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The case against Hitler, and why Britain was right to stay in the war

Quote from Ryan Augustine on September 5, 2024, 22:39

The case against Hitler, and why Britain was right to stay in the war


Over and over again we are beset by propaganda displayed throughout the rightosphere that Hitler was a tragic hero and the most maligned figure in history. Hitler’s Nazi Germany fought the good fight against international Jewry and had only Britain had accepted Germany’s generous peace proposal in 1940 it been victorious would have ushered in a golden age of man whereby all the social ills of modern society would have been swept away in a volkish paradise.

Anti-Anglo sentiment has been fostered for a while in the right. The right which by its very nature should stand for tradition is being subverted into hating the very Anglo foundations of its civilization by subversive characters such as James Corbett an alleged English teacher in Japan, whose basement produced documentaries are as one sided as lopsided as a hatchet, and E Michael Jones whose hatred of the English knows no bounds, nor facts, and will doubtless one day argue the British tricked Satan into rebelling against God.


This historical nonsense is a fantasy concocted by those who wish to undermine our position and dangerous trap set by our enemies to ensnare us into political positions which will lead to our downfall. In fact The same crowd which is attempting to rewrite the historical account of Hitler into an anti-communist crusader is the same crowd which supports communist Russia’s invasion to, in Valdimir Putin’s words: “Denazify Ukraine.”  The level of greenspamming* against us is breathtaking to say the least. The truth is that if Nazi Germany were to have won WW2 it would have ushered in an era for the world which would have been worse than the post war reality of our timeline and we only have to look at the actions of Nazi Germany during its brief run to understand why.

First, NAZI Germany was a socialist state. The very name stands for Nation Socialist German Workers party. NAZI Germany was very much a command economy:

From the point of view of this study, the most important single change was the abolition of the traditional system of autonomous markets in which demand and supply meet, coordinating the economic activities of millions of individuals. In spite of the decline of competition and the growth of government intervention, no single agency regulated the economy in pre-Nazi Germany in terms of a specific, well-defined purpose. The Nazi government substituted conscious, over-all direction of the economy for the autonomy of the market mechanism and subordinated the economic system to a predetermined objective, the creation of a war machine. A vast network of organizations was erected to embrace individuals, corporations, manufacturers, farmers, dealers, small business and large business - in short, every factor of production, distribution, and consumption. By dominating this organizational structure through which orders could be issued to every businessman, and by insisting upon strict obedience from all, the government obtained complete control over the economy. Commodity prices, interest rates, and wages were not only fixed by the government, but they lost completely their traditional significance as regulators of economic activities. The government decided and ordered what and how much should be invested, produced, distributed, consumed, or stored. A system of "direct" controls was substituted for the mechanism of prices which regulates economic activities "indirectly" in traditional capitalism. No institution in the economy remained unaffected by the fundamental change that German Fascism brought about. (1)

The phrase “do you have your papers?” comes from NAZI Germany and it is because of how tightly controlled their society was. Furthermore the economic miracle which Hitler allegedly brought about should not be attributed to his Ideology of socialism, but to several financial factors: the program of hyperinflation which was enacted to pay the war debt from WW1, once the debt had been cancelled the economy could and did rebound. Germany’s Pre-Nazi industrial capacity Germany was amongst the most industrialized on earth before Hitler took over. The massive loans that Hitler took out during his reign.

To the Nazis, preparing for total war, the inherited banking mechanism was inadequate. Instead of leaving to interest rates and the deposit-generating decisions of the banking system the determination of the volume of funds available for short- and long-term use, the German government saw to it that the Central Bank and other credit institutions provided whatever funds were considered necessary. Instead of permitting the market mechanism to set interest rates, the government fixed them in terms of its politico military requirements. Instead of depending upon the mechanism of the market for the allocation of funds, the government used special devices to syphon accumulated funds into desired channels. (2)

Finally, the economy was bolstered by the sheer amount of loot the NAZI’s pillaged from their conquered territories. If NAZI Germany would have won the war the only positive economic factor of the four mentioned left would have been the industrialization of Germany, the loans would have to be repaid, inflation would make a comeback, and post war NAZI Europe would be stuck with a byzantine command economy. The Soviet Union during the 1950-70’s is close to what we would expect to see in terms economic output from a Post war Europe.


