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Hitler & the Kabbalistic, Talmudic creation of WW2.

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Quote from joshf731 on March 9, 2023, 15:34

As Otto Khan, a Kuhn Loeb partner stated after WW1, the bankers "re-make the world by creating artificial conflicts and determining the outcome,” Anthony Sutton discovered, certain prime military targets in Germany were not bombed during WW2, because they were American corporate interests

Professor Anthony Sutton from 12m 30s 

Russian-Jewish website:

“With all due respect, you remind me of the German-Jewish bankers who in the 1930s, hoping to escape, supplied Hitler with money, and a few years later ended their lives in the crematorium ovens.” 

Hitler’s Bankers

33rd-degree Freemason Hjalmar Schacht was one of the founding fathers of BIS

text-page 50

As Otto Khan, a Kuhn Loeb partner stated after WW1, the bankers "re-make the world by creating artificial conflicts and determining the outcome,” Anthony Sutton discovered, certain prime military targets in Germany were not bombed during WW2, because they were American corporate interests

Professor Anthony Sutton from 12m 30s 

Russian-Jewish website:

“With all due respect, you remind me of the German-Jewish bankers who in the 1930s, hoping to escape, supplied Hitler with money, and a few years later ended their lives in the crematorium ovens.” 

Hitler’s Bankers

33rd-degree Freemason Hjalmar Schacht was one of the founding fathers of BIS

text-page 50

Quote from joshf731 on March 10, 2023, 16:26
Quote from joshf731 on February 10, 2023, 07:15
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 17:33
Quote from joshf731 on January 17, 2023, 13:52
Quote from joshf731 on January 6, 2023, 17:40
Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:11
Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 14:42

“Exhausted by the war, the British no longer felt strong enough to keep the peace in the Middle East. [...] The Arabs felt that they had lost everything - including more than half of Palestine.”

p. 74

“The SS collaborated with the Zionist underground paramilitary organization in Hagan Palestine, providing support for emigration and even smuggling arms for the Zionists”

“Stern's militants considered Great Britain the main enemy of the Zionists, as she tried to protect the civil rights of the Palestinians and made attempts to limit the immigration of Jews to Palestine”

“Pressure grew and Britain decided that she would have to relinquish the Palestine mandate.”

p. 7

Frederick Morgan's 1961 autobiography Peace and War, a Soldier's Life, in which he goes into detail of how the UNRRA was essentially a Zionist tool, how Jews from East Europe were smuggled into post-war Germany, mainly the US Zone, to 'Jews Only' Displaced Persons camps, and were then evacuated to Palestine:

As I have said in this long thread, the First World War allowed the Jews to bring Palestine under British control - to establish an important initial foothold. The Balfour Declaration gave an impetus for action, by giving the Jewish Agency for Palestine a semi-official status. But, the Jews then had to smash British Imperialism in order to take Palestine from Britain for themselves. They used Germany to help achieve this under the National Socialists whose armies began to form under the Jew-created Rapallo Treaty.

In fact, the Jews, Nazis, Fascists, the Jewish-installed crypto-Jewish agent Mufti & Soviets were all united in this goal.

Boris Brasol's important documentation here helps expose the Zionists' plan to destroy British imperialism

"The Jewish people will have Palestine only when British Imperialism is broken."

Read pp. 376 - 378 

Sir Frederick Morgan wrote in his 1961 book Peace and War: A Soldier's Life:

“I had been able to piece together a reasonably comprehensive picture of the way in which the UNRRA set up was being most skilfully used to promote what was nothing less than a Zionist campaign of aggression in Palestine. In defiance of the prohibition by the British Mandatory power, reluctant as ever to employ decisive means, the admirably organised Zionist command was employing any and every means of forcing immigration into the country irrespective of the hardship and sufferings of the immigrants, few of whom seemed to have spontaneous enthusiasm for the Zionist cause. The whole project evidently had Russian connivance, if not actual support, since its success would conduce to the elimination of British authority in a vital area of the Middle East.”

Peace and War: A Soldier's Life (1961) page 245

The Jewish Chronicle Supplement, October 1932, page iv:

“The Poale Zion have no special interest in British Imperialism [in Palestine], and stand to gain nothing from it. ...How little there is in the view that the Jews are consciously acting as its tools for enabling Britain to carry out Imperialist policies is seen in the fact that they are obliged to protest vigorously against an administration which is not only unfriendly, but also lacking in understanding and energy [towards the Mandate]."

Special tasks : the memoirs of an unwanted witness, a Soviet spymaster:

"I was ordered to send agents to Palestine through Romania in 1946. They were to set up an illegal network that might participate in combat and sabotage operations against the British"

page 293

Terror Out of Zion: The Violent and Deadly Shocktroops of Israeli Independence, 1929-1949:

“Even if there had been no holocaust, no refugees, no war against Hitler, the British tilt toward an accommodation with the Arabs alarmed and angered even practical Zionists.”

