Aleksandr Dugin: anti-white crypto-Communist posing as nationalist and anti-globalist - Part 2
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on July 7, 2024, 21:14
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By Manifesto
May 20, 2023"Orthodox" admirer of Alistair Crowley. What are Dugin's religious and philosophical views?
Duginism is considered by many political scientists to be a kind of Orthodox-nationalist catechism, and Dugin himself in right circles (especially European countries) is almost the leading Orthodox philosopher of modern Russia. All this, of course, not only far from reality, but even on the contrary, the philosophy of Duginism is based on the basics directly opposite to Orthodoxy, and to Christianity in general. Although it must be admitted that Dugin has been long ago, since the late 1990s he has made a lot of effort to create such an image.
As for Dugin's traditional, conservative and religious views, to say that they are very specific is to say nothing. Dugin himself positions himself as an "Orthodox philosopher" and a certain solid Old Believer. Performs on the programs "Tsargrad", which is considered an "Orthodox" channel belonging to a member of the Izborsk club - oligarch K.V. Malofeev. He talks about "vagariousness", arguing that a man with a beard is more likely to get into the Kingdom of heaven than a man without a beard, which in itself, to put it mildly, looks absurd. And people who do not want to wear a beard, in his opinion, can be equated to "pederasts", while forgetting that like his colleagues in the Izborsk club, for example, A. Prokhanov, as well as his beloved President Putin, have never been seen with a beard.
There were other oddities: coming to the program to Pozdner, Dugin begins his dialogue with the words: "Hello. Christ is Risen!" And he ends with a quote from the anti-Christian philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: "Man is something that should be overcome..." As he explained, this is one of his favorite philosophical quotes.
Especially delusional was his congratulations to Orthodox Christians on Easter in 2016, with these words: "Suffere with us! Die with us! Kill with us! Sing with us! Come with us! Disappear in us! Bury with us! Fast with us! Get out with us! Love with us! Hate with us! To resurrect with us... to enter the Russian Easter of Christ..." And this tirade with a completely arroted face of a raging obsessed psychopath was pronounced.
How this relates to Orthodoxy remains a big mystery. In any case, ROC officials do not ask such questions. And they don't comment on it. They have no questions at all about Dugin's insane statements, which should have long been recognized as a heresy that does not correspond to Christian teachings. Therefore, Dugin, without receiving any condemnation of his nonsense, continues to spread it with full confidence.
Why is this happening? The answer is most likely quite obvious, because the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by K. Gundyaev (former KGB agent in the USSR), has no particular contradictions with what Dugin says. Most likely, he voices that the ROC is not yet so openly ready to voice, but at the same time he is in full solidarity with him. The Russian Orthodox Church continues the policy of the Moscow Patriarchate, which began in the 1920s with fraternization with the anti-Christian, terrorist power of Bolshevism under the false pretext that "all power is from God." This process continued during the Second World War, when in September 1943 Stalin actually created the Russian Orthodox Church. In the era of Putinism, the process of artificial fusion of Orthodoxy with Bolshevism and Stalinism acquired its particularly ugly, grotesque features. And the wave of this growing madness was led by active figures of the Izborsk club, where A. Prokhanov, who proposed repeatedly on the pages of the newspaper "Tomorrow", to make a religious cult out of the victory of 1945. Also under his leadership, some "Orthodox" artists began to draw icons depicting Stalin and subjects from the war of 1941-1945. Dugin was not the first to continue this line, but he became the one who most cynically, brazenly and unceremoniously began to bring the begun perversion to complete insanity and absurdity, bringing under this theoretical basis. In his theories, monarchism is mixed with Bolshevism, ultraconservatism, Christianity, paganism and occultism.
As a result, he comes to the conclusion that "... Bolshevism is Orthodoxy minus Catholicism" ... (Dugin A.G. Lenin is a red avatar of anger" // "Eurasian invasion" №3. Autumn 1999.).
And there are also such tirades:
"...we are devoted to Tradition. Everything in Tradition is fine. Especially what is unreasonable, incomprehensible, not justified... Tradition is full of dazzling delirium... It is necessary to follow all the rules of Tradition - especially absurd" (Catechism of a member of the Eurasian Union of Youth. 2005).
Dugin openly advocates the fusion of Christianity with ancient pagan cults and sees nothing inappropriate for Christianity: "Not only the highest super-intelligent symbols of Faith can again be taken on the shield, but also those irrational moments of cults, rites and legends that embarrassed theologians at previous stages. If we discard progress as an idea peculiar to the modern era (and it, as we can see, is over), then everything ancient acquires value and credibility for us just because it is ancient. Ancient means good. And the older, the better" (Fourth Political Theory//Profile №48 (603). 22.12.2008).)
His further pagan philosophizing: "So, the second element of Eurasian philosophy is the spirit of the earth, faith in the spirit of the earth, reverence for the spirit of the earth, dialogue with the spirit of the earth, the cult of the spirit of the earth" (Eurasianism (political poem) Eurasianism as a version of the Fourth Political Theory // Fourth Political Theory. St. Petersburg. 2009. S. 255).
"The metaphysical sun is one of the most important, fundamental, energy sources of the solar Eurasian worldview..." (Fourth political theory. Russia and political ideas of the XXI century. 2009)
"Theoretically, nothing limits the depth of the appeal to ancient archaic values, which ... may well take a certain place in the new ideological construction ... the bearers of the fourth political theory may quite neglect those theological theological elements that in monotheistic societies (especially in the later stages) were affected by rationalism..." (Fourth Political Theory // Profile №48 (603). 22.12.2008).
Dugin's mania and his madness at the explosive mixtures of ideas in both politics and religion acquires completely grotesque features.
As the site "Orthodoxy" Ru writes about the Dugin ideological and religious eclecticism: "If you get acquainted with the content of the site of the movement "Arktogea", which is led by Dugin, and follow the links, then the first and not at all deceptive impression is that it fell into some pagan temple: some masks, rods, swastikas, pentagrams, bizarre frightening stues, human-animal stuffs. Here is a virtual copy of the Lenin mausoleum, a model of the Jules-Vern "Nautilus" (meaned as a phallic symbol), alchemical maps, homunculus flasks, Kabbalistic schemes. People with bird heads, or even without heads. The texts are quite consistent. All this simultaneously resembles a Masonic lodge, a Kunstkamera and an anatomical theater. And the owner of all this speaks at church councils!" ("Neo-Eurasianism and the faith of the fathers." Eduard Zibnitsky. December 21, 2001)
Here is such an entourage as an integral part of the so-called "Old Believer" Dugin and his Eurasian comrades. This may amaze someone who seriously considers or considered Dugin an "Orthodox Christian" and an "Old Believer." But if you look at how the ideological formation of this very "Old Believer" took place in his early years since the 1980s, everything falls into place.
Mamleev's schizoid underground
As already mentioned, since 1980. Dugin, together with Heydar Jemal, visits the occult circle, formerly called Mamleevsky, and since 1980 renamed the "Black Order of the SS", the leader of which was the occultist and isotericist Evgeny Golovin. This organization, which met on Yuzhinsky Lane in Moscow, studied traditionalism and Nazi isotericism, accompanied by various orgies, later described in the stories of eyewitnesses, as well as in the novels of Yu. Mamleev, where "solar initiations" were also held. This is how the Mamleyevsky (Yuzhinsky) circle was described by those who had to do with it:
"In Yuzhinsky, a rattling cocktail of Kabbalah, black magic, the teachings of the Stoics, Pythagoreans, medieval alchemists and occultists was preached. Metaphysical disputes of esotericists were certainly accompanied by grandiose drinking, which ended for the most zealous adepts with a white fever, or a psychiatric hospital, or a muzzle. In a special part, there were crazy experiments on yourself. It was believed that the shortest path to the divine was through overcoming the human. In order to "know themselves" as deeply as possible, Mamley's neophytes crawled on all fours around the monument to Pushkin and whined like a dog, scaring unenlightened Soviet citizens with their bark. And if they drank, then to the point of fenzy, if they were spreading, then with acetone or from a dirty puddle. Mamleev believed that when a person tries to look into the otherworldly, he inevitably becomes a bit of a monster. But there is no other way to the initial enlightenment, he assured. Everyone must go through the alchemical Nigredo - the stage of blackness. There, in this Nigredo, almost everyone is stuck..."
Once in the circle, Dugin already then "dreamed of infiltrating power and, manipulating politicians, destroying the state in order to create a new, strong, authoritarian one on its wreckage (later he will call his teachings a "conservative revolution"). Dugin thought he was the messiah, the spiritual leader of the revived Eurasia.
After Mamleev emigrated to the United States in 1975, the circle was headed by E.V. Golovin, who filled it with his content, hierarchy and conspiracy. It became more difficult to get there:
"Each adept had to go through a humiliating rite of initiation.
One of the former members of the Golovin Order once drunkenly confessed to me that the Fuhrer urinated in the mouth of his young students... Homosexuality and drunkenness were encouraged there. This is the only way to tie all the adepts into a single bundle, a mystical union ... and subordinate the will of the leader. (" The underground comes out" Part 1. Stringer. May 1, 2003)
As you can see, in the Mamley's circle, his adherents "overcame everything human in themselves" in accordance with Nietzsche's mottos, which Dugin loved so much. This circle became the foundations of the worldview that Dugin subsequently developed.
Evgeny Golovin.Golovin was a central figure of society and something like Dugin's spiritual mentor, who immediately fell under his influence and gained extensive knowledge about the occult. Golovin's mystical worldview, his passion for alchemy, the ideas of René Guénon, lectures on hermeneftics, traditionalism and Eurasianism were a great revelation for Dugin and caused him a madness on the occult for the rest of his life.
In the circle, Dugin showed great interest in studying magic and Kabbalah. Dugin's father, a former general of the GRU, obviously had significant influence and connections, thanks to which in 1990-1992 he provided his son with access to the secret archives of the special services, for filming the documentary "Secrets of the Century" together with Y. Vorobyevsky. Dugin was able to study the archive of "Anenerbe" - the Institute of "Heritace of Ancestors". There he got access to classified information about the occult.
In the early to mid-1990s, Dugin was completely absorbed in the study of occultism, about which he lectured at youth meetings at the NBP, wrote and spoke about these topics more frankly. In the Elements magazine about isotericism, Dugin also promotes Alistair Crowley's sexual magic and left-hand tantric sexual practices.
Dugin's interest in the black magician Crowley was not accidental. Back in 1993. Dugin met in Moscow with Mason Christian Boucher, head of the French branch of the Order of the Eastern Templars. On the website of the Stavros Center of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, the following is written about this order: "The order has a reputation for Satanic, preaches sexual magic and the African cult of Voodoo." Dugin was so inspired by the visit of a high-ranking Mason that he decided, under his influence, to immediately publish in the almanac "End of the World" all the fundamental works of the chief theorist of the Order Alistair Crowley, who called himself the "Great Beast".
Dugin's meetings with Boucher continued in the following years, until 2012 and possibly later.
Christian Boucher.In 1995, when Dugin decided to go into politics, he was marked by a curious episode. In December, he ran for the State Duma in the North-West District № 210 in St. Petersburg with the support of Sergei Kuryokhin, Yuri Nersesov and the left-wing radical group "Working Struggle". His propaganda activities in an attempt to become a respectable politician were accompanied by rather strange rituals. At pre-election concerts for young people, the National Bolsheviks from his team read excerpts from the "Book of Law" by A. Crowley, interspersed with their performance of Soviet patriotic songs, there were theatrical performances from the sexual magic of the Order of the Golden Dawn, where Crowley began his "satanic practice" on stage. Dugin himself performed on stage, also reading excerpts from his idol Crowley, reading them with such excitement and furenty, like an obsessed one, that it seemed at that moment he was forgetting about everything in the world. Dugin pronounced some mysterious spells related to the number 418 in French and Russian... The theatrical production depicted an executioner dressed in a puppet costume, as well as people tied to burning crosses, who rotated like a mill, describing fire crosses. Necrorealists showed a trick to turn a man into a goat. Then the artists dressed in sleepwalker costumes carried the Babylonian harlot on the platform, who danced the "dance of the end of the world."
