Leading Israeli newspaper identified Donald Trump as ‘Jewish billionaire’ in 2007

*Editor’s note: Donald Trump’s name was incorrectly printed as “Ronald”.

By Shturem.net
December, 2007 Anno Domini
Translated from the Hebrew

The new owner of Maccabi Tel Aviv is the billionaire Alex Schneider, who is close to the community’s rabbi of Russia in Ontario, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Salzman.

The front page article in the sports supplement of the popular and leading newspaper in Israel, Yedioth Ahronoth, today (Tuesday) deals with the identity of billionaire Alex Schneider , who last night acquired the Maccabi Tel Aviv football team.

Schneider, whose fortune is estimated at $4 billion, was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and immigrated to Israel with his family when he was 4 years old. They lived in the country for a few years and later moved to Canada.

Over more than half of the page, a picture of Schneider was printed with a Chabad emissary and rabbi of the community for Russians in Ontario, Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Salzman , who Schneider serves as president, alongside the American Jewish billionaire Ronald Trump .

The article stated that “Schneider serves as president of the Kabbalah of Russian immigrants in Ontario, which is led by a Chabad emissary, Rabbi Yosef-Yitzchak Salzman.”

Page from Hebrew-language newspaper in Israel showing Donald Trump, Alex Schneider, and rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Salzman:


  1. “Fred made such a habit of donating to Jewish charities – he served as treasurer for an early Israel benefit concert. At Trump Village, it was taken as gospel the Trumps were secretly Jewish.”

    17th paragraph


    “When (Donald Trump’s brother Freddy) enrolled at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, he joined a Jewish fraternity.

    ‘His best friend at Lehigh, Bruce Turry, who, like several other former fraternity brothers, remembered Freddy claiming that his father, the son of German immigrants, was Jewish.”

    paragraphs 11 & 12


    “The private school (Donald) attended as a kid was half-Jewish. His family vacationed in the traditionally Jewish Catskills.”

    paragraph 7


    Ex-Donald Trump employee (Jew) Jay Goldberg:

    “He surrounds himself with Jewish personnel, both then & now: his real estate lawyer is Jewish, his house counsel is Jewish, his controller is Jewish, his chief of staff, chief financial officer, executive vice president, his first executive vice president – I was his litigator for 15 years’ said Jay Goldberg, who worked for Trump from 1990 to 2005. ‘I can’t think of one Christian person on his senior staff.”

    Trump has also given generously to Jewish philanthropic organizations, including the Jewish National Fund and United Jewish Appeal, dating back to his very early career.

    paragraphs 41, 43 & 54


    Kushners & Trump Donated to Chabad


    1. It never ceases to amaze me how many people just assume nobody will fact check them. Let me fix your deceptively edited post, in the interests of truth.

      I’ve included the highlighted text, that you intentionally omitted, to give full, and honest, context. Anybody reading these articles will find that they offer absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Trump is a Jew. At best they show he is a pro-Jew sycophant but we all know this anyway

      Your fake, edited version:

      “Fred made such a habit of donating to Jewish charities – he served as treasurer for an early Israel benefit concert. At Trump Village, it was taken as gospel the Trumps were secretly Jewish.”
      17th paragraph

      What actually appears verbatim in the text:

      “Fred made such a habit of donating to Jewish charities—he served as treasurer for an early Israel benefit concert at Ebbets Field—that many Jews assumed he was part of the tribe himself. (At Trump Village, where several members of my grandmother’s family lived, it was taken as gospel that the Trumps were secretly Jewish. That was, as the president might say, fake news.)”

      Your fake, edited version:

      “When (Donald Trump’s brother Freddy) enrolled at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, he joined a Jewish fraternity.

