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Chabad anthem adapted from Soviet war song, yeshiva used hammer and sicle as emblem

In our museum blog, the topic of folk heroism sung in songs in battles for the Motherland has been raised more than once. So, for example, the song “We will boldly go into battle” was created on the basis of an army song from the First World War “We heard, grandfathers, the war has begun,” the melody of the verses of which goes back to the popular romance of 1902 “The fragrant clusters of white acacia,” and for The chorus uses the melody of a hussar mazurka. The chorus “We will boldly go into battle,” by the way, was included in other songs of that time, in particular, it was used in the song of the February Revolution 1917 “The dawn has just broken over Russia,” which initially did not have a chorus. Volunteers of the army of General A.I. Denikin, reworking and adding to the verses of the song “Boldly we will go into battle,” made it the anthem of the Volunteer Army (see video). Maybe for this reason there were attempts to ban this song in the USSR. So, in 1930-31. The Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians (RAPM) called for a ban on the Red Army song “Boldly we will go into battle” as “a remake of old bourgeois song trash”: http :// expertmus . livejournal . com /55574. html

Perhaps the most famous song “Holy War,” first performed on June 26, 1941, in the first days of the Great Patriotic War, was written to the text of a poem that appeared during the First World War in 1916: Its author Alexander Bode expressed with amazing force the enormous inspiration and spiritual uplift that gripped not only the army, but also the entire people after the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II assumed the Supreme Command at the most critical the time when Warsaw fell under the onslaught of the Germans in August 1915 and the position of the Russian army became threatening. In the firm belief that his presence would certainly raise the morale of the entire army, the Emperor then said to Rodzianko: “Let me die, but I will save Russia”:

Let us remember that even before the First World War, a postcard was distributed in Western Russia - a Hasidic rabbiwith a sacrificial rooster (“kapores” (kaparot)). The rooster had the head of the Anointed One of God Nicholas II in the crown of the Russian Empire, and the inscription accompanying the blasphemous drawing read: “ Let this be my ransom, let this be my sacrifice ...”, i.e. ritual words spoken before the slaughter ( see fig..). The subversive activities of the World Jewish Union against Russia became precisely known during the revolution of 1905-1907, as evidenced, for example, by a secret note to Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II from Russian Foreign Minister V.N. Lamsdorf. In it, Lamzdorf proposed to urgently hold a secret meeting with representatives of the governments of Germany and the Vatican to develop common measures in the face of the impending threats of the Jewish kahal. After reading the note, Tsar Nicholas II wrote a resolution on it: “ Negotiations should begin immediately. I fully share the thoughts expressed. Tsarskoye Selo. January 3, 1906. " Alas, soon the Chief of the General Staff Mikhail Alekseev, originally from the Cantonists , telegraphed Emperor Nicholas II On March 2, 1917 in Pskov about the results of his survey of front and fleet commanders who allegedly insisted on the abdication of the Sovereign... The order of the “secret forces” of the Kahal was carried out a year later in the basement of the Ipatiev House, where, according to eyewitnesses, among the murderers of the Royal Martyrs turned out to be a Hasidic rabbi - “ a Jew with a jet-black beard ”, “ in a black hat, in a black cape ” (Multatuli P.V. Witnessing Christ to death... Ekaterinburg atrocity: a new investigation. St. Petersburg, 2007. P. 749- 752).

What time, such hymns

“Through the storms the sun of Hashem shone for us,
and the great Rebbe illuminated our path.
He raised the Jews to a just cause,
He inspired us to Toyra and Mitzvos!”:-)

The ritual murder of the last Russian Tsar and His Family was documented by the Kabbalistic inscription “Here, by order of secret forces, the Tsar was sacrificed for the destruction of the state. All nations are informed about this”: The Soviet state arose on the ruins of Tsarist Russia, but it also began to gradually be undermined from within. Even its symbols became objects of re-purposing foreign assimilation, and, for example, the emblem of the Lubavitcher yeshiva became “a hammer on the left, a sickle on the right,” only slightly modified. As a matter of fact, the goals of such a re-facing are not hidden, judging by a recent tweetHasidic rabbi Ginsburg, who proclaimed the “law of similars”: “to defeat the serpent, you need to be a serpent yourself.” Particularly indicative in this regard is the Hasidic hymn “We are the army of Admur,” which is a popular Soviet song remade in the Chabad style.

We are talking about the famous military march of the Red Army, known as the “March of Budyonny” (“We are the red cavalrymen and eloquent epic writers tell a story about us”), which was written by the Pokrass brothers to the words of A. D’Actil (Frenkel) in 1920. The exact time of the song's appearance can be determined by the final lines:

“Give Warsaw, give Berlin -
And we crashed into Crimea!”

