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'Lenin was a minor Eurasian avatar': Dugin

A. Dugin


(2nd essay for Lenin)

I didn't like Lenin before. Everyone around said "Lenin, Lenin ..." And the majority is always wrong. Under Soviet rule, I took my little son to spit on the monuments to Ilyich. I read Evola and Malynsky and was convinced that they were talking about a vile counter-initiative agent of the "modern world" who destroyed the last stronghold of Tradition - the Russian Empire.

I mocked Lenin, despised the Leninists, and seeing quotes from him, I was ready to pour boiling water over the authors who use them. Let me remind you that then the vast majority of the current reformers were inveterate Leninists, with their oblique tongues - with a twist, screeching and wriggling in a jacket as if in a cozy damp hole - they sang of Ilyich.

I did not find another stage when they seriously believed in Lenin (and Stalin), as in a shrine. I found the decaying disgusting Soviet, where no one knew anything and believed nothing, but everyone lay under what they had. I thought Lenin was a dark idol (tagut) raping the late Soviet Untermensch to their great grunting.

I was wrong. I was also too caught up in the general atmosphere of decay, but I drew the opposite conclusion from the conformist dope (completely inadequate, however). I thought "Leninism" was the name of anti-traditional hypnosis. It's just that I haven't been to the West, and I couldn't imagine that without any Leninism, humanity could sink even much lower. I assumed that the fourth proletarian estate was lower than the third bourgeois one (Evola insisted on this), and therefore - referring to the distant and unknown capitalism as an evil (but of the second category) - I sincerely believed that Lenin was one of the faces of the Antichrist, Russophobe, Westerner and enemy of traditionalism.

My attitude towards Lenin changed during perestroika. The first trips to Europe made a particularly strong impression. The picture that opened up to my eyes was so repulsive, so degenerate, so ingrainedly totalitarian untermenschian - and the untremenschism of the people of the West, unlike the Soviets, was not passive and absurdist, but triumphant, narcissistic and optimistic, complete and aggressive - that I became to reconsider their attitude towards the Soviet Motherland.

At the same time, in Russia itself, the most repulsive rabble, physiognomically and typologically the most annoying to me in the late Soviet of Deputies, turned into "democrats" and "reformers." The more obliging and nasty was the figure - for example, the creator of the most false "Leniniana" Yegor Yakovlev or his namesake "slipper" from the Politburo, the "architect of perestroika" - the more shamelessly and vilely she spit on Sovietism. On the other hand, in the position of the stubborn Soviet conservatives, dignity, ethics, stoicism and fidelity clearly appeared out of nowhere.

Gradually, these emotions were strengthened by the study of geopolitical patterns. Some - albeit small - distance from the late Soviet period made it possible to look at everything more detached. And then I began to form the concept that Soviet society was by no means an expression of the modern spirit and the anti-traditional Western plague, but a special confused and muddy, but still a furious impulse of a great people to wriggle out of the dark grip of the Antichrist of the modern world. In other words, I recognized in Soviet society a paroxysmal attempt to defend some of the foundations of traditional society against Western liberal-capitalist entropy.

It is impossible to call the Marxist model "traditional" in the normal sense, but in comparison with the liberal model it has incomparably more features of a traditional society. And when it comes to historical choice, this distinction takes on a special great meaning.

During this period, the pro-Soviet positions of the Eurasianists and the National Bolsheviks became completely clear and close to me. They turned out to be the only ones confirmed by history - while narrowly communist constructions or White Guard myths proved to be clearly untenable and were refuted by history.

By the way, political history has refuted Evola's predictions about the triumph of the Soviets as the fourth caste. Evolaism required revision. I laid the theoretical foundations for such a revision in my speech at a colloquium in Rome dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Evola's death. Today it has become an integral line of traditionalist studies (my theses "Evola, viewed from the left") are quoted in the new Italian editions of Evola, in the writings of Professor Giorgio Galli, and are at the center of discussions in many traditionalist circles. I developed this theme further in the article "JULIUS EVOLA E TRADIZIONALISMO RUSSO", which exists (so far) only in French and Italian versions.

So Lenin changed his meaning. I think it's just that history turned in such a way that this meaning revealed itself. It is indicative that even such a cruel hyper-reactionary and anti-communist as Heydar Dzhemal recently dedicated heartfelt warm lines to Lenin.

