Putin recorded having sex with young boys in same KGB safehouse where prosecutor general Skuratov allegedly filmed with prostitutes: Litvinenko
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on September 16, 2023, 10:34
Russian President Vladimir Putin informally talked with tourists visiting the Kremlin. The President walked from the Grand Kremlin Palace to his residence through Cathedral and Ivanovskaya squares. On the way, he decided to stop to talk with tourists. Among them was a boy of four or five years old, who, when asked by Putin, said that his name was Nikita. Putin lifted the boy’s T-shirt and kissed his stomach.
The world community is in shock; no one is able to explain why Putin knelt down in front of the first boy he met and kissed him on the stomach, while stroking his scrotum.
The answer to this question can be found if you carefully study the so-called “dark spots” in the life history of the Russian president. The main one is: why after graduating from the Red Banner Institute. Andropov (KAI) - where they train personnel for intelligence service, Putin was not accepted into the first main directorate of the KGB of the USSR (PGU KGB - foreign intelligence), but was sent back to the Leningrad KGB to a lower position. Anyone who had at least some connection with the intelligence services of the former USSR knows that it was almost impossible to enter the KAI, and if a counterintelligence officer managed to pass a tough selection and get to study at the KAI, the holy of holies of the KGB, then this, as the security officers say, end of life. As Viktor Suvorov wrote about it: “Input is a ruble, exit is two!”
And for a KAI graduate who is fluent in German to be left out of PSU, very compelling reasons were needed. After the unknown Putin, in a completely incomprehensible way, found himself at the top of Russian power, I began to very carefully and thoroughly examine every step of his career growth. And this is what I managed to find out from those who knew Putin well during his studies at KAI.
It turned out that Putin was not accepted into foreign intelligence because it was established that he suffers from PEDOPHILIA. As knowledgeable people said, they did not find out about this sexual illness right away, but shortly before the end of KAI. Naturally, there was not enough time to study Putin, and the KAI leadership was afraid to report to the very top that the personnel officers had not looked into it, and that there was a PEDOPHILE in the depths of Soviet intelligence. As is customary in the special services, under a plausible pretext, Putin was taken away from a business trip to Germany and returned to where he came from to the Leningrad KGB, as they say, the matter is over.
Immediately after Putin was appointed director of the FSB, he began to look for incriminating evidence collected on him from the special services and destroy it, thereby preparing himself for his future presidency. It is clear that, being the director of the FSB, he did not have any particular problems with the destruction of incriminating evidence on himself. At that time, Putin found video recordings in the FSB's own security department, where security officers managed to record their future boss while he was having sex with underage boys. Moreover, Putin was recorded in the same safe house on Polyanka Street in which the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Skuratov was recorded with two prostitutes.
Later, when Putin, on the orders of Abramovich, removed Skuratov from the post of prosecutor general, blackmailing and persuading him to voluntarily leave his post, he angrily complained to Skuratov that he, Putin, was also filmed in the same bed, while he, however, kept silent about that the security officers caught him engaging in pedophilia. Skuratov wrote in his book “The Dragon Option” on pages 153-154 that Putin appeared in the same apartment on Polyanka.
In addition, the deputy director of the FSB, Colonel General Anatoly Trofimov, who was shot at the entrance of his house, also knew about the video recording of Putin with the boys, and in a narrow circle of trusted persons he often lamented that the FSB had fallen into the hands of pedophiles.
The editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Top Secret” Artem Borovik also wrote that Putin suffers from sexual perversion a week before his mysterious death.So why does Putin kiss boys on the stomach? The answer to this question is quite banal and simple - because the President of RUSSIA suffers from PEDOPHILIA. Of course, you don’t have to believe me and say that Putin cannot be a pedophile, because he is an exemplary family man and his wife and children love him. However, if we recall the bloody story of one of the most cruel maniacs of our time, Andrei Chikatilo, who killed 53 children for the sake of his lust, then the wife of the maniac Chikatilo, like the wife of the Russian president, always stated that her husband was an exemplary family man, loved and took care of his children.
