today claim world domination and their exclusivity. “I repeat, it is our country that is now at the forefront of creating a more equitable world order,” the Russian leader added.
Putin also emphasized that without a sovereign and strong Russia, a strong and stable world order is now impossible.
Source: https://compromat.group/news/106802-putin-zayavil-o-srazhenii-rossii-za-svobodu-vsego-mira.html
November 28, 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the World Russian People's Council (VRNS) announced the country's battle for the freedom of the whole world. His speech was broadcast via video link by the Kremlin’s Telegram channel.
According to the head of state, it was Moscow that blocked the path of those who today claim world domination and their exclusivity. “I repeat, it is our country that is now at the forefront of creating a more equitable world order,” the Russian leader added.
Putin also emphasized that without a sovereign and strong Russia, a strong and stable world order is now impossible.
Source: https://compromat.group/news/106802-putin-zayavil-o-srazhenii-rossii-za-svobodu-vsego-mira.html