Aleksandr Dugin: anti-white crypto-Communist posing as nationalist and anti-globalist - Part 1
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on July 6, 2024, 23:39
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By Manifesto
December 22, 2022Recently, in wide political and philosophical circles, as well as among the common people, we very often hear about the philosopher Alexander Dugin and Duginism. A series of tragic events related to the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine and the death of Daria Dugina raised a wave of discussions in the press, and discussions in wide public circles around the person of Alexander Dugin and his geopolitical concepts. In addition to numerous versions, theories and rumors related to the murder of Daria Dugina (in the official version of which many questions remain), discussions continued on the role and influence of Dugin himself on the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the preparation of an ideological platform for the so-called "liberation campaign 2022". And there are many questions left that have remained unanswered for more than 20 years. Who, after all, is Alexander Dugin, and what is Duginism as a system of philosophical, religious and political views? What is its role on the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation and what is its influence on the right-wing and left political currents of Europe and the United States? The answers to these questions were completely different and, in general, depended on political preferences. Dugin saw both Rasputin of the 21st century, and "Putin's court ideologist", and political Chameleon, and of course, as it most often sounds in the interpretation of liberals - "the founder of Russian fascism". The last stamp of fascism and Nazism is so diligently glued to it by liberal propagandists that not only ordinary people in the Russian Federation and Europe are ready to believe in it, but also many European right-wing people who perceive Dugin as a political authority to be equated, and his philosophical views are considered acceptable for the formation of their ideological platform. In fairness, it is worth saying that no matter how ambiguous and contradictory Dugin's assessments of Dugin's influence on political processes in the Russian Federation are, his ideological influence on right-wing and right-conservative movements in the Western world cannot be denied, it, paradoxically, is very significant, and his fame abroad clearly exceeds what it is in the Russian Federation itself.
Due to those completely opposite assessments and clichés, as well as the formed liberal primitive and simplified narrative about Dugin as an "ideologist of Russian fascism" and at the same time, on the other hand, his veneration in broad right-wing and conservative circles of the West, there is an urgent need to answer those questions to which there has long been no answer and explanation.
The striking strangeness of the situation is also that among the identity supporters and the political movement "Altright" ("New Right") in Europe and the United States there are so many who quote Dugin or actually use his rhetoric or theses, whether they understand it or not (consciously or unconsciously). And at the same time, as a rule, liberal politicians or the media often argue that Duginism is an extremely insignificant marginal trend that does not have a wide influence in the West and Russia. This statement is also picked up by a number of right-wing politicians. But can he be so insignificant and marginal if his books are published in Europe in large circulation, and a number of influential figures of the movement "New Right", "Alternative Right" and Identitarians enthusiastically repeat and quote the theses of his ideology?
Other right-wing nationalists are absolutely convinced that Dugin is by no means their ally and that his political theories are poisonous and insane, that Dugin is not even remotely like a person with whom a European nationalist, a white nationalist or even a white supporter should ever be associated. Who's really right? Is Dugin a nationalist and ideologist of "Russian fascism" or not? Who the hell is Dugin and what is Duginism? And what do Russian or Western nationalists have to do with it?
Is Dugin a fascist or a communist?
In order to answer these questions, we will try to turn to Dugin's biography and his own numerous statements that give an idea of his ideology.
Dugin Alexander Gelevich (born 1962) is a political strategist who promotes the ideology of Eurasianism. Dugin's father was a lieutenant general of the GRU, which, in fact, is the own KGB of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, a foreign intelligence agency, an analogue of the American CIA. Since Dugin's father was a very high-ranking representative of the intelligence elite, Dugin himself had connections with some of the most influential people in the country; oligarchs, billionaires, military, newspaper editors. Among them are such people as Sergei Naryshkin (Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service), Igor Rodionov (Minister of Defense 1996-1997), Gennady Seleznev (Chairman of the State Duma 1996-2003), and since 2000 and President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.
This is not a complete list of good friends of Dugin, a significant part of whom is in the "Izborsk Club", where the imperial political circles, philosophers, writers, economists, futurists, political scientists who advocate the reconstruction of the USSR are concentrated mainly. This fact itself suggests that Dugin's connections had little in common with the right ideology, nationalism or fascism, but rather on the contrary, people from power, intelligence structures, were considered bearers of Soviet views and worldview, the successors of the Dzerzhinsky case and great fans of I.V. Stalin.
Nevertheless, despite these facts, Wikipedia will certainly tell all of us that Dugin is 100% fascist. This conclusion is made from the fact that Dugin studied the philosophical concepts of Julius Evola in the 1980s, and was also fond of isotericism and occultism of the Third Reich, because he was a member of the "Black Order of the SS" society, into which the occult Mamleevsky circle (early 1960s to early 1990s) was transformed. After Mamleev, who immigrated to Australia in 1974, the society was headed by Mason E. Golovin, who became Dugin's teacher. Dugin really appeared for some time in the nationalist movement "Society of Memory" by D.D. Vasilyev since the autumn of 1988, where he joined together with his like-minded "Black Order of the SS" Heydar Jemal, who promoted the Islamization of Russia, which, of course, is not very linked to the right-wing views. But Dugin stayed there not long, not more than six months, and in February 1989 Vasilyev was expelled from the movement together with Jemal for "occultism and Satanism." Dugin was obsessed with the occult under the influence of his teacher Golovin.
From left to right: Alexander Dugin, Heydar Jemal, Evgeny Golovin and Yuri Mamleev.In December 1990, Dugin joined the editorial office of the left weekly "Day" (later the newspaper "Tomorrow") under the leadership of the editor A.A. Prokhanov, funded by the Ministry of Defense. The newspaper is often called neo-fascist, although the "old guard" of the Soviet security forces has always been concentrated around it. The newspaper "Day" took an active part in the preparation and support of the August coup of the State Emergency Committee of 1991, when a small group of security forces, KGB generals and senior military officials attempted to restore the USSR. Dugin, by his own admission, sided with the coup.
It was the founder and editor of the newspaper "Day" Alexander Prokhanov, a writer known for his ties with the Communist Party and the military, who helped Dugin get a position at the Academy of the General Staff through the Commander of the General Staff, General Igor Rodionov. In 1996. Rodionov was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and at the same time Dugin worked in the magazine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Miletones".
In 1995, participating in the elections to the State Duma in the north-western district of St. Petersburg, Dugin spoke on television in the program "The Secret will become clear", where he said: "I have been a patriotic opposition since 1987... In 1991, I sided with the State Emergency Committee, believing that the preservation of the great Union is much higher than other minor particular problems... gradually, visiting the West, looking at our reforms, I realized that... there are two ideologies of capitalism and socialism and it is necessary to choose only between two of them. I chose socialism, finally joined the left, patriotic opposition. I sided with the Communists... in the economy, I am a supporter of socialism, material equality... I am a radical supporter of socialism. In politics, I am a supporter of a strong great state. An empire that has its own destiny, a national idea... the closest, although I am an independent candidate... the Communists, Zyuganov's position, are especially close to me. And although I don't belong to his bloc, I urge you to vote for them."
Here, as you can see, Dugin speaks extremely clearly, there can be no question of any "rightness" of his views. He directly identifies himself as a "radical supporter of socialism" and a supporter of the reconstruction of the "red empire" - the Soviet Union.
All this gives too little evidence of Dugin's supposedly "fascist views." In 1994. Dugin joins the NBP (National Bolshevik Party), where he became one of its first members and helped in its organization. The founder of the party was the scandalous and outrageous politician Eduard Limonov, who emigrated to the United States in the 70s, where according to some assumptions he most likely worked as a homosexual male prostitute, being a foreign agent of the Soviet special services.
Founders of the NBP: E. Limonov, E. Letov, A. Dugin 1994.
In 1997. Dugin withdrew from supporting Zyuganov and the Communist Party and supported V.I. Ampilov's more radical left-wing movement "Labor Russia", and the CPRF accused him of betraying socialist principles. On November 1, 1997, Dugin spoke at the Congress of Soviet Communists, where he expressed his "full solidarity with Viktor Ampilov", who invited him and "interest in forming a radical pole of the opposition". It was planned to create a common block with E. Limonov and S. Terekhov as a new election group. Dugin also said that "there is a treacherous social-democratic faction of the CPRF, which gives up the positions of socialism... This is a tragedy. These people have become a pillar of power, who gradually releasing steam... negate opposition forces, deceive people, deceive the electorate. These people become just enemies of socialism, enemies of our future... And I am very glad that finally in a very correct and brilliant pole he concentrates and declares his rigid, incompremensible, consistent, logical, brilliantly intellectually verified position, the power of real communists. Red, not pink, not pro-American, under the auspices of "labor Russia and Viktor Ivanovich Ampilov... Finally, a real, true, irreconcilable opposition, a truly revolutionary force constitutes and asserts itself as a full-fledged political subject of our history... Ampilov is a pure leader whom I trust absolutely 100%... From my point of view, we are soon entering the 21st century and I am convinced that the contradictions between labor and capital are the main contradiction of history and nothing, no spells about Social-Democracy, about a single world civilization from the structural opposition can cancel this fundamental Marxist thesis. Labor and capital are enemies. There can be no compromise between them. There is only war between them. Struggle. But... We live in a new world, in a world in which our teachers did not live, neither the great Marx, nor the great Lenin, nor the great Stalin... where capital has developed new methods of its suppression of labor... exploitation, new methods of dictatorship. And this requires us to be colossal mobilized on the intellectual level... The Party should pay absolutely central attention to working with young people and education in a socialist spirit... The future of the revolution depends on new generations. To lay them hatred for capital and love for work, love for socialism and the Soviet state is our task... The most serious and perhaps priority task of a real revolutionary party should be to develop an intellectual strategy and develop a class Marxist approach in relation to new conditions... Our struggle of labor against capital is a struggle of a world character. Capital is attacking us all over the planet. It has moved from the stage of imperialism to the stage of Mondisalism and we must find the answer to it everywhere, everywhere... We must activate Marxism, apply it to new conditions, but not to surrender it as different social-democratic forces, but to make it effective, revolutionary, honed and ultimately win.