      ‘His best friend at Lehigh, Bruce Turry, who, like several other former fraternity brothers, remembered Freddy claiming that his father, the son of German immigrants, was Jewish.”
      paragraphs 11 & 12

      What actually appears verbatim in the text:

      “It may have been Freddy’s first attempt to make his own statement to his father,” said his best friend at Lehigh, Bruce Turry, who, like several other former fraternity brothers, remembered Freddy claiming that his father, the son of German immigrants, was Jewish. (He was not.) “Freddy was a classic illustration of someone who had a father complex.”

      That is just the first two links, no doubt you’ve deceptively edited the rest, but I’m not wasting any more time to find out.

      What you’ve tried to do here really is pathetic. All you’ve achieved is to demonstrate how dishonest, manipulative, and trustworthy you are. It’s staggering that you feel that you have to create disinfo, when there are for more honest, and egregious examples available of Trump’s sycophancy.

      1. “It never ceases to amaze me how many people just assume nobody will fact check them”

        The exact paragraphs are cited so you can find the text. What are you talking about?

        “Let me fix your deceptively edited post, in the interests of truth.”

        Nothing is deceptively edited. The highlighted key points from Trump’s life reveal key indicators of him being a clandestine Jew. Quoting the article where it follows up saying “he isn’t Jewish” is irrelevant because we all know on the surface, he is known as non-Jewish.

        “What you’ve tried to do here really is pathetic”

        No. You’re just a angry anti-Catholic looking for something you can criticize me with because you were offended by me repeating the truth there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

        “All you’ve achieved is to demonstrate how dishonest, manipulative, and trustworthy you are”

        I can say the same thing about your collection of replies. Yawn.

  2. It should be noted that we do not know for certain that “Shturem commented on the original article” as it was likely just some random Jew who happened to correct the article.

  3. Hello all,

    @Timothy Fitzpatrick
    Nice website.

    However, I cannot understand, how someone can expose “the (global) agenda” …but still be a Catholic believer?!

    I mean especially the Catholic church was compromised , immediately after it got greater.

    1. For starters, Jesus Christ is God and He founded a Church, the Catholic Church. Therefore that is objectively true and one cannot deviate from that truth regardless of what we see in regard to infiltration.

      Second, the Catholic Church has been fighting the Jew for centuries and has successfully defeated the Jew time and time again including the most deadly branch of Jewry, clandestine Judaism. We have the Catholic Church to thank for their merciless struggle against the threat of Jewry and delaying their inevitable stranglehold on the entire world as we see today.

      The Jews know this themselves that the Catholic Church is their only true enemy:

      “As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come… ”

      “We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done. We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent: the Catholic Church.”

      11th paragraph


      Protocol 15:3

      “The principal guarantee of stability of rule is to confirm the aureole of power…SUCH WAS, UNTIL RECENT TIMES, THE RUSSIAN AUTOCRACY, THE ONE AND ONLY SERIOUS FOE WE HAD IN THE WORLD, WITHOUT COUNTING THE PAPACY.”


      Now regarding your infiltration talking point, the situation in Rome was prophesied & is only a product of the Great Apostasy that must pass. We are very close to complete Jewish world domination.

      1. “Jesus Christ is God and He founded a Church, the Catholic Church.”

        Jesus founded the Church (greek: ekklesiaste, ekklesis; to be (out) called) after he rose from the dead.
        There was no pope, no “catholic” church or alike.

        Fast forward; Mythic Constantin proclaimed christianity as “state” religion (where the mistake begins).

        Afterthat, the cath. church in Rome was founded, BUT MEANWHILE (!) true Christians continued to spreading the word of Jesus. Facing tribulation in nearly every country -even Rome itself until this strange event of Constantin.

        1. What you’re saying is not accurate. The early Church was so obviously Catholic. The Catholic Church even gave you the Bible.

          Christianity is not a free market. You either follow the Catholic Faith, the one true Church founded by Christ Himself or you’re not Christian.