Page 130

“An unstated factor reinforcing the Zionist argument was the holocaust: the shadows of Dachau, Treblinka, and Auschwitz lay across the session [at the UN]. The Arabs seemed truculent and negative. They wanted an independent Arab Palestine—no partition, no cantons, no compromise with justice: the land was theirs. The United Nations had no right to give away what was Arab in history and population. The holocaust, biblical quotations, secret agreements, and specious historical arguments were irrelevant to the basic, obvious fact: Palestine had been Arab for many centuries”

Page 275

“In Palestine Ben-Gurion was growing increasingly more militant. On August 8, he felt the time had come to demand the liquidation of the British regime in Palestine without any delay. On August 17, he accused Britain of conducting a war on the Jews.

The Irgun had forced the British withdrawal.

Pages 301 & 302

“The United Nations delegates had to make a decision on Palestine in the world’s most Zionist city. With only the odd exception, New York’s huge Jewish population was deeply committed to Zionism. The combination of the holocaust and a decade of careful Zionist organization had created a massive, articulate, wealthy, and influential pressure bloc”

Page 305 

“Anti-Jewish and anti-British feeling is very strong and German propaganda has been quick to present the Russian action as being due to British influence.”

page 8…

Alt. pg. 292  

“The infection of Nazi-inspired anti-Jewish sentiment has spread to Palestine, where, during the bloody months of the Arab strike, it was reported in the press that foreign propaganda was arousing the strikers against the Jews and the British authorities.”

p. 819

1940: "Anti-British propaganda...gangsters recently returned from Syria"

> 2 decades earlier: (CONFIDENTIAL) A Review of Revolutionary Movements in Foreign Countries. No. 31, May 1921:

Jewish-controlled COMINTERN began helping Syrian-Jewish communists in Syria with funds & propaganda

Page 572 (pdf bar)


“Public interest in the future of Syria continues. Amongst the Arabs there is increased impatience, coupled with scepticism, regarding Allied intentions. Infiltration into Syria of Jews from Palestine, largely, if not extensively, organised by the (Jewish) Agency's satellite organisations, is on a considerable scale”

p. 636

Rabbi Abraham Shmulevich:

“There were successful actions of "urban guerrillas", for example, the struggle of the Jewish underground organizations ETZEL and LEHI against the British in Mandatory Palestine in the 30-40s.

The British left Palestine in the late 40s because they were weakened to the limit by the Second World War, they simply did not have the resources to maintain a huge colonial empire and, in particular, to resist the actions of Jewish partisans.”

3rd para 

Avigdor Eskin: "In the 30s. in Palestine itself occupied by the British, Jabotinsky's comrade-in-arms Aba Ahimeir, an intellectual and lover of Russian culture, had great authority. He led the hardest and most radical wing of white Jewish passionaries, advocating the expulsion of the British from the Holy Land."

para 10

Quote from joshf731 on February 10, 2023, 07:15
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 17:33
Quote from joshf731 on January 17, 2023, 13:52
Quote from joshf731 on January 6, 2023, 17:40
Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:11
Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 14:42

“Exhausted by the war, the British no longer felt strong enough to keep the peace in the Middle East. [...] The Arabs felt that they had lost everything - including more than half of Palestine.”

p. 74

“The SS collaborated with the Zionist underground paramilitary organization in Hagan Palestine, providing support for emigration and even smuggling arms for the Zionists”

“Stern's militants considered Great Britain the main enemy of the Zionists, as she tried to protect the civil rights of the Palestinians and made attempts to limit the immigration of Jews to Palestine”

“Pressure grew and Britain decided that she would have to relinquish the Palestine mandate.”

p. 7

Frederick Morgan's 1961 autobiography Peace and War, a Soldier's Life, in which he goes into detail of how the UNRRA was essentially a Zionist tool, how Jews from East Europe were smuggled into post-war Germany, mainly the US Zone, to 'Jews Only' Displaced Persons camps, and were then evacuated to Palestine:

As I have said in this long thread, the First World War allowed the Jews to bring Palestine under British control - to establish an important initial foothold. The Balfour Declaration gave an impetus for action, by giving the Jewish Agency for Palestine a semi-official status. But, the Jews then had to smash British Imperialism in order to take Palestine from Britain for themselves. They used Germany to help achieve this under the National Socialists whose armies began to form under the Jew-created Rapallo Treaty.

In fact, the Jews, Nazis, Fascists, the Jewish-installed crypto-Jewish agent Mufti & Soviets were all united in this goal.

Boris Brasol's important documentation here helps expose the Zionists' plan to destroy British imperialism

"The Jewish people will have Palestine only when British Imperialism is broken."

