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International Women’s Day 'founded not just by women, but by Jewish socialists’: Chabad

Women's Day on March 8 for noahids

It should be recognized that although March 8 is not a religious holiday, this day has no positive aspects.


Are Noahids allowed to celebrate Women's Day on March 8?


First, a little history. Initially, March 8 appeared as a day of women's solidarity in the struggle for women's rights and emancipation. In 1945, the UN Charter became the first international document to approve the principle of equality between men and women. It is interesting to recall that this trend was founded not just by women, but by Jewish socialists. There is no doubt that emancipation is a negative idea for both Jews and the peoples of the world.

And now let's try to understand at a deeper level about the attitude to holidays in general.

In America and Canada there is a holiday called "Thanksgiving Day". It is not based on a certain religion and is completely neutral. In one of his speeches, the Rebbe emphasized that every year on this day non-Jews express their sincere gratitude to the Almighty for showing His boundless kindness to the first settlers. Moreover, the Rebbe mentioned a lesson from this for the Jews on how to serve the Almighty.

These words can serve as an example for us to understand the attitude to other holidays adopted in different countries. Two conditions must be met: the absence of a religious component and the presence of a positive aspect.

It should be recognized that although March 8 is not a religious holiday, this day has no positive aspects.

But I would say that the answer to the question asked depends on the place of residence, since in different countries March 8 is celebrated in different ways. If women in your city do not go to work, but go to protest rallies, then the noahids are not on their way with them. And if on this day men present gifts and flowers to their women, then it can be adopted. In general, you should always please your wife, not just once a year...
