The 'New Khazaria' project is of Moscow Chabad and presented in media as 'Novorossia'
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on January 26, 2023, 21:17Novokhazarossiya or the Utilization of Russia Project
imperial commission - October 9, 2014
To begin with, it should immediately be clear that the “New Khazaria” project is a project of the Moscow Chabad and that it is presented in the media as “Novorossia” . This will be shown gradually. Before proceeding to highlight the circumstances associated with the Novokhazarossiya project, it is necessary to understand what was, so to speak, the “prequel” of this story.
“Priquell” was the rejection of the Crimea . You can, of course, “rewind the tape” even earlier, but after each significant event there will be one that preceded it and, accordingly, another one will follow, and so on. The Crimean epic is in the topic under consideration, so to speak, the most significant, since if it were not realized, then there would be no everything else.
So, let's explore the "Crimean issue".To understand how Crimea ended up as part of Ukraine and what prerequisites existed for its rejection, let's turn to facts that are unknown to the vast majority of people.
It can be added that the active participants in this project, the leaders of the JAC (Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee) S. Mikhoels and I. Fefer , represented the Moscow Chabad.
Let us quote a text that should help to understand the essence of the events that took place then:
“By this period of 1920-1930, Chabad, as one of the directions of Hasidism in Russia, gained a dominant position in our country. It should be noted that Hasidism, implicated in Kabbalah, inattention to the Torah, but the veneration of the Talmud , the creation of the institution of tzaddiks and adherence to the idea of Moshiach, was in circulation in Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine and, no matter how paradoxical it may look, in Tver. Outrageous antics during prayer, rampant rampage on Shabbat, worship of tzaddiks and Kabbalah, made the Hasidim opposed to the Spanish Sephardim and German Ashkenazi, who rejected the culture of the Hasidim, largely copied from those peoples among whom the Hasidim existed. However, such assimilation helped a lot in maintaining the inviolability of the Jewish canons for the Hasidim, and especially for Chabad, which allowed its representatives to eventually occupy high positions in the leadership of the USSR .
The second attempt to create a "Crimean California" was made by the United States at the Tehran Conference in 1943, where F. Rooseveltmade an attempt to link Lend-Lease supplies with the re-establishment of the Jewish Republic in the Crimea. It must be said that by the time J. Schneerson arrived in the USA, a rather influential Hasidic community had already been created in New York, which had its representatives not only among bankers, but also among politicians. The answer to this virtual ultimatum from the Soviet side was the delegation of S. Mikhoels and I. Fefer , both of whom were members of Chabad-Lubavitch.”
(Note: The quote regarding Chabad does not give a complete picture of what this Hasidic movement is like. Plus, even the Chabad organizations themselves have differences, but in this context I did not begin to disclose this topic ...)
“Before the trip, instructions to S.M. Mikhoels gave personallyV.M.Molotov ( Scriabin ), and the invitation for the trip was issued by A.Einstein and R.Oppenheimer . The delegation of Russian Jews was received at the highest level in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Great Britain. Why were the Anglo-Saxon countries so interested in the "Crimean California"? This is the center of European Hasidism - the heirs of Khazaria , whose fragments scattered throughout Europe. It is precisely in view of the importance of Crimea for the Jews of the whole world that there was no confrontation on this issue between Sephardim and Ashkenazi Jews with Hasidic communities, including Chabad. The result of the trip was the appeal of S.M.Mikhoels to the leadership of the USSR in February 1944.
As a result, it turned out that Stalinsupported the creation of Israel and leaked the “Crimean project”. But the “Crimean problem” did not disappear and was resolved later, when Crimea was given to Ukraine. Thus, the government of the RSFSR, which had obligations and had to pay off Crimea, avoided this, and Crimea became Ukrainian . It was not possible to take it away from Ukraine, since it was a different state - legally, that's right, Ukraine was not only the founder of the USSR, but also one of the founding states of the UN.
Why was it necessary to take Crimea away from Ukraine now? The moment came when the Moscow Chabad decided that the implementation of the New Khazaria project should be launched. There is no great desire to describe what Chabad is, especially since it was a little narrower above. It can be said that in Judaism there is a "stream" of Hasidism, and Chabad is a sect in Hasidism. A powerful sect, but essentially anti-Zionist in nature. So, among other things, Chabad people allow themselves to reject some of the main provisions of the Tanakh, incl. about Israel, including those around which controversy in Judaism is generally excluded, using senile “arguments” ... Among other things, they consider it possible to destroy Israel and create a new wondrous world (s) in the “New Khazaria”.
Again, without going into details, you should know that Chabad is represented by its organizations in the United States, in Russia, in Ukraine (other countries in the context under discussion are not of particular interest). The movement is headquartered in the United States , but Chabad can supposedly pursue its own policies in each country.
The Moscow Chabad in Russia has an exclusive influence on the politics of the state, almost completely controlling it, including the ruling group of the “elite” .
Here is a small digression from the “Chabad affairs” in order to shed light on the actual “nature of power” in the Russian Federation. Many, for sure, have illusions that “Putin rules Russia”. Here are a couple of links to materials that will allow you to get an understanding of the essence of power in the Russian Federation.
- "Scandalous" interview with Deripaska (Part I)
- Project "Utilization of Russia" (Part II)
Corr. - ... foolishly surrendered the country, for which it was still possible to fight ...
N.A. - Who to fight? What for? How could you make money on this? The majority of the plebs enthusiastically vented the evil of the directors of the factories for the lack of products and dreamed of free and affordable vodka, don't you remember? The “intelligentsia” was eager for power, not realizing that power is, first of all, business, and not narcissism in the stands. So, if the stupid Gorbachev could not even make money and ended up on the maintenance of Western services, then Putin could brilliantly. Today, he is no longer a manager. He is a full partner in the business of companies with a giant capitalization and European legal cash in a project that can be called "Utilization of Russia".