All this looked like a black mass, which this event really was, because the participants of the concert did not hide that at it they honored the memory of Alistair Crowley - which they admired.
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) is one of the most odious personalities of the 20th century, it is worth noting that he did not consider himself a Satanist. He considered himself rather a pagan, worshipping the ancient Egyptian gods, especially Horus, and was the founder of the neo-pagan religious movement of Thelema. He claimed that he wrote the "Book of Laws" under the dictation of the god Horus, thanks to which the teachings of Thelema were formed as an integral system. He did not perceive the dualism of Christian teaching, the division of the world into forces of darkness and light, because he was a polytheist. Crowley claimed that neither good nor evil exists. He stated that he did not worsh to Satan because he did not accept the Christian worldview in which Satan exists.
Aleister Crowley.Nevertheless, despite these statements, all his crazy behavior and way of life was the brightest example not only of opposing himself to Christianity, but also to an ardent rebel against Christianity. His way of life through which he promoted his philosophy became contagious to most Satanists. He described himself with undisguised enthusiasm as "Beast 666" and referred to the harlot of Babylon in his work. He claimed "rebellion against the moral and religious values of his time" and sent "maps of the Antichrist" to his friends. In some of his writings, Crowley defined the god Ivass as Satan and even called him as "Lord our God the Devil." He also said once that he hates Christianity "as socialists hate soap." He really fiercely hated everything that is sacred to Christians.
In Wikipedia, Crowley is described as "an occultist, black magician and Satanist, one of the "evident ideologists of occultism and Satanism" of the 20th century, he is also called the "finger of modern Satanism". Crowley had an undoubted impact on the satanic worldview. Anton Lavey (1930-1997), the founder of the Church of Satan in Los Angeles in 1966, which finally formed the ideology of religious Satanism, like Michael Akina, were very strongly influenced by the work of Alistair Crowley. Undoubtedly, whether Crowley understood this or not, but his influence on the formation of the satanic worldview was very significant. An example of this is that many Satanists adopted his famous motto: "Do What Thou Wilt", which became the main thing for the idea of Telema and it also became a winged expression of many devil worshippers and supporters of Luciferianism today. In addition, the well-known fact that Crowley was a member of several secret Masonic lodges and even organized his own Order of Argentum Astrum in 1906, Alistair often used devilish symbols and even sometimes asked to call himself Baphomet, which for Satanists also makes him his own person or at least like in spirit. Telemites in general quite easily converge with Satanists of all stripes. In Teleme itself, a set of almost all occult ideas is concentrated: the migration of souls, magical technologies, spirit control, the era of Aquarius, sexual practices, neognostic ritualism, etc. In the minds of the Telemites themselves, their teachings come from ancient hermeticism and Gnosticism.
The British press called Crowley "the most vicious man on earth," as well as "the man we all dream of hanging" and it was not a figure of speech, but a true reflection of who Crowley really was. Even in his youth, he was expelled from educational institutions for debauchery with prostitutes, at the same time he "discovered his bisexuality." In the 1920s, Alistair created the Thelemite Abbey in Sicily, where rituals dedicated to the Egyptian god Ra and Gnostic masses were held, and "sexual magic" was also encouraged, which often ended with group orgies. "For A. Crowley sex was considered as a communion, and the consumption of sexual fluids was interpreted as the Eucharist... This often manifested itself in the form of light cupcakes, a sponge cake containing either menstrual blood or a mixture of sperm and vaginal fluids. Gnostic Mass. In addition, Crowley argued that homosexual and bisexual people should not suppress their sexual orientation "because of public opinion, or medieval morality, or religious prejudices."
The Crowley doctrine in the political and social spheres implied opposition to secular humanism and fascism, mass movements and doctrines - movements that appealed to the masses, in their rhetoric asserting the idea that history should be done by the masses, peoples, not only by elites. Thelema's idea is aristocratic. It does not appeal to the majority, to the masses, it is intended for the new aristocracy. Crowley advocated the revival of Nietzschean "master morality and slave morality," which means that a large mass of people will always have slave characteristics. This means that "slaves will serve" and follow those who are innately aristocratic and able to fulfill their True Will. The Crowley masses are a "hypocritical, whining, slave breed of whipped dogs who refuse to recognize their deity," "a natural enemy of good government." And how it is consonant with what Dugin says when he says that the masses in politics do not matter at all, everything is decided and only the elites should decide!
Based on these concepts of opposition between the aristocracy and the masses, Dugin obviously comes to the conclusion that society should be ruled not just by aristocrats, but by magicians, priests dedicated to secret knowledge, who can and should assume the role of mass administrators.
"There is a crisis of art... The current politician and artist are outlived, nothing will save them. They are not able to be saturated with magic and liven up. They should be crossed out and discarded. They should be replaced by a new type... It's a new magician engaged in politics or art (but not a politician or an artist engaged in magic)." ("Manifesto of New Magicians").
Dugin, in fact, advocates that the state or the new Eurasian Empire be governed by magicians dedicated to secret knowledge. In St. Petersburg, the "Manifesto of New Magicians" composed by Dugin and Sergei Kuryokhin was announced from the stage of the Lensovet. It was published back in 1995:
"New magicians establish their art and carry out social revolutions. They specialize in geopolitics, large-scale science, subordinate the elements, tame the Atlantic Leviathan and feed the continental Hippo. The minimum social scale of the New Magic is the country, the people, the state, the legions of the human masses. "Secret societies, lodges, orders governed history, inspired artists." "The crisis of art and politics seems to be something objective outwardly. Don't build illusions, we organized it. To clear the way for the New Race. Race of magical kings."
In the same year, pop mechanic Kuryokhina, dedicated to the memory of Alistair Crowley, was also released. The action was made by Dugin's script - the Satanic masses he found in the archives. Co-author Dugina Kuryokhin expressed his stormy admiration for this: "Satanism is super fascinating. Alistair Crowley is the greatest man of the era."
Dugin and Kuryokhin.On November 11, 1998, at one of his lectures, this very "Orthodox Old Believer" said without any embarrassment that "... such revolutionary Satanists, they usually turn to telemism, to Alistair Crowley... their Satanism boils down to denying the paradigm of the meto-language of the modern world, which is dominant in American culture and modern American life. And accordingly, this kind of Satanism is some extravagant, unfinished, strange, but a form of traditionalism, say, correct and acceptable... half of Genon's disciples were Crowlians, and half of the Crowlians were Satanists, but it was a general protest... It can be understood... it is such a grotesque, outrageous, avant-garde, anarchist element created in opposition to the paradigm of the modern world. This is revolutionary Satanism, which should not be confused with the Satanism of the "Chicago Boys", followers of the Soros Foundation and "market Satanism". That is, Dugin, this "hard Old Believer" decided to divide Satanism into the right one - "revolutionary" (aka Crowlian) and not the right - "market" - Soros. Dugin, of course, as you can proceed from his words, on the side of "right Satanism".
About Crowley, his idol, Dugin wrote a whole book "The Man with the Falcon Beak. The essay on Alistair Crowley," where with undisguised admiration, calls him a "rebel": "Esotericism, culture, avant-garde art, psychedelics and radical politics were closely intertwined in the personality of Alistair Crowley. In a sense, it can be called a symbol of the twentieth century. Mystic rebel. Revolutionary politician. Dandy is a mountaineer. Astrologer-psychoanalyst. Sexual pervert and tantrist practice. Religious fanatic and cynical skeptic. A mystifier, an actor looking for fame, and a cultivator of secret knowledge. A drug addict, a practitioner and a doctor. The Beast."
"Alistair Crowley's followers can be found in a variety of groups and movements. Free love of hippies is also a sign of tantric Crowlianism, as well as the idea of the highest race of masters - initiates - "slaves will serve and suffer," the Book of Laws says. Homoeroticism, drugs, intense operational magic, avant-garde music, superperverse erotomanic practices, phosphorescent painting of madness, political extremism - all this is detailed, systematized, concentrated, predetermined in the teachings of "Thelema" of Alistair Crowley.
Whether we want it or not, whether we know it or not - we all live under his sign, under his supervision, according to his commandments.
And if we talk about the commandments, they have nothing to do with the 10th Christian commandments. The "laws" developed by the disad occultist Crowley is the basis on which modern Satanists rely in many ways, both in the West and in the Russian Federation, and his whole life speaks of the satanic essence of his "spiritual search". And his famous slogan "Do whatever you want" is the very "commandments and laws" by which Dugin lives and strives for all other people to live under them.
Vampirism and "sacral cannibalism"
Later, in 1996, this admirer A. Crowley, after an unsuccessful attempt to be elected a deputy, begins theoretical developments in the field of Orthodoxy, presenting himself as a kind of "Orthodox philosopher". In the book "Metaphysics of the Good News," Dugin states that he analyzes Orthodoxy from the methodological positions of René Guénon, that is, from the position of a Gnostic, a Martinist Mason who converted to Islam, entered the Sufi order and is absolutely convinced that Christ is not the Son of God. Based on this isoteric Islamic-Indu Masonic authority, Dugin imposes on Orthodoxy and Christianity as a whole the main Gnostic ideas, including the Absolute and the hierarchy of its manifestations. At the same time, Dugin, realizing that Gnostic ideas are rejected by the Church, nevertheless, consistently argues that the teachings of the Gnostics are true and applicable to Christianity and even appeals to radical Gnostics.
Since 1997, Dugin has been adjoining the Old Believers and publishing enthusiastic articles about the Old Believers in which he sees a real Russian Orthodox tradition, "not perverted by the Nikonian reforms." There he also tries to find his "gnostic roots."
At the same time, he continues to lecture on Thelema and the sexual practices of the "left hand" which largely stem from the Magic of Chaos, the symbols of which Dugin often uses in his public speeches (eight rays emanating from the circle-center).
Sign of Eurasianism ([Soviet] expansion in all directions)
Dugin's daughter Daria with the emblem of Chaos Magic.Chaos Magic uses various practices originally developed by other areas of the occult, such as sexual magic. Another feature, according to the followers of the current themselves, is the widespread use of altered states of consciousness, including trance and ecstatic, which supporters of Chaos Magic call "gnosis". This also involves the use of narcotic substances.
Thus, back in the late 90s, Dugin quite undermined in the practice of mimicry under the "Orthodox Christian" playing the role of an Old Believer - conservative - traditionalist and at the same time distorted Christian teachings, directing Christian philosophy into an alien direction of Gnosticism, in the wrong direction, in order to adapt religion to neo-Eurasian ideology. Someone may try to challenge this, assuming that then Dugin had a period of "philosophical search", uncertainty, attempts at "seeking God", where he was brought to contradictory and vague religious and philosophical directions, but now he is a "firm convinced Christian" and a "conservative". However, there is nothing wrong with his statements that he could reconsider his views on the magic of Chaos, the occult, worship of A. Crowley, you can't find it. Dugin doesn't write anything about it. Dugin's actions are natural in that he creates a mixture of ideas, confusing everyone around him, as Gnosticism allows and even recommends deceiving non-gnostics. Dugin himself, as he was a Gnostic then, remained now, and there were never any signs that he had moved away from Gnosticism.
Daria Dugina gives an accurate answer to the question about her father's philosophical views.Moreover, he continues his mad passion for the occult, writes his perverse satanic deliririon, sacralizing such wild rituals as sacrifice.
Dugin in the book "In Search of the Dark Logos. Philosophical and theological essays" writes: "The Pather's Mind of the Neoplatonists becomes the titanic power of the earth, the leader of the uprising and the black Emperor of Hell." The son of this "emperor" is the antipode of Christ - Dionysus or "dark Logos", which, as Dugin himself notes, "in the Christian tradition he is called the "antichrist". The highest meaning of his existence is given to him by the ideas of infernal cruelty, which are transmitted to the world of people with the help of the "Father's Mind".
