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Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) lies to believers that unchrist Putin is an 'Orthodox president'

July 30, 2024

"Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malachians, nor fornicators, nor thieves, nor saviles, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor predators - will not inherit the kingdom of God" (1Cor. 6:9-10):

#Andrei #Rublev Museum. On July 28, 2024, on the day of the memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar and the day of the Church and state holiday of the Baptism of Russia, Patriarch Kirill after the liturgy in the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg) called on the faithful to pray for the "first Orthodox president" Putin: "On the day of the celebration of the memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, we especially pray for the President of our Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - today is his angel's day. This is the first truly Orthodox President who does not hide his belonging to the Orthodox Church, who communizes, who lives a church life and at the same time is one of the most outstanding political figures of our time, having great authority in the world. We are glad that today such a ruler is at the head of the Russian state. And today we prayed for Vladimir Vladimirovich that the Lord would strengthen his mental and physical strength, help him as the head of state and continue to lead the people to those goals, the achievement of which will further strengthen the spiritual life of our people and their material well-being. Including, of course, the country's defense capability, because, as we pray today in prayer for Holy Russia, many have milited against it.

And now the question is: why did they get in the ret? After all, we also have democratic institutions, the head of state and the parliament are elected, the parliament adopts laws - everything is like in other European countries. Why did they retit? When you ask this question to directly thinking people in the West, our evil enemies, they look down and say: "You are very dangerous." - "Why?" - "Because you offer the world an alternative to civilizational development." Exactly! Russia today offers an alternative to civilizational development. We combine faith in God with modern technologies, science, art. We are modern people and at the same time believers in God and not afraid of our faith; and our country is headed by an Orthodox believer - President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Isn't this an alternative to civilizational development? I will not talk about all the horrors, nightmares, misconceptions in which Western countries have plunged today on the path of apostasy, that is, any departure from God.

We must take great care of our country, love it, serve it - everyone in their place. I believe that our President deserves national support. I know that the absolute majority of our people support Vladimir Vladimirovich - I hope, not only some groups of people, but all our people. Because today he is a truly sovereign head of a sovereign state independent of any foreign centers.

Well, if we summarize what I said today, you and I are lucky to live in Russia, in a free country, a truly free country. Someone in the West will grin now, and I suggest everyone who grinned to think about what forces and centers of power you, dear brothers and sisters, depend on and cannot take a step. And we live in a sovereign free country - the country and the people choose the path of their development. And once again I want to say: we are attractive to some as an alternative to civilizational development, so that both minds and hearts of people turn to us; and others see danger in us."


Who baptized Putin?: to the history of the formation of the myth of Putin's "baptism" (video):

For the first time, a fake about how Putin's dacha near St. Petersburg burned to the ground, and allegedly the only thing that survived - the body cross, was made public by Fr. Tikhon (Shevkunov) in the program "Canon" at the end of 1999. (TV6, "Canon", PITA):

Metropolitan Nicodim (Rotov) "tells lies without any need, without noticing it and without remembering the circumstances and environment where it was spoken" (archbish. Vasily Krivoshein):

"Prayer of the Russian Church for the same name-name President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Russia Vladimir Putin":
