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How Russia helped Soviet-Jewish oligarch Chubais' wife flee to Israel

How the Ministry of Culture helped the wife of Chubais who fled Russia to make a film with state money

In the photo: Avdotya (Dunya) Smirnova and Anatoly Chubais
Home / Investigations
Source: Life

Jan. 7, 2022

Avdotya Smirnova has long had a reputation as a director filming the depressing life of Russians and outcasts. Now she is happy abroad with her husband Anatoly Chubais . What is she known for?

Failed at the box office

The wife of the ex-head of Rosnano, 53-year-old director Avdotya (Dunya) Smirnova, has not been in Russia for a long time, but is again in the center of attention of Russians. In the domestic box office, her new film "The Carpenter" is being shown, which tells how a happy provincial family is broken by the fatal diagnosis of their only son. Reviews about the "Carpenter" were divided. For some, this is an unconditional masterpiece, for others, it is rubbish about how supposedly hopeless life in our country is.

Frame "Carpenter". Director Avdotya Smirnova, screenwriters Marina Stepnova, Avdotya Smirnova / "Kinopoisk"Frame "Carpenter". Director Avdotya Smirnova, screenwriters Marina Stepnova, Avdotya Smirnova / "Kinopoisk"
- The whole comedy of "inhuman suffering" of the "thinking part" of Russian society about the fate of the people is that this "thinking part" did not see Russia outside the Garden Ring. According to Smirnova, the people must necessarily be wild, deceived and stupid, almost all of her heroes are monsters, which do not happen in life, the audience is indignant.

Professional critics have a similar reaction.

- After Plotnik, Smirnova's hasty desire to leave Russia becomes clearer. It is difficult to live surrounded by the people she shows in her film. Wild animals are many times kinder than relatives shown in the film. Is it any wonder that Avdotya was not at the premiere of his own creation, - one of them expressed his opinion in the media.

According to the official version, Dunya was absent from the premiere due to her husband's illness. According to the unofficial - because of immigration against the backdrop of the rejection of the NWO. It should be noted that when the budget ran out in the middle of the filming of Plotnik, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation helped with state subsidies .

How the Ministry of Culture helped the wife of Chubais who fled Russia to make a film with state money

It is known who sponsored Smirnova's penultimate film - "The Story of a Destination". Half of the budget was given by husband Anatoly Chubais , another part - oligarch Roman Abramovich . And this movie was accused of being anti-Russian.

- The authors deliberately distorted the story. What for? For the sake of a single goal - to unfold before the audience a detailed story about the horrors of Russian life, - the editors of the military history magazine WarHead were indignant .

Despite the fact that Avdotya Smirnova is favored by awards, her films consistently fail at the Russian box office. The budget for "The Story of a Single Destination" is 110 million rubles, the fees did not even recoup half, and this despite the fact that the tape went in many copies in all cinemas in the country. The film "Cococo" barely recaptured a third of the multi-million dollar budget. "Two days" also did not pay off. The budget of "The Carpenter" was not made public, at the moment this movie brought a little more than $ 22 thousand at the box office. Pennies, by the standards of the industry!

The Art Production film studio, co-owned by Avdotya Smirnova, was closed a couple of years ago. What this company did is unclear. According to the SPARK database, the profit was ridiculous money - 29-137 thousand rubles a year. Once, a modest tender of the Ministry of Culture worth 1.5 million rubles was completed for the rental of a ready-made cartoon "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik." Neither before nor after "Art Production" did not participate in film processes, judging by the specialized portal "Kinopoisk". Now Smirnova conducts all her business in Russia through IP.

Where do Chubais and Smirnova live

Whole Russia is wondering where Anatoly Chubais and Avdotya Smirnova are now. In May, they were both spotted at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport. According to an eyewitness, they arrived there on a night flight from Italy.

In early November, a photograph was published of a man very similar to the ex-head of Rosnano, who was waiting for something at the same Israeli airport. But his wife was not around.

Anatoly Chubais arrived in Israel with his wifeAnatoly Chubais arrived in Israel with his wife
A man who looks like Chubais at Ben Gurion AirportA man who looks like Chubais at Ben Gurion Airport

And in the summer, according to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the couple wandered around European clinics. At first, Chubais was treated in Sardinia, and then underwent rehabilitation in Frankfurt am Main. And his wife accompanied him everywhere.

Spouses Chubais and Smirnova can now settle in luxury real estate in Italy. Such - in the Apuan Alps near the Ligurian Sea - is owned by the former subordinates of the ex-head of Rosnano Oleg Kiselev and Irina Rapoport . According to some reports, the latter allegedly bought three villas on the Apennine Peninsula at once: two for themselves and one for Anatoly Borisovich dear to them. Be that as it may, it was from Italy that Chubais recently admitted that he was not going to return.

Love story of Chubais and carpet on the wall

How Avdotya Smirnova met Anatoly Chubais is unknown. According to rumors, they have known each other since the nineties.

But their marriage has become a byword. According to legend, in 2011, Chubais suddenly proposed to her, leaving his previous wife, and along with all the acquired property. Dunya did not immediately, but agreed to the marriage.

Wedding photo of Smirnova and ChubaisWedding photo of Smirnova and Chubais

They wrote about the wedding of Chubais and Smirnova that only a honeymoon in New Zealand came out expensive. But everything else was allegedly Spartan modest. Registration in the registry office without guests and veils. A gala dinner with elderly relatives of Anatoly Borisovich in a room with a Soviet carpet on the wall. Chubais himself posted the legendary photo on his blog

Modern men are hysterical, weak, irresponsible, selfish. It is difficult to feel like a woman with them. All this does not apply to Anatoly Borisovich at all. He has an angelic character , ” the happy wife rejoiced .
Avdotya Smirnova at a social event with ChubaisAvdotya Smirnova at a social event with Chubais
Why Chubais' wife wanted to drink money

Before her marriage to the head of Rosnano, Smirnova positioned herself as a simple woman, alien to luxury.