Hence Dugin's deification of violence:
"The criminal and the victim are in a mysterious conspiracy, in symbiosis, in a special unique relationship. The one who is to be killed and the one who is to be killed are beyond the social conventions, as both are now about to finally and irrevocably cross the line in one direction. They don't go anywhere... The great drama of creation is repeated, which is based on sacrifice, murder, slaughter, dismemberment. The victim becomes the foundation of a new world. The executioner, the performer of the cosmogonic mystery, dying with the one he kills, executes himself and is cleansed again in a bloody ritual ("The Devastator"). Alexander Dugin. "Put your body in the sedge. Metaphysics of crime.")
Dugin here tries to assert the inevitability of sacred violence and the manifestation of the existence of hell, returning to the "dark Logos", which is the core of Dugin's philosophy, politics and religion.
According to his concept, the world is based on the process of war within the "Mind" and this war is infernal in its cruelty. The war that began with the "great drama of creation" is based on "sacrifice, murder, slaughter, dismemberment." ("Put your body in the sedge. Metaphysics of crime.")
Dugin actually shows his true attitude to Christian morality, which he has purely negative. In his concept, the concepts of "sin" and "morality" acquire the exact opposite meaning. Namely: crime is the meaning and significance of everything.
"Suffering, pain, torture, abuse are the norm of existence in the world. Man is dual. As a given, he is an object subject to suffering, a slave, a thing, a beast, a tool, a pet, a doll. And that's his starting line."
Thus, according to Dugin, the content of human nature and his existence is constant suffering: "Man is subjected to humiliation, violence, pressure constantly. This is a necessary component of human existence." The Dugin concept comes to the conclusion that murder and dismemberment, combined with perverted rape, is the essence, the core of human existence.
Dugin writes: "A crime, a particularly terrible crime, resonates with human nature, with its fundamental layers."
Based on this Dug's understanding of violence, in this context, as he sees it, it is not so important who tortures and kills whom, as it happens in some sacred dimension. Dugin states: "It is also wrong to divide the main actors of the crime into a victim and an executioner... The murderer and the killed - the poles only in fatal, fatal and unremovable, metaphysically contradictory dualism. In fact, they are the same thing..." "... we arise in matter as a result of dismemberment, we have a chance to return to the spirit only through the same action."
But still, the difference between a criminal and a victim can be noticed, it's just that Dugin is radically opposed to the fact that the Christian worldview puts into it. According to Dugin, the criminal is a master, a priest dedicated to a secret knowledge, who performs a sacred act - a sacrifice. And the sacrifice is a sacrificial animal, the creature over which initiation is carried out - execution and dismemberment, as a result of which it changes, approaches the sacred meaning of "creation".
Based on this, Dugin creates an image of a maniac, not only as a priest and master, but also if not as a god, then obviously a demigod who, performing a rite of sacrifice over a slave or animal, dedicates it in the mystery of the "dark Logos", thus transfers him to a higher level of existence.
Hence, Dugin comes to the amazing conclusion that "Chikatilo is an internal concept, because he expresses some obligatory, intimate, intimate, inextricably linked to the depths of the subconscious figure. It's not a person, it's a fetish, a sign, the voice of the human psyche. ...Chikatilo is a contemporary of Dionysus. The companion of the Egyptian god Set, an accomplice to the great mystery of the Hindu gods who sacrificed and dismembered Prajapati, the first man.
The suffering of the victim in the ritual is necessary, it is a kind of rite of initiation, dedication through humiliation and pain. Dugin talks with knowledge of the matter about the rites of initiation of secret societies, with their madisy practice, with which he was obviously very familiar with the Mamley Circle, and not only in theory.
To get closer to the "center of being", according to Dugin, you need to feel it to begin with in some sadomasakhazhy ritual: "The first stage of initiation is the holiday of pain. Search for humiliation and painful situations, escalation of suffering and gravity. All reality in a person should be subjected to a conscious abuse. In a sense, this is comparable to the radical experience of extreme masochism. You have to break the "ego." The center of human identity, the axis of "stacive" being. ... Freemasonry has preserved the elements of this initial doctrine: the initiate is introduced into the lodge consciously in a torn form, causing a feeling of shame, humiliation, self-disgust. In archaic rituals, initiation is coupled with bodily injuries of varying severity - up to mutilation. In some traditions, a particularly high dedication requires cutting off a vital organ - the penis, arm or leg. Often they cause characteristic scars, cuts, knock out teeth, etc."
Finally, cannibalism becomes the highest stage of development of the occult-sacral dialectics of sacrifice and priest, master and slave, criminal and victim.
Dugin: "There is a metaphysics of cannibalism. A person eats another person, taking over his subjectivity mago-symbolically..."
"Cannibalism is not just sacred, but doubly sacred - hence its initial meaning." "In this act, a man - a slave testifies to his animal, animal, object essence..." (A.G. Dugin. "On the Metaphysics of Cannibalism").
"The meaning of myths and rituals about cannibalism is crystal clear - they won't eat any nasty things. They eat something tasty and valuable."
Dugin, "On the metaphysics of cannibalism": "Humanity - according to the description - is sweet and looks like pork, only softer. Human equivalent = pig breaks into Tradition many times and multidimensionally. There remains a mystery, by what descriptions does Dugin know so well about the sweetness of human meat?
Ibid.: "Apparently, "bloody lie" and vampirism are an echo of the memory of cannibalistic rites. The curious geography of ghoulism - the thread reaches for Scythia - the Scythians ate the hearts of their enemies and drank their blood.
Here, on the one hand, according to the Duga worldview, the master who ate the sacrificed slave acquires a special magical power, and the eaten slave is likened to a wordless cattle and compared to a pig.
In Dugin's theory, cannibalism is super-sacred, and cannibals or maniacs should stand as a new priesthood, the highest level of spiritual aristocracy. Dugin comes to such an "stunning" conclusion by analyzing the ancient traditions in the history of New Guinea, arguing that the cannibals were "the core of the future political aristocracy - priests and rulers", the embryo of the "national elite" and the "subject of restoring justice in the world of spirits and forces".
On the inevitable question of why cannibalism in most cultures is unacceptable, Dugin finds a very peculiar justification: "... probably a person was abolished as sacred food not because it is bad food, but on the contrary, because it is too good food. Morality does not matter here - it rationalizes the movement of myth and cult. Christian morality, of course, does not matter to Dugin, there is no doubt about it. For him, this is the morality of "profans" who are not dedicated to the great mysteries, to which most modern people are not devoted, because they do not feel the right to eat their own kind. Dugin has his own morality, which not only does not taboo cannibalism, but raises it to the rank of the most important mission.
Dugin also demonstrates his deepest dedication to vampirism, explaining and substantiating its foundations of existence, the causes and necessity of their use of human blood and leading to the idea that "vampires are agents of evolution":
"Vampires are always associated with blood. It also has an isoteric explanation. Tradition believes that there is a special thin semi-material semi-psychic relationship between the human soul and body... Vampires... become not petty-witchcraft excesses, but some "weighty trend" in civilization, its "engines", the sources of its evolution, its movement forward, towards "Earthly Hell". Their passion for blood, as well as their "longevity", is the essence of expressing the fullness of our "demonic" life..." "In esoteric literature, we are often talking about the "drink of immortality."
In his concept, a vampire is the highest caste, an aristocrat, aka a superman. And vampirism is "the most important metaphysical problem of the eschatological context."
There is no doubt that the topic of vampirism is extremely close to Dugin, as well as his teacher - the occultist E.V. Golovin, who just as clearly explains the essence of vampirism, saying that according to the Kabbalah, "a certain kind of soul is in the blood. It's life in its purest form. That's why vampires drink blood..." "... parts of the soul ... as if dissolved in human blood. Therefore, blood in this sense has a completely magical effect. People who drink blood, in fact, do not need anything else, because they drink life dissolved in its pure form in this liquid substance.
Dugin about vampires and infant sacrifices:
"A necessary element of all stories about ghouls and ghouls is the fact that they suck the blood of their victims... children are often a privileged victim... The black vampire ritual is thus associated with eroticism and the direct consequence of sexual intercourse - childbreation. If you take into account the solar symbolism that underlies the proto-plot about vampires, then such a connection will be understandable.
But Dugin does not remain only within the framework of the myth in the topic of vampires, transferring it to history and modernity. He writes: The frankly political aspect of vampirism appears from the emperor vampires, in particular Tiberius. It is important to emphasize that Dracula was a Prince, which means that he belonged to the royal family. Alexandre de Danann in his book "Memory of Blood" gives similar information about the existence of special dynastic royal families, which were genetic carriers of contrinitiation and vampirism. These dynasties remained faithful to ancient pagan traditions even after the adoption of Christianity, but, of course, these traditions were already perverted and reduced to their lower aspects.
Here you can feel Dugin's disappointment that not all vampire traditions from paganism have reached us in full and in the senses that they were before, due to the "negative" influence of Christianity.
Dugin, "War is our mother." (Izborsk club. 24.06.2016.):
"If a person opens the first thing that will seem from him is blood. Red salty warm moisture. The ancients considered it a bunch of the soul, a special amazing substance in which the material turns into the intangible, the carnal - more than the carnal, the earthly into the aboveground. Hence the many taboos and ritual restrictions associated with blood and its use. Blood is a mystery, the mysterious content of the human case, its subtle, liquid self. Blood is life, its secret. It is no coincidence that some mystically oriented Bolsheviks (Bogdans) had a popular idea that the uniform division (through transfusion) of the blood of all mankind should be crowned with the achievement of universal immortality. Bogdanov describes this in the unique fantastic novel "Red Star" (by the way, he himself died during a blood transfusion experiment, when he headed the "Blood Institute" after the revolution!). In our century, the Bolsheviks-builders of the God, as well as the ancient Scythians or Transval vampires, the mystery of blood again for a short moment became the center of cultural and social attention.
War is a brilliant opportunity to see the power of this ancient sensitivity. The mystery of war is associated with the mystery of blood.
And again, let's turn to the brilliant Junger, who wrote about this on the basis of amazing personal military and existential experience:
"Yes, this thirst for blood. She's salted with horror, but it's intoxication. Such an insatiable thirst for blood... The vastuousness of blood beats over the war like a red sail of a gloomy galley. The infinity of her desire brings her closer to the heat of love..."
Dugin also, under the pseudonym Hans Sievers, published his collection of sadomasochistic and vampire songs called "Bloody Lief".
Cover of the album of vampire songs-poems "Bloody Lie".All this suggests that Dugin is obsessed with the idea of occult power. The presence of occultism in power, according to his concept, is extremely necessary and even mandatory, because, according to him: "Simple disagreement with the fact of the presence of occult power can cancel it or at least limit it."
Thus, turning over the Christian morality, Dugin creates his own morality based on barbaric, superstatious cults, with sacrifices, vampirism, murder, dismemberment, cannibalism, where murderers, maniacs, rippers and vampires are priests at the head of occult power, superhumans dedicated to the great mysteries of the universe, performing their "rites of initiation" as a service to the supernatural principle - the "dark Logos". It's not hard to guess who he means by this "Logos".
At the same time, without even hiding anything, Dugin claims that he considers Christian morality to be Puritanic hypocrisy and profanism, which interferes with the true spiritual search. While "preachers of salvation only lead to imminent and imminent death." Because "the most repulsive and emphasizing its negativity, its antinomismism and its "evil" nature will be closer to the truth and will help to find spiritual orientations... isn't it true that... the road to paradise is lined with evil thoughts?" (Dugin. "The Teachings of the Beast").
