The highest representative of the European high-degree Freemasons demands an irreversible multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious Europe.
(Rome) What does Freemasonry have to do with mass immigration? As has just become known, this question was answered at a conference in November 2017, albeit behind half-closed doors. The convention was hosted by the Grand Orient of Italy, the largest Masonic obedience in the Apennine Peninsula.
About immigration and a culture of welcome
On November 24, 2017, a "round table" took place in Lecce in Apulia on the topic " From immigration to a culture of welcome through the Ius soli ". Last year, the then Italian left-wing government, led by the left-wing democrats , planned(PD) to amend the citizenship law. It should no longer be the descent that counts, but the place of birth. In this way, all children born on Italian soil should automatically receive Italian citizenship. The aim of the change was the mass naturalization of legal and illegal immigrants, which is rejected by the local population. When a child becomes a citizen, the parents should no longer be able to be expelled or deported either. Critics spoke of an invitation to illegal immigrants to father children, while the local population is made difficult or dissuaded from procreation.
While Pope Francis strongly supported the proposal, there was strong popular displeasure. That was one of the reasons why the Left Democrats suffered a crushing defeat in the parliamentary elections in March 2018 and were replaced by a completely new political constellation of anti-immigration parties.
The "round table" was organized by the local inspectorates of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Greater East. These are the high degrees of Freemasonry. At the same time, the event illustrated the networking of the lodge brothers with politics. The left-wing governments of the province and the city of Lecce had taken over the patronage. The organizing lodge was the chapter, i.e. the 18th degree, of the “Giosué Carducci” lodge of Lecce. Among those sitting at the round table were the local left-wing democrat MP and lawyer Federico Massa (PD) and Alessandro Cecchi Paone, one of Italy's best-known journalists, a self-confessed homosexual and Freemason with membership in the Grand Orient .
Leo Taroni, Europe's highest representative of the higher grades
Also there was Leo Taroni, an enterprising entrepreneur as well as a close-knit, internationally networked Freemason. In the summer of 2017, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite became an honorary member of the Supreme Council of Swiss High Masons. Taroni maintains similar connections in numerous countries on all continents.
Leo Taroni, Sovereign Grand Commander, President of the European Federation of High Degree Masons
A brief lodge biography of Taroni shows his rise:
In 1980, Taroni was initiated into Lodge No. 108 of the Orient in Ravenna, where he rose to become a master. In 1990 he was inducted into the 4th Degree of the Scottish Rite and began his way up to the Higher Degrees. In 1995 he began his Masonic career on an international level, becoming the guarantor of the bond of friendship between the Grand Orient of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Romania . In 2005 he reached the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Since 2007 he has been a member of the Supreme Council of Italian High Masons. In 2009 he became its Grand Chancellor. In 2011 he became High Representative to the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Honduras, 2012 of Poland, 2016 of Paraguay, Turkey, Israel, Spain, France, Greece, Russia, Venezuela, Slovakia and most recently 2017 also of Switzerland.
In 2015 he was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite in the Grand East of Italy and President of the European Confederation of Supreme Councilors of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite . At least according to the office, he is the highest representative of the European high degree Freemasons.
"Accepting immigration is an intellectual decision."
In his presentation, the head of the Scottish Rite in the Grand Orient first offered a brief history of immigration from antiquity to the present day. Immigration, according to the High Degree Freemason, is “a physiological phenomenon related to the evolution of the natural environment around us.” In short: mass migration is “necessary” and inextricably linked to “development”, for which Taroni also used the term “evolution” as a synonym. The specific reasons for them are manifold: "food procurement, climate change, wars".
In relation to the present time, the admission of those willing to migrate from Africa and the Middle East is also a “necessity” because Europe has “an open score to settle with Africa and the Middle East”, i.e. a debt to these continents. Apart from that, Taroni said, turning them back was "impossible" as it would mean "consigning the migrants to death". He failed to provide any evidence for this assertion.
Instead, the High Degree Mason quoted Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, who had said:
"Rejection of immigrants is an act of war".
Like Pope Francis, Taroni spoke emphatically in support of the Radical Party's bill to abolish illegal immigration, thereby depriving the state of ultimate legal remedies and protection against unrestrained mass immigration. And what Taroni demands for Italy also applies to all other European countries.
