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Aleksandr Dugin: anti-white crypto-Communist posing as nationalist and anti-globalist - Part 3

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

By Manifesto
June 20, 2023

In addition to political and religious views, the Dugin anti-racist and anti-nationalist positions, this, as far as can be judged, is also the most vital aspect of Duginism. Although Dugin claims that he simply contrasts "Atlanticism" and "liberalism", he clearly considers the terms "white" or "European", "liberal" and "Atlanticist" interchangeable. It should be noted that Dugin simply continues the Bolshevik tradition of anti-racism initiated by Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, etc.

"Marxism cannot be reconciled with nationalism, even if it is the "most just", "purest", refined and civilizational variety. Instead of all forms of nationalism, Marxism puts forward internationalism, the fusion of all nations into the highest unity..." - V.I. Lenin, October-December 1913

Numerous anti-racist companies held every year in the USSR also confirm this. Dugin, trying to be at the forefront of anti-globalism, nevertheless uses communist international narratives that have a fundamental globalist basis and can in no way be used for any anti-globalization purpose.

Eurasianism as a new form of internationalism.

Nevertheless, for the sake of justice, it is worth noting that the idea of Eurasianism, which was an ideology/movement, was not synonymous with Bolshevism and did not appear among the Communists, it was formed among some of white immigration, as a result of the rethinking of the October Revolution of 1917.

Soviet anti-racist propaganda.

In 1921, when the Civil War continued to rattle in the Far East of Russia, among part of immigration there was a deepest disappointment in Western civilization and Western allies who betrayed Russia and the White Movement without supporting it at the decisive moment of the most difficult trials. These reflections led them to completely ridiculous and blamoral conclusions, that the Bolsheviks were the only force in the Russian national interests and able to reassemble and unite Russian lands into a single state - the red empire, which, in an updated form, will become the heir to the fallen Russian Empire. This concept was the fruit of the violent fantasies of a former cadet, an officer in the army of Kolchak, who became a Eurasian N.V. Ustryalov, who first presented it in a collection of articles called "Change of Milestones" in 1921, after which he had his supporters among immigration, who began to popularize Eurasianism. Further, Ustryalov suffered, creating his phantosmagoric constructions, he agreed to the point that he recognized "the merits of the Bolsheviks in preserving Russian statehood..." and after Kolchak's defeat he recognized them as "the only force capable of preserving Russia", because in his eyes they, fighting the interventionists, turned out to be greater patriots than whites. While most white immigrants viewed the Bolshevik power as a monstrous experiment, completely alien to Russia, which destroyed the Russian state and interrupted the development of Russian civilization.

N.V. Ustryalov.

Ustryalov was one of the first among white immigrants to declare the need to recognize the Bolsheviks as "a national power that protects Russia from Western aggression and preserves its territory." He also proclaims himself a follower of "National Bolshevism," and in 1927 he called himself a "left-wing Eurasian". The Smenovekhovites declared a barbaric Bolshevik regime that drowned Russia in blood, making it an anti-Russian Soviet, which became a springboard for the world revolution, a kind of "Russian national phenomenon..." In this experiment, he saw for himself not the death of the Russian state, which actually occurred in 1917, but the mythical "continuation" of Russian statehood, but already under the Bolshevik leadership, and the Bolsheviks, in his opinion, for some reason, should have been reborn into some kind of national force. At the same time, the Eurasians completely ignored or did not want to notice the fact of the fundamental struggle of the Bolshevik internationalists against the so-called "great-power Russian chauvinism".

Further, the Eurasians' delusional fantasies were replaced by even wilder claims that the allegedly Bolshevik power was even more national than the Russian Empire itself. At the same time, "the internationalism of the USSR was seen as the embodiment of the Russian national character." And the slogans to overthrow "world capital", the bourgeoisie and imperialist predators were perceived by them as a rebellion of the empires of the East against the bourgeois empires of the West. In the understanding of the Eurasians, rather, the Russian Empire was an "anti-national" and "pro-Western state", and the Bolshevik anti-Russian revolution, a bloody tornado that passed through Russia, destroying many millions of Russian people, was considered by them as the salvation of the nation from the influence of the West, that is, as a certain form of nationalism. Thus, in their theoretical eclecticism, the Eurasians put everything upside down, by the power of their violent imagination, giving the Bolsheviks the features of Russian nationalists - the saviors of Russia and declared the "national liberation" nature of the Bolshevik revolution. In 1936, N.N. Alekseev in his work "Paths and Fates of Marxism: From Marx and Engels to Lenin and Stalin" calls the doctrine of Lenin "Eurasian Marxism". He also writes: "Leninism and Stalinism unconsciously fulfilled a very important task - they saved Russia from exploitation by foreign capital."

The Bolshevik leadership perceived the Eurasians as "useful idiots" who do not unsuccessfully decompose white immigration and urge them to return to Sovdepia. In the USSR, where the entire opposition press was completely destroyed, nevertheless, the magazine "Change of Milestones" and articles of Eurasians were openly published. Many, especially the left-wing Eurasians, according to their own conviction, like S.Y. Efron, worked for the GPU. At the same time, many of them did not even have to be recruited, as they considered their struggle on the side of Soviet intelligence - this is a continuation of Russia's "thousannd-year struggle with the West". P.N. Savitsky illegally traveled to Moscow, and the Smenovekhovites published their magazines with Soviet money.

