National holiday ‘Russia Day’ happens to fall on the anniversary of the death of Chabad false messiah Schneerson — cohencidence?
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on February 14, 2025, 19:57Wednesday, January 30, 2013 18:50:26
Dear friends, let's once again remember some facts of the recent political history of the Russian Federation and think about what they have to do with the "antichrist matrix".
On June 12, the country celebrates Russia Day
On June 12, our country celebrates one of the "youngest" public holidays. Initially, it was called the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. And in 2002, it received a new official name - Russia Day.
In 1990, on this day, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted a document on sovereignty. And a year later, on June 12, the first national presidential election of the country was held, which was won by Boris Yeltsin. Three years later, he issued a decree on a new public holiday.
"The countdown of our new history began with this document. The history of a democratic state based on civil liberties and the rule of law," Vladimir Putin said in 2001.
However, Russia Day was not popular among the people for a long time. Surveys of citizens conducted by VTsIOM showed that many Russians do not know the essence of this holiday. Today, according to the statistics of the Yuri Levada analytical center, only 40% of Russians were able to name the exact name of the holiday, but the approximate meaning is clear to the majority.
© TASS-TV"Supremacy of Law", translated into Russian, means "dictatorship of the Talmud". And by "civil liberties", it should be assumed, we mean the freedom of chesspilers to indulge in ritual alloys with impunity. There were such "civil liberties" in the USSR-Egypt-Mizraim. And where is the notorious "freedom of speech"?
Since, as it turned out, "a lot of Russians do not know the essence of this holiday", and there is no need to rely on their understanding of its "appromate meaning", I will remind you what its essence is.
I quote from the topic "On the origins of Baalshemism":
...the "date of death" of the 7th Lubavitch Rebbe (June 12, 1994) received the status of "Independence Day of Russia" or "Day of Russia" in Russia, and "in advance", back in 1992 (Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1992. N 2981-I "On the holiday of June 12").
The "game" with this date began even earlier - on June 12, 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies adopted the "Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR", and on June 12, 1991 B. Yeltsin was elected "President of the RSFSR". Sometimes the year 1994 is directly indicated as the beginning of the "holiday tradition":
In 1994, this day was declared a public holiday. Formally, this is the most important modern public holiday in the country. - "Encyclopedia for home"
The day of the death of the "king-moshiach" of Rebbe Schneerson is "the most important of the modern state holidays in the Russian Federation" (I remind you once again: "RF" = resh-pe = 280 = Hebrew "terror"). A curious coincidence of memorable dates, and "projected into the future". Hasidim especially like to celebrate "yartsait" - the anniversary of the death of their leaders.
A little later, this date was mirrored by the leaders of the "Russian Federation" at the opposite pole of the wheel of the year: December 12 was proclaimed the "Constitution Day of the Russian Federation" (this characteristic feature of Soviet "holiday dates" - their mirror symmetry - I paid attention when writing the article "The murder of Stalin in the year of the Snake" - see "SHS" №54).
On December 12, 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in a referendum. "Constitution Day" is perhaps one of the most important dates for Russians. The Constitution is the core of the entire legal system of Russia and determines the meaning and content of other laws., we read about the true meaning of the "Constitution" in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", this "dear Russians" is no longer surprising (see the topic "System errors in the KOB").
So, we saw how the Chasidic holiday "yarzait Rebbe of the king-moshikha" was introduced in the Russian Federation (June 12 - "RUSSIA DAY" - the main state holiday in the Russian Federation), how it began to be prepared long before the official date of the death of the 7th Lubavitch Rebbe. Obviously, the date of freezing the corpse of the "antichrist" was planned in advance and, probably, it was associated not only with old age, but also with an incurable disease of the Rebbe.
In these days, when the attention of the whole world is focused on the state of health of the Rebbe, our devotion to the Rebbe, increased attention to the study of his works and recognition of his leadership will undoubtedly accelerate the process of full recovery and manifestation of the Rebbe as a Mashiach.
Before his illness, the Rebbe made the long-awaited prophetic statement of Mashiach: "The time of your liberation has come!"
We welcome our holy lord, mentor and teacher with the blessing "Long live the king!" and we decree that according to the law of the Torah, he is subject to the oath of the Almighty, that his candle will not be extinguished forever and ever, and he is destined to live eternal life and recover immediately in the simple sense of the word (so that his body is healthy), and to see that Divine success accompanies him in all his affairs. ... n5752.html
Psak-din of April 14, 1992, that the Lubavitch Rebbe שליט"א is considered a Moshiah ("Behezkat Moshiach").We also paid attention to how the parallel game was conducted with a symmetrical date of December 12 - at the opposite pole of the wheel of the year (in the same way as with the main holidays of the USSR-Egypt-Mizraim - May 8-9 and November 7-8).