And who would have thought not long ago that a head of the Catholic Church would be quoted so often by Masonic circles, which historically traditionally are hostile to the Church.
The UN and the EU should promote immigration
In support of immigration, Taroni called for "effective intervention by the United Nations and by all of Europe". Like the Left Democrats, Pope Francis - and in his wake also the Italian Bishops' Conference - the high degree Freemason also spoke out in favor of the introduction of the Ius soli . It aims to make immigration irreversible.
In his statements, Taroni openly revealed his logistic attitude and thus the ideological basis:
"It takes strong ideas and targeted economic investments, but above all it is important to understand that admission is not only necessary for people fleeing, but can also be useful for us, like the symbolism of the 9th degree of the elderly and Accepted Scottish Rite, in which ' the stranger represents the totality of the knowledge and advancement already achieved before us which we must bring to bear in order to advance beyond it: it symbolizes the chance to also gain from the experience offered pulling that is not part of our tradition '".
Taroni thus meant that the immigrant was to be welcomed because "the stranger" is the bearer of gnosis and knowledge. This is what the 9th degree of the Scottish High Degree system teaches. This statement by Taroni can only be understood before the Masonic self-understanding, which says that the Gnostic (to which the Freemason belongs) sees himself as a stranger to the world created by the biblical Creator God.
"Organizing the future that is already known"
The 33rd degree Mason explained immigration as a benefit because it counteracts the demographic decline that is taking place in Europe while there is population growth in Africa.
Taroni did not name any alternatives. There is no alternative to accepting mass immigration. A claim that raises more than one question. Why isn't there a pro-birth policy in favor of European (Christian) families? But Taroni didn't say a word about that. Taroni indicated, barely veiled, that the lodges want an irreversible, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious Europe. Why? To weaken Christianity? To weaken the Catholic Church? To weaken the European peoples?
Taroni recommended opening up to the "stranger" in the following words:
“Precisely for this reason, We, free men par excellence, who seek the light and open the doors , must open ourselves to the 'stranger' who, as already said, can be 'for us' an opportunity and a moment of growth. […] We must face reality and abandon our prejudices by organizing in time for a future that we already know well by now.”
According to Taroni, the future is already certain. It's just a matter of accepting them and having the opportunity to "organize" them, or to miss that opportunity.
Grandmaster of the Grand Orient commented immediately
The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Stefano Bisi, has also expressed himself in recent years, well before the "wave of refugees" of 2015, on exactly the same wavelength as Grand Commander Leo Taroni 33rd degree.
Esotericism (Rosicrucians)
Bisi also belongs to the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite. As such, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient is subordinate to Taroni. He himself announced the detail at the midsummer celebration on June 19, 2016 , when he greeted the Grand Master with the words: "The most honorable and dearest brother Bisi, Scottish brother, initiates in the 33rd degree."
On April 16, 2018, Leo Taroni spoke in Taranto at a meeting of the "Sisters" of the Ordine della Stella d'Oriente (Order of the Morning Star), linked to the Greater Orient , on the subject of " Esotericism and Tradition" .
The high-degree Freemason listed some groups and personalities who were looking for a connection with the original, esoteric "tradition". He named: followers of the ancient Greek mystery cults, Orpheus cult, Dyonis cult, Cybele and Mithra cult, alchemy, Kabbalah, Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Paracelsus, Rosicrucians, Martinists.
Taroni is convinced that the outer esoteric path must inevitably, in a way alchemically, transform itself into a genuinely personal, inner dimension. "The esoteric method proper to initiatory orders, when seriously applied as a path of knowledge, allows one to reach oneself, understood as the knowledge and acceptance of the divine that is present in every human being."
"What is below is like what is above"
The lodge initiation, according to Taroni 33rd degree, "is an elitist moment". In Freemasonry there is no place for "do-gooders". For thus the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite:
"The initiates, qualified as such, can in fact trace back to its origins the moment of cognition which permits the harmonious perception of man with the whole and also that the axiom ' That which is below is like that which is above ' the Tavola Smaragdina of Hermes Trismegistus simply lets be " That which is above " .
Taroni thus indicates that the Scottish Rite enables its initiates to attain superhuman levels of knowledge that reach to self-identification with the One. However, it is rather to be assumed or to be feared that it is not a matter of an ascent "up" but rather a descent "down" to Lucifer, who was cast out of heaven for all time and irrevocably.