The Bolsheviks skillfully played with them, as they learned mimicry at the highest level. And when they needed to mobilize Russian officers to fight Poland in 1920. Trotsky could force himself to talk about the "defense of Holy Russia," doing this in order for the officers, thinking that they were fighting for Russia, to fight for the goals of the III International and the World Revolution. Stalin did the same when he needed to tactically switch to national rhetoric in the fight against the Germans. With regard to Ustryalov, who emigrated to the USSR in the late 20s and continued to fantasize there about the evolution of the Soviet regime, supporting Stalin in the 30s as a "statesman standing for the national empire" who moved to the positions of National Bolshevism, Stalin himself said the following: "Let him dream of the rebirth of our party. It's not forbidden to dream with us. Let him dream of his health. But let him know that dreaming of rebirth, he must at the same time carry water to our Bolshevik mill. Otherwise, he'll feel bad." And Ustryalov carried this water for a very long time, persistently and diligently, at the same time working for the Soviet government at the Chinese Eastern Railway, and worked until in 1937 he was accused in connection with Japanese intelligence and shot when the Soviet authorities no longer needed it.

Thus, Eurasianism, which arose in the right-wing environment of white immigration, eventually took a course to justify the Bolshevik coup and Soviet power. True, in 1928-1929, the Eurasians split into right and left. The former were critical of Bolshevism as a whole, but believed that it also had positive sides, the second openly praised it, claiming their pro-Sovietism and pro-Bolshevikism. But even the right-wing Eurasian A. Trubetskoy wrote in "Heritacy of Genghis Khan": "the Soviet power... really seeks to radically change the entire course of the policy of the overthrown anti-national monarchy." Thus justifying the bloody Bolshevik pogrom of Russia, he called it "... a deep and essential process that ... opens the way to a healthy state element." The left-wing Eurasians, after a long propaganda that decomposing white immigration, settled in the USSR, where all their dreams of converting to the Eurasianism of the Bolsheviks were buried, and they themselves became just communists (P.P. Sovchinsky). S.Y. Efron and D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky tried to serve the Soviet state, but the state did not appreciate their efforts very much and both were destroyed by the Soviet repressive machine.

The right-wing Eurasians by the beginning of World War II also finally threw away the last fig leaves. Savitsky, Alekseev, Chkheidze and other so-called "right-wing Eurasians" became the creators of the Russian Emigrant Defense Movement (REOD), through which they promoted the need to take the position of "Soviet patriotism" among the Russian emigration. But most of the Russian emigration did not want to have anything to do with the Bolshevik henchmen who approved of the spread of Soviet totalitarianism in Europe and therefore they saw Hitler as less evil for Russia than in Stalin.

Most of the Russian white immigration, unlike the Eurasians, still, like the philosopher Ilyin, considered the Soviet Union an anti-Russian state.

Since then, there has been no need to talk about any truth of Eurasianism. It became an exclusively left-wing idea. Initially, the Soviet leadership considered it as a tool in the hands of "useful idiots" for processing and ideological melting of Russian emigrants to the side of the USSR, then for several decades it was in the pen until it survived the second birth in the 1970s-1980s, thanks to the Soviet ethnologist and geographer L.N. Gumilev (1912-1992). His works have achieved special popularity in the last years of the USSR and in the 1990s. There is reason to believe that part of the Soviet leadership, in the last decade of the existence of the USSR, having come to the conclusion that the orthodox ideology of classical Marxism-Leninism no longer meets either the spirit or the requirements of the time and should therefore be dismantled and replaced in the process of reformatting the USSR with another, also left, but more corresponding to the new historical conditions ideology.Therefore, it was decided to make Eurasianism a "reserve ideology" with the possible reconstruction of the left empire and the USSR-2. This is where the popularization of Gumilev's works begins in the late 1980s and 1990s. According to Vladimir Avdeev, a critic of Eurasianism: "... TV reporter A.G. Nevzorov in one of the programs dedicated to his (Gumilev) work, said that the first editions of L.N. Gumilev were authorized by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The creators of communist captivity quickly saw their ideological ally in the former prisoner. The international communists, who hate everything Russian, quickly gave alms to the Turkophile with similar views. (Avdeev V.B. "First Eurasia, now Aziopa. Metaphysical anthropology." September 8 - October 8, 1996).

Eurasians argue that Russia does not belong to Europe or Asia, but combines the qualities of both and therefore should expand and synthesize, unite both Europe and Asia into a single whole. But there is a certain cunning in these words. In fact, they are still closer in spirit to Asia, because Asian empires and states are never demonized by them as the entire West, which, in their opinion, "has been at war with Russia for more than a thousand years." A huge number of wars with the eastern hordes that have been in the history of Russia, they prefer to simply ignore or pretend that they did not represent anything serious.

L.N. Gumelev on stamps of Kazakhstan.