Gnostic sentence to the peace
All this snobbery, the approach for the people, which is given its place among slaves and sacrificial animals, and, of course, ranks itself among the highest elite circle of magician-priests-aristocrats, are again based on Gnosticism and the Magic of Chaos, which Dugin consistently promotes. These ideas are based on his addiction to classifying people into clearly separated and impenetrable castes ("pneumatics", "psychics", "physics"): "... The caste reflects this very nature of the soul, which a person is not able to change during his life. The caste is fatal. A normal society, in this sense, should be built in such a way that people of divine nature are at the top (elite), and people of earthly (animal, demonic) nature are at the bottom (masses)."
According to Gnosticism, the creator of the world is the Demiurge perceived as an "evil god." He created an imperfect, distorted and sinful material world by enclasing people's souls in their material bodies (prisons). The tragedy of humanity is that it cannot overcome the imperfections of the world, has no chance to change the world for the better, and as a result, the Gnostics reject the ideas of progress, while Christians recognize them, albeit with certain reservations. The world is not developing, it goes only to its total degradation and peak, the apotheosis of this degradation is modern. Modernization is a special object of Dugin's hatred: "modernization is bad, unnecessary, ridiculous, inappropriate, and should be rejected theoretically and practically." If Christianity notes that progress can occur cyclically, controversially, be replaced by periods of development and degradation, Dugin, guided by Gnosticism, denies progress radically and unconditionally.
Based on this, any attempts to change society for the better, attempts to reveal his best qualities in a person, to overcome the negative circumstances that hinder development are meaningless for a Gnostic.
The madness on atrocities and sadism stems from Gnostic Dugin's idea of most people as "human material" of the lower breed. And this material is subject to members of the highest caste of priests can and have the right to be subjected to merciless exploitation, genocide, dehumanization or sacrifice. Gnostics, like Snietz, does not recognize morality and allows unbridled violence, arbitrariness and suppression of the suffering lower masses. Gnostic elites can despise them, squeeze all the juices out of them and get sadistic pleasure from their murder. Among the Gnostics, Nietzsche is revered as a prophet, hence it is clear why he is so often quoted by Dugin.
But what can the Gnostics offer, what is the alternative to the imperfection of the world? In fact, the only thing they have to offer is the destruction of this whole world. There is no point in treating a seriously ill person, and a much better way out of the situation will be to bring his illness to the highest stage, which will lead him to death. Thus, there is no need to prevent or combat the system-wide crisis (political, economic, social, spiritual, etc.) that has gripped humanity, but it should be tightened as much as possible in order to accelerate the inevitable outcome, not to prevent wars, but to fuel them, increasing escalation and scale so that they reach the level of global world conflict. And this would open Pandora's box on the use of nuclear weapons.
In 2011. Dugin in the training camp of the Eurasian Youth Union participates in the discussion of the topic of the end of the world, where the event itself was held as an occult, Gnostic mass, where one of the participants said: "We need to bring the end of the world closer... Antonin Arto said that the disease of the world is cured by the only means - the burning of the world..."
Then Dugin spoke about it at the very beginning of the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine in 2014 at one of the Eurasian conferences: "Where we are, there is the center of hell." We are not in the center of hell, it would be nothing else, and where we are, there is the center of hell" ... And we are coming to the end of this illusion, more and more aware of its illusory nature. But how to step over? ... How to put an end to the world? In fact, we need to think about whether the end of the world will come or not, we need to think about how to implement it. This is our task. It won't come by itself. Nothing will fall on your head. We have to make this decision ourselves. Moreover, we must find a way to close this story. And it's a very difficult thing. We usually say, "How can humanity survive? How to prevent global warming?" In fact, people with a sharpened philosophy are thinking about how to do something like that in the spirit of global warming so that it finally floods and burns. It just ceased to exist. Because the value of all this has not yet been proven, demonstrated, or reasoned by anyone. There are not even dissertations defended correctly about why humanity needs to survive... Therefore, the question of how to end the world, how to get rid of illusions.
Also in 2014, making calls to ignite the conflict that had even more begun in Donbass, he said that it was necessary: "Kill, kill and kill. There should be no more conversations. As a professor, I think so."
"You can defeat this evil (liberalism) only by uprooting it, and I do not rule out that it will require erasing from the face of the earth those spiritual and physical lands that gave life to this world heresy..." (Dugin A.G. "Liberalism is a threat to humanity" // "Profile" №12 31.03.2008).
In this aspiration, he sees the writer Platonov as his mentor: "For us, Platonov is a doctrine. We take it upon ourselves and intellectually justify everything up to the direct genocide of alienating classes and rational structures. We take the Chevengur madness as a dogma... the dead have crowded over us, they are cramped and stuffy. History presses itself with the last nasty loop." "The prelude of the New Chevengur, the Last Chevengur, is maturing. It is heard in absolute silence, foreshadowing nothing but midnight and the ocean of Blood, the mysterious kiss of the Bolshevik dawn.
And more: "If we look at the plots that fill our television and cinema, to be honest, we look at our own condition, we will see such a picture of abomination and desolation, such an existing hell here and now, that we can only expect any more disasters as getting rid of what is happening. And here, even the destruction of humanity could perhaps be a reasonable solution." (Dugin A.G. "The end of the world is inside us" NewsLand. 22.06.2011.).
And there is no allegory in these words. Here is revealed the true face of this and those like him from the Eurasian camp of violent champions of traditional values, and conservatism, who, in their fierce hatred of the West, are ready to take Satan as allies against him, or "right" "Crowlian Satanism". It must be assumed that for Dugin this gnostic path of the "left hand" implies getting rid of the ethical norms of Christian morality, is a way to bring society to its total decay and thereby accelerate the "reasonable solution" - the destruction of mankind.
All that Duginism can offer is only a pathological chant of the end, decline, degradation. Obsession with necrophilic eschatology to experience the excitement of an orgy of destruction, a bloody flood around the world, a demonic delight at the contemplation of a civilization that scattered to shreds. This is a constant expectation that global conflicts will turn into a ruthless battle not for life but for death with the use of nuclear weapons in which the world will be overthrown into the abyss. When propaganda psychopaths from the NODA yout slogans in the squares calling for nuclear war and Sarmatian strikes on "enemy cities", this spark is reliable for the Duginists to end the world. Do they really believe that Putin has reserved them seats in his "paradise"? But it seems, in their understanding, to destroy the Atlanticist civilization they hate and at the same time to die themselves, like the shahids, it will mean Russia's victory, despite the fact that there may be nothing left of the "winner" but ruins. Or maybe by crushing the modernism fiercely hated by Dugin in this way, it will be possible to build the same "traditional society" on the wreckage of civilization, which has become objects of Dugin's desire, with the cruelest hierarchy, the domination of priests over slaves, with sacrifices, cannibalism and vampirism, where the priest Dugin will throw like the Mayan Indians, the severed heads of his opponents from the pyramid.
But then how is Dugin's worldview different from the neoliberal globalists, with whom he allegedly fights not for life but for death? They, like him, promote the ideas of all kinds of perversions, cannibalism, the need to reduce the world's population, constantly threaten the apocalypse due to global warming or other reasons, Hollywood is overflowing with many paintings on the theme of the end of the world, as if trying to prepare humanity for the inevitable. In this context, Duginism is quite useful to them for the theoretical justification of the subsequent chaos, which should be followed by the process of global reformatting of society and the establishment of the New World Order.
The above quotes and testimonies do not leave the slightest doubt about Dugin's true religious preferences. He is a satanic freak and psycho, like many of his supporters of Neo-Eurasianism, obsessed with superitious magical rituals.
But what does Dugin want? All his actions and that wild eclecticism from completely different and incompatible ideological and religious directions speak of his desire to confuse, confuse society and at the same time use Christianity both to cover up his occult-gnostic beliefs and as a way to attract supporters of traditional values and nationalist views to his camp. At the same time, he does everything to deform the entire humanistic content of Christianity, filling it with completely false meanings and goals, his obscurantist content.
These Dugin's aspirations were revealed back in 2002 by the department of the Moscow Patriarchate, which then gave a quite accurate and clear definition of its activities in the Directory "New Religious Associations of Russia of a Destructive and Occult Nature №4 in the chapter "The Teachings of Alexander Dugin":
"Dugin sees the "bright future" of Orthodoxy in the combination of the isoteric principle of the Church (i.e. church organization) and the pagan isoteric gnosis... A. Dugin argues that... "the only way is to accept (gnostics) traditional religion, and then an attempt to penetrate through the spiritual, ritual and intellectual practice within this religion into its isoteric internal aspects, into its secrets"..." This is nothing but a call to create a new direction (sect) within Orthodoxy, that is, an attempt to split the next split of the Church.".
It also says that "in his opuses, A. Dugin simply blasphemes," and many of the provisions of his teachings are "erroneous, and sometimes directly heretical."
The main thing that was noted there was "Anti-Orthodoxness of the worldview based on the primacy of non-existence over existence", the presence of concepts "directly related to Hindu views", "arbitriness of interpretation of the main postulates of Christianity", "the clear preference of Islam to other beliefs against the background of a condescending attitude to Freemasonry and Satanism". "Calls for the "reform" of Orthodoxy, in particular by eroding Orthodoxy as a true doctrine... As an intermediate stage - the opportunistic use of Orthodoxy to achieve its own political goals."
Then in 2012, the "Adhress to the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church on the teachings of Alexander Dugin" was published. This appeal presents all his quotes on religious and other issues and assesses that they are completely contrary to Christian teaching.
Thus, all eclectic Duginism was completely exposed by the ROC itself, their experts on religious teachings. And what's next? More than 20 years have passed since then and what is the result of this revelation? And we see that despite any wave of evidence of his insane perversions of Christianity, this exposure did not affect the position of the Russian Orthodox Church towards Dugin himself, he still remains a respected "Orthodox philosopher" and, moreover, speaks at the Church Councils as one of the guests of honor! As it was at the XXIV World Russian People's Council on October 25-26, 2022.
The teachings of Dugin and his Eurasian followers, along with Prokhanov, obsessed with the merging of Orthodoxy with communism and his obsession to make the war of 1941-1945 a religion in the Russian Federation, no one ever declared them heretics, blasphemers and creators of "destructive sects". The Moscow Patriarchate did not express any official position on their corrupting activities, which means that they did not consider their teachings a heresy, and as a result they continued to distort the Christian doctrine and mock Orthodoxy. And they acted absolutely freely, and as a result, during the 2010s their position increased so much that now the ROC not only does not try to criticize them, but even has to reckon with them and recognize Duginism as part of Orthodox philosophy.
But this position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate should not surprise. Their betrayal of faith was committed a long time ago, in the 1920s-1930s, when after the Bolshevik regime physically exterminated the most persistent fighters for the faith, and others immigrated, the part of the church that decided to fraternin with the anti-Christian power and recognize it as "God given" remained in Sovdepia. In subsequent years, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church was formed exclusively from KGB agents, but now the church is actually the service staff of Putin's dictatorship, fulfilling all ideological orders of the authorities, including the formation of the cult "Victory", which has already crossed all conceivable and unthinkable boundaries and has developed into its own separate religion with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The final of this madness was the construction by the Ministry of Defense and the consecration by the Patriarch himself of an ugly, grotesque and gloomy, overflowing with occult signs, numerology, militaristic Soviet symbolism, pseudo-Christian, or rather a satanic temple in the Patriot Park. This dark block, resembling the castle of Dracula rather than the Christian temple, became not just a spitting and mockery of all faith, but also a revealing episode, symbolizing the final stage of the ROC disin the decay of the Russian Orthodox Church, which in fact has no contradictions with Duginism, and as can be reasonably assumed, the Izbor Club, together with Prokhanov and Dugin, played an important role in the very idea and concept of the creation of this temple.
This is the most striking example of what Eurasian Satanists and globalists acting under the guise of "fiermy Old Believers" and their allied ROC want to do with Orthodoxy. For them, the Orthodox Church and faith should for some time remain only solemn decorations of Christianity, behind which the true demonic content is already in full growth, which will grow and strengthen, nourished by forces until the moment when, finally, the need for the decorations themselves disappears completely.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By Manifesto
May 20, 2023
"Orthodox" admirer of Alistair Crowley. What are Dugin's religious and philosophical views?
