Aleksandr Dugin: anti-white crypto-Communist posing as nationalist and anti-globalist - Part 4
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on July 10, 2024, 10:52
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By Manifesto
August 25, 2023Based on Dugin's ideas and statements on issues of geopolitics, nationalism, religion, one important thing should be understood: Dugin, with his crazy and delusional ideas, is not only neither a nationalist nor an "ideologist of Russian fascism" and any at least a distant ally of the nationalists, but he is a completely obvious and unambiguous enemy of the nationalists. He definitely can't be their ally on the principle of "my enemy is my friend" just because he allegedly hates liberals. His "hate" of liberals has quite a few exceptions and conventions. His views on tradition, race, nation, gender, religion bizarrely coincide with the liberal ones - do not contradict the agenda of the New World Order, against which he and his fans intend to fight not for life but for death. That is why his views are not comparable to nationalist ones and have nothing to do with them. Dugin and Duginshchina are the enemy of nationalism, this is the left wing of the New World Order. His agenda is an agenda repacked for Russian nationalists, or rather, the part of nationalists who are usually called "red-brown", those who are ready to support the leftist imperial strategy aimed at inciting wars around the world, for the sake of the mythical revival of Russian power, as they think, and to use stupid or deceived Western nationalists to direct them to achieve goals alien to nationalism. Goals aimed at creating a multiracial globalist Eurasian empire. Duginism is as bad and disgusting for Russians as it is for the white people of the West.
After reading all of the above in the first 3 parts about Dugin and Duginism, you can understand why many celebrities from the "New Right" / "Alternative Right" / "Identityists", who repeat Dugin's rhetoric, are terrified to recoil when they are caught on it, they strongly deny their pro-Dugin beliefs. When they are told about their strange connections with Dugin rhetoric, their true essence breaks out, and they attack opponents with attacks, calling them neoconservatives, liberals, conspiracy theorists, Russophobes, Chinese, supporters of Glen Beck, Hillary Clinton and other clichés. Their defensively - hostile reactions testify to the significant Dugin influence on the right-wing movements of the West.
The fall of the "godfather" of the Alternative Right.
Of course, it is not necessary to attribute all the "New" and "Alternative" right to the Duginists, there is also a considerable part that more or less consistently stands on the positions of nationalism. But at the same time, a significant part of them actually slides into National Bolshevism, although they deny it, despite the fact that they periodically repeat the Dugin theses. They can actually be quite sincere in their denials, but they cannot consciously promote Dugin's rhetoric without having a proper understanding of its full meaning and true strategy of Duginism. They should also be skeptical. While "leaders of thought" should be made much higher than the average nationalist.
Unfortunately, not all people in the nationalist movement are trustworthy. Even more regrettably, many of these people are very influential figures. A striking example is Richard B. Spencer, who, according to him, coined the term "Alternative Right" in 2008 (according to another version, this phrase was the result of the joint work of Spencer and the ideologist of the Paleoconservatives, Academician Paul Gottfried, which meant an alternative to the neoconservative course of the hawk foreign and proliberal domestic policy promoted by the administration of J. Bush Jr.).
Richard Spencer.At the beginning of his political activity, Spencer established himself as a steend supporter of the ideas of white identity, bordering his views somewhere between neo-Nazism and Hitlerism. He was known for his ideas of transforming the European Union into a "white racial empire", which, in his opinion, should replace various European identities with one "white identity". He admired George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party, was the founder of and president of the National Policy Institute (NPI). He was repeatedly called the "Godfather of the Alternative Right" in the press. In the 2016 presidential election campaign, he strongly supported Donald Trump and after his victory welcomed this event in the karaoke bar with the Nazi salute Sieg Heil with his supporters, urging them to "have fun like in 1933" when Hitler came to power. On August 11-12, 2017, he was one of the organizers of the Alt-Right action in Charlottesville (Virginia) under the slogan "Unite the Right!", against the demolition of the monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who ended in mass clashes with Antifa and the victims. There were slogans: "We can't be replaced!", "Blood and soil!"
But after a year of Trump's presidency, Spencer's neo-Nazi posturing began to subside like a shagreen skin. He became increasingly disappointed in Trump and imbued with Dugin's national Bolshevism, with whom he established cooperation in the early 2010s. This was followed by political throwing, which only intensified every year.
Spencer did not hide that he was involved in the translations and publication of Dugin's books and studied his ideology and describes Dugin as a charing man whom "he respects and will never condemn under any circumstances."
Since then, Spencer has denied that he is a duginist, while his rhetoric has become even more brazenly duginistic in nature. It is obvious that he has been promoting Dugin since 2012.
Spencer, who began as one of the founders of the Alternative Right movement, eventually fell into the position of primitive Putinism, making stunning absurd statements about Putin as a white leader - a nationalist who allegedly defends his country from both radical Islam and Western liberalism. And he praised Putin's state as "the most powerful white power in the world." Why in this "mighty white power in the world" the Russian people have no right to even stutter about the creation of a Russian national state and all opposition right-wing movements are destroyed by the authorities, at the same time as one of the most ambitious processes of importing migrants into the country and replacing the indigenous people, neither Spencer nor his supporters discuss or mention a single word.
If Spencer does not know anything about it (which is less likely), then he is incompetent and unable to act as the leader of the alternative right, or misleads his supporters. If he knows about it (which is more likely), then he works for the special services of the Russian Federation and promotes Duginism and Eurasianism among the alt-right in the United States, which directs the movement to false goals that are not related to nationalism. There is no doubt that Spencer has been PRing Dugin for more than 10 years, no matter how much he and his supporters dodge, saying that they are "not Duginists". Dugin wrote more than once for Spencer's websites, and his resources also published Dugin's works translated into English by Spencer's wife Nina Kupriyanova, an ardent Putinist who sang Putin's imperial chauvinism and the so-called "Russian world" on Twitter. She sarcastically called herself a "Kremlin bot", published articles praising Putin and justifying the Kremlin's policy, more than once appeared on the RT channel to promote pro-Kremlin theses.
Dugin published articles on Spencer's website "Alternative Right" and even recorded a speech entitled: "My American friend in our common struggle" for the right-wing conference in 2015. (Business Insider 10.12.2016).
In an interview with the Produgin channel Tsargrad, R. Spencer uses Dugin's rhetoric: "... I think Alt-Right can be characterized as the Fourth Political Theory.We definitely have roots and ideas of both the European New Right, like Alain de Benoit and Guillaume Fay. We also draw inspiration from the same sources." ("Tsargrad TV." Richard Spencer: Trump is the beginning of a global conservative revolution." December 4, 2016).
Later, during the Trump presidency, Spencer was more concerned not about intra-American problems related to immigration, the rampant crime associated with it, the degradation of cities under the control of left-wing politicians, the destruction of monuments to the Confederate heroes and the difficulties in building a wall on the border with Mexico, due to the blockade of Congress. He could have tried, using his authority and influence, to organize a collection of donations for the construction of the wall and would help the Trump administration, but decided to get away from these cases. He was increasingly supported by Iran and Syria, where the National Bolsheviks and Dugin Eurasians wanted to create centers of influence in their struggle against the West, while the Duginists themselves from AltRight told that support for the criminal dictatorial regime of Bashar al-Assad was necessary as an integral part of the fight against liberal globalism and the New World Order. And Spencer stubbornly followed these political and propaganda Kremlin narratives. When it was necessary, he stood up in defense of Putin's operation in Syria, he called Assad's use of chemical weapons "fakes of the Western media." Assad himself Spencer called "a civilized man" and "a source of stability in this chaotic world." And U.S. missile strikes on the Syrian air bases of Putin's puppet enraged him, after which he threatened Trump that at any time he was ready to "get off his train", refuse his support if he did not interact enough, to cooperate with Putin's plans.
In November 2018. Spencer told his supporters: "The moment of Trump's support is over, and it's time for us to move on." In 2019, he called Trump's tweets about women Congressmen of African descent (urging them to "return" to where they came from if they hate and despise the United States) "racist" that are meaningless and cheap.
The further degradation of Spencer as a politician was rapid and consisted of a continuous series of statements and tweets, one more ridiculous than the other, similar to the nonsense of a drunk idiot.
And in 2020, he fell to the final bottom when, after the murder of Iranian General Qasem Suleimani, Spencer fell into a hysterical rabie, as if there was nothing more important than this event in the world and said that he regretted the vote for Trump in 2016. He discussed the idea of supporting the leftist Burnie Sanders, who wants to imprison all white nationalists and outlaw white nationalism as a terrorist ideology. He either calls for a rally with radical Islam in the fight against globalist liberalism and in support of this idea places the flag of Iran on his Twitter account, or suddenly makes the opposite gesture - a curtsy in the direction of the LGBT community, when he explicitly prohibits homophobes from attending the annual right-wing conference. LGBT opponents are suspended from the conference, while openly gay Jack Donovan is made a key speaker.
Writes extremely strange tweets photographing with his new girlfriend against the background of the LGBT flag: "In addition, homosexuality seems to be a kind of last pillar of white implicit identity." His friend Megan Bobonic described him as "resolutely liberal" in everything but the racial problem.
Participating in an online session on Reddit to the question of one viewer why Spencer has "many followers in the gay community," Spencer replied succinctly: "Gays love me."
In 2020, he continued to push the boundaries of Duginism, calling Trump's accusations against China of concealing the leak and spread of covid-19 "racist attacks." At the same time, he praised the Chinese dictatorship in its "effective fight against the virus" with the help of totalitarian barbaric measures to isolate the population. And he made a new curtsy in the direction of Hillary Clinton: "If she were president, Hillary Clinton would be significantly better in managing the fight against covid-19 than Donald Trump. She would have introduced coercive measures such as testing and quarantine before; she would have cooperated better with foreign colleagues and health care institutions" (Martinez Perspective. Закрытный Queer Ричард Сpenser Теперь оголосая Хиллари Клинтон. 16.03.2020).
June 11, 2020 Spencer, after the beginning of the antifa and BLM pogroms, breaks a new bottom by supporting the creation of the "Autonomous Zone of Capitol Hill" on the territory of Seattle, also called the CHAZ Republic ("CHAZ") (existed June 8-24, 2020). Apparently, under the influence of Duginism and its National Bolsheviks, Spencer decided to recognize the "revolutionary potential" of Antifa and BLM and use it to deal a "crushing blow to the neoliberal system".
Admiring this "revolutionary gesture," Spencer praised the black frostbitten leader of the "Chaz Republic" - "warlord" Raza Simone: "I can only welcome you. You were deeply aware of the crisis of legitimacy in the heart of America - and the white world as a whole - and while others preached, you "acted" and did what could only be called "political creativity."
"Proud and strong nations would crush your revolution in the blink of an eye. But you sniffed America's weakness and the fatigue of the whole world. You exposed our bluff. And for this I have the deepest, sincere respect for you."