The mutation of the metaphysical quality of Vladimir Lenin is an objective fact. When his skull ceased to be sucked on like a profitable lollipop by the dirty crowds who had (finally) gone into the sewer expanses of "liberal reforms", the features of the continental Titan began to emerge on the horizon of the secret line of things.

A strange, lost Titan, obsessed with great power - Starke von oben - a magical Eurasian dwarf who declared an unthinkable impossible jihad on the world percentage web, the world of exploiters of financial entropy and oppressive vice, and ... and ... triumphantly won a great battle.

Lenin smashed the mind of the layman, razed the stock exchanges and banks to the ground, brought out the pre-revolutionary unsleeping worms (then Gusinsky and Berezovsky), overturned the cadre, alienated, late Romanov Russia, built on the corpses of Old Believers, laid down and remortgaged to European nonentities ...

Lenin mobilized the nation for a total upheaval. Yes, it was bloody - but the birth of everything presupposes blood. Yes, it was allegorical - but the ideological discourse of Tradition for many centuries has been forced to dress up in dubious compromise formulas, otherwise the Kali-Yugic humanity simply will not hear anything - it has become dumb and oskotinil it beyond all measure.

But a new reading of Lenin and Leninism is not an easy task. The vulgarity of simple nostalgia or unreflexive dogmatism is just as unsuitable as the flat clichés of anti-Soviet (by the way, today's anti-Soviet are the most disgusting advisers of yesterday - it is no coincidence that real dissidents and sincere fighters against regimes almost never managed to take any important place in political reality).

The new Leninism must be read magically, Eurasianistically, eschatologically and geopolitically.

This is a solemn and mournful figure, a subtle maniac through which the unrestrained winds of the Continent howled. Burrry, restless, agile, cunning, dumbfounded, predatory carnal, with half a brain and piercing eyes - he is fuller and more perfect than any athletes and talkers, livelier, loftier, more idealistic than any demagogues from "idealism" or "traditionalism". In Europe I met many genonists and evolaists. Some of them were unkempt schizophrenics, the other part were obedient and politically correct inhabitants (many work in banks, others teach the basics of marketing). This is a bunch of Misfits who are not capable of any bright reasoning, or an act, or a terrorist attack, or any more or less effective historical action. They only whine, squabble with each other over trifles and sniff at the outside world,

Any crazy terrorist from the Red Brigades or the RAF is a hundred times more attractive than a galaxy of European "traditionalists".

Lenin is a tragic and powerful Angel, one of the Angels of the Apocalypse, pouring out the formidable contents of the final phial onto the stupefied earth. Angel of the last winds... Angel of blood and pain...

I think that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a minor Eurasian avatar. He wanted to stop time and start the cycle of the Great Return. This was our Lenin. But he died. You killed him.
You and I.



"The mankind has always had two types of spirituality, two paths - "Right Hand Path" and "Left Hand Path". The first one is characterized by the positive attitude to the surrounding world; the world is seen as harmony, equilibrium, good, peace. All the evil is viewed as a particular case, a deviation from the norm, something inessential, transient, without deep transcendental reasons. Right Hand Path is also called "The Way of Milk". It doesn't hurt a person, it preserves him from radical experience, withdraws from immersion into suffering, from the nightmare of life. This is a false path. It leads into a dream. The one going by it will reach nowhere...

The second path, the "Left Hand Path", sees all in an inverted perspective. Not dairy tranquility, but black suffering; not silent calm, but torturous, fiery drama of splitted life. This is "A Path of Wine". It is destructive, terrible, anger and violence reigns there. For the one who is going by this path all reality is perceived as hell, as the ontological exile, as torture, as immersion into the heart of some inconceivable catastrophe originating from the heights of space. If in the first path everything seems as good, in the second - as evil. This path is monstrously difficult, but only this path is true. It is easy to stumble on it, and it is even easier to parish. It guarantees nothing. It tempts nobody. But only this path is the true one. Who follows it - will find glory and immortality. Who will withstand - will conquer, will receive the award, which is higher than life.

The one going by the "Left Hand Path" knows, that one day the imprisonment will be over. The prison of substance will collapse, having transformed into a celestial city. The chain of the initiated passionately prepares a desired moment, the moment of the End, triumph of total liberation."