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Merchant of Death whom Biden freed hung portrait of Putin in his prison cell

Dec. 10, 2022

In an American prison, Viktor Bout, who returned to Russia, always had a portrait of President Vladimir Putin in his cell . Bout himself said this in an interview with RT, the broadcast is available on the Rutube channel of the channel.

“I am proud that I am a Russian person and [that] our president is Putin,” Bout said.

In an interview with the TV channel, the Russian also revealed his attitude to the special military operation. He stressed that if there were appropriate opportunities, he would take part in it. Bout noted that he did not understand why Moscow did not start a Russian special operation in Ukraine earlier.

Bout was convicted in the United States for attempting to illegally trade weapons and support terror. He was arrested in Thailand in 2008 at the request of the American side, in April 2012 he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Booth pleaded not guilty. The exchange of the Russian for the American basketball player Brittney Griner took place on December 8 in Abu Dhabi, before that both were pardoned.

The Kremlin called the main result of the exchange of Bout for Greiner the fact that Bout, who had been in illegal captivity for 14 years, returned to his homeland. According to presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the exchange talks with the United States were not a step towards overcoming the crisis in relations between the two countries.

Bout revealed his attitude to the special operation in Ukraine


Today, 16:31

Russian Viktor Bout, released from an American prison as a result of an exchange, said that he supports a special military operation (SVO) in Ukraine and would take part in it if he had the appropriate opportunities. He revealed his attitude in the Russian NWO in an interview with RT, the broadcast is available on the Rutube channel of the channel.

Weak and pathetic. It would have been better to have Bout and Griner locked away forever as a modus vivendi. Russia illegally seized our citizens and we are the ones who have to make concessions? I mean as far as I’m concerned they could seize the entire WNBA and I would think it a net positive to America, but it’s the principle of the matter dang it.

Quote from ryan on December 10, 2022, 21:21

Weak and pathetic. It would have been better to have Bout and Griner locked away forever as a modus vivendi. Russia illegally seized our citizens and we are the ones who have to make concessions? I mean as far as I’m concerned they could seize the entire WNBA and I would think it a net positive to America, but it’s the principle of the matter dang it.

This important point seems to have been bypassed by much of the media.

Ryan Augustine has reacted to this post.
Ryan Augustine

Surprising, but I wouldn’t know I’m pretty out of the media loop. Locking up someone indefinitely for a trivial amount of weed is clearly a flimsy pretext I would think people would pick up on it.