Let us recall that in an interview that Oleg Kashin took with Mikhail Poltoranin in 2009, who managed to publish it only in “Russian Life” on 04/22/2009, Poltoranin for the first time (!) mentioned his material about the death of our prisoners in Poland in 1920 g. because of the adventure of Tukhachevsky, who “ surrendered almost one hundred thousand of our Red Army soldiers ,” but Alexander Yakovlev personally did not miss this in “Moscow News” : “ I wrote how the Poles mocked ours: they ripped open a Red Army soldier’s stomach and put him there alive they sewed up a cat and saw who would die faster, the Red Army soldier or the cat" It seems that Poltoranin’s interview with Kashin was carefully studied by Vladimir Putin, who unexpectedly pointed out such an old episode in his interview with the Polish publication Gazeta Wyborcza on the eve of his visit to Poland in September 2009:

To the tune of the Budyonny March, Hasidic rabbi Benzion Shemtov wrote the nigun “We are the army of Admur,” which became the anthem of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. According to the “Moshiach Headquarters” under the auspices of the Chabad Hasidim Association in Israel (ASUH), “Rebbe Nigun “We are the Army of Admur” loved it when the old Hasidim performed in 770!” This refers to the seventh and last rabbi of Chabad, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Hebrew: מנחם מענדל שניאורסון‎, English: Menachem Mendel Schneerson), revered by Hasidim as the “Messiah” and referred to by them only as “Rebbe King Moshiach”...

It should be clarified that “admur” is the name of the leader of the Hasidim, an abbreviation of the words: “Adoineinu, moireinu varabeynu” - “our lord, our teacher, our rebbe.” According to Rabbi M.M. He even called Schneerson his father-in-law (Rabbi Rayats) “admur shlita” (שליט"א - “may his years last”).

The Lubavitcher version of the "Red Cavalry" is here

Judging by the words of the Hasidic hymn, there was an undoubted “ transfer ” of the personality cult of Stalin to Rabbi M.M. Schneerson, something like “ The Rebbe is like Stalin, but from the side of holiness .” The death of Generalissimo Joseph Stalin on March 5, 1953 occurred, as was documented, from poisoning. However, according to Hasidim from Chabad Lubavitch, the cause of Stalin’s death was the curse of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe I.I. Schneerson according to the Kabbalistic ritual of Pulsa de Nura (Pulsa diNura. Aramaic: פולסא דנורא "lashes of fire"). In 1990, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe M.M. Schneerson blessed the editor of the magazine “Ogonyok” V. Korotich in the USA to light a “fire” in Russia (on video ritual of blessing Korotich with a dollar, which M.M. Schneerson introduced it in 1986, immediately after the Chernobyl disaster, calling it the “Chernobyl miracle”). In operational footage, Rabbi E.D. Khodos from Kharkov, whom M.M. himself Schneerson blessed in 1991 in New York, testifies to the imposition of a curse on Stalin:

Chorus: We are the army of Admur and     the whole advanced world is telling a story

    about us     About the fact that in dangerous days     The red borders passed,     Armed to the teeth,     And everyone is ready as one.     We are the young guard of the gray-haired people,     We are the most persistent ranks of the tmims.     Our slogan is limud gateiro.     Our motto is aveidas haBeirei.     Our calling cry is     “Be ready, be ready!”     (Chorus)     The embittered enemy has strewn our path     with surveillance and deception, vile betrayal ,     But we, united as one family,     Raise the flag of Moshiach ever higher.     (Chorus)     The NKVD prepared blow after blow for us,

But we did not give up in an unequal battle.
With faith in the victory of the dawn of liberation,
We continued our work.


There are many of our friends in prisons and exiles.
And more than one of our heroes was killed.
We, the young guard, replaced them,
We were led by our Moshiach King


Under the onslaught of enemy persecution and terror,
our fraternal union of tmimov is growing stronger.
In response to persecution,
Our rallying cry is heard everywhere: “Be ready, be ready!”

Chorus: We are the army of Admur, and     the whole advanced world is telling a story

about us ,     About how we teach the Torah,     And with merry songs     We prepare our world

Towards a happy life for everyone.

Everyone calls us young,
But the calendar does not measure out the year for us.
We compare time with knowledge of the Torah,
and our motto is: “Only up and forward!”


Torah words are our weapon,
With them we will always achieve victory.
We call Jewish friendship service. The Almighty gave
the order to attack


If the enemy puts an obstacle to us,
Again in response we will light the light of the Torah,
Again Moshiach will lead our detachment,
And, as always, we will come to victory,


The Torah teaches us to do good,
Helping the Jew is our goal.
And defeat the Yetzer Oro in the fight
Together with Moshiach we can now.


It is obvious that Chabad is still at war with Stalin’s empire and “derailing trains”...