Vladimir Putin publicly admires and envies Israeli President Moshe Katsav, who in his homeland is accused of rape, sexual harassment with the use of force, intimate relationships committed without the consent of the injured party and other offenses falling under the law on the prevention of sexual harassment.
“He raped ten women! I never expected from him! He surprised us all! We all envy him!” Putin said. Well, that's to be expected. As they say, “put a pig at the table, and he’ll put his feet on the table!” The Kremlin punks no longer consider it necessary to hide and observe even basic standards of decency. And who, one might ask, should they be ashamed of? Bush, Blair, Chirac? Or maybe the Queen of England? The Kremlin maniac with the rank of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, without a shadow of embarrassment, publicly envies the serial rapist, and he does this deliberately, thereby leaving out all those Western leaders who just recently shook his hand and, affably clapping him on the shoulder, called him their friend.Putin is deliberately lowering the world elite to his criminal-mafia level, because he has long lived according to criminal laws and concepts, and any Russian prisoner knows that with those accused of sexual crimes one cannot sit at the same table or share common cutlery. And this rule is sacredly observed in every prison cell!
As I wrote earlier in the article “Kremlin Chikatilo,” there are very serious reasons to suspect Putin of sexual deviations. And it is quite possible that if in Russia there was even the slightest possibility of bringing the country’s president to criminal responsibility, then not dozens, but hundreds of boys and girls specially selected and brought to him for sexual pleasures would come to the prosecutor’s office. And there is absolutely nothing to be surprised here, because for Russian security officers, since the time of Beria, rape and sexual harassment have become the norm.
The so-called “outhouse and sex” topic constantly haunts Putin, and when he accidentally encounters objects of his sexual desires, he completely loses control over his own behavior and publicly commits acts that clearly go beyond the scope of protocol events, but even beyond the norms of ordinary decency . After all this, neither Putin himself nor his numerous servants are able to clearly explain to the interested public what once again happened to the President of Russia, and what is behind his not entirely adequate behavior.
This happened in July of this year, when Putin publicly kissed the stomach of five-year-old Nikita, whom he accidentally stumbled upon while walking through the Kremlin. The Kremlin lackeys were never able to hush up this obviously pedophilic prank of their boss for the simple reason that Putin, kneeling in front of a child he didn’t know, was photographed on their cameras by dozens of foreign tourists nearby.
Days later, explaining what happened, Putin said literally the following: “He seemed so innocent, gentle, defenseless to me, I wanted to crush him.” In stating this, Putin was clearly unaware that in the mid-eighties, exactly the same explanation for his actions, almost verbatim coinciding with Putin’s, as the Soviet press wrote, was given during interrogations by the arrested maniac Slivko, whose bloody record included eleven boys tortured to death and a certain number of old women.
So let’s now ask ourselves the question: can the president of Russia be considered mentally healthy if he kisses the bellies of children he doesn’t know, without the permission of their parents, or publicly calls to wet those he catches there in the toilet, as well as envying a rapist of defenseless women and not hiding it? Who is he, this petty and vindictive man who brought the meek Russian cattle to their knees? What else can you expect from the inadequate ruler of a country in which there are tons of chemical and bacteriological weapons, during the next autumn or spring exacerbation of his inflamed consciousness? What other sacrifices in the form of rebellious journalists, brunettes born in the hated Caucasus, or small and defenseless boys will the Kremlin maniac demand in order to satisfy his sexual instincts?
While the whole world is rushing after the virtual Bin Laden, saving itself from “world terrorism,” another monster like Hitler is filling with blood behind the Kremlin walls. And if he is not stopped in time, perhaps this maniac will very soon lead civilization to another world massacre, in the furnace of which millions and millions of human lives will burn.
The original article “Putin and the Boys”, written by the late Alexander Litvinenko, was published by the Russpress news agency.
