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Holocaust Remembrance Week begins in Russia


Holocaust victims commemorated in RussiaMemorial to the victims of the Holocaust at the site of the mass execution of citizens of the USSR on the territory of the Glass Factory. Andzhievsky in Mineralnye Vody. In 1942, from September 6 to 9, Nazi soldiers shot more than 7,500,000 Soviet Jews in an anti-tank ditch. Photo: Denis Abramov / RIA Novosti

A week of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust has begun in Russia.

“This year, regional events will begin on January 16, and the official opening of the “Week of Memory” will take place on January 22 in Moscow, at the Central House of Actors, with a performance of Cabaret Terezin. The production, widely known abroad, is based on musical and text works created in 1942-1944 by prisoners of the Nazi concentration camp Theresienstadt, among whom were famous Jewish artists and pop stars,” the Russian Jewish Congress (REK) said.

The central event of the "Week of Memory" will be the memorial evening "Keeper of Memory", which will be held on January 26 at the Musical Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. For the fifth time, the Russian Jewish Congress will present the "Keeper of Memory" prize, which is awarded annually to outstanding people who have made a special contribution to the preservation of the memory of the Holocaust.

The House of the Peoples of Russia will host a screening and discussion of the animated documentary “263 Nights”, which tells the story of 26 Jews from the Minsk ghetto, who, before the arrival of the Red Army, hid in the basement for 263 days and nights, where there was not enough food and water for everyone.

The Moscow City Duma will open a historical and documentary exhibition "The Holocaust: Destruction, Resistance, Salvation", prepared by the Holocaust Center with the participation of the RJC.

Also this year, among the events of the “Week of Remembrance” will be the literary and musical project “In Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust”, the presentation of the exhibition “Women in the Holocaust”, prepared by the RJC together with the Israeli Embassy in the Russian Federation, the online laboratory of the memorial project “Restore Dignity” and methodological webinars of the Center "Holocaust" for Moscow and regional teachers on the history of the Holocaust.

From January 24 to 28, for the first time, with the support of the UAE Embassy in the Russian Federation, a scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists will be held at the Russian State Humanitarian University and the RJC Memorial Synagogue on Poklonnaya Hill “The Holocaust: Memory and Prevention”.

In addition, during the "Week of Memory" in social networks, the international action "We remember" / "We remember" will again be held, uniting those who oppose any form of xenophobia, the action in Russia is carried out by the Russian Jewish Congress together with the World Jewish Congress, reports RIA News".

“Most regions of Russia are preparing to hold memorial, cultural and educational events dedicated to the Holocaust. In schools in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, as before, lessons on the history of the Holocaust will be held, ”the congress added.

The Week of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust will last until the end of January.

Holocaust Remembrance Week is a series of memorial and educational events dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27).

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed annually on January 27th. A resolution to this effect was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 1, 2005. The adoption of the document was initiated by Israel, Canada, Australia, Russia, the USA and more than 90 states.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin  pointed out the inadmissibility of  justifying the crimes of the Nazis. In addition, the head of state  supported the proposal to return  Holocaust Remembrance Day to the calendar of educational events.