Corr. - Will you insist that Deripaska is still the leader of Russia? Even after the story with Pikalevo and Putin's humiliating requests to give Deripaska an American visa?
ON. “I will tell the obvious things to me. It's up to you how you rate them.
In 1999, Putin flew to Sayanogorsk, to the Gladenkaya ski resort. There he had a bride, and Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska , Tatyana Borisovna Dyachenko , Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin , Valentin Anatolyevich Yumashevblessed him to work as a manager - the president of the Russian Federation. Since then, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has never retreated from his contract, on the basis of which he gradually became a business partner of the listed people. Some clauses of this contract are no longer hidden, for example, the transfer of 20% of Russian Aluminum from Mikhail Cherny to him for the use of force and ideological cover for this part of the business. Other parts of the contract remain secret until now.
Corr. - Eduard Limonov wrote about this meeting, and soon went to prison ...
N.A.- That's right, the contract has already started working, they gave the order to the FSB, they fulfilled it. Limonov did not write anything about the contract, only about the fact of the show, and his landing had already given a sign to everyone else to be silent, there was no time yet, the situation had not strengthened. And now these facts are no longer hidden.
Corr. - What about Pikalevo?
ON. - Oleg Vladimirovich then clearly explained how, on the way to the meeting on the plane, he and Putin thought out this mise-en-scene for the needs of the population sitting in front of TVs. Immediately after that, Deripaska received $4.5 billion from the reserve fund.
Corr. – Well, what about his problems with a US visa?
ON.- But this is the stupidity of the Americans and their unwillingness to understand that the leadership of their country has 25-30 years left, at most. The PRC, or rather Hong Kong, formally part of the PRC, will pick up everything. By the way, I think that Great Britain will be the first to fall under its former colony, and this split of the Anglo-Saxons will destroy the US influence in Europe. It is no accident that BP enters the Russian northern shelf, believe me. Some American politicians want to slow down the disposal of the Russian Federation, hoping to delay the change of the world leader. Therefore, they do not recognize Deripaska as the Russian leader, they communicate with his junior partner Putin, laughing, of course, at Putin's anti-American rhetoric . Well, he who laughs last laughs best.
As for the “effective manager” of GDP, one could write a lot about his activities in St. Petersburg, when he supervised a number of areas with Sobchak , from such, for example, as ships with dollars arrived in St. Petersburg, for which Russian enterprises were bought up, to every detail, - for example, VVP then became a co-founder of all nightclubs and casinos in the city) and much more. This is why at all - there is no need to inflate the significance of this figure, attribute “omnipotence” and so on. He plays his role in the system, nothing more.
And this chick that controls the Russian Federation is under the control of the Moscow Chabad, someone is a member of Chabad, someone is carrying out the “party policy”. You can dwell in more detail on who, and how, but there is no special meaning in this in the context of the issue under discussion.
The fact is that the Moscow Chabad controls most of the main “systemic figures”… the gashka behind the “effective manager” pursues the policy agreed upon by Chabad, the same Abramovich is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation, a Berllazar structure…
It also makes no sense to dwell on the personality of the “patriarch”, as a couple of touches can be noted that he became a billionaire back in the 90s, when, by Yeltsin’s decree, the Russian Orthodox Church was exempted from paying duties on the import of alcohol and cigarettes. A huge amount of products were imported to Russia precisely through the Russian Orthodox Church, whose “economic relations” were then supervised by Kirill ... selling products, by the way, in a share in criminal groups ... well, in terms of personal qualities, this type doesn’t care who to cooperate with, even with crime, even with office, even with Chabad ... (see Alexy II was killed? )
In one of the interviews, we asked Vladimir Kvachkov : “ You, as an Orthodox person, know that Kirill Gundyaev is the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, tell me your opinion about this person .”
Vladimir Vasilyevich gave an unequivocal answer: “This man is called the Metropolitan of Sodom and Gomorrah. How he can become a locum tenens only speaks of the degree of moral decline to which the Moscow Patriarchate has fallen.”
“I may say a terrible thing, and terrible, including for myself, but from the point of view of people’s insight – if the crisis helps us understand who our secular rulers really are, then the election of the Patriarch can help the Russian Nation understand who are now church patriarchs. And the fact that the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne has become a man who is called like this, as I said - what else can be added to this, ”added Kvachkov.
“Can you imagine a fag becoming the head of the Church?! That's what we have now, and this church will teach us? I'm talking about church hierarchs, the Church, the fullness of the Church - this is both the clergy and the world ... Will the faggots teach us now?! God forbid!” the officer finished emotionally.
As well as the FSB, the army, the prosecutor's office, the police - the leadership is also controlled ...
The rejection of Crimea became the first part of the scenario for the creation of "New Khazaria" or "Novokhazar Russia", given that the term "Novorossia" was thrown in for the goyim . Let us pay attention to what day the so-called. referendum in Crimea - March 16 . What is this day? Purim was celebrated on this day this year . For those who believe that this is a coincidence, you don’t have to read further / What kind of holiday, we believe, everyone knows, who does not know, Google will help. Who, according to the Moscow Chabad, became the modern Persians and the “collective Haman”? Who was the “victory” celebrated on the day Crimea was torn away from Ukraine?“Victory” was celebrated over Ukraine, which was appointed by the Moscow Chabad to be sacrificed for the creation of “Novokhazarossia” .
The rejection of Crimea was the first part of the scenario. A few videos on the subject:
Putin reported to his masters of life - Crimea is now “ours” .