One of the key postulates of Eurasianism is that Russia is not the heir of Kievan Rus, but of the "Golden Horde", the Mongolian monarchy, as Nikolai Trubetskoy first spoke about in 1925, who most positively assessed the Mongolian influence on the development of Russia as a state. A common feature of the Eurasian texts was the praise of Genghis Khan's empire and violent attempts to refute the facts of the fundamental confrontation between Russia and Asia.

The priority of the Eurasians to the East among the Eurasians is also expressed in the fact that already in the 20-30s, speaking of Russia-Eurasia as an "outritive civilization", they advocated a revision of worldview orientations and "spiritual separation from the West". And even then, the Eurasians defined the West as evil, especially N. Trubetskoy in her work "Europe against Humanity."

The logic of the Eurasians is obviously that if the Russian people determine their statehood from Kievan Rus, then in this case, they bring themselves closer to the Slavic, and as a result to the "demonic" European civilization. And therefore, he needs to refuse to belong to the Slavic civilization, imposing a false theory about the existential enmity between the Russians and the West and about the "complementarity of the Slavs and Turks," unlike the Western Slavs. Hence, they formed the idea of the Eurasian Slavic-Turan civilization, which denies the principle of ethnicity to the Slavs of the Russian people, instead of which the idea of creating a certain organic community of people, the "Eurasian people" was put forward, which should be understood as Slavs mixed with the Turks, as well as the unity of Orthodoxy and Islam.

Philosopher N.A. Berdyaev could not but note a number of negative features in the Eurasians, which testified to their amphony with the mentality of the Horde savages:

"Sometimes it seems that it is not Russian that is close to them, but Asian, Eastern, Tatar, Mongolian in Russian. Genghis Khan, they clearly prefer St. Vladimir. For them, the Moscow kingdom is a baptized Tatar kingdom, the Moscow tsar is a eciphaned Tatar khan. And in this kingdom close to the heart of the Eurasians, the insurmountable paganism of the Asian tribes is felt... Mohammedans are closer to the Eurasian heart than the Christians of the West. Eurasians are ready to create a united front with all East Asian, non-Christian faiths against the Christian faiths of the West..."

This approach was rapidly developed in the works of the Eurasian L.N. Gumelev (1912-1992) who claimed that "the Tatar-Mongolian yoke was not actually a yoke, but was an alliance with the Horde, that is, the Russian-Tatar "symbiosis". Mangolo Tatars are defenders of Russia against German and Lithuanian threats..."

As the critic of Eurasianism Vladimir Avdeev noted: "Take a closer look at the Eurasian mysteries of L.N. Gumilev... Nowhere on the pages of his multi-volume works will you find an apology of intellect, spirituality, creativity. The emergence of all cultures, states, religions was caused, according to Gumilev, by the revolution of empty stomachs and swollen genitals, and the great Russian state was built by lucky and enterprising mestizos.

"The wild unbridled barbarian-gumileoid is the hero of these comics, which domestic patriotic philosophers like to have so much fun with... Like vultures, hyenas and jackals, everyone who is used to eating mental carrion is attached to Eurasianism.

"Pathological rejection of everything European, open glorification of the Turkic and Mongolian worlds... at Gumilev's... The Eurasian, or rather Asian concept of L.N. Gumilev, is a Turkic-prison obsession that is contrary to the entire White World.

Moreover, the attitude of Eurasians towards Russia before 1917 was at best cool and indifferent, but more often negative with the statement that "Romanovskaya Russia", starting with Peter I, was a "Romano-German yoke" many times heavier than the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Romanov obviously cannot forgive the cut window to Europe, modernization according to European principles during the Great Reforms and wars with their beloved Turks, in which the Eurasians do not care and which Russia has crushed the Balkan peoples from the Ottoman yoke over and over again, liberating the Balkan peoples. Eurasians opposed the fight against Bolshevism in order to preserve the Soviet state, but they did not adhere to this principle in relation to the Russian Empire, they justified its death and even saw it as good. That's why they don't feel sorry for the death of Russia before 1917. The Eurasian Svyatopolk-Mirsky spread his fantastic nonsense, declaring the Bolshevik revolution an uprising of "the Russian masses against the domination of the Europeanized renegade upper class", although his own attitude towards this class did not seem to be embarrassed by him at all.

All this crazy, wildly perverted, eclectic ideological and philosophical balagan continues today, when Dugin openly confesses his love for Turan from the pages of his books. Calling himself Orthodox, he at the same time preaches the "exodus to the East", which is quite natural, because the "reserve ideology" has found its application in Putin's Erethia, which is why Dugin has so many patrons, especially from the special services. After the collapse of the USSR and the rejection of orthodox Marxism-Leninism, a new government that emerged from the party nomenclature, a new ideology was soon needed, justifying the preservation of the Soviet national policy, which implied the rejection of the creation of a Russian national state and the predominance of ethnic minorities over, as Lenin put it, the "dergiord people". The same ideology was supposed to justify the Bolshevik coup of 1917 to wash away crimes and rehabilitate Stalinism and create a cult of victory in 1945.

