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'Complete liberation from the West is the only path to salvation" - Nazbol Dugin

We need to conduct a mental experiment and imagine what else - besides delivering a nuclear strike - that the West at war with us could do bad to us? What sanctions should be imposed? Who should I send out? How to humiliate? Where to expel from? What to deprive? (We are not considering a nuclear strike; they will not deliver it, and if they do, then it will be all the same, since we will deliver it too).

So: he will do all this. And nothing will stop him.

And here there is no need to create illusions - in fact, the West does not depend on us in almost anything significant. And if it does, then it intensively searches for a replacement. And most often he finds it. Trying to squeeze it with some natural resources or something else is unlikely to have an effect. It’s good that we stopped reassuring ourselves about the “harsh European winter, which Europe will not survive, supposedly, without us.” She survived the last one and will survive this one. And Ukraine will not fall apart on its own and will not surrender. Until we destroy it and force it to capitulate. Will, strength and self-reliance. Only on ourselves.

We ourselves need to learn to live without the West. At all.

Just throw away everything that connects us with him. Radically cut off all contacts, break off all forms of dependence, stop all transactions, stop all interaction in the technical, economic and humanitarian spheres.

No grain and no fertilizers. No publications in Western scientific journals, withdrawal from Scopus, revision of the RSCI criteria. Without waiting for Russian scientists to be given an ultimatum: either betray your Motherland, or you are no longer scientists. But even now this is practically the case.

That's exactly how it is in sports. In politics - more than that. In economics and finance, everything is moving in the same direction.

The West cuts us off from itself, and puts forward conditions so as not to cut us off further - betray the country, people, society, Russia, betray Putin. And then we will see whether you are still an oligarch or no longer an oligarch, a scientist or not a scientist, a politician or no longer a politician.

The West will hit us with everything it can hit us with. With something already, and with something that is not yet, it will hit gradually.

It's easy to imagine. And having imagined it, prepare yourself.

We are doomed from now on to live without the West.

This is completely unexpected. But it's completely logical.

Everything Western is now deeply toxic (to be honest, it always has been). After all, this is a dependence on the fact that we do not control, but the enemy controls. Any hint of liberalism, recognition of Western universalism, agreement with the normativity of anything that comes from the West, any acceptance of Western rules, criteria, practices, anywhere and in anything - this is already a step towards betrayal, if not itself.

This is what it means to be a Civilization State.

Do not depend in anything and in the least on another civilization, and above all on the one that is waging a merciless war with us.

Once we completely break all ties with this global model (of degeneration and dehumanization) called the modern “collective West”, we can focus on establishing our own civilizational foundations.

To be honest, we haven’t looked in this direction at all yet. Everyone tried to integrate into the West while maintaining sovereignty. This is impossible, unrealistic and pointless. And right away it was exactly like that. He doesn’t need any “Russia corporation,” even one loyal to the West. Good Russia for them is absent Russia. Not even Yeltsin’s, it simply doesn’t exist.

It costs you more to prolong this process. It’s time to cut this thread, because these are civilizational fetters, and not the desire to join the “main path of development.” The West is a dead end. But that's their business. For us it is simply the enemy, death and the end.

Russia will only live in a world where the West does not decide and does not mean anything. At least for us. In any other cases, this would be the torture of the Etruscan bride, when the criminal was tied alive to a decaying corpse. There is nothing worse than such torture. A person dies slowly, necrosis enters his body cell by cell.

Likewise, the modern West is a decaying, rotting corpse tied to humanity.

It’s not enough for him to perish; he wants to drag everyone else with him into the abyss.

Look at Ukraine, what they did to it... A poisoned, perverted, psychologically broken people. Destroyed state. Massively crushed on the fronts of a senseless and obviously lost war or a distraught society fleeing the country. The dead bride of Western control was tightly screwed to a country that was still (barely) breathing. But death is winning in Ukraine. He looks from the eyes of its mad rulers - those who have already crossed over to the other side, already dead, but still outwardly alive.

Complete liberation from the West is the only path to salvation. Everything bad in modern Russia comes from him. It was his miasma that ate away at our politics, economics, culture, science, psychology, everyday life, and youth. This is a carcinogenic process. And the faster and more harshly we cut off the affected cells, the greater the chances for the salvation and revival of our Motherland, great Russia.