The dreams of the Zionists have come true - the Khazar Kaganate will be rebuilt again! On the money of the goyim and on the blood of the goyim (and on the ashes of the Russian-Ukrainian war, split and Cainism - approx. imperialcommiss
). Here, several questions arise that need to be answered, the main of which are what was the actual position of the Kiev authorities regarding the secession of the Crimea and where the legs grow from quite a few deceitful stuffing that “New Khazaria” is supposedly the Kiev authorities.
It should be clearly understood that the Crimea was surrendered . After Yanukovychfled (this is a separate story), " Tymoshenko 's people" came to power . Turchynov is her right hand, the former director of the SBU (placed there only on the basis of personal devotion, the pastor never served in the bodies), Avakov is also a 100% creature of Tymoshenko, Yatsenyuk , who became close to Tymoshenko and began to “play” with her . You can also mention the ex acting. Ministry of Defense Tenyukha , who formally appointed the ball according to the "Freedom" quota, but also played under Tymoshenko. By the way, “Svoboda” for a long time regularly played along with Tymoshenko, becoming for BYuT something like what the “communists” were for the PR. For example, the freshly baked Prosecutor General Makhnitsky, appointed according to the “Freedom” quota, also acted in the interests of Tymoshenko, including such lawlessness as opening a criminal prosecution against those judges who considered the case of this inveterate swindler.
Tymoshenko is an absolutely immoral creature, ready to do everything for reasons of personal gain and ambition, ready to cooperate with anyone if it is beneficial for her, while ABSOLUTELY spitting on the interests of the country . Of course, a very talented and cunning person, she poses a great danger to the country, occupying any leading positions. It is very well written about it here: . Posted by Dmitry Vydrin, a man who at one time made her like a politician, forced her to read Dostoevsky and other books, a man who knows her nature very well.
Regarding her contacts with Chabad members, she had excellent relations both with the Ukrainian Chabad, being practically the spokeswoman for their interests in Ukrainian politics, and with Moscow . What is worth only the notorious gas agreement between it and “Putin” on conditions that are enslaving for Ukraine, when the country was obliged to buy more gas than it needed, while the money, of course, went to the Russian budget to a lesser extent.
By the way, Putin 6 times (!) asked Yanukovych to release Tymoshenko .
The decision to surrender Crimea to the Moscow Chabad under the “New Khazaria” was made at the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on March 1, where Tymoshenko was illegally present. However, what is the law, if there were practically only her people. Tymoshenko forced the National Security and Defense Council to surrender Crimea to Russia .
Putin agreed with Tymoshenko . The ex-premier is trying to get absolute power in Ukraine.
The sluggish reaction of the United States to the rejection of Crimea was due, among other things, to the lobbying actions of the American Chabad, which also has the idea of supporting the creation of a “brave new world” of “New Khazaria”.
It should be noted that the “gray eminence” of the elite behind the US Democratic Party, Zbigniew Brzezinski , said on February 24:
And in his article in the Wall Street Journal on April 29, 2014 6:53 pm ET noted:
“To reach this goal, “we would probably have to put aside the resolution of the Crimean situationfor the moment,” and over the longer run help Ukraine seek to reach “ a condominium on Crimea ”—some kind of joint control or ownership or oversight".
Those. he proposed in the future the creation of some kind of joint administration of Crimea by Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which means the introduction of a new administration. More on this later.
But Crimea was only part of the scenario for the “birth of Novokhazarossia” (in tune with “Nebuchadnezzar”, approx.). The second part of this Marlezon ballet was the rejection of several southern and eastern regions from Ukraine for subsequent unification with Crimea into a “full-fledged” New Khazar Russia.
Imitation of "uprisings" - these degenerate shows with the seizure of administrative buildings - was being prepared in several areas at once, but the level of readiness was different everywhere. The greatest readiness was in three regions - Donetsk, Kharkov and Luhansk. In Kharkiv, the scenario burst due to the refusal of Kernesplay Novokhazarossia.
Before proceeding to the description of the further “New Khazar genesis”, attention should be paid to one important aspect.
After the leak about the New Khazaria project occurred, mass dumps began on the Internet, designed to hide the customer and the organizer of the project , while at the same time completely distorting and distorting the essence of the project, exposing that supposedly “New Khazaria” is Ukraine, and this project is a project Ukrainian Chabad.
Over these few months, a bunch of different articles have appeared in which, on the one hand, the main message is that “Jews have come to power in Ukraine,” and other articles sculpt that the Ukrainian Chabad is building a “New Khazaria” in Ukraine.
If you pay attention to the nationality of key political figures - yes, most of them are Jews, it is not so difficult to read about it - Poroshenko has the surname Valtsman , Tymoshenko - Kapitelman , Turchinov is also a Jew, Kolomoisky - of course. But there is absolutely nothing new in the fact that these people are now in power. The same Tymoshenko was already the prime minister, Poroshenko was the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council and the head of the Foreign Ministry when Yushchenko was presidentand the Minister of Economy, when Yanukovych was president, Turchynov was the head of the SBU, and Kolomoisky, although he did not hold government posts (now he is the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region), these same governors ran to him one by one, being dependent on him. This, by the way, is more convenient when you do not have direct responsibility, which is implied by holding a public position, but when the persons who hold them depend on you and curry favor. Poroshenko generally had his own tame president - Yushchenko, whom he financed and who was under his influence.
This is all for what at all - in order to make it clear that there was no “seizure of power by the Jews” in Ukraine - they, as they were represented in power earlier, are still represented now, only the deck is shuffled a little. Under Yanukovych, the situation was not much different, except that the Ukrainian Chabad had less influence, of its representatives, only Tabachnik hung behind Yanukovych , who, by the way, coordinated his actions with the Moscow Chabad more often than with the Ukrainian one. And there were Jews in the government of Yanukovych, take at least the same Minister of Energy Eduard Stavitsky , who fled to Israel after the Maidan and who, during a search in his apartments, found kilograms of gold, dozens of watches worth several hundred thousand euros, dozens of certificates for the right to own plots of land in Germany and others. Those. there was no seizure of power, I repeat . And in the Russian Federation, in fact, who is in power then? Aven , Friedman ,Deripaska , Miller , etc. with their hired “national leader”.