In fact, the Russian Federation almost completely copies the Soviet national policy with some modifications, where the "Soviet people" as a "new historical community of people" has been replaced by the word "Russians" or some "multinational people of Russia". In fact, there are all nations in this multinational people, except for one faceless one - the Russian people. But in addition to copying the Soviet national policy, the concept of Eurasianism in the Russian Federation also involves the mass importation of migrants with a policy of ethnic substitution.

Dugin's career achievements since the late 90s and beyond indicate that Eurasianism has become an informal ideology of power, occupying the empty niche of Soviet internationalism.

This is evidenced by the statements at the Constituent Congress of the Duginsky movement "Eurasia" on April 21, 2001: "Russia is a Eurasian country." The congress was held under the great patronage of the authorities with the presence of a huge number of Muslims. Dugin himself in his speech, as is usually the case with Eurasians, sang the mythical "bloom" brought to Russia by the hordes of Genghis Khan, adored by the Eurasians, and confirmed that the Eurasian course of his movement received support in the highest echelons of power and from the president himself: "Here those trends that desperately and without any attention knocked on the door of the Russian authorities, almost, well, just by the wave of a magic wand, received authorization and development... Gradually it became obvious that the current leadership of the country is definitely ... is moving to Eurasian positions. The last point of confirmation... was the policy statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Brunei at the congress of the countries of the Pacific region... made a clear, unambiguous statement: "Russia is a Eurasian country."

Dugin also said that "Russians, according to the theory of Eurasianism, are not an ethnic and racial community that has a non-coeumonopoly on statehood."Denying the Russian people its statehood, Dugin obviously believes that this people deserve only one privilege - to be a breeding ground, a fertilizer on which and at the expense of which the Asian peoples would grow. That's why Eurasians are fiery patriots of "Russia" - Russia without Russians. They will be quite satisfied with the transformation of Erethia into the Asian new "Golden Horde" by ethnic substitution of Russians, turning its lands into a cluster of races and peoples.

As V. quite accurately noted. Avdeev: "Eurasianism is the legalized right of everyone to speak on behalf of the Russians, except the Russians themselves, because they will then be declared fascists."

"No occupier has caused such harm to the Russians as all these ideological alchemists. Eurasianism is the vanguard of sabotage. This is a theory of adaptation to external occupation based on spiritual marginality. The eternal lot of the Eurasians is to vegetate blood-sucking myths in captivity; the eternal occupation is to replenish the slave eastern markets with Russians.

And also B. Avdeev asks a question that is very relevant today, which was raised back in 1996: "Is the mystical continental enlightenment of millions of Russian lives constantly sacrificed to the "Eurasian idea"? Is genocide justified against oneself for the sake of the mythical palaces of the "Third Rome"? Do we need an empire for different peoples, built mainly on Russian bones?"

Duginism about the attitude towards nationalism and races according to Dugin himself.

So, the liberal media and the liberal opposition in the Russian Federation claim that Dugin is a nationalist or "ideologist of Russian fascism." In order to expose such extremely ridiculous, illiterate and schizophrenic statements, it is enough to quote the NBP programs, which included Dugin, his articles, statements, interviews from the 1990s to the present day. This is not to mention the fact that the liberals do not seem to be able to figure out where the right and where the left is, and that Dugin's views are very hostile to the nationalist ones. But the liberals in their primitive defaming act on the principle: "all that I don't like is fascism." Or as in Yegor Letov's song: "Everything that is not Anarchy is fascism!"

Now let's give the floor to Dugin himself. Dugin's position on the race is long-standing, when he and Limonov revived national Bolshevism in Russia in the 1980s/90s, their party had a persistent anti-racist program, directly borrowed from the positions of the old Bolsheviks:

Dugin, "National Bolshevik Should Know," part of the NBP program compiled by Limonov and Dugin:

"National Scoves are alien to any form of xenophobia, anti-Semitism, racial intolerance. (...) The NBP has nothing to do with neo-Nazis and all sorts of narrow-minded Nazis. (...). National Bolsheviks are soil nationalists, not blood nationalists. This means that the ethnic origin of a person does not matter to us.Soil nationalism is a true manifestation of the Russian idea, unlike racist ideas that are fashionable in certain circles, borrowed from the West and alien to our national mentality. Unlike ethno-nationalists (neo-Nazis) ... we consider the Soviet period of our history as a historical stage at which Russia has reached the highest point of its power. The October Revolution, the Great Triumph of 1945 are the unconditional victories of Russian civilization. Our Bolshevism, sickle and hammer on the banner means that the National Bolsheviks see themselves as successors of these achievements.

Dugin also wrote about National Bolshevism that this is just another word that he uses to refer to neo-Eurasianism, since he considers National Bolshevism and Neo-Eurasianism as a continuation of old Bolshevism and the USSR:

Dugin, "OR WE - OR NOTHING." 1998: "National Bolshevism does not mean the pragmatic paths of the Bolsheviks and European nationalists, conditioned by Realpolitics. It also does not mean identical aspects of both "projects". This is something deep that could have appeared only after the fall of the historical embodiment of one of the ideologies - the Soviet Union. (...) National Bolshevism is certainly the most interesting phenomenon of the 20th century. The only alternative for the modern world (...) is National-Bolshevism. Either it is or nothing. No compromises will change anything."