"Don't listen to white liberals who want to recreate the old world. Listen to your heart. Never be afraid of your own ambitions and the will to power. You motivate every man who strives to be a dreamer of the day, who strives to build a new world on the ruins of the old one."
This psychopathic leftist chatter shows only the depth of the mental disorder of the personality of a former nationalist who has undergone a huge evolution in a short period of time and turning under the influence of Duginism from a far-right politician to the left-wing National Bolshevik, which cannot stop raving at the moment when the country is experiencing a severe tragedy, in the chaos and rage of pogroms, he sees in his parallel reality a certain "political creativity" of the "revolutionary masses".
It seemed that after all this degradation and shame, it was difficult to do something more crazy. But Spencer managed to break the bottom again at the end of his political career. In August 2020, he shocked all his supporters with a statement that he planned to vote for Joe Biden: "The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but basically the paradigm contains shortcomings that we can now feel. And this needs to end... We'll have another sunny day. We need to recover and get back in a new shape" (Newsweek. Ричард Спенсер назад Джо Байден, говорит MAGA/Alt-Right Moment зах. 24.08.2020).
And then he tweeted an even more idiotic statement that he was ready to join "Joe's team" in the U.S. election campaign for president and even came up with the company's homemade slogan: "Liberals are clearly more competent."
It is difficult to imagine how shocked were the supporters of Spencer and the entire Alternative Right movement in general, who obviously could have only one question, whether their "godfather" was finally and irrevocably moved by their mind? And very importantly, these statements were made at a time when during the summer-autumn of 2020 dozens of U.S. cities were burning, embraced by an endless stream of violence and pogroms, created by left-wing scum from Antifa and BLM, who were openly supported by the Democrats, incited against white Americans and given entire cities under their control for looting!!! Needless to be added that at this most desperate moment of the struggle for the presidency, instead of mobilizing the right-wing forces, thanks to which Trump was able to win with the support of AltRight in 2016, Spencer sowed unimaginable chaos and disorganization in the ranks of the Alternative Right, which was good for either Trump or for themselves and did not end in the end.
At the same time, as expected in the Democratic Party, Spencer's "Joe's team" disowned with contempt, calling him part of the "vile hate forces that crawled out from under the stones" in the United States, against which the "Joe" team is fighting, that he is "absolutely disgusting" and "his support is 10,000,000 undesirable".
It is hardly an exaggeration to call this story the inglorious end of the cheap poser Spencer as a politician as a result of his political throws, as a result of which he fell into Duginism and National Bolshevism, and his previous influence in Alt-Right left only memories.
There are also those who work for the CIA, the KGB-FSB and Mossad, and, of course, do not like to hear about when they are exposed in this, but all their behavior, their actions, all suggests that they are agents of globalists. Take, for example, the fat bastard Mett Heimbach. He began his activity as a nationalist, but very quickly transformed into a national ball. Later he became the toughest Alt-Wingist among all the Alt-Wing, mentored by Dr. Matthew Rafael Johnson, an "orthodox medievalist" and a staffed Kremlin propagandist who popularized Putin's worship among the American patriotic public. Dugin spoke at one of the party conferences opened by Heimbach. In addition, Heinbach, expelled because of his leftism from the National Socialist Party, created his "Trad Workers Party" in 2015, the logo of which was the Dugin Eurasian star, a symbol of the "Magic of Chaos", often used by Eurasians at their events.
Matthew Heinbach uses the symbol of the Eurasian star "Magic of Chaos" as the emblem of his Traditionalist Workers' Party.His open praise of Duginism and Putin's regime shocked with its stunning idiocy, especially when he called Putin "the leader of the free world." In 2016, identifying himself as a member of the alto-right, he praised Putin's Russia (RF) as an "axis for nationalists."
In an interview with Business Insider, Heinbach said: "I really believe that Russia is now the leader of the free world..." "Putin supports nationalists around the world and creates an anti-globalization alliance, while promoting traditional values and self-determination." Heinbach also considers the Russian Federation as a "model of civilization" and a "beacon for nationalists."
At the conference of the right-wing forces in St. Petersburg in 2015: "We are actively working with other ethnic groups to support their right to self-determination," Heinbach said, listing black nationalism and full autonomy of Native Americans as two reasons actively supported by his party.
"Putin supports traditionalism and self-determination, so do not interfere..." "He gives nationalists the opportunity to fight for the best interests of their nations..."
In addition, he moved to the position of left-wing anti-Zionism, calling for the unification of Europe and Islamic States in the fight against Israel. He considers Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a heroic figure in the Syrian war, who stubbornly opposes Syrian rebel groups. He also advocated the creation of a Shiite axis between Bashar al-Assad's Syria, Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon in a "global confrontation with world Zionism."
After spending years supporting subversive crypto-communist rhetoric through the "Traditionalist Workers' Party" and destroying the public image of nationalism with his grotesque organization and physique, Heimbach abandoned his past "hateful" habits and joined an anti-racist, anti-extremist organization. In April 2020, he published an article on the Internet in which he discusses how disappointed he was with white nationalism and right-wing political parties, and then left them. Now he is a multi-racist, a globalist, an orthodox Marxist, an "anti-hater," and an anti-white "deradicalization expert" with a lot of information on a huge circle of nationalists. What a coincidence!
Mett Heimbach.In February 2023. Matt Heimbach tried to return to the political scene as an open communist pro-Putin agitator, appearing at a rally in Washington, D.C., with a group of libertarians, progressives and other weirdos. Coming out with a red banner with them, he demanded that Ukraine surede its territory to Putin and stop resistance. He was delighted that the cult of Stalin and the Soviet Union was being revived in Russia, and neo-Bolshevism was strengthening its position. In addition, he mercilessly denounced neoliberal American imperialism, although he has nothing against Putin's imperial ambitions.
As a result, Heinbach's pathetic attempts to return to the political scene fail completely. His Traditionalist Workers' Party lasted only 3 years (2015-2018). He broke with nationalism and right-wing organizations moved away from him and at the same time no alliance of nationalists with the left, which Heinbach sought did not work out, since most of the left, Democrats, Progressives, Marxists do not want to see him in their actions and drive him away, calling him a "Nazi" with whom they want to have nothing to do.
Eric Stryker, one of the main figures of the Heimbach Traditionalist Workers' Party, is now one of the leading ideologists of the Alternative Right. The striker flirts fiercely with Putin, spoke with great love about Xi Zingping and Eurasia as a whole, constantly making insane statements that China and the Russian Federation somehow oppose the NMP.
National Scoball Eric Stryker.Striker, once associated with Spencer, admires the way the Russian Federation is fighting in Ukraine, calling them "emplary". "The speed at which Russian troops capture territory is unprecedented." And Putin's troops could "... tomorrow turn Kharkiv into a funnel with the help of their artillery," but "spared" the civilian population. "They are accurate, patient and methodical." And of course, Ukraine, as he claims, does not have the right not only to most of its territories, but also should cease to exist as a state. Stryker also fully supported Putin's massacres of Russian nationalist organizations and politicians who did not support Putin's "liberation campaign" against Ukraine on the sole grounds that they are not loyal to the Russian authorities and thus pose a threat to them. But at the same time, he makes frantic hysterics when his freedom to promote his ideas is limited in the United States.
Mike Enoch (Isaac Paynovich), a supporter of Spencer, who in 2017 advocated a move away from Trump's support and a shift to a more left-wing position, stubbornly kept up with Spencer, condemning Trump every time his actions were contrary to Putin's interests. As is usually the case with the National Bolsheviks, Paynovich promoted the idea and support of Libya, Palestine, Syria and Iran in the fight against neoliberal globalism and Israel and that this is allegedly in the interests of whites in the United States and to which he paid more attention to than the issue of tightening immigration legislation or building a wall with Mexico.
Mike Enoch Paynovich, Matthew Heimbach and Richard Spencer.In addition to Spencer's click, Dugin was promoted and promoted by other characters from AltRight. Such as Canadian activist Lauren Southern, who turned out to be a fake nationalist and conservative. For some time, she made speeches against immigration and white replacement, receiving financial support from spectators and supporters. In fact, she turned out to be just a greedy for fame and money scammer - a provocateur.
In June 2018. Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettiboun visited Moscow to meet, interview and PR Dugin, his Eurasian ideas, praise Stalinism and the USSR. In an interview, as usual, Dugin spread his favorite demagoguery about liberalism, Atlanticism, the West he hates. And, of course, not a single word was said about hundreds of political prisoners in the Russian Federation.
Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone in Moscow 2018.
But half a year before this trip to Moscow, in December 2017. Southern was exposed as a false supporter of nationalism and conservatism after her photo with a black Muslim she dated popped, which caused a crushing wave of criticism from the right wing of AltRight.
In her ridiculous excuse, she said that he was "a half-black, half-Irish Christian who considered himself a Muslim and voted for Trump." This ridiculous justification only increased the flow of criticism and inciterated the negative, which generally amounted to the fact that after what happened to her there was no place in the right movement, she could no longer have anything to do with conservatism, nationalism, reasoning about replacing white people with migrants, while by her behavior she supports this replacement. In general, it was Southern's political collapse and a trip to Moscow for an interview with Dugin, although it became an obviously good source of income for her, the situation did not correct. Already in 2020, Southern was not interesting to anyone and no one needed it. Among the right wing of AltRight and on 4chan there was a heated discussion of this behavior of the Canadian activist, where many inclined to believe that it was a provocation of the FBI, who send all kinds of freaks to the right-wing movements in order to promote them, after a while with their help to make a noisy provocation, a defamatory movement. Although it is not worth dropping the option of provocation from the shields, everything could have been much simpler and more banal. Southern's meetings with a black Muslim do not contradict the ideas of Duginism, which despises ethnic nationalism. The frantic hatred of the West as a whole also applies to white people in America, against whom he threatened to organize ethnic cleansing, as well as to settle the United States with the peoples of Africa and Asia. (Dugin,, interview "I'm waiting for Ivan the Terrible", 1998: "The West must pay for everything. It is better to settle him with Chinese, Tatars, Muslims, all this Eurasian nomadism..."
A completely right-wing nationalist, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, was also hooked on the hook of Duginism. Duke Chato visited Russia and met with Dugin several times at conferences. Then Dugin came back to Texas A&M University at Duke's invitation with a lecture. And although David Duke was not seen in chanting the praise of Putinism, this very, albeit a short flirtation with Duginism, did not have the best effect on his reputation. He also had political throws, after supporting Trump in 2016, in 2020 he switched to supporting the centrist Tulsi Gabbard, whose program had nothing to do with nationalism, then, after her defeat, again returned to campaigning for Trump.
David Duke and Dugin.Should we believe that all these influential figures are just mentally retarded and ignorant people? In fact, something suspicious is happening to the alternative right.
Among the absolutely (pro)Dugin crowd, there is a tendency to argue that Western/cultural Marxism is actually "cultural liberalism", thereby freeing Marxists (especially the USSR) from responsibility and their huge role in creating the New World Order (NMP). The USSR, especially under Lenin, was a pioneer of degenerate Western/cultural Marxism.
