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Maduro called the persecution of Russians in the world "racism and xenophobia"

Venezuelan President Maduro: persecution of Russians in the world is racism and xenophobia

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro - RIA Novosti, 1920, 03.03.2022
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Archive photo
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BUENOS AIRES, March 3 - RIA Novosti. The persecution of Russians in the world is a manifestation of racism and xenophobia, says Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

“Imagine, Russians are being persecuted all over the world. A philharmonic orchestra in one of the European countries broke off relations with the great conductor of the Russian orchestra just because he is Russian. What is it called? Xenophobia, racism, violation of human rights,” the head of state said.

Earlier, the Paris Philharmonic canceled Gergiev's concerts in April, the board of trustees of the Edinburgh International Festival "asked and accepted the resignation" of the maestro from the post of honorary president, and the mayor of Munich decided to remove Gergiev from the post of chief conductor of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, since Gergiev did not indicate his position on the situation at the Ukraine . Also, the Bavarian State Opera reported that they were breaking off relations with opera singer Anna Netrebko and Gergiev because they "did not sufficiently distance themselves" from the Russian operation in Ukraine.