Dugin's fourth political theory is clearly anti-racist:

  • Dugin in the article "Putin vs. Putin: Vladimir Putin, right view, 2014:

"The fourth political theory extends criticism of racism not only to biological racism and nationalism, but also in all forms of recognition of inequality in human societies, whether on cultural, religious, technological or economic grounds. The fourth political theory rejects all forms of racism and refuses to consider "race" (...) as a subject of history.

  • As mentioned above, "The delimitation line between the European 4PT and the third way (fascism, nationalism, etc.): rejection of any kind of nationalism, chauvinism, Eurocentrism, universalism, racism or xenophobia."
  • "We need to learn to build an international system on the basis of broad and thoughtful social and cultural anthropology, and not on the basis of American-European cultural racism in the Western style."
  • "Thus, modern grammarism calls for a counter-hegemonic bloc, a Global Revolutionary Alliance that unites all (...) those who oppose Eurocentrism and racism."

Antonio Gramsci: a communist who invented a form of political entrimentalism: "A long march through the institutions of power," approved by the Frankfurt School and used by the Communists in the West since the 1950s. This strategy is the source of Western ("cultural") Marxism.

Dugin in an interview with Vladimir Pozdner in 2014: "I believe that racism is a form of pathological development of personality and I am categorically against racism in all its forms, but there are many of them, types of racism, in addition to biological racism (...). Racism as such, in my opinion, is one of the most disgusting pathologies."

Dugin, "The magical disappointment of the nationalist intellectual. 1995: "I am completely against anti-Semitic racist ideals."

"Racist White Civilization"

How Dugin accuses the entire European civilization and white people of racism:

Interview in Der Spiegel 2014 "Every Westerner is a racist": "Every Westerner is a racist... Western civilization is a racist, ethnocentric civilization... the civilization of the West and the East is very different. Eastern Europe is better because it fights Western racism... The ethnocentrism of Western Europe is constant. Don't be surprised by the concentration camps... All European philosophers are racists..."

According to Dugin, it turns out that every European is a racist and thus has personal responsibility for the Holocaust.

Dugin, "Fundamental Racism of the West" 2013: "It is necessary to abandon this racist model of division of different societies (both biological racism and cultural), to assert that civilizations are different, and that the criterion of Western civilization is not universal ... we first need to develop a theory of a multipolar world, a theory of equality of civilizations, and in the most cruel way overthrow Western-center racism."

Dugin, "Horizons of our revolution. From Crimea to Lisbon." 2014: "If in Ukraine the energy on the Maidan was the Russophobia of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, without which the Maidan would not have acquired such a radical form of a coup d'état, then in Europe the same fuel of hatred will be the hatred of nationalists towards immigrants, Islam and LGBT."

Vladimir Pozdner, interview with Alexander Dugin. 2014: "Liberalism, by the way, the liberals created, the British, the most radical racist theories to justify their colonial domination."

The idea that liberals created racism from all ideas is absolutely schizophrenic, but this is Dugin, as always in his repertoire.

"Human rights are a classic racist theory, because in this theory of human rights the Western concept of man is taken as the norm."

Liberals who believe in granting "human rights" to people of color are classic racists, according to Dugin.

Races don't exist, especially the White race

Dugin also demonstrates ridiculous, idiotic statements that races do not exist, especially the White race, which is a bold underline of the notorious leftist and is related to American schizophrenics from SJW:

"Magic disappointment of a nationalist intellectual," 1995:

"As for the myth of "white solidarity," it is a complete utopia that leads not only to the Holocaust of the Jews, but also to the genocide of the Slavs. The remnants of the Third Reich are the basis for this pathetic, contradictory and completely false concept. According to Dugin, understanding that white people exist means that Jews are exposed to the Holocaust. This delusional logic is just in his spirit. Do you think he was talking about the Holodomor when he meant the genocide of the Slavs? Obviously not, because the Holodomor he denies and supports the extermination of Ukrainians.

"I am sure that many non-white peoples of Eurasia are a thousand times closer to us in spirit and culture than Americans. In this matter, I 100% agree with the visions of L. Gumilev."

Gumilev considered the Russians not to be a native of Europeans, but a family of Turks and Mongols. This is not even remotely true. When Russia was conquered by the Turks and Mongols, the Slavs united with other related white ethnic groups, such as the Germans, Lithuanians, Scythians, to expel the East Asian invaders from their homeland. This happened during the Spanish Reconquista of 1212 at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, when a significant part of Western European chivalry from Europe was represented on the side of the Spaniards in their struggle for liberation from Arab domination. The Russian Empire helped the related Balkan peoples to overthrow the Turkish yoke and destroyed Turkish hordes many times, saving Serbs and Bulgarians from genocide. This is solidarity with related peoples, which existed not only on the basis of the Orthodox faith, but also on the basis of common ethnic roots.