Can anyone find signs of "fascism" here? It seems to be the speech of a 100% leftist.
In the late 90s, Dugin began to change his rhetoric from sharply critical of the authorities to more moderate or loyal. This caused extreme dissatisfaction with Limonov, who excluded it in 1998. Dugina from the party. It seemed that Dugin's career could go to the decline, because there was no political party in the country, except for the outrageous and radical NBP, which was ready to take on board such a bizarre marginal as Dugin. But despite this, it has been since the late 90s that Dugin's career has confidently gone up. And largely precisely because he and his ideas were very popular among the power apparatus, the military and the FSB, imbued with nostalgia for the USSR and their desire to revive the former authoritarian heritage, but in a form transformed into modern realities.
In 2001, Dugin became co-founder and chairman of the political party "Eurasia", together with KGB veteran Peter Suslov, who served in a unit that conducted special operations abroad.
Financial and logistical support for Eurasia was provided through regional organizations of KGB/GRU veterans. "Eurasia" was supported by some employees of the Presidential Administration. Dugin organized a forum on the basis of the KGB veterans club. By 2003, Dugin's party was divided into the International Movement "Eurasia", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation at an official ceremony.
His first congress was held at the President Hotel in Moscow, and security was provided by the federal security service, which reports directly to Putin. The main function of "Eurasia" was to prepare analytical reports on foreign policy for the Presidential Administration.
From 2003 to 2004. Dugin was the chairman of the Council of the International Eurasian Movement, which included high-ranking government officials such as the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Culture, members of the Federation Council, the Chairman of the Federation Council, the Chairman of the International Committee and the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council. Dugin was also chairman of the executive committee of the International Eurasian Movement.
In 2005. Dugin creates the Eurasian Youth Union. The latter was banned in Ukraine due to the pogrom of the Ukrainian exhibition of documents dedicated to the Holodomor of 1932-1933. It is worth noting that the aggressive denial of the Holodomor is a typical feature of the left, especially Stalin's fans, which has nothing to do with the right-wing forces, much less with fascism and nationalism.
But in addition to these facts, which confirm the left basis of Duginism, there are several other misconceptions about Dugin both in the West and in Russia, which are promoted by both pro-Dugin official media, such as TsargradTV, funded by businessmen of the Izborsk Club and liberal media. In addition, they come from corrupt pseudo nationalists in the West or ignorant nationalists who spread disinformation. Some people use his theses without knowing who they belong to.
These misconceptions include claims that Dugin...
- Fascist
- Nationalist
- Anti-imperialist
- Anti-liberal
- Christian (specifically Orthodox)
- Traditionalist (with a capital letter Traditionalism of René Guénon and Julius Evola)
- Somehow beneficial to white nationalists in the West.
All these statements are not just erroneous or untrue, but they literally represent a polar inversion of truth. All of the above statements can be debunked by reading Dugin's own words alone, so such statements should be very skeptical. At best, they are ignorant and are part of a lot of misinformation about Dugin, and at worst, malicious lies.
In addition to being closely associated with the high-ranking elite of the Russian special services, the armed forces, the government and a number of internationalist billionaires, Dugin can also appear in the most bizarre places. Admittedly, he managed for a long time to mislead a considerable number of politicians in the West, presenting themselves as "right" about their true ideas, and many just fooling, mimicking a nationalist at the right time. But he also met with completely different politicians, not all of them are "duginists", but the very fact of these meetings already shows how far the tentacles of Dugin and his patrons stretched among the Western audience. This undoubtedly debunks the farceful claim that Dugin is marginal and has limited or no influence at all. He and his views can be arbitrarily marginal and insane, but if they have support and patronage in the highest echelons of power among the power bloc, the influence of these ideas can extend far. By the power of state support, Dugin's ideas are becoming respectable and widespread.
Dugin's books.
During the period from the 1990s to the present day, Dugin wrote a hell of a lot of articles and books, not many people can analyze and overpower all this flow of graphomania. But there are two key works that form the basis of his theories and strategies - "Fundamentals of Geopolitics: the Geopolitical Future of Russia" (1997) and "Fourth Political Theory" (2009) - "4PT".
"Fundamentals of Geopolitics" is Dugin's most important work. He himself describes it as "an indispensable guide for everyone who makes decisions in the most important areas of Russia's political life - for politicians, entrepreneurs, economists, bankers, diplomats, analysts, political scientists and so on." In it, Dugin sets out his "neo-Eurasian" geopolitical strategy, which includes many instructions on how to overthrow, manipulate and conquer various countries to create a "Eurasian Empire".
According to Dugin, the book enjoys great influence among the Russian elite, including the military, who used it as a textbook in their Academy of the General Staff. It was co-authored by Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, Head of the International Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense. After writing "Fundamentals of Geopolitics," Dugin was hired by the military as a guest lecturer to explain his geopolitical neo-Eurasian theory to Russian officers, the highest command. G.N. Seleznev, former speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and an acquaintance of Dugin, called for the inclusion of "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" in the Russian school curriculum. That's how marginalism ceases to be a minor delusional ideology, and Dugin from the marginal, who got out of the smoky, shabby cellars of the NBP in the late 1990s, turns into a serious "scientific husband", an "Orthodox philosopher" and his beard only adds solidity to him. The influence of his ideology covers large masses of people, both in Russia and abroad. At the same time, not many people in the Russian Federation know about him, but the overwhelming number of citizens at all may not know anything and do not hear about who Dugin is, but at the same time repeat his rhetoric, pronounce his theses, since it is quite possible to absorb ideology unconsciously, which in fact is the most common way of how people absorb ideology.
At the same time, in the West, his books, especially the Fourth Political Theory, are translated and published by Arktos Media for a European audience, and many influential people from among the "new right" or "alternative right" actively advertise them for consumption to unlucky Western nationalists. 4PT is Dugin's political strategic document, in which he sets out in great detail the plans to create the Eurasian Empire by overthrowing foreign states. This book was created largely to undermine European nationalism, to direct both Russian and Western nationalism to the realization of Eurasian goals.
Eurasianism and National Bolshevism.
The main idea of Eurasianism, which is an ideology/movement dating back to the early 1900s, is that Russia does not belong to Europe or Asia and therefore must expand to conquer both. The main goal of Eurasianism is to create a single Eurasian superpower/empire; USSR2, only in a more expanded version. Ideology also considers Russia culturally closer to Asia than to Western Europe. Eurasianism was not necessarily synonymous with Bolshevism, but many Bolsheviks were Eurasians, including Bolsheviks in Europe and Russia. Eurasianism throughout its history has been supported by a number of sworn enemies of nationalism. Although among them were characters who are usually considered respected, such as Francis Parker Yokey, an American philosopher and neo-fascist who declared the need for an alliance between the far left and the far right. Eurasianism should be recognized as a form of "red imperialism", it can be considered as neo-Bolshevism or a left-wing version of globalism. And this is definitely 100% not what a Russian or European nationalist should adopt in his ideological struggle against his opponents in order to oppose the globalist hegemony of the New World Order (NMP).
And there were such curious characters among the Eurasian movement as Richard Von Koudenhofe-Kalergi, a Mason, one of the founders of the European Union on behalf of the Rothstlds and Warbuchs (from the U.S. Federal Reserve). Callergi's ideas are set out in his book "Adele" (1922) and reprinted in "Practical Idealism" (1925).
The idea of the United States of Europe has long been supported by globalists from Churchill to Trotsky and current EU officials. The European superpower is a necessary step towards a Eurasian superpower on a continental scale.
Eurasianism was adopted by German National Bolsheviks such as Fritz Wolfheim, Heinrich Laufenberg, Ernst Nikisch and Karl Paetel.
Fundamentals of geopolitics: what is Neo-Eurasianism?
The book "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" paints a crystal clear picture of Dugin's geopolitical agenda and the nature of neo-Eurasianism in general.
The defining aspect of Dugin's neo-Eurasianism is that it is essentially an ideology built on hatred of the "unipolarity" of the "Atlantic" West, in particular the United States.
Dugin in "OG" states: "The new Eurasian Empire will be built on the fundamental principle of a common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic management of the United States."
In 2015, he confirmed this thesis much more harshly: "An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is the absolute denial of Western civilization. According to the Eurasians, the West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil.
In a lecture on Eurasianism at Johns Hopkins University: "Eurasia and our space, the core (Russia), remain the springboard of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution."