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160905014713/https://urb-a.livejournal.com/6667628.html
Russian President Vladimir Putin informally talked with tourists visiting the Kremlin. The President walked from the Grand Kremlin Palace to his residence through Cathedral and Ivanovskaya squares. On the way, he decided to stop to talk with tourists. Among them was a boy of four or five years old, who, when asked by Putin, said that his name was Nikita. Putin lifted the boy’s T-shirt and kissed his stomach.
The world community is in shock; no one is able to explain why Putin knelt down in front of the first boy he met and kissed him on the stomach, while stroking his scrotum.
The answer to this question can be found if you carefully study the so-called “dark spots” in the life history of the Russian president. The main one is: why after graduating from the Red Banner Institute. Andropov (KAI) - where they train personnel for intelligence service, Putin was not accepted into the first main directorate of the KGB of the USSR (PGU KGB - foreign intelligence), but was sent back to the Leningrad KGB to a lower position. Anyone who had at least some connection with the intelligence services of the former USSR knows that it was almost impossible to enter the KAI, and if a counterintelligence officer managed to pass a tough selection and get to study at the KAI, the holy of holies of the KGB, then this, as the security officers say, end of life. As Viktor Suvorov wrote about it: “Input is a ruble, exit is two!”
And for a KAI graduate who is fluent in German to be left out of PSU, very compelling reasons were needed. After the unknown Putin, in a completely incomprehensible way, found himself at the top of Russian power, I began to very carefully and thoroughly examine every step of his career growth. And this is what I managed to find out from those who knew Putin well during his studies at KAI.
It turned out that Putin was not accepted into foreign intelligence because it was established that he suffers from PEDOPHILIA. As knowledgeable people said, they did not find out about this sexual illness right away, but shortly before the end of KAI. Naturally, there was not enough time to study Putin, and the KAI leadership was afraid to report to the very top that the personnel officers had not looked into it, and that there was a PEDOPHILE in the depths of Soviet intelligence. As is customary in the special services, under a plausible pretext, Putin was taken away from a business trip to Germany and returned to where he came from to the Leningrad KGB, as they say, the matter is over.
Immediately after Putin was appointed director of the FSB, he began to look for incriminating evidence collected on him from the special services and destroy it, thereby preparing himself for his future presidency. It is clear that, being the director of the FSB, he did not have any particular problems with the destruction of incriminating evidence on himself. At that time, Putin found video recordings in the FSB's own security department, where security officers managed to record their future boss while he was having sex with underage boys. Moreover, Putin was recorded in the same safe house on Polyanka Street in which the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Skuratov was recorded with two prostitutes.
Later, when Putin, on the orders of Abramovich, removed Skuratov from the post of prosecutor general, blackmailing and persuading him to voluntarily leave his post, he angrily complained to Skuratov that he, Putin, was also filmed in the same bed, while he, however, kept silent about that the security officers caught him engaging in pedophilia. Skuratov wrote in his book “The Dragon Option” on pages 153-154 that Putin appeared in the same apartment on Polyanka.
In addition, the deputy director of the FSB, Colonel General Anatoly Trofimov, who was shot at the entrance of his house, also knew about the video recording of Putin with the boys, and in a narrow circle of trusted persons he often lamented that the FSB had fallen into the hands of pedophiles.
The editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Top Secret” Artem Borovik also wrote that Putin suffers from sexual perversion a week before his mysterious death.
So why does Putin kiss boys on the stomach? The answer to this question is quite banal and simple - because the President of RUSSIA suffers from PEDOPHILIA. Of course, you don’t have to believe me and say that Putin cannot be a pedophile, because he is an exemplary family man and his wife and children love him. However, if we recall the bloody story of one of the most cruel maniacs of our time, Andrei Chikatilo, who killed 53 children for the sake of his lust, then the wife of the maniac Chikatilo, like the wife of the Russian president, always stated that her husband was an exemplary family man, loved and took care of his children.
