Mossad Infiltration of the Soviet KGB

By Michael Collins Piper
The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within
American Free Press (2006)
Excerpts: pages 155-158

The best known Soviet spy in history was the late British turncoat, H. A. R. “Kim” Philby. But “the rest of the story” about Philby’s intrigue was kept under wraps for nearly half a century. The truth is Philby was not just a KGB agent. He was also doubling as an agent for yet another intelligence agency—Israel’s Mossad. Only The Spotlight, the Washington-based populist weekly, told the amazing story—one which points to a “hidden history” of intrigue that has been deliberately suppressed by the “mainstream” media in the West.In its June 25, 1984 issue, The Spotlight reported on a highly-classified summary of East-bloc espionage operations compiled in April of 1984 by Defense Department analysts. (A copy of that report was provided by well-placed sources to Andrew St. George, the chief diplomatic correspondent for The Spotlight.)The summary cited several instances when covert agents from the KGB, the Soviet Union’s primary intelligence agency, joined forces with agents of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, to penetrate U.S. targets. Philby was among those who provided aid to the Mossad.

The study revealed that veteran CIA official William King Harvey ran afoul of the KGB and the Mossad as early as 1942 when he concluded a high-level investigation with a report denouncing Philby, then a top British counterintelligence official, as a Soviet“mole,” that is, a long-range covert Soviet penetration agent.

At the time, Philby was serving in Washington as the chief liaison officer between British and American intelligence, giving him access to the U.S. government’s most closely guarded security secrets.

What the other evidence in the Pentagon summary regarding Philby revealed—but which went unreported in all of the “mainstream” media accounts of the Philby affair—was that while Philby was spying for the Soviets, he was also working as an agent for the cause of political Zionism since the early 1940s.

This was well before the emergence of Israel as a sovereign state and the formation of the Mossad, which, according to former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky, functions as “the real engine of policy” in Israel.

The Pentagon report revealed that in 1932, Philby was married in Vienna, Austria to Litzi Friedman, a communist organizer who was also active on behalf of the Zionist cause. Present at the nuptials were several key figures who later assumed leading roles in Israeli espionage. Among them were “Teddy” Kollek, who became much better known as the future longtime mayor of Jerusalem, and Jacob Meridor, one of the founders and directors of the Mossad.

When Harvey exposed Philby as a Red spy, he also cast doubt on Philby’s close friend, James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s director of counterintelligence who was also the CIA’s liaison to the Mossad and a faithful supporter of the Zionist cause.

Angleton and the Mossad felt threatened by Harvey’s unmasking of Philby as a Soviet mole. Soon enough, rumours began to circulate in Washington of Harvey’s “heavy drinking” and “scandalous” behaviour, with the rumours being fed directly to the White House.

A Russian memorial to British Zionist triple agent Kim Philby, who helped the Soviets.

In 1967, President Johnson fired Harvey from his CIA post and he retired in disgrace. As The Spotlight put it: “The leading American spymaster of the post-World War II era, who had exposed Philby and other major communist spies, spent his last years working for a publishing company in a dead-end job. He died in 1976 of a heart attack, obscure, poorly paid, and lonely.

(Ironically, in recent years, there was a fraudulent attempt to link Harvey to the JFK assassination, with the outlandish suggestion that Harvey had worked hand-in-glove with his longtime enemy,Angleton, and Angleton’s CIA lieutenants, in arranging the president’s murder. Nothing, could be further from the truth.)

In reality, Harvey was right. Philby was ultimately exposed as a major Soviet penetration agent and ultimately confessed, fleeing to Moscow where he ultimately died.

Angleton’s fate was somewhat similar. In a long-suppressed top secret report (which was cited in the Pentagon summary described by The Spotlight), a senior CIA security official, C. Edward Petty, concluded that Angleton may have been a Soviet-Israeli penetration agent while he made his way to the top of the CIA bureaucracy.

The Petty report suggested that Angleton, throughout his career as the dominant figure in U.S. counterintelligence, had slipped vital information to both the Soviet Union and Israel. The report was submitted to President Gerald Ford in April of 1975, but a political decision was made that the evidence was not sufficient to indict and try Angleton, largely because it would have been impossible to stage a public trial of an intelligence official who was privy to as many secrets as Angleton was.