Dugin in Der Spiegel, Every Westerner is Racist, 2014: "We Russians are not nationalists, we have never been a nation. When we talk about "ours," we don't mean ethnicity. The Chechen also belongs to us or the Uzbek. We told the Turkish or Mongolian people: you are now part of Orthodox culture, but we will not persecute you. You will have your own mosques, you can pray. When we talk about the Orthodox people's spirit, it does not mean that we declare war on other cultures.

Russia is named after the Russ, white Northern European peoples who were either Varangians (Scandinavian Vikings) or Slavs. They inhabited what is now Western Russia and Ukraine, around the Indo-European ancestral homeland. "Belarusians" literally translates as "white Russians." Russia expelled the Turkic Khazars in the late 900s, but was captured by the Turkic Mongols in the mid-1200s. Dugin promotes an absolutely false narrative. The Russians did not exist in a civil and cultural sense, but historically were a nation/tribe/ethnicity.

Dugin "On White Nationalism" and other potential allies in the global revolution, 2013: "I cannot defend the concept of the nation because the idea of the nation is bourgeois. A concept invented as part of modernity to destroy traditional societies (empires) and religions.

The above concept that nations are artificial structures that appeared in the bourgeois era is a completely false statement. The term "nation" refers to a tribe of people, and it can be traced back to the root of the proto-Indo-European term "gene", which is from 6500 to 9,500 years of birth. This term was distorted by the Communists themselves, combining it with a "state" or "country", which are the territorial or political constructions of the nation (people). Here you can remember the article "On the National Question" by Stalin, where it was said: "What is a nation? A nation is primarily a community, a certain community of people. This community is neither racial nor tribal."

Dugin, Ethnosociology: The Foundation. 2019: "As for race, Dugin argues that "ethnosociology does not attribute any significant or semantic instructions to the physical similarity," stating that even someone "completely uncharacteristic of the main population of East Slavs - Great Russians" should "undoubtedly" be considered a "member of the Russian ethnic group" as long as he "considers himself Russian, speaks Russian, thinks Russian and is an accomplice to Russian culture."

As above. As for the scientific validity of the race, Dugin argues that "the physiological, biological, zoological and anthropological components of this society are not only not a cornerstone; they are not studied at all, since there is no reliable research (except for racist nonsense) about their reliable connection with social characteristics."

Dugin's denial of the race is related to his condemnation of the idea that some civilizations are more developed than others, because for both the left and liberals it has always been an insoluble problem to explain the fact that some civilizations have reached unprecedented heights in their history, and several times, experiencing ups and downs, and others have not changed much for thousands of years, remaining at the same level between the cave and barbaric state. Dugin calls such approaches "racist," "absolutely unscientific" and "unacceptable."

According to Dugin, "Boas made a real revolution in American anthropology, where evolutionary and Social-Darwinist approaches prevailed before his arrival, racial theories explaining sociological features by innate, inherited traits and race were popular, and the belief in the absolute racial superiority of modern Western (European and American) society, its technologies and values over the rest of the world relently prevailed. Boas built his scientific program on the denial of all three forms of racism: evolutionary, biological and Eurocentric.

Franz Boas (1858-1942), a Jewish immigrant to the United States, did this to facilitate mass immigration to America, because lawyer Madison Grant developed a new immigration law that could prevent Jews from entering America. He received praise from Dugin: "The greatest American cultural anthropologist Franz Boas (...), as well as Claude Levi-Stross and his school." Dugin also describes him as "an outstanding ethnographer, philosopher and anthropologist." Dugin highly appreciates "the brilliant constellation of Boas' students, among whom almost all the stars of American ethnology, anthropology, linguistics and psychology are collected."

This clear praise of the so-called "fascist" Dugin to anti-white cultural Marxists, postmodernists and neoliberals is not an obstacle for liberals to being him as a "fascist ideologist". If you plunge into a bag of anti-white globalist intellectuals with social constructionists, cultural Marxists, postmodernists, and whatever name you get out of it, you can find that he was once praised by Dugin. This includes such people as the above-mentioned Franz Boas, who initiated all modern propaganda of racial denial, and Claude Levi-Strauss (1908-2009), co-author of the United Nations anti-racist "Race Statement", who also pioneered all modern anti-racist rhetoric, anti-racist legislation such as the "language of hatred" and the like. All Dugin's racial theses are read as if they were written by some hysteroid weirdo with purple hair from the California leftist university environment, who constantly squeal with tearing voices at their right opponents, with a head clogged with such garbage as "critical theory of race".

Dugin refers to the "New School" funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, which hosted various communists and left-wing social theorists who fled from German-occupied countries during World War II. The New School taught cultural Marxist theories of the closely related Frankfurt School.

Dugin argues that "the basic idea of Eurasianism" is "the multiplicity of civilizations and the groundlessness of Western claims to universalism", that "the multiple anthropology of Boas and Levi-Stross" is moving along the same trajectory as Eurasianism. (Political Platonism. Philosophy of politics." 2019).

Dugin, "Putin vs. Putin: Vladimir Putin, look from the right." 2014: "The largest representatives of structural linguistics in Russia were Levi-Stross' teachers and taught him the basics of structural analysis (...) Thus, intellectual continuity is traced: Eurasianism to structuralism to Neo-Eurasianism."