Duginism opposes "American" geopolitical and cultural domination or "Atlantic hegemony." The existence of "Atlantic hegemony" may seem true to those who do not understand the nature of globalism well. Although the U.S. certainly dominates, it simply serves the broader "New World Order" as its main golem. USA, so to speak, the international armed forces of the NMP. As soon as the U.S. is bloodless, the NMP gang will simply pack things and move its headquarters to China, which will replace the U.S. as a global military security force. At the same time, with a possible absorption of Russia by China, for globalists it will be the "creation of the Eurasian Empire" that replaced the "Atlantic Empire" - the United States. And we see today that this is one of the plans of the globalists, and the neo-Eurasian ideology of Duginism is a very suitable tool for the implementation of such a plan, thanks to which the preparation for humanity and the ideological justification of such a project take place. It is obvious that Duginism serves one of these purposes.
And of course, it is impossible not to mention the complete idiocy of a number of pro-Putin marginal movements in the Russian Federation, like the NOD or Putin's more moderate supporters that the Russian Federation and China somehow oppose globalism, neoliberalism and the "New World Order". Anyone who claims this, either a near-range ignorant person who has become a victim of the propaganda machine of the Russian Federation, which is even more or less forgivable, or a complete idiot, or a propagandist who deliberately deceives and manipulates people.
We often hear from Putin's fans, his "court communists", supporters of Eurasianism and some representatives of the alternative right in the West that the Russian Federation and China are somehow opposed to the New World Order, which of course is completely crazy nonsense.
In OG, Dugin poses numerous "tasks" to Russia and its Eurasian friends around the world. He has been building the strategy of the Russian Federation on a global chessboard since 1997, being similar to Zbigniew Brzezinski or trying to become his Russian analogue (and in some ways going beyond him), he decides that Russia should use its special forces within the United States to incite instability and separatism. For example, to provoke "African-American racists" and push them to revolt against the American government. According to Dugin, Russia should "controint geopolitical conssist in internal American activities, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements - extremist, racist and sectarian groups, thereby destabilizing internal political processes in the United States." It would also make sense to simultaneously maintain isolationist tendencies in American politics."
In the Middle East, Dugin emphasizes the need to create a "Russian-Islamic alliance" that is "at the heart of the anti-Atlantic strategy." The alliance is based on the "traditionality of Russian and Islamic civilizations." He also plans to create an alliance with Iran, include Armenia from the sphere of influence, divide Azerbaijan, dismember Georgia, include "United Ossetia" in the Russian Federation, strengthen influence in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). One of the key principles of his strategy is the complete destruction of Ukraine and its accession to the Russian Federation. In his opinion, the Ukrainian state "has neither geopolitical meaning, nor special cultural significance, nor universal significance ...", and therefore has no right to exist, because by its existence alone "represents a huge danger to the whole of Eurasia ..." Dugin's pathological hatred of Ukraine is particularly clearly seen here.
In the catechism of the Dugin organization "Eurasian Youth Union", Dugin summarizes the foundations of his Eurasian doctrine:
"You were born to rule Eurasia. Our goal is absolute power. We are... the new masters of Eurasia. We will assert our will sovereignly, unshakably, irrevocably... We are imperial builders of the newest type, and we do not agree to less than power over the world... we are the masters of the earth. Until we win, we will be evil... Our hatred deserves a strong opponent who is not going to give up and retreat. Our enemy is the civilization of the far West, on the other side of the ocean. USA. To preserve our self, we must introduce strict anti-American hygiene. This is the first step towards a great war of the continents: Eurasia against the Atlantic. Our Union has an absolute enemy. This is the United States. This is the beginning and end of our hatred... Eurasianism knows no borders, it crosses the oceans, our cells and squads are growing everywhere...
Our will overturns the borders... our symbol is the star of absolute expansion, the splash of solar energy in all directions. We are the newest imperial builders... Let the trembling creatures be worms under your feet..."
The left basis of Eurasianism
Here's another way Dugin generally sees his "Eurasian Empire":
"It will be a multiracial empire, anti-separatism and anti-localism based on "Bolshevik values" and the features of federalism."
In this quote, we actually see globalism disguised as nationalism, because the creation of a "multiracial empire" is a globalist project in its purest form. That is why the world media are so strongly inflating "anti-racism" in Western countries, exactly what Dugin does with them, which they for some reason call "fascist" and "nationalist".
Dugin's neo-Eurasianism is communist in nature, although Duginists often deny this fact, trying to mislead uninformed inhabitants. Dugin was strongly inspired by the expansive imperialism of the USSR and calls Stalin a "Eurasian older brother": "Stalin was not a separate individual, but a collective personality, the Elder Brother, a manifestation of Eurasianism in its communist version."
In an interview in 2012. Dugin said: "I fought this for 25 years... wanting to unite Russian and Soviet patriots... We are on the side of Stalin and the Soviet Union." Dugin's magazine "Elements" began with the praise of Jean-François Thiriard, a Belgian politician and geopolitician, a national Bolshevik who advocated for a "Euro-Soviet empire that would stretch from Dublin to Vladivostok and ... should expand to the south because it needed a port in the Indian Ocean," he wrote in his book, published back in 1984.
Jean-François Triard and Dugin.In 2014, Dugin published an article "Horizons of Our Revolution," where he wrote: "We are not going to limit ourselves to annexing Crimea. That's for sure. ... our revolution will not stop in Western Ukraine. It must go further in Europe... If we win, we will begin to expand the liberation (from the Americans) ideology into Europe. This is the goal of full Eurasianism - Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Great Eurasian Continental Empire. And we'll build it. This means that the European revolution will be a Eurasian revolution. This is our last horizon."
Finally, Dugin himself spoke openly about this. In one interview in 2013, he said long before the start of the full-scale hostilities of the Russian Federation in Ukraine: "For many years I have been thinking about this problem, about the problem of the national idea... The idea is that we need to capture Europe... Conquer... and join... We are not going to increase any GDP, because we do not care about it... the economy is good, but it does not matter. We are not alive with bread alone... The conquest of Europe is a wonderful national idea!"
Doesn't it seem that such grand plans are very similar to those planned in 1941? Stalin's "liberation campaign to Europe", which eventually failed on June 22? In this regard, Dugin's continuity with the ideals of the communist "World Revolution" is quite noticeable, as many Eurasians also consider the war with Ukraine as a "liberation campaign". In general, you can really see a new attempt at a "liberation campaign", in the hope that this time it will succeed, since the Putin regime, in case of complete conquest or "denazification" of Ukraine, does not plan to stop there. Its main goal is the collapse and destruction of the NATO bloc.
Eurasian Empire according to the plans of the Eurasians.Dugin also points out that any resistance to Eurasian imperialism will be an act of "neo-Nazis" financed by the "world financial oligarchy", which is as crazy as it is ridiculous, given that Dugin's friends and patrons are among the globalist financial oligarchs. Dugin argues that the resistance of European nationalists to immigration, Islam and the LGBT agenda, which he called "neo-Nazism", can only be stopped with the help of Eurasian imperialism.
The main summary of the article can be briefly described as follows: "We are going to conquer your country in addition to flooding it by immigrants and propaganda of degeneration, and if you resist any of this, you are literally Hitler, which justifies our aggression against you." Have we already heard that somewhere? How it's similar to leftist psychopaths in the U.S. from SJW, Antifa or BLM, isn't it?
There's an American saying, "if it quacks like a duck, flies like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck." The same can be said about Dugin, his quotes, statements and appeals clearly give him a left-wing. Without a doubt, this left duck not only quacks, but also swims and flies.
Much evidence suggests that Dugin, like the Communists of the past, is simply an agent of the New World Order, using communism as a political tool to promote the program of the world government of the NMP. Communism is part of a big puzzle.
Most importantly, this brief introduction to Dugin's true geopolitical plans without a mask should be a worthy indicator that he and his agenda are hostile to Europeans and white people at the world level. Dugin's pseudo-opposition to "liberalism" does not make him an ally of the nationalists in the least.
Dugin's main geopolitical goals ("Fundamentals of Geopolitics"):
- Create chaos in the West (especially in America) to cause its collapse.
- Promote pro-Eurasian sentiments in countries with white populations.
- Strengthen globalism by creating superstates (such as the European Union).
- Promote Islam in a positive light
- Develop relations and alliances with Islamic countries
- Cut off the "Atlantic" (Anglospheric) states from other white countries
- Create a "Multipolar World" - AKA, move the base of the Old World Order from the West (Atlantic, USA) to the East (Eurasia, Russia).
The left basis of Eurasianism cannot be in doubt, especially in the light of what forces representatives of the Izbok Club throw not only on the rehabilitation of Stalinism and Bolshevism, the denial of their crimes, but also on their open glorification. If we remove Dugin's multi-layered psychological chatter, his ideology, the neo-Eurasian project is the revival of Bolshevism with an attempt to recreate the USSR2; red imperialism, merged with later Marxist theories (deconstruction of race and sex). After all, the Bolsheviks and European Communists have advocated the creation of the "Eurasian Superpower" since the early 1900s. The peculiarity of Dugin's ideology is that, unlike classical anti-Christian Bolshevism, it creates a synthesis of leftist ideas with Christianity and occultism under the guise of returning to Tradition. As a result of this hellish mess, it turns out to be "Bolshevikism 2.0" or more correctly "neo-Bolshevism".