In making this statement, the "non-Dugins" will reformulate the NMP as an exclusively "Western" creation, trying to remove the blame from "Eurasia" by strengthening their position that Eurasia is a resistance to the "Atlantic world order". Obviously, both the "Eurasian East" (Marxists) and the "Atlantic West" (liberals) are to blame for creating the New World Order.
Another leftist supporter of Islamism from Spencer's team is Keith Woods, who ridicules and denies the 1932-1933 Holodomor, denies, justifies or downplays the crimes of the Bolsheviks and Stalinism. He also welcomes Islamism as a good ally for whites in the fight against Western imperialism and neoliberalism. In his activities undermining the alternative right movement, Keith Woods went so way condemning ethnonationalism as "liberalism." And here everything is strictly according to Dugin, who rejects and despises ethnic nationalism. In Woods, like Dugin, the word "liberal", "liberalism" is a universal word that means everything hated Western... including ethnic nationalism.
Keith Woods, who hosts a podcast with Richard Spencer and claims that the right wing "needs his own Karl Marx."
Nazbol Keith Woods.This attempt to rehabilitate Marx as a "founding racist" is at best a severely distorted version of the truth, since it is well known that Marx was not an anti-Semite.
Aspects of Duginism and Alternative Right
These characters should be asked more uncomfortable questions about Duginism, for example, why they support Putin and Xi Zengping, while China represents a completely obvious left-wing, globalist dictatorship, if you pay attention especially to the covid tyranny that (Chinese) globalists promote as a role model around the world, and the Russian Federation, despite its false anti-globalism, undoubtedly also promotes the agenda of the NMP and serves the goals of globalists. It is worth asking, what is the direct benefit for Europeans from supporting Middle Eastern anti-Israeli political movements and organizations and what does Europe itself benefit from it? Why do they deny the reality of Western cultural Marxism when it clearly dominates the political rhetoric of the globalist left and the globalist right. The only way to draw attention to this problem is to ask the people responsible for spreading Duginist rhetoric - whether they do it intentionally or not - what the hell are they doing and what is their ultimate goal?
The main aspects of Duginism set out in the "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" (and other main documents):
To steadily promote intuitive anti-American hatred of the West. Promote anti-imperialism/colonialism (from the point of view that the whole "West is racist"). To promote the position of the Russian Federation in the West. Promote Eurasianism in the West. Promote anti-racism (and anti-white politics in the world). Promote "ethnopluralism." Create chaos to cause the collapse of the West. Increase and spread globalism through institutions such as the EU. To promote Islam in a positive light as an ally against globalism. To develop relations with Muslim countries. Cut off the Anglosphere ("Atlantists") from Europe. To create a "multipolar world" (i.e. to create conditions that can contribute to the transfer of the NMP force from the United States to China and the Russian Federation).And now let's compare these main adherents of Duginism with what major Internet celebrities of the alternative right have been promoted for years (some of them are listed above):
To advocate a pan-European state or "EU capture." To defend (and whitewaish) the USSR and specifically Stalin. An attempt to rehabilitate Marxism. To claim that Western Marxism is actually "cultural liberalism" (this statement reinterprets the East/Eurasia as innocent, and the West/Atlantists as the only creator of the modern world). Promote the "pro-Russian" position in the statement that Putin "opposes ZOG." Promote the pro-Chinese position, claiming that Xi Jinping "opposes Z*G." To call everything that does not suit "liberalism" (and opponents - "liberals"). Promotion of "ethnopluralism" (which has moved to the territory of "bad racism" since 2020). Propaganda of anti-Americanism/colonialism (from the point of view that the whole "West is racist"). Protection of Islam (often through a number of obvious misconceptions). An overestimation of historical conflicts between Europeans and the Middle East, especially attempts at the Muslim conquest of Europe. Protection of Muslim countries and/or call for unification with them as valiant allies against the NMP.Here, in this entire list, as you can see, there is not much difference, except that the alternative right claims that they are "for whites", while Dugin is quite openly opposed to whites.
People who almost literally repeat Dugin's rhetoric use protection, "to deny everything and call opponents mentally ill."
Their other main defense is that they claim that they cannot be Duginists or support Dugin rhetoric because they disagree with Dugin's political position on X, Y or Z or his personal faith with regard to positions A, B or C.
But this excuse doesn't work.
Do Marxists agree with all Marx's personal beliefs? Perhaps they do not approve of his statement that Africans are too undeveloped to accept communism. Do open Marxists agree with all Marx's theories? Of course not, just look at the ideological positions of Marxists-Lenins and Western/cultural Marxists. Are they fake Marxists? No. As well as the National Socialists, including the leading members of the NSDAP, did not agree 100% with Hitler's personal beliefs or even 100% with his policies and ideological attitudes. Were they fake National Socialists? No.
If a person repeats most of the core of Ducin ideology:
Anti-Atlantism (furious anti-Westernism) Anti-imperialism ("racist West"). Anti-racism. Pro-Eurasianism Pro-Islamic position in general Pan-Europeanism Super-etatism Protection or understatement of the crimes of communism Protection of the USSR and Stalinism, etc.And if this person uses Dukin jargon: "Multipolarity", "Ethnopluralism", "Atlantism", etc.
And if this person has direct ties with Dugin, belongs to or belonged to an organization that had direct ties with Dugin, or sold and promoted Dugin's literary works, what should we assume?
Should we believe that they are not Duginists just because they claim that this is not the case? That they are not duginists because they do not agree with some of Dugin's personal beliefs or his schizophrenic posts?
If a person repeats 95% of Marxist ideology and does not agree with its 5%, then he is obviously a Marxist. Despite the fact that he can say: "I'm not a Marxist because I disagree with Marx, who called Lassalle a Jewish nigger."
There is no doubt that Duginism is working to destroy Western nationalism and redirect it to the goals of Eurasianism. Many people just absorbed this ideology through intermediaries. Most people have no idea who Theodore Adorno is, but still repeat his thesis of "authoritarian personality" almost verbatim. However, in some indirect cases, the evidence is simply undeniable, as in the case of Richard Spencer, Mett Heimbach, etc.
What does the Dugin update lead to: the alternative rights who support Duginism become full Eurasians, full supporters of the third world, neo-Bolsheviks and complete idiots.
Instead of benefiting from growing anti-immigrant, anti-globalization, anti-LGBT sentiment in society, when ordinary people stop trusting the system, official right-wing or left-wing politicians, left-liberal propaganda and begin to reach for nationalism (to politicians such as Trump, Salvini, Farage, Orban, Meloni, many of whom are not even fully nationalists, but what is an indicator of society's demand), what do the alternative right do? They turn to the aggressive advancement of the third world, promoting fierce anti-Westernism and trying to rehabilitate Marxism and Bolshevism.
They do all this under the guise of the "delegitimization" of "neoliberal globalism" and the "American" world order.
The best way to destroy the growing nationalist movement and make it turn into schizophrenic inappropriateness would probably not be to do anything different from what the alternate right's Spencer faction has been doing now and has been doing over the past few years.
If we remove Dugin's multilayered psychological chatter, his ideology is just a revival of Bolshevism and the USSR; red imperialism, merged with later Marxist theories (deconstruction) of race and sex, and so on. He combines all this with the idea that "the planet should unite in hatred of whites" in the style of the third world struggle, which he poorly disguises as "anti-liberalism". We can say that Duginism is "Bolshevikism 2.0" or neo-Bolshevism.
Dugin is not the little-known and not influential character that the alternative right believes him - "Dugin is just a meme," according to Eric Stryker.
Do not be misled or surprised by the mimicry that Dugin has to be given credit. When he needs it, Dugin skillfully portrays himself as a fascist, but only when he addresses the white audience, but when he communicates with the left, he returns to his element.
"Racist liberalism"
The term "liberal racist" is the last in the pedigree of fashionable words of the alternative right. It's important. Dugin uses the term "liberal" interchangeably with "Western" (as well as "white/European"), in addition to the frequent use of the term "racist" as derogatory and synonymous with "liberalism".
In the Duginsky worldview, the global dichotomous conflict is: "NMP" (USA=Atlantism=West=Liberalism=Racism=Europeans) against the rest of the planet led by Russia. This is standard Marxism. The dichotomy of the "oppressor against the oppressed":
proletariat against the bourgeoisie (orthodox Marxism) Brown, color coalition + LGBT against white patriarchy (Western Marxism of the "New Left") and so on.It should be borne in mind that for the left, the statement "liberal" is a standard communist insult for fellow communists who are "not communist enough." This is their version of the word "cuckold." Like Dugin, they also act on the principle of "all I don't like is liberalism," often stating that fascism is a form of liberalism: "Fascism is decaying capitalism (liberalism)."
Ironically, it was Nick Fuentes who first began to use the term "racist liberal" to describe the alternative right. Although Fuentes apparently used it in the American sense of "liberal=left."
Some of the alternative right sometimes throw off their masks and begin to broadcast the perfect leftist-Dugin madness, such as: "All races must unite against the sinister "liberal-American" world order!" etc.
These people have been promoting this nonsense for several months, and in some cases even years. At the same time, they desperately try to reject criticism by any means possible, claiming that Dugin is just a "meme" and then claim that they are Dugin's fans and that you should read his work.
Note: Francis Parker Yokee is the favorite of the alternative right. He started as a relatively normal nationalist, but became ridiculous after he came to the false conclusion that Stalin "cleansed communism of Jews." He spent the last years of his life advocating for the Eurasian alliance between Europe and the USSR, as well as for an alliance between nationalists and communists around the world. He also promoted the "third world." He was one of the most outstanding supporters of the "red-brown alliance" deception, which was supported by the alternate right team. Yokee was an incredibly smart man, but that doesn't mean he was right.
Dugin has strong ties with the French New Right, whom he essentially called his greatest allies in Europe, stating that the French New Right, especially Alain de Benoit, is implementing his own Fourth Political Theory. Benoit, in turn, spoke enthusiastically about his old friend Dugin many, many times; he even named his book after Dugin's "Fourth Political Theory".
Alain de Benoit (aka Alain Sorel) is one of the enthusiastic fans of Dugin, who is advertised by the National Ball Kit Woods, where he comments on Habib's fight with McGregor's fight with McGregor with a magnificent the victory of the "modest and religious" Habib over the vulgar McGregor is. "It's a sign of hope. This is the victory of the East over the West."
Sorel is an anti-racist, Eurasian, multi-racist, who wrote the preface to the French edition of Dugin's Fourth Political Theory. This is one of Dugin's most zealous and consistent supporters in the political philosophy of Europe, who so fiercely PR Dugin.