- Money is better to spend on drink than to spend on expensive jewelry. Glamour, I prefer a "box of vodka" in a cheerful company, she said.

But after the marriage with Chubais, everything changed. Dunya got a diamond engagement ring from Cartier. She sat in the stalls of fashion shows, made friends with the owner of the Rusmoda company and took the front pages of Tatler magazine.

For the newlyweds, they began to build an estate near the house-museum of Boris Pasternak in the village of Peredelkino. The scale was impressive: the land area is 1.56 hectares, the mansion that looks like a bunker is 2657 m2, the guest building is 586 m2, the garage is 375 m2, the security house is 737 m2. Under construction, the last piece of the field, where the writer walked, went.

Earlier it was reported that in March 2022 the land under the estate was transferred to Maxim Antsiferov, the full namesake of a major businessman from Chelyabinsk. According to unconfirmed reports, the Chubais mansion is up for sale, the price tag is almost a billion rubles. Finishing work is close to completion.

Mansion of Chubais and Smirnova in PeredelkinoMansion of Chubais and Smirnova in Peredelkino

The sharp tongue of the wife of Chubais

In the 2000s, Avdotya Smirnova was a co-founder of the information and analytical portal of the Civil Club "Globalrus". The publication had a lot of fans. Here is what one of them wrote .

- This resource fought for destruction with the Union of Right Forces party. It must be admitted that Globalrus' devastating criticism of Nemtsov, Khakamada and Chubais was largely fair.

She then married Chubais Dunya. With Khakamada, she played for the same SPS team in "What? Where? When?". With Nemtsov even more interesting. As Smirnova's son from his first marriage will later tell in an interview, his mother was close friends with Boris Nemtsov all his life. He is a family friend.

A still from the unaired program "School of Scandal". Leading Dunya Smirnova and Tatyana Tolstaya hunted down Leonid Parfenov.A still from the unaired program "School of Scandal". Leading Dunya Smirnova and Tatyana Tolstaya hunted down Leonid Parfenov.

Another curious fact from the biography of Dunya. Together with Tatyana Tolstaya, she was the host of the TV show "School of Scandal". In 2010, journalist Leonid Parfenov came to them for an interview. Two women first got nasty to him, and then moved on to outright harassment. Parfenov left the studio before the end of recording. This scandalous issue was not aired. None of the participants commented on what happened. But the record is still preserved and leaked to the Web.

Smirnova went to her father and grandfather

Avdotya Smirnova is a typical child of the Soviet nomenklatura. Her father, Andrei Smirnov, made the film Belorussky Station, which Brezhnev liked very much and was considered one of the swallows of the cultural neo-Stalinism of the 70s. In modern Russia, Andrei Smirnov is constantly accused of Russophobia. Many stones flew at him because of the image of the country in his film "Once upon a time there was a woman." He responded to critics sharply:

Unfortunately, most of the audience today are morons.

Grandfather Avdotya Smirnova led the Writers' Union of the USSR. He became famous for persecuting Boris Pasternak and complaining about the anti-Soviet actions of Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov.

Avdotya Smirnova in his youthAvdotya Smirnova in his youth

The press widely circulated the story of how 14-year-old Dunya fell in love with the founder of the art group "Amanita" artist Sven Gundlach. And the famous St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitov became the first husband of Smirnova and the father of her only child.
Dunya Smirnova was an active member of the punk band Dumb. Its leader Dmitry Golubev became famous for dressing his musical group in unthinkable costumes, and once went out in the attire of a king.

Where in Russia did Smirnova and her son live?

Avdotya Smirnova is registered in St. Petersburg, where she has a four-room apartment in a pre-revolutionary apartment building on Belinsky Street. The cost is up to 40 million rubles.

House on Belinsky streetHouse on Belinsky street

Avdotya Smirnova has no children from Anatoly Chubais , but has a child from a previous marriage. Her son, 32-year-old Danila Ippolitov, has gained fame as a goalkeeper in beach soccer. Now she works in the wings in the production team of Alexander Tsekalo, and also from time to time shines in episodes of films shot by her mother. In addition, there is information that he worked in the structures of his stepfather - in the management company "Rosnano".

Smirnova's son has been in Kazakhstan since the beginning of NovemberSmirnova's son has been in Kazakhstan since the beginning of November

Ippolitov is registered in St. Petersburg on Nevsky Prospekt in a historic mansion of the 18th century. He has a treshka there worth up to 25 million rubles. In Moscow, he occupies an apartment with two balconies in a premium residential complex on Studencheskaya Street. Avdotya Smirnova, his mother, also sometimes lived there. The location is advantageous: an ecologically clean area, in the neighborhood of the Moscow River, the Dorogomilovsky market and the skyscrapers of the City. The price of such real estate can reach 100 million rubles.

Premium Moscow residential complex, where both Avdotya Smirnova and her adult son livedPremium Moscow residential complex, where both Avdotya Smirnova and her adult son lived

A year ago, Danila Ippolitov bought himself a new BMW 530 business class sedan and already managed to get into an accident on it.

Approximately since the announcement of mobilization in Russia, Chubais's stepson has been abroad. Judging by the social networks of the young man, in October he was at a music festival in Israel, and in November he settled in Kazakhstan.