New Exodus, New Khazaria
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on November 10, 2022, 21:03April 10, 2014
The situation that has arisen with Ukraine is presented in the media either as a local conflict between the two states over territories in geopolitical terms or as a struggle between Russia and the Anglo-Saxons who want to push the two fraternal peoples together.
But, there is also behind the scenes of this conflict, which is increasingly showing up for inquisitive people who read and search for truthful information on the Internet.
This is the strategic plan of world Zionism to create the state of Khazaria in the territories of Ukraine, Crimea, and then the South of Russia. The implementation of such a large-scale plan, most likely, will go on a large scale in several stages in time and in various Slavic territories. But, first of all, the Zionists will clean these territories from the Slavs - the bearers of Christianity, whom Judaism (Judaism is the spiritual essence of Zionism) hated and exterminated in all ages, selling them into slavery and directly exterminating the Slavic population.
The implementation of such a scenario is already well under way.
In 2009, a CIA report hit the press, in which the Central Intelligence Agency believes that the Israeli state has no more than 20 years left to exist. It is planned to create the United States of Palestine throughout the Middle East.
Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, a practical philosopher , researcher of the laws of the spiritual life of man and states, lecturing in Israel, says that the state of Israel will not last long, and gives him 15-20 years of life. The same information can be found in his book “Man of the Future. The first step into the future”, St. Petersburg, 2009.
Known for his anti-Zionist speeches, the former rabbi of the Kharkiv Choral Synagogue, Rabbi Eduard Khodes , in his book (Eduard Khodos. "At the Grave's Edge or Wild Khazar Dances") and in lectures and televised addresses, openly warns of the impending exodus of the Jews of Israel to the territory of the once former Khazaria, and now Ukraine and Crimea.
On September 17, 2012, the political heavyweight, mouthpiece of the Sons of the Covenant G. Kissinger told the correspondent of the New York Post that "in 10 years there will be no state of Israel." Even earlier, the mouthpiece of the change announced the reason why the state of Israel will not exist by 2022: "Only the deaf do not hear the drums of war." And another political heavyweight Zb. Brzezinski clarified the theater of war in the Greater Middle East around Israel: from the Suez Canal to China's Xinjiang and from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea.
First, through the mouths of the black international - Sheikh Yassin, and then through the lips of the financial international (Kissinger) it was stated that by 2022 the Zionist state of Israel "will not exist." But where will the five million Jews of Israel go when he is gone?
History gives a hint - the science of all sciences. The big war will not spare the "dry branches of the Israel tree" and another exodus of Jews will take place: the descendants of the Khazars - Ashkenazim want to return to Red Zion - Crimea, which historically was the center of the Jewish Khazaria.
The exodus of Eastern European Jews to the Crimea was planned by the conceptual authorities of the Sons of the Covenant as early as 1943-1944. Then, in agreement with the group of Molotov, Mikoyan, Malenkov and Beria, the idea of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee arose to create a Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic in the Crimea. The Rothschilds were supposed to finance the ECSR.
The special status of Crimea was also envisaged by the conceptualists of Hitler's Germany. According to Rosenberg's plan, Ukraine was included in the Third Reich in the status of a dominion, but Crimea was not!
Moreover, when the Crimea was captured by the Nazis, the German authorities did not allow the Crimean Tatars to create their own statehood, which has been going on since 1441. from the Crimean Khanate of the Girey dynasty. By conspiracy of conceptual groups, Crimea was kept for money changers.
The moment came in 2013, when the PRC declared the revival of the Great Silk Road as a priority of its foreign policy: China - Europe with a zone of joint prosperity of countries and peoples within the framework of the "economic belt" and the creation of the "Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century" with an entry point to Europe through a special zone with a deep-water port in the Crimea. How the ancient Silk Road outside of China was provided and controlled by the Jews of Khazaria. So the New Silk Road will be connected with the New Khazaria.
But for the revival of Crimea as the center of the New Khazaria, it is necessary to give it the sovereign status of self-government. What is the need for the collapse of Ukraine. Money players know for sure that the cheapest route to disengagement is the bankruptcy of the central government. What is happening behind the screen of Kyiv's political maneuvers.
The transformation of the Crimea into a “special administrative region” - the European Hong Kong, gives the money changers the opportunity to play for a win in three hands, when only they have the cards of all three partners open: the Eurasian Union, the European Union, and China. Russia receives the market of the left-bank Ukraine, which is missing for the creation of the currency zone of the ruble, which, in the form of a hetman, immediately enters the Customs and then the economic Eurasian Union. The European Union receives Western Ukraine (Galicia) into its arms. Which since the time of Daniel of Galicia (in 1253 the Pope crowned him the First King of Rus') has entered the orbit of the Vatican and will now please the black international of the Nazis. And China gets access to Europe through the Black Sea, where there is no control of the US Navy's sea lanes. All involved are happy.
An excellent historical study was made by Tatyana Gracheva in the book "Invisible Khazaria", Ryazan 2009. Internet resource: . In particular, she writes: “Israel follows the path of Khazaria. She, as you know, ended badly. The United States, which is a subject of the Israeli Khazaria and therefore also has its characteristics, is going the same way, straight into non-existence, into the abyss. As IRNA reported in August 2006, David Weiss, chairman of the Anti-Zionist Society of Jews in the United States, said: "We are convinced that, eventually, the day will come when Israel will cease to exist." Weiss believes that modern problems stem from the way of thinking and ideology of the world Zionists, who, "by abusing religion, accuse all those who are against the Zionists of anti-Judaism."
Collapse of the US-Israel-Jewish Triangle USA
For decades, common interests have forced them to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship. But such relationships come to an end, and this, apparently, is not so bad. American Jewry is in shock: the "special relationship" between the United States and Israel is rapidly disintegrating. The strategic, cultural, and demographic orientations that fueled and strengthened US-Israeli relations for more than half a century are now changing. These changes have different causes and sources, and the corresponding dynamics manifest themselves in different ways and at different rates. But rest assured: they are all interconnected and influence each other.
Israel begins preparations for joining the Customs Union
Another confirmation of a sharp change in the geopolitical course of Israel to penetrate the territory of the CIS countries and the Customs Union appeared in the official blog of the Israel International Trade Administration. The message, which was written by a high-ranking officer of the department, Idan Pozin, was titled: “The first step towards signing an agreement on a free trade zone between Israel, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.” Source:
Why was the Jewish Parliament established in Europe?
From April 3 to April 5, 2011, the largest Jewish forum in Europe took place in Paris, at which it was decided to create a revolutionary structure - the European Jewish Parliament, which will consist of 120 deputies and which will be able to dialogue with parliamentarians and governments on an equal footing, in the same language countries of Europe. Surprisingly, there is no European state, but there is a parliament.
Instead of disparate and fragmented Jewish structures in the EU countries, the European Jewish Council (EJU) was created, coordinating the actions of the communities of Europe. Various Jewish structures will be united into a single system - from educational to youth, from religious to political movements. Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky has been elected president of this organization for the next five years.
The fact that the laureates of the congress were awarded three prestigious awards remained noteworthy. Thus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will receive an award in the nomination "For a consistent position in support of Israel"; ex-Prime Minister of Spain José-Maria Aznar was awarded for his consistent fight against the delegitimization of the Jewish state; and President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych was awarded for his consistent fight against the glorification of fascism.
In fact, the Jews created in Europe a duplicating body of power in the image and likeness of the European Parliament, only they seated only their trusted people in the chairs of parliamentarians.
What for?
And why are duplicating government institutions being created? Naturally, for the interception of power , when the "hour X" comes . And the Jews are preparing for this in advance in all countries of the world, in particular in Europe, in Ukraine and Russia too.
Now it becomes clear why only some 0.02% of the population are able to fully control all power in any country in the world, conduct an equal dialogue with it, and achieve their demands through controlled public organizations, which are always the majority for Jews, through nationwide The media to convey to every citizen their will in relation to the entire people, the entire state or a whole group of countries, as is the case with the EU.
Today, beautiful peaceful slogans are heard for the health of the Jewish people, and yesterday from high tribunes they were summing up the results of their centenary reign , which is very clearly conveyed by the speech of Abi Foxman , the president of the ADL (Jewish organization in the United States), in which the true plans of international Jewry regarding to the white man, the so-called white race, representatives of which you and I are. Quote (published by The National Observer New York on August 25, 1998): “Gentlemen! I welcome you to the second meeting on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the members of the Elders of Zion.
We have achieved all the goals that were formulated at our first meeting 100 years ago. We run governments, we have created divisions among our enemies and forced them to destroy each other. We have truly silenced the critics of our deeds, and we are the richest human race on earth.
I'm talking about the death of the white race. We will completely destroy all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan Race. It's time to make sure that the white race is fading away through interbreeding, and a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision, the repeated footage from all over the world of the last white children playing with the dark children, and we know that this is the path to the final destruction of the white race.
We can destroy the ancient purity of the Aryan bloodline, encourage altruism and the production of mixed offspring. There are more aggressive programs, their goal of destroying the next generation of white children deserves any price.
We want every white father to feel uncomfortable with white children and produce mixed offspring. We must use our power to defame men and women who are still going to keep their racial purity. They will be ostracized (exiled) in the new society.
So that the goyim could not unite, they must be killed and imprisoned.
We will see for ourselves the end of the white race only when the loosened minds of impressionable white children turn them into agents of their own destruction. Already our efforts to create "people" of this type for the white race will attract everyone. These men are already dependent people.
People, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we have the power to hold the fate of the white race in our hands. Now we have it. Perish the Aryan goyim (cattle)!”
This is the real program of Zionism!
It is for this purpose that all kinds of Jewish parliaments and other "public" organizations are being created. This is what all the activities of the Jews during 5 millennia of their history are aimed at . We must always remember this so that one “beautiful” day does not wake up in shackles ...
The writer on the Jewish question, Yakov Brafman, was right, arguing that the Jews constitute a state within a state, and it only takes time to find refuge in the states that sheltered them, to turn these states and their citizens into their slaves ... (read the unique study of Yakov Brafman " BOOK OF KAGALA" ). If Europe does not come to its senses, then all decisions of the European Parliament will be approved by the European Jewish Parliament.
Who is the master in the Ukrainian house?
Imagine the following picture: a modern independent Ukraine is a state in the center of Europe, with a claim to democracy and EU membership. Indigenous people in the vast majority ( 77.82% ) are represented by Ukrainians (Rus), and Jews in Ukraine are only 0.02% .
As of 2010, there were 3,280 public organizations in Ukraine, of which 482 were Jewish , which is as much as 15% of the total number of legalized public organizations in Ukraine. According to the Russian Orthodox Church, over the past twenty years, 96 synagogues have been built on the territory of Ukraine. Let me remind you that these 482 organizations are only purely Jewish organizations, not to mention the fact that, according to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion , Jews try to lead any public organization, any party, any popular movement, whether it be at least a party of beer lovers or temperance society.