          St. Cyprian, Letter 51, to Antonianus, 3rd century:

          “Whoever he may be, and whatever he may be, he who is not in the Church of Christ is not a Christian”

          Pope Hadrian II (A. D. 867-872) – Council Constantinople IV

          “The first thing required for salvation is to keep the norm of correct faith and to deviate in no way from what the Fathers have established, because it is not possible to lay aside the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, `You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.’ These words are proved true by their effects because, in the Apostolic See, the Catholic religion has always been preserved immaculate.”

          1. “The early Church was so obviously Catholic”. Because you say so right?

            “The Catholic Church even gave you the Bible.” Yeah I believed that for 14 years, when I was under the RCC mind-kontrol. The truth is, God gave us the scriptures. Unless you, a proven liar in this comment section, are calling God a liar? The septuagint was created centuries before the catholic church. Which, incidentally was only created after they realised three centuries of murdering Christians was getting them nowhere. The only way to save the Roman Empire was to control the Christians. These are provable objective facts. As opposed to your biased assertions. And you’ve already proven in your other posts that you’re a manipulative liar. You uncritically, and unquestionably, regurgitate RC dogma. And you lecture others about “taking points”. Sigh

          2. “Christianity is not a free market. You either follow the Catholic Faith, the one true Church founded by Christ Himself or you’re not Christian.

            St. Cyprian, Letter 51, to Antonianus, 3rd century:

            “Whoever he may be, and whatever he may be, he who is not in the Church of Christ is not a Christian”

            Pope Hadrian II (A. D. 867-872) – Council Constantinople IV

            “The first thing required for salvation is to keep the norm of correct faith and to deviate in no way from what the Fathers have established, because it is not possible to lay aside the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, `You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.’ These words are proved true by their effects because, in the Apostolic See, the Catholic religion has always been preserved immaculate.””

            Christianity is following Christ, not men – that’s a cult. We can all play the ” are you going to deny Jesus’ words” game. Eg; “Call no man father, but God in Heaven”, “Only God can forgive sins” etc etc etc etc etc etc Lets not even get into idol worship.

            So convenient how you people will ignore so much of scripture that goes against the catholic church, then twist the rest to justify your religion. Again, I was a catholic for 14 years, most of my family still is. I know the games you play. Sadly most of you can’t see it because you’re mind-kontrolled, as was I.

            As for citing biased catholic opinions in subjective support of you regurgitating RCC talking points, do you seriously believe that’s going to convince anyone? That’s cognitive bias, not an objective evidence. It’s also circular reasoning/logic. Sigh

            “This catholic source says the RCC is correct (therefore) the RCC is true because this catholic source says so (therefore) this catholic source is correct because the RCC is true.”


      2. Bravo – and succinctly put.
        However and dating back to Baruel at the end of the 1700s this implacable enemy of Christianity has been battled in world Geopolitics successsfully . The last 70 years of subversion in America risks now catapulting The World into Global Talmudism – that would be a fearful future indeed for Christians !

  4. Dude, I honestly do not care what you believe or not believe. Really.
    But I will leave you with this advice: If you really think, that the church of C H R I S T ((not Catholic)) Christ. Full stop. (see acts 2:42) really started (!) decades or even (!!!) centuries after the key events ( time of 0 – 32 anno domini; maybe even 70 a.d. due to johns revelation) then you are

    a) fully blinded in self-delusion and ignorance
    b) do not have the courage to discover the truth that roots directly after the last events of the last chapters of the bible

    However, I see that you have some knowledge, but Pope, Saints, etc.. … they are all mixed in; even the sacraments within the catholic church are adopted by jewish mishna acts -if you would have the knowledge.

    1. You are the one who is ignorant, but you will find that out on Judgment Day unless you enter the (Traditional) Catholic Church, outside of which, there is no salvation.

      1. “You are the one who is ignorant, but you will find that out on Judgment Day unless you enter the (Traditional) Catholic Church, outside of which, there is no salvation.”

        What is the scriptural basis for this “OPINION”? In other words, where does God say this? I don’t mean which fallible catholic man said this.

  5. addendum:
    Timothy, I really do not want to argue with you nor do I want to criticise you on a personal level.