Vladimir Putin publicly admires and envies Israeli President Moshe Katsav, who in his homeland is accused of rape, sexual harassment with the use of force, intimate relationships committed without the consent of the injured party and other offenses falling under the law on the prevention of sexual harassment.
“He raped ten women! I never expected from him! He surprised us all! We all envy him!” Putin said. Well, that's to be expected. As they say, “put a pig at the table, and he’ll put his feet on the table!” The Kremlin punks no longer consider it necessary to hide and observe even basic standards of decency. And who, one might ask, should they be ashamed of? Bush, Blair, Chirac? Or maybe the Queen of England? The Kremlin maniac with the rank of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, without a shadow of embarrassment, publicly envies the serial rapist, and he does this deliberately, thereby leaving out all those Western leaders who just recently shook his hand and, affably clapping him on the shoulder, called him their friend.
Putin is deliberately lowering the world elite to his criminal-mafia level, because he has long lived according to criminal laws and concepts, and any Russian prisoner knows that with those accused of sexual crimes one cannot sit at the same table or share common cutlery. And this rule is sacredly observed in every prison cell!
As I wrote earlier in the article “Kremlin Chikatilo,” there are very serious reasons to suspect Putin of sexual deviations. And it is quite possible that if in Russia there was even the slightest possibility of bringing the country’s president to criminal responsibility, then not dozens, but hundreds of boys and girls specially selected and brought to him for sexual pleasures would come to the prosecutor’s office. And there is absolutely nothing to be surprised here, because for Russian security officers, since the time of Beria, rape and sexual harassment have become the norm.
The so-called “outhouse and sex” topic constantly haunts Putin, and when he accidentally encounters objects of his sexual desires, he completely loses control over his own behavior and publicly commits acts that clearly go beyond the scope of protocol events, but even beyond the norms of ordinary decency . After all this, neither Putin himself nor his numerous servants are able to clearly explain to the interested public what once again happened to the President of Russia, and what is behind his not entirely adequate behavior.
This happened in July of this year, when Putin publicly kissed the stomach of five-year-old Nikita, whom he accidentally stumbled upon while walking through the Kremlin. The Kremlin lackeys were never able to hush up this obviously pedophilic prank of their boss for the simple reason that Putin, kneeling in front of a child he didn’t know, was photographed on their cameras by dozens of foreign tourists nearby.
Days later, explaining what happened, Putin said literally the following: “He seemed so innocent, gentle, defenseless to me, I wanted to crush him.” In stating this, Putin was clearly unaware that in the mid-eighties, exactly the same explanation for his actions, almost verbatim coinciding with Putin’s, as the Soviet press wrote, was given during interrogations by the arrested maniac Slivko, whose bloody record included eleven boys tortured to death and a certain number of old women.
So let’s now ask ourselves the question: can the president of Russia be considered mentally healthy if he kisses the bellies of children he doesn’t know, without the permission of their parents, or publicly calls to wet those he catches there in the toilet, as well as envying a rapist of defenseless women and not hiding it? Who is he, this petty and vindictive man who brought the meek Russian cattle to their knees? What else can you expect from the inadequate ruler of a country in which there are tons of chemical and bacteriological weapons, during the next autumn or spring exacerbation of his inflamed consciousness? What other sacrifices in the form of rebellious journalists, brunettes born in the hated Caucasus, or small and defenseless boys will the Kremlin maniac demand in order to satisfy his sexual instincts?
While the whole world is rushing after the virtual Bin Laden, saving itself from “world terrorism,” another monster like Hitler is filling with blood behind the Kremlin walls. And if he is not stopped in time, perhaps this maniac will very soon lead civilization to another world massacre, in the furnace of which millions and millions of human lives will burn.
The original article “Putin and the Boys”, written by the late Alexander Litvinenko, was published by the Russpress news agency.
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160905014713/https://urb-a.livejournal.com/6667628.html