On Tuesday, October 4, 2011, a grandiose event took place in Kiev - the VI Congress of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine (UJCU), whose members are 482 Jewish organizations of the country. This event was the most representative in all the years of the existence of Independent Ukraine: 2436 delegates gathered under the dome of the National Palace "Ukraine" - representatives of Jewish communities from all regions of our country. They summed up the results of work in 2011 and made plans for the future, including the development of a Jewish news channel and an increase in funding for Jewish schools and cultural centers.
Participants of the VI Congress were welcomed by President Viktor Yanukovych on his website. In the morning, an appeal appeared there, which, in particular, said: “I congratulate the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress and the United Jewish Community of Ukraine on an outstanding event - the Congress of the Jews of Ukraine. I am convinced that your esteemed meeting will further strengthen interethnic harmony in Ukrainian society.” The head of state wished the participants of the congress "good health, fruitful work and success."
The United Jewish Community of Ukraine was founded in 1999. It includes 482 Jewish organizations of the country as associate members. The main goals and objectives of the community are to support and develop Jewish education, promote the work of Jewish cultural centers, organize trips to Israel for Ukrainian citizens. The president of the community is businessman Igor Kolomoisky , and the vice-president is the head of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress Vadim Rabinovich (he begged Kuchma for expulsion from Ukraine, forgiveness through Israel, to whom he put a 700 kilogram gold minor on the money stolen in Ukraine - a symbol of the greatness of the Jewish people).
A guest from Russia, head of the Union of Armenians, UNESCO and UN Goodwill Ambassador Arayik Abrahamyanspoke about fraternal ties, common history and common tragic pages in it of the Jewish and Armenian peoples .
A red thread in almost all the speeches of foreign guests sounded the idea that the most important areas and aspects of Jewish life are being developed and implemented in the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, and that they are in full solidarity with it and support its activities (it seems that the occupation of Ukraine is clearly carried out , according to the plan of the international Jews).
The Congress of the Jews of Ukraine received tremendous spiritual support: the leaders of all religious movements called for unity and solidarity (oddly enough, on the eve of the Second World War, which was unleashed by the Jews, we heard the same slogans). Also, spiritual leaders - President of the Conference of European Rabbis (which unites Jewish communities in more than 40 European countries) Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine Shmuel Kaminetsky, Chief Rabbis of Ukraine Jacob Dov Bleich and Moshe-Reuven Azman - called on the Jewish elite to take care of the revival and development Jewish traditions in Ukraine (oh, and they like our native land, because there are no such conditions in Israel, which once occupied Palestine - a “scorched camp”, i.e. a desert, and how can a Jew have a Motherland? -).
In 2011, another event of world significance took place in Ukraine - the Headquarters of the World Jewish Congress moved to Dnepropetrovsk from Brooklyn USA and, with the support of the Ukrainian oligarch I. Kolomoisky (protege of Chabad in Ukraine), is building the largest synagogue in Europe in Dnepropetrovsk. I would like to ask what happened if a world-famous organization that controls the whole world, has support in the US Congress, possessing all possible benefits, decides to move to a European country with unstable political and economic situations. Rats are known to be the first to leave the ship. But, while the United States is not going to give up its position as a world leader. So, there is another well-thought-out plan.
It is clear that it is impossible to move such a status international organization without a corresponding Decree of the President of Ukraine, and the President quietly signed such a decree without a comprehensive discussion. There is no corruption at the highest level. How much I. Kolomoisky paid the president is not known. But if the President works on the side of international Jewry, and not his people, then his statement sounds quite logical, and then it becomes clear who orders such a President in the country, and whose interests he subsequently defends. Therefore, there will be no pity for such a president.
The Jews are again trying to create another suffering myth about the extermination of their ancestors, but in fact, they are carrying out a hidden genocide of the local population through low wages, high utility tariffs, high prices for medicines and treatment, through drugging the people, through the propaganda of tobacco and drugs, as well as cheap but GMO food, which already in the first generation can cause infertility with all the ensuing consequences. In such a simple way, the Jews clean up the inhabited territories for their future expansion, as was done in the USA with the Indians. Of the locals, they will leave, perhaps, pretty girls for carnal pleasures, and slaves to do the dirty work, for which the Jews are forbidden to undertake their holy book - the Torah.
In this regard, one cannot fail to recall the words of the famous Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn: “We will drive the Slavic cattle far to the north, outside of Moscow ... Our special tactics of fighting red-brown (and all Slavs are red-brown), due to their isolation, Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main edge of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who have become related to the Jews by the same interests. True, we will later, after using them for our own purposes, remove these “related ones” from our society.
The Slavs, and among them the Russians, are the most recalcitrant people in the world. He is recalcitrant due to the warehouse of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered.
A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first to a sharp reduction in its numbers. What is actually happening now in the territories of Ukraine and Russia.
These words were spoken by Menachem Mendel Schneersohn the devil worshiper in 1994. You can argue a lot about its reliability, as they once argued about the reliability of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", but it is undeniable that almost all of the goals set by Schneerson have already been resolved today.
The speech [the letter he sent to the newspaper] of Schneerson was published in the Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, N-4 (32), 2001. After the publication, the court could not “sew” it to the editor V.F. Popov 282 article, because. he operated with facts, and the Russian scientists Academician Yu. K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O. G. Korotaev stood up for him.
In continuation, one can only shrug and quote Jewish celebrities about the Jews themselves.
“Jewish history has been tragic for the Jews, and no less tragic for their neighbors who suffered from them. Our main vice, both in the old days and today, is parasitism. We are a vulture people living off the labor and wealth of the rest of the world." — Samuel Roth, "Jews Must Live", p.18.
“The inferior race will soon perish completely. I don't see any salvation for her. The death to which the children of nature are condemned is not at all painful. Max Nordau (Südfeld), ideologue of Zionism.
“They are villains not because they are Zionists. They are Zionists because they are villains.” Rabbi Avraham Yoshe Freund.
Now to the latest events in Ukraine. There is a lot of information, but let's focus on the main thing. Who took power in Ukraine, Look at this list.
The current government of Ukraine:
- Acting President - Turchynov - Jew- Prime Minister - Arseniy Yatsenyuk - Jew
- Minister of Finance - Oleksandr Shlapak - Jew
- Vice Prime Minister - Volodymyr Groysman - Jew
- Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Arsen Avakov - Armenian Jew,
- Minister of Culture - Sergei Nishchuk - half-Jew, Freemason and
open homosexual.
- Director of the National Bank - Stepan Kubiv - Jew
The main presidential candidates from the opposition :
- Petro Poroshenko - a Jew
- Yulia Katelman (Tymoshenko) - a Jew
- Vitaliy Klitschko (Etinzon) - a Jew by his father
- Oleg Frotman (Tyagnibok) - a Jew by his mother.
Jewish Oligarchs of Ukraine: eight billionaires. ALL JEWS.
Oligarchs of Ukraine. 95 percent Jews.
And the rest are either married to Jews or spinning with Jews.
You can check each one. ..
Having unconstitutionally seized power in Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada immediately adopted a bill to abolish the Russian language as the language of regional communication. It remains only, as was done immediately after the October Revolution (1918), to adopt a resolution, a "decree" of the Government of Ukraine "On the persecution of anti-Semitism", according to which one can be outlawed for one mention of the role of Jews in the revolution. At the same time, according to a document submitted to the Ukrainian parliament, citizens of Ukraine who receive passports of the Russian Federation face a hefty fine and imprisonment for a period of 3 to 10 years. At the same time, it is deliberately overlooked that all members of the new Government of Ukraine and some deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have dual, and even triple citizenship, the majority have an Israeli passport in their pocket. Attempts by deputies from the Batkivshchyna faction Oleksandr Brihynets, Leonid Yemetsov and Andriy Pavlovsky to introduce a bill that provides for a 10-year prison term for Ukrainian citizens with any second citizenship has been postponed until the end of the military conflict with Russia. It is clear that such a broad wording of the law does not suit the highest authorities of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens with an Israeli passport or passports of other countries can be in power in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens with a Russian passport are prohibited. that such a broad wording of the law does not suit the highest authorities of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens with an Israeli passport or passports of other countries can be in power in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens with a Russian passport are prohibited. that such a broad wording of the law does not suit the highest authorities of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens with an Israeli passport or passports of other countries can be in power in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens with a Russian passport are prohibited.
It is clear that a cleansing of the Russian-speaking population is being prepared in Ukraine, and especially in the southeast of the country. Recently, Yulia Tymoshenko, a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine, spoke openly about this. In these territories, all conditions will be created under which the Russian-speaking population will have to leave these areas. The proposal to create a federal structure in Ukraine from the authorities, intentionally, does not find understanding. The autonomies that will appear under federal rule will be much more difficult to talk to. At the same time, if Ukraine had become a federal republic, the issue with Crimea would have been resolved in a completely different way.
The leadership of Ukrainian Jews reacted interestingly to the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Yakov Bleikh and Chief Rabbi of Crimea Misha Kapustin supported the Kyiv neo-Nazis and condemned the “Russian seizure of Crimea”. Kapustin (his synagogue is located in Simferopol) initiated a petition against Russia's actions in Crimea. Ukrainian Jewish leaders wrote a letter to Putin (among the signatories - Gaidar, Zissels, Suslensky and others), in which they fully justify the current Bandera. And after them, as if on command, many Moscow Jews lined up under the Bandera banners on the Boulevard Ring in Moscow.
The bond between Nazis and Zionists in Ukraine is a second chance for history. The first time it didn't work, because the real scary Nazis didn't like Jewish bankers. The current Ukrainian and Russian Nazis love Jewish bankers. Accordingly, the Jewish liberals reciprocate them. But what about their anti-Semitism? When Goering was asked to remove a Jew, General Erhard Milch, he gave the famous answer: "I myself decide who my Jew is." Jewish organizations want to decide for themselves who their anti-Semite is.
The union of Nazis and Zionists in Ukraine, no matter how outwardly their paths diverge, is predetermined and even logical, because both of them are controlled and financed by the same persons - the descendants of the Khazars, who are now world Zionists, and are persecuted by the same people. the same spiritual goals established by these persons - the construction of a New World Order or, in the words of T. Gracheva, “the order of the Antichrist”.