Duginism is considered by many political scientists to be a kind of Orthodox-nationalist catechism, and Dugin himself in right circles (especially European countries) is almost the leading Orthodox philosopher of modern Russia. All this, of course, not only far from reality, but even on the contrary, the philosophy of Duginism is based on the basics directly opposite to Orthodoxy, and to Christianity in general. Although it must be admitted that Dugin has been long ago, since the late 1990s he has made a lot of effort to create such an image.
As for Dugin's traditional, conservative and religious views, to say that they are very specific is to say nothing. Dugin himself positions himself as an "Orthodox philosopher" and a certain solid Old Believer. Performs on the programs "Tsargrad", which is considered an "Orthodox" channel belonging to a member of the Izborsk club - oligarch K.V. Malofeev. He talks about "vagariousness", arguing that a man with a beard is more likely to get into the Kingdom of heaven than a man without a beard, which in itself, to put it mildly, looks absurd. And people who do not want to wear a beard, in his opinion, can be equated to "pederasts", while forgetting that like his colleagues in the Izborsk club, for example, A. Prokhanov, as well as his beloved President Putin, have never been seen with a beard.
There were other oddities: coming to the program to Pozdner, Dugin begins his dialogue with the words: "Hello. Christ is Risen!" And he ends with a quote from the anti-Christian philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: "Man is something that should be overcome..." As he explained, this is one of his favorite philosophical quotes.
Especially delusional was his congratulations to Orthodox Christians on Easter in 2016, with these words: "Suffere with us! Die with us! Kill with us! Sing with us! Come with us! Disappear in us! Bury with us! Fast with us! Get out with us! Love with us! Hate with us! To resurrect with us... to enter the Russian Easter of Christ..." And this tirade with a completely arroted face of a raging obsessed psychopath was pronounced.
How this relates to Orthodoxy remains a big mystery. In any case, ROC officials do not ask such questions. And they don't comment on it. They have no questions at all about Dugin's insane statements, which should have long been recognized as a heresy that does not correspond to Christian teachings. Therefore, Dugin, without receiving any condemnation of his nonsense, continues to spread it with full confidence.
Why is this happening? The answer is most likely quite obvious, because the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by K. Gundyaev (former KGB agent in the USSR), has no particular contradictions with what Dugin says. Most likely, he voices that the ROC is not yet so openly ready to voice, but at the same time he is in full solidarity with him. The Russian Orthodox Church continues the policy of the Moscow Patriarchate, which began in the 1920s with fraternization with the anti-Christian, terrorist power of Bolshevism under the false pretext that "all power is from God." This process continued during the Second World War, when in September 1943 Stalin actually created the Russian Orthodox Church. In the era of Putinism, the process of artificial fusion of Orthodoxy with Bolshevism and Stalinism acquired its particularly ugly, grotesque features. And the wave of this growing madness was led by active figures of the Izborsk club, where A. Prokhanov, who proposed repeatedly on the pages of the newspaper "Tomorrow", to make a religious cult out of the victory of 1945. Also under his leadership, some "Orthodox" artists began to draw icons depicting Stalin and subjects from the war of 1941-1945. Dugin was not the first to continue this line, but he became the one who most cynically, brazenly and unceremoniously began to bring the begun perversion to complete insanity and absurdity, bringing under this theoretical basis. In his theories, monarchism is mixed with Bolshevism, ultraconservatism, Christianity, paganism and occultism.
As a result, he comes to the conclusion that "... Bolshevism is Orthodoxy minus Catholicism" ... (Dugin A.G. Lenin is a red avatar of anger" // "Eurasian invasion" №3. Autumn 1999.).
And there are also such tirades:
"...we are devoted to Tradition. Everything in Tradition is fine. Especially what is unreasonable, incomprehensible, not justified... Tradition is full of dazzling delirium... It is necessary to follow all the rules of Tradition - especially absurd" (Catechism of a member of the Eurasian Union of Youth. 2005).
Dugin openly advocates the fusion of Christianity with ancient pagan cults and sees nothing inappropriate for Christianity: "Not only the highest super-intelligent symbols of Faith can again be taken on the shield, but also those irrational moments of cults, rites and legends that embarrassed theologians at previous stages. If we discard progress as an idea peculiar to the modern era (and it, as we can see, is over), then everything ancient acquires value and credibility for us just because it is ancient. Ancient means good. And the older, the better" (Fourth Political Theory//Profile №48 (603). 22.12.2008).)
His further pagan philosophizing: "So, the second element of Eurasian philosophy is the spirit of the earth, faith in the spirit of the earth, reverence for the spirit of the earth, dialogue with the spirit of the earth, the cult of the spirit of the earth" (Eurasianism (political poem) Eurasianism as a version of the Fourth Political Theory // Fourth Political Theory. St. Petersburg. 2009. S. 255).
"The metaphysical sun is one of the most important, fundamental, energy sources of the solar Eurasian worldview..." (Fourth political theory. Russia and political ideas of the XXI century. 2009)
"Theoretically, nothing limits the depth of the appeal to ancient archaic values, which ... may well take a certain place in the new ideological construction ... the bearers of the fourth political theory may quite neglect those theological theological elements that in monotheistic societies (especially in the later stages) were affected by rationalism..." (Fourth Political Theory // Profile №48 (603). 22.12.2008).
Dugin's mania and his madness at the explosive mixtures of ideas in both politics and religion acquires completely grotesque features.
As the site "Orthodoxy" Ru writes about the Dugin ideological and religious eclecticism: "If you get acquainted with the content of the site of the movement "Arktogea", which is led by Dugin, and follow the links, then the first and not at all deceptive impression is that it fell into some pagan temple: some masks, rods, swastikas, pentagrams, bizarre frightening stues, human-animal stuffs. Here is a virtual copy of the Lenin mausoleum, a model of the Jules-Vern "Nautilus" (meaned as a phallic symbol), alchemical maps, homunculus flasks, Kabbalistic schemes. People with bird heads, or even without heads. The texts are quite consistent. All this simultaneously resembles a Masonic lodge, a Kunstkamera and an anatomical theater. And the owner of all this speaks at church councils!" ("Neo-Eurasianism and the faith of the fathers." Eduard Zibnitsky. December 21, 2001)
Here is such an entourage as an integral part of the so-called "Old Believer" Dugin and his Eurasian comrades. This may amaze someone who seriously considers or considered Dugin an "Orthodox Christian" and an "Old Believer." But if you look at how the ideological formation of this very "Old Believer" took place in his early years since the 1980s, everything falls into place.
Mamleev's schizoid underground
As already mentioned, since 1980. Dugin, together with Heydar Jemal, visits the occult circle, formerly called Mamleevsky, and since 1980 renamed the "Black Order of the SS", the leader of which was the occultist and isotericist Evgeny Golovin. This organization, which met on Yuzhinsky Lane in Moscow, studied traditionalism and Nazi isotericism, accompanied by various orgies, later described in the stories of eyewitnesses, as well as in the novels of Yu. Mamleev, where "solar initiations" were also held. This is how the Mamleyevsky (Yuzhinsky) circle was described by those who had to do with it:
"In Yuzhinsky, a rattling cocktail of Kabbalah, black magic, the teachings of the Stoics, Pythagoreans, medieval alchemists and occultists was preached. Metaphysical disputes of esotericists were certainly accompanied by grandiose drinking, which ended for the most zealous adepts with a white fever, or a psychiatric hospital, or a muzzle. In a special part, there were crazy experiments on yourself. It was believed that the shortest path to the divine was through overcoming the human. In order to "know themselves" as deeply as possible, Mamley's neophytes crawled on all fours around the monument to Pushkin and whined like a dog, scaring unenlightened Soviet citizens with their bark. And if they drank, then to the point of fenzy, if they were spreading, then with acetone or from a dirty puddle. Mamleev believed that when a person tries to look into the otherworldly, he inevitably becomes a bit of a monster. But there is no other way to the initial enlightenment, he assured. Everyone must go through the alchemical Nigredo - the stage of blackness. There, in this Nigredo, almost everyone is stuck..."
Once in the circle, Dugin already then "dreamed of infiltrating power and, manipulating politicians, destroying the state in order to create a new, strong, authoritarian one on its wreckage (later he will call his teachings a "conservative revolution"). Dugin thought he was the messiah, the spiritual leader of the revived Eurasia.
After Mamleev emigrated to the United States in 1975, the circle was headed by E.V. Golovin, who filled it with his content, hierarchy and conspiracy. It became more difficult to get there:
"Each adept had to go through a humiliating rite of initiation.
One of the former members of the Golovin Order once drunkenly confessed to me that the Fuhrer urinated in the mouth of his young students... Homosexuality and drunkenness were encouraged there. This is the only way to tie all the adepts into a single bundle, a mystical union ... and subordinate the will of the leader. (" The underground comes out" Part 1. Stringer. May 1, 2003)
As you can see, in the Mamley's circle, his adherents "overcame everything human in themselves" in accordance with Nietzsche's mottos, which Dugin loved so much. This circle became the foundations of the worldview that Dugin subsequently developed.
Evgeny Golovin.
Golovin was a central figure of society and something like Dugin's spiritual mentor, who immediately fell under his influence and gained extensive knowledge about the occult. Golovin's mystical worldview, his passion for alchemy, the ideas of René Guénon, lectures on hermeneftics, traditionalism and Eurasianism were a great revelation for Dugin and caused him a madness on the occult for the rest of his life.
In the circle, Dugin showed great interest in studying magic and Kabbalah. Dugin's father, a former general of the GRU, obviously had significant influence and connections, thanks to which in 1990-1992 he provided his son with access to the secret archives of the special services, for filming the documentary "Secrets of the Century" together with Y. Vorobyevsky. Dugin was able to study the archive of "Anenerbe" - the Institute of "Heritace of Ancestors". There he got access to classified information about the occult.
In the early to mid-1990s, Dugin was completely absorbed in the study of occultism, about which he lectured at youth meetings at the NBP, wrote and spoke about these topics more frankly. In the Elements magazine about isotericism, Dugin also promotes Alistair Crowley's sexual magic and left-hand tantric sexual practices.
Dugin's interest in the black magician Crowley was not accidental. Back in 1993. Dugin met in Moscow with Mason Christian Boucher, head of the French branch of the Order of the Eastern Templars. On the website of the Stavros Center of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, the following is written about this order: "The order has a reputation for Satanic, preaches sexual magic and the African cult of Voodoo." Dugin was so inspired by the visit of a high-ranking Mason that he decided, under his influence, to immediately publish in the almanac "End of the World" all the fundamental works of the chief theorist of the Order Alistair Crowley, who called himself the "Great Beast".
Dugin's meetings with Boucher continued in the following years, until 2012 and possibly later.
Christian Boucher.
In 1995, when Dugin decided to go into politics, he was marked by a curious episode. In December, he ran for the State Duma in the North-West District № 210 in St. Petersburg with the support of Sergei Kuryokhin, Yuri Nersesov and the left-wing radical group "Working Struggle". His propaganda activities in an attempt to become a respectable politician were accompanied by rather strange rituals. At pre-election concerts for young people, the National Bolsheviks from his team read excerpts from the "Book of Law" by A. Crowley, interspersed with their performance of Soviet patriotic songs, there were theatrical performances from the sexual magic of the Order of the Golden Dawn, where Crowley began his "satanic practice" on stage. Dugin himself performed on stage, also reading excerpts from his idol Crowley, reading them with such excitement and furenty, like an obsessed one, that it seemed at that moment he was forgetting about everything in the world. Dugin pronounced some mysterious spells related to the number 418 in French and Russian... The theatrical production depicted an executioner dressed in a puppet costume, as well as people tied to burning crosses, who rotated like a mill, describing fire crosses. Necrorealists showed a trick to turn a man into a goat. Then the artists dressed in sleepwalker costumes carried the Babylonian harlot on the platform, who danced the "dance of the end of the world."