To what was said earlier, it can be added that December 12 is not only the "Constitution Day of the Russian Federation" and the day of the "convocation" of the 1st State Duma in 1993 (in Kabbalistic demonolatrium - the summoning of the prince of demons ruling in hell by the dead), but also the day of "independence of the Russian Federation" and "the day of the withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the USSR" in 1991.
Please open the page "Parade of Sovereignty" in Wikipedia and you will see the following dates in the RSFSR/RF line:
Proclamation of sovereignty - June 12, 1990.
Declaration of independence - December 12, 1991.
Proclamation of withdrawal from the USSR - December 12, 1991.
It is curious that on the same day, December 12, 1991
"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law on Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of the Ukrainian SSR, according to which Article 122 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (for voluntary homosexual relations) was abolished".
Thus, on December 12, 1991, SODOMY was decriminalized at the estate of Hasidism - Ukraine, the first of the republics of the USSR.
Ukraine was the first of the former republics of the USSR to abolish criminal punishment for homosexual relations between adult men without the use of violence. It happened almost immediately after Ukraine gained independence.
Due to the delicacy of the topic, it is difficult to obtain documentary evidence of the reasons for such efficiency of Ukrainian legislators. There were many of the most ridiculous rumors around it. The version known in gay circles in Kiev seems to be quite plausible: allegedly one of the prominent deputies of the Supreme Council came to the heads of the relevant committees and proposed to make Ukraine the most democratic of all the countries of the former Union without much effort. The temptation was great and the law passed through the committees without difficulty.
BLUE BOOK. The situation of gays and lesbians in Ukraine. was another messianic LIBERATION of the "gender proletariat". The first one was done in 1917, with the abolition of the tsarist criminal code of the RI and the adoption of the liberal "proletarian" Criminal Code in 1922. Subsequent "tightening of the nuts" in relation to masculinity occurred with the adoption of the relevant law - Article 154a of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR - on March 7, 1934; during the first 16 years of "Soviet power" sodomy was quite legal.
And here, for comparison, is the dynamics of the number of sentences in Germany under Article №175 of the Criminal Code "for masculinity" (and zoophilia):
It is easy to see that the peak of "persecution" fell on the same pre-war years. However, I would beware of any conclusions regarding the true long-term goals of both regimes from these statistics - after all, in this case we are dealing with the function of many unknowns. Neither in the USSR-Mizraim nor in the Third Reich the problem was solved, but rather driven under the carpet, "away from the eyes".
The indicative "criminal massacre of faggots" had a clear political component and was rather a family kitchen showdown, one of the episodes of the struggle for power within the international. And as you know: "sweet ones swear, just have cheer".
In addition, the general twisting of the nuts by the mid-30s was undoubtedly caused by the need for intensive preparation of both countries for the great kabbalistic mysteries of the "second world war" - for a large-scale massacre, if not the extermination of the heterosexual male genous population.
Although Article 175 was preserved practically unchanged after the war and in the Criminal Code of Germany, the number of sentences under it remained insignificant and hardly went beyond the pragmatic suppression of "dissent". Still, Christian "prejudices", despite the bloody bath of WW2, have not yet been overcome, and the German authorities did not immediately dare to cancel the article. But in the GDR, the complete decriminalization of sodomy was carried out by 1968. Only after the unification of Germany was sodomy fully legalized in West Germany - and it was done by a curious date: June 11, 1994.
For comparison, I would like to add that similar processes took place in the same years and overseas - in the United States. In a number of states (Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, California) in the second half of the 1930s, additional laws on "sexual psychopaths" were adopted, which tightened anti-sodomy legislation. They were supported by the U.S. Supreme Court. The peak of the fight against the rampant "homosexual freewoman" fell in the United States during the years of McCarthyism, that is, already in the 1950s. However, this struggle died down very quickly, and in the 1960s the gradual surrender of America into the infernal embrace of the Gomintern began through amendments to the relevant legislation (the full legalization of sodom and Gomorrah in the United States took place by 2003).
Special mention should be made of the decision of the mafia "World Health Organization", which removed homosexuality from the list of mental pathologies in 1990.
In the international classification of diseases of the World Health Organization up to and including its 9th edition, homosexuality was classified as a disease (302.0) belonging to the group of psychosexual disorders (302) (see List of ICD-9 codes 290-319: mental disorders). In 1990, homosexuality was excluded from the 10th WHO revision (ICD-10:ClassV).