The purpose of what is happening in Ukraine is the destruction of national statehood. Statehood is the main target of world Zionism , which is aimed at by all the tools and means of the Zionists who are trying to unleash a new world war. But why is statehood dangerous for conquerors who claim world domination? The answer to these questions can be found in the fundamental work of A. Bard and J. Zoderkvist “Netocracy. The New Power Elite and Life After Capitalism, published by REUTERS in 2004. "Netocracy", that is, the power of the network, is seen in the context of preparing for the establishment of a new world order. Here is a quote from that doctrinal document:
“The transition from the old to the new paradigm is carried out in stages.
At the first stage, the destruction of the state leads to the formation of an increasing number of subcultures (small state formations), "tribes" with a narrower identity and loyalty.
At the second stage, the state that has fallen into decay is replaced by supra-state entities in politics, economics and culture.
At the third stage, the idea of subordination or entry into the global state is put on the agenda. At the same time, one must understand that the goal of creating a global state is a goal of a spiritual and religious nature.
There have already been attempts in modern history to prepare a new "promised land" or territory for the Exodus by the Zionist Jews . The first such territory in Europe was Hungary. After the fall of the Soviet Union, world Jewish organizations and businessmen in this country began to buy up production, banks and residential real estate. But it was for the time being, until the people of Hungary began to move away from the dope "lamekhuza".
Hungary's Jews say that since the anti-Jewish movement Jobbik became the third largest party in the country's parliament, the level of anti-Semitism has risen significantly. Jobbik activists regularly make accusations against the Jews. In the fall, one of the leaders of the For a Better Hungary party called on the government to draw up a list of Jews, including members of parliament, who, in his opinion, "threaten the national security" of the country. And in April, MPs from Jobbik introduced a bill to parliament for discussion, according to which all MPs are required to report the presence of dual citizenship. Marton Gyöngyoshi of the Better Hungary Party issued the following statement: “Any citizen of a country that, in defiance of international law, commits genocide of the Palestinians 24 hours a day, poses a threat to the national security of any state, in which he appears. That is why we are interested in people with dual - Hungarian-Israeli citizenship. And also because Israeli President Shimon Peres in 2007 spoke of my country as a target for Israeli financiers and businessmen. These are all Israeli colonial ambitions.” With the exodus to Hungary, the Jews failed.
Formally, the preparation of Operation EXODUS in Russia began with the appointment of Alexander Khloponin on January 19, 2010 as Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the newly formed North Caucasian Federal District and at the same time Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation .
At the same time, many Russians involuntarily asked the question: “Why did a young promising politician and a successful businessman need to sit on a hot Caucasian “frying pan” without having the appropriate work experience and the necessary (political or family) connections for this?” The answer to this question remained until recently a mystery to everyone. Prior to that, Alexander Khloponin was doing very well anyway, every young growing Russian businessman and politician could envy his career growth.
According to the Lechaim magazine, Alexander Khloponin is an undoubted Jew. And not everyday, but halakhic ( a Jewaccording to halakha ). This is evidenced not only by his phenotype, but also by authoritative Jewish sources (for example, the Lechaim newspaper) and there is nothing surprising or strange in this. Alexander Khloponin, Chairman of the Council of the Siberian Agreement interregional association, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy; member of the Supreme Political Council of the United Russia party (since March 2003). Khloponin is a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and the Order of Honor, an honorary railway worker (he never had anything to do with railways), etc. An old friend of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov.
In October 2002, the inauguration of the new governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, A. Khloponin, took place in the Great Concert Hall of the Regional Philharmonic, which seats 1,700 people. The inauguration was attended by Yuri Livshits, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnoyarsk Jewish Religious Association, and Naum Rashkovsky, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy. At the banquet, Rabbi Wagner presented the governor with a gift - a beautifully printed Torah with a message from the Jewish community. At the same time, the rabbi said: he expects not only the material, but also - and no less important - the spiritual level of Krasnoyarsk residents to improve on the way to renovating the life of the region. The Torah is not the Bible. Such a gift is an indicator of the special attitude of the Jewish community to a person who has high hopes. During a working meeting with A. Khloponin, President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev said: “Firstly, I changed the system of federal districts that exists in our country, and now the North Caucasian Federal District is separated from the Southern Federal District, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory with the center of the federal district in the city of Pyatigorsk", "And the second document was signed by me today - on your appointment as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, together with the acceptance of your resignation from the post of governor, and at the same time on appointment of you as Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. True, it remained a mystery to everyone why in the newly formed "Firstly, I changed the system of federal districts that exists in our country, and now the North Caucasian Federal District is separated from the Southern Federal District, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of the North- Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory with the center of the federal district in the city of Pyatigorsk", "And the second document was signed by me today - on your appointment as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the acceptance of your resignation from the post of governor, and at the same time on your appointment as a plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. True, it remained a mystery to everyone why in the newly formed "Firstly, I changed the system of federal districts that exists in our country, and now the North Caucasian Federal District is separated from the Southern Federal District, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of the North- Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory with the center of the federal district in the city of Pyatigorsk", "And the second document was signed by me today - on your appointment as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the acceptance of your resignation from the post of governor, and at the same time on your appointment as a plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. True, it remained a mystery to everyone why in the newly formedThe North Caucasian Federal District was included in the Stavropol Territory. As RIA Novosti reported , on October 30, 2010, Alexander Khloponin joined the Terek Cossack Host . The Terek Cossack army is the third in seniority in the Cossack troops. The headquarters of the Terek Cossack army is located in Vladikavkaz. "I serve Russia, the Terek Cossack army and God," Khloponin said in response to the proposal of the ataman of the army Vasily Bondarev to be assigned to the Tertsy. At the same time, Khlaponin did not explain which “God” he serves, and why “God” ended up in third place is not clear.
Despite the lack of experience in such a complex region as the Caucasus, where they always pay attention to the age of the head, his many years of experience in working with people and knowledge of national traditions are valued, A. Khloponin agreed to head the North Caucasian Federal District. It would seem that, having given such consent, A. Khloponin, as a successful entrepreneur and a reasonably thinking person, should have foreseen that in the future in this post he could suffer a political fiasco, as happened with all previous leaders of the Russian Federation responsible for the Caucasus region. And, despite all this, A. Khloponin agreed with his appointment, exchanging the fertile and quiet Krasnoyarsk Territory for the explosive and "hot" Caucasus. Analyzing the biography, work experience and character of Khloponin, you begin to understand that he himself would never have taken such a step. The political risks are too great, but he went for it. Why!?
According to the official version of the Kremlin launched in the media, Alexander Khloponin was appointed to this post so that he would pump big money into the foothill region. And make sure they get it right. As a result of such monitoring, many thousands of jobs should appear in the Caucasus. The local legal business will flourish. As a result, everyone will stop shooting and we will all become brothers. War is from the past. Money - from the present and the future ( ). As always, the big money was wrapped up in a political candy wrapper. It turns out that the Prime Minister entrusted 600 billion rubles to Plenipotentiary Khloponin for "washing out the militants' human base" - Putin knows how to express himself!
It is already clear that the "official Khloponin doctrine" - the appeasement of the North Caucasus through large-scale investments and financial injections - has failed. The idea of “filling the Caucasus with money and putting an effective manager to manage this money” turned out to be untenable. Yes, the Caucasus is not opposed to being flooded with money. But the North Caucasian elites will not allow anyone to financial control on their territory, not even Khloponin. Because the Caucasus never lived to see the era of universal financial postmodernism. And they still respect brute military force. Even hostile. And they do not respect - weakness / compliance, even friendly. And what happens if someone sticks their nose too actively into their own financial business, these elites demonstrated on March 29, 2010, when deadly explosions thundered in the Moscow metro. After those explosions, Khloponin immediately became distinctly softer, more pliable, and at the same time more respectful of the most powerful figure in the North Caucasus, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. Trying to play friendship with Kadyrov, Khloponin does not tell him about his true goals in the Caucasus.
Recently, maps of the future administrative division of Northern Eurasia have increasingly begun to appear on the Internet. (Russian Federation), for example: =0CDwQsAQwAg&biw=1280&bih=625
Almost all the administrative entities of the Russian Federation that exist today are present on the map and are easily recognizable, up to the Jewish Autonomous Region, called the Jewish Republic on the new map.
But it is surprising that another subject of international law, the so-called Khazaria, appeared on the maps. If we compare the geographical position of the designated Khazaria with the existing borders within the Russian Federation, then it occupies the entire Stavropol Territory, the adjacent parts of the territories of the Volgograd Region and the Krasnodar Territory. On the other hand, Khazaria borders on the Caucasian Confederation.
Analyzing the new map of "Northern Eurasia", we can conclude that those who prepared these maps of the future territorial structure of the Russian Federation (undoubtedly enemies of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation) are preparing plans to dismantle the Russian Federation, and they are starting to do this from the South of Russia, as they themselves stable region of the Russian Federation. It looks like this.
In the South of Russia, the North Caucasian Federal District (SFD) was created, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory. The Russian-speaking population in the South of Russia is the stronghold of Russia in the Caucasus, and therefore its presence is not beneficial for Caucasian nationalists and Khazar followers of all stripes. One can safely foresee that for those living in the territory of the North Caucasian Federal District, and above all for Russians and other non-Caucasian nationalities in the Stavropol Territory, pressure will begin to be exerted in order to force them to leave the region.
There is no doubt that in the near future the North Caucasian Federal District will be transformed into the Caucasian Confederation through the efforts of the existing federal authorities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, we will be told that it is politically and economically beneficial. Russia, in its current position, will be easier without a subsidized Caucasus. Caucasus to separate from Russia. At this stage, the Russian-speaking population will begin to be completely squeezed out of this territory.
The Chechens, as the most trained fighting force, will try to take control of the entire territory of the Caucasian Confederation for the money of the Jews of the Khazars. According to the NKVD, it is known that before the Second World War, 40% of the population in Chechnya professed Judaism. These people, now scattered all over the world, will be the first settlers in the Caucasian confederation. True, with the appearance of real Khazars, Chechens, as always (this was the case during all the coups, both in 1918 and in 1993), will be deceived, and they will be expelled from the Khazar territories.
Inside the newly formed Caucasian Confederation, the territory of the Khazar state will immediately be allocated. The territory of Khazaria will be settled by the Jewish population from the Caucasian republics and other republics of the former Russian Federation, and then from all over the world. At the same time, they will be told that this is their promised land. The political scenario will resemble the scenario of the creation of Israel.
It is clear that in the future there will be territorial conflicts on the borders of the Volgograd region and the Krasnodar Territory and Khazaria. The future Khazaria will claim the status of "Great Khazaria" with all the ensuing consequences.
