Curse of Kabbalist rabbis allegedly kills Egyptian president
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on June 7, 2022, 21:2703/11/2009
Another anti-Israeli scandal flared up in Egypt, connected with the recognition of the famous Kabbalist Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, who said that in 1970, a few days before the death of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, three famous Israeli Kabbalists performed a magical ritual of cursing Nasser.
The Egyptian leader died suddenly from complications of heart disease at the age of 52. Rabbi Shmueli said that the Kabbalists decided to destroy the enemy of the Jewish people. Among those who participated in the curse was Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died in 2006. Rav Yitzhak Kaduri, one of Israel's most famous rabbis and the leading Sephardic Kabbalist of his day, was also considered a miracle worker.
Relatives and friends of Rav Kaduri say that he was one of the few famous Kabbalists who used "practical Kabbalah". They say that from the great Kabbalists of the past generation he learned the art of writing amulets - "cameos".
Another anti-Israeli scandal flared up in Egypt, connected with the recognition of the famous Kabbalist Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli, who said that in 1970, a few days before the death of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, three famous Israeli Kabbalists performed a magical ritual of cursing Nasser.
The Egyptian leader died suddenly from complications of heart disease at the age of 52. Rabbi Shmueli said that the Kabbalists decided to destroy the enemy of the Jewish people. Among those who participated in the curse was Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died in 2006. Rav Yitzhak Kaduri, one of Israel's most famous rabbis and the leading Sephardic Kabbalist of his day, was also considered a miracle worker.
Relatives and friends of Rav Kaduri say that he was one of the few famous Kabbalists who used "practical Kabbalah". They say that from the great Kabbalists of the past generation he learned the art of writing amulets - "cameos".