All this looked like a black mass, which this event really was, because the participants of the concert did not hide that at it they honored the memory of Alistair Crowley - which they admired.
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) is one of the most odious personalities of the 20th century, it is worth noting that he did not consider himself a Satanist. He considered himself rather a pagan, worshipping the ancient Egyptian gods, especially Horus, and was the founder of the neo-pagan religious movement of Thelema. He claimed that he wrote the "Book of Laws" under the dictation of the god Horus, thanks to which the teachings of Thelema were formed as an integral system. He did not perceive the dualism of Christian teaching, the division of the world into forces of darkness and light, because he was a polytheist. Crowley claimed that neither good nor evil exists. He stated that he did not worsh to Satan because he did not accept the Christian worldview in which Satan exists.
Aleister Crowley.
Nevertheless, despite these statements, all his crazy behavior and way of life was the brightest example not only of opposing himself to Christianity, but also to an ardent rebel against Christianity. His way of life through which he promoted his philosophy became contagious to most Satanists. He described himself with undisguised enthusiasm as "Beast 666" and referred to the harlot of Babylon in his work. He claimed "rebellion against the moral and religious values of his time" and sent "maps of the Antichrist" to his friends. In some of his writings, Crowley defined the god Ivass as Satan and even called him as "Lord our God the Devil." He also said once that he hates Christianity "as socialists hate soap." He really fiercely hated everything that is sacred to Christians.
In Wikipedia, Crowley is described as "an occultist, black magician and Satanist, one of the "evident ideologists of occultism and Satanism" of the 20th century, he is also called the "finger of modern Satanism". Crowley had an undoubted impact on the satanic worldview. Anton Lavey (1930-1997), the founder of the Church of Satan in Los Angeles in 1966, which finally formed the ideology of religious Satanism, like Michael Akina, were very strongly influenced by the work of Alistair Crowley. Undoubtedly, whether Crowley understood this or not, but his influence on the formation of the satanic worldview was very significant. An example of this is that many Satanists adopted his famous motto: "Do What Thou Wilt", which became the main thing for the idea of Telema and it also became a winged expression of many devil worshippers and supporters of Luciferianism today. In addition, the well-known fact that Crowley was a member of several secret Masonic lodges and even organized his own Order of Argentum Astrum in 1906, Alistair often used devilish symbols and even sometimes asked to call himself Baphomet, which for Satanists also makes him his own person or at least like in spirit. Telemites in general quite easily converge with Satanists of all stripes. In Teleme itself, a set of almost all occult ideas is concentrated: the migration of souls, magical technologies, spirit control, the era of Aquarius, sexual practices, neognostic ritualism, etc. In the minds of the Telemites themselves, their teachings come from ancient hermeticism and Gnosticism.
The British press called Crowley "the most vicious man on earth," as well as "the man we all dream of hanging" and it was not a figure of speech, but a true reflection of who Crowley really was. Even in his youth, he was expelled from educational institutions for debauchery with prostitutes, at the same time he "discovered his bisexuality." In the 1920s, Alistair created the Thelemite Abbey in Sicily, where rituals dedicated to the Egyptian god Ra and Gnostic masses were held, and "sexual magic" was also encouraged, which often ended with group orgies. "For A. Crowley sex was considered as a communion, and the consumption of sexual fluids was interpreted as the Eucharist... This often manifested itself in the form of light cupcakes, a sponge cake containing either menstrual blood or a mixture of sperm and vaginal fluids. Gnostic Mass. In addition, Crowley argued that homosexual and bisexual people should not suppress their sexual orientation "because of public opinion, or medieval morality, or religious prejudices."
The Crowley doctrine in the political and social spheres implied opposition to secular humanism and fascism, mass movements and doctrines - movements that appealed to the masses, in their rhetoric asserting the idea that history should be done by the masses, peoples, not only by elites. Thelema's idea is aristocratic. It does not appeal to the majority, to the masses, it is intended for the new aristocracy. Crowley advocated the revival of Nietzschean "master morality and slave morality," which means that a large mass of people will always have slave characteristics. This means that "slaves will serve" and follow those who are innately aristocratic and able to fulfill their True Will. The Crowley masses are a "hypocritical, whining, slave breed of whipped dogs who refuse to recognize their deity," "a natural enemy of good government." And how it is consonant with what Dugin says when he says that the masses in politics do not matter at all, everything is decided and only the elites should decide!
Based on these concepts of opposition between the aristocracy and the masses, Dugin obviously comes to the conclusion that society should be ruled not just by aristocrats, but by magicians, priests dedicated to secret knowledge, who can and should assume the role of mass administrators.
"There is a crisis of art... The current politician and artist are outlived, nothing will save them. They are not able to be saturated with magic and liven up. They should be crossed out and discarded. They should be replaced by a new type... It's a new magician engaged in politics or art (but not a politician or an artist engaged in magic)." ("Manifesto of New Magicians").
Dugin, in fact, advocates that the state or the new Eurasian Empire be governed by magicians dedicated to secret knowledge. In St. Petersburg, the "Manifesto of New Magicians" composed by Dugin and Sergei Kuryokhin was announced from the stage of the Lensovet. It was published back in 1995:
"New magicians establish their art and carry out social revolutions. They specialize in geopolitics, large-scale science, subordinate the elements, tame the Atlantic Leviathan and feed the continental Hippo. The minimum social scale of the New Magic is the country, the people, the state, the legions of the human masses. "Secret societies, lodges, orders governed history, inspired artists." "The crisis of art and politics seems to be something objective outwardly. Don't build illusions, we organized it. To clear the way for the New Race. Race of magical kings."
In the same year, pop mechanic Kuryokhina, dedicated to the memory of Alistair Crowley, was also released. The action was made by Dugin's script - the Satanic masses he found in the archives. Co-author Dugina Kuryokhin expressed his stormy admiration for this: "Satanism is super fascinating. Alistair Crowley is the greatest man of the era."
Dugin and Kuryokhin.
On November 11, 1998, at one of his lectures, this very "Orthodox Old Believer" said without any embarrassment that "... such revolutionary Satanists, they usually turn to telemism, to Alistair Crowley... their Satanism boils down to denying the paradigm of the meto-language of the modern world, which is dominant in American culture and modern American life. And accordingly, this kind of Satanism is some extravagant, unfinished, strange, but a form of traditionalism, say, correct and acceptable... half of Genon's disciples were Crowlians, and half of the Crowlians were Satanists, but it was a general protest... It can be understood... it is such a grotesque, outrageous, avant-garde, anarchist element created in opposition to the paradigm of the modern world. This is revolutionary Satanism, which should not be confused with the Satanism of the "Chicago Boys", followers of the Soros Foundation and "market Satanism". That is, Dugin, this "hard Old Believer" decided to divide Satanism into the right one - "revolutionary" (aka Crowlian) and not the right - "market" - Soros. Dugin, of course, as you can proceed from his words, on the side of "right Satanism".
About Crowley, his idol, Dugin wrote a whole book "The Man with the Falcon Beak. The essay on Alistair Crowley," where with undisguised admiration, calls him a "rebel": "Esotericism, culture, avant-garde art, psychedelics and radical politics were closely intertwined in the personality of Alistair Crowley. In a sense, it can be called a symbol of the twentieth century. Mystic rebel. Revolutionary politician. Dandy is a mountaineer. Astrologer-psychoanalyst. Sexual pervert and tantrist practice. Religious fanatic and cynical skeptic. A mystifier, an actor looking for fame, and a cultivator of secret knowledge. A drug addict, a practitioner and a doctor. The Beast."
"Alistair Crowley's followers can be found in a variety of groups and movements. Free love of hippies is also a sign of tantric Crowlianism, as well as the idea of the highest race of masters - initiates - "slaves will serve and suffer," the Book of Laws says. Homoeroticism, drugs, intense operational magic, avant-garde music, superperverse erotomanic practices, phosphorescent painting of madness, political extremism - all this is detailed, systematized, concentrated, predetermined in the teachings of "Thelema" of Alistair Crowley.
Whether we want it or not, whether we know it or not - we all live under his sign, under his supervision, according to his commandments.
And if we talk about the commandments, they have nothing to do with the 10th Christian commandments. The "laws" developed by the disad occultist Crowley is the basis on which modern Satanists rely in many ways, both in the West and in the Russian Federation, and his whole life speaks of the satanic essence of his "spiritual search". And his famous slogan "Do whatever you want" is the very "commandments and laws" by which Dugin lives and strives for all other people to live under them.
Vampirism and "sacral cannibalism"
Later, in 1996, this admirer A. Crowley, after an unsuccessful attempt to be elected a deputy, begins theoretical developments in the field of Orthodoxy, presenting himself as a kind of "Orthodox philosopher". In the book "Metaphysics of the Good News," Dugin states that he analyzes Orthodoxy from the methodological positions of René Guénon, that is, from the position of a Gnostic, a Martinist Mason who converted to Islam, entered the Sufi order and is absolutely convinced that Christ is not the Son of God. Based on this isoteric Islamic-Indu Masonic authority, Dugin imposes on Orthodoxy and Christianity as a whole the main Gnostic ideas, including the Absolute and the hierarchy of its manifestations. At the same time, Dugin, realizing that Gnostic ideas are rejected by the Church, nevertheless, consistently argues that the teachings of the Gnostics are true and applicable to Christianity and even appeals to radical Gnostics.
Since 1997, Dugin has been adjoining the Old Believers and publishing enthusiastic articles about the Old Believers in which he sees a real Russian Orthodox tradition, "not perverted by the Nikonian reforms." There he also tries to find his "gnostic roots."
At the same time, he continues to lecture on Thelema and the sexual practices of the "left hand" which largely stem from the Magic of Chaos, the symbols of which Dugin often uses in his public speeches (eight rays emanating from the circle-center).
Sign of Eurasianism ([Soviet] expansion in all directions)
Dugin's daughter Daria with the emblem of Chaos Magic.
Chaos Magic uses various practices originally developed by other areas of the occult, such as sexual magic. Another feature, according to the followers of the current themselves, is the widespread use of altered states of consciousness, including trance and ecstatic, which supporters of Chaos Magic call "gnosis". This also involves the use of narcotic substances.
Thus, back in the late 90s, Dugin quite undermined in the practice of mimicry under the "Orthodox Christian" playing the role of an Old Believer - conservative - traditionalist and at the same time distorted Christian teachings, directing Christian philosophy into an alien direction of Gnosticism, in the wrong direction, in order to adapt religion to neo-Eurasian ideology. Someone may try to challenge this, assuming that then Dugin had a period of "philosophical search", uncertainty, attempts at "seeking God", where he was brought to contradictory and vague religious and philosophical directions, but now he is a "firm convinced Christian" and a "conservative". However, there is nothing wrong with his statements that he could reconsider his views on the magic of Chaos, the occult, worship of A. Crowley, you can't find it. Dugin doesn't write anything about it. Dugin's actions are natural in that he creates a mixture of ideas, confusing everyone around him, as Gnosticism allows and even recommends deceiving non-gnostics. Dugin himself, as he was a Gnostic then, remained now, and there were never any signs that he had moved away from Gnosticism.
Daria Dugina gives an accurate answer to the question about her father's philosophical views.
Moreover, he continues his mad passion for the occult, writes his perverse satanic deliririon, sacralizing such wild rituals as sacrifice.
Dugin in the book "In Search of the Dark Logos. Philosophical and theological essays" writes: "The Pather's Mind of the Neoplatonists becomes the titanic power of the earth, the leader of the uprising and the black Emperor of Hell." The son of this "emperor" is the antipode of Christ - Dionysus or "dark Logos", which, as Dugin himself notes, "in the Christian tradition he is called the "antichrist". The highest meaning of his existence is given to him by the ideas of infernal cruelty, which are transmitted to the world of people with the help of the "Father's Mind".