This is one moment. The second is about the Ukrainian Chabad itself. Ukrainian Chabad, unlike their “Moscow colleagues” who rave about para-messianic and unfortunate mystical ideas and projects, unlike Ukrainian Chabad, is such a “parochial chaps” who want to live in clover, have geshefts, and not thinks about any new Khazars. These guys have always been close to the authorities in one way or another - sometimes more, sometimes less, they have a lot of different rabble in the service, like SBU generals, for example, the geek Kozhemyakin, the former head of the "K" department and others, they have a diverse business and they do not smile at all at risk of losing it all for the sake of dubious pseudo-mystical projects. Benya acted very competently - he began to “invest in patriotism”, overnight becoming not only a popular person and buying himself an “indulgence”, but also thanks to such a competent orientation he got the opportunity for new geshefts. True, he began to burrow already, but this is another conversation that has nothing to do with the topic under discussion.
Novokhazarossiya or the Utilization of Russia Project
imperial commission- October 9, 2014
To begin with, it should immediately be clear that the “New Khazaria” project is a project of the Moscow Chabad and that it is presented in the media as “Novorossia” . This will be shown gradually. Before proceeding to highlight the circumstances associated with the Novokhazarossiya project, it is necessary to understand what was, so to speak, the “prequel” of this story.
“Priquell” was the rejection of the Crimea . You can, of course, “rewind the tape” even earlier, but after each significant event there will be one that preceded it and, accordingly, another one will follow, and so on. The Crimean epic is in the topic under consideration, so to speak, the most significant, since if it were not realized, then there would be no everything else.
So, let's explore the "Crimean issue".
To understand how Crimea ended up as part of Ukraine and what prerequisites existed for its rejection, let's turn to facts that are unknown to the vast majority of people.
It can be added that the active participants in this project, the leaders of the JAC (Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee) S. Mikhoels and I. Fefer , represented the Moscow Chabad.
Let us quote a text that should help to understand the essence of the events that took place then:
“By this period of 1920-1930, Chabad, as one of the directions of Hasidism in Russia, gained a dominant position in our country. It should be noted that Hasidism, implicated in Kabbalah, inattention to the Torah, but the veneration of the Talmud , the creation of the institution of tzaddiks and adherence to the idea of Moshiach, was in circulation in Poland, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine and, no matter how paradoxical it may look, in Tver. Outrageous antics during prayer, rampant rampage on Shabbat, worship of tzaddiks and Kabbalah, made the Hasidim opposed to the Spanish Sephardim and German Ashkenazi, who rejected the culture of the Hasidim, largely copied from those peoples among whom the Hasidim existed. However, such assimilation helped a lot in maintaining the inviolability of the Jewish canons for the Hasidim, and especially for Chabad, which allowed its representatives to eventually occupy high positions in the leadership of the USSR .
The second attempt to create a "Crimean California" was made by the United States at the Tehran Conference in 1943, where F. Rooseveltmade an attempt to link Lend-Lease supplies with the re-establishment of the Jewish Republic in the Crimea. It must be said that by the time J. Schneerson arrived in the USA, a rather influential Hasidic community had already been created in New York, which had its representatives not only among bankers, but also among politicians. The answer to this virtual ultimatum from the Soviet side was the delegation of S. Mikhoels and I. Fefer , both of whom were members of Chabad-Lubavitch.”
(Note: The quote regarding Chabad does not give a complete picture of what this Hasidic movement is like. Plus, even the Chabad organizations themselves have differences, but in this context I did not begin to disclose this topic ...)
“Before the trip, instructions to S.M. Mikhoels gave personallyV.M.Molotov ( Scriabin ), and the invitation for the trip was issued by A.Einstein and R.Oppenheimer . The delegation of Russian Jews was received at the highest level in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Great Britain. Why were the Anglo-Saxon countries so interested in the "Crimean California"? This is the center of European Hasidism - the heirs of Khazaria , whose fragments scattered throughout Europe. It is precisely in view of the importance of Crimea for the Jews of the whole world that there was no confrontation on this issue between Sephardim and Ashkenazi Jews with Hasidic communities, including Chabad. The result of the trip was the appeal of S.M.Mikhoels to the leadership of the USSR in February 1944.
As a result, it turned out that Stalinsupported the creation of Israel and leaked the “Crimean project”. But the “Crimean problem” did not disappear and was resolved later, when Crimea was given to Ukraine. Thus, the government of the RSFSR, which had obligations and had to pay off Crimea, avoided this, and Crimea became Ukrainian . It was not possible to take it away from Ukraine, since it was a different state - legally, that's right, Ukraine was not only the founder of the USSR, but also one of the founding states of the UN.
Why was it necessary to take Crimea away from Ukraine now? The moment came when the Moscow Chabad decided that the implementation of the New Khazaria project should be launched. There is no great desire to describe what Chabad is, especially since it was a little narrower above. It can be said that in Judaism there is a "stream" of Hasidism, and Chabad is a sect in Hasidism. A powerful sect, but essentially anti-Zionist in nature. So, among other things, Chabad people allow themselves to reject some of the main provisions of the Tanakh, incl. about Israel, including those around which controversy in Judaism is generally excluded, using senile “arguments” ... Among other things, they consider it possible to destroy Israel and create a new wondrous world (s) in the “New Khazaria”.
Again, without going into details, you should know that Chabad is represented by its organizations in the United States, in Russia, in Ukraine (other countries in the context under discussion are not of particular interest). The movement is headquartered in the United States , but Chabad can supposedly pursue its own policies in each country.
