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Dugin tied to German Christian Democratic Union’s Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Campus Polska

August 24, 2022

After the bombing of Daria Dugina, her father, Aleksandr Dugin, has once again become a topic of conversation. He is the Kremlin's main ideologist, according to whom all Ukrainians should be killed and Poland is a "fictitious state". But what connects Dugin and Rafał Trzaskowski's Campus Polska Campus Polska Przyszłości? German journalists have found some interesting information.

Trzaskowski himself, as it turns out from the findings of "Gazeta Polska", met with politicians of the German Christian Democrats, a representative of the Junge Union (CDU/CSU youth group), the German ambassador to Poland and representatives of the Adenauer Foundation.

Interestingly, "at that time, the head of the Foundation's Board of Trustees was Wolfgang Schüssel, since 2019 a member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Lukoil" - we read.

- Our natural partner is Germany, because we have many common issues, such as Nord Stream 2 - Paweł Poncyljusz, MP of the Civic Coalition, explained in an interview with the portal.

As it turns out, the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which belongs to the CDU party (99 percent financed by the German government), has once again been among the sponsors of the Campus Polska Przyszłości, organized by the Civic Platform.

As German journalists have just revealed, "the same foundation was behind the conference at which one of the speakers was the Russian Aleksandr Dugin" - we read on the TVP Info portal.

According to Aleksandr Dugin, "there is no place for Poland on the Eurasian continent, and Ukrainians are Nazis, which is why they should be eliminated". Due to the fact that he supported Russian crimes in Crimea in 2014, he was banned from entering European Union countries.

One of the German journalists from the ARD news daily "Tagesschau" reminded us on Twitter about the money from the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation spent on the conference organized by the Chemnitz University of Technology (Saxony) and the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. She writes that "in 2012, Dugin was one of the main panelists at a scientific conference in the capital of Russia".

The slogan of this event is also significant: "Discussion about common values".

Returning to the event Campus Polska Przyszłości Rafał Trzaskowski organized in Poland, it is worth emphasizing that the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, belonging to the CDU party, will once again be a sponsor of this event. Interestingly, when asked by the TVP Info portal about the amount of sponsorship, no one wanted to reveal the amount invested in PO politicians.

mp/portal tvp info, gazeta polska