The second reason why a NAZI victory would be evil is Hitler’s racial theories and NAZI treatment of non-Germans. What pro-NAZI’s in the alt-right always fail to mention is that, except for Jews and Gypsies, all of Hitler’s victims were white. Not that in the grand scheme of morality it makes mistreating other races bad, but from a pro-white perspective Hitler was terrible. Aside from the 10’s of millions of white soldiers that died in his “brother wars” millions of civilians were killed as well. Pro-Nazi’s deny the Gas chambers of the Holocaust as if it makes putting millions of Jews and Whites into slave labor camps where they would die of overwork and malnutrition not a war crime. Either way it only lessens the degree of evil from the worst thing done on European soil to something which equals the Holodomor in scale. Furthermore, it was Hitler’s stated war goal that he wanted to expand German “Lebensraum” east into Ukraine, where were all the white non-Germans in those territories supposed to then live? German treatment of Eastern Europeans during the war was so bad that instead of gaining allies in Poland, which had been invaded by the Soviet Union, and Ukraine, which had suffered the Holodomor, these populations largely did not help and or actively resisted NAZI occupation. In fact Soviet Resistance to NAZI Germany was stiffened to a large degree because they correctly viewed the war as a struggle for survival. This was also the case in Western Europe where the NAZI’s alienated French, Dutch, Belgians, Danish, and Norwegian. Coupled with a NAZI socialist command economy which extracted resources from the countries the NAZI occupation fostered resistance and instead of contributing to the German war effort these countries drained resources.

Taken together, the economies of the Nazi-occupied countries were roughly twice the size of the German economy, but Berlin obtained less than 30% of its war expenditures from them. (3)

The Nazi’s mistreated everyone, not just the Soviets. Poland lost over 15 percent of its population, France hated it and formed the fourth largest army in Europe by the end of the war, even though they were not fully liberated until 8 months before the wars end. The NAZI’s also looted Europe stealing as much as they could for their own personal gain.

In 1939 Göring had acquired approximately two hundred objects; by 1945 he owned over two thousand individual pieces, including more than thirteen hundred paintings. From the beginning, confiscated property was the main source for Göring's collection. Approximately 50 percent of his collection consisted of works of art from enemies of the Reich. (4)

As true socialists the NAZI leadership sought to lord all the power and wealth of Europe for themselves, far from the volkish paradise these alt-right scammers are telling us. As a personal anecdote it has been told to me that a distant relative of mine was a Norwegian fox farmer who was executed when the NAZI’s went to loot his farm. This is how the NAZI’s treated fellow Aryans, and why it would be a very dark world if they had won the war.


Thirdly Hitler was not a good leader, he was a drug addict whose brain was rotting by the end of the war, some suspect he even had syphilis. An example of his poor leadership is that he declared war often without properly planning it. For instance when he declared war on Poland Germany only had 57 U-boats to contend with the fleets of Britain and France (5). Hitler depleted his Airforce by ordering the Battle of Britain even though the Luftwaffe was designed for close air support, not strategic bombing. When the bombing campaign which was focused on military targets actually was succeeding Hitler changed the order to civilian bombing because he felt the need to get even with Churchill, who had bombed a German city. This change in tactics allowed the Royal air force time to recover and win the Battle for Britain and opened the floodgates for allied bombing of German cities as the Allies reasoned the restriction had been broken by NAZI bombing of Rotterdam and London. Hitler went to war with the Soviet Union before knocking Britain out of the war, making the most historical German military error, which has plagued their country since time immemorial: fighting a two front war. When Hitler invaded Soviet Russia he only had a few months of supplies, yet still launched the operation against the advice of some of his senior staff saying “You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down!” A gross miscalculation if there ever was one.

Recent documentary evidence has shown that German military commanders were very aware that, if they failed to destroy the Red Army within the first six weeks of the operation, the Wehrmacht would be unable to ever defeat the industrial might and production capabilities of the USSR. A famous communist quote of the 1930’s states “Quantity has a quality all of its own”. Many logistics officers noted in the planning stages of Barbarossa that the supply lines would be simply stretched too far for a sustained military campaign. The poor quality of roads and rail tracks would mean that many of the armored spearhead units would quickly loose impetus once the five hundred mile mark had been reached. (6)

Once the operation had been launched Hitler made the supply situation worse by ordering commanders to perform sweeping maneuvers to Kiev instead of driving on Moscow which, although resulted in the capture of 500,000 soviet prisoners, depleted the armies supplies and cost the commanders valuable time resulting in both Leningrad and Moscow remaining in Soviet Hands for the duration of the war. When the Soviets began pushing the NAZI’s back on the eastern front Hitler refused to let his generals build defensive lines and withdraw to tactically sound positions. His refusal was an inability to come to terms with reality and was driven by his ego and his drug addiction. In fact, we can thank Hitler not Britain, for much of Eastern Europe becoming communist after the war, as had Hitler listened to his generals the eastern front would have held out longer. Hitler’s leadership can be characterized as an egomaniacal gambler who had stunning success, half of which was luck, invading France and then regressed to the mean whittling his disciplined war machine down believing he was only another roll of the dice away from reversing his fortune.