Alain de Benois.Alain de Benois in his article gave a definite explanation of why Dugin is not a nationalist: "The most grotesque is undoubtedly the nickname "nationalist" or "ultranationalist", which most commentators use in relation to him. Dugin, I repeat, Eurasian. But Eurasianism is incompatible with nationalism, as it includes the idea of the Empire, that is, a fundamental rejection of the logic of ethnic nationalism and the national state (which explains Dugin's close ties with representatives of the Jewish and Turkic-Muslim communities)."
Alain de Benoit seems to initially deny that Dugin is close to Putin, but immediately talks about his influence in Europe and the United States: "Alexander Dugin, whose works are translated into ten or twelve languages, is a famous and widely read author both in Russia and abroad. He has his own networks and his own influence." (Alain de Benois. Dugin's Eurasianism is incompatible with nationalism. Interview with Maxim Le Nagar for Front Populaire. 2022).
One of the largest networks distributing and translating Dugin literature is Arctos Media, the largest publishing company in Europe that publishes New Right literature.
Arctos Media: "Let's stop calling our enemies "communists." It's not the 1930s... The Communists collapsed 30 years ago. Accept it... The red panic is over... For the self-proclaimed fascists, the people you hate are not communists, they are neoliberal capitalists...It should be noted here that in France the "New Right", originally headed by Alain de Benois, split into right and left wings in the 1980s. In the 2000s, the left Produgin, Eurasian wing was headed and continues to be headed by Alain de Benois, and the ideologist of the right wing was Guillaume Fay, who remained in the positions of ethnic nationalism, who remained in the position of ethnic nationalism. Dugin himself explains this situation as follows: "So, the identityists are partly a new generation of "new right" intellectuals. They are most often close in 4PT, they follow Alain de Benoit and partly my ideas... Such identities are anti-liberals and anti-capitalists. They are supporters not so much of nationalism and even more so of racism, which is alien to them, but of the ideal of the European Empire, gibbelinism and the Indo-European vertical. They usually support both right-wing and left-wing populism in politics, strongly oppose capitalism as such, following the line of the Conservative Revolution, Nikish's National Bolshevism and the ideas of Sombart. This current is no different from what is 4PT and Eurasianism.
But there is another wing - non-intellectual identity... They are against immigration and immigrants, and Islamophobia, xenophobia, nationalism and racism are often common among them... They are inherent in idiotic and irrevalent anti-communism today..."
Thus, Dugin has for once again conducted a clear watershed among the "New Right" and the Alternative Right between the left wing, where he refers himself and Alain de Benois and the right nationalist wing, with which he has nothing to do.
Mike Enoch Paynovich and Eric Stryker downplay the influence of Islam on white countries, as well as downplay the historical conflicts between Middle Eastern/North Africans and Europeans. They and many other alternative rights claim that Muslims are in fact our "natural allies" in the fight against the System.
Stryker and Enoch downplay those grand battles and wars, as well as the territorial losses that occurred as a result of the Islamic invasion of Europe, calling them "some clashes in Spain or something like that" and "some things from the Middle Ages," in their podcasts about Islam, which are overflowing with such hot conclusions. "It was 500 years ago!" - Stryker proclaimed, as if it somehow made the ongoing clash of civilizations inappropriate.
The insane historical revisionism of Stryker and Enoch, unfortunately, confused their audience, which, repeating them verbatim, spews similar nonsense.
Apparently, these people are completely unaware of such things as the Barbary slave trade (1500-1800), during which millions of Europeans were enslaved by North Africans and Ottomans (also known as barbaric states) - even after Europeans paid them millions of dollars in tribute in exchange for being left alone. This slave trade stopped only when the various European peoples (French, British, Dutch and Americans) united and collectively waged war against barbaric states, which led to the colonization of North Africa in the 1800s.
To act as if all this is some distant past, and that the people of the Middle East and Central Africa are now our greatest allies against the "liberal" world order, is a schizophrenic level of delusion. They left us alone for 200 years because the Europeans united to fully own them, and then colonized them and subdued them so that they would stop deceiving us.
Keith Woods supported Gaddafi, who gloated that Islam had conquered Europe without a single shot. In August 2010, during a visit to Italy, Gaddafi said that residents of European countries should convert to Islam, which should become "the religion of all Europe." Each such post on the Internet is filled with similar comments from the so-called "natural allies" of whites.
Their advice to nationalists not only to behave with sympathy towards openly hostile external groups, but also to enter into a political alliance with them demonstrate a grotesque misunderstanding of nationalism and identity at the most fundamental, basic level. Unfortunately, very many (or most) white countries are on the verge of a racial civil war. We can already see how this is happening in South America, the United States, South Africa. What way of thinking does the rhetoric of the alternative right inspire whites who find themselves in this situation against their will?
Rehabilitation of Marxism, Bolshevism, communism.
Many Alt-wrights constantly defend Bolshevism, Stalin, the USSR, the Marxist states of the third world and Marxism in general. They deny the Holodomor, state that cultural Marxism does not exist, state that Stalin was "the founder of the anti-NMP and a "fighter against Jewry", and also state that Bolshevism is somehow compatible with the diametrically opposite worldview of nationalism. All this rhetoric, of course, fully reflects Dugin's worldview and goals.
The idea that Western ("cultural") Marxism is "influential secondary nonsense" is one of the craziest revisionist statements to be heard. Western Marxism is a widely popular academic field that has been taught in every college and university in the West for the past few decades. Marxist thinkers responsible for developing these theories, the very influential Frankfurt School, had ties to the UN, the Rockefellers and so on. Some of their students were even authors of UN racist statements that contributed to the spread of laws on racial denial and "hate speech" in the West. About 50% of the leading figures of the Frankfurt School were CIA and KGB agents. All the founding theorists of Western Marxism were once orthodox Marxists. Antonio Gramschi, who invented the political strategy of "colonizing the superstructure" (also known as the "long campaign through the institutions"), is probably one of the most important political thinkers of our time. He was the first influential Marxist figure to realize the inapplicability of the Marxist theory of "base" over the "superstructure" to Western civilization, turning Marxism from a centralized economy-oriented ideology into a decentralized culture-oriented ideology, defining the political battlefield of this century. Modern Western society is now so imbued with Western Marxist ideology that even the "conservatives" and the "right" spew daily the theories of the Frankfurt School. Each major globalist elite and organization (e.g. the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, etc.) uses socio-political theories developed by Western Marxists.
Why do supposedly "read" people who should "know better," such as alternative right-wing Internet celemorities, deny this whole incredibly well-documented story? Because they inevitably try to rehabilitate Marxism, while accusing only liberalism of the fall of the West.
In addition, the Alternative Right often spreads the myth that Stalin "cleansed all Jews from power in the USSR. It's just a lie. The truth is that Stalin was angry with a small circle of Jews because they were "wrong" nationalist Jews, not the "right" declassified Jews of the homeless archetype of the "Soviet man." He did not hate all Jews and certainly did not remove them all from power. He ordered the execution of several Zionist Jews for promoting nationalism in the multinational Soviet empire and in general for causing trouble. Millions of other people from all nationalities were executed for the same reasons. They weren't executed simply because they were Jews.
According to Stalin, anti-Semitism in the USSR was punishable by death.
Rehabilitation of the USSR and the "red-brown alliance."
The alternative right is largely focused on fabricating evidence confirming the validity of their delusions about the "red-brown alliance".
In fact, never in history have the "red" been on the side of the "browns", with the extreme exception in some random alliances. The two worldviews of nationalism (or National Socialism and Fascism) and communism are diametrically opposed to each other at the most basic, fundamental level and can in no way coexist or cooperate.
This fact is confirmed by the most famous literature published by both Bolsheviks and National Socialists.
Suffice it to recall Lenin's quote: "whoever does not fight against all forms of national oppression or inequality is not a Marxist, but a petty-bourgeois nationalist."
Keith Woods called George Gelloy an example of a "good leftist." However, this "good left" helped the Communists overthrow the appartheid in South Africa, acting, according to him, as an "underground agent of the (communist) ANC." This communist coup led to the complete destruction of South Africa and the genocide of more than 70,000 whites in just 20 years.
Their rhetoric sounds like this, which is very unconvincing: "I'm not a Duginist, I just spew all Dugin's theories almost verbatim, published his book, consider him a charming guy, call my ideology "a kind of Fourth Political Theory" and refuse to condemn him, although he is an anti-white globalist."
"I'm not a Stalinist, but I will by no means condemn Stalin, moreover, I recommend that you read Stalin's works and become more like him. PS I'm not a Stalinist."
So, there is plenty of evidence of the poisonous influence of Duginism on Russian, European and American nationalism. There are so many of them that it is impossible to include them all in one article. Maybe it won't be a strong exaggeration to say that a significant part of the alternative right is a subversive, poisonous force consisting of liars, egomaniacs and probably a few federal sexots added for loyalty.
And another important question that should be taken into account: if influential "nationalist" figures suddenly began to promote LGBT materials or Zionism, this deception was immediately understood by the vast majority and exposed. So why doesn't this apply to Duginist rhetoric? Why doesn't this apply to the support of Marxism, Eurasianism and the third world by those who call themselves "right"?
It becomes obvious that in recent decades the Dugin-Eurasian ideology has subjugated a significant part of Western nationalism (through Richard Spencer and Co., the French "New Right", etc.), there has been such a deformation of nationalist ideas, thanks to which, now a very large number of inhabitants both in the Russian Federation and in the West assume that Duginism is nationalism. And the liberal media actively support this distorted opinion in order to discredit nationalism and convince the majority that Dugin is the ideologist of "Russian fascism" or "rashism."
Of course, the entire Alternate Right movement should not be disgraced, as it is too heterogeneous, does not have its own single manifesto and is divided into several ideological movements, from left-wing national bolts to ultra-right and conservatives, between which there is also serious political debates. Nevertheless, we must not forget that thanks in large part to the support of the Alternative Right, D. Trump managed to win the 2016 elections. And although he is not a sufficiently consistent nationalist, there was still a blow to the Deep State and the ruling establishment, which showed that resistance is not meaningless and victory over him is possible. This is the movement that can repel leftist psychopaths from Antifa and BLM. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to notice the extremely negative processes of increasing the scale of National Bolshevik propaganda and the emergence of absolutely marginal and incapable of leading provocative irresponsible leaders who are consciously or unconsciously able to completely confuse, demoralize, decompose and destroy the entire movement. And if the process of cleansing the National Bolshevik-Eurasian poison and the formation of clearer right-conservative, nationalist principles does not begin among the Alternative Right, the movement may come to an end.
Those who consider themselves nationalists and are seduced by this false, ugly creativity, called Duginism, should come to their senses and clear their heads of this garbage and wash their hands from this subversive idiocy, decisively separate themselves from the psychiatric hospital, which is the left wing of the Alternative Right, which will continue its madness until it suffers its ideological defeat, along with ridiculous nonsense about the creation of the Eurasian Empire or the USSR.
Judging by the unsuccessful development of the new "liberation campaign" of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, it is obvious that the collapse of Neo-Bolshevism, Duginism, Eurasianism and other anti-nationalist heresy is just around the corner.