The Moscow Chabad in Russia has an exclusive influence on the politics of the state, almost completely controlling it, including the ruling group of the “elite” .
Here is a small digression from the “Chabad affairs” in order to shed light on the actual “nature of power” in the Russian Federation. Many, for sure, have illusions that “Putin rules Russia”. Here are a couple of links to materials that will allow you to get an understanding of the essence of power in the Russian Federation.
- "Scandalous" interview with Deripaska (Part I)
- Project "Utilization of Russia" (Part II)
Corr. - ... foolishly surrendered the country, for which it was still possible to fight ...
N.A. - Who to fight? What for? How could you make money on this? The majority of the plebs enthusiastically vented the evil of the directors of the factories for the lack of products and dreamed of free and affordable vodka, don't you remember? The “intelligentsia” was eager for power, not realizing that power is, first of all, business, and not narcissism in the stands. So, if the stupid Gorbachev could not even make money and ended up on the maintenance of Western services, then Putin could brilliantly. Today, he is no longer a manager. He is a full partner in the business of companies with a giant capitalization and European legal cash in a project that can be called "Utilization of Russia".
Corr. - Will you insist that Deripaska is still the leader of Russia? Even after the story with Pikalevo and Putin's humiliating requests to give Deripaska an American visa?
ON. “I will tell the obvious things to me. It's up to you how you rate them.
In 1999, Putin flew to Sayanogorsk, to the Gladenkaya ski resort. There he had a bride, and Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska , Tatyana Borisovna Dyachenko , Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin , Valentin Anatolyevich Yumashevblessed him to work as a manager - the president of the Russian Federation. Since then, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has never retreated from his contract, on the basis of which he gradually became a business partner of the listed people. Some clauses of this contract are no longer hidden, for example, the transfer of 20% of Russian Aluminum from Mikhail Cherny to him for the use of force and ideological cover for this part of the business. Other parts of the contract remain secret until now.
Corr. - Eduard Limonov wrote about this meeting, and soon went to prison ...
N.A.- That's right, the contract has already started working, they gave the order to the FSB, they fulfilled it. Limonov did not write anything about the contract, only about the fact of the show, and his landing had already given a sign to everyone else to be silent, there was no time yet, the situation had not strengthened. And now these facts are no longer hidden.
Corr. - What about Pikalevo?
ON. - Oleg Vladimirovich then clearly explained how, on the way to the meeting on the plane, he and Putin thought out this mise-en-scene for the needs of the population sitting in front of TVs. Immediately after that, Deripaska received $4.5 billion from the reserve fund.
Corr. – Well, what about his problems with a US visa?
ON.- But this is the stupidity of the Americans and their unwillingness to understand that the leadership of their country has 25-30 years left, at most. The PRC, or rather Hong Kong, formally part of the PRC, will pick up everything. By the way, I think that Great Britain will be the first to fall under its former colony, and this split of the Anglo-Saxons will destroy the US influence in Europe. It is no accident that BP enters the Russian northern shelf, believe me. Some American politicians want to slow down the disposal of the Russian Federation, hoping to delay the change of the world leader. Therefore, they do not recognize Deripaska as the Russian leader, they communicate with his junior partner Putin, laughing, of course, at Putin's anti-American rhetoric . Well, he who laughs last laughs best.
As for the “effective manager” of GDP, one could write a lot about his activities in St. Petersburg, when he supervised a number of areas with Sobchak , from such, for example, as ships with dollars arrived in St. Petersburg, for which Russian enterprises were bought up, to every detail, - for example, VVP then became a co-founder of all nightclubs and casinos in the city) and much more. This is why at all - there is no need to inflate the significance of this figure, attribute “omnipotence” and so on. He plays his role in the system, nothing more.
And this chick that controls the Russian Federation is under the control of the Moscow Chabad, someone is a member of Chabad, someone is carrying out the “party policy”. You can dwell in more detail on who, and how, but there is no special meaning in this in the context of the issue under discussion.
The fact is that the Moscow Chabad controls most of the main “systemic figures”… the gashka behind the “effective manager” pursues the policy agreed upon by Chabad, the same Abramovich is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation, a Berllazar structure…
It also makes no sense to dwell on the personality of the “patriarch”, as a couple of touches can be noted that he became a billionaire back in the 90s, when, by Yeltsin’s decree, the Russian Orthodox Church was exempted from paying duties on the import of alcohol and cigarettes. A huge amount of products were imported to Russia precisely through the Russian Orthodox Church, whose “economic relations” were then supervised by Kirill ... selling products, by the way, in a share in criminal groups ... well, in terms of personal qualities, this type doesn’t care who to cooperate with, even with crime, even with office, even with Chabad ... (see Alexy II was killed? )
In one of the interviews, we asked Vladimir Kvachkov : “ You, as an Orthodox person, know that Kirill Gundyaev is the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, tell me your opinion about this person .”
Vladimir Vasilyevich gave an unequivocal answer: “This man is called the Metropolitan of Sodom and Gomorrah. How he can become a locum tenens only speaks of the degree of moral decline to which the Moscow Patriarchate has fallen.”
“I may say a terrible thing, and terrible, including for myself, but from the point of view of people’s insight – if the crisis helps us understand who our secular rulers really are, then the election of the Patriarch can help the Russian Nation understand who are now church patriarchs. And the fact that the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne has become a man who is called like this, as I said - what else can be added to this, ”added Kvachkov.
“Can you imagine a fag becoming the head of the Church?! That's what we have now, and this church will teach us? I'm talking about church hierarchs, the Church, the fullness of the Church - this is both the clergy and the world ... Will the faggots teach us now?! God forbid!” the officer finished emotionally.