The fourth reason is that NAZI Germany should have lost the war was that Hitler, and the NAZI’s were occultists. The Swastika which the party adopted as their symbol is a pagan symbol. The NAZI hierarchy were obsessed with astrology:

Now committed to using astrology for propaganda purposes, Goebbels banned German civilians from making their own astrological predictions. He wanted to make sure, as always, that he controlled the message. He also drew a clear distinction between the “scientific astrology” that Hitler, Himmler, and other Nazis endorsed and the “propagandistic [but] not scientific” brochures his ministry would produce. Like many of his colleagues, Goebbels appeared to accept that “scientific” astrology was indeed possible, if not really necessary for spreading false predictions. (8)

If only the NAZI stopped at astrology we could dismiss them as having a religious philosophy akin to American women who do yoga, however their occultism was far deeper and more ridiculous hearkening as an Aryanization of Rudolf Steiner and Madam Blavatsky’s spiritualism:

The political group that would eventually become the Nazi party (the German Worker’s Party, or DAP) was founded in part by individuals from the Thule Society, an esoteric group dedicated to studying the mythological origins of the Aryan race. Several prominent Nazis were either members or active within the society, including Rudolph Hess, who would become the deputy further to Hitler; Alfred Rosenburg, head of the ministry that oversaw Nazi Germany’s occupied territories in Eastern Europe; and Dietrich Eckhart, who founded the DAP.

The Thule society’s primary focus was on the study of Ariosophy, referring to wisdom regarding the Aryans founded by occultists Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels. These individual’s beliefs would come to inform significant aspects of the Nazi state, such as von List’s belief in the power of magical runes. The most glaring example of this would be the twin “sig” runes that formed the SS insignia.

Von Liebenfels argued that that the Aryan people were intentionally bred via electricity by interstellar deities called Theozoa, while the other races were the result of interbreeding between humanity and ape-men. According to Liebenfels, gradual interbreeding had robbed the Aryans of their magical powers. Liebenfels would also circulate a magazine called Ostara based on these beliefs, whose readership included a young Adolf Hitler.

In addition to embracing these occult ideas, the Thule Society also believed that a proto-Aryan race lived on the island of Thule, a mythological northern island that is probably more familiar by its alternate names: Hyperborea or Atlantis.(9)

Further examples of NAZI occultism are that the NAZI’s created an SS division and assigned it the task to find witches:

The SS witch division was set up by Heinrich Himmler, and it searched across eastern Europe throughout the Second World War for evidence that witches referred to as "wise women" were persecuted through a Jewish-Catholic inquisition. In a bizarre claim the SS division alleged the witches had been of "pure German blood". (10)

In fact many of the NAZI occult beliefs mirror those found in the Kabbalah which says that the Jewish race is divine.

Historian Eric Kurlander wrote of the extent of Nazis fascination with the occult in the book: Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich. Mr. Kurlander said the Nazis believed they had racial superiority because of a doctrine called World Ice Theory. Hitler adopted this as the party's official cosmology. The sick and discredited worldview said the white "Aryan" man was created by divine sperm from aliens in space and he did not evolve like the rest of us. (10)

Other facts include the occult initiation of SS trainees who were sworn into the SS at midnight, NAZI experiments, and Himmler’s obsession with finding the medieval devil worship. In fact all we have to do is watch Hitler’s speeches were we see he becomes possessed. For those who wish to read more I suggest looking into this blogsite which is linked below (11)


With these four points made many on the Alt-right will say the evils of WW2 were all Britain’s fault because Britain declared war on Germany for invading Poland. Ignoring the fact that France also declared war on Germany for the same reason Britain was right to declare war. Before Poland France and Britain bent over backwards to accommodate Hiter, forgiving the Versailles debt, allowing Germany to annex Austria, the Sudetenland, and allowing the remilitarization of Germany. All these things allowed Germany to expand to a larger European country than it had been before WW1 and Hitler’s response was to break all the agreements he had made with both countries. Both powers drew a red line with Poland and guaranteed its independence hoping to curb German aggression. This strategy was devised from WW1 so they would not have to bear the brunt of the full might of Germany in a one front war. Even when war was started with Poland neither Britain or France engaged in hostilities, a disastrous mistake as both countries had the power to march into Germany as most German divisions were in Poland at the time and the border was ill prepared to withstand and offensive. Both countries did not want a repeat of WW1 and opted for a more defensive posture. In fact major combat against Britain and France was initiated by the Germans who swept into the Ardennes in 1940. This is history, but let us ask ourselves the pertinent question: what should Britain have done when Hitler invaded Poland? Should they have simply let a hyper militaristic country have all of central Europe for themselves hoping it would stop there? Fortunately, unlike Hitler, Britain actually kept its word.