Community "Manifesto" in VK
The article is based on materials from the Thuletite resource
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By Manifesto
August 25, 2023
Based on Dugin's ideas and statements on issues of geopolitics, nationalism, religion, one important thing should be understood: Dugin, with his crazy and delusional ideas, is not only neither a nationalist nor an "ideologist of Russian fascism" and any at least a distant ally of the nationalists, but he is a completely obvious and unambiguous enemy of the nationalists. He definitely can't be their ally on the principle of "my enemy is my friend" just because he allegedly hates liberals. His "hate" of liberals has quite a few exceptions and conventions. His views on tradition, race, nation, gender, religion bizarrely coincide with the liberal ones - do not contradict the agenda of the New World Order, against which he and his fans intend to fight not for life but for death. That is why his views are not comparable to nationalist ones and have nothing to do with them. Dugin and Duginshchina are the enemy of nationalism, this is the left wing of the New World Order. His agenda is an agenda repacked for Russian nationalists, or rather, the part of nationalists who are usually called "red-brown", those who are ready to support the leftist imperial strategy aimed at inciting wars around the world, for the sake of the mythical revival of Russian power, as they think, and to use stupid or deceived Western nationalists to direct them to achieve goals alien to nationalism. Goals aimed at creating a multiracial globalist Eurasian empire. Duginism is as bad and disgusting for Russians as it is for the white people of the West.
After reading all of the above in the first 3 parts about Dugin and Duginism, you can understand why many celebrities from the "New Right" / "Alternative Right" / "Identityists", who repeat Dugin's rhetoric, are terrified to recoil when they are caught on it, they strongly deny their pro-Dugin beliefs. When they are told about their strange connections with Dugin rhetoric, their true essence breaks out, and they attack opponents with attacks, calling them neoconservatives, liberals, conspiracy theorists, Russophobes, Chinese, supporters of Glen Beck, Hillary Clinton and other clichés. Their defensively - hostile reactions testify to the significant Dugin influence on the right-wing movements of the West.
The fall of the "godfather" of the Alternative Right.
Of course, it is not necessary to attribute all the "New" and "Alternative" right to the Duginists, there is also a considerable part that more or less consistently stands on the positions of nationalism. But at the same time, a significant part of them actually slides into National Bolshevism, although they deny it, despite the fact that they periodically repeat the Dugin theses. They can actually be quite sincere in their denials, but they cannot consciously promote Dugin's rhetoric without having a proper understanding of its full meaning and true strategy of Duginism. They should also be skeptical. While "leaders of thought" should be made much higher than the average nationalist.
Unfortunately, not all people in the nationalist movement are trustworthy. Even more regrettably, many of these people are very influential figures. A striking example is Richard B. Spencer, who, according to him, coined the term "Alternative Right" in 2008 (according to another version, this phrase was the result of the joint work of Spencer and the ideologist of the Paleoconservatives, Academician Paul Gottfried, which meant an alternative to the neoconservative course of the hawk foreign and proliberal domestic policy promoted by the administration of J. Bush Jr.).
Richard Spencer.
At the beginning of his political activity, Spencer established himself as a steend supporter of the ideas of white identity, bordering his views somewhere between neo-Nazism and Hitlerism. He was known for his ideas of transforming the European Union into a "white racial empire", which, in his opinion, should replace various European identities with one "white identity". He admired George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party, was the founder of and president of the National Policy Institute (NPI). He was repeatedly called the "Godfather of the Alternative Right" in the press. In the 2016 presidential election campaign, he strongly supported Donald Trump and after his victory welcomed this event in the karaoke bar with the Nazi salute Sieg Heil with his supporters, urging them to "have fun like in 1933" when Hitler came to power. On August 11-12, 2017, he was one of the organizers of the Alt-Right action in Charlottesville (Virginia) under the slogan "Unite the Right!", against the demolition of the monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who ended in mass clashes with Antifa and the victims. There were slogans: "We can't be replaced!", "Blood and soil!"
But after a year of Trump's presidency, Spencer's neo-Nazi posturing began to subside like a shagreen skin. He became increasingly disappointed in Trump and imbued with Dugin's national Bolshevism, with whom he established cooperation in the early 2010s. This was followed by political throwing, which only intensified every year.
Spencer did not hide that he was involved in the translations and publication of Dugin's books and studied his ideology and describes Dugin as a charing man whom "he respects and will never condemn under any circumstances."
Since then, Spencer has denied that he is a duginist, while his rhetoric has become even more brazenly duginistic in nature. It is obvious that he has been promoting Dugin since 2012.
Spencer, who began as one of the founders of the Alternative Right movement, eventually fell into the position of primitive Putinism, making stunning absurd statements about Putin as a white leader - a nationalist who allegedly defends his country from both radical Islam and Western liberalism. And he praised Putin's state as "the most powerful white power in the world." Why in this "mighty white power in the world" the Russian people have no right to even stutter about the creation of a Russian national state and all opposition right-wing movements are destroyed by the authorities, at the same time as one of the most ambitious processes of importing migrants into the country and replacing the indigenous people, neither Spencer nor his supporters discuss or mention a single word.
If Spencer does not know anything about it (which is less likely), then he is incompetent and unable to act as the leader of the alternative right, or misleads his supporters. If he knows about it (which is more likely), then he works for the special services of the Russian Federation and promotes Duginism and Eurasianism among the alt-right in the United States, which directs the movement to false goals that are not related to nationalism. There is no doubt that Spencer has been PRing Dugin for more than 10 years, no matter how much he and his supporters dodge, saying that they are "not Duginists". Dugin wrote more than once for Spencer's websites, and his resources also published Dugin's works translated into English by Spencer's wife Nina Kupriyanova, an ardent Putinist who sang Putin's imperial chauvinism and the so-called "Russian world" on Twitter. She sarcastically called herself a "Kremlin bot", published articles praising Putin and justifying the Kremlin's policy, more than once appeared on the RT channel to promote pro-Kremlin theses.
Dugin published articles on Spencer's website "Alternative Right" and even recorded a speech entitled: "My American friend in our common struggle" for the right-wing conference in 2015. (Business Insider 10.12.2016).
In an interview with the Produgin channel Tsargrad, R. Spencer uses Dugin's rhetoric: "... I think Alt-Right can be characterized as the Fourth Political Theory.We definitely have roots and ideas of both the European New Right, like Alain de Benoit and Guillaume Fay. We also draw inspiration from the same sources." ("Tsargrad TV." Richard Spencer: Trump is the beginning of a global conservative revolution." December 4, 2016).
Later, during the Trump presidency, Spencer was more concerned not about intra-American problems related to immigration, the rampant crime associated with it, the degradation of cities under the control of left-wing politicians, the destruction of monuments to the Confederate heroes and the difficulties in building a wall on the border with Mexico, due to the blockade of Congress. He could have tried, using his authority and influence, to organize a collection of donations for the construction of the wall and would help the Trump administration, but decided to get away from these cases. He was increasingly supported by Iran and Syria, where the National Bolsheviks and Dugin Eurasians wanted to create centers of influence in their struggle against the West, while the Duginists themselves from AltRight told that support for the criminal dictatorial regime of Bashar al-Assad was necessary as an integral part of the fight against liberal globalism and the New World Order. And Spencer stubbornly followed these political and propaganda Kremlin narratives. When it was necessary, he stood up in defense of Putin's operation in Syria, he called Assad's use of chemical weapons "fakes of the Western media." Assad himself Spencer called "a civilized man" and "a source of stability in this chaotic world." And U.S. missile strikes on the Syrian air bases of Putin's puppet enraged him, after which he threatened Trump that at any time he was ready to "get off his train", refuse his support if he did not interact enough, to cooperate with Putin's plans.
In November 2018. Spencer told his supporters: "The moment of Trump's support is over, and it's time for us to move on." In 2019, he called Trump's tweets about women Congressmen of African descent (urging them to "return" to where they came from if they hate and despise the United States) "racist" that are meaningless and cheap.
The further degradation of Spencer as a politician was rapid and consisted of a continuous series of statements and tweets, one more ridiculous than the other, similar to the nonsense of a drunk idiot.
And in 2020, he fell to the final bottom when, after the murder of Iranian General Qasem Suleimani, Spencer fell into a hysterical rabie, as if there was nothing more important than this event in the world and said that he regretted the vote for Trump in 2016. He discussed the idea of supporting the leftist Burnie Sanders, who wants to imprison all white nationalists and outlaw white nationalism as a terrorist ideology. He either calls for a rally with radical Islam in the fight against globalist liberalism and in support of this idea places the flag of Iran on his Twitter account, or suddenly makes the opposite gesture - a curtsy in the direction of the LGBT community, when he explicitly prohibits homophobes from attending the annual right-wing conference. LGBT opponents are suspended from the conference, while openly gay Jack Donovan is made a key speaker.
Writes extremely strange tweets photographing with his new girlfriend against the background of the LGBT flag: "In addition, homosexuality seems to be a kind of last pillar of white implicit identity." His friend Megan Bobonic described him as "resolutely liberal" in everything but the racial problem.
Participating in an online session on Reddit to the question of one viewer why Spencer has "many followers in the gay community," Spencer replied succinctly: "Gays love me."
In 2020, he continued to push the boundaries of Duginism, calling Trump's accusations against China of concealing the leak and spread of covid-19 "racist attacks." At the same time, he praised the Chinese dictatorship in its "effective fight against the virus" with the help of totalitarian barbaric measures to isolate the population. And he made a new curtsy in the direction of Hillary Clinton: "If she were president, Hillary Clinton would be significantly better in managing the fight against covid-19 than Donald Trump. She would have introduced coercive measures such as testing and quarantine before; she would have cooperated better with foreign colleagues and health care institutions" (Martinez Perspective. Закрытный Queer Ричард Сpenser Теперь оголосая Хиллари Клинтон. 16.03.2020).
June 11, 2020 Spencer, after the beginning of the antifa and BLM pogroms, breaks a new bottom by supporting the creation of the "Autonomous Zone of Capitol Hill" on the territory of Seattle, also called the CHAZ Republic ("CHAZ") (existed June 8-24, 2020). Apparently, under the influence of Duginism and its National Bolsheviks, Spencer decided to recognize the "revolutionary potential" of Antifa and BLM and use it to deal a "crushing blow to the neoliberal system".
Admiring this "revolutionary gesture," Spencer praised the black frostbitten leader of the "Chaz Republic" - "warlord" Raza Simone: "I can only welcome you. You were deeply aware of the crisis of legitimacy in the heart of America - and the white world as a whole - and while others preached, you "acted" and did what could only be called "political creativity."
"Proud and strong nations would crush your revolution in the blink of an eye. But you sniffed America's weakness and the fatigue of the whole world. You exposed our bluff. And for this I have the deepest, sincere respect for you."
"Don't listen to white liberals who want to recreate the old world. Listen to your heart. Never be afraid of your own ambitions and the will to power. You motivate every man who strives to be a dreamer of the day, who strives to build a new world on the ruins of the old one."