Dugin admires Lenin and Stalin, dressing them in the clothes of "Russian national heroes", trying to create an absolutely false succession from Russia before 1917 to Bolshevism, stretching a phantasmagoric bridge from one to another.
This is one of Dugin's most delusional fantasies, which makes his brains boil, but it quite well characterizes the entire left essence of Eurasianism:
"Any crazy terrorist from the Red Brigades or RAF is a hundred times more attractive than galaxy of European "traditionalists" ...
"The new Leninism should be read magically, Eurasianically, eschatologically and geopolitically..."
"Lenin is a tragic and powerful Angel, one of the Angels of the Apocalypse, pouring the formidable contents of the final violet on the fooled earth..."
"I think Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a small Eurasian avatar. He wanted to stop time and open the cycle of the Great Return. It was our Lenin." (Lenin is a red avatar of anger // "Eurasian invasion". №3. Autumn 1999).
"The Soviet period is unique, albeit somewhat displaced, but the return of the "catechion" ... "In a white whisk of roses ahead is Jesus Christ." - This is not a private opinion of the decadent, but the voice of the prophet of secret Russia.
"Sovietism, understood as "red Byzantineism", and it was only by it and nothing else, the most important element of the Russian Project, the Russian Doctrine (Absolute of Byzantineism// Russian Thing. M. 2001).
"Like Ivan the Terrible, who considered the tsarist terror a necessary tragic element of the social "house-building of salvation", Stalin, through the practice of repression, asserted the most important spiritual, soteriological truth (Joseph Stalin is the great "yes" of Genesis //Russian Thing. M. 2001).
"Stalin is us. This is the archetype of the father of the people. The leader's archetype. This is the archetype of the personality in which Russia has reached an extraordinary takeoff, unprecedented power. And although this was accompanied by the cost of a huge number of victims... Victims are invested as a necessary payment for greatness in the program for Stalin. Stalin is a constant... you can't get it out of our society by any effort... The de-Stalinization program is a pathetic attempt by vain and insignificant people to demolish a giant, stone, granite figure... Stalin is our unconscious.
"Our myth that Stalin did a good job... is our national myth. We don't care how it was. If we need to demonstrate that this is not the case, we will kill this person who will demonstrate it to us and that's it. How many fascists were killed and another one will be killed. Easily. Not because it's true, but because we live like that. Because that's how we see the world." (Russia creates a myth// Expert at 03.07.2009).
And of course, he, as a true Eurasian, applauds such a totalitarian state as North Korea:
"If our authorities understood what we were talking about, we should have said this: we support the younger third Ir, despite the fact that he did not win the election; we support Ir the second, Kim Jong-il; and his rocket is our rocket, if it takes off, we will just ghull with joy and help her take off. And we'll also provide it with other means of mass destruction..."
Dugin also supports the God-fighting doctrine of juche, the North Korean version of Marxism:
"I must say that we approve of Juche! We can have different - religious, atheistic, just agnostic views. But not to understand that North Korea is a stronghold of humanism, democracy and civilization... only assholes or those who want slavery to their people can!"
"Do you understand what North Korea is? It's freedom. It's Freedom Island, like Cuba. This is a point of disobedience, disobedience, nonconformism, rebellion. I don't feel anything bad for the South Koreans. But pay attention: this Buddhist-Namanist-Taoist-Confucian culture is now dominated by Protestants alone. All the identity of the Korean people is absolutely exchanged there. And in North Korea, it's frozen...
Therefore, in fact, real freedom, independence, real human rights and democracy are North Korea ... So if we want to be free independent people ... we must be mobilized to the support front of North Korea ...
Therefore, I think that now we need to immediately organize marches in support of North Korea... and, of course, just ask our military to transfer our nuclear weapons to North Korea ... Every self-respecting citizen of his country should be on the side of North Korea, because Pyongyang is the truth. (Distrise nuclear weapons// Expert at 13.03.2009).
A complete perversion of concepts, all according to Orwell: "Freedom is slavery." The main thing is to pronounce these madness briskly, decisively and categorically, so that they are believed in them, without allowing a shadow of doubt about what has been said.
Dugin behaves typically like many left-wing supporters of Stalinism: praising the barbaric totalitarian regime of North Korea, and trying it on Russia in his dreams for the future, he obviously hopes that in the cannibal totalitarian pyramid, he will be at the top of the food chain. Of course, like many before him, they believed that it was they who, serving the dictatorial system, would be in the role of shooting and torturing their victims - "enemies of the people", but could not imagine themselves in the role of the shot and tortured themselves ... And it was their very cruel mistake.
Contempt for freedom.
Dugin himself makes no secret that he holds far from democratic views. This follows from all his works and statements. As you can see, it is overwhelmed with contempt for freethinking, the ability of people to influence politics and creating a counterweight to the executive power in the form of a strong parliament. The ideas of Eurasianism do not provide for anything like that. But they have an ugly symbiosis of the Soviet dictatorship, monarchy (or rather pseudo-monarchism), ancient pagan traditions, which are united in the idea of the need for the rule of the elite, which keeps under strict control all the levers of control and does not imply any criticism of Eurasian ideals.
According to Dugin: "The meaning of Eurasianism is that this totalitarian, absolute, rigidly defining doctrine becomes the root of your freedom" (Eurasianism (political poem) / Eurasianism as a version of the Fourth Political Theory // Fourth Political Theory. St. Petersburg. 2009. S. 266-267).
He is undoubtedly an ardent supporter of Putin and his course, and he hates and despises everyone who disagrees with him:
"There are no more opponents of Putin's course, and if there are, they are mentally ill and they should be sent for a medical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, Putin is irreplaceable" (Cit. According to Sokolov M. Putin is absolute // "Izvestia". 05.10.2007).
That is, the complete absolutization and sacralization of Putinism, the statement that its change is impossible and unacceptable, who only tries to timidly assume about it, by definition a scoundrel, a traitor and perhaps an "agent of the West". In general, the roots of what the propaganda of the Russian Federation has been ranging toubly trumpet about over the past 22 years are clearly visible.
But this is not enough for Dugin, he needs to have an irreplaceable "maniac" in power:
In fact, the situation in the country is extremely difficult. And in order for everything to work, you need some kind of internal revolution. Let it be the arrival of some maniac to power (Dugin: We need a maniac at the head of state // Republic. 17.02.2009).
In addition, Dugin absolutely frankly says that "great ideas" and state management can not be trusted to the masses, only dedicated representatives of the elite should be managed:
"It's scary for the worldview when it becomes massive. In fact, when an idea is seized by the masses, the masses master ideas. And what these mastered masses do with these ideas is scary to imagine. They, in fact, reduce these great, high, solar light realities, ideas to their low, mass level. They give these ideas fat, lard. They wrap their own experiences in these ideas, their own wishes are very small. And thus the idea becomes unusable. And therefore, in principle, one of the constructive ideas (constructive proposals) is to keep ideas away from the masses. In fact, we are used to talking about the world of the masses, about the uprising of the masses. In fact, it's all illusions. Pareto perfectly shows that the world is ruled only by elites, only by minorities. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the idea, their apology or their criticism within minorities. Only minorities matter. The masses don't matter at all. Therefore, in fact, it is very important to understand that when the worldview becomes very popular or widely known, it loses its meaning and gradually disappears. Eurasianism, it has largely become a mass phenomenon. Whoever ask: "Ah, Eurasianism? Yes, we know." In fact, when you ask to clarify what exactly you have under this Eurasianism, it is clear that a person understands his own hallucinations under this Eurasianism.
To all this contempt for the masses, it is necessary to add Dugin's enthusiastic attitude to the special services, which keep the "unthinking masses" under strict control. He also believes that it is they who should play a key role in the construction of the Eurasian Empire. The day, after the announcement of the results of the 2000 elections, when it became clear that Putin was becoming President of the Russian Federation, on March 29, Dugin wrote an enthusiastic article about people from the KGB-FSB, entitled "Dawn in Boots":
"The people of the special services combine the basic prerequisites for becoming the backbone of the Eurasian Renaissance... The KGB is really reviving. But this will should be clothed in a community, in a group, in a class. This class should be the revived KGB... But it means that the KGB is a matter of the future... The continental Eurasian KGB, the solar KGB, should be an instrument of this second half of humanity.
The new order is called to geopolitical service. In the name of protecting the rights of the Eurasian man... This should become a kind of "new oprichnina"... The powers of this new class should be delegated in the same proportions as during the conduct of hostilities.
Dugin's appeals were heard, the "new oprichnina" as a class was created to completely trample some of the freedoms that have remained in the Russian Federation since the 1990s.