Dugin in an interview with Vladimir Pozdner, 2014: "Franz Boas, Levi-Strauss, they have perfectly shown that human society cannot be measured by one ruler, and that those who are called primitive tribes are in many ways healthier than modern Western society."

Referring to Boas, Dugin argues that "the only correct form of classification of ethnic groups is their placement on the scale of "simple - complex, with the warning that "the concepts of simplicity and complexity should not carry anything positive or negative at all; these are two neutral constants based on the description of the phenomenon. There are simple societies and complex societies. Neither of them is better or worse than the other. They're just different."

And here it is worth asking the same question: does all this sound somehow different from the opinion of modern "Western liberals", whom Dugin allegedly despises?

Dugin with liberals and leftists has a very big and important feature that is worth paying special attention to. All of them fiercely reject the existence of races, calling races nothing more than a "social construction." Their white race just dissolves, it doesn't exist. But the race suddenly arises when people of color are praised and white people are insulted:

Like all left-wing scumbs, both communists and liberals, suddenly recognize the problem and existence of race when it comes to using non-whites as weapons against whites, when there is a need to cause anger among colored people, against some "systemic racism" or shame of whites for the actions of their ancestors. Supporters of 4PT and the National Bolsheviks in this regard (and in many other respects) are no different from ordinary BLM thugs, psychopaths from Antifa, SJW, etc.

Dugin, Fourth Political Theory, 2012: "Claude Levy-Strauss demonstrated that savages think the same way as we do, only their taxonomy is built differently, so they have no "less" logic than we do; maybe even more, and they think more subtle."

The race is denied until whites should be ridiculed, implying that the "noble savages" actually surpass them intellectually. Putting on the mask of a professional on this issue, Dugin seriously makes a stunning absurd statement that Africans and Europeans differ only in that "African" begins with the letter "A" and "European" with the letter "E".

Dugin, "On the Absolute of Eurasianism and the Phased Development of the Eurasian Movement", 2001.: White racism - in addition to its extremely peripheral and insignificable branches - is a completely disgusting, Atlantist and the root of many great geopolitical catastrophes. The notorious unity of the "white race" is as stupid as the concept of a "one Christian world". This is the most harmful Atlantist propaganda. Africans = Eurasians."

In addition to the fact that the phrase "Africans = Eurasians" is meaningless even at the most basic level, given that Africa is not part of Eurasia, and Africans and Eurasians are genetically very different from each other, "Africans = Eurasians" is exactly what the European Union claims. This quote is a particularly good example of the schizophrenic thinking of a globalist: somehow white racism is one, and all whites are evil and racist, but the concept of white unity is "stupid" and "harmful."

Dugin Pisarenko's supporter, "The United States must break up if America wants to survive": "When they talk about the "American people" (a common mistake in political speeches), to something that never happened. (...) a single American ethnic group never existed - except, of course, for the American Indians, who are the only "Americans" who have justified historical claims to the entire North American continent. (...) The colonizers themselves came from all inhabited countries on the planet. I cannot call them with a clear conscience either "settlers" or "settlers" simply because the land they colonized (and continue to colonize) turned out to be stolen property taken from American Indians (or natives) by force of arms. (...) the vast majority of colonizers came from Europe. This majority was collectively responsible for committing three great evils: 1) the mass genocide of the indigenous population, 2) the enslavement of tens of millions of Africans and 3) the creation of an ideological beast called "Americanism". (...) many so fanatical racists that they do not see what needs to be done - without paying attention to the fact that salvation is not in hatred of other races, but rather in the destruction of the government-military complex that controls the very life (...) of everyone and anti-American nationalists - regardless of race, culture and political orientation - are natural enemies of the United States, as well as natural allies of the North American anti-globalist resistance. Whether it's the Black Panthers, Aztlan militants, southern separatists or someone else - all those who seek the collapse of the United States government are our comrades-in-arms."

Dugin, "On "white nationalism" and other potential allies in the global revolution," 2013: "Muslims make up part of the population of Russia and make up a significant minority. Therefore, Islamophobia implicitly calls for the collapse of Russia. The difference between Europe and Russia in our attitude to Islam is that for us Muslims are the organic part of the whole, and for Europe it is a post-colonial wave of re-occupiers from another geopolitical and cultural space. But since we have a common enemy in the face of the globalist elite, which stands for Pussy Riot/Femen, for same-sex marriage, against Putin, against Iran, against Chavez, against social justice and so on, we need to develop a common strategy with Muslims. Our traditions are very different, but the anti-traditional world that attacks us is one, and we must become so. To be an anti-communist, anti-Muslim, anti-Eastern, pro-American or Atlanticist today means to belong to the other side.

Ibid.: "When "white nationalists" confirm the Tradition and ancient culture of European peoples, they are right. But when they attack immigrants, Muslims or nationalists of other countries on the basis of historical conflicts; or when they defend the United States, Atlanticism, liberalism or modernism; or when they consider the white race (the one that created modernism in its existing features) to be the highest and other races inferior, I completely disagree with them. I cannot protect whites when they oppose the non-whites, because, as white and Indo-European, I recognize the differences of other ethnic groups as a natural phenomenon and do not believe in any hierarchy between peoples, because there is not and cannot be any common, universal measure by which different forms of ethnic societies or their value system can be measured and compared.