    I appreciate your information work and I am thankful to even write with you.

    However, really look what is going on in the catholic church since it’s inception.
    Do you know how many biblical christians were slaugthered, since they rejected “the pope” as a substitute of christ?

    …and I am talking about the time before Protestants even existed.

    I could give you dozens of examples where:
    –the teachings deviate
    –the actions deviate
    –the materialized presentation of the church as a whloe deviates

    from the biblical foundation.

    IF this is even considered as foundation for you.

    1. Why should anyone even listen to what you have to say about the Bible? Protestants (like yourself) admit by implication that they cannot know the truth:

      Bible quotes can be and are taken out of context – that is obvious. Protestants interpret Bible verses differently, yet they all say the Holy Ghost teaches them. Either God the Holy Ghost is lying or men are lying. Even though all Protestants believe they are right regarding the doctrines they believe in (just as you believe you are right), they cannot all be right. Now we know the Holy Ghost does not teach falsehoods. Therefore, the only conclusion is that Protestants believe in religious falsehoods; and even worse, they have no way of knowing if the religious doctrines they believe in are absolutely true (infallible). Hence the Protestant doctrine which teaches that all men can learn the absolute truth directly from the Holy Ghost without the need of authorized men and a Church to infallibly teach them is easily proved to be illogical and false (and heretical according to the Catholic Church).

      Therefore, a Protestant cannot know for certain that any religious doctrine that he believes in is true, even if some of the doctrines he believes in happen to be true. Why? Because he believes religious doctrines based upon his own fallible human opinion since he believes that no human can teach infallibly.

      cryptojevv, for you to be consistent, you would have to admit that everything you believe can be wrong because you, as well as all Protestants, believe no mere man is infallible. Therefore because you are a mere man, everything you believe can be wrong. So why should Tim, or anyone else even listen to you, let alone believe you?

      1. The Logic is infallible but we have to recognise that Luther himself never wanted to leave the Catholic Faith and only did so because of the infestation of “worldly” corruption in the Catholic Hierachy.
        That schism was cemented in place some 20 years later by the Crypto Jew -Calvin – who applied the Theological thinking.

      2. “Everyone who argues with me is a protestant or the devil”. There’s that RCC mind kontrol on full display. Sigh

        “Bible quotes can be and are taken out of context.. Either God the Holy Ghost is lying or men are lying.”

        Finally, something we agree on. Men have been lying to you. Yet you believe God is a liar. Which you won’t accept, but it is apparent in your posts.

        “Hence the Protestant doctrine which teaches that all men can learn the absolute truth directly from the Holy Ghost without the need of authorized men and a Church to infallibly teach them is easily proved to be illogical and false (and heretical according to the Catholic Church).”

        So which of the RCC ideologies do you believe. Or do you believe they all teach the same thing?

        Bonus question for 10 points: Why does the RCC teach contradictory teachings in different parts of the world? Also, Why are biblical figures depicted differently in RCC statues and artwork in different continents. ie they’re white in Europe, Black in Africa, Hispanic in South America. Its difficult to marry this up with this ‘one true church’ stuff that you assert. Is God’s ‘one true church’ being intentionally deceptive in order to manipulate different races/nationalities?

        ‘You shall know them by their fruits’!

        “Therefore, a Protestant cannot know for certain that any religious doctrine that he believes in is true, even if some of the doctrines he believes in happen to be true. Why? Because he believes religious doctrines based upon his own fallible human opinion since he believes that no human can teach infallibly.”

        Whoa. More circular reasoning. Hold on cowboy. Doesn’t work like that dude. Your cult leaders wont tell you this, because the gig would be up for them. But the simple fact is, scripture qualifies scripture. The Bible validates itself, the doctrines are validated by scripture. Your cult bible states whatever your cult leaders want it to say. You put your faith, and salvation, in men to tell you the truth from an edited bible and an ever-evolving theology. I put my faith in God’s unchanging, infallible word and the finished work of Christ.