Much to the chagrin of the Anglophobes Britain was absolutely right to keep fighting, even though after the fall of France she stood alone. From the British perspective a peace agreement with NAZI Germany was not worth the paper it was written on. Churchill correctly surmised that Britain must continue to resist or else Germany would be able to concentrate all of its forces against another one of its adversaries. British policy during this time was influenced by the decisions Britain had taken during the Napoleonic era where Napoleon held Europe, but Britain continued the struggle knowing that if they held out opportunities would arise in the future which would enable them to reverse the tide of the war. Furthermore Hitler had broken all his previous agreements with Britain in The Munich Accords, remilitarizing the Rhineland, and invading Poland. Hitler further showed his disregard for international treaties by invading neutral countries such as Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, and Greece. Hitler then broke his alliance with the Soviet Union by launching a surprise invasion therefore if Britain agreed to peace, even a generous peace, it would not be worth the paper it was written on. Did I mention that Germany also declared war on America? Make a decision America-firsters.


Now some pro-NAZI amateur historians will make a whataboutism argument that Britain did not also declare war on the Soviet Union when they invaded Poland and therefore Britain and the Soviet Union, ruled by communists, were really conspiring against Hitler. Aside from the obvious fact that it was Hitler and the Soviet Union who were conspiring against Poland we must look at this decision not to also go to war with the Soviet Union over Poland in its proper historical context. From the British perspective war with Germany and the Soviet Union over Poland was suicidal. It is widely said amongst Historians that The Entente would have lost WW1 without American involvement. Britain and France could not have faced both the Soviets and the Germans by themselves and they knew it. How exactly such a war would be won by Britain and France against Germany and the Soviets the pro-Nazi’s never say. History proves this point as France was knocked out of the war by the Germans alone. Furthermore Churchill correctly surmised that Hitler would attack the Soviet Union and therefore if there was any hope of an independent Poland it would have to come after a war with Germany.

“Churchill did his best to warn Soviet leaders of Hitler’s intention to attack. Stalin, however, was bent on appeasing Hitler. He saw Churchill’s warnings only as an attempt to provoke war between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia……Nonetheless, Maisky asked Churchill if, in a war with Germany, “the USSR would automatically become an ally of England.” The Soviet ambassador recorded: “Churchill reddened, his eyes became bloodshot, and he cried with fury in his voice: ‘To crush Germany I am prepared to enter into an alliance with anyone, even the devil!’” When Hitler did stab Stalin, Churchill honored his word to the Soviet ambassador and committed Britain to assist the Soviets. (7)

The sad fact of history is that without the Soviets it is highly doubtful that Germany would have been defeated after 1940. Britain and the US would have the near impossible task of conducting a naval invasion of Europe against the full might of the Wehrmacht. Not going to war with the Soviets over Poland was a pragmatic choice the British made, and the only one which held a chance for an independent Poland after the War.


All these facts are well documented which is why we must now evaluate those that heap praise on Hitler and scorn upon Britain. What exactly are they trying to accomplish? What is their objectives in falsifying history to such an extent, and why are so many of them pro-Russian a country which hates NAZI Germany more than Israel? To answer these questions we must examine them by two principles. The first is that when someone has been proven to be dishonest we must evaluate their actions by the perceived unintended consequences which their actions create which can now be viewed as perhaps being their real motive. The second which runs congruently is that we can know a cause by its effects.

By supporting NAZI-ism and Hitler worship as the solution to the malaise of Masonic-Bolshevikism these greenspammers undermine the foundations of our Christian and Anglo society. They do so by replacing: the free-market with socialism, European Christian society with racial purity and occultism, and law and order with might makes right and violence, along with the idiolization of a morally evil highly stigmatized man. Such replacement undermines the cause of restoring our glorious civilization by making us social outcasts and targets. In the minds of the masses everything the left now says about the right is true, and if you follow Hitler then by and large they will not be wrong. Thus the path for communist supremacy in the west is made all the easier by adopting NAZI philosophy which is why these pro-NAZI propogandists are the vilest and most treacherous of greenspammers. We should instead view WW2 as largely a struggle against competing socialist philosophies one of which we made the necessary evil to ally with in order to save some of Europe from being completely overrun by socialism. Of all our evils do any of them not have their origin and support in socialism afterall? Thankfully Britain understood this at the time and fought alone after the fall of France.

World War Two is a tragic event in history and it is this authors opinion that both World Wars were organized by Satan and his minion to destroy Christianity, yet we should be glad that Hitler did not win for his victory would have achieved our great enemies goal far more than his defeat did which allowed for half of Europe to exist as a free society for some time.


Greenspamming: i.e. to greenspam

  1. A deceptive form of subversion whereby the greenspammer presents an argument which strengthens the central thesis of his arguments target. E.g. The Jews are evil because they created Christianity as a deception against the Gentiles so that pagan society can be conquered by the Jews who holds the correct view of the Bible.
  2. To produce 3 hour videos of demogouerous tripe which make vapid emotion appeals and are of little substance.
  3. To be like Adam Green.



