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'Only Russia could have trained Hamas for this': Sumlenny

Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on October 8, 2023, 15:42

Oct. 7, 2023

As a result of a massive attack by Palestinian Hamas on Israeli cities, both soldiers and civilians become victims. The German expert points out that Russia may be behind the actions of the Palestinians and provides one important detail.

–  Russia is clearly behind this. “No other Hamas ally other than Russia has experience using bomb-dropping drones against battle tanks.”

wrote German expert on Eastern Europe Sergej Sumlenny on Twitter, attaching a recording to the entry.

Only Russia could have trained Hamas for this

he added.

It is worth mentioning that Sumlenny grew up in Russia and worked in Ukraine as director of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.


Oct. 7, 2023

As a result of a massive attack by Palestinian Hamas on Israeli cities, both soldiers and civilians become victims. The German expert points out that Russia may be behind the actions of the Palestinians and provides one important detail.

–  Russia is clearly behind this. “No other Hamas ally other than Russia has experience using bomb-dropping drones against battle tanks.”

wrote German expert on Eastern Europe Sergej Sumlenny on Twitter, attaching a recording to the entry.

Only Russia could have trained Hamas for this

he added.

It is worth mentioning that Sumlenny grew up in Russia and worked in Ukraine as director of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.

Post Reply: 'Only Russia could have trained Hamas for this': Sumlenny
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