Historical Khazaria really was a predatory parasitic state that exterminated the population of the Slavic tribes, ruined all the southern regions of Rus' with raids and sought to expand further and further north. Kievan Rus turned out to be the most powerful and consistent enemy of the Jewish Khazar Khaganate. Almost a century and a half of the liberation war of the Eastern Slavs against the Khazar Khaganate was completed by the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav. Having crushed the main military forces of the kaganate led by the kagan and destroyed the main Khazar strongholds in the Middle and Lower Volga, in the North Caucasus and the Lower Don, Prince Svyatoslav deprived the power of the trading and usurious elite of Khazaria of the basis of their parasitic existence. “The Khazar kingdom disappeared like smoke immediately after the elimination of the main condition for its existence: military superiority over neighbors and the economic benefits that brought the possession of the most important trade routes between Asia and Europe. Since there were no other grounds for its existence, under the blows of the stronger Russian state, it crumbled into its component parts, which later dissolved in the Polovtsian Sea.
As a result of the crushing of Khazaria, most of the East Slavic tribes merged into a single state. Kievan Rus became one of the strongest European states.
Benjamin Friedman, himself a Jew, states in The Truth About the Khazars that "the so-called pretended Jews of Eastern Europe were never Semites, are not Semites now, and cannot be regarded as Jews in the future." Then he asks the question: “Maybe you can explain to me the reason why the history of the emergence of the Khazars and the Khazar Khaganate has been so carefully hidden from the world for many centuries? What mysterious mystical force has been able throughout the life of countless generations and throughout the world to prevent the history of the Khazars and the Khazar Khaganate from getting into history textbooks and school curricula on this subject. The history of the Khazars and the Khazar Khaganate, of course, is confirmed by irrefutable historical facts.
The Great Khazaria, if such is recreated, will never forgive the Great Russian Prince Svyatoslav for his defeat and defeat of Khazaria in 965and will certainly demand from Russia, in whatever capacity it is represented in the international arena, moral and material compensation, as the Jews did after the end of World War II with Germany and Switzerland. Every year in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, the public widely celebrated the holiday on July 3 - the Day of the Great Russian Victory, when the troops of Prince Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Khaganate. In modern Russia, the authorities tell us that the victory over the Khazar Khaganate is already 500 years old and no one remembers it, and therefore it is not necessary to celebrate this date, and someone will joke: "They are afraid of the Khazar revenge." It is possible that soon we may hear that Prince Svyatoslav is an enemy of the Russians, an extremist, since the whole story about him falls under Article 282, and therefore the mention of him must be erased from our historical memory.
Zionists, in accordance with the Biblical doctrine of cultural genocide, purposefully destroy the ancient manuscripts of all peoples. They destroyed the oldest libraries - the repository of the most valuable books: proto-Sumerian in Babylon, Alexandria in Egypt, Etruscan in Rome, papyrus in Thebes and Memphis, a huge library in Constantinople. They stole the libraries of Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan the Terrible. They burned the temple-temple in Athens, destroyed the Santorini archipelago, etc. All this with the sole purpose of destroying key historical information. At the same time, museums of Jewish Khazaria are being created all over the world, international conferences and symposiums dedicated to the memory of the Great Khazaria are held annually. There is a large-scale preparation of public opinion on the reconstruction of the state of Khazaria, and the appearance on the Internet of a geographical map with its name is not an accident.
Today, the Stavropol Territory has become the first testing ground for Russia's territorial strength. The future of the territorial integrity of all of Russia depends on how things go here among the Russian separatists-reformers. Therefore, the legalization of holding a referendum in the Stavropol Territory on secession from the North Caucasus Federal District is a completely legitimate event. While the inhabitants of Stavropol and the Terek Cossacks have not yet been completely intimidated, it is necessary to hold a referendum. .
Emperor of Russia Alexander III proudly said that Russia is for Russians and the Russian people, in friendship with other indigenous peoples of Russia, should become the masters of their land. The emperor declared: " Other peoples living on the territory of Russia must be treated the way they treat the Russian people . " The emperor boldly strengthened the domestic and foreign policy of Russia, despite the significant secret resistance of the Jewish mafia. Unfortunately, history teaches that history does not teach anyone anything. It's a pity. The peoples quickly forgot the Jewish question and after 100, 200, 300, 500 years they faced this curse again.
Over time, it became clear that Khloponin would not be able to quickly turn the North Caucasian Federal District into the territory of Khazaria. All that he did was to create only the prerequisites for this. The share of the Muslim population began to grow, both due to higher demographic indicators, and due to the outflow of the Russian-speaking, predominantly Christian population. This led to a deterioration in interethnic relations and a decrease in the competitiveness of the regions. The Russian population itself began to leave the territory of the Siberian Federal District, the Caucasian population also began purposefully, for federal money, to move to the Russian subjects of the federation. No industrial enterprises were created on the territory of the Caucasus. All that Khlaponin managed to do was to start cleaning up the territory of the Siberian Federal District from Russians and skilled Caucasian labor,
Therefore, the official Kremlin version with the appointment of Khloponin, in our opinion, is a cover for another geopolitical task entrusted to the plenipotentiary by the world Zionists, the Jews.
At the same time, the growth of the Jewish population in Russia continues. Thus, according to the Federal Migration Service for Moscow, over the last seven years of Y. Luzhkov's rule, 175,000 Jews from Israel, the USA and Europe were registered in Moscow. All of them have dual citizenship. The World Congress of Russian Jews appealed to the Government of Russia to consider the construction of 50 separate settlements in its European part with up to 30 thousand people for immigrants from Israel. The World Congress found the money for this. One such settlement near Tver has already been built, and construction has begun in other regions. At the same time, local residents do not know anything about the purpose of building such settlements on their territories. In the city of Sochi, Israeli citizens are intensively buying up living space and infrastructure left over from the World Olympics.
The exodus of Jews from Israel, America and Europe has already begun, the goals of the exodus have been determined - these are the territories of Ukraine and the South of Russia. At the first stage of the exodus, everything will be disguised as regional national conflicts, "Maidan" and "orange" revolutions, but having one strategic goal - the revival of the state of Khazaria and the establishment of world Zionist domination.
At the same time, there is a way out of the situation, and the world government knows about it, but they will not tell us.
An example is Iceland, about which nothing is written about in the world media. After the 2008 crisis, the people of Iceland rose up and forced their puppet government to resign. Private banks were nationalized. The debt scam imposed by the moneybags of Britain and Holland was declared null and void. A public popular assembly was formed to rewrite the Icelandic Constitution.
Everything happened without violence and bloodshed. The whole revolution passed and succeeded without firing a shot. There is a good explanation for the lack of media coverage of this event: what if the rest of the world, other states, the EU and the US are using the Icelandic revolution as an example?
In 2007, Iceland's external debt reached 900% of GDP. The collapse of the global credit markets led to the bankruptcy of all three banks, and in fact the entire country. The Icelandic krone has fallen 85% against the euro. The government resigned, elections were held in 2009. The new government initially agreed to follow the requirements of the IMF and pay off debts to UK private banks over 15 years.(2.35 billion pounds) and the Netherlands (1.32 billion euros). But the people opposed, large protests began, and the authorities listened to the voters. A referendum was announced in which 93% of the inhabitants refused to pay the debts of their bankers. The IMF froze lending, the European Union threatened with sanctions. “We were told that if we did not accept the conditions of the international community, we would become northern Cuba. But if we had agreed, we would have become northern Haiti,” the President of Iceland, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, later stated.
The result of the revolution in Iceland was the following:
Resignation of the entire corrupt government of the country;
the nationalization of banks;
· a referendum that allowed people to determine their own economic system;
· Arrest and detention of responsible parties;
Rewriting the Icelandic constitution by the Icelanders themselves.
These are significant achievements. Has anyone told us about this through the media? At least one political program in Ukraine or Russia on radio or TV commented on these events? NO. The people of Iceland have demonstrated a way to defeat international moneybags and information controllers. The people of Iceland sent creditors to hell - that's how they got out of the crisis. The island, despite the threats, refused the IMF prescriptions and overcame the financial collapse in the country.
Hungary wanted to follow Iceland's example ...( ). A new Constitution was prepared, the National Bank was nationalized! This means that they will not be commanded by the global financial mafia, but by the Hungarian government. World Zionism immediately howled and began to throw mud at Hungary, preparing a new "orange" revolution. The "civilized" world , represented by the world's leading "independent" media, reacted to this event in the following way: Hungary's rating was lowered, and they were practically expelled from the European Union, and they began to scare people with the intensification of the financial crisis. In general, in order to assess the scale of the noise raised around Hungary, one has only to read the headlines of the world's leading media on this topic:
1. Hungary is threatened with exclusion from the European Union ;
2. Criticism of the new Hungarian constitution continues ;
3. With today's laws, Hungary would never have been accepted into the EU ;
4. Thousands of Hungarians protest against the new constitution ;
5. In Hungary, the change in the Constitution caused a massive wave of protest ;
6. Hungary - the crisis of finance and democracy ;
7. The international rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Hungary's long-term credit rating from BBB- to BB+ and warned of the possibility of another downgrade during the year.
8. Hungary crossed a dangerous line ;
9. US threatens Hungary with expulsion from the European Union ;
11. Hungary faces trouble from the EU for nationalism and homophobia ;
12. Fitch downgrades Hungary to junk .
By their actions, the people of Hungary courageously took a bold step towards strengthening their statehood and their identity as a people! Hungary has taken an unprecedented step towards getting out of the parasitic financial systemthat parasitizes today in the world on weak and “sick” states. And the biggest blow to this system is the nationalization of the country's national bank. The nationalization of the Central Bank is a challenge to all of today's financial "hegemon" at once. It can and should be abandoned only if it has the proper support among the people, the determination to go all the way to the end, and structures of like-minded people on which to rely. Hungary failed to do this.
By January 11, all possible oppositionists from the fifth column were gathered in Budapest and 10,000 protesters were held. “... a demonstration of protest against the adoption of this very constitution. In total, according to retrospective estimates, no more than 10 thousand people participated in the action. This protest event, organized by the parliamentary (except for Jobbik), non-parliamentary and network opposition, was widely covered by the media abroad, including in Russia.” Well, just like ours ! Just an excuse to collect another. But since the command from Washingtonpassed, it means that the opposition needs to protest. The campaign to discredit the “ruling regime” of Hungary in every possible way intensified in all respects. Progressive reforms for the people were stopped, everything returned home.
But, this negative experience must also be taken into account.
What else can you recommend to the fighters for democracy, deputies in legislative bodies in Ukraine, Crimea and Russia.
All the constitutions of these countries and the constitution of Crimea should include an article stating that persons with dual citizenship cannot hold public office, be employed in government bodies and be elected to elected positions. Those who are against this point are agents of Zionism and enemies of national statehood. The introduction of such an article fully meets the security issues of any state.