  1. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
  2. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

The case against Hitler, and why Britain was right to stay in the war


Over and over again we are beset by propaganda displayed throughout the rightosphere that Hitler was a tragic hero and the most maligned figure in history. Hitler’s Nazi Germany fought the good fight against international Jewry and had only Britain had accepted Germany’s generous peace proposal in 1940 it been victorious would have ushered in a golden age of man whereby all the social ills of modern society would have been swept away in a volkish paradise.

Anti-Anglo sentiment has been fostered for a while in the right. The right which by its very nature should stand for tradition is being subverted into hating the very Anglo foundations of its civilization by subversive characters such as James Corbett an alleged English teacher in Japan, whose basement produced documentaries are as one sided as lopsided as a hatchet, and E Michael Jones whose hatred of the English knows no bounds, nor facts, and will doubtless one day argue the British tricked Satan into rebelling against God.


This historical nonsense is a fantasy concocted by those who wish to undermine our position and dangerous trap set by our enemies to ensnare us into political positions which will lead to our downfall. In fact The same crowd which is attempting to rewrite the historical account of Hitler into an anti-communist crusader is the same crowd which supports communist Russia’s invasion to, in Valdimir Putin’s words: “Denazify Ukraine.”  The level of greenspamming* against us is breathtaking to say the least. The truth is that if Nazi Germany were to have won WW2 it would have ushered in an era for the world which would have been worse than the post war reality of our timeline and we only have to look at the actions of Nazi Germany during its brief run to understand why.

First, NAZI Germany was a socialist state. The very name stands for Nation Socialist German Workers party. NAZI Germany was very much a command economy:

From the point of view of this study, the most important single change was the abolition of the traditional system of autonomous markets in which demand and supply meet, coordinating the economic activities of millions of individuals. In spite of the decline of competition and the growth of government intervention, no single agency regulated the economy in pre-Nazi Germany in terms of a specific, well-defined purpose. The Nazi government substituted conscious, over-all direction of the economy for the autonomy of the market mechanism and subordinated the economic system to a predetermined objective, the creation of a war machine. A vast network of organizations was erected to embrace individuals, corporations, manufacturers, farmers, dealers, small business and large business - in short, every factor of production, distribution, and consumption. By dominating this organizational structure through which orders could be issued to every businessman, and by insisting upon strict obedience from all, the government obtained complete control over the economy. Commodity prices, interest rates, and wages were not only fixed by the government, but they lost completely their traditional significance as regulators of economic activities. The government decided and ordered what and how much should be invested, produced, distributed, consumed, or stored. A system of "direct" controls was substituted for the mechanism of prices which regulates economic activities "indirectly" in traditional capitalism. No institution in the economy remained unaffected by the fundamental change that German Fascism brought about. (1)

The phrase “do you have your papers?” comes from NAZI Germany and it is because of how tightly controlled their society was. Furthermore the economic miracle which Hitler allegedly brought about should not be attributed to his Ideology of socialism, but to several financial factors: the program of hyperinflation which was enacted to pay the war debt from WW1, once the debt had been cancelled the economy could and did rebound. Germany’s Pre-Nazi industrial capacity Germany was amongst the most industrialized on earth before Hitler took over. The massive loans that Hitler took out during his reign.

To the Nazis, preparing for total war, the inherited banking mechanism was inadequate. Instead of leaving to interest rates and the deposit-generating decisions of the banking system the determination of the volume of funds available for short- and long-term use, the German government saw to it that the Central Bank and other credit institutions provided whatever funds were considered necessary. Instead of permitting the market mechanism to set interest rates, the government fixed them in terms of its politico military requirements. Instead of depending upon the mechanism of the market for the allocation of funds, the government used special devices to syphon accumulated funds into desired channels. (2)

Finally, the economy was bolstered by the sheer amount of loot the NAZI’s pillaged from their conquered territories. If NAZI Germany would have won the war the only positive economic factor of the four mentioned left would have been the industrialization of Germany, the loans would have to be repaid, inflation would make a comeback, and post war NAZI Europe would be stuck with a byzantine command economy. The Soviet Union during the 1950-70’s is close to what we would expect to see in terms economic output from a Post war Europe.