So, in the dry balance, Duginism is: neo-Bolshevikism, the idea of creating a "Eurasian Empire", the idea of "conquest and subordination of Europe", rehabilitation and glorification of Leninism and Stalinism, an enthusiastic attitude towards barbaric totalitarian regimes, like North Korea, which is worth taking an example in the construction of its multiracial totalitarian "Eurasian Empire", raging Putinism, glorification of special services (to which he himself has a direct relationship) of the KGB-FSB, the idea of the rule of a small elite minority and contempt for the masses, in conjunction with hatred of political freedoms. This is the first, but not the last thing that should be known about Duginism by those who consider themselves to be right-wing, nationalists or conservatives both in the Russian Federation and in the West.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By Manifesto
December 22, 2022
Recently, in wide political and philosophical circles, as well as among the common people, we very often hear about the philosopher Alexander Dugin and Duginism. A series of tragic events related to the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine and the death of Daria Dugina raised a wave of discussions in the press, and discussions in wide public circles around the person of Alexander Dugin and his geopolitical concepts. In addition to numerous versions, theories and rumors related to the murder of Daria Dugina (in the official version of which many questions remain), discussions continued on the role and influence of Dugin himself on the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the preparation of an ideological platform for the so-called "liberation campaign 2022". And there are many questions left that have remained unanswered for more than 20 years. Who, after all, is Alexander Dugin, and what is Duginism as a system of philosophical, religious and political views? What is its role on the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation and what is its influence on the right-wing and left political currents of Europe and the United States? The answers to these questions were completely different and, in general, depended on political preferences. Dugin saw both Rasputin of the 21st century, and "Putin's court ideologist", and political Chameleon, and of course, as it most often sounds in the interpretation of liberals - "the founder of Russian fascism". The last stamp of fascism and Nazism is so diligently glued to it by liberal propagandists that not only ordinary people in the Russian Federation and Europe are ready to believe in it, but also many European right-wing people who perceive Dugin as a political authority to be equated, and his philosophical views are considered acceptable for the formation of their ideological platform. In fairness, it is worth saying that no matter how ambiguous and contradictory Dugin's assessments of Dugin's influence on political processes in the Russian Federation are, his ideological influence on right-wing and right-conservative movements in the Western world cannot be denied, it, paradoxically, is very significant, and his fame abroad clearly exceeds what it is in the Russian Federation itself.
Due to those completely opposite assessments and clichés, as well as the formed liberal primitive and simplified narrative about Dugin as an "ideologist of Russian fascism" and at the same time, on the other hand, his veneration in broad right-wing and conservative circles of the West, there is an urgent need to answer those questions to which there has long been no answer and explanation.
The striking strangeness of the situation is also that among the identity supporters and the political movement "Altright" ("New Right") in Europe and the United States there are so many who quote Dugin or actually use his rhetoric or theses, whether they understand it or not (consciously or unconsciously). And at the same time, as a rule, liberal politicians or the media often argue that Duginism is an extremely insignificant marginal trend that does not have a wide influence in the West and Russia. This statement is also picked up by a number of right-wing politicians. But can he be so insignificant and marginal if his books are published in Europe in large circulation, and a number of influential figures of the movement "New Right", "Alternative Right" and Identitarians enthusiastically repeat and quote the theses of his ideology?
Other right-wing nationalists are absolutely convinced that Dugin is by no means their ally and that his political theories are poisonous and insane, that Dugin is not even remotely like a person with whom a European nationalist, a white nationalist or even a white supporter should ever be associated. Who's really right? Is Dugin a nationalist and ideologist of "Russian fascism" or not? Who the hell is Dugin and what is Duginism? And what do Russian or Western nationalists have to do with it?
Is Dugin a fascist or a communist?
In order to answer these questions, we will try to turn to Dugin's biography and his own numerous statements that give an idea of his ideology.
Dugin Alexander Gelevich (born 1962) is a political strategist who promotes the ideology of Eurasianism. Dugin's father was a lieutenant general of the GRU, which, in fact, is the own KGB of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, a foreign intelligence agency, an analogue of the American CIA. Since Dugin's father was a very high-ranking representative of the intelligence elite, Dugin himself had connections with some of the most influential people in the country; oligarchs, billionaires, military, newspaper editors. Among them are such people as Sergei Naryshkin (Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service), Igor Rodionov (Minister of Defense 1996-1997), Gennady Seleznev (Chairman of the State Duma 1996-2003), and since 2000 and President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.
This is not a complete list of good friends of Dugin, a significant part of whom is in the "Izborsk Club", where the imperial political circles, philosophers, writers, economists, futurists, political scientists who advocate the reconstruction of the USSR are concentrated mainly. This fact itself suggests that Dugin's connections had little in common with the right ideology, nationalism or fascism, but rather on the contrary, people from power, intelligence structures, were considered bearers of Soviet views and worldview, the successors of the Dzerzhinsky case and great fans of I.V. Stalin.
Nevertheless, despite these facts, Wikipedia will certainly tell all of us that Dugin is 100% fascist. This conclusion is made from the fact that Dugin studied the philosophical concepts of Julius Evola in the 1980s, and was also fond of isotericism and occultism of the Third Reich, because he was a member of the "Black Order of the SS" society, into which the occult Mamleevsky circle (early 1960s to early 1990s) was transformed. After Mamleev, who immigrated to Australia in 1974, the society was headed by Mason E. Golovin, who became Dugin's teacher. Dugin really appeared for some time in the nationalist movement "Society of Memory" by D.D. Vasilyev since the autumn of 1988, where he joined together with his like-minded "Black Order of the SS" Heydar Jemal, who promoted the Islamization of Russia, which, of course, is not very linked to the right-wing views. But Dugin stayed there not long, not more than six months, and in February 1989 Vasilyev was expelled from the movement together with Jemal for "occultism and Satanism." Dugin was obsessed with the occult under the influence of his teacher Golovin.
From left to right: Alexander Dugin, Heydar Jemal, Evgeny Golovin and Yuri Mamleev.
In December 1990, Dugin joined the editorial office of the left weekly "Day" (later the newspaper "Tomorrow") under the leadership of the editor A.A. Prokhanov, funded by the Ministry of Defense. The newspaper is often called neo-fascist, although the "old guard" of the Soviet security forces has always been concentrated around it. The newspaper "Day" took an active part in the preparation and support of the August coup of the State Emergency Committee of 1991, when a small group of security forces, KGB generals and senior military officials attempted to restore the USSR. Dugin, by his own admission, sided with the coup.
It was the founder and editor of the newspaper "Day" Alexander Prokhanov, a writer known for his ties with the Communist Party and the military, who helped Dugin get a position at the Academy of the General Staff through the Commander of the General Staff, General Igor Rodionov. In 1996. Rodionov was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and at the same time Dugin worked in the magazine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Miletones".
In 1995, participating in the elections to the State Duma in the north-western district of St. Petersburg, Dugin spoke on television in the program "The Secret will become clear", where he said: "I have been a patriotic opposition since 1987... In 1991, I sided with the State Emergency Committee, believing that the preservation of the great Union is much higher than other minor particular problems... gradually, visiting the West, looking at our reforms, I realized that... there are two ideologies of capitalism and socialism and it is necessary to choose only between two of them. I chose socialism, finally joined the left, patriotic opposition. I sided with the Communists... in the economy, I am a supporter of socialism, material equality... I am a radical supporter of socialism. In politics, I am a supporter of a strong great state. An empire that has its own destiny, a national idea... the closest, although I am an independent candidate... the Communists, Zyuganov's position, are especially close to me. And although I don't belong to his bloc, I urge you to vote for them."
Here, as you can see, Dugin speaks extremely clearly, there can be no question of any "rightness" of his views. He directly identifies himself as a "radical supporter of socialism" and a supporter of the reconstruction of the "red empire" - the Soviet Union.
All this gives too little evidence of Dugin's supposedly "fascist views." In 1994. Dugin joins the NBP (National Bolshevik Party), where he became one of its first members and helped in its organization. The founder of the party was the scandalous and outrageous politician Eduard Limonov, who emigrated to the United States in the 70s, where according to some assumptions he most likely worked as a homosexual male prostitute, being a foreign agent of the Soviet special services.
Founders of the NBP: E. Limonov, E. Letov, A. Dugin 1994.
In 1997. Dugin withdrew from supporting Zyuganov and the Communist Party and supported V.I. Ampilov's more radical left-wing movement "Labor Russia", and the CPRF accused him of betraying socialist principles. On November 1, 1997, Dugin spoke at the Congress of Soviet Communists, where he expressed his "full solidarity with Viktor Ampilov", who invited him and "interest in forming a radical pole of the opposition". It was planned to create a common block with E. Limonov and S. Terekhov as a new election group. Dugin also said that "there is a treacherous social-democratic faction of the CPRF, which gives up the positions of socialism... This is a tragedy. These people have become a pillar of power, who gradually releasing steam... negate opposition forces, deceive people, deceive the electorate. These people become just enemies of socialism, enemies of our future... And I am very glad that finally in a very correct and brilliant pole he concentrates and declares his rigid, incompremensible, consistent, logical, brilliantly intellectually verified position, the power of real communists. Red, not pink, not pro-American, under the auspices of "labor Russia and Viktor Ivanovich Ampilov... Finally, a real, true, irreconcilable opposition, a truly revolutionary force constitutes and asserts itself as a full-fledged political subject of our history... Ampilov is a pure leader whom I trust absolutely 100%... From my point of view, we are soon entering the 21st century and I am convinced that the contradictions between labor and capital are the main contradiction of history and nothing, no spells about Social-Democracy, about a single world civilization from the structural opposition can cancel this fundamental Marxist thesis. Labor and capital are enemies. There can be no compromise between them. There is only war between them. Struggle. But... We live in a new world, in a world in which our teachers did not live, neither the great Marx, nor the great Lenin, nor the great Stalin... where capital has developed new methods of its suppression of labor... exploitation, new methods of dictatorship. And this requires us to be colossal mobilized on the intellectual level... The Party should pay absolutely central attention to working with young people and education in a socialist spirit... The future of the revolution depends on new generations. To lay them hatred for capital and love for work, love for socialism and the Soviet state is our task... The most serious and perhaps priority task of a real revolutionary party should be to develop an intellectual strategy and develop a class Marxist approach in relation to new conditions... Our struggle of labor against capital is a struggle of a world character. Capital is attacking us all over the planet. It has moved from the stage of imperialism to the stage of Mondisalism and we must find the answer to it everywhere, everywhere... We must activate Marxism, apply it to new conditions, but not to surrender it as different social-democratic forces, but to make it effective, revolutionary, honed and ultimately win.
