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How Ireland's government attempts to hide mass migration: Fatima Gunning

How Ireland's government attempts to hide mass migration: Fatima Gunning

Gript journalist Fatima Gunning joins The Ezra Levant Show, where she explains how Ireland's government is not consulting locals before setting up facilities for asylum seekers in their communities.



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Ireland has been experiencing an influx of asylum seekers entering the country, with the number of migrants being housed in small communities or low-income areas leading to protests against the government's policies.

Rebel News boss Ezra Levant recently visited the country, getting a firsthand look at migrant centres set up in small communities like Dundrum, a village of around 200 people that will soon have a facility housing 280 migrants.

On Tuesday night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Levant was joined by Fatima Gunning, a journalist with independent Irish outlet Gript, which has been covering the asylum influx closely.

Speaking about a question posed to an Irish government minister by her Griptcolleague Ben Scallan, which touched on community consultation in setting up facilities for asylum seekers, Gunning told Levant how the government hides these decisions from local residents:

To the point of Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys, she's insisting [in her answer to Scallan's question] that Minister for Integration Roderic O'Gorman does communicate with locals when setting up these asylum seeker accommodation facilities. 

I have spoken, Ben has spoken, anyone at Gript has spoken to a lot of people in Wicklow, Tipperary — county after county after county after county — who say that they were not in fact consulted.

Usually, in a lot of cases what happens, and I think this was also the case in Coolock, also in a nearby area of Santry, is that contracts will go out for catering let's say, or some kind of works that they need to improve the facility. 

And through those contracts, word will slip out that 'oh, there's some movement going on here. Why are they suddenly renovating this derelict building?' and that's how people find out that there's an asylum seeker proposal.

It's not because the government are being transparent.