BRICS Statement on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on October 2, 2022, 22:4716 November 2015
The BRICS States welcome the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It addresses and balances the three dimensions of sustainable development and for the first time in history introduces a labour related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) with a range of ambitious targets and results to be achieved by the international community in the labour and employment sphere. In particular, Goal 8 provides for full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people and people with disabilities; equal pay for work of equal value, eradicating forced labour and child labour in all its forms; promoting decent job creation and the formalization of economy.
We strongly support these global goals that reflect the priorities of our governments in the social and labour sphere. We are ready to undertake comprehensive measures to achieve these ambitious targets recognizing that the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is applicable to all, taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. The first meeting of BRICS Ministers of Labour and Employment to be held in Russia in January, 2016 will further strengthen BRICS cooperation in labour and employment area. Such SDG elements as promoting decent work and employment, as well as formalization of economy are expected to be considered under the BRICS agenda.
We welcome the informative report on this topic prepared by the Secretariat and based on the ILO’s integrated approach. We also appreciate the active cooperation of the ILO with the UN Development Group on a system-wide planning for the SDGs implementation. It is crucial for the ILO as a key international organization dealing with social and labour issues to have a large-scale strategy of its involvement in this process, in order to be able to give proper guidance to States and social partners, as well as to carry out its own relevant activities.
It should be noted, however, that the ILO’s response may require a review of its existing programs and strategies to make sure that they are SDG oriented. We, therefore, believe that this topic is closely interrelated with two other items of this Governing Body agenda, namely – ILO Development Cooperation Strategy and the ILO Flagship programs. In this regard the BRICS countries suggest these items to be considered in conjunction at our future meetings.
We also expect the Secretariat to put forward concrete proposals regarding the modalities and financial implications (if any) of ILO’s participation in the international efforts aimed at implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, including with regard to the possible need to modify the existing Flagship programs or elaborate new ones.
We take this opportunity to assure the Director-General that the ILO can always count on the BRICS States’ support of its activities aimed at a timely implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of the international community and our peoples.
16 November 2015
The BRICS States welcome the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It addresses and balances the three dimensions of sustainable development and for the first time in history introduces a labour related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) with a range of ambitious targets and results to be achieved by the international community in the labour and employment sphere. In particular, Goal 8 provides for full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people and people with disabilities; equal pay for work of equal value, eradicating forced labour and child labour in all its forms; promoting decent job creation and the formalization of economy.
We strongly support these global goals that reflect the priorities of our governments in the social and labour sphere. We are ready to undertake comprehensive measures to achieve these ambitious targets recognizing that the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is applicable to all, taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. The first meeting of BRICS Ministers of Labour and Employment to be held in Russia in January, 2016 will further strengthen BRICS cooperation in labour and employment area. Such SDG elements as promoting decent work and employment, as well as formalization of economy are expected to be considered under the BRICS agenda.
We welcome the informative report on this topic prepared by the Secretariat and based on the ILO’s integrated approach. We also appreciate the active cooperation of the ILO with the UN Development Group on a system-wide planning for the SDGs implementation. It is crucial for the ILO as a key international organization dealing with social and labour issues to have a large-scale strategy of its involvement in this process, in order to be able to give proper guidance to States and social partners, as well as to carry out its own relevant activities.
It should be noted, however, that the ILO’s response may require a review of its existing programs and strategies to make sure that they are SDG oriented. We, therefore, believe that this topic is closely interrelated with two other items of this Governing Body agenda, namely – ILO Development Cooperation Strategy and the ILO Flagship programs. In this regard the BRICS countries suggest these items to be considered in conjunction at our future meetings.
We also expect the Secretariat to put forward concrete proposals regarding the modalities and financial implications (if any) of ILO’s participation in the international efforts aimed at implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, including with regard to the possible need to modify the existing Flagship programs or elaborate new ones.
We take this opportunity to assure the Director-General that the ILO can always count on the BRICS States’ support of its activities aimed at a timely implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of the international community and our peoples.