Can anyone find signs of "fascism" here? It seems to be the speech of a 100% leftist.
In the late 90s, Dugin began to change his rhetoric from sharply critical of the authorities to more moderate or loyal. This caused extreme dissatisfaction with Limonov, who excluded it in 1998. Dugina from the party. It seemed that Dugin's career could go to the decline, because there was no political party in the country, except for the outrageous and radical NBP, which was ready to take on board such a bizarre marginal as Dugin. But despite this, it has been since the late 90s that Dugin's career has confidently gone up. And largely precisely because he and his ideas were very popular among the power apparatus, the military and the FSB, imbued with nostalgia for the USSR and their desire to revive the former authoritarian heritage, but in a form transformed into modern realities.
In 2001, Dugin became co-founder and chairman of the political party "Eurasia", together with KGB veteran Peter Suslov, who served in a unit that conducted special operations abroad.
Financial and logistical support for Eurasia was provided through regional organizations of KGB/GRU veterans. "Eurasia" was supported by some employees of the Presidential Administration. Dugin organized a forum on the basis of the KGB veterans club. By 2003, Dugin's party was divided into the International Movement "Eurasia", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation at an official ceremony.
His first congress was held at the President Hotel in Moscow, and security was provided by the federal security service, which reports directly to Putin. The main function of "Eurasia" was to prepare analytical reports on foreign policy for the Presidential Administration.
From 2003 to 2004. Dugin was the chairman of the Council of the International Eurasian Movement, which included high-ranking government officials such as the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Culture, members of the Federation Council, the Chairman of the Federation Council, the Chairman of the International Committee and the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council. Dugin was also chairman of the executive committee of the International Eurasian Movement.
In 2005. Dugin creates the Eurasian Youth Union. The latter was banned in Ukraine due to the pogrom of the Ukrainian exhibition of documents dedicated to the Holodomor of 1932-1933. It is worth noting that the aggressive denial of the Holodomor is a typical feature of the left, especially Stalin's fans, which has nothing to do with the right-wing forces, much less with fascism and nationalism.
But in addition to these facts, which confirm the left basis of Duginism, there are several other misconceptions about Dugin both in the West and in Russia, which are promoted by both pro-Dugin official media, such as TsargradTV, funded by businessmen of the Izborsk Club and liberal media. In addition, they come from corrupt pseudo nationalists in the West or ignorant nationalists who spread disinformation. Some people use his theses without knowing who they belong to.
These misconceptions include claims that Dugin...
- Fascist
- Nationalist
- Anti-imperialist
- Anti-liberal
- Christian (specifically Orthodox)
- Traditionalist (with a capital letter Traditionalism of René Guénon and Julius Evola)
- Somehow beneficial to white nationalists in the West.
All these statements are not just erroneous or untrue, but they literally represent a polar inversion of truth. All of the above statements can be debunked by reading Dugin's own words alone, so such statements should be very skeptical. At best, they are ignorant and are part of a lot of misinformation about Dugin, and at worst, malicious lies.
In addition to being closely associated with the high-ranking elite of the Russian special services, the armed forces, the government and a number of internationalist billionaires, Dugin can also appear in the most bizarre places. Admittedly, he managed for a long time to mislead a considerable number of politicians in the West, presenting themselves as "right" about their true ideas, and many just fooling, mimicking a nationalist at the right time. But he also met with completely different politicians, not all of them are "duginists", but the very fact of these meetings already shows how far the tentacles of Dugin and his patrons stretched among the Western audience. This undoubtedly debunks the farceful claim that Dugin is marginal and has limited or no influence at all. He and his views can be arbitrarily marginal and insane, but if they have support and patronage in the highest echelons of power among the power bloc, the influence of these ideas can extend far. By the power of state support, Dugin's ideas are becoming respectable and widespread.
Dugin's books.
During the period from the 1990s to the present day, Dugin wrote a hell of a lot of articles and books, not many people can analyze and overpower all this flow of graphomania. But there are two key works that form the basis of his theories and strategies - "Fundamentals of Geopolitics: the Geopolitical Future of Russia" (1997) and "Fourth Political Theory" (2009) - "4PT".
"Fundamentals of Geopolitics" is Dugin's most important work. He himself describes it as "an indispensable guide for everyone who makes decisions in the most important areas of Russia's political life - for politicians, entrepreneurs, economists, bankers, diplomats, analysts, political scientists and so on." In it, Dugin sets out his "neo-Eurasian" geopolitical strategy, which includes many instructions on how to overthrow, manipulate and conquer various countries to create a "Eurasian Empire".
According to Dugin, the book enjoys great influence among the Russian elite, including the military, who used it as a textbook in their Academy of the General Staff. It was co-authored by Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, Head of the International Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense. After writing "Fundamentals of Geopolitics," Dugin was hired by the military as a guest lecturer to explain his geopolitical neo-Eurasian theory to Russian officers, the highest command. G.N. Seleznev, former speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and an acquaintance of Dugin, called for the inclusion of "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" in the Russian school curriculum. That's how marginalism ceases to be a minor delusional ideology, and Dugin from the marginal, who got out of the smoky, shabby cellars of the NBP in the late 1990s, turns into a serious "scientific husband", an "Orthodox philosopher" and his beard only adds solidity to him. The influence of his ideology covers large masses of people, both in Russia and abroad. At the same time, not many people in the Russian Federation know about him, but the overwhelming number of citizens at all may not know anything and do not hear about who Dugin is, but at the same time repeat his rhetoric, pronounce his theses, since it is quite possible to absorb ideology unconsciously, which in fact is the most common way of how people absorb ideology.
At the same time, in the West, his books, especially the Fourth Political Theory, are translated and published by Arktos Media for a European audience, and many influential people from among the "new right" or "alternative right" actively advertise them for consumption to unlucky Western nationalists. 4PT is Dugin's political strategic document, in which he sets out in great detail the plans to create the Eurasian Empire by overthrowing foreign states. This book was created largely to undermine European nationalism, to direct both Russian and Western nationalism to the realization of Eurasian goals.
Eurasianism and National Bolshevism.
The main idea of Eurasianism, which is an ideology/movement dating back to the early 1900s, is that Russia does not belong to Europe or Asia and therefore must expand to conquer both. The main goal of Eurasianism is to create a single Eurasian superpower/empire; USSR2, only in a more expanded version. Ideology also considers Russia culturally closer to Asia than to Western Europe. Eurasianism was not necessarily synonymous with Bolshevism, but many Bolsheviks were Eurasians, including Bolsheviks in Europe and Russia. Eurasianism throughout its history has been supported by a number of sworn enemies of nationalism. Although among them were characters who are usually considered respected, such as Francis Parker Yokey, an American philosopher and neo-fascist who declared the need for an alliance between the far left and the far right. Eurasianism should be recognized as a form of "red imperialism", it can be considered as neo-Bolshevism or a left-wing version of globalism. And this is definitely 100% not what a Russian or European nationalist should adopt in his ideological struggle against his opponents in order to oppose the globalist hegemony of the New World Order (NMP).
And there were such curious characters among the Eurasian movement as Richard Von Koudenhofe-Kalergi, a Mason, one of the founders of the European Union on behalf of the Rothstlds and Warbuchs (from the U.S. Federal Reserve). Callergi's ideas are set out in his book "Adele" (1922) and reprinted in "Practical Idealism" (1925).
The idea of the United States of Europe has long been supported by globalists from Churchill to Trotsky and current EU officials. The European superpower is a necessary step towards a Eurasian superpower on a continental scale.
Eurasianism was adopted by German National Bolsheviks such as Fritz Wolfheim, Heinrich Laufenberg, Ernst Nikisch and Karl Paetel.
Fundamentals of geopolitics: what is Neo-Eurasianism?
The book "Fundamentals of Geopolitics" paints a crystal clear picture of Dugin's geopolitical agenda and the nature of neo-Eurasianism in general.
The defining aspect of Dugin's neo-Eurasianism is that it is essentially an ideology built on hatred of the "unipolarity" of the "Atlantic" West, in particular the United States.
Dugin in "OG" states: "The new Eurasian Empire will be built on the fundamental principle of a common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic management of the United States."
In 2015, he confirmed this thesis much more harshly: "An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is the absolute denial of Western civilization. According to the Eurasians, the West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil.
In a lecture on Eurasianism at Johns Hopkins University: "Eurasia and our space, the core (Russia), remain the springboard of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution."