Hence Dugin's deification of violence:
"The criminal and the victim are in a mysterious conspiracy, in symbiosis, in a special unique relationship. The one who is to be killed and the one who is to be killed are beyond the social conventions, as both are now about to finally and irrevocably cross the line in one direction. They don't go anywhere... The great drama of creation is repeated, which is based on sacrifice, murder, slaughter, dismemberment. The victim becomes the foundation of a new world. The executioner, the performer of the cosmogonic mystery, dying with the one he kills, executes himself and is cleansed again in a bloody ritual ("The Devastator"). Alexander Dugin. "Put your body in the sedge. Metaphysics of crime.")
Dugin here tries to assert the inevitability of sacred violence and the manifestation of the existence of hell, returning to the "dark Logos", which is the core of Dugin's philosophy, politics and religion.
According to his concept, the world is based on the process of war within the "Mind" and this war is infernal in its cruelty. The war that began with the "great drama of creation" is based on "sacrifice, murder, slaughter, dismemberment." ("Put your body in the sedge. Metaphysics of crime.")
Dugin actually shows his true attitude to Christian morality, which he has purely negative. In his concept, the concepts of "sin" and "morality" acquire the exact opposite meaning. Namely: crime is the meaning and significance of everything.
"Suffering, pain, torture, abuse are the norm of existence in the world. Man is dual. As a given, he is an object subject to suffering, a slave, a thing, a beast, a tool, a pet, a doll. And that's his starting line."
Thus, according to Dugin, the content of human nature and his existence is constant suffering: "Man is subjected to humiliation, violence, pressure constantly. This is a necessary component of human existence." The Dugin concept comes to the conclusion that murder and dismemberment, combined with perverted rape, is the essence, the core of human existence.
Dugin writes: "A crime, a particularly terrible crime, resonates with human nature, with its fundamental layers."
Based on this Dug's understanding of violence, in this context, as he sees it, it is not so important who tortures and kills whom, as it happens in some sacred dimension. Dugin states: "It is also wrong to divide the main actors of the crime into a victim and an executioner... The murderer and the killed - the poles only in fatal, fatal and unremovable, metaphysically contradictory dualism. In fact, they are the same thing..." "... we arise in matter as a result of dismemberment, we have a chance to return to the spirit only through the same action."
But still, the difference between a criminal and a victim can be noticed, it's just that Dugin is radically opposed to the fact that the Christian worldview puts into it. According to Dugin, the criminal is a master, a priest dedicated to a secret knowledge, who performs a sacred act - a sacrifice. And the sacrifice is a sacrificial animal, the creature over which initiation is carried out - execution and dismemberment, as a result of which it changes, approaches the sacred meaning of "creation".
Based on this, Dugin creates an image of a maniac, not only as a priest and master, but also if not as a god, then obviously a demigod who, performing a rite of sacrifice over a slave or animal, dedicates it in the mystery of the "dark Logos", thus transfers him to a higher level of existence.
Hence, Dugin comes to the amazing conclusion that "Chikatilo is an internal concept, because he expresses some obligatory, intimate, intimate, inextricably linked to the depths of the subconscious figure. It's not a person, it's a fetish, a sign, the voice of the human psyche. ...Chikatilo is a contemporary of Dionysus. The companion of the Egyptian god Set, an accomplice to the great mystery of the Hindu gods who sacrificed and dismembered Prajapati, the first man.
The suffering of the victim in the ritual is necessary, it is a kind of rite of initiation, dedication through humiliation and pain. Dugin talks with knowledge of the matter about the rites of initiation of secret societies, with their madisy practice, with which he was obviously very familiar with the Mamley Circle, and not only in theory.
To get closer to the "center of being", according to Dugin, you need to feel it to begin with in some sadomasakhazhy ritual: "The first stage of initiation is the holiday of pain. Search for humiliation and painful situations, escalation of suffering and gravity. All reality in a person should be subjected to a conscious abuse. In a sense, this is comparable to the radical experience of extreme masochism. You have to break the "ego." The center of human identity, the axis of "stacive" being. ... Freemasonry has preserved the elements of this initial doctrine: the initiate is introduced into the lodge consciously in a torn form, causing a feeling of shame, humiliation, self-disgust. In archaic rituals, initiation is coupled with bodily injuries of varying severity - up to mutilation. In some traditions, a particularly high dedication requires cutting off a vital organ - the penis, arm or leg. Often they cause characteristic scars, cuts, knock out teeth, etc."
Finally, cannibalism becomes the highest stage of development of the occult-sacral dialectics of sacrifice and priest, master and slave, criminal and victim.
Dugin: "There is a metaphysics of cannibalism. A person eats another person, taking over his subjectivity mago-symbolically..."
"Cannibalism is not just sacred, but doubly sacred - hence its initial meaning." "In this act, a man - a slave testifies to his animal, animal, object essence..." (A.G. Dugin. "On the Metaphysics of Cannibalism").
"The meaning of myths and rituals about cannibalism is crystal clear - they won't eat any nasty things. They eat something tasty and valuable."
Dugin, "On the metaphysics of cannibalism": "Humanity - according to the description - is sweet and looks like pork, only softer. Human equivalent = pig breaks into Tradition many times and multidimensionally. There remains a mystery, by what descriptions does Dugin know so well about the sweetness of human meat?
Ibid.: "Apparently, "bloody lie" and vampirism are an echo of the memory of cannibalistic rites. The curious geography of ghoulism - the thread reaches for Scythia - the Scythians ate the hearts of their enemies and drank their blood.
Here, on the one hand, according to the Duga worldview, the master who ate the sacrificed slave acquires a special magical power, and the eaten slave is likened to a wordless cattle and compared to a pig.
In Dugin's theory, cannibalism is super-sacred, and cannibals or maniacs should stand as a new priesthood, the highest level of spiritual aristocracy. Dugin comes to such an "stunning" conclusion by analyzing the ancient traditions in the history of New Guinea, arguing that the cannibals were "the core of the future political aristocracy - priests and rulers", the embryo of the "national elite" and the "subject of restoring justice in the world of spirits and forces".
On the inevitable question of why cannibalism in most cultures is unacceptable, Dugin finds a very peculiar justification: "... probably a person was abolished as sacred food not because it is bad food, but on the contrary, because it is too good food. Morality does not matter here - it rationalizes the movement of myth and cult. Christian morality, of course, does not matter to Dugin, there is no doubt about it. For him, this is the morality of "profans" who are not dedicated to the great mysteries, to which most modern people are not devoted, because they do not feel the right to eat their own kind. Dugin has his own morality, which not only does not taboo cannibalism, but raises it to the rank of the most important mission.
Dugin also demonstrates his deepest dedication to vampirism, explaining and substantiating its foundations of existence, the causes and necessity of their use of human blood and leading to the idea that "vampires are agents of evolution":
"Vampires are always associated with blood. It also has an isoteric explanation. Tradition believes that there is a special thin semi-material semi-psychic relationship between the human soul and body... Vampires... become not petty-witchcraft excesses, but some "weighty trend" in civilization, its "engines", the sources of its evolution, its movement forward, towards "Earthly Hell". Their passion for blood, as well as their "longevity", is the essence of expressing the fullness of our "demonic" life..." "In esoteric literature, we are often talking about the "drink of immortality."
In his concept, a vampire is the highest caste, an aristocrat, aka a superman. And vampirism is "the most important metaphysical problem of the eschatological context."
There is no doubt that the topic of vampirism is extremely close to Dugin, as well as his teacher - the occultist E.V. Golovin, who just as clearly explains the essence of vampirism, saying that according to the Kabbalah, "a certain kind of soul is in the blood. It's life in its purest form. That's why vampires drink blood..." "... parts of the soul ... as if dissolved in human blood. Therefore, blood in this sense has a completely magical effect. People who drink blood, in fact, do not need anything else, because they drink life dissolved in its pure form in this liquid substance.
Dugin about vampires and infant sacrifices:
"A necessary element of all stories about ghouls and ghouls is the fact that they suck the blood of their victims... children are often a privileged victim... The black vampire ritual is thus associated with eroticism and the direct consequence of sexual intercourse - childbreation. If you take into account the solar symbolism that underlies the proto-plot about vampires, then such a connection will be understandable.
But Dugin does not remain only within the framework of the myth in the topic of vampires, transferring it to history and modernity. He writes: The frankly political aspect of vampirism appears from the emperor vampires, in particular Tiberius. It is important to emphasize that Dracula was a Prince, which means that he belonged to the royal family. Alexandre de Danann in his book "Memory of Blood" gives similar information about the existence of special dynastic royal families, which were genetic carriers of contrinitiation and vampirism. These dynasties remained faithful to ancient pagan traditions even after the adoption of Christianity, but, of course, these traditions were already perverted and reduced to their lower aspects.
Here you can feel Dugin's disappointment that not all vampire traditions from paganism have reached us in full and in the senses that they were before, due to the "negative" influence of Christianity.
Dugin, "War is our mother." (Izborsk club. 24.06.2016.):
"If a person opens the first thing that will seem from him is blood. Red salty warm moisture. The ancients considered it a bunch of the soul, a special amazing substance in which the material turns into the intangible, the carnal - more than the carnal, the earthly into the aboveground. Hence the many taboos and ritual restrictions associated with blood and its use. Blood is a mystery, the mysterious content of the human case, its subtle, liquid self. Blood is life, its secret. It is no coincidence that some mystically oriented Bolsheviks (Bogdans) had a popular idea that the uniform division (through transfusion) of the blood of all mankind should be crowned with the achievement of universal immortality. Bogdanov describes this in the unique fantastic novel "Red Star" (by the way, he himself died during a blood transfusion experiment, when he headed the "Blood Institute" after the revolution!). In our century, the Bolsheviks-builders of the God, as well as the ancient Scythians or Transval vampires, the mystery of blood again for a short moment became the center of cultural and social attention.
War is a brilliant opportunity to see the power of this ancient sensitivity. The mystery of war is associated with the mystery of blood.
And again, let's turn to the brilliant Junger, who wrote about this on the basis of amazing personal military and existential experience:
"Yes, this thirst for blood. She's salted with horror, but it's intoxication. Such an insatiable thirst for blood... The vastuousness of blood beats over the war like a red sail of a gloomy galley. The infinity of her desire brings her closer to the heat of love..."
Dugin also, under the pseudonym Hans Sievers, published his collection of sadomasochistic and vampire songs called "Bloody Lief".
Cover of the album of vampire songs-poems "Bloody Lie".
All this suggests that Dugin is obsessed with the idea of occult power. The presence of occultism in power, according to his concept, is extremely necessary and even mandatory, because, according to him: "Simple disagreement with the fact of the presence of occult power can cancel it or at least limit it."
Thus, turning over the Christian morality, Dugin creates his own morality based on barbaric, superstatious cults, with sacrifices, vampirism, murder, dismemberment, cannibalism, where murderers, maniacs, rippers and vampires are priests at the head of occult power, superhumans dedicated to the great mysteries of the universe, performing their "rites of initiation" as a service to the supernatural principle - the "dark Logos". It's not hard to guess who he means by this "Logos".
At the same time, without even hiding anything, Dugin claims that he considers Christian morality to be Puritanic hypocrisy and profanism, which interferes with the true spiritual search. While "preachers of salvation only lead to imminent and imminent death." Because "the most repulsive and emphasizing its negativity, its antinomismism and its "evil" nature will be closer to the truth and will help to find spiritual orientations... isn't it true that... the road to paradise is lined with evil thoughts?" (Dugin. "The Teachings of the Beast").