This is a damn outdated statement for too many reasons to list. For example, since the time of the Proto-Indo-Europeans thousands of years ago, the Indo-Europeans have been one of the most hierarchical peoples in the history of mankind, who considered some races not only subhuman, but also not human.

Dugin openly supports the ethnic cleansing of whites and advocates the genocide of whites on a planetary scale.

Dugin openly supports the ethnic cleansing of whites, in 4 PT - the genocide of whites. Here is one of the most important quotes in which Dugin calls for a worldwide white genocide because a bunch of NMP occupiers control the media in white countries and tries to enslave them by strengthening the power of corporations, and states that the Russians will be spared because of their lack of ideas about the "purity of race", which is strange for a person who completely denies the biological reality of the race:

Dugin, interview in the Kommersant newspaper. "Are you for black or white?" 2002: "I'm a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, the false, dehumanizing model of the world they built, were not justified. Everything is going to the beginning of anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia will be saved only by the fact that we are not purely white. Predatory transnational corporations, oppression and suppression of everyone else, MTV, gays and lesbians are the fruits of white civilization that need to be disposed of. So I'm for red, yellow, green, black - but not for white."

Dugin through E.U. Close, "Russia on the Verge," 2011: He notes that the New World Order will not arise through "meetings of aging gentlemen at seminars." He advises the following: "You should take a knife, a mask, leave the house in the evening and kill at least one Yankees."

Dugin,, interview "I'm waiting for Ivan the Terrible," 1998: "The West is a geographical Satan, a geographical antichrist. The West has to pay for everything. It is better to populate it with Chinese, Tatars, Muslims with all this Eurasian nomadism... The West is a dead earth. It will be reborn only when it is inhabited by Cossacks, Tajiks and Kazakhs. They will bring life with them."

Here is an additional quote from Kalerga, who claimed that "the man of the future will be a Eurasian-negro guy," the same Kalergi, who founded the European Union with the Rothschild team and the U.S. Federal Reserve:

Kalergi, Praktischer-Idealismus, Wien/Leipzig:Pan-Europa-Verlag, 1925, p. 23.: "The forerunner of the planetary man of the future is the Russian Slavic-Tatar-Finnish shavka of modern Europe; because he, among all the peoples of Europe, is a race of typical multi-minded people with a broad, embracing soul."

Many of the above quotes are very similar in nature to the alleged "deception" below:

"We must assume that the most powerful weapon of our party is racial tension.By inspiring the dark races that they have been oppressed by whites for centuries, we can adapt them to the Communist Party's program. In America, we will strive for an imperceptible victory. By setting up a black minority against whites, we will try to instill in whites a complex of guilt for the exploitation of blacks. We will help blacks to occupy a prominent position in all spheres of life, in the profession, in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, blacks will be able to be related to whites and start a process that will attract America to our cause.

The quote was published in 1912 in The Washington Star and was originally attributed to one "Israel Cohen" of the Communist Party. However, in the future, the origin of this quote was disputed, its authenticity was questioned. But, regardless of the authenticity of the quote, the story played out exactly as the quote describes.

Summing up the statements of Dugin himself, these are the main conclusions that can be drawn about his ideological concepts regarding race and nationalism:

  • The race has no biological significance at all.
  • All cultures are equal
  • Africans are Eurasians
  • In fact, if you think about it, noble savages are superior to white people.
  • Insert: Marxist/liberal/postmodern/neoliberal is a real genius.
  • There is no race, but all white people are evil racists.
  • White racism caused the Holocaust.
  • White racism is the cause of all the problems in the world.
  • The West should be inhabited by non-white people en masse.
  • To defeat "Atlantism" the genocide of white people all over the planet is permissible and even necessary.
  • Any white people protesting the above are neo-Nazis who justify the above-mentioned anti-white actions by the Eurasians.

In any case, now you can safely score the last nails both in the schizophrenic theories of liberals that Dugin is a Nazi, a nationalist or "ideologist of Russian fascism" and in a ridiculous meme called "Dugin is an ally of white nationalists!", which is promoted either by various who do not understand the essence of the problem, unscious of the right in this issue, referring to themselves to nationalists, or subversive pseudo-nationalists seeking to destroy right-wing movements in Russia and the West or put them in the service of the Eurasian strategy.

And also, so as to be sure, for clarification, the race is determined at the genetic level with an accuracy of more than 99%.

From all of the above, there is a completely obvious and not difficult conclusion, previously stated, according to which all Dugin's racial views are a textbook of "cultural Marxism", which was developed at the Frankfurt School, identical to the schizophrenic leftist views of purple-haired drones - psychopaths from SJW, who are promoted by the cancer-affected education system of the United States. And these are the views of the outright leftist scum through by the lying machine of the liberal media trying to pass off to uninformed laymen as "nationalist" or ideas of "Russian fascism".
