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Put another Aussie on the Barbie - Australia destroyed by the Kalergi Plan

A speech given by Matt Barrie on current state of affairs in good ol' Oz. It is a very long read , or you can watch and listen. Hits the nail on the head without naming the chief culprits. Some excerpts;

"Let’s be clear: nobody agreed to this level of mass immigration, which is running at 1.7 per minute into this country. There is no possible way we can be building a house every 90 seconds to cope, nor should we when there is no net new demand for housing whatsoever from Australians."

"This crisis of governance extends far beyond immigration policy, permeating nearly every institution meant to serve the public interest.

It is an utter disgrace how captured the Australian government institutions have become, bending to political agendas and vested interests rather than serving the public with unbiased, factual information and policy recommendations."