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Israeli minister and UN chief agree to join forces to fight anti-Semitism on the Internet

October 24, 14:00

Communications Minister Joaz Hendel and UN Secretary General António Guterres met in New York on October 22 and agreed to join forces to fight hate speech, incitement and anti-Semitism on the Internet, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Hendel, who arrived in New York after a three-day visit to Washington, shared with Guterres the news of a commission he had decided to set up to check the status of social media in Israel and whether they could be identified as media organizations, thus giving the courts the opportunity to engage them. responsible for the content they publish. “We are fighting a war for the truth and to end incitement and hate speech,” Hendel said. "Israel will be a pioneer in this battle."

Hendel, Guterres and Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan discussed the impact of algorithms on adolescent emotions and the need for binding international regulation to hold social media companies accountable. Erdan noted that inflammatory content on Israeli social media accounts is directly linked to terrorist attacks in Israel. Hendel offered to share the knowledge Israel has accumulated in these areas, thanks in part to the commissions he is seeking to create in the Communications and Justice Ministries to explore ways to rein in social media companies and hold them accountable for the content that appears on their platforms.

Guterres, for his part, said advanced infrastructure to combat such algorithms that “encourage hate speech and polarization” is a priority for the UN.