As well as the FSB, the army, the prosecutor's office, the police - the leadership is also controlled ...
The rejection of Crimea became the first part of the scenario for the creation of "New Khazaria" or "Novokhazar Russia", given that the term "Novorossia" was thrown in for the goyim . Let us pay attention to what day the so-called. referendum in Crimea - March 16 . What is this day? Purim was celebrated on this day this year . For those who believe that this is a coincidence, you don’t have to read further / What kind of holiday, we believe, everyone knows, who does not know, Google will help. Who, according to the Moscow Chabad, became the modern Persians and the “collective Haman”? Who was the “victory” celebrated on the day Crimea was torn away from Ukraine?“Victory” was celebrated over Ukraine, which was appointed by the Moscow Chabad to be sacrificed for the creation of “Novokhazarossia” .
The rejection of Crimea was the first part of the scenario. A few videos on the subject:
Putin reported to his masters of life - Crimea is now “ours” .
The dreams of the Zionists have come true - the Khazar Kaganate will be rebuilt again! On the money of the goyim and on the blood of the goyim (and on the ashes of the Russian-Ukrainian war, split and Cainism - approx. imperialcommiss
Here, several questions arise that need to be answered, the main of which are what was the actual position of the Kiev authorities regarding the secession of the Crimea and where the legs grow from quite a few deceitful stuffing that “New Khazaria” is supposedly the Kiev authorities.
It should be clearly understood that the Crimea was surrendered . After Yanukovychfled (this is a separate story), " Tymoshenko 's people" came to power . Turchynov is her right hand, the former director of the SBU (placed there only on the basis of personal devotion, the pastor never served in the bodies), Avakov is also a 100% creature of Tymoshenko, Yatsenyuk , who became close to Tymoshenko and began to “play” with her . You can also mention the ex acting. Ministry of Defense Tenyukha , who formally appointed the ball according to the "Freedom" quota, but also played under Tymoshenko. By the way, “Svoboda” for a long time regularly played along with Tymoshenko, becoming for BYuT something like what the “communists” were for the PR. For example, the freshly baked Prosecutor General Makhnitsky, appointed according to the “Freedom” quota, also acted in the interests of Tymoshenko, including such lawlessness as opening a criminal prosecution against those judges who considered the case of this inveterate swindler.
Tymoshenko is an absolutely immoral creature, ready to do everything for reasons of personal gain and ambition, ready to cooperate with anyone if it is beneficial for her, while ABSOLUTELY spitting on the interests of the country . Of course, a very talented and cunning person, she poses a great danger to the country, occupying any leading positions. It is very well written about it here: . Posted by Dmitry Vydrin, a man who at one time made her like a politician, forced her to read Dostoevsky and other books, a man who knows her nature very well.
Regarding her contacts with Chabad members, she had excellent relations both with the Ukrainian Chabad, being practically the spokeswoman for their interests in Ukrainian politics, and with Moscow . What is worth only the notorious gas agreement between it and “Putin” on conditions that are enslaving for Ukraine, when the country was obliged to buy more gas than it needed, while the money, of course, went to the Russian budget to a lesser extent.
By the way, Putin 6 times (!) asked Yanukovych to release Tymoshenko .
The decision to surrender Crimea to the Moscow Chabad under the “New Khazaria” was made at the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on March 1, where Tymoshenko was illegally present. However, what is the law, if there were practically only her people. Tymoshenko forced the National Security and Defense Council to surrender Crimea to Russia .
Putin agreed with Tymoshenko . The ex-premier is trying to get absolute power in Ukraine.
The sluggish reaction of the United States to the rejection of Crimea was due, among other things, to the lobbying actions of the American Chabad, which also has the idea of supporting the creation of a “brave new world” of “New Khazaria”.
It should be noted that the “gray eminence” of the elite behind the US Democratic Party, Zbigniew Brzezinski , said on February 24:
And in his article in the Wall Street Journal on April 29, 2014 6:53 pm ET noted:
“To reach this goal, “we would probably have to put aside the resolution of the Crimean situationfor the moment,” and over the longer run help Ukraine seek to reach “ a condominium on Crimea ”—some kind of joint control or ownership or oversight".
Those. he proposed in the future the creation of some kind of joint administration of Crimea by Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which means the introduction of a new administration. More on this later.
But Crimea was only part of the scenario for the “birth of Novokhazarossia” (in tune with “Nebuchadnezzar”, approx.). The second part of this Marlezon ballet was the rejection of several southern and eastern regions from Ukraine for subsequent unification with Crimea into a “full-fledged” New Khazar Russia.
Imitation of "uprisings" - these degenerate shows with the seizure of administrative buildings - was being prepared in several areas at once, but the level of readiness was different everywhere. The greatest readiness was in three regions - Donetsk, Kharkov and Luhansk. In Kharkiv, the scenario burst due to the refusal of Kernesplay Novokhazarossia.
Before proceeding to the description of the further “New Khazar genesis”, attention should be paid to one important aspect.
After the leak about the New Khazaria project occurred, mass dumps began on the Internet, designed to hide the customer and the organizer of the project , while at the same time completely distorting and distorting the essence of the project, exposing that supposedly “New Khazaria” is Ukraine, and this project is a project Ukrainian Chabad.
Over these few months, a bunch of different articles have appeared in which, on the one hand, the main message is that “Jews have come to power in Ukraine,” and other articles sculpt that the Ukrainian Chabad is building a “New Khazaria” in Ukraine.