...The mental disorder in the modern classification is not recognized as homosexuality, but the associated with it in unhealthy homosexuals significant mental discomfort, as a result of which there may be a desire to change it. Following the WHO decision, homosexuality was no longer considered a pathology by many countries of the world, including Russia.
This WHO decision was approved in May 1990 and came into force in 1994.
ICD-10 was endorsed by the Forty-third World Health Assembly in May 1990 and came into use in WHO Member States as from 1994. The 11th revision of the classification has already started and will continue until 2015. before our eyes, during the life of one generation, even, one might say, for only a few years, there was an epochal inversion of the entire system of moral values, which remained almost unchanged for several millennia, so that the entire Christian world order was turned upside down. What was previously considered a crime, moral aberration and mental perversion was officially recognized as "NORM". As we have already seen, today even the "eternal deacon" Andrei V. Kuraev dares to publicly "teach" that "a homosexual can be a priest".
Moreover, this radical "revolution" in the field of public morality occurred in the last years of the life of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe and was most directly related to the consolidation of the "criminal class" in the Egyptian crocodile of the Russian Federation and the imposition of the cult of the corpse of the antichrist on its population (under the guise of ecumenical "safe Christianity").
For now, I would like to focus your attention on only two aspects. First, on the close relationship of the "Jewish" (Chaldean) Messianic LIBERATION with the parallel process of decriminalization of sodomy. It is quite appropriate to recall here the theoretical messianic attitude of Rabbi Akiva Tatz:
"the Messianic seed is in Sodom"
Secondly, we should seriously think about the meaning of the provocative game with the dates of June 12 (12.06) and December 12 (12.12) in the recent history of the Russian Federation. What could it mean? Moreover, this whole mathematical sequence of strange coincidences of memorable numbers and political events is "resolved" in two main calendar dates: June 12, 1994 and December 12, 1990. You didn't notice it?
And I have been thinking about this set of dates for a long time - since the publication of three mysterious Masonic pictures extracted from the Leningrad newspaper "Rush Hour" in the "mystical and philosophical" political detective "The Last Gambit":
"Historical Picnic" - issue of "Rush Hour" of June 24, 1991,
"Defensive Picnic" - issue of August 5, 1991,
"Posthistorical Picnic" - issue of August 17, 1992.
Here are the memorable lines from the "Defensive Picnic":
One-two, one-two,
Trembling and trembling
One-two, one-two
Pisa with Toulouse.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 18:50:26
Dear friends, let's once again remember some facts of the recent political history of the Russian Federation and think about what they have to do with the "antichrist matrix".
On June 12, the country celebrates Russia Day
On June 12, our country celebrates one of the "youngest" public holidays. Initially, it was called the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. And in 2002, it received a new official name - Russia Day.
In 1990, on this day, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted a document on sovereignty. And a year later, on June 12, the first national presidential election of the country was held, which was won by Boris Yeltsin. Three years later, he issued a decree on a new public holiday.
"The countdown of our new history began with this document. The history of a democratic state based on civil liberties and the rule of law," Vladimir Putin said in 2001.
However, Russia Day was not popular among the people for a long time. Surveys of citizens conducted by VTsIOM showed that many Russians do not know the essence of this holiday. Today, according to the statistics of the Yuri Levada analytical center, only 40% of Russians were able to name the exact name of the holiday, but the approximate meaning is clear to the majority.
"Supremacy of Law", translated into Russian, means "dictatorship of the Talmud". And by "civil liberties", it should be assumed, we mean the freedom of chesspilers to indulge in ritual alloys with impunity. There were such "civil liberties" in the USSR-Egypt-Mizraim. And where is the notorious "freedom of speech"?
Since, as it turned out, "a lot of Russians do not know the essence of this holiday", and there is no need to rely on their understanding of its "appromate meaning", I will remind you what its essence is.
I quote from the topic "On the origins of Baalshemism":
...the "date of death" of the 7th Lubavitch Rebbe (June 12, 1994) received the status of "Independence Day of Russia" or "Day of Russia" in Russia, and "in advance", back in 1992 (Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1992. N 2981-I "On the holiday of June 12").
The "game" with this date began even earlier - on June 12, 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies adopted the "Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR", and on June 12, 1991 B. Yeltsin was elected "President of the RSFSR". Sometimes the year 1994 is directly indicated as the beginning of the "holiday tradition":
In 1994, this day was declared a public holiday. Formally, this is the most important modern public holiday in the country. - "Encyclopedia for home"
The day of the death of the "king-moshiach" of Rebbe Schneerson is "the most important of the modern state holidays in the Russian Federation" (I remind you once again: "RF" = resh-pe = 280 = Hebrew "terror"). A curious coincidence of memorable dates, and "projected into the future". Hasidim especially like to celebrate "yartsait" - the anniversary of the death of their leaders.