Duginism opposes "American" geopolitical and cultural domination or "Atlantic hegemony." The existence of "Atlantic hegemony" may seem true to those who do not understand the nature of globalism well. Although the U.S. certainly dominates, it simply serves the broader "New World Order" as its main golem. USA, so to speak, the international armed forces of the NMP. As soon as the U.S. is bloodless, the NMP gang will simply pack things and move its headquarters to China, which will replace the U.S. as a global military security force. At the same time, with a possible absorption of Russia by China, for globalists it will be the "creation of the Eurasian Empire" that replaced the "Atlantic Empire" - the United States. And we see today that this is one of the plans of the globalists, and the neo-Eurasian ideology of Duginism is a very suitable tool for the implementation of such a plan, thanks to which the preparation for humanity and the ideological justification of such a project take place. It is obvious that Duginism serves one of these purposes.
And of course, it is impossible not to mention the complete idiocy of a number of pro-Putin marginal movements in the Russian Federation, like the NOD or Putin's more moderate supporters that the Russian Federation and China somehow oppose globalism, neoliberalism and the "New World Order". Anyone who claims this, either a near-range ignorant person who has become a victim of the propaganda machine of the Russian Federation, which is even more or less forgivable, or a complete idiot, or a propagandist who deliberately deceives and manipulates people.
We often hear from Putin's fans, his "court communists", supporters of Eurasianism and some representatives of the alternative right in the West that the Russian Federation and China are somehow opposed to the New World Order, which of course is completely crazy nonsense.
In OG, Dugin poses numerous "tasks" to Russia and its Eurasian friends around the world. He has been building the strategy of the Russian Federation on a global chessboard since 1997, being similar to Zbigniew Brzezinski or trying to become his Russian analogue (and in some ways going beyond him), he decides that Russia should use its special forces within the United States to incite instability and separatism. For example, to provoke "African-American racists" and push them to revolt against the American government. According to Dugin, Russia should "controint geopolitical conssist in internal American activities, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements - extremist, racist and sectarian groups, thereby destabilizing internal political processes in the United States." It would also make sense to simultaneously maintain isolationist tendencies in American politics."
In the Middle East, Dugin emphasizes the need to create a "Russian-Islamic alliance" that is "at the heart of the anti-Atlantic strategy." The alliance is based on the "traditionality of Russian and Islamic civilizations." He also plans to create an alliance with Iran, include Armenia from the sphere of influence, divide Azerbaijan, dismember Georgia, include "United Ossetia" in the Russian Federation, strengthen influence in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). One of the key principles of his strategy is the complete destruction of Ukraine and its accession to the Russian Federation. In his opinion, the Ukrainian state "has neither geopolitical meaning, nor special cultural significance, nor universal significance ...", and therefore has no right to exist, because by its existence alone "represents a huge danger to the whole of Eurasia ..." Dugin's pathological hatred of Ukraine is particularly clearly seen here.
In the catechism of the Dugin organization "Eurasian Youth Union", Dugin summarizes the foundations of his Eurasian doctrine:
"You were born to rule Eurasia. Our goal is absolute power. We are... the new masters of Eurasia. We will assert our will sovereignly, unshakably, irrevocably... We are imperial builders of the newest type, and we do not agree to less than power over the world... we are the masters of the earth. Until we win, we will be evil... Our hatred deserves a strong opponent who is not going to give up and retreat. Our enemy is the civilization of the far West, on the other side of the ocean. USA. To preserve our self, we must introduce strict anti-American hygiene. This is the first step towards a great war of the continents: Eurasia against the Atlantic. Our Union has an absolute enemy. This is the United States. This is the beginning and end of our hatred... Eurasianism knows no borders, it crosses the oceans, our cells and squads are growing everywhere...
Our will overturns the borders... our symbol is the star of absolute expansion, the splash of solar energy in all directions. We are the newest imperial builders... Let the trembling creatures be worms under your feet..."
The left basis of Eurasianism
Here's another way Dugin generally sees his "Eurasian Empire":
"It will be a multiracial empire, anti-separatism and anti-localism based on "Bolshevik values" and the features of federalism."
In this quote, we actually see globalism disguised as nationalism, because the creation of a "multiracial empire" is a globalist project in its purest form. That is why the world media are so strongly inflating "anti-racism" in Western countries, exactly what Dugin does with them, which they for some reason call "fascist" and "nationalist".
Dugin's neo-Eurasianism is communist in nature, although Duginists often deny this fact, trying to mislead uninformed inhabitants. Dugin was strongly inspired by the expansive imperialism of the USSR and calls Stalin a "Eurasian older brother": "Stalin was not a separate individual, but a collective personality, the Elder Brother, a manifestation of Eurasianism in its communist version."
In an interview in 2012. Dugin said: "I fought this for 25 years... wanting to unite Russian and Soviet patriots... We are on the side of Stalin and the Soviet Union." Dugin's magazine "Elements" began with the praise of Jean-François Thiriard, a Belgian politician and geopolitician, a national Bolshevik who advocated for a "Euro-Soviet empire that would stretch from Dublin to Vladivostok and ... should expand to the south because it needed a port in the Indian Ocean," he wrote in his book, published back in 1984.
Jean-François Triard and Dugin.
In 2014, Dugin published an article "Horizons of Our Revolution," where he wrote: "We are not going to limit ourselves to annexing Crimea. That's for sure. ... our revolution will not stop in Western Ukraine. It must go further in Europe... If we win, we will begin to expand the liberation (from the Americans) ideology into Europe. This is the goal of full Eurasianism - Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Great Eurasian Continental Empire. And we'll build it. This means that the European revolution will be a Eurasian revolution. This is our last horizon."
Finally, Dugin himself spoke openly about this. In one interview in 2013, he said long before the start of the full-scale hostilities of the Russian Federation in Ukraine: "For many years I have been thinking about this problem, about the problem of the national idea... The idea is that we need to capture Europe... Conquer... and join... We are not going to increase any GDP, because we do not care about it... the economy is good, but it does not matter. We are not alive with bread alone... The conquest of Europe is a wonderful national idea!"
Doesn't it seem that such grand plans are very similar to those planned in 1941? Stalin's "liberation campaign to Europe", which eventually failed on June 22? In this regard, Dugin's continuity with the ideals of the communist "World Revolution" is quite noticeable, as many Eurasians also consider the war with Ukraine as a "liberation campaign". In general, you can really see a new attempt at a "liberation campaign", in the hope that this time it will succeed, since the Putin regime, in case of complete conquest or "denazification" of Ukraine, does not plan to stop there. Its main goal is the collapse and destruction of the NATO bloc.
Eurasian Empire according to the plans of the Eurasians.
Dugin also points out that any resistance to Eurasian imperialism will be an act of "neo-Nazis" financed by the "world financial oligarchy", which is as crazy as it is ridiculous, given that Dugin's friends and patrons are among the globalist financial oligarchs. Dugin argues that the resistance of European nationalists to immigration, Islam and the LGBT agenda, which he called "neo-Nazism", can only be stopped with the help of Eurasian imperialism.
The main summary of the article can be briefly described as follows: "We are going to conquer your country in addition to flooding it by immigrants and propaganda of degeneration, and if you resist any of this, you are literally Hitler, which justifies our aggression against you." Have we already heard that somewhere? How it's similar to leftist psychopaths in the U.S. from SJW, Antifa or BLM, isn't it?
There's an American saying, "if it quacks like a duck, flies like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck." The same can be said about Dugin, his quotes, statements and appeals clearly give him a left-wing. Without a doubt, this left duck not only quacks, but also swims and flies.
Much evidence suggests that Dugin, like the Communists of the past, is simply an agent of the New World Order, using communism as a political tool to promote the program of the world government of the NMP. Communism is part of a big puzzle.
Most importantly, this brief introduction to Dugin's true geopolitical plans without a mask should be a worthy indicator that he and his agenda are hostile to Europeans and white people at the world level. Dugin's pseudo-opposition to "liberalism" does not make him an ally of the nationalists in the least.
Dugin's main geopolitical goals ("Fundamentals of Geopolitics"):
- Create chaos in the West (especially in America) to cause its collapse.
- Promote pro-Eurasian sentiments in countries with white populations.
- Strengthen globalism by creating superstates (such as the European Union).
- Promote Islam in a positive light
- Develop relations and alliances with Islamic countries
- Cut off the "Atlantic" (Anglospheric) states from other white countries
- Create a "Multipolar World" - AKA, move the base of the Old World Order from the West (Atlantic, USA) to the East (Eurasia, Russia).
The left basis of Eurasianism cannot be in doubt, especially in the light of what forces representatives of the Izbok Club throw not only on the rehabilitation of Stalinism and Bolshevism, the denial of their crimes, but also on their open glorification. If we remove Dugin's multi-layered psychological chatter, his ideology, the neo-Eurasian project is the revival of Bolshevism with an attempt to recreate the USSR2; red imperialism, merged with later Marxist theories (deconstruction of race and sex). After all, the Bolsheviks and European Communists have advocated the creation of the "Eurasian Superpower" since the early 1900s. The peculiarity of Dugin's ideology is that, unlike classical anti-Christian Bolshevism, it creates a synthesis of leftist ideas with Christianity and occultism under the guise of returning to Tradition. As a result of this hellish mess, it turns out to be "Bolshevikism 2.0" or more correctly "neo-Bolshevism".