If you pay attention to the nationality of key political figures - yes, most of them are Jews, it is not so difficult to read about it - Poroshenko has the surname Valtsman , Tymoshenko - Kapitelman , Turchinov is also a Jew, Kolomoisky - of course. But there is absolutely nothing new in the fact that these people are now in power. The same Tymoshenko was already the prime minister, Poroshenko was the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council and the head of the Foreign Ministry when Yushchenko was presidentand the Minister of Economy, when Yanukovych was president, Turchynov was the head of the SBU, and Kolomoisky, although he did not hold government posts (now he is the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region), these same governors ran to him one by one, being dependent on him. This, by the way, is more convenient when you do not have direct responsibility, which is implied by holding a public position, but when the persons who hold them depend on you and curry favor. Poroshenko generally had his own tame president - Yushchenko, whom he financed and who was under his influence.
This is all for what at all - in order to make it clear that there was no “seizure of power by the Jews” in Ukraine - they, as they were represented in power earlier, are still represented now, only the deck is shuffled a little. Under Yanukovych, the situation was not much different, except that the Ukrainian Chabad had less influence, of its representatives, only Tabachnik hung behind Yanukovych , who, by the way, coordinated his actions with the Moscow Chabad more often than with the Ukrainian one. And there were Jews in the government of Yanukovych, take at least the same Minister of Energy Eduard Stavitsky , who fled to Israel after the Maidan and who, during a search in his apartments, found kilograms of gold, dozens of watches worth several hundred thousand euros, dozens of certificates for the right to own plots of land in Germany and others. Those. there was no seizure of power, I repeat . And in the Russian Federation, in fact, who is in power then? Aven , Friedman ,Deripaska , Miller , etc. with their hired “national leader”.
This is one moment. The second is about the Ukrainian Chabad itself. Ukrainian Chabad, unlike their “Moscow colleagues” who rave about para-messianic and unfortunate mystical ideas and projects, unlike Ukrainian Chabad, is such a “parochial chaps” who want to live in clover, have geshefts, and not thinks about any new Khazars. These guys have always been close to the authorities in one way or another - sometimes more, sometimes less, they have a lot of different rabble in the service, like SBU generals, for example, the geek Kozhemyakin, the former head of the "K" department and others, they have a diverse business and they do not smile at all at risk of losing it all for the sake of dubious pseudo-mystical projects. Benya acted very competently - he began to “invest in patriotism”, overnight becoming not only a popular person and buying himself an “indulgence”, but also thanks to such a competent orientation he got the opportunity for new geshefts. True, he began to burrow already, but this is another conversation that has nothing to do with the topic under discussion.
Quote from Ryan Augustine on January 28, 2023, 19:27I re-read the article and one thing I learned which I did not know was that Chabad is anti-zionist.
With that information I have postualted a couple questions for anyone who can answer them:
Chabad basically represents Kabbalistic Judiasm correct?
And kabbalism is basically gnosis, ancient paganism and racial superiority all mixed up right?
And Talmudic Judaism is basically the pharasees hamstering out of the torah?
If so then is the goal of Chabad a complete break and annihilation of the Torah. Wheras the Talmud is at least still theoretically bound to Torah by way of rabbinical interpolation?
If this is the case then is the goal of Chabad the destruction of israel ergo the destruction of Torah/Talmudic Judaism (also Islam and Christianity so they think) so as to establish Kabbalism as the one world religion. New Kazaria is then Kabbalistic zionism?
If Chabad is trying to surplant Talmudic Judiasm then it would make sense for them to backdoor support "troothers" to spread anti-jewish narratives so long as they don't give up the game no?
I re-read the article and one thing I learned which I did not know was that Chabad is anti-zionist.
With that information I have postualted a couple questions for anyone who can answer them:
Chabad basically represents Kabbalistic Judiasm correct?
And kabbalism is basically gnosis, ancient paganism and racial superiority all mixed up right?
And Talmudic Judaism is basically the pharasees hamstering out of the torah?
If so then is the goal of Chabad a complete break and annihilation of the Torah. Wheras the Talmud is at least still theoretically bound to Torah by way of rabbinical interpolation?
If this is the case then is the goal of Chabad the destruction of israel ergo the destruction of Torah/Talmudic Judaism (also Islam and Christianity so they think) so as to establish Kabbalism as the one world religion. New Kazaria is then Kabbalistic zionism?
If Chabad is trying to surplant Talmudic Judiasm then it would make sense for them to backdoor support "troothers" to spread anti-jewish narratives so long as they don't give up the game no?
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on January 28, 2023, 22:57Quote from ryan on January 28, 2023, 19:27I re-read the article and one thing I learned which I did not know was that Chabad is anti-zionist.
With that information I have postualted a couple questions for anyone who can answer them:
Chabad basically represents Kabbalistic Judiasm correct?
And kabbalism is basically gnosis, ancient paganism and racial superiority all mixed up right?
And Talmudic Judaism is basically the pharasees hamstering out of the torah?
If so then is the goal of Chabad a complete break and annihilation of the Torah. Wheras the Talmud is at least still theoretically bound to Torah by way of rabbinical interpolation?
If this is the case then is the goal of Chabad the destruction of israel ergo the destruction of Torah/Talmudic Judaism (also Islam and Christianity so they think) so as to establish Kabbalism as the one world religion. New Kazaria is then Kabbalistic zionism?
If Chabad is trying to surplant Talmudic Judiasm then it would make sense for them to backdoor support "troothers" to spread anti-jewish narratives so long as they don't give up the game no?
Good questions, Ryan.
I would say that Chabad is Talmudic and Kabbalistic and that Zionism is something else altogether. I do see Western Jewry taking a fall, along with the state of Israel in the coming decades. Since Chassidics (Chabadniks) are more mystical, I suppose, than other branches of Judaism, it would seem that Kabbalah would become the supreme document under their world rule. I think the Talmud is more of a legal manual for their twisted beliefs.
Quote from ryan on January 28, 2023, 19:27I re-read the article and one thing I learned which I did not know was that Chabad is anti-zionist.
