By Timothy Fitzpatrick
January 19, 2014 Anno Domini
There is much appeal to the so-called sovereign, or freeman on the land, movement. It shows its adherents that there is a vast monetary conspiracy which holds the citizens of the planet in perpetual bondage and that there is a procedure to remove oneself from this.
While it is true that there is a global conspiracy ruled by money, the sovereign movement, which has its roots in the WASP establishment, doesn’t stop there and eventually takes its followers down a path of deception and ruin.
For years, I held back on advocating for or against this sovereign movement, with the intention of giving it time to prove itself. It has failed miserably and ruined the lives of many well meaning people. How sincere persons fall for this deception is apparent in the near-truth appeal of the freemen on the land. Yes, there is a global economic conspiracy. Yes, there is no law in the United States that requires one to pay income tax. Yes, the common law is a suitable law for a civilized society. But it is foolish to think, as the movement’s adherents do, that one can escape this monetary matrix simply by writing a series of homemade letters to state officials and the Queen of England or arranging words in such a way as to declare independence from the system when facing a magistrate.
The sovereign citizens movement claims that the conspiracy is based in Universal Commercial Code (UCC) or that we, as artificial corporate entities called ‘persons’, are actually governed by Maritime admiralty law (the law of the seas). The fact that our names are written in all upper case letters on government documents is the alleged proof that we are merely corporate instruments traded within the UCC system. While these codes certainly allow for control of good and services as well as people, they are not the root of the conspiracy. And publicly declaring oneself independent of this system has no effect whatsoever, as has been proven by the repeated failures in the courts by sovereigns. Afterall, the lawmakers and their interpreters (lawyers) can get away with interpreting laws in any way they see fit. The Bible declares that the love of money is the root of all evil. Evil…is at the root of the monetary conspiracy. The only way to declare oneself independent of this evil system dominated by monetary instruments is to repent of ones sins and follow Christ, who is the liberator of mankind from the bondage of sin.
The sovereign movement offers an illusory salvation through its system, which is based on letter writing and language manipulation. Sovereigns are doomed to a life of, at worst, jail time or, at best, a life of constant fighting to declare oneself independent. Spend enough time around a sovereign and you will see that much of their time is taken up by summons to court or learning the latest letter-writing technique (there is always “new light” to be learned since their methods always fail in a court of law). Adherents are always kept in a state of delusion. When they inevitably fail to convince a judge of their independence from admiralty law, they are comforted by another sovereign and advised that they simply didn’t use the right combination of words to secretly tip off the judge as to the sovereign’s true freedom.
The sovereigns point out that the City of London is a separate corporate entity. They claim that the UCC law, under which every man and woman is supposedly enslaved, is run by the British Crown in conjunction with the Vatican. Much of this speculation is fueled by Jewish disinformation of a Vatican/Catholic world conspiracy. This is a strategic deflection carefully crafted by the Elders of Zion. The Crown is certainly a big part of the world conspiracy, but remember that Jewry took over England shortly after Henry VIII’s bastard daughter Elizabeth and her court astrologer John Dee cast a spell over England, allowing for all kinds of evil to flourish. England became the new Jerusalem to the Zionist millennialists. And while the Vatican has become corrupt, especially since the Second Vatican Council, it is not a key player in the world conspiracy. The function of the now Jewish- and homosexual-infiltrated Vatican is to water down the Christian faith, to modernize and scandalize it. In reality, Talmudic Judaism and its money-changing disciples are the masters of money on Earth. They are headquartered in London, New York, and in other places and are not limited by the incorporation of cities, municipalities, or persons. They are not limited by codes or laws, and especially not letters of declaration (sovereign’s supposed claim of right) or language manipulation. The world’s modern courts system, based on interpretation and legalism, resembles something based in the Jewish Talmud and Kabbalah (the late Eustace Mullins makes some plausible claims about the courts and Kabbalah; Michael Hoffman, in Judaism Discovered, makes clear connections between the modern legal system and the Talmud). The British Crown can only be an extension of this kabbalistic system. It’s certainly no secret that most judges are Freemasons—Freemasonry being a Britishized from of Jewish cabalism. A branch of the sovereign movement called the redemptionist movement, founded by Roger Elvick, touches on the Jewish aspect of the usury/debt slave system, but fails to see its spiritual relationship: that we are enslaved by evil men (led mainly by Jews) through usury and debt but that our own personal sin and abandonment of God makes this enslavement possible, not our lack of knowledge of techniques and procedures.
If true liberation from bondage comes from knowing Jesus Christ, then the freeman movement is not only providing a false solution to the problem of bondage and slavery, it is affirming it by diverting its followers form the real answer. So delusional are the sovereigns, they naively believe that we were somehow free when only the common law existed, even though usury and sin still prevailed. Considering the sovereign’s unconscious affirmation of slavery and bondage, it’s no surprise that many sovereigns take their “enlightenment” to extremes, like using their letter procedures and statements of claim to get out of paying bills, everything from utilities to cable and phone. The rotten fruits of their deception finally evolves from its pseudo-liberating theology to outright theft.
Another rotten fruit exhibited by sovereigns, and as indicated by the Freeman society logo above, is their new age, communitarian tendencies. To justify their theft, sovereigns will often claim that no one holds ownership over anything (Judeo-Masonic goal of abolition of private property); therefore, everything is for the taking for the sovereign. Many sovereigns will use Christian-like language in order to deceive new recruits of their benevolent motive. They will mix it in with new age concepts of oneness and mother earth. Is it any surprise that Zionist shill and occultist Jordan Maxwell is a leading advocate of the sovereign movement?