Dugin admires Lenin and Stalin, dressing them in the clothes of "Russian national heroes", trying to create an absolutely false succession from Russia before 1917 to Bolshevism, stretching a phantasmagoric bridge from one to another.
This is one of Dugin's most delusional fantasies, which makes his brains boil, but it quite well characterizes the entire left essence of Eurasianism:
"Any crazy terrorist from the Red Brigades or RAF is a hundred times more attractive than galaxy of European "traditionalists" ...
"The new Leninism should be read magically, Eurasianically, eschatologically and geopolitically..."
"Lenin is a tragic and powerful Angel, one of the Angels of the Apocalypse, pouring the formidable contents of the final violet on the fooled earth..."
"I think Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a small Eurasian avatar. He wanted to stop time and open the cycle of the Great Return. It was our Lenin." (Lenin is a red avatar of anger // "Eurasian invasion". №3. Autumn 1999).
"The Soviet period is unique, albeit somewhat displaced, but the return of the "catechion" ... "In a white whisk of roses ahead is Jesus Christ." - This is not a private opinion of the decadent, but the voice of the prophet of secret Russia.
"Sovietism, understood as "red Byzantineism", and it was only by it and nothing else, the most important element of the Russian Project, the Russian Doctrine (Absolute of Byzantineism// Russian Thing. M. 2001).
"Like Ivan the Terrible, who considered the tsarist terror a necessary tragic element of the social "house-building of salvation", Stalin, through the practice of repression, asserted the most important spiritual, soteriological truth (Joseph Stalin is the great "yes" of Genesis //Russian Thing. M. 2001).
"Stalin is us. This is the archetype of the father of the people. The leader's archetype. This is the archetype of the personality in which Russia has reached an extraordinary takeoff, unprecedented power. And although this was accompanied by the cost of a huge number of victims... Victims are invested as a necessary payment for greatness in the program for Stalin. Stalin is a constant... you can't get it out of our society by any effort... The de-Stalinization program is a pathetic attempt by vain and insignificant people to demolish a giant, stone, granite figure... Stalin is our unconscious.
"Our myth that Stalin did a good job... is our national myth. We don't care how it was. If we need to demonstrate that this is not the case, we will kill this person who will demonstrate it to us and that's it. How many fascists were killed and another one will be killed. Easily. Not because it's true, but because we live like that. Because that's how we see the world." (Russia creates a myth// Expert at 03.07.2009).
And of course, he, as a true Eurasian, applauds such a totalitarian state as North Korea:
"If our authorities understood what we were talking about, we should have said this: we support the younger third Ir, despite the fact that he did not win the election; we support Ir the second, Kim Jong-il; and his rocket is our rocket, if it takes off, we will just ghull with joy and help her take off. And we'll also provide it with other means of mass destruction..."
Dugin also supports the God-fighting doctrine of juche, the North Korean version of Marxism:
"I must say that we approve of Juche! We can have different - religious, atheistic, just agnostic views. But not to understand that North Korea is a stronghold of humanism, democracy and civilization... only assholes or those who want slavery to their people can!"
"Do you understand what North Korea is? It's freedom. It's Freedom Island, like Cuba. This is a point of disobedience, disobedience, nonconformism, rebellion. I don't feel anything bad for the South Koreans. But pay attention: this Buddhist-Namanist-Taoist-Confucian culture is now dominated by Protestants alone. All the identity of the Korean people is absolutely exchanged there. And in North Korea, it's frozen...
Therefore, in fact, real freedom, independence, real human rights and democracy are North Korea ... So if we want to be free independent people ... we must be mobilized to the support front of North Korea ...
Therefore, I think that now we need to immediately organize marches in support of North Korea... and, of course, just ask our military to transfer our nuclear weapons to North Korea ... Every self-respecting citizen of his country should be on the side of North Korea, because Pyongyang is the truth. (Distrise nuclear weapons// Expert at 13.03.2009).
A complete perversion of concepts, all according to Orwell: "Freedom is slavery." The main thing is to pronounce these madness briskly, decisively and categorically, so that they are believed in them, without allowing a shadow of doubt about what has been said.
Dugin behaves typically like many left-wing supporters of Stalinism: praising the barbaric totalitarian regime of North Korea, and trying it on Russia in his dreams for the future, he obviously hopes that in the cannibal totalitarian pyramid, he will be at the top of the food chain. Of course, like many before him, they believed that it was they who, serving the dictatorial system, would be in the role of shooting and torturing their victims - "enemies of the people", but could not imagine themselves in the role of the shot and tortured themselves ... And it was their very cruel mistake.
Contempt for freedom.
Dugin himself makes no secret that he holds far from democratic views. This follows from all his works and statements. As you can see, it is overwhelmed with contempt for freethinking, the ability of people to influence politics and creating a counterweight to the executive power in the form of a strong parliament. The ideas of Eurasianism do not provide for anything like that. But they have an ugly symbiosis of the Soviet dictatorship, monarchy (or rather pseudo-monarchism), ancient pagan traditions, which are united in the idea of the need for the rule of the elite, which keeps under strict control all the levers of control and does not imply any criticism of Eurasian ideals.
According to Dugin: "The meaning of Eurasianism is that this totalitarian, absolute, rigidly defining doctrine becomes the root of your freedom" (Eurasianism (political poem) / Eurasianism as a version of the Fourth Political Theory // Fourth Political Theory. St. Petersburg. 2009. S. 266-267).
He is undoubtedly an ardent supporter of Putin and his course, and he hates and despises everyone who disagrees with him:
"There are no more opponents of Putin's course, and if there are, they are mentally ill and they should be sent for a medical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, Putin is irreplaceable" (Cit. According to Sokolov M. Putin is absolute // "Izvestia". 05.10.2007).
That is, the complete absolutization and sacralization of Putinism, the statement that its change is impossible and unacceptable, who only tries to timidly assume about it, by definition a scoundrel, a traitor and perhaps an "agent of the West". In general, the roots of what the propaganda of the Russian Federation has been ranging toubly trumpet about over the past 22 years are clearly visible.
But this is not enough for Dugin, he needs to have an irreplaceable "maniac" in power:
In fact, the situation in the country is extremely difficult. And in order for everything to work, you need some kind of internal revolution. Let it be the arrival of some maniac to power (Dugin: We need a maniac at the head of state // Republic. 17.02.2009).
In addition, Dugin absolutely frankly says that "great ideas" and state management can not be trusted to the masses, only dedicated representatives of the elite should be managed:
"It's scary for the worldview when it becomes massive. In fact, when an idea is seized by the masses, the masses master ideas. And what these mastered masses do with these ideas is scary to imagine. They, in fact, reduce these great, high, solar light realities, ideas to their low, mass level. They give these ideas fat, lard. They wrap their own experiences in these ideas, their own wishes are very small. And thus the idea becomes unusable. And therefore, in principle, one of the constructive ideas (constructive proposals) is to keep ideas away from the masses. In fact, we are used to talking about the world of the masses, about the uprising of the masses. In fact, it's all illusions. Pareto perfectly shows that the world is ruled only by elites, only by minorities. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the idea, their apology or their criticism within minorities. Only minorities matter. The masses don't matter at all. Therefore, in fact, it is very important to understand that when the worldview becomes very popular or widely known, it loses its meaning and gradually disappears. Eurasianism, it has largely become a mass phenomenon. Whoever ask: "Ah, Eurasianism? Yes, we know." In fact, when you ask to clarify what exactly you have under this Eurasianism, it is clear that a person understands his own hallucinations under this Eurasianism.
To all this contempt for the masses, it is necessary to add Dugin's enthusiastic attitude to the special services, which keep the "unthinking masses" under strict control. He also believes that it is they who should play a key role in the construction of the Eurasian Empire. The day, after the announcement of the results of the 2000 elections, when it became clear that Putin was becoming President of the Russian Federation, on March 29, Dugin wrote an enthusiastic article about people from the KGB-FSB, entitled "Dawn in Boots":
"The people of the special services combine the basic prerequisites for becoming the backbone of the Eurasian Renaissance... The KGB is really reviving. But this will should be clothed in a community, in a group, in a class. This class should be the revived KGB... But it means that the KGB is a matter of the future... The continental Eurasian KGB, the solar KGB, should be an instrument of this second half of humanity.
The new order is called to geopolitical service. In the name of protecting the rights of the Eurasian man... This should become a kind of "new oprichnina"... The powers of this new class should be delegated in the same proportions as during the conduct of hostilities.
Dugin's appeals were heard, the "new oprichnina" as a class was created to completely trample some of the freedoms that have remained in the Russian Federation since the 1990s.
So, in the dry balance, Duginism is: neo-Bolshevikism, the idea of creating a "Eurasian Empire", the idea of "conquest and subordination of Europe", rehabilitation and glorification of Leninism and Stalinism, an enthusiastic attitude towards barbaric totalitarian regimes, like North Korea, which is worth taking an example in the construction of its multiracial totalitarian "Eurasian Empire", raging Putinism, glorification of special services (to which he himself has a direct relationship) of the KGB-FSB, the idea of the rule of a small elite minority and contempt for the masses, in conjunction with hatred of political freedoms. This is the first, but not the last thing that should be known about Duginism by those who consider themselves to be right-wing, nationalists or conservatives both in the Russian Federation and in the West.