Reverend Ted Pike found success earlier this year cancelling the Jewish-run Good Christian Bitches television program through a co-ordinated emailing campaign requesting advertizers of the show to withdraw their support. The show was cancelled, and we all lived happily ever after, at least for now.
Maybe we can find similar success with the following simple letter campaign.
I have drafted a letter of inquiry for folks to send to food and product companies from whom you purchase your goods. Chances are that most of your products are certified kosher (See: The “Kosher Nostra Scam” on the American Consumer).
It requests information pertaining to the kosher certification of the product in question. Let’s find out if and what we are being charged through this hidden religious tax. If the campaign is successful in obtaining the desired information, we will proceed with the second step, which is a letter of request to abandon kosher certification or face boycott.
In the link below is a letter template you can use, or feel free to make your own. But I have been informed that a letter of inquiry is the most appropriate measure at this time. I would advise against wording your letters in a way that might come off as anti-Semitic or reveals the second step in this campaign*. My template is fairly benign and to the point. I would suggest sending this by fax or print through your postal service; letters are always more formal that way. However, an email is fine as well. And, if you can, take a photo or find a photo online of the product in question an submit it with your letter. If and when you get a response from the company, please post it here in the comments section.
Copy and paste the following if you cannot open the above linked file:
[Your name]
[Address, phone number, email, etc.]
Date: [Insert Date]
[Recipient’s name, like president or manager of company]
[Food\Product Company Name]
[Address 1]Dear [Recipient]:
I am inquiring about a symbol(s) located on the label of your product, which I regularly consume. (See attached photo of product and label). I was wondering whether it is a kosher certification mark. If so, I would like to know how much your company spends certifying this product as kosher. Is the certification cost passed on to me, the consumer? If so, how much? Are all your products certified kosher? When did you begin certifying your products this way and why?
I respectfully request your prompt response to this matter as a valued patron of your business, and I thank you in advance for this response.Sincerely,
[Your Name]