Instead, then-CIA director William Colby fired Angleton, enraging the Israeli lobby which had relied for so long on Angleton’s key placement in the counterintelligence bureaucracy. Angleton retired and died a broken man on May 11, 1987.

On December 14, 1998, The Spotlight was the only newspaper on the planet to publish a suppressed fact about the otherwise widely-publicized secrets about KGB espionage that were revealed with the release of the fabled Soviet diplomatic cables that were secretly decrypted beginning in 1946 by the U.S. Army Signals Security Agency and code-named “Venona.”

Military historian Ulick Steadman described the Venona venture as “an historic achievement,” but noted that there was “a shocking twist.” In fact, a vast majority of the alien agents unmasked by the decoded Soviet cables turned out to be active in Zionist circles rather than merely in the Communist underground. According to H. Dexter Gamage, who served as a Pentagon cryptography analyst, the Venona files revealed that Zionists “made up three-fourths of the enemy spies recruited by the Soviets” in the United States.

As a consequence, at the time the Venona project was under way, Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ordered the intercepts withheld from President Truman, because—according to Steadman—Bradley was “concerned that anything known to the White House would soon become known to the Zionist insiders [surrounding the president] and subsequently to the Soviets” who would discover that their cables were being intercepted.

Beginning in 1995-1996 portions of the Venona decryptions were finally released to great fanfare. However, significant portions of those long top secret documents have never been released, nor was a list of the Kremlin’s spies, each of whom was identified by name and code name.The identity of those spies is most interesting indeed.

In the original Soviet messages, a large number of operatives were marked with the letter “K” for “KRYSY” (i.e.“Rats”). “KRYSY” was the contemptuous Soviet code designation for the Zionist operatives under its control. In the version of these documents made public in the United States, The Spotlight revealed, the “K” designation was erased before release, reportedly by State Department censors.

Today’s Russian president Vladimir Putin, a fake nationalist, is from the KGB mold.

A review by The Spotlight’s inimitable Andrew St. George of 35 decoded Soviet messages came up with 20 names of Zionist operatives in Moscow’s service. The same documents revealed only four Communist agents who had no apparent ethnic links to Zionism.

These more recent revelations certainly confirm other evidence we have examined that there really was a split at the highest levels between the Zionists and the Russian nationalists in the USSR during thee final days of the Stalin era and well into the years that followed.

This was a major secret element in the development of the Cold War—a rift that laid the groundwork for the rise of the pro-Zionist “neoconservative” network that has ultimately proven to be one of the most dangerous of America’s Enemies Within.

Until American patriots—real patriots—confront and understand these hidden elements within history, which cast a starkly different perspective on the events of the second half of the 20th century, it will be impossible to begin the process of winning back America—in the 21st century—from the hands of the Judas Goats: The Enemy Within.

The old labels of “liberal” and “conservative” just simply do not apply any more and a lot of the legends of the past—particularly of the Cold War era—must be recognized as precisely that: ‘legends.”

In the chapters that follow, we will examine additional evidence pointing to the role of so-called American “anti-communists” in shifting, bending, distortingm and destroying legitimate anti-communist movements for the benefit of the Zionist agenda.

As we shall see, there is much more to the story of the “McCarthy Era” and the “conservative” forces that began to align in that period than we have been led to believe.


  1. This is an excellent article, which, unfortunately, was partly blunted by the completely unnecessary self-censorship by the author.
    The title “Mossad Infiltration of the Soviet KGB” is more than a misnomer. Having revealed that the KGB clearly regarded their kosher rectruits as rats – and had them so labelled – the author may well have headlined the article “KGB infiltration of the Jew Mossad”.
    “However unintentionally, FBI’s counter-espionage work often got to be identical to that of the Gestapo, as, only too often, having apprehended a KGB spy, they found that they’ve got a Jew in custody.
    Of course, all this was before the FBI was totally colonized by the Jews, along with the rest of J’USA.”
    On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 2:48 PM, Fitzpatrick Informer wrote:
    > Timothy Fitzpatrick posted: ” By Michael Collins Piper The Judas Goats: > The Enemy Within American Free Press (2006) Excerpts: pages 155-158 The > best known Soviet spy in history was the late British turncoat, H. A. R. > “Kim” Philby. But “the rest of the story” ab” >

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