        Therefore, I absolutely do “know for certain that any religious doctrine that he believes in is true” because I trust God and only God. You put your misguided faith in men to tell you who God is and what he wants, because you don’t trust God’s word. Or you don’t believe it’s God’s word despite lecturing about how the RCC “gave” us the bible. So you can project and spew out logical fallacy after logical fallacy, in order to affirm your programming. But thats just a giant cope!

        I wont waste any more of either of our time, I know how strong that RCC mind-kontrol is. I really hope you find your way dude. Take it from someone who knows, you’ll never find the truth when you arrogantly believe you know it all because you memorised all the RCC dogma. I hope one day you mature enough to realise it isnt everybody else that’s wrong every single time.

    2. Crypto, I was once in your shoes. But I eventually discovered, via conspiracy research, that the Catholic Church has been the biggest target of the world conspiracy. And how can you read the Catholic catechism and not see God’s truth in it? There are heresies and heretics (even among “Popes”) in the Catholic Church, that is true. But its core dogma remains unchanged and intact.

      The Catholic Church offers accountability, via the sacraments. Your sins don’t go unchecked. You can’t get that anywhere else in Christendom. You can’t be your own authority. That’s a rebellious spirit.

      Repentance is all that matters. And there is no better Church to facilitate this process than the Catholic Church.

  6. Trump has the jewish antichristian spirit even if he is not a crypto. He studied Kabbalah when he was still a teenager, he’s a JYC developer, casino operator which is probably involved in money laundering, Ray Cohn protege, friends with jew billionaires of all stripes such as Geffen, Epstein, etc etc etc I certainly believe he’s a crypto but that’s hard to prove.

    From the other comment, they make the classic mistake, (and one that the talmudists push), to confuse the actual doctrines and church structure that the Founder setup with the corrupt personnel within it at all levels. There have always been those who follow satan within the church, to poorly paraphrase St Paul I believe, they are from us but not of us.

    It has been a long road of corruption within and is just more prevalent in both the lay and the hierarchy now. The flood really started when the Holy Inquisition was discontinued or watered down, the crypto jews within and the marranos etc were rooted out and their conspiracies exposed for a long time but the flood of cryptos and the royalty that wanted to utilize the jews natural materialistic talents in commerce etc protected them. But after a while the royals became their thralls especially going into debt slavery for their luxuries and jewced up wars. The european royalty are now interbred with jews and the gentiles are all freemasons etc and partners in crime.

    Another flood was the protestant rebellion and all that followed from that, almost simultaneously with the flood of the so called “renaissance” or when kabbalism/occultism infiltrated the church. The Jesuits, and others, were a conduit there no doubt. If you notice the ostentatious glamour in architecture, which features a lot of masonic/jewish obelisks etc came about around that time. Everybody loves Michaelangelo, Da Vinci etc but they were actually not that good for Catholicism. It became way too worldly.

    And Vatican II is probably the final flood before the end. They pick and choose and paraphrase and quote out of context as they like to push their nwo marxist doctrines, dialectical babel speak. They omit and suppress certain Saints, obviously mutilated the liturgy. I believe there was a huge push in the early 20th century by the jews and their proxies(marxists, freemasons, etc etc) to infiltrate members into the church and this bore fruit in the 1960s and beyond. Through the classic jew gangster promotion of their fellow infiltrators within the hierarchy, they have taken over but it’s fairly subtle and not too evident at the local parish level, even for the simple minded it’s not easy to see at the hierarchy top levels.

    Christ’s Church is suffering like He suffered and at the same hands and by similar methods as those who did it 2000+ yrs ago. I would equate the Romans of those times with the proxies of non-jewish origin today, freemasons, even with just your average anti-Catholic lay. Marxists are too jewish to those who actually pay attention. The Lord came back to His followers alone for 40 days, this time He will come back to ALL for eternity and justice will be served to ALL. There will be no more mystery in that sense like we’ve had for 2000+ yrs.