The second reason why a NAZI victory would be evil is Hitler’s racial theories and NAZI treatment of non-Germans. What pro-NAZI’s in the alt-right always fail to mention is that, except for Jews and Gypsies, all of Hitler’s victims were white. Not that in the grand scheme of morality it makes mistreating other races bad, but from a pro-white perspective Hitler was terrible. Aside from the 10’s of millions of white soldiers that died in his “brother wars” millions of civilians were killed as well. Pro-Nazi’s deny the Gas chambers of the Holocaust as if it makes putting millions of Jews and Whites into slave labor camps where they would die of overwork and malnutrition not a war crime. Either way it only lessens the degree of evil from the worst thing done on European soil to something which equals the Holodomor in scale. Furthermore, it was Hitler’s stated war goal that he wanted to expand German “Lebensraum” east into Ukraine, where were all the white non-Germans in those territories supposed to then live? German treatment of Eastern Europeans during the war was so bad that instead of gaining allies in Poland, which had been invaded by the Soviet Union, and Ukraine, which had suffered the Holodomor, these populations largely did not help and or actively resisted NAZI occupation. In fact Soviet Resistance to NAZI Germany was stiffened to a large degree because they correctly viewed the war as a struggle for survival. This was also the case in Western Europe where the NAZI’s alienated French, Dutch, Belgians, Danish, and Norwegian. Coupled with a NAZI socialist command economy which extracted resources from the countries the NAZI occupation fostered resistance and instead of contributing to the German war effort these countries drained resources.

Taken together, the economies of the Nazi-occupied countries were roughly twice the size of the German economy, but Berlin obtained less than 30% of its war expenditures from them. (3)

The Nazi’s mistreated everyone, not just the Soviets. Poland lost over 15 percent of its population, France hated it and formed the fourth largest army in Europe by the end of the war, even though they were not fully liberated until 8 months before the wars end. The NAZI’s also looted Europe stealing as much as they could for their own personal gain.

In 1939 Göring had acquired approximately two hundred objects; by 1945 he owned over two thousand individual pieces, including more than thirteen hundred paintings. From the beginning, confiscated property was the main source for Göring's collection. Approximately 50 percent of his collection consisted of works of art from enemies of the Reich. (4)

As true socialists the NAZI leadership sought to lord all the power and wealth of Europe for themselves, far from the volkish paradise these alt-right scammers are telling us. As a personal anecdote it has been told to me that a distant relative of mine was a Norwegian fox farmer who was executed when the NAZI’s went to loot his farm. This is how the NAZI’s treated fellow Aryans, and why it would be a very dark world if they had won the war.


Thirdly Hitler was not a good leader, he was a drug addict whose brain was rotting by the end of the war, some suspect he even had syphilis. An example of his poor leadership is that he declared war often without properly planning it. For instance when he declared war on Poland Germany only had 57 U-boats to contend with the fleets of Britain and France (5). Hitler depleted his Airforce by ordering the Battle of Britain even though the Luftwaffe was designed for close air support, not strategic bombing. When the bombing campaign which was focused on military targets actually was succeeding Hitler changed the order to civilian bombing because he felt the need to get even with Churchill, who had bombed a German city. This change in tactics allowed the Royal air force time to recover and win the Battle for Britain and opened the floodgates for allied bombing of German cities as the Allies reasoned the restriction had been broken by NAZI bombing of Rotterdam and London. Hitler went to war with the Soviet Union before knocking Britain out of the war, making the most historical German military error, which has plagued their country since time immemorial: fighting a two front war. When Hitler invaded Soviet Russia he only had a few months of supplies, yet still launched the operation against the advice of some of his senior staff saying “You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down!” A gross miscalculation if there ever was one.

Recent documentary evidence has shown that German military commanders were very aware that, if they failed to destroy the Red Army within the first six weeks of the operation, the Wehrmacht would be unable to ever defeat the industrial might and production capabilities of the USSR. A famous communist quote of the 1930’s states “Quantity has a quality all of its own”. Many logistics officers noted in the planning stages of Barbarossa that the supply lines would be simply stretched too far for a sustained military campaign. The poor quality of roads and rail tracks would mean that many of the armored spearhead units would quickly loose impetus once the five hundred mile mark had been reached. (6)

Once the operation had been launched Hitler made the supply situation worse by ordering commanders to perform sweeping maneuvers to Kiev instead of driving on Moscow which, although resulted in the capture of 500,000 soviet prisoners, depleted the armies supplies and cost the commanders valuable time resulting in both Leningrad and Moscow remaining in Soviet Hands for the duration of the war. When the Soviets began pushing the NAZI’s back on the eastern front Hitler refused to let his generals build defensive lines and withdraw to tactically sound positions. His refusal was an inability to come to terms with reality and was driven by his ego and his drug addiction. In fact, we can thank Hitler not Britain, for much of Eastern Europe becoming communist after the war, as had Hitler listened to his generals the eastern front would have held out longer. Hitler’s leadership can be characterized as an egomaniacal gambler who had stunning success, half of which was luck, invading France and then regressed to the mean whittling his disciplined war machine down believing he was only another roll of the dice away from reversing his fortune.