This psychopathic leftist chatter shows only the depth of the mental disorder of the personality of a former nationalist who has undergone a huge evolution in a short period of time and turning under the influence of Duginism from a far-right politician to the left-wing National Bolshevik, which cannot stop raving at the moment when the country is experiencing a severe tragedy, in the chaos and rage of pogroms, he sees in his parallel reality a certain "political creativity" of the "revolutionary masses".
It seemed that after all this degradation and shame, it was difficult to do something more crazy. But Spencer managed to break the bottom again at the end of his political career. In August 2020, he shocked all his supporters with a statement that he planned to vote for Joe Biden: "The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but basically the paradigm contains shortcomings that we can now feel. And this needs to end... We'll have another sunny day. We need to recover and get back in a new shape" (Newsweek. Ричард Спенсер назад Джо Байден, говорит MAGA/Alt-Right Moment зах. 24.08.2020).
And then he tweeted an even more idiotic statement that he was ready to join "Joe's team" in the U.S. election campaign for president and even came up with the company's homemade slogan: "Liberals are clearly more competent."
It is difficult to imagine how shocked were the supporters of Spencer and the entire Alternative Right movement in general, who obviously could have only one question, whether their "godfather" was finally and irrevocably moved by their mind? And very importantly, these statements were made at a time when during the summer-autumn of 2020 dozens of U.S. cities were burning, embraced by an endless stream of violence and pogroms, created by left-wing scum from Antifa and BLM, who were openly supported by the Democrats, incited against white Americans and given entire cities under their control for looting!!! Needless to be added that at this most desperate moment of the struggle for the presidency, instead of mobilizing the right-wing forces, thanks to which Trump was able to win with the support of AltRight in 2016, Spencer sowed unimaginable chaos and disorganization in the ranks of the Alternative Right, which was good for either Trump or for themselves and did not end in the end.
At the same time, as expected in the Democratic Party, Spencer's "Joe's team" disowned with contempt, calling him part of the "vile hate forces that crawled out from under the stones" in the United States, against which the "Joe" team is fighting, that he is "absolutely disgusting" and "his support is 10,000,000 undesirable".
It is hardly an exaggeration to call this story the inglorious end of the cheap poser Spencer as a politician as a result of his political throws, as a result of which he fell into Duginism and National Bolshevism, and his previous influence in Alt-Right left only memories.
There are also those who work for the CIA, the KGB-FSB and Mossad, and, of course, do not like to hear about when they are exposed in this, but all their behavior, their actions, all suggests that they are agents of globalists. Take, for example, the fat bastard Mett Heimbach. He began his activity as a nationalist, but very quickly transformed into a national ball. Later he became the toughest Alt-Wingist among all the Alt-Wing, mentored by Dr. Matthew Rafael Johnson, an "orthodox medievalist" and a staffed Kremlin propagandist who popularized Putin's worship among the American patriotic public. Dugin spoke at one of the party conferences opened by Heimbach. In addition, Heinbach, expelled because of his leftism from the National Socialist Party, created his "Trad Workers Party" in 2015, the logo of which was the Dugin Eurasian star, a symbol of the "Magic of Chaos", often used by Eurasians at their events.
Matthew Heinbach uses the symbol of the Eurasian star "Magic of Chaos" as the emblem of his Traditionalist Workers' Party.
His open praise of Duginism and Putin's regime shocked with its stunning idiocy, especially when he called Putin "the leader of the free world." In 2016, identifying himself as a member of the alto-right, he praised Putin's Russia (RF) as an "axis for nationalists."
In an interview with Business Insider, Heinbach said: "I really believe that Russia is now the leader of the free world..." "Putin supports nationalists around the world and creates an anti-globalization alliance, while promoting traditional values and self-determination." Heinbach also considers the Russian Federation as a "model of civilization" and a "beacon for nationalists."
At the conference of the right-wing forces in St. Petersburg in 2015: "We are actively working with other ethnic groups to support their right to self-determination," Heinbach said, listing black nationalism and full autonomy of Native Americans as two reasons actively supported by his party.
"Putin supports traditionalism and self-determination, so do not interfere..." "He gives nationalists the opportunity to fight for the best interests of their nations..."
In addition, he moved to the position of left-wing anti-Zionism, calling for the unification of Europe and Islamic States in the fight against Israel. He considers Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a heroic figure in the Syrian war, who stubbornly opposes Syrian rebel groups. He also advocated the creation of a Shiite axis between Bashar al-Assad's Syria, Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon in a "global confrontation with world Zionism."
After spending years supporting subversive crypto-communist rhetoric through the "Traditionalist Workers' Party" and destroying the public image of nationalism with his grotesque organization and physique, Heimbach abandoned his past "hateful" habits and joined an anti-racist, anti-extremist organization. In April 2020, he published an article on the Internet in which he discusses how disappointed he was with white nationalism and right-wing political parties, and then left them. Now he is a multi-racist, a globalist, an orthodox Marxist, an "anti-hater," and an anti-white "deradicalization expert" with a lot of information on a huge circle of nationalists. What a coincidence!
Mett Heimbach.
In February 2023. Matt Heimbach tried to return to the political scene as an open communist pro-Putin agitator, appearing at a rally in Washington, D.C., with a group of libertarians, progressives and other weirdos. Coming out with a red banner with them, he demanded that Ukraine surede its territory to Putin and stop resistance. He was delighted that the cult of Stalin and the Soviet Union was being revived in Russia, and neo-Bolshevism was strengthening its position. In addition, he mercilessly denounced neoliberal American imperialism, although he has nothing against Putin's imperial ambitions.
As a result, Heinbach's pathetic attempts to return to the political scene fail completely. His Traditionalist Workers' Party lasted only 3 years (2015-2018). He broke with nationalism and right-wing organizations moved away from him and at the same time no alliance of nationalists with the left, which Heinbach sought did not work out, since most of the left, Democrats, Progressives, Marxists do not want to see him in their actions and drive him away, calling him a "Nazi" with whom they want to have nothing to do.
Eric Stryker, one of the main figures of the Heimbach Traditionalist Workers' Party, is now one of the leading ideologists of the Alternative Right. The striker flirts fiercely with Putin, spoke with great love about Xi Zingping and Eurasia as a whole, constantly making insane statements that China and the Russian Federation somehow oppose the NMP.
National Scoball Eric Stryker.
Striker, once associated with Spencer, admires the way the Russian Federation is fighting in Ukraine, calling them "emplary". "The speed at which Russian troops capture territory is unprecedented." And Putin's troops could "... tomorrow turn Kharkiv into a funnel with the help of their artillery," but "spared" the civilian population. "They are accurate, patient and methodical." And of course, Ukraine, as he claims, does not have the right not only to most of its territories, but also should cease to exist as a state. Stryker also fully supported Putin's massacres of Russian nationalist organizations and politicians who did not support Putin's "liberation campaign" against Ukraine on the sole grounds that they are not loyal to the Russian authorities and thus pose a threat to them. But at the same time, he makes frantic hysterics when his freedom to promote his ideas is limited in the United States.
Mike Enoch (Isaac Paynovich), a supporter of Spencer, who in 2017 advocated a move away from Trump's support and a shift to a more left-wing position, stubbornly kept up with Spencer, condemning Trump every time his actions were contrary to Putin's interests. As is usually the case with the National Bolsheviks, Paynovich promoted the idea and support of Libya, Palestine, Syria and Iran in the fight against neoliberal globalism and Israel and that this is allegedly in the interests of whites in the United States and to which he paid more attention to than the issue of tightening immigration legislation or building a wall with Mexico.
Mike Enoch Paynovich, Matthew Heimbach and Richard Spencer.
In addition to Spencer's click, Dugin was promoted and promoted by other characters from AltRight. Such as Canadian activist Lauren Southern, who turned out to be a fake nationalist and conservative. For some time, she made speeches against immigration and white replacement, receiving financial support from spectators and supporters. In fact, she turned out to be just a greedy for fame and money scammer - a provocateur.
In June 2018. Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettiboun visited Moscow to meet, interview and PR Dugin, his Eurasian ideas, praise Stalinism and the USSR. In an interview, as usual, Dugin spread his favorite demagoguery about liberalism, Atlanticism, the West he hates. And, of course, not a single word was said about hundreds of political prisoners in the Russian Federation.
Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone in Moscow 2018.
But half a year before this trip to Moscow, in December 2017. Southern was exposed as a false supporter of nationalism and conservatism after her photo with a black Muslim she dated popped, which caused a crushing wave of criticism from the right wing of AltRight.
In her ridiculous excuse, she said that he was "a half-black, half-Irish Christian who considered himself a Muslim and voted for Trump." This ridiculous justification only increased the flow of criticism and inciterated the negative, which generally amounted to the fact that after what happened to her there was no place in the right movement, she could no longer have anything to do with conservatism, nationalism, reasoning about replacing white people with migrants, while by her behavior she supports this replacement. In general, it was Southern's political collapse and a trip to Moscow for an interview with Dugin, although it became an obviously good source of income for her, the situation did not correct. Already in 2020, Southern was not interesting to anyone and no one needed it. Among the right wing of AltRight and on 4chan there was a heated discussion of this behavior of the Canadian activist, where many inclined to believe that it was a provocation of the FBI, who send all kinds of freaks to the right-wing movements in order to promote them, after a while with their help to make a noisy provocation, a defamatory movement. Although it is not worth dropping the option of provocation from the shields, everything could have been much simpler and more banal. Southern's meetings with a black Muslim do not contradict the ideas of Duginism, which despises ethnic nationalism. The frantic hatred of the West as a whole also applies to white people in America, against whom he threatened to organize ethnic cleansing, as well as to settle the United States with the peoples of Africa and Asia. (Dugin,, interview "I'm waiting for Ivan the Terrible", 1998: "The West must pay for everything. It is better to settle him with Chinese, Tatars, Muslims, all this Eurasian nomadism..."
A completely right-wing nationalist, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, was also hooked on the hook of Duginism. Duke Chato visited Russia and met with Dugin several times at conferences. Then Dugin came back to Texas A&M University at Duke's invitation with a lecture. And although David Duke was not seen in chanting the praise of Putinism, this very, albeit a short flirtation with Duginism, did not have the best effect on his reputation. He also had political throws, after supporting Trump in 2016, in 2020 he switched to supporting the centrist Tulsi Gabbard, whose program had nothing to do with nationalism, then, after her defeat, again returned to campaigning for Trump.
David Duke and Dugin.
Should we believe that all these influential figures are just mentally retarded and ignorant people? In fact, something suspicious is happening to the alternative right.
Among the absolutely (pro)Dugin crowd, there is a tendency to argue that Western/cultural Marxism is actually "cultural liberalism", thereby freeing Marxists (especially the USSR) from responsibility and their huge role in creating the New World Order (NMP). The USSR, especially under Lenin, was a pioneer of degenerate Western/cultural Marxism.