Gnostic sentence to the peace
All this snobbery, the approach for the people, which is given its place among slaves and sacrificial animals, and, of course, ranks itself among the highest elite circle of magician-priests-aristocrats, are again based on Gnosticism and the Magic of Chaos, which Dugin consistently promotes. These ideas are based on his addiction to classifying people into clearly separated and impenetrable castes ("pneumatics", "psychics", "physics"): "... The caste reflects this very nature of the soul, which a person is not able to change during his life. The caste is fatal. A normal society, in this sense, should be built in such a way that people of divine nature are at the top (elite), and people of earthly (animal, demonic) nature are at the bottom (masses)."
According to Gnosticism, the creator of the world is the Demiurge perceived as an "evil god." He created an imperfect, distorted and sinful material world by enclasing people's souls in their material bodies (prisons). The tragedy of humanity is that it cannot overcome the imperfections of the world, has no chance to change the world for the better, and as a result, the Gnostics reject the ideas of progress, while Christians recognize them, albeit with certain reservations. The world is not developing, it goes only to its total degradation and peak, the apotheosis of this degradation is modern. Modernization is a special object of Dugin's hatred: "modernization is bad, unnecessary, ridiculous, inappropriate, and should be rejected theoretically and practically." If Christianity notes that progress can occur cyclically, controversially, be replaced by periods of development and degradation, Dugin, guided by Gnosticism, denies progress radically and unconditionally.
Based on this, any attempts to change society for the better, attempts to reveal his best qualities in a person, to overcome the negative circumstances that hinder development are meaningless for a Gnostic.
The madness on atrocities and sadism stems from Gnostic Dugin's idea of most people as "human material" of the lower breed. And this material is subject to members of the highest caste of priests can and have the right to be subjected to merciless exploitation, genocide, dehumanization or sacrifice. Gnostics, like Snietz, does not recognize morality and allows unbridled violence, arbitrariness and suppression of the suffering lower masses. Gnostic elites can despise them, squeeze all the juices out of them and get sadistic pleasure from their murder. Among the Gnostics, Nietzsche is revered as a prophet, hence it is clear why he is so often quoted by Dugin.
But what can the Gnostics offer, what is the alternative to the imperfection of the world? In fact, the only thing they have to offer is the destruction of this whole world. There is no point in treating a seriously ill person, and a much better way out of the situation will be to bring his illness to the highest stage, which will lead him to death. Thus, there is no need to prevent or combat the system-wide crisis (political, economic, social, spiritual, etc.) that has gripped humanity, but it should be tightened as much as possible in order to accelerate the inevitable outcome, not to prevent wars, but to fuel them, increasing escalation and scale so that they reach the level of global world conflict. And this would open Pandora's box on the use of nuclear weapons.
In 2011. Dugin in the training camp of the Eurasian Youth Union participates in the discussion of the topic of the end of the world, where the event itself was held as an occult, Gnostic mass, where one of the participants said: "We need to bring the end of the world closer... Antonin Arto said that the disease of the world is cured by the only means - the burning of the world..."
Then Dugin spoke about it at the very beginning of the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine in 2014 at one of the Eurasian conferences: "Where we are, there is the center of hell." We are not in the center of hell, it would be nothing else, and where we are, there is the center of hell" ... And we are coming to the end of this illusion, more and more aware of its illusory nature. But how to step over? ... How to put an end to the world? In fact, we need to think about whether the end of the world will come or not, we need to think about how to implement it. This is our task. It won't come by itself. Nothing will fall on your head. We have to make this decision ourselves. Moreover, we must find a way to close this story. And it's a very difficult thing. We usually say, "How can humanity survive? How to prevent global warming?" In fact, people with a sharpened philosophy are thinking about how to do something like that in the spirit of global warming so that it finally floods and burns. It just ceased to exist. Because the value of all this has not yet been proven, demonstrated, or reasoned by anyone. There are not even dissertations defended correctly about why humanity needs to survive... Therefore, the question of how to end the world, how to get rid of illusions.
Also in 2014, making calls to ignite the conflict that had even more begun in Donbass, he said that it was necessary: "Kill, kill and kill. There should be no more conversations. As a professor, I think so."
"You can defeat this evil (liberalism) only by uprooting it, and I do not rule out that it will require erasing from the face of the earth those spiritual and physical lands that gave life to this world heresy..." (Dugin A.G. "Liberalism is a threat to humanity" // "Profile" №12 31.03.2008).
In this aspiration, he sees the writer Platonov as his mentor: "For us, Platonov is a doctrine. We take it upon ourselves and intellectually justify everything up to the direct genocide of alienating classes and rational structures. We take the Chevengur madness as a dogma... the dead have crowded over us, they are cramped and stuffy. History presses itself with the last nasty loop." "The prelude of the New Chevengur, the Last Chevengur, is maturing. It is heard in absolute silence, foreshadowing nothing but midnight and the ocean of Blood, the mysterious kiss of the Bolshevik dawn.
And more: "If we look at the plots that fill our television and cinema, to be honest, we look at our own condition, we will see such a picture of abomination and desolation, such an existing hell here and now, that we can only expect any more disasters as getting rid of what is happening. And here, even the destruction of humanity could perhaps be a reasonable solution." (Dugin A.G. "The end of the world is inside us" NewsLand. 22.06.2011.).
And there is no allegory in these words. Here is revealed the true face of this and those like him from the Eurasian camp of violent champions of traditional values, and conservatism, who, in their fierce hatred of the West, are ready to take Satan as allies against him, or "right" "Crowlian Satanism". It must be assumed that for Dugin this gnostic path of the "left hand" implies getting rid of the ethical norms of Christian morality, is a way to bring society to its total decay and thereby accelerate the "reasonable solution" - the destruction of mankind.
All that Duginism can offer is only a pathological chant of the end, decline, degradation. Obsession with necrophilic eschatology to experience the excitement of an orgy of destruction, a bloody flood around the world, a demonic delight at the contemplation of a civilization that scattered to shreds. This is a constant expectation that global conflicts will turn into a ruthless battle not for life but for death with the use of nuclear weapons in which the world will be overthrown into the abyss. When propaganda psychopaths from the NODA yout slogans in the squares calling for nuclear war and Sarmatian strikes on "enemy cities", this spark is reliable for the Duginists to end the world. Do they really believe that Putin has reserved them seats in his "paradise"? But it seems, in their understanding, to destroy the Atlanticist civilization they hate and at the same time to die themselves, like the shahids, it will mean Russia's victory, despite the fact that there may be nothing left of the "winner" but ruins. Or maybe by crushing the modernism fiercely hated by Dugin in this way, it will be possible to build the same "traditional society" on the wreckage of civilization, which has become objects of Dugin's desire, with the cruelest hierarchy, the domination of priests over slaves, with sacrifices, cannibalism and vampirism, where the priest Dugin will throw like the Mayan Indians, the severed heads of his opponents from the pyramid.
But then how is Dugin's worldview different from the neoliberal globalists, with whom he allegedly fights not for life but for death? They, like him, promote the ideas of all kinds of perversions, cannibalism, the need to reduce the world's population, constantly threaten the apocalypse due to global warming or other reasons, Hollywood is overflowing with many paintings on the theme of the end of the world, as if trying to prepare humanity for the inevitable. In this context, Duginism is quite useful to them for the theoretical justification of the subsequent chaos, which should be followed by the process of global reformatting of society and the establishment of the New World Order.
The above quotes and testimonies do not leave the slightest doubt about Dugin's true religious preferences. He is a satanic freak and psycho, like many of his supporters of Neo-Eurasianism, obsessed with superitious magical rituals.
But what does Dugin want? All his actions and that wild eclecticism from completely different and incompatible ideological and religious directions speak of his desire to confuse, confuse society and at the same time use Christianity both to cover up his occult-gnostic beliefs and as a way to attract supporters of traditional values and nationalist views to his camp. At the same time, he does everything to deform the entire humanistic content of Christianity, filling it with completely false meanings and goals, his obscurantist content.
These Dugin's aspirations were revealed back in 2002 by the department of the Moscow Patriarchate, which then gave a quite accurate and clear definition of its activities in the Directory "New Religious Associations of Russia of a Destructive and Occult Nature №4 in the chapter "The Teachings of Alexander Dugin":
"Dugin sees the "bright future" of Orthodoxy in the combination of the isoteric principle of the Church (i.e. church organization) and the pagan isoteric gnosis... A. Dugin argues that... "the only way is to accept (gnostics) traditional religion, and then an attempt to penetrate through the spiritual, ritual and intellectual practice within this religion into its isoteric internal aspects, into its secrets"..." This is nothing but a call to create a new direction (sect) within Orthodoxy, that is, an attempt to split the next split of the Church.".
It also says that "in his opuses, A. Dugin simply blasphemes," and many of the provisions of his teachings are "erroneous, and sometimes directly heretical."
The main thing that was noted there was "Anti-Orthodoxness of the worldview based on the primacy of non-existence over existence", the presence of concepts "directly related to Hindu views", "arbitriness of interpretation of the main postulates of Christianity", "the clear preference of Islam to other beliefs against the background of a condescending attitude to Freemasonry and Satanism". "Calls for the "reform" of Orthodoxy, in particular by eroding Orthodoxy as a true doctrine... As an intermediate stage - the opportunistic use of Orthodoxy to achieve its own political goals."
Then in 2012, the "Adhress to the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church on the teachings of Alexander Dugin" was published. This appeal presents all his quotes on religious and other issues and assesses that they are completely contrary to Christian teaching.
Thus, all eclectic Duginism was completely exposed by the ROC itself, their experts on religious teachings. And what's next? More than 20 years have passed since then and what is the result of this revelation? And we see that despite any wave of evidence of his insane perversions of Christianity, this exposure did not affect the position of the Russian Orthodox Church towards Dugin himself, he still remains a respected "Orthodox philosopher" and, moreover, speaks at the Church Councils as one of the guests of honor! As it was at the XXIV World Russian People's Council on October 25-26, 2022.
The teachings of Dugin and his Eurasian followers, along with Prokhanov, obsessed with the merging of Orthodoxy with communism and his obsession to make the war of 1941-1945 a religion in the Russian Federation, no one ever declared them heretics, blasphemers and creators of "destructive sects". The Moscow Patriarchate did not express any official position on their corrupting activities, which means that they did not consider their teachings a heresy, and as a result they continued to distort the Christian doctrine and mock Orthodoxy. And they acted absolutely freely, and as a result, during the 2010s their position increased so much that now the ROC not only does not try to criticize them, but even has to reckon with them and recognize Duginism as part of Orthodox philosophy.
But this position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate should not surprise. Their betrayal of faith was committed a long time ago, in the 1920s-1930s, when after the Bolshevik regime physically exterminated the most persistent fighters for the faith, and others immigrated, the part of the church that decided to fraternin with the anti-Christian power and recognize it as "God given" remained in Sovdepia. In subsequent years, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church was formed exclusively from KGB agents, but now the church is actually the service staff of Putin's dictatorship, fulfilling all ideological orders of the authorities, including the formation of the cult "Victory", which has already crossed all conceivable and unthinkable boundaries and has developed into its own separate religion with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The final of this madness was the construction by the Ministry of Defense and the consecration by the Patriarch himself of an ugly, grotesque and gloomy, overflowing with occult signs, numerology, militaristic Soviet symbolism, pseudo-Christian, or rather a satanic temple in the Patriot Park. This dark block, resembling the castle of Dracula rather than the Christian temple, became not just a spitting and mockery of all faith, but also a revealing episode, symbolizing the final stage of the ROC disin the decay of the Russian Orthodox Church, which in fact has no contradictions with Duginism, and as can be reasonably assumed, the Izbor Club, together with Prokhanov and Dugin, played an important role in the very idea and concept of the creation of this temple.
This is the most striking example of what Eurasian Satanists and globalists acting under the guise of "fiermy Old Believers" and their allied ROC want to do with Orthodoxy. For them, the Orthodox Church and faith should for some time remain only solemn decorations of Christianity, behind which the true demonic content is already in full growth, which will grow and strengthen, nourished by forces until the moment when, finally, the need for the decorations themselves disappears completely.
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