Ilya Brovkin
March 25, 2014
03/28/2014 No. 17/1
Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
On the procedure for holding elections to the Supreme Soviet
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
April 10, 2014
The situation that has arisen with Ukraine is presented in the media either as a local conflict between the two states over territories in geopolitical terms or as a struggle between Russia and the Anglo-Saxons who want to push the two fraternal peoples together.
But, there is also behind the scenes of this conflict, which is increasingly showing up for inquisitive people who read and search for truthful information on the Internet.

This is the strategic plan of world Zionism to create the state of Khazaria in the territories of Ukraine, Crimea, and then the South of Russia. The implementation of such a large-scale plan, most likely, will go on a large scale in several stages in time and in various Slavic territories. But, first of all, the Zionists will clean these territories from the Slavs - the bearers of Christianity, whom Judaism (Judaism is the spiritual essence of Zionism) hated and exterminated in all ages, selling them into slavery and directly exterminating the Slavic population.
The implementation of such a scenario is already well under way.
In 2009, a CIA report hit the press, in which the Central Intelligence Agency believes that the Israeli state has no more than 20 years left to exist. It is planned to create the United States of Palestine throughout the Middle East.
Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, a practical philosopher , researcher of the laws of the spiritual life of man and states, lecturing in Israel, says that the state of Israel will not last long, and gives him 15-20 years of life. The same information can be found in his book “Man of the Future. The first step into the future”, St. Petersburg, 2009.
Known for his anti-Zionist speeches, the former rabbi of the Kharkiv Choral Synagogue, Rabbi Eduard Khodes , in his book (Eduard Khodos. "At the Grave's Edge or Wild Khazar Dances") and in lectures and televised addresses, openly warns of the impending exodus of the Jews of Israel to the territory of the once former Khazaria, and now Ukraine and Crimea.
On September 17, 2012, the political heavyweight, mouthpiece of the Sons of the Covenant G. Kissinger told the correspondent of the New York Post that "in 10 years there will be no state of Israel." Even earlier, the mouthpiece of the change announced the reason why the state of Israel will not exist by 2022: "Only the deaf do not hear the drums of war." And another political heavyweight Zb. Brzezinski clarified the theater of war in the Greater Middle East around Israel: from the Suez Canal to China's Xinjiang and from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea.
First, through the mouths of the black international - Sheikh Yassin, and then through the lips of the financial international (Kissinger) it was stated that by 2022 the Zionist state of Israel "will not exist." But where will the five million Jews of Israel go when he is gone?
History gives a hint - the science of all sciences. The big war will not spare the "dry branches of the Israel tree" and another exodus of Jews will take place: the descendants of the Khazars - Ashkenazim want to return to Red Zion - Crimea, which historically was the center of the Jewish Khazaria.
The exodus of Eastern European Jews to the Crimea was planned by the conceptual authorities of the Sons of the Covenant as early as 1943-1944. Then, in agreement with the group of Molotov, Mikoyan, Malenkov and Beria, the idea of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee arose to create a Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic in the Crimea. The Rothschilds were supposed to finance the ECSR.
The special status of Crimea was also envisaged by the conceptualists of Hitler's Germany. According to Rosenberg's plan, Ukraine was included in the Third Reich in the status of a dominion, but Crimea was not!
Moreover, when the Crimea was captured by the Nazis, the German authorities did not allow the Crimean Tatars to create their own statehood, which has been going on since 1441. from the Crimean Khanate of the Girey dynasty. By conspiracy of conceptual groups, Crimea was kept for money changers.
The moment came in 2013, when the PRC declared the revival of the Great Silk Road as a priority of its foreign policy: China - Europe with a zone of joint prosperity of countries and peoples within the framework of the "economic belt" and the creation of the "Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century" with an entry point to Europe through a special zone with a deep-water port in the Crimea. How the ancient Silk Road outside of China was provided and controlled by the Jews of Khazaria. So the New Silk Road will be connected with the New Khazaria.
But for the revival of Crimea as the center of the New Khazaria, it is necessary to give it the sovereign status of self-government. What is the need for the collapse of Ukraine. Money players know for sure that the cheapest route to disengagement is the bankruptcy of the central government. What is happening behind the screen of Kyiv's political maneuvers.
The transformation of the Crimea into a “special administrative region” - the European Hong Kong, gives the money changers the opportunity to play for a win in three hands, when only they have the cards of all three partners open: the Eurasian Union, the European Union, and China. Russia receives the market of the left-bank Ukraine, which is missing for the creation of the currency zone of the ruble, which, in the form of a hetman, immediately enters the Customs and then the economic Eurasian Union. The European Union receives Western Ukraine (Galicia) into its arms. Which since the time of Daniel of Galicia (in 1253 the Pope crowned him the First King of Rus') has entered the orbit of the Vatican and will now please the black international of the Nazis. And China gets access to Europe through the Black Sea, where there is no control of the US Navy's sea lanes. All involved are happy.
An excellent historical study was made by Tatyana Gracheva in the book "Invisible Khazaria", Ryazan 2009. Internet resource: . In particular, she writes: “Israel follows the path of Khazaria. She, as you know, ended badly. The United States, which is a subject of the Israeli Khazaria and therefore also has its characteristics, is going the same way, straight into non-existence, into the abyss. As IRNA reported in August 2006, David Weiss, chairman of the Anti-Zionist Society of Jews in the United States, said: "We are convinced that, eventually, the day will come when Israel will cease to exist." Weiss believes that modern problems stem from the way of thinking and ideology of the world Zionists, who, "by abusing religion, accuse all those who are against the Zionists of anti-Judaism."
Collapse of the US-Israel-Jewish Triangle USA
For decades, common interests have forced them to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship. But such relationships come to an end, and this, apparently, is not so bad. American Jewry is in shock: the "special relationship" between the United States and Israel is rapidly disintegrating. The strategic, cultural, and demographic orientations that fueled and strengthened US-Israeli relations for more than half a century are now changing. These changes have different causes and sources, and the corresponding dynamics manifest themselves in different ways and at different rates. But rest assured: they are all interconnected and influence each other.
Israel begins preparations for joining the Customs Union
Another confirmation of a sharp change in the geopolitical course of Israel to penetrate the territory of the CIS countries and the Customs Union appeared in the official blog of the Israel International Trade Administration. The message, which was written by a high-ranking officer of the department, Idan Pozin, was titled: “The first step towards signing an agreement on a free trade zone between Israel, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.” Source:
Why was the Jewish Parliament established in Europe?
From April 3 to April 5, 2011, the largest Jewish forum in Europe took place in Paris, at which it was decided to create a revolutionary structure - the European Jewish Parliament, which will consist of 120 deputies and which will be able to dialogue with parliamentarians and governments on an equal footing, in the same language countries of Europe. Surprisingly, there is no European state, but there is a parliament.
Instead of disparate and fragmented Jewish structures in the EU countries, the European Jewish Council (EJU) was created, coordinating the actions of the communities of Europe. Various Jewish structures will be united into a single system - from educational to youth, from religious to political movements. Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky has been elected president of this organization for the next five years.
The fact that the laureates of the congress were awarded three prestigious awards remained noteworthy. Thus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will receive an award in the nomination "For a consistent position in support of Israel"; ex-Prime Minister of Spain José-Maria Aznar was awarded for his consistent fight against the delegitimization of the Jewish state; and President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych was awarded for his consistent fight against the glorification of fascism.
In fact, the Jews created in Europe a duplicating body of power in the image and likeness of the European Parliament, only they seated only their trusted people in the chairs of parliamentarians.
What for?
And why are duplicating government institutions being created? Naturally, for the interception of power , when the "hour X" comes . And the Jews are preparing for this in advance in all countries of the world, in particular in Europe, in Ukraine and Russia too.
Now it becomes clear why only some 0.02% of the population are able to fully control all power in any country in the world, conduct an equal dialogue with it, and achieve their demands through controlled public organizations, which are always the majority for Jews, through nationwide The media to convey to every citizen their will in relation to the entire people, the entire state or a whole group of countries, as is the case with the EU.
Today, beautiful peaceful slogans are heard for the health of the Jewish people, and yesterday from high tribunes they were summing up the results of their centenary reign , which is very clearly conveyed by the speech of Abi Foxman , the president of the ADL (Jewish organization in the United States), in which the true plans of international Jewry regarding to the white man, the so-called white race, representatives of which you and I are. Quote (published by The National Observer New York on August 25, 1998): “Gentlemen! I welcome you to the second meeting on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the members of the Elders of Zion.
We have achieved all the goals that were formulated at our first meeting 100 years ago. We run governments, we have created divisions among our enemies and forced them to destroy each other. We have truly silenced the critics of our deeds, and we are the richest human race on earth.
I'm talking about the death of the white race. We will completely destroy all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan Race. It's time to make sure that the white race is fading away through interbreeding, and a virtually zero birth rate.
We have all enjoyed the vision, the repeated footage from all over the world of the last white children playing with the dark children, and we know that this is the path to the final destruction of the white race.
We can destroy the ancient purity of the Aryan bloodline, encourage altruism and the production of mixed offspring. There are more aggressive programs, their goal of destroying the next generation of white children deserves any price.
We want every white father to feel uncomfortable with white children and produce mixed offspring. We must use our power to defame men and women who are still going to keep their racial purity. They will be ostracized (exiled) in the new society.
So that the goyim could not unite, they must be killed and imprisoned.
We will see for ourselves the end of the white race only when the loosened minds of impressionable white children turn them into agents of their own destruction. Already our efforts to create "people" of this type for the white race will attract everyone. These men are already dependent people.
People, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we have the power to hold the fate of the white race in our hands. Now we have it. Perish the Aryan goyim (cattle)!”
This is the real program of Zionism!
It is for this purpose that all kinds of Jewish parliaments and other "public" organizations are being created. This is what all the activities of the Jews during 5 millennia of their history are aimed at . We must always remember this so that one “beautiful” day does not wake up in shackles ...
The writer on the Jewish question, Yakov Brafman, was right, arguing that the Jews constitute a state within a state, and it only takes time to find refuge in the states that sheltered them, to turn these states and their citizens into their slaves ... (read the unique study of Yakov Brafman " BOOK OF KAGALA" ). If Europe does not come to its senses, then all decisions of the European Parliament will be approved by the European Jewish Parliament.
Who is the master in the Ukrainian house?
Imagine the following picture: a modern independent Ukraine is a state in the center of Europe, with a claim to democracy and EU membership. Indigenous people in the vast majority ( 77.82% ) are represented by Ukrainians (Rus), and Jews in Ukraine are only 0.02% .
As of 2010, there were 3,280 public organizations in Ukraine, of which 482 were Jewish , which is as much as 15% of the total number of legalized public organizations in Ukraine. According to the Russian Orthodox Church, over the past twenty years, 96 synagogues have been built on the territory of Ukraine. Let me remind you that these 482 organizations are only purely Jewish organizations, not to mention the fact that, according to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion , Jews try to lead any public organization, any party, any popular movement, whether it be at least a party of beer lovers or temperance society.