With that information I have postualted a couple questions for anyone who can answer them:
Chabad basically represents Kabbalistic Judiasm correct?
And kabbalism is basically gnosis, ancient paganism and racial superiority all mixed up right?
And Talmudic Judaism is basically the pharasees hamstering out of the torah?
If so then is the goal of Chabad a complete break and annihilation of the Torah. Wheras the Talmud is at least still theoretically bound to Torah by way of rabbinical interpolation?
If this is the case then is the goal of Chabad the destruction of israel ergo the destruction of Torah/Talmudic Judaism (also Islam and Christianity so they think) so as to establish Kabbalism as the one world religion. New Kazaria is then Kabbalistic zionism?
If Chabad is trying to surplant Talmudic Judiasm then it would make sense for them to backdoor support "troothers" to spread anti-jewish narratives so long as they don't give up the game no?
Good questions, Ryan.
I would say that Chabad is Talmudic and Kabbalistic and that Zionism is something else altogether. I do see Western Jewry taking a fall, along with the state of Israel in the coming decades. Since Chassidics (Chabadniks) are more mystical, I suppose, than other branches of Judaism, it would seem that Kabbalah would become the supreme document under their world rule. I think the Talmud is more of a legal manual for their twisted beliefs.
Quote from Ryan Augustine on January 28, 2023, 23:44Thanks for the reply Tim. I'll have to think about this for a bit.
Thanks for the reply Tim. I'll have to think about this for a bit.
Quote from QE on February 23, 2023, 18:03So if Zionism and Chabad are at odds, this would explain the US's resistance to having the sections of Ukraine removed to Russia/Chabad? Sort of an internecine conflict, if not outright polarity?
If there is meant to be a moshiac (anti-Christ) and Satan will attempt to mock/mirror (as St. John Damascene says, I believe) Christ's life, won't the moshiac need to come to Jerusalem? How can New Khazaria be 'Israel'? Or will they overthrow this Zionism (and by extension, the West), roll Russia/BRICS under the bus and establish themselves in both Israel and Crimea as the new world government?
Is Noahide compatible with Kabbalah? What do you mean by Kabbalah being 'supreme document'? Is it a document or ideology/spiritualism? Or both 🤷
So if Zionism and Chabad are at odds, this would explain the US's resistance to having the sections of Ukraine removed to Russia/Chabad? Sort of an internecine conflict, if not outright polarity?
If there is meant to be a moshiac (anti-Christ) and Satan will attempt to mock/mirror (as St. John Damascene says, I believe) Christ's life, won't the moshiac need to come to Jerusalem? How can New Khazaria be 'Israel'? Or will they overthrow this Zionism (and by extension, the West), roll Russia/BRICS under the bus and establish themselves in both Israel and Crimea as the new world government?
Is Noahide compatible with Kabbalah? What do you mean by Kabbalah being 'supreme document'? Is it a document or ideology/spiritualism? Or both 🤷
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on February 23, 2023, 23:03Quote from QE on February 23, 2023, 18:03So if Zionism and Chabad are at odds, this would explain the US's resistance to having the sections of Ukraine removed to Russia/Chabad? Sort of an internecine conflict, if not outright polarity?
I wouldn't say they are at odds, but I think that Zionism and Chabad can play off of each other in a dialectic. The dialectic is key to how they behave. They don't actually know what will happen, they just trust in the Satanic system of dialectics that "out of evil, good will come". It does seem that Western Jewry will be thrown under the bus to some degree, but we shall see.
If there is meant to be a moshiac (anti-Christ) and Satan will attempt to mock/mirror (as St. John Damascene says, I believe) Christ's life, won't the moshiac need to come to Jerusalem? How can New Khazaria be 'Israel'? Or will they overthrow this Zionism (and by extension, the West), roll Russia/BRICS under the bus and establish themselves in both Israel and Crimea as the new world government?
Could ver well be. Or, he comes out of Crimea but then goes to Jerusalem. It's all speculation at this point. My theory is that Zionism will be overthrown, at least superficially. This will create the perception of a liberation.
Is Noahide compatible with Kabbalah? What do you mean by Kabbalah being 'supreme document'? Is it a document or ideology/spiritualism? Or both
Yes, I believe Noahidism is compatible with the Kabbalah. it may even have derived from it. I think the Talmud is more of a law book; whereas, the Kabbalah is its philosophical arm.
Quote from QE on February 23, 2023, 18:03So if Zionism and Chabad are at odds, this would explain the US's resistance to having the sections of Ukraine removed to Russia/Chabad? Sort of an internecine conflict, if not outright polarity?
I wouldn't say they are at odds, but I think that Zionism and Chabad can play off of each other in a dialectic. The dialectic is key to how they behave. They don't actually know what will happen, they just trust in the Satanic system of dialectics that "out of evil, good will come". It does seem that Western Jewry will be thrown under the bus to some degree, but we shall see.
If there is meant to be a moshiac (anti-Christ) and Satan will attempt to mock/mirror (as St. John Damascene says, I believe) Christ's life, won't the moshiac need to come to Jerusalem? How can New Khazaria be 'Israel'? Or will they overthrow this Zionism (and by extension, the West), roll Russia/BRICS under the bus and establish themselves in both Israel and Crimea as the new world government?
Could ver well be. Or, he comes out of Crimea but then goes to Jerusalem. It's all speculation at this point. My theory is that Zionism will be overthrown, at least superficially. This will create the perception of a liberation.
Is Noahide compatible with Kabbalah? What do you mean by Kabbalah being 'supreme document'? Is it a document or ideology/spiritualism? Or both
Yes, I believe Noahidism is compatible with the Kabbalah. it may even have derived from it. I think the Talmud is more of a law book; whereas, the Kabbalah is its philosophical arm.