By Timothy Fitzpatrick
Dec. 4, 2018 Anno Domini
Unlike Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, pretend players at the table of three-dimensional chess, Joseph P. Kennedy and his son John were truly playing the game.
A good example of this is in the brilliantly crafted public relations campaign that Papa Joseph came up with in order to trick the Jews into supporting his son as president: “Kikes for Kennedy, Nazis for Nixon”—even though Joseph and Jack had a plan to undermine Jewish power in the world. The gambit paid off, as Jack would go on to win the U.S. Presidential election in 1960, with a great deal of support from the Jewish community and the masonic establishment. Granted, the power structure was probably still nervous about what Jack would actually do.
It also seems that the civil rights movement that JFK championed was another attempt at 3D-chess; however, in retrospect, this went too far, as it contributed to the Soviet plan of demoralizing the United States—to the point that it has spawned the Cultural Marxist thought-police state we are in today. While it may have worked in the short-term for JFK, it was a huge mistake for the West in general. It also didn’t help JFK’s image to the intelligence community when he attempted to thwart anti-communist war efforts (Vietnam, Cuba, etc.). I have a difficult time seeing a tangible 3-D chess strategy in such manoeuvres and can certainly sympathize with the Western intelligence community’s perception of JFK as a communist saboteur of sorts.
While I don’t believe JFK was a secret communist trying to sabotage Western war efforts, I struggle to find clarity in much of his foreign policy. Perhaps JFK and his father saw the wars as serving as an overall drain on resources and attention—which could otherwise be diverted back to undermining Jewish power and the Rothschild war dialectic. If this could confuse an analyst in 2018, how much more could it do the same to the intelligence and military analysts of the 1960s? JFK should have committed to Vietnam and definitely a Cuba intervention (Cuba went on to serve as a major Soviet narcotics trafficking point and revolutionary bully in South America as a result of a failed Western intervention during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis. The failure also contributed to the mess in Nicaragua, Panama, and Mexico. Vietnam is also a key player in the Soviet narcotics network.). On the other hand, perhaps America really never stood a chance in Southeast Asia and Kennedy saw this. The Rothschild war machine wanted the dialectic to continue while Kennedy wanted to end the waste of resources and lives.
Israel orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy, as the late Michael Collins Piper and others have hypothesized, with the participation of Soviet-compromised Western intelligence, specifically the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military intelligence, and, of course, other players. If anything, Israel (and probably the USSR) did a good job of leading Western intelligence into believing that their participation in the murder of Kennedy would further the anti-communist cause (keep in mind that Western intelligence had already been heavily infiltrated by the communists by this time). Kennedy was in a no-win situation. Apparently, his 3-D chess had backfired and provoked his backers to turn on him, with Russia and World Jewry the sole beneficiaries of the fallout. The assassination of Kennedy did not stop the communist subversion of the West but, instead, furthered it, primarily by dividing the West and guaranteeing Israel and Russia complete dominance in the Middle East (Kennedy apparently worked to protect the Arab countries from Judeo-Marxist subversion). After JFK’s departure from this planet, the Arab world would undergo a radical Marxist transformation that has served Israel’s interest of divide-and-conquer as well as World Jewry’s Kalergi plan of flooding the West with subsequently displaced Muslims.
The Putinists cry about how NATO supposedly has guns pointing at Russia from all sides; meanwhile, the crypto Soviet Union has satellites surrounding all of the Western powers, especially the United States. And with Great Britain now exiting the European Union, Russia now has their satellite Germany—the largest economy in Europe—as the sole inheritor of Eurasian directorship. JFK’s death allowed all of this to happen.
“Papa Joseph came up with in order to trick the Jews into supporting his son as president: “Kikes for Kennedy, Nazis for Nixon”
Not sure if this kind of strategy was original with Papa Joseph. The basic schtick was probably a time-honored political trick in both volumes of that book. Just plug in different characters but the formula always works like a charm.
What was unique about the Kennedys is that they had a Catholic, and true biblical, understanding of the synagogue of Satan.
I remember reading a book in like 1975 about the Watergate Scandal and Coverup, I think the book by Barry Sussman, in which it was related that…
the Nixon campaign for California governor in like 1962, hired a bunch of disheveled hippie types to march in streets IN FAVOR OF his opponent in that race to garner more conservative votes for himself.
Israel and Antisemitism: My Conversation with Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr
Today I met with Democratic Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. and discussed Israel, the rise of antisemitism, and Kennedy’s recent tweet where he supported Roger Waters.I told him his father was one Israel’s greatest friends and we in the Jewish community mourn him till this day. I then asked him to please march with me tomorrow, June 4th, at the annual “Celebrate Israel Parade,” and he immediately agreed. The conversation was riveting. While we disagreed on many issues, he speaks with a refreshing and non-partisan candor. I look forward to jointly marching this Sunday to champion the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish State.
RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ (source), and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice (source: One Nation Under Blackmail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, by Whitney Webb, Volume 2, page 159).
Sirhan Sirhan — Patsy Who Took Blame For Mossad’s Assassination Of Robert Kennedy — Approved For Parole