The highest representative of the European high-degree Freemasons demands an irreversible multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious Europe.
(Rome) What does Freemasonry have to do with mass immigration? As has just become known, this question was answered at a conference in November 2017, albeit behind half-closed doors. The convention was hosted by the Grand Orient of Italy, the largest Masonic obedience in the Apennine Peninsula.
About immigration and a culture of welcome
On November 24, 2017, a "round table" took place in Lecce in Apulia on the topic " From immigration to a culture of welcome through the Ius soli ". Last year, the then Italian left-wing government, led by the left-wing democrats , planned(PD) to amend the citizenship law. It should no longer be the descent that counts, but the place of birth. In this way, all children born on Italian soil should automatically receive Italian citizenship. The aim of the change was the mass naturalization of legal and illegal immigrants, which is rejected by the local population. When a child becomes a citizen, the parents should no longer be able to be expelled or deported either. Critics spoke of an invitation to illegal immigrants to father children, while the local population is made difficult or dissuaded from procreation.
While Pope Francis strongly supported the proposal, there was strong popular displeasure. That was one of the reasons why the Left Democrats suffered a crushing defeat in the parliamentary elections in March 2018 and were replaced by a completely new political constellation of anti-immigration parties.
The "round table" was organized by the local inspectorates of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Greater East. These are the high degrees of Freemasonry. At the same time, the event illustrated the networking of the lodge brothers with politics. The left-wing governments of the province and the city of Lecce had taken over the patronage. The organizing lodge was the chapter, i.e. the 18th degree, of the “Giosué Carducci” lodge of Lecce. Among those sitting at the round table were the local left-wing democrat MP and lawyer Federico Massa (PD) and Alessandro Cecchi Paone, one of Italy's best-known journalists, a self-confessed homosexual and Freemason with membership in the Grand Orient .
Leo Taroni, Europe's highest representative of the higher grades
Also there was Leo Taroni, an enterprising entrepreneur as well as a close-knit, internationally networked Freemason. In the summer of 2017, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite became an honorary member of the Supreme Council of Swiss High Masons. Taroni maintains similar connections in numerous countries on all continents.
Leo Taroni, Sovereign Grand Commander, President of the European Federation of High Degree Masons
A brief lodge biography of Taroni shows his rise:
In 1980, Taroni was initiated into Lodge No. 108 of the Orient in Ravenna, where he rose to become a master. In 1990 he was inducted into the 4th Degree of the Scottish Rite and began his way up to the Higher Degrees. In 1995 he began his Masonic career on an international level, becoming the guarantor of the bond of friendship between the Grand Orient of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Romania . In 2005 he reached the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Since 2007 he has been a member of the Supreme Council of Italian High Masons. In 2009 he became its Grand Chancellor. In 2011 he became High Representative to the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Honduras, 2012 of Poland, 2016 of Paraguay, Turkey, Israel, Spain, France, Greece, Russia, Venezuela, Slovakia and most recently 2017 also of Switzerland.
In 2015 he was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite in the Grand East of Italy and President of the European Confederation of Supreme Councilors of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite . At least according to the office, he is the highest representative of the European high degree Freemasons.
"Accepting immigration is an intellectual decision."
In his presentation, the head of the Scottish Rite in the Grand Orient first offered a brief history of immigration from antiquity to the present day. Immigration, according to the High Degree Freemason, is “a physiological phenomenon related to the evolution of the natural environment around us.” In short: mass migration is “necessary” and inextricably linked to “development”, for which Taroni also used the term “evolution” as a synonym. The specific reasons for them are manifold: "food procurement, climate change, wars".
In relation to the present time, the admission of those willing to migrate from Africa and the Middle East is also a “necessity” because Europe has “an open score to settle with Africa and the Middle East”, i.e. a debt to these continents. Apart from that, Taroni said, turning them back was "impossible" as it would mean "consigning the migrants to death". He failed to provide any evidence for this assertion.
Instead, the High Degree Mason quoted Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, who had said:
"Rejection of immigrants is an act of war".
Like Pope Francis, Taroni spoke emphatically in support of the Radical Party's bill to abolish illegal immigration, thereby depriving the state of ultimate legal remedies and protection against unrestrained mass immigration. And what Taroni demands for Italy also applies to all other European countries.