In making this statement, the "non-Dugins" will reformulate the NMP as an exclusively "Western" creation, trying to remove the blame from "Eurasia" by strengthening their position that Eurasia is a resistance to the "Atlantic world order". Obviously, both the "Eurasian East" (Marxists) and the "Atlantic West" (liberals) are to blame for creating the New World Order.
Another leftist supporter of Islamism from Spencer's team is Keith Woods, who ridicules and denies the 1932-1933 Holodomor, denies, justifies or downplays the crimes of the Bolsheviks and Stalinism. He also welcomes Islamism as a good ally for whites in the fight against Western imperialism and neoliberalism. In his activities undermining the alternative right movement, Keith Woods went so way condemning ethnonationalism as "liberalism." And here everything is strictly according to Dugin, who rejects and despises ethnic nationalism. In Woods, like Dugin, the word "liberal", "liberalism" is a universal word that means everything hated Western... including ethnic nationalism.
Keith Woods, who hosts a podcast with Richard Spencer and claims that the right wing "needs his own Karl Marx."
Nazbol Keith Woods.
This attempt to rehabilitate Marx as a "founding racist" is at best a severely distorted version of the truth, since it is well known that Marx was not an anti-Semite.
Aspects of Duginism and Alternative Right
These characters should be asked more uncomfortable questions about Duginism, for example, why they support Putin and Xi Zengping, while China represents a completely obvious left-wing, globalist dictatorship, if you pay attention especially to the covid tyranny that (Chinese) globalists promote as a role model around the world, and the Russian Federation, despite its false anti-globalism, undoubtedly also promotes the agenda of the NMP and serves the goals of globalists. It is worth asking, what is the direct benefit for Europeans from supporting Middle Eastern anti-Israeli political movements and organizations and what does Europe itself benefit from it? Why do they deny the reality of Western cultural Marxism when it clearly dominates the political rhetoric of the globalist left and the globalist right. The only way to draw attention to this problem is to ask the people responsible for spreading Duginist rhetoric - whether they do it intentionally or not - what the hell are they doing and what is their ultimate goal?
The main aspects of Duginism set out in the "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" (and other main documents):
To steadily promote intuitive anti-American hatred of the West.
Promote anti-imperialism/colonialism (from the point of view that the whole "West is racist").
To promote the position of the Russian Federation in the West.
Promote Eurasianism in the West.
Promote anti-racism (and anti-white politics in the world).
Promote "ethnopluralism."
Create chaos to cause the collapse of the West.
Increase and spread globalism through institutions such as the EU.
To promote Islam in a positive light as an ally against globalism.
To develop relations with Muslim countries.
Cut off the Anglosphere ("Atlantists") from Europe.
To create a "multipolar world" (i.e. to create conditions that can contribute to the transfer of the NMP force from the United States to China and the Russian Federation).
And now let's compare these main adherents of Duginism with what major Internet celebrities of the alternative right have been promoted for years (some of them are listed above):
To advocate a pan-European state or "EU capture."
To defend (and whitewaish) the USSR and specifically Stalin.
An attempt to rehabilitate Marxism.
To claim that Western Marxism is actually "cultural liberalism" (this statement reinterprets the East/Eurasia as innocent, and the West/Atlantists as the only creator of the modern world).
Promote the "pro-Russian" position in the statement that Putin "opposes ZOG."
Promote the pro-Chinese position, claiming that Xi Jinping "opposes Z*G."
To call everything that does not suit "liberalism" (and opponents - "liberals").
Promotion of "ethnopluralism" (which has moved to the territory of "bad racism" since 2020).
Propaganda of anti-Americanism/colonialism (from the point of view that the whole "West is racist").
Protection of Islam (often through a number of obvious misconceptions).
An overestimation of historical conflicts between Europeans and the Middle East, especially attempts at the Muslim conquest of Europe.
Protection of Muslim countries and/or call for unification with them as valiant allies against the NMP.
Here, in this entire list, as you can see, there is not much difference, except that the alternative right claims that they are "for whites", while Dugin is quite openly opposed to whites.
People who almost literally repeat Dugin's rhetoric use protection, "to deny everything and call opponents mentally ill."
Their other main defense is that they claim that they cannot be Duginists or support Dugin rhetoric because they disagree with Dugin's political position on X, Y or Z or his personal faith with regard to positions A, B or C.
But this excuse doesn't work.
Do Marxists agree with all Marx's personal beliefs? Perhaps they do not approve of his statement that Africans are too undeveloped to accept communism. Do open Marxists agree with all Marx's theories? Of course not, just look at the ideological positions of Marxists-Lenins and Western/cultural Marxists. Are they fake Marxists? No. As well as the National Socialists, including the leading members of the NSDAP, did not agree 100% with Hitler's personal beliefs or even 100% with his policies and ideological attitudes. Were they fake National Socialists? No.
If a person repeats most of the core of Ducin ideology:
Anti-Atlantism (furious anti-Westernism)
Anti-imperialism ("racist West").
Pro-Islamic position in general
Protection or understatement of the crimes of communism
Protection of the USSR and Stalinism, etc.
And if this person uses Dukin jargon: "Multipolarity", "Ethnopluralism", "Atlantism", etc.
And if this person has direct ties with Dugin, belongs to or belonged to an organization that had direct ties with Dugin, or sold and promoted Dugin's literary works, what should we assume?
Should we believe that they are not Duginists just because they claim that this is not the case? That they are not duginists because they do not agree with some of Dugin's personal beliefs or his schizophrenic posts?
If a person repeats 95% of Marxist ideology and does not agree with its 5%, then he is obviously a Marxist. Despite the fact that he can say: "I'm not a Marxist because I disagree with Marx, who called Lassalle a Jewish nigger."
There is no doubt that Duginism is working to destroy Western nationalism and redirect it to the goals of Eurasianism. Many people just absorbed this ideology through intermediaries. Most people have no idea who Theodore Adorno is, but still repeat his thesis of "authoritarian personality" almost verbatim. However, in some indirect cases, the evidence is simply undeniable, as in the case of Richard Spencer, Mett Heimbach, etc.
What does the Dugin update lead to: the alternative rights who support Duginism become full Eurasians, full supporters of the third world, neo-Bolsheviks and complete idiots.
Instead of benefiting from growing anti-immigrant, anti-globalization, anti-LGBT sentiment in society, when ordinary people stop trusting the system, official right-wing or left-wing politicians, left-liberal propaganda and begin to reach for nationalism (to politicians such as Trump, Salvini, Farage, Orban, Meloni, many of whom are not even fully nationalists, but what is an indicator of society's demand), what do the alternative right do? They turn to the aggressive advancement of the third world, promoting fierce anti-Westernism and trying to rehabilitate Marxism and Bolshevism.
They do all this under the guise of the "delegitimization" of "neoliberal globalism" and the "American" world order.
The best way to destroy the growing nationalist movement and make it turn into schizophrenic inappropriateness would probably not be to do anything different from what the alternate right's Spencer faction has been doing now and has been doing over the past few years.
If we remove Dugin's multilayered psychological chatter, his ideology is just a revival of Bolshevism and the USSR; red imperialism, merged with later Marxist theories (deconstruction) of race and sex, and so on. He combines all this with the idea that "the planet should unite in hatred of whites" in the style of the third world struggle, which he poorly disguises as "anti-liberalism". We can say that Duginism is "Bolshevikism 2.0" or neo-Bolshevism.
Dugin is not the little-known and not influential character that the alternative right believes him - "Dugin is just a meme," according to Eric Stryker.
Do not be misled or surprised by the mimicry that Dugin has to be given credit. When he needs it, Dugin skillfully portrays himself as a fascist, but only when he addresses the white audience, but when he communicates with the left, he returns to his element.
"Racist liberalism"
The term "liberal racist" is the last in the pedigree of fashionable words of the alternative right. It's important. Dugin uses the term "liberal" interchangeably with "Western" (as well as "white/European"), in addition to the frequent use of the term "racist" as derogatory and synonymous with "liberalism".
In the Duginsky worldview, the global dichotomous conflict is: "NMP" (USA=Atlantism=West=Liberalism=Racism=Europeans) against the rest of the planet led by Russia. This is standard Marxism. The dichotomy of the "oppressor against the oppressed":
proletariat against the bourgeoisie (orthodox Marxism)
Brown, color coalition + LGBT against white patriarchy (Western Marxism of the "New Left") and so on.
It should be borne in mind that for the left, the statement "liberal" is a standard communist insult for fellow communists who are "not communist enough." This is their version of the word "cuckold." Like Dugin, they also act on the principle of "all I don't like is liberalism," often stating that fascism is a form of liberalism: "Fascism is decaying capitalism (liberalism)."
Ironically, it was Nick Fuentes who first began to use the term "racist liberal" to describe the alternative right. Although Fuentes apparently used it in the American sense of "liberal=left."
Some of the alternative right sometimes throw off their masks and begin to broadcast the perfect leftist-Dugin madness, such as: "All races must unite against the sinister "liberal-American" world order!" etc.
These people have been promoting this nonsense for several months, and in some cases even years. At the same time, they desperately try to reject criticism by any means possible, claiming that Dugin is just a "meme" and then claim that they are Dugin's fans and that you should read his work.
Note: Francis Parker Yokee is the favorite of the alternative right. He started as a relatively normal nationalist, but became ridiculous after he came to the false conclusion that Stalin "cleansed communism of Jews." He spent the last years of his life advocating for the Eurasian alliance between Europe and the USSR, as well as for an alliance between nationalists and communists around the world. He also promoted the "third world." He was one of the most outstanding supporters of the "red-brown alliance" deception, which was supported by the alternate right team. Yokee was an incredibly smart man, but that doesn't mean he was right.
Dugin has strong ties with the French New Right, whom he essentially called his greatest allies in Europe, stating that the French New Right, especially Alain de Benoit, is implementing his own Fourth Political Theory. Benoit, in turn, spoke enthusiastically about his old friend Dugin many, many times; he even named his book after Dugin's "Fourth Political Theory".
Alain de Benoit (aka Alain Sorel) is one of the enthusiastic fans of Dugin, who is advertised by the National Ball Kit Woods, where he comments on Habib's fight with McGregor's fight with McGregor with a magnificent the victory of the "modest and religious" Habib over the vulgar McGregor is. "It's a sign of hope. This is the victory of the East over the West."
Sorel is an anti-racist, Eurasian, multi-racist, who wrote the preface to the French edition of Dugin's Fourth Political Theory. This is one of Dugin's most zealous and consistent supporters in the political philosophy of Europe, who so fiercely PR Dugin.
Alain de Benois.
Alain de Benois in his article gave a definite explanation of why Dugin is not a nationalist: "The most grotesque is undoubtedly the nickname "nationalist" or "ultranationalist", which most commentators use in relation to him. Dugin, I repeat, Eurasian. But Eurasianism is incompatible with nationalism, as it includes the idea of the Empire, that is, a fundamental rejection of the logic of ethnic nationalism and the national state (which explains Dugin's close ties with representatives of the Jewish and Turkic-Muslim communities)."