The fourth reason is that NAZI Germany should have lost the war was that Hitler, and the NAZI’s were occultists. The Swastika which the party adopted as their symbol is a pagan symbol. The NAZI hierarchy were obsessed with astrology:

Now committed to using astrology for propaganda purposes, Goebbels banned German civilians from making their own astrological predictions. He wanted to make sure, as always, that he controlled the message. He also drew a clear distinction between the “scientific astrology” that Hitler, Himmler, and other Nazis endorsed and the “propagandistic [but] not scientific” brochures his ministry would produce. Like many of his colleagues, Goebbels appeared to accept that “scientific” astrology was indeed possible, if not really necessary for spreading false predictions. (8)

If only the NAZI stopped at astrology we could dismiss them as having a religious philosophy akin to American women who do yoga, however their occultism was far deeper and more ridiculous hearkening as an Aryanization of Rudolf Steiner and Madam Blavatsky’s spiritualism:

The political group that would eventually become the Nazi party (the German Worker’s Party, or DAP) was founded in part by individuals from the Thule Society, an esoteric group dedicated to studying the mythological origins of the Aryan race. Several prominent Nazis were either members or active within the society, including Rudolph Hess, who would become the deputy further to Hitler; Alfred Rosenburg, head of the ministry that oversaw Nazi Germany’s occupied territories in Eastern Europe; and Dietrich Eckhart, who founded the DAP.

The Thule society’s primary focus was on the study of Ariosophy, referring to wisdom regarding the Aryans founded by occultists Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels. These individual’s beliefs would come to inform significant aspects of the Nazi state, such as von List’s belief in the power of magical runes. The most glaring example of this would be the twin “sig” runes that formed the SS insignia.

Von Liebenfels argued that that the Aryan people were intentionally bred via electricity by interstellar deities called Theozoa, while the other races were the result of interbreeding between humanity and ape-men. According to Liebenfels, gradual interbreeding had robbed the Aryans of their magical powers. Liebenfels would also circulate a magazine called Ostara based on these beliefs, whose readership included a young Adolf Hitler.

In addition to embracing these occult ideas, the Thule Society also believed that a proto-Aryan race lived on the island of Thule, a mythological northern island that is probably more familiar by its alternate names: Hyperborea or Atlantis.(9)

Further examples of NAZI occultism are that the NAZI’s created an SS division and assigned it the task to find witches:

The SS witch division was set up by Heinrich Himmler, and it searched across eastern Europe throughout the Second World War for evidence that witches referred to as "wise women" were persecuted through a Jewish-Catholic inquisition. In a bizarre claim the SS division alleged the witches had been of "pure German blood". (10)

In fact many of the NAZI occult beliefs mirror those found in the Kabbalah which says that the Jewish race is divine.

Historian Eric Kurlander wrote of the extent of Nazis fascination with the occult in the book: Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich. Mr. Kurlander said the Nazis believed they had racial superiority because of a doctrine called World Ice Theory. Hitler adopted this as the party's official cosmology. The sick and discredited worldview said the white "Aryan" man was created by divine sperm from aliens in space and he did not evolve like the rest of us. (10)

Other facts include the occult initiation of SS trainees who were sworn into the SS at midnight, NAZI experiments, and Himmler’s obsession with finding the medieval devil worship. In fact all we have to do is watch Hitler’s speeches were we see he becomes possessed. For those who wish to read more I suggest looking into this blogsite which is linked below (11)


With these four points made many on the Alt-right will say the evils of WW2 were all Britain’s fault because Britain declared war on Germany for invading Poland. Ignoring the fact that France also declared war on Germany for the same reason Britain was right to declare war. Before Poland France and Britain bent over backwards to accommodate Hiter, forgiving the Versailles debt, allowing Germany to annex Austria, the Sudetenland, and allowing the remilitarization of Germany. All these things allowed Germany to expand to a larger European country than it had been before WW1 and Hitler’s response was to break all the agreements he had made with both countries. Both powers drew a red line with Poland and guaranteed its independence hoping to curb German aggression. This strategy was devised from WW1 so they would not have to bear the brunt of the full might of Germany in a one front war. Even when war was started with Poland neither Britain or France engaged in hostilities, a disastrous mistake as both countries had the power to march into Germany as most German divisions were in Poland at the time and the border was ill prepared to withstand and offensive. Both countries did not want a repeat of WW1 and opted for a more defensive posture. In fact major combat against Britain and France was initiated by the Germans who swept into the Ardennes in 1940. This is history, but let us ask ourselves the pertinent question: what should Britain have done when Hitler invaded Poland? Should they have simply let a hyper militaristic country have all of central Europe for themselves hoping it would stop there? Fortunately, unlike Hitler, Britain actually kept its word.