And who would have thought not long ago that a head of the Catholic Church would be quoted so often by Masonic circles, which historically traditionally are hostile to the Church.
The UN and the EU should promote immigration
In support of immigration, Taroni called for "effective intervention by the United Nations and by all of Europe". Like the Left Democrats, Pope Francis - and in his wake also the Italian Bishops' Conference - the high degree Freemason also spoke out in favor of the introduction of the Ius soli . It aims to make immigration irreversible.
In his statements, Taroni openly revealed his logistic attitude and thus the ideological basis:
"It takes strong ideas and targeted economic investments, but above all it is important to understand that admission is not only necessary for people fleeing, but can also be useful for us, like the symbolism of the 9th degree of the elderly and Accepted Scottish Rite, in which ' the stranger represents the totality of the knowledge and advancement already achieved before us which we must bring to bear in order to advance beyond it: it symbolizes the chance to also gain from the experience offered pulling that is not part of our tradition '".
Taroni thus meant that the immigrant was to be welcomed because "the stranger" is the bearer of gnosis and knowledge. This is what the 9th degree of the Scottish High Degree system teaches. This statement by Taroni can only be understood before the Masonic self-understanding, which says that the Gnostic (to which the Freemason belongs) sees himself as a stranger to the world created by the biblical Creator God.
"Organizing the future that is already known"
The 33rd degree Mason explained immigration as a benefit because it counteracts the demographic decline that is taking place in Europe while there is population growth in Africa.
Taroni did not name any alternatives. There is no alternative to accepting mass immigration. A claim that raises more than one question. Why isn't there a pro-birth policy in favor of European (Christian) families? But Taroni didn't say a word about that. Taroni indicated, barely veiled, that the lodges want an irreversible, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious Europe. Why? To weaken Christianity? To weaken the Catholic Church? To weaken the European peoples?
Taroni recommended opening up to the "stranger" in the following words:
“Precisely for this reason, We, free men par excellence, who seek the light and open the doors , must open ourselves to the 'stranger' who, as already said, can be 'for us' an opportunity and a moment of growth. […] We must face reality and abandon our prejudices by organizing in time for a future that we already know well by now.”
According to Taroni, the future is already certain. It's just a matter of accepting them and having the opportunity to "organize" them, or to miss that opportunity.
Grandmaster of the Grand Orient commented immediately
The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Stefano Bisi, has also expressed himself in recent years, well before the "wave of refugees" of 2015, on exactly the same wavelength as Grand Commander Leo Taroni 33rd degree.
Esotericism (Rosicrucians)
Bisi also belongs to the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite. As such, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient is subordinate to Taroni. He himself announced the detail at the midsummer celebration on June 19, 2016 , when he greeted the Grand Master with the words: "The most honorable and dearest brother Bisi, Scottish brother, initiates in the 33rd degree."
On April 16, 2018, Leo Taroni spoke in Taranto at a meeting of the "Sisters" of the Ordine della Stella d'Oriente (Order of the Morning Star), linked to the Greater Orient , on the subject of " Esotericism and Tradition" .
The high-degree Freemason listed some groups and personalities who were looking for a connection with the original, esoteric "tradition". He named: followers of the ancient Greek mystery cults, Orpheus cult, Dyonis cult, Cybele and Mithra cult, alchemy, Kabbalah, Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Paracelsus, Rosicrucians, Martinists.
Taroni is convinced that the outer esoteric path must inevitably, in a way alchemically, transform itself into a genuinely personal, inner dimension. "The esoteric method proper to initiatory orders, when seriously applied as a path of knowledge, allows one to reach oneself, understood as the knowledge and acceptance of the divine that is present in every human being."
"What is below is like what is above"
The lodge initiation, according to Taroni 33rd degree, "is an elitist moment". In Freemasonry there is no place for "do-gooders". For thus the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite:
"The initiates, qualified as such, can in fact trace back to its origins the moment of cognition which permits the harmonious perception of man with the whole and also that the axiom ' That which is below is like that which is above ' the Tavola Smaragdina of Hermes Trismegistus simply lets be " That which is above " .
Taroni thus indicates that the Scottish Rite enables its initiates to attain superhuman levels of knowledge that reach to self-identification with the One. However, it is rather to be assumed or to be feared that it is not a matter of an ascent "up" but rather a descent "down" to Lucifer, who was cast out of heaven for all time and irrevocably.