Alain de Benoit seems to initially deny that Dugin is close to Putin, but immediately talks about his influence in Europe and the United States: "Alexander Dugin, whose works are translated into ten or twelve languages, is a famous and widely read author both in Russia and abroad. He has his own networks and his own influence." (Alain de Benois. Dugin's Eurasianism is incompatible with nationalism. Interview with Maxim Le Nagar for Front Populaire. 2022).
One of the largest networks distributing and translating Dugin literature is Arctos Media, the largest publishing company in Europe that publishes New Right literature.
Arctos Media: "Let's stop calling our enemies "communists." It's not the 1930s... The Communists collapsed 30 years ago. Accept it... The red panic is over... For the self-proclaimed fascists, the people you hate are not communists, they are neoliberal capitalists...
It should be noted here that in France the "New Right", originally headed by Alain de Benois, split into right and left wings in the 1980s. In the 2000s, the left Produgin, Eurasian wing was headed and continues to be headed by Alain de Benois, and the ideologist of the right wing was Guillaume Fay, who remained in the positions of ethnic nationalism, who remained in the position of ethnic nationalism. Dugin himself explains this situation as follows: "So, the identityists are partly a new generation of "new right" intellectuals. They are most often close in 4PT, they follow Alain de Benoit and partly my ideas... Such identities are anti-liberals and anti-capitalists. They are supporters not so much of nationalism and even more so of racism, which is alien to them, but of the ideal of the European Empire, gibbelinism and the Indo-European vertical. They usually support both right-wing and left-wing populism in politics, strongly oppose capitalism as such, following the line of the Conservative Revolution, Nikish's National Bolshevism and the ideas of Sombart. This current is no different from what is 4PT and Eurasianism.
But there is another wing - non-intellectual identity... They are against immigration and immigrants, and Islamophobia, xenophobia, nationalism and racism are often common among them... They are inherent in idiotic and irrevalent anti-communism today..."
Thus, Dugin has for once again conducted a clear watershed among the "New Right" and the Alternative Right between the left wing, where he refers himself and Alain de Benois and the right nationalist wing, with which he has nothing to do.
Mike Enoch Paynovich and Eric Stryker downplay the influence of Islam on white countries, as well as downplay the historical conflicts between Middle Eastern/North Africans and Europeans. They and many other alternative rights claim that Muslims are in fact our "natural allies" in the fight against the System.
Stryker and Enoch downplay those grand battles and wars, as well as the territorial losses that occurred as a result of the Islamic invasion of Europe, calling them "some clashes in Spain or something like that" and "some things from the Middle Ages," in their podcasts about Islam, which are overflowing with such hot conclusions. "It was 500 years ago!" - Stryker proclaimed, as if it somehow made the ongoing clash of civilizations inappropriate.
The insane historical revisionism of Stryker and Enoch, unfortunately, confused their audience, which, repeating them verbatim, spews similar nonsense.
Apparently, these people are completely unaware of such things as the Barbary slave trade (1500-1800), during which millions of Europeans were enslaved by North Africans and Ottomans (also known as barbaric states) - even after Europeans paid them millions of dollars in tribute in exchange for being left alone. This slave trade stopped only when the various European peoples (French, British, Dutch and Americans) united and collectively waged war against barbaric states, which led to the colonization of North Africa in the 1800s.
To act as if all this is some distant past, and that the people of the Middle East and Central Africa are now our greatest allies against the "liberal" world order, is a schizophrenic level of delusion. They left us alone for 200 years because the Europeans united to fully own them, and then colonized them and subdued them so that they would stop deceiving us.
Keith Woods supported Gaddafi, who gloated that Islam had conquered Europe without a single shot. In August 2010, during a visit to Italy, Gaddafi said that residents of European countries should convert to Islam, which should become "the religion of all Europe." Each such post on the Internet is filled with similar comments from the so-called "natural allies" of whites.
Their advice to nationalists not only to behave with sympathy towards openly hostile external groups, but also to enter into a political alliance with them demonstrate a grotesque misunderstanding of nationalism and identity at the most fundamental, basic level. Unfortunately, very many (or most) white countries are on the verge of a racial civil war. We can already see how this is happening in South America, the United States, South Africa. What way of thinking does the rhetoric of the alternative right inspire whites who find themselves in this situation against their will?
Rehabilitation of Marxism, Bolshevism, communism.
Many Alt-wrights constantly defend Bolshevism, Stalin, the USSR, the Marxist states of the third world and Marxism in general. They deny the Holodomor, state that cultural Marxism does not exist, state that Stalin was "the founder of the anti-NMP and a "fighter against Jewry", and also state that Bolshevism is somehow compatible with the diametrically opposite worldview of nationalism. All this rhetoric, of course, fully reflects Dugin's worldview and goals.
The idea that Western ("cultural") Marxism is "influential secondary nonsense" is one of the craziest revisionist statements to be heard. Western Marxism is a widely popular academic field that has been taught in every college and university in the West for the past few decades. Marxist thinkers responsible for developing these theories, the very influential Frankfurt School, had ties to the UN, the Rockefellers and so on. Some of their students were even authors of UN racist statements that contributed to the spread of laws on racial denial and "hate speech" in the West. About 50% of the leading figures of the Frankfurt School were CIA and KGB agents. All the founding theorists of Western Marxism were once orthodox Marxists. Antonio Gramschi, who invented the political strategy of "colonizing the superstructure" (also known as the "long campaign through the institutions"), is probably one of the most important political thinkers of our time. He was the first influential Marxist figure to realize the inapplicability of the Marxist theory of "base" over the "superstructure" to Western civilization, turning Marxism from a centralized economy-oriented ideology into a decentralized culture-oriented ideology, defining the political battlefield of this century. Modern Western society is now so imbued with Western Marxist ideology that even the "conservatives" and the "right" spew daily the theories of the Frankfurt School. Each major globalist elite and organization (e.g. the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, etc.) uses socio-political theories developed by Western Marxists.
Why do supposedly "read" people who should "know better," such as alternative right-wing Internet celemorities, deny this whole incredibly well-documented story? Because they inevitably try to rehabilitate Marxism, while accusing only liberalism of the fall of the West.
In addition, the Alternative Right often spreads the myth that Stalin "cleansed all Jews from power in the USSR. It's just a lie. The truth is that Stalin was angry with a small circle of Jews because they were "wrong" nationalist Jews, not the "right" declassified Jews of the homeless archetype of the "Soviet man." He did not hate all Jews and certainly did not remove them all from power. He ordered the execution of several Zionist Jews for promoting nationalism in the multinational Soviet empire and in general for causing trouble. Millions of other people from all nationalities were executed for the same reasons. They weren't executed simply because they were Jews.
According to Stalin, anti-Semitism in the USSR was punishable by death.
Rehabilitation of the USSR and the "red-brown alliance."
The alternative right is largely focused on fabricating evidence confirming the validity of their delusions about the "red-brown alliance".
In fact, never in history have the "red" been on the side of the "browns", with the extreme exception in some random alliances. The two worldviews of nationalism (or National Socialism and Fascism) and communism are diametrically opposed to each other at the most basic, fundamental level and can in no way coexist or cooperate.
This fact is confirmed by the most famous literature published by both Bolsheviks and National Socialists.
Suffice it to recall Lenin's quote: "whoever does not fight against all forms of national oppression or inequality is not a Marxist, but a petty-bourgeois nationalist."
Keith Woods called George Gelloy an example of a "good leftist." However, this "good left" helped the Communists overthrow the appartheid in South Africa, acting, according to him, as an "underground agent of the (communist) ANC." This communist coup led to the complete destruction of South Africa and the genocide of more than 70,000 whites in just 20 years.
Their rhetoric sounds like this, which is very unconvincing: "I'm not a Duginist, I just spew all Dugin's theories almost verbatim, published his book, consider him a charming guy, call my ideology "a kind of Fourth Political Theory" and refuse to condemn him, although he is an anti-white globalist."
"I'm not a Stalinist, but I will by no means condemn Stalin, moreover, I recommend that you read Stalin's works and become more like him. PS I'm not a Stalinist."
So, there is plenty of evidence of the poisonous influence of Duginism on Russian, European and American nationalism. There are so many of them that it is impossible to include them all in one article. Maybe it won't be a strong exaggeration to say that a significant part of the alternative right is a subversive, poisonous force consisting of liars, egomaniacs and probably a few federal sexots added for loyalty.
And another important question that should be taken into account: if influential "nationalist" figures suddenly began to promote LGBT materials or Zionism, this deception was immediately understood by the vast majority and exposed. So why doesn't this apply to Duginist rhetoric? Why doesn't this apply to the support of Marxism, Eurasianism and the third world by those who call themselves "right"?
It becomes obvious that in recent decades the Dugin-Eurasian ideology has subjugated a significant part of Western nationalism (through Richard Spencer and Co., the French "New Right", etc.), there has been such a deformation of nationalist ideas, thanks to which, now a very large number of inhabitants both in the Russian Federation and in the West assume that Duginism is nationalism. And the liberal media actively support this distorted opinion in order to discredit nationalism and convince the majority that Dugin is the ideologist of "Russian fascism" or "rashism."
Of course, the entire Alternate Right movement should not be disgraced, as it is too heterogeneous, does not have its own single manifesto and is divided into several ideological movements, from left-wing national bolts to ultra-right and conservatives, between which there is also serious political debates. Nevertheless, we must not forget that thanks in large part to the support of the Alternative Right, D. Trump managed to win the 2016 elections. And although he is not a sufficiently consistent nationalist, there was still a blow to the Deep State and the ruling establishment, which showed that resistance is not meaningless and victory over him is possible. This is the movement that can repel leftist psychopaths from Antifa and BLM. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to notice the extremely negative processes of increasing the scale of National Bolshevik propaganda and the emergence of absolutely marginal and incapable of leading provocative irresponsible leaders who are consciously or unconsciously able to completely confuse, demoralize, decompose and destroy the entire movement. And if the process of cleansing the National Bolshevik-Eurasian poison and the formation of clearer right-conservative, nationalist principles does not begin among the Alternative Right, the movement may come to an end.
Those who consider themselves nationalists and are seduced by this false, ugly creativity, called Duginism, should come to their senses and clear their heads of this garbage and wash their hands from this subversive idiocy, decisively separate themselves from the psychiatric hospital, which is the left wing of the Alternative Right, which will continue its madness until it suffers its ideological defeat, along with ridiculous nonsense about the creation of the Eurasian Empire or the USSR.
Judging by the unsuccessful development of the new "liberation campaign" of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, it is obvious that the collapse of Neo-Bolshevism, Duginism, Eurasianism and other anti-nationalist heresy is just around the corner.
Community "Manifesto" in VK
The article is based on materials from the Thuletite resource