Much to the chagrin of the Anglophobes Britain was absolutely right to keep fighting, even though after the fall of France she stood alone. From the British perspective a peace agreement with NAZI Germany was not worth the paper it was written on. Churchill correctly surmised that Britain must continue to resist or else Germany would be able to concentrate all of its forces against another one of its adversaries. British policy during this time was influenced by the decisions Britain had taken during the Napoleonic era where Napoleon held Europe, but Britain continued the struggle knowing that if they held out opportunities would arise in the future which would enable them to reverse the tide of the war. Furthermore Hitler had broken all his previous agreements with Britain in The Munich Accords, remilitarizing the Rhineland, and invading Poland. Hitler further showed his disregard for international treaties by invading neutral countries such as Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, and Greece. Hitler then broke his alliance with the Soviet Union by launching a surprise invasion therefore if Britain agreed to peace, even a generous peace, it would not be worth the paper it was written on. Did I mention that Germany also declared war on America? Make a decision America-firsters.


Now some pro-NAZI amateur historians will make a whataboutism argument that Britain did not also declare war on the Soviet Union when they invaded Poland and therefore Britain and the Soviet Union, ruled by communists, were really conspiring against Hitler. Aside from the obvious fact that it was Hitler and the Soviet Union who were conspiring against Poland we must look at this decision not to also go to war with the Soviet Union over Poland in its proper historical context. From the British perspective war with Germany and the Soviet Union over Poland was suicidal. It is widely said amongst Historians that The Entente would have lost WW1 without American involvement. Britain and France could not have faced both the Soviets and the Germans by themselves and they knew it. How exactly such a war would be won by Britain and France against Germany and the Soviets the pro-Nazi’s never say. History proves this point as France was knocked out of the war by the Germans alone. Furthermore Churchill correctly surmised that Hitler would attack the Soviet Union and therefore if there was any hope of an independent Poland it would have to come after a war with Germany.

“Churchill did his best to warn Soviet leaders of Hitler’s intention to attack. Stalin, however, was bent on appeasing Hitler. He saw Churchill’s warnings only as an attempt to provoke war between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia……Nonetheless, Maisky asked Churchill if, in a war with Germany, “the USSR would automatically become an ally of England.” The Soviet ambassador recorded: “Churchill reddened, his eyes became bloodshot, and he cried with fury in his voice: ‘To crush Germany I am prepared to enter into an alliance with anyone, even the devil!’” When Hitler did stab Stalin, Churchill honored his word to the Soviet ambassador and committed Britain to assist the Soviets. (7)

The sad fact of history is that without the Soviets it is highly doubtful that Germany would have been defeated after 1940. Britain and the US would have the near impossible task of conducting a naval invasion of Europe against the full might of the Wehrmacht. Not going to war with the Soviets over Poland was a pragmatic choice the British made, and the only one which held a chance for an independent Poland after the War.


All these facts are well documented which is why we must now evaluate those that heap praise on Hitler and scorn upon Britain. What exactly are they trying to accomplish? What is their objectives in falsifying history to such an extent, and why are so many of them pro-Russian a country which hates NAZI Germany more than Israel? To answer these questions we must examine them by two principles. The first is that when someone has been proven to be dishonest we must evaluate their actions by the perceived unintended consequences which their actions create which can now be viewed as perhaps being their real motive. The second which runs congruently is that we can know a cause by its effects.

By supporting NAZI-ism and Hitler worship as the solution to the malaise of Masonic-Bolshevikism these greenspammers undermine the foundations of our Christian and Anglo society. They do so by replacing: the free-market with socialism, European Christian society with racial purity and occultism, and law and order with might makes right and violence, along with the idiolization of a morally evil highly stigmatized man. Such replacement undermines the cause of restoring our glorious civilization by making us social outcasts and targets. In the minds of the masses everything the left now says about the right is true, and if you follow Hitler then by and large they will not be wrong. Thus the path for communist supremacy in the west is made all the easier by adopting NAZI philosophy which is why these pro-NAZI propogandists are the vilest and most treacherous of greenspammers. We should instead view WW2 as largely a struggle against competing socialist philosophies one of which we made the necessary evil to ally with in order to save some of Europe from being completely overrun by socialism. Of all our evils do any of them not have their origin and support in socialism afterall? Thankfully Britain understood this at the time and fought alone after the fall of France.

World War Two is a tragic event in history and it is this authors opinion that both World Wars were organized by Satan and his minion to destroy Christianity, yet we should be glad that Hitler did not win for his victory would have achieved our great enemies goal far more than his defeat did which allowed for half of Europe to exist as a free society for some time.


Greenspamming: i.e. to greenspam

  1. A deceptive form of subversion whereby the greenspammer presents an argument which strengthens the central thesis of his arguments target. E.g. The Jews are evil because they created Christianity as a deception against the Gentiles so that pagan society can be conquered by the Jews who holds the correct view of the Bible.
  2. To produce 3 hour videos of demogouerous tripe which make vapid emotion appeals and are of little substance.
  3. To be like Adam Green.



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