A little later, this date was mirrored by the leaders of the "Russian Federation" at the opposite pole of the wheel of the year: December 12 was proclaimed the "Constitution Day of the Russian Federation" (this characteristic feature of Soviet "holiday dates" - their mirror symmetry - I paid attention when writing the article "The murder of Stalin in the year of the Snake" - see "SHS" №54).
On December 12, 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in a referendum. "Constitution Day" is perhaps one of the most important dates for Russians. The Constitution is the core of the entire legal system of Russia and determines the meaning and content of other laws., we read about the true meaning of the "Constitution" in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", this "dear Russians" is no longer surprising (see the topic "System errors in the KOB").
So, we saw how the Chasidic holiday "yarzait Rebbe of the king-moshikha" was introduced in the Russian Federation (June 12 - "RUSSIA DAY" - the main state holiday in the Russian Federation), how it began to be prepared long before the official date of the death of the 7th Lubavitch Rebbe. Obviously, the date of freezing the corpse of the "antichrist" was planned in advance and, probably, it was associated not only with old age, but also with an incurable disease of the Rebbe.
In these days, when the attention of the whole world is focused on the state of health of the Rebbe, our devotion to the Rebbe, increased attention to the study of his works and recognition of his leadership will undoubtedly accelerate the process of full recovery and manifestation of the Rebbe as a Mashiach.
Before his illness, the Rebbe made the long-awaited prophetic statement of Mashiach: "The time of your liberation has come!"
We welcome our holy lord, mentor and teacher with the blessing "Long live the king!" and we decree that according to the law of the Torah, he is subject to the oath of the Almighty, that his candle will not be extinguished forever and ever, and he is destined to live eternal life and recover immediately in the simple sense of the word (so that his body is healthy), and to see that Divine success accompanies him in all his affairs. ... n5752.html
Psak-din of April 14, 1992, that the Lubavitch Rebbe שליט"א is considered a Moshiah ("Behezkat Moshiach").
We also paid attention to how the parallel game was conducted with a symmetrical date of December 12 - at the opposite pole of the wheel of the year (in the same way as with the main holidays of the USSR-Egypt-Mizraim - May 8-9 and November 7-8).
To what was said earlier, it can be added that December 12 is not only the "Constitution Day of the Russian Federation" and the day of the "convocation" of the 1st State Duma in 1993 (in Kabbalistic demonolatrium - the summoning of the prince of demons ruling in hell by the dead), but also the day of "independence of the Russian Federation" and "the day of the withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the USSR" in 1991.
Please open the page "Parade of Sovereignty" in Wikipedia and you will see the following dates in the RSFSR/RF line:
Proclamation of sovereignty - June 12, 1990.
Declaration of independence - December 12, 1991.
Proclamation of withdrawal from the USSR - December 12, 1991.
It is curious that on the same day, December 12, 1991
"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law on Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of the Ukrainian SSR, according to which Article 122 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (for voluntary homosexual relations) was abolished".
Thus, on December 12, 1991, SODOMY was decriminalized at the estate of Hasidism - Ukraine, the first of the republics of the USSR.
Ukraine was the first of the former republics of the USSR to abolish criminal punishment for homosexual relations between adult men without the use of violence. It happened almost immediately after Ukraine gained independence.
Due to the delicacy of the topic, it is difficult to obtain documentary evidence of the reasons for such efficiency of Ukrainian legislators. There were many of the most ridiculous rumors around it. The version known in gay circles in Kiev seems to be quite plausible: allegedly one of the prominent deputies of the Supreme Council came to the heads of the relevant committees and proposed to make Ukraine the most democratic of all the countries of the former Union without much effort. The temptation was great and the law passed through the committees without difficulty.
BLUE BOOK. The situation of gays and lesbians in Ukraine.
There was another messianic LIBERATION of the "gender proletariat". The first one was done in 1917, with the abolition of the tsarist criminal code of the RI and the adoption of the liberal "proletarian" Criminal Code in 1922. Subsequent "tightening of the nuts" in relation to masculinity occurred with the adoption of the relevant law - Article 154a of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR - on March 7, 1934; during the first 16 years of "Soviet power" sodomy was quite legal.
And here, for comparison, is the dynamics of the number of sentences in Germany under Article №175 of the Criminal Code "for masculinity" (and zoophilia):
It is easy to see that the peak of "persecution" fell on the same pre-war years. However, I would beware of any conclusions regarding the true long-term goals of both regimes from these statistics - after all, in this case we are dealing with the function of many unknowns. Neither in the USSR-Mizraim nor in the Third Reich the problem was solved, but rather driven under the carpet, "away from the eyes".