On Tuesday, October 4, 2011, a grandiose event took place in Kiev - the VI Congress of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine (UJCU), whose members are 482 Jewish organizations of the country. This event was the most representative in all the years of the existence of Independent Ukraine: 2436 delegates gathered under the dome of the National Palace "Ukraine" - representatives of Jewish communities from all regions of our country. They summed up the results of work in 2011 and made plans for the future, including the development of a Jewish news channel and an increase in funding for Jewish schools and cultural centers.
Participants of the VI Congress were welcomed by President Viktor Yanukovych on his website. In the morning, an appeal appeared there, which, in particular, said: “I congratulate the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress and the United Jewish Community of Ukraine on an outstanding event - the Congress of the Jews of Ukraine. I am convinced that your esteemed meeting will further strengthen interethnic harmony in Ukrainian society.” The head of state wished the participants of the congress "good health, fruitful work and success."
The United Jewish Community of Ukraine was founded in 1999. It includes 482 Jewish organizations of the country as associate members. The main goals and objectives of the community are to support and develop Jewish education, promote the work of Jewish cultural centers, organize trips to Israel for Ukrainian citizens. The president of the community is businessman Igor Kolomoisky , and the vice-president is the head of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress Vadim Rabinovich (he begged Kuchma for expulsion from Ukraine, forgiveness through Israel, to whom he put a 700 kilogram gold minor on the money stolen in Ukraine - a symbol of the greatness of the Jewish people).
A guest from Russia, head of the Union of Armenians, UNESCO and UN Goodwill Ambassador Arayik Abrahamyanspoke about fraternal ties, common history and common tragic pages in it of the Jewish and Armenian peoples .
A red thread in almost all the speeches of foreign guests sounded the idea that the most important areas and aspects of Jewish life are being developed and implemented in the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, and that they are in full solidarity with it and support its activities (it seems that the occupation of Ukraine is clearly carried out , according to the plan of the international Jews).
The Congress of the Jews of Ukraine received tremendous spiritual support: the leaders of all religious movements called for unity and solidarity (oddly enough, on the eve of the Second World War, which was unleashed by the Jews, we heard the same slogans). Also, spiritual leaders - President of the Conference of European Rabbis (which unites Jewish communities in more than 40 European countries) Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine Shmuel Kaminetsky, Chief Rabbis of Ukraine Jacob Dov Bleich and Moshe-Reuven Azman - called on the Jewish elite to take care of the revival and development Jewish traditions in Ukraine (oh, and they like our native land, because there are no such conditions in Israel, which once occupied Palestine - a “scorched camp”, i.e. a desert, and how can a Jew have a Motherland? -).
In 2011, another event of world significance took place in Ukraine - the Headquarters of the World Jewish Congress moved to Dnepropetrovsk from Brooklyn USA and, with the support of the Ukrainian oligarch I. Kolomoisky (protege of Chabad in Ukraine), is building the largest synagogue in Europe in Dnepropetrovsk. I would like to ask what happened if a world-famous organization that controls the whole world, has support in the US Congress, possessing all possible benefits, decides to move to a European country with unstable political and economic situations. Rats are known to be the first to leave the ship. But, while the United States is not going to give up its position as a world leader. So, there is another well-thought-out plan.
It is clear that it is impossible to move such a status international organization without a corresponding Decree of the President of Ukraine, and the President quietly signed such a decree without a comprehensive discussion. There is no corruption at the highest level. How much I. Kolomoisky paid the president is not known. But if the President works on the side of international Jewry, and not his people, then his statement sounds quite logical, and then it becomes clear who orders such a President in the country, and whose interests he subsequently defends. Therefore, there will be no pity for such a president.
The Jews are again trying to create another suffering myth about the extermination of their ancestors, but in fact, they are carrying out a hidden genocide of the local population through low wages, high utility tariffs, high prices for medicines and treatment, through drugging the people, through the propaganda of tobacco and drugs, as well as cheap but GMO food, which already in the first generation can cause infertility with all the ensuing consequences. In such a simple way, the Jews clean up the inhabited territories for their future expansion, as was done in the USA with the Indians. Of the locals, they will leave, perhaps, pretty girls for carnal pleasures, and slaves to do the dirty work, for which the Jews are forbidden to undertake their holy book - the Torah.
In this regard, one cannot fail to recall the words of the famous Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn: “We will drive the Slavic cattle far to the north, outside of Moscow ... Our special tactics of fighting red-brown (and all Slavs are red-brown), due to their isolation, Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main edge of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who have become related to the Jews by the same interests. True, we will later, after using them for our own purposes, remove these “related ones” from our society.
The Slavs, and among them the Russians, are the most recalcitrant people in the world. He is recalcitrant due to the warehouse of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered.
A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first to a sharp reduction in its numbers. What is actually happening now in the territories of Ukraine and Russia.
These words were spoken by Menachem Mendel Schneersohn the devil worshiper in 1994. You can argue a lot about its reliability, as they once argued about the reliability of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", but it is undeniable that almost all of the goals set by Schneerson have already been resolved today.
The speech [the letter he sent to the newspaper] of Schneerson was published in the Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, N-4 (32), 2001. After the publication, the court could not “sew” it to the editor V.F. Popov 282 article, because. he operated with facts, and the Russian scientists Academician Yu. K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O. G. Korotaev stood up for him.
In continuation, one can only shrug and quote Jewish celebrities about the Jews themselves.
“Jewish history has been tragic for the Jews, and no less tragic for their neighbors who suffered from them. Our main vice, both in the old days and today, is parasitism. We are a vulture people living off the labor and wealth of the rest of the world." — Samuel Roth, "Jews Must Live", p.18.
“The inferior race will soon perish completely. I don't see any salvation for her. The death to which the children of nature are condemned is not at all painful. Max Nordau (Südfeld), ideologue of Zionism.
“They are villains not because they are Zionists. They are Zionists because they are villains.” Rabbi Avraham Yoshe Freund.
Now to the latest events in Ukraine. There is a lot of information, but let's focus on the main thing. Who took power in Ukraine, Look at this list.
The current government of Ukraine:
- Acting President - Turchynov - Jew
- Prime Minister - Arseniy Yatsenyuk - Jew
- Minister of Finance - Oleksandr Shlapak - Jew
- Vice Prime Minister - Volodymyr Groysman - Jew
- Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Arsen Avakov - Armenian Jew,
- Minister of Culture - Sergei Nishchuk - half-Jew, Freemason and
open homosexual.
- Director of the National Bank - Stepan Kubiv - Jew
The main presidential candidates from the opposition :
- Petro Poroshenko - a Jew
- Yulia Katelman (Tymoshenko) - a Jew
- Vitaliy Klitschko (Etinzon) - a Jew by his father
- Oleg Frotman (Tyagnibok) - a Jew by his mother.
Jewish Oligarchs of Ukraine: eight billionaires. ALL JEWS.
Oligarchs of Ukraine. 95 percent Jews.
And the rest are either married to Jews or spinning with Jews.
You can check each one. ..
Having unconstitutionally seized power in Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada immediately adopted a bill to abolish the Russian language as the language of regional communication. It remains only, as was done immediately after the October Revolution (1918), to adopt a resolution, a "decree" of the Government of Ukraine "On the persecution of anti-Semitism", according to which one can be outlawed for one mention of the role of Jews in the revolution. At the same time, according to a document submitted to the Ukrainian parliament, citizens of Ukraine who receive passports of the Russian Federation face a hefty fine and imprisonment for a period of 3 to 10 years. At the same time, it is deliberately overlooked that all members of the new Government of Ukraine and some deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have dual, and even triple citizenship, the majority have an Israeli passport in their pocket. Attempts by deputies from the Batkivshchyna faction Oleksandr Brihynets, Leonid Yemetsov and Andriy Pavlovsky to introduce a bill that provides for a 10-year prison term for Ukrainian citizens with any second citizenship has been postponed until the end of the military conflict with Russia. It is clear that such a broad wording of the law does not suit the highest authorities of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens with an Israeli passport or passports of other countries can be in power in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens with a Russian passport are prohibited. that such a broad wording of the law does not suit the highest authorities of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens with an Israeli passport or passports of other countries can be in power in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens with a Russian passport are prohibited. that such a broad wording of the law does not suit the highest authorities of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens with an Israeli passport or passports of other countries can be in power in Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens with a Russian passport are prohibited.
It is clear that a cleansing of the Russian-speaking population is being prepared in Ukraine, and especially in the southeast of the country. Recently, Yulia Tymoshenko, a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine, spoke openly about this. In these territories, all conditions will be created under which the Russian-speaking population will have to leave these areas. The proposal to create a federal structure in Ukraine from the authorities, intentionally, does not find understanding. The autonomies that will appear under federal rule will be much more difficult to talk to. At the same time, if Ukraine had become a federal republic, the issue with Crimea would have been resolved in a completely different way.
The leadership of Ukrainian Jews reacted interestingly to the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Yakov Bleikh and Chief Rabbi of Crimea Misha Kapustin supported the Kyiv neo-Nazis and condemned the “Russian seizure of Crimea”. Kapustin (his synagogue is located in Simferopol) initiated a petition against Russia's actions in Crimea. Ukrainian Jewish leaders wrote a letter to Putin (among the signatories - Gaidar, Zissels, Suslensky and others), in which they fully justify the current Bandera. And after them, as if on command, many Moscow Jews lined up under the Bandera banners on the Boulevard Ring in Moscow.
The bond between Nazis and Zionists in Ukraine is a second chance for history. The first time it didn't work, because the real scary Nazis didn't like Jewish bankers. The current Ukrainian and Russian Nazis love Jewish bankers. Accordingly, the Jewish liberals reciprocate them. But what about their anti-Semitism? When Goering was asked to remove a Jew, General Erhard Milch, he gave the famous answer: "I myself decide who my Jew is." Jewish organizations want to decide for themselves who their anti-Semite is.
The union of Nazis and Zionists in Ukraine, no matter how outwardly their paths diverge, is predetermined and even logical, because both of them are controlled and financed by the same persons - the descendants of the Khazars, who are now world Zionists, and are persecuted by the same people. the same spiritual goals established by these persons - the construction of a New World Order or, in the words of T. Gracheva, “the order of the Antichrist”.
