Race realism within a Catholic context – pt. II

Part I | Part II

The following research and infographics were done by American Reform. Race realism from the Catholic Church in its own words. The arguments from race deniers like E. Michael Jones can be put to rest once and for all.


  1. It’s absurd to think that the people of Christendom could tell the difference between an Irishman and a scotsman, but not the difference between and African and a European. Racial differences weren’t talked about much baco then because they weren’t much of an issue, and when they were issues they were discussed with the colloquialisms of the day like Ismaelites, huns, tartars or mongels. If that seems wrong imagine explaining to a medieval man that they needed a developed racial theory because their future governments would be import millions of black and poojeets to go on welfare at the behest of the jews.

    1. If that seems wrong imagine explaining to a medieval man that they needed a developed racial theory because their future governments would be import millions of black and poojeets to go on welfare at the behest of the jews.

      The medievaler would have looked at you with a blank stare, then eventually said, “what?”.

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