    1. Very good comment; especially ” The Jesuits, and others, were a conduit there no doubt. ” –exactly

      check ” Ignatius of Loyola ” founder of Jesuit Rite. Jevvish.

    2. But how do you see the prophecies of the bible fit in to the current situation?
      How shall there be a War of harmageddon, if every country -except prob. Iran- is infiltrated by cryptos?

      It is said that “all nations” would unite against IsraheII ; which abs. does not make sense at the moment.
      ( see Zachary and Hezekiel 37,38 )

      USA is controlled -nothing to discuss
      EU is controlled -nothing to discuss

      Russia is controlled -see this website
      China is controlled -at least the founding of the ccp, but they are not the smartest, when it comes to public relations

      Turkey is controlled or at least put in line

      Who shall ultimately “fight” against (the state of) IsraheII ???

      1. This isn’t really a fight in the material sense, it’s pretty obvious that the jews and those who are spiritually equivalent to them of all stripes, were going to end up calling the shots with their talent in the material world for example commerce, banking, general criminal conspiracy, promotion/media/press aka brainwashing etc etc. Everything comes from God, either expressly aka 10 Commandments, Jesus Christ life, long approved and withstanding time Church traditions, customs etc etc or he allows evil to happen for chastisement/teaching but He never originates evil or sin. The floods mentioned above were allowed by God for a sifting of the wheat and the chaff. Jews and their allies really don’t have peace or happiness regardless of the images they feed us and they certainly won’t enjoy eternal damnation since they get their reward here in this passing world.

        The Images (of)by the Beast are false and misleading, we can see that in just photos that are regarded as real but are not, almost every photo in the news is doctored and of course moving pictures can be real time doctored or doctored before broadcast(9-11) etc Pay attention to this especially lately with the so called Ukraine-Russia beef, classic orchestration for some regional or worldwide goal, perhaps further tightening the world totalitarian JWO in all countries who knows. The goal is some checkpoint on the way to total JWO control, that’s been true since at least the English Civil War in the late 1600’s and probably before. Now they control the narrative almost totally because people believe the images and the narrative song and dance. Through tech and mass brainwashing the world is being made into as close to hell as possible, what the jews et al regard as heaven. The meaningless word “anti-semitism” is a tool that the talmudists invented and have used for centuries as a battering ram and I can see it being pushed for a long long time in the USA and other places. Their perverse kabbalistic serpentine thinking is hard to pickup by decent, but naive, people. Living moderately but giving God His due is all you really need the rest will take care of itself. Kabbalism/Talmudism is a snare to those who practice it.

        You really can’t get any exact information as to prophesies in the Bible since God thinks differently than we do. It is really a general warning to heed Gods Signified Will(bible, saints, sacraments, church law and tradition) and his Incidental Will aka what happens and seeing that as Gods message to us. Remember the order 1. Spiritual 2. Material. It’s a spiritual meaning primarily not material so to go looking for some specific setup as to how this or that happens in Apocalypse and other places is very sketchy and iffy. Looking at the life of Jesus Christ can tell us what we need to know as to the overall antichrist conspiracy, the names, places etc have changed but spiritually it’s the same. If everyone looked to themselves first the rest will take care of itself. They falsely call it a dark age when the whole western world was Catholic and the civil authorities were partners instead of adversaries, there will always be evil in this world always, but for the vast majority they were at peace and much closer to God than the harried tracked restricted highly enslaved to pleasure/tech life most people have now.

        1. They are not Jews and say so themselves. They are the Synagogue of Satan we are warned about in Rev. 2 & 3.

          Could part of the reason for the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East be found in the following?

          “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a ‘Hebrew.’” (Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins, eds., “Identity Crisis,” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)

          That sentence is the opening sentence of the First Chapter entitled “IDENTITY CRISIS” of the 1980 Jewish Almanac. That today’s Jews are not genetic Israelites is also admitted in “The Jewish Encyclopedia,”
          the “Enyclopedia Judaica,” “The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia,” “The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,” and by many of their historians.