The purpose of what is happening in Ukraine is the destruction of national statehood. Statehood is the main target of world Zionism , which is aimed at by all the tools and means of the Zionists who are trying to unleash a new world war. But why is statehood dangerous for conquerors who claim world domination? The answer to these questions can be found in the fundamental work of A. Bard and J. Zoderkvist “Netocracy. The New Power Elite and Life After Capitalism, published by REUTERS in 2004. "Netocracy", that is, the power of the network, is seen in the context of preparing for the establishment of a new world order. Here is a quote from that doctrinal document:
“The transition from the old to the new paradigm is carried out in stages.
At the first stage, the destruction of the state leads to the formation of an increasing number of subcultures (small state formations), "tribes" with a narrower identity and loyalty.
At the second stage, the state that has fallen into decay is replaced by supra-state entities in politics, economics and culture.
At the third stage, the idea of subordination or entry into the global state is put on the agenda. At the same time, one must understand that the goal of creating a global state is a goal of a spiritual and religious nature.
There have already been attempts in modern history to prepare a new "promised land" or territory for the Exodus by the Zionist Jews . The first such territory in Europe was Hungary. After the fall of the Soviet Union, world Jewish organizations and businessmen in this country began to buy up production, banks and residential real estate. But it was for the time being, until the people of Hungary began to move away from the dope "lamekhuza".
Hungary's Jews say that since the anti-Jewish movement Jobbik became the third largest party in the country's parliament, the level of anti-Semitism has risen significantly. Jobbik activists regularly make accusations against the Jews. In the fall, one of the leaders of the For a Better Hungary party called on the government to draw up a list of Jews, including members of parliament, who, in his opinion, "threaten the national security" of the country. And in April, MPs from Jobbik introduced a bill to parliament for discussion, according to which all MPs are required to report the presence of dual citizenship. Marton Gyöngyoshi of the Better Hungary Party issued the following statement: “Any citizen of a country that, in defiance of international law, commits genocide of the Palestinians 24 hours a day, poses a threat to the national security of any state, in which he appears. That is why we are interested in people with dual - Hungarian-Israeli citizenship. And also because Israeli President Shimon Peres in 2007 spoke of my country as a target for Israeli financiers and businessmen. These are all Israeli colonial ambitions.” With the exodus to Hungary, the Jews failed.
Formally, the preparation of Operation EXODUS in Russia began with the appointment of Alexander Khloponin on January 19, 2010 as Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the newly formed North Caucasian Federal District and at the same time Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation .
At the same time, many Russians involuntarily asked the question: “Why did a young promising politician and a successful businessman need to sit on a hot Caucasian “frying pan” without having the appropriate work experience and the necessary (political or family) connections for this?” The answer to this question remained until recently a mystery to everyone. Prior to that, Alexander Khloponin was doing very well anyway, every young growing Russian businessman and politician could envy his career growth.
According to the Lechaim magazine, Alexander Khloponin is an undoubted Jew. And not everyday, but halakhic ( a Jewaccording to halakha ). This is evidenced not only by his phenotype, but also by authoritative Jewish sources (for example, the Lechaim newspaper) and there is nothing surprising or strange in this. Alexander Khloponin, Chairman of the Council of the Siberian Agreement interregional association, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy; member of the Supreme Political Council of the United Russia party (since March 2003). Khloponin is a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and the Order of Honor, an honorary railway worker (he never had anything to do with railways), etc. An old friend of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov.
In October 2002, the inauguration of the new governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, A. Khloponin, took place in the Great Concert Hall of the Regional Philharmonic, which seats 1,700 people. The inauguration was attended by Yuri Livshits, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnoyarsk Jewish Religious Association, and Naum Rashkovsky, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy. At the banquet, Rabbi Wagner presented the governor with a gift - a beautifully printed Torah with a message from the Jewish community. At the same time, the rabbi said: he expects not only the material, but also - and no less important - the spiritual level of Krasnoyarsk residents to improve on the way to renovating the life of the region. The Torah is not the Bible. Such a gift is an indicator of the special attitude of the Jewish community to a person who has high hopes. During a working meeting with A. Khloponin, President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev said: “Firstly, I changed the system of federal districts that exists in our country, and now the North Caucasian Federal District is separated from the Southern Federal District, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory with the center of the federal district in the city of Pyatigorsk", "And the second document was signed by me today - on your appointment as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, together with the acceptance of your resignation from the post of governor, and at the same time on appointment of you as Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. True, it remained a mystery to everyone why in the newly formed "Firstly, I changed the system of federal districts that exists in our country, and now the North Caucasian Federal District is separated from the Southern Federal District, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of the North- Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory with the center of the federal district in the city of Pyatigorsk", "And the second document was signed by me today - on your appointment as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the acceptance of your resignation from the post of governor, and at the same time on your appointment as a plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. True, it remained a mystery to everyone why in the newly formed "Firstly, I changed the system of federal districts that exists in our country, and now the North Caucasian Federal District is separated from the Southern Federal District, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of the North- Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory with the center of the federal district in the city of Pyatigorsk", "And the second document was signed by me today - on your appointment as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the acceptance of your resignation from the post of governor, and at the same time on your appointment as a plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. True, it remained a mystery to everyone why in the newly formedThe North Caucasian Federal District was included in the Stavropol Territory. As RIA Novosti reported , on October 30, 2010, Alexander Khloponin joined the Terek Cossack Host . The Terek Cossack army is the third in seniority in the Cossack troops. The headquarters of the Terek Cossack army is located in Vladikavkaz. "I serve Russia, the Terek Cossack army and God," Khloponin said in response to the proposal of the ataman of the army Vasily Bondarev to be assigned to the Tertsy. At the same time, Khlaponin did not explain which “God” he serves, and why “God” ended up in third place is not clear.
Despite the lack of experience in such a complex region as the Caucasus, where they always pay attention to the age of the head, his many years of experience in working with people and knowledge of national traditions are valued, A. Khloponin agreed to head the North Caucasian Federal District. It would seem that, having given such consent, A. Khloponin, as a successful entrepreneur and a reasonably thinking person, should have foreseen that in the future in this post he could suffer a political fiasco, as happened with all previous leaders of the Russian Federation responsible for the Caucasus region. And, despite all this, A. Khloponin agreed with his appointment, exchanging the fertile and quiet Krasnoyarsk Territory for the explosive and "hot" Caucasus. Analyzing the biography, work experience and character of Khloponin, you begin to understand that he himself would never have taken such a step. The political risks are too great, but he went for it. Why!?
According to the official version of the Kremlin launched in the media, Alexander Khloponin was appointed to this post so that he would pump big money into the foothill region. And make sure they get it right. As a result of such monitoring, many thousands of jobs should appear in the Caucasus. The local legal business will flourish. As a result, everyone will stop shooting and we will all become brothers. War is from the past. Money - from the present and the future ( ). As always, the big money was wrapped up in a political candy wrapper. It turns out that the Prime Minister entrusted 600 billion rubles to Plenipotentiary Khloponin for "washing out the militants' human base" - Putin knows how to express himself!
It is already clear that the "official Khloponin doctrine" - the appeasement of the North Caucasus through large-scale investments and financial injections - has failed. The idea of “filling the Caucasus with money and putting an effective manager to manage this money” turned out to be untenable. Yes, the Caucasus is not opposed to being flooded with money. But the North Caucasian elites will not allow anyone to financial control on their territory, not even Khloponin. Because the Caucasus never lived to see the era of universal financial postmodernism. And they still respect brute military force. Even hostile. And they do not respect - weakness / compliance, even friendly. And what happens if someone sticks their nose too actively into their own financial business, these elites demonstrated on March 29, 2010, when deadly explosions thundered in the Moscow metro. After those explosions, Khloponin immediately became distinctly softer, more pliable, and at the same time more respectful of the most powerful figure in the North Caucasus, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. Trying to play friendship with Kadyrov, Khloponin does not tell him about his true goals in the Caucasus.
Recently, maps of the future administrative division of Northern Eurasia have increasingly begun to appear on the Internet. (Russian Federation), for example: =0CDwQsAQwAg&biw=1280&bih=625
Almost all the administrative entities of the Russian Federation that exist today are present on the map and are easily recognizable, up to the Jewish Autonomous Region, called the Jewish Republic on the new map.
But it is surprising that another subject of international law, the so-called Khazaria, appeared on the maps. If we compare the geographical position of the designated Khazaria with the existing borders within the Russian Federation, then it occupies the entire Stavropol Territory, the adjacent parts of the territories of the Volgograd Region and the Krasnodar Territory. On the other hand, Khazaria borders on the Caucasian Confederation.
Analyzing the new map of "Northern Eurasia", we can conclude that those who prepared these maps of the future territorial structure of the Russian Federation (undoubtedly enemies of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation) are preparing plans to dismantle the Russian Federation, and they are starting to do this from the South of Russia, as they themselves stable region of the Russian Federation. It looks like this.
In the South of Russia, the North Caucasian Federal District (SFD) was created, which includes the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic and the Stavropol Territory. The Russian-speaking population in the South of Russia is the stronghold of Russia in the Caucasus, and therefore its presence is not beneficial for Caucasian nationalists and Khazar followers of all stripes. One can safely foresee that for those living in the territory of the North Caucasian Federal District, and above all for Russians and other non-Caucasian nationalities in the Stavropol Territory, pressure will begin to be exerted in order to force them to leave the region.
There is no doubt that in the near future the North Caucasian Federal District will be transformed into the Caucasian Confederation through the efforts of the existing federal authorities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, we will be told that it is politically and economically beneficial. Russia, in its current position, will be easier without a subsidized Caucasus. Caucasus to separate from Russia. At this stage, the Russian-speaking population will begin to be completely squeezed out of this territory.
The Chechens, as the most trained fighting force, will try to take control of the entire territory of the Caucasian Confederation for the money of the Jews of the Khazars. According to the NKVD, it is known that before the Second World War, 40% of the population in Chechnya professed Judaism. These people, now scattered all over the world, will be the first settlers in the Caucasian confederation. True, with the appearance of real Khazars, Chechens, as always (this was the case during all the coups, both in 1918 and in 1993), will be deceived, and they will be expelled from the Khazar territories.
Inside the newly formed Caucasian Confederation, the territory of the Khazar state will immediately be allocated. The territory of Khazaria will be settled by the Jewish population from the Caucasian republics and other republics of the former Russian Federation, and then from all over the world. At the same time, they will be told that this is their promised land. The political scenario will resemble the scenario of the creation of Israel.
It is clear that in the future there will be territorial conflicts on the borders of the Volgograd region and the Krasnodar Territory and Khazaria. The future Khazaria will claim the status of "Great Khazaria" with all the ensuing consequences.
