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'Putin is not an Orthodox person, not a churchgoer': Russian oligarch Pugachev

Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on October 28, 2021, 08:33

Putin is not an Orthodox person, not a churchgoer

—Sergei Pugachev, formerly of Putin's inner circle.


Putin is not an Orthodox person, not a churchgoer

—Sergei Pugachev, formerly of Putin's inner circle.


Quote from Ryan Augustine on November 5, 2021, 22:35

Still waiting for [based tm] Putin to ban abortion….

Still waiting for any orthodox clergy to condemn comrad president for life Putin for not banning abortion.

Still waiting for [based tm] orthobros to condemn Putin for … you guessed it.

Still waiting for [based tm] Putin to ban abortion….

Still waiting for any orthodox clergy to condemn comrad president for life Putin for not banning abortion.

Still waiting for [based tm] orthobros to condemn Putin for … you guessed it.

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