The indicative "criminal massacre of faggots" had a clear political component and was rather a family kitchen showdown, one of the episodes of the struggle for power within the international. And as you know: "sweet ones swear, just have cheer".
In addition, the general twisting of the nuts by the mid-30s was undoubtedly caused by the need for intensive preparation of both countries for the great kabbalistic mysteries of the "second world war" - for a large-scale massacre, if not the extermination of the heterosexual male genous population.
Although Article 175 was preserved practically unchanged after the war and in the Criminal Code of Germany, the number of sentences under it remained insignificant and hardly went beyond the pragmatic suppression of "dissent". Still, Christian "prejudices", despite the bloody bath of WW2, have not yet been overcome, and the German authorities did not immediately dare to cancel the article. But in the GDR, the complete decriminalization of sodomy was carried out by 1968. Only after the unification of Germany was sodomy fully legalized in West Germany - and it was done by a curious date: June 11, 1994.
For comparison, I would like to add that similar processes took place in the same years and overseas - in the United States. In a number of states (Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, California) in the second half of the 1930s, additional laws on "sexual psychopaths" were adopted, which tightened anti-sodomy legislation. They were supported by the U.S. Supreme Court. The peak of the fight against the rampant "homosexual freewoman" fell in the United States during the years of McCarthyism, that is, already in the 1950s. However, this struggle died down very quickly, and in the 1960s the gradual surrender of America into the infernal embrace of the Gomintern began through amendments to the relevant legislation (the full legalization of sodom and Gomorrah in the United States took place by 2003).
Special mention should be made of the decision of the mafia "World Health Organization", which removed homosexuality from the list of mental pathologies in 1990.
In the international classification of diseases of the World Health Organization up to and including its 9th edition, homosexuality was classified as a disease (302.0) belonging to the group of psychosexual disorders (302) (see List of ICD-9 codes 290-319: mental disorders). In 1990, homosexuality was excluded from the 10th WHO revision (ICD-10:ClassV).
...The mental disorder in the modern classification is not recognized as homosexuality, but the associated with it in unhealthy homosexuals significant mental discomfort, as a result of which there may be a desire to change it. Following the WHO decision, homosexuality was no longer considered a pathology by many countries of the world, including Russia.
This WHO decision was approved in May 1990 and came into force in 1994.
ICD-10 was endorsed by the Forty-third World Health Assembly in May 1990 and came into use in WHO Member States as from 1994. The 11th revision of the classification has already started and will continue until 2015.
Right before our eyes, during the life of one generation, even, one might say, for only a few years, there was an epochal inversion of the entire system of moral values, which remained almost unchanged for several millennia, so that the entire Christian world order was turned upside down. What was previously considered a crime, moral aberration and mental perversion was officially recognized as "NORM". As we have already seen, today even the "eternal deacon" Andrei V. Kuraev dares to publicly "teach" that "a homosexual can be a priest".
Moreover, this radical "revolution" in the field of public morality occurred in the last years of the life of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe and was most directly related to the consolidation of the "criminal class" in the Egyptian crocodile of the Russian Federation and the imposition of the cult of the corpse of the antichrist on its population (under the guise of ecumenical "safe Christianity").
For now, I would like to focus your attention on only two aspects. First, on the close relationship of the "Jewish" (Chaldean) Messianic LIBERATION with the parallel process of decriminalization of sodomy. It is quite appropriate to recall here the theoretical messianic attitude of Rabbi Akiva Tatz:
"the Messianic seed is in Sodom"
Secondly, we should seriously think about the meaning of the provocative game with the dates of June 12 (12.06) and December 12 (12.12) in the recent history of the Russian Federation. What could it mean? Moreover, this whole mathematical sequence of strange coincidences of memorable numbers and political events is "resolved" in two main calendar dates: June 12, 1994 and December 12, 1990. You didn't notice it?
And I have been thinking about this set of dates for a long time - since the publication of three mysterious Masonic pictures extracted from the Leningrad newspaper "Rush Hour" in the "mystical and philosophical" political detective "The Last Gambit":
"Historical Picnic" - issue of "Rush Hour" of June 24, 1991,
"Defensive Picnic" - issue of August 5, 1991,
"Posthistorical Picnic" - issue of August 17, 1992.
Here are the memorable lines from the "Defensive Picnic":
One-two, one-two,
Trembling and trembling
One-two, one-two
Pisa with Toulouse.