Historical Khazaria really was a predatory parasitic state that exterminated the population of the Slavic tribes, ruined all the southern regions of Rus' with raids and sought to expand further and further north. Kievan Rus turned out to be the most powerful and consistent enemy of the Jewish Khazar Khaganate. Almost a century and a half of the liberation war of the Eastern Slavs against the Khazar Khaganate was completed by the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav. Having crushed the main military forces of the kaganate led by the kagan and destroyed the main Khazar strongholds in the Middle and Lower Volga, in the North Caucasus and the Lower Don, Prince Svyatoslav deprived the power of the trading and usurious elite of Khazaria of the basis of their parasitic existence. “The Khazar kingdom disappeared like smoke immediately after the elimination of the main condition for its existence: military superiority over neighbors and the economic benefits that brought the possession of the most important trade routes between Asia and Europe. Since there were no other grounds for its existence, under the blows of the stronger Russian state, it crumbled into its component parts, which later dissolved in the Polovtsian Sea.
As a result of the crushing of Khazaria, most of the East Slavic tribes merged into a single state. Kievan Rus became one of the strongest European states.
Benjamin Friedman, himself a Jew, states in The Truth About the Khazars that "the so-called pretended Jews of Eastern Europe were never Semites, are not Semites now, and cannot be regarded as Jews in the future." Then he asks the question: “Maybe you can explain to me the reason why the history of the emergence of the Khazars and the Khazar Khaganate has been so carefully hidden from the world for many centuries? What mysterious mystical force has been able throughout the life of countless generations and throughout the world to prevent the history of the Khazars and the Khazar Khaganate from getting into history textbooks and school curricula on this subject. The history of the Khazars and the Khazar Khaganate, of course, is confirmed by irrefutable historical facts.
The Great Khazaria, if such is recreated, will never forgive the Great Russian Prince Svyatoslav for his defeat and defeat of Khazaria in 965and will certainly demand from Russia, in whatever capacity it is represented in the international arena, moral and material compensation, as the Jews did after the end of World War II with Germany and Switzerland. Every year in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, the public widely celebrated the holiday on July 3 - the Day of the Great Russian Victory, when the troops of Prince Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Khaganate. In modern Russia, the authorities tell us that the victory over the Khazar Khaganate is already 500 years old and no one remembers it, and therefore it is not necessary to celebrate this date, and someone will joke: "They are afraid of the Khazar revenge." It is possible that soon we may hear that Prince Svyatoslav is an enemy of the Russians, an extremist, since the whole story about him falls under Article 282, and therefore the mention of him must be erased from our historical memory.
Zionists, in accordance with the Biblical doctrine of cultural genocide, purposefully destroy the ancient manuscripts of all peoples. They destroyed the oldest libraries - the repository of the most valuable books: proto-Sumerian in Babylon, Alexandria in Egypt, Etruscan in Rome, papyrus in Thebes and Memphis, a huge library in Constantinople. They stole the libraries of Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan the Terrible. They burned the temple-temple in Athens, destroyed the Santorini archipelago, etc. All this with the sole purpose of destroying key historical information. At the same time, museums of Jewish Khazaria are being created all over the world, international conferences and symposiums dedicated to the memory of the Great Khazaria are held annually. There is a large-scale preparation of public opinion on the reconstruction of the state of Khazaria, and the appearance on the Internet of a geographical map with its name is not an accident.
Today, the Stavropol Territory has become the first testing ground for Russia's territorial strength. The future of the territorial integrity of all of Russia depends on how things go here among the Russian separatists-reformers. Therefore, the legalization of holding a referendum in the Stavropol Territory on secession from the North Caucasus Federal District is a completely legitimate event. While the inhabitants of Stavropol and the Terek Cossacks have not yet been completely intimidated, it is necessary to hold a referendum. .
Emperor of Russia Alexander III proudly said that Russia is for Russians and the Russian people, in friendship with other indigenous peoples of Russia, should become the masters of their land. The emperor declared: " Other peoples living on the territory of Russia must be treated the way they treat the Russian people . " The emperor boldly strengthened the domestic and foreign policy of Russia, despite the significant secret resistance of the Jewish mafia. Unfortunately, history teaches that history does not teach anyone anything. It's a pity. The peoples quickly forgot the Jewish question and after 100, 200, 300, 500 years they faced this curse again.
Over time, it became clear that Khloponin would not be able to quickly turn the North Caucasian Federal District into the territory of Khazaria. All that he did was to create only the prerequisites for this. The share of the Muslim population began to grow, both due to higher demographic indicators, and due to the outflow of the Russian-speaking, predominantly Christian population. This led to a deterioration in interethnic relations and a decrease in the competitiveness of the regions. The Russian population itself began to leave the territory of the Siberian Federal District, the Caucasian population also began purposefully, for federal money, to move to the Russian subjects of the federation. No industrial enterprises were created on the territory of the Caucasus. All that Khlaponin managed to do was to start cleaning up the territory of the Siberian Federal District from Russians and skilled Caucasian labor,
Therefore, the official Kremlin version with the appointment of Khloponin, in our opinion, is a cover for another geopolitical task entrusted to the plenipotentiary by the world Zionists, the Jews.
At the same time, the growth of the Jewish population in Russia continues. Thus, according to the Federal Migration Service for Moscow, over the last seven years of Y. Luzhkov's rule, 175,000 Jews from Israel, the USA and Europe were registered in Moscow. All of them have dual citizenship. The World Congress of Russian Jews appealed to the Government of Russia to consider the construction of 50 separate settlements in its European part with up to 30 thousand people for immigrants from Israel. The World Congress found the money for this. One such settlement near Tver has already been built, and construction has begun in other regions. At the same time, local residents do not know anything about the purpose of building such settlements on their territories. In the city of Sochi, Israeli citizens are intensively buying up living space and infrastructure left over from the World Olympics.
The exodus of Jews from Israel, America and Europe has already begun, the goals of the exodus have been determined - these are the territories of Ukraine and the South of Russia. At the first stage of the exodus, everything will be disguised as regional national conflicts, "Maidan" and "orange" revolutions, but having one strategic goal - the revival of the state of Khazaria and the establishment of world Zionist domination.
At the same time, there is a way out of the situation, and the world government knows about it, but they will not tell us.
An example is Iceland, about which nothing is written about in the world media. After the 2008 crisis, the people of Iceland rose up and forced their puppet government to resign. Private banks were nationalized. The debt scam imposed by the moneybags of Britain and Holland was declared null and void. A public popular assembly was formed to rewrite the Icelandic Constitution.
Everything happened without violence and bloodshed. The whole revolution passed and succeeded without firing a shot. There is a good explanation for the lack of media coverage of this event: what if the rest of the world, other states, the EU and the US are using the Icelandic revolution as an example?
In 2007, Iceland's external debt reached 900% of GDP. The collapse of the global credit markets led to the bankruptcy of all three banks, and in fact the entire country. The Icelandic krone has fallen 85% against the euro. The government resigned, elections were held in 2009. The new government initially agreed to follow the requirements of the IMF and pay off debts to UK private banks over 15 years.(2.35 billion pounds) and the Netherlands (1.32 billion euros). But the people opposed, large protests began, and the authorities listened to the voters. A referendum was announced in which 93% of the inhabitants refused to pay the debts of their bankers. The IMF froze lending, the European Union threatened with sanctions. “We were told that if we did not accept the conditions of the international community, we would become northern Cuba. But if we had agreed, we would have become northern Haiti,” the President of Iceland, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, later stated.
The result of the revolution in Iceland was the following:
Resignation of the entire corrupt government of the country;
the nationalization of banks;
· a referendum that allowed people to determine their own economic system;
· Arrest and detention of responsible parties;
Rewriting the Icelandic constitution by the Icelanders themselves.
These are significant achievements. Has anyone told us about this through the media? At least one political program in Ukraine or Russia on radio or TV commented on these events? NO. The people of Iceland have demonstrated a way to defeat international moneybags and information controllers. The people of Iceland sent creditors to hell - that's how they got out of the crisis. The island, despite the threats, refused the IMF prescriptions and overcame the financial collapse in the country.
Hungary wanted to follow Iceland's example ...( ). A new Constitution was prepared, the National Bank was nationalized! This means that they will not be commanded by the global financial mafia, but by the Hungarian government. World Zionism immediately howled and began to throw mud at Hungary, preparing a new "orange" revolution. The "civilized" world , represented by the world's leading "independent" media, reacted to this event in the following way: Hungary's rating was lowered, and they were practically expelled from the European Union, and they began to scare people with the intensification of the financial crisis. In general, in order to assess the scale of the noise raised around Hungary, one has only to read the headlines of the world's leading media on this topic:
1. Hungary is threatened with exclusion from the European Union ;
2. Criticism of the new Hungarian constitution continues ;
3. With today's laws, Hungary would never have been accepted into the EU ;
4. Thousands of Hungarians protest against the new constitution ;
5. In Hungary, the change in the Constitution caused a massive wave of protest ;
6. Hungary - the crisis of finance and democracy ;
7. The international rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Hungary's long-term credit rating from BBB- to BB+ and warned of the possibility of another downgrade during the year.
8. Hungary crossed a dangerous line ;
9. US threatens Hungary with expulsion from the European Union ;
11. Hungary faces trouble from the EU for nationalism and homophobia ;
12. Fitch downgrades Hungary to junk .
By their actions, the people of Hungary courageously took a bold step towards strengthening their statehood and their identity as a people! Hungary has taken an unprecedented step towards getting out of the parasitic financial systemthat parasitizes today in the world on weak and “sick” states. And the biggest blow to this system is the nationalization of the country's national bank. The nationalization of the Central Bank is a challenge to all of today's financial "hegemon" at once. It can and should be abandoned only if it has the proper support among the people, the determination to go all the way to the end, and structures of like-minded people on which to rely. Hungary failed to do this.
By January 11, all possible oppositionists from the fifth column were gathered in Budapest and 10,000 protesters were held. “... a demonstration of protest against the adoption of this very constitution. In total, according to retrospective estimates, no more than 10 thousand people participated in the action. This protest event, organized by the parliamentary (except for Jobbik), non-parliamentary and network opposition, was widely covered by the media abroad, including in Russia.” Well, just like ours ! Just an excuse to collect another. But since the command from Washingtonpassed, it means that the opposition needs to protest. The campaign to discredit the “ruling regime” of Hungary in every possible way intensified in all respects. Progressive reforms for the people were stopped, everything returned home.
But, this negative experience must also be taken into account.
What else can you recommend to the fighters for democracy, deputies in legislative bodies in Ukraine, Crimea and Russia.
All the constitutions of these countries and the constitution of Crimea should include an article stating that persons with dual citizenship cannot hold public office, be employed in government bodies and be elected to elected positions. Those who are against this point are agents of Zionism and enemies of national statehood. The introduction of such an article fully meets the security issues of any state.
Ilya Brovkin
March 25, 2014

03/28/2014 No. 17/1
Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
On the procedure for holding elections to the Supreme Soviet
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics