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Pope Francis allegedly seeking to completely eliminate Latin Mass



So that the "Great Synodal Church and 

apostate", the traditional Mass must be destroyed.

Francis, extremely dissatisfied with the slow implementation of the Traditionis Custodes (1), finally wants to put an end to the old mass once and for all .

It would do so through an Apostolic Constitution in order to align itself with the corresponding Constitution “  Missale Romanum  ” of Paul VI and to emphasize the parity of its current regulations with the law of 1969.



According to information dated January 13 and published by the blog  summorum-pontificum.dethe expected constitution would contain four main decrees:

  • In no church (diocesan?) the old mass can no longer be celebrated.
  • In (diocesan?) churches, it will no longer be permitted to celebrate every Sunday in the old rite.
  • The use of the 1962 books – with the modifications ordered by Francis – will only be authorized for the celebration of Mass and no longer for the administration of the sacraments and sacramentals.
  • Every priest of the Catholic Church will be required to celebrate according to the Missal of Paul VI.

Why these alarming noises? Because Bishop Arthur Roche , Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, reacted to the news of Benedict's death with these words: “ Now we can finally sign the document! »

Let us pray that this news is not proven, although our fears should unfortunately be confirmed by the destructive madness of the one who no longer wants to bear the title of "  Vicar of Christ  " (2) .



(1) Other articles concerning the “Traditionis custodes” dossier : 

(2) In its 2020 edition, the “ Annuario Pontifio ”, the Vatican yearbook published annually with all information on the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, drops the designation of the pope as “ Vicar of Jesus Christ ” . This mention is relegated as "historical title" in a footnote. For Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, this is nothing less than “theological barbarism”.


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