          According to three Jewish encyclopedias and Flavius Josephus, the entire Edomite nation was forced into converting to Judaism and became known as Judahites at the time of the high priest John Hyrcanus (Maccabaeus):

          “…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people.” (“Edom,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Volume 6, p. 378.)

          “They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation….” (“Edom, Idumea,” The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Volume V, p. 41.)

          “…from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants.” (Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoden, “Edom (Idumea),” The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589.

          “…they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time … they were hereafter no other than Jews.” (Flavius Josephus, “The Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279.)

          We keep hearing that if we don’t bless the modern State of Israel (which America has been doing since at least 1948) that we will be cursed. However, it seems it’s been just the opposite, Since 1948, you name it, and there’s not an area in America wherein she hasn’t become worse off. Could the reason have something to do with the fact we’ve identified the wrong people as being Israel. See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

          Today’s non-Israelite Jews are not the only one with an identity problem. See free online book “The Mystery of the Gentiles: Where Are They and Where Are They Now?” at http://www.missiontoisrael.org/mystery-of-gentiles/index.php.

          1. Well you missed the most important accurate reference, Apocalypse, which mentions those who say they are jews but are not. St Augustine in the City of God and elsewhere says that judah means to confess to be honest with God and with yourself and it also entails the Catholic sacrament of Confession from one of the Gospels which says confess to each other later taken up by the authorized priests in the setting up of the Church. So the term “jew” has a deeper meaning than blood, it’s primarily a spiritual term. All the details of say ashkenazi/khazarian and cryptos all over are just that, details that confuse really. The extreme danger are the cryptos of all nations and ethnicities that the vast majority are totally ignorant of. Like a child who plays in the highway unconscious of the danger. It’s a pincer movement by the organized antichristian criminal conspiracy.

            The things you mention sound like classic talmudist/kabbalist deflection and confusion as a strategy. This was what Koestler was doing with his 13th tribe book, here look these are the “bad” jews so obviously the sephardics etc are the “good” ones. Well the Talmud and the traditions of the elders and kabbalists were there before the khazarians in 700 AD, as were the “pure” jews in the times of Jesus Christ. How are they good then? It’s a spiritual thing not a material one.

            I only use the word jews because it’s easier for the majority to understand who I’m talking about, nothing more. It’s pretty obvious that those people identify as the word “jew” ie american JEWISH council, JEWISH world congress etc etc Kind of like North Korea refers to itself as the Republic of North Korea, it’s just a name and in no way is accurate, NK is obviously not a republic as to the common definition. The Mormon Church refers to itself as the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints but is no such thing in fact, it’s just a name that has nothing to do with objective reality. It’s a deception.

      2. Iran isnt controlled by cryptos? Is that a serious statement. Irans meant to be conservative Islamic. They have the record number of trans ops, heroin addicts, suicides, mass pornography, rampant pedophilia etc. The same kind of peak-Weimar shenanigans that goes on in every other subverted nation

  7. Jack,

    You have confirmed everything I have learned over the last 10 years, post the reading of Maurice Pinay – 2000 Ans de Complot contre L’Elglise.
    Everything you write makes sense – and both explains and demontrates the current Global tussle we find ourselves in as the outworking of the Talmudic Worldview infests our Global Geopolitics.

    However, until The Money Power is wrestled away from the clutches of the Talmudists there is little we can do to arrest the advance. Calls for a Christian revival fall on deaf ears when Joe Public is trying to feed his family and survive .

    Once the Money Power is extirpated from the Pharisees only then can we reverse the Talmudic infiltration of our once ethical Institutions – that includes The Vatican – I am careful not to say The Catholic Church because that is a congregation of true believers outside of the nest of Satanists and Freemasons that have captured the Institution.

    God bless you and yours for your Truth Telling.

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