Read pp. 376 - 378 

Sir Frederick Morgan wrote in his 1961 book Peace and War: A Soldier's Life:

“I had been able to piece together a reasonably comprehensive picture of the way in which the UNRRA set up was being most skilfully used to promote what was nothing less than a Zionist campaign of aggression in Palestine. In defiance of the prohibition by the British Mandatory power, reluctant as ever to employ decisive means, the admirably organised Zionist command was employing any and every means of forcing immigration into the country irrespective of the hardship and sufferings of the immigrants, few of whom seemed to have spontaneous enthusiasm for the Zionist cause. The whole project evidently had Russian connivance, if not actual support, since its success would conduce to the elimination of British authority in a vital area of the Middle East.”

Peace and War: A Soldier's Life (1961) page 245

The Jewish Chronicle Supplement, October 1932, page iv:

“The Poale Zion have no special interest in British Imperialism [in Palestine], and stand to gain nothing from it. ...How little there is in the view that the Jews are consciously acting as its tools for enabling Britain to carry out Imperialist policies is seen in the fact that they are obliged to protest vigorously against an administration which is not only unfriendly, but also lacking in understanding and energy [towards the Mandate]."

Special tasks : the memoirs of an unwanted witness, a Soviet spymaster:

"I was ordered to send agents to Palestine through Romania in 1946. They were to set up an illegal network that might participate in combat and sabotage operations against the British"

page 293

Terror Out of Zion: The Violent and Deadly Shocktroops of Israeli Independence, 1929-1949:

“Even if there had been no holocaust, no refugees, no war against Hitler, the British tilt toward an accommodation with the Arabs alarmed and angered even practical Zionists.”

Page 130

“An unstated factor reinforcing the Zionist argument was the holocaust: the shadows of Dachau, Treblinka, and Auschwitz lay across the session [at the UN]. The Arabs seemed truculent and negative. They wanted an independent Arab Palestine—no partition, no cantons, no compromise with justice: the land was theirs. The United Nations had no right to give away what was Arab in history and population. The holocaust, biblical quotations, secret agreements, and specious historical arguments were irrelevant to the basic, obvious fact: Palestine had been Arab for many centuries”

Page 275

“In Palestine Ben-Gurion was growing increasingly more militant. On August 8, he felt the time had come to demand the liquidation of the British regime in Palestine without any delay. On August 17, he accused Britain of conducting a war on the Jews.

The Irgun had forced the British withdrawal.

Pages 301 & 302

“The United Nations delegates had to make a decision on Palestine in the world’s most Zionist city. With only the odd exception, New York’s huge Jewish population was deeply committed to Zionism. The combination of the holocaust and a decade of careful Zionist organization had created a massive, articulate, wealthy, and influential pressure bloc”

Page 305 

“Anti-Jewish and anti-British feeling is very strong and German propaganda has been quick to present the Russian action as being due to British influence.”

page 8…

Alt. pg. 292  

“The infection of Nazi-inspired anti-Jewish sentiment has spread to Palestine, where, during the bloody months of the Arab strike, it was reported in the press that foreign propaganda was arousing the strikers against the Jews and the British authorities.”

p. 819

1940: "Anti-British propaganda...gangsters recently returned from Syria"

> 2 decades earlier: (CONFIDENTIAL) A Review of Revolutionary Movements in Foreign Countries. No. 31, May 1921:

Jewish-controlled COMINTERN began helping Syrian-Jewish communists in Syria with funds & propaganda

Page 572 (pdf bar)


“Public interest in the future of Syria continues. Amongst the Arabs there is increased impatience, coupled with scepticism, regarding Allied intentions. Infiltration into Syria of Jews from Palestine, largely, if not extensively, organised by the (Jewish) Agency's satellite organisations, is on a considerable scale”

p. 636

Rabbi Abraham Shmulevich:

“There were successful actions of "urban guerrillas", for example, the struggle of the Jewish underground organizations ETZEL and LEHI against the British in Mandatory Palestine in the 30-40s.

The British left Palestine in the late 40s because they were weakened to the limit by the Second World War, they simply did not have the resources to maintain a huge colonial empire and, in particular, to resist the actions of Jewish partisans.”

3rd para 

Avigdor Eskin: "In the 30s. in Palestine itself occupied by the British, Jabotinsky's comrade-in-arms Aba Ahimeir, an intellectual and lover of Russian culture, had great authority. He led the hardest and most radical wing of white Jewish passionaries, advocating the expulsion of the British from the Holy Land."

para 10

Quote from joshf731 on March 14, 2023, 09:19
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 18:35
Quote from joshf731 on January 10, 2023, 09:49
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18

The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.

“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”

1st para

As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.

“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.

Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'

The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.

The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.

There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”

Paragraphs 2-6

Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.

Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.

Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.

Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?

The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?

Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):

“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]

“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”

25th para

  • This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)

“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Partners in Arms – How Years of Soviet-German Cooperation Set the Stage for World War II

“Germany soon became the U.S.S.R’s largest trading partