Eastern schismatics, Freemasonry & the Bolshevik Revolution
Quote from joshf731 on December 24, 2021, 12:03
It's very possible the Jews have used Eastern Orthodox's view on divine energies [which is very similar to Kabbalism, & masonry is built on Kabbalism] to shape eastern masonry's views to make it more appealing to the schismatic Orthodox to hook them into their lodges. I think this is very plausible considering the Eastern Schismatics have been tools for the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and following the Revolution.
"In our opinion, the interest in KABBALAH and other secret sciences in RUSSIAN MASONRY was characteristic not for certain Rites, Orders, and Degrees, but for the individual spiritual and intellectual quest of some Russian mystics. For example, among the main enthusiasts of Kabbalah was [Jew] Ivan Elagin, the chief of the first masonic English union in Russia, but his lodges did not deal with Kabbalah and other occult teachings at all [See my footnote*]. It is also important to emphasize the STRONG INFLUENCE EXERTED TO THE MYSTICAL STRIVINGS OF THE RUSSIAN MASONS BY RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY. Most of the Russian Rosicrucians and “theoretic” masons were true Orthodox 'Christians' well-read in patristic literature. The Byzantine and RUSSIAN ORTHODOX SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS (St. (Pseudo)-Dionysius Areopagita, St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Simeon the New Theologian, St. Gregory Palamas) which were extremely important for them, define to a great extent the originality of their masonic views."
pg 35
[*] “Moreover, there are a number of objective difficulties in studying masonic teachings. Most masonic texts have not yet been published. Significant parts of masonic documents were destroyed by the masons themselves or were lost as a result of government persecution. In addition, THE MASONS THEMSELVES OFTEN MASKED THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN KABBALAH AND ALCHEMY. Thus the available materials are scarce and often encrypted.” (first page)
A lot of the 'Orthodox' clergy were already immoral to begin with, which gives credence to Jews being able to recruit 'Orthodox' into the lodges.
Article: Complicity of the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church with the Bolshevik Revolution
“The Russian society prior to 1917 was extremely decadent, largely due to the immoral life of the “orthodox” clergy, who had no concern about teaching or following Christian virtues.”
It's very possible the Jews have used Eastern Orthodox's view on divine energies [which is very similar to Kabbalism, & masonry is built on Kabbalism] to shape eastern masonry's views to make it more appealing to the schismatic Orthodox to hook them into their lodges. I think this is very plausible considering the Eastern Schismatics have been tools for the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and following the Revolution.
"In our opinion, the interest in KABBALAH and other secret sciences in RUSSIAN MASONRY was characteristic not for certain Rites, Orders, and Degrees, but for the individual spiritual and intellectual quest of some Russian mystics. For example, among the main enthusiasts of Kabbalah was [Jew] Ivan Elagin, the chief of the first masonic English union in Russia, but his lodges did not deal with Kabbalah and other occult teachings at all [See my footnote*]. It is also important to emphasize the STRONG INFLUENCE EXERTED TO THE MYSTICAL STRIVINGS OF THE RUSSIAN MASONS BY RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY. Most of the Russian Rosicrucians and “theoretic” masons were true Orthodox 'Christians' well-read in patristic literature. The Byzantine and RUSSIAN ORTHODOX SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS (St. (Pseudo)-Dionysius Areopagita, St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Simeon the New Theologian, St. Gregory Palamas) which were extremely important for them, define to a great extent the originality of their masonic views."
pg 35
[*] “Moreover, there are a number of objective difficulties in studying masonic teachings. Most masonic texts have not yet been published. Significant parts of masonic documents were destroyed by the masons themselves or were lost as a result of government persecution. In addition, THE MASONS THEMSELVES OFTEN MASKED THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN KABBALAH AND ALCHEMY. Thus the available materials are scarce and often encrypted.” (first page)
A lot of the 'Orthodox' clergy were already immoral to begin with, which gives credence to Jews being able to recruit 'Orthodox' into the lodges.
Article: Complicity of the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church with the Bolshevik Revolution
“The Russian society prior to 1917 was extremely decadent, largely due to the immoral life of the “orthodox” clergy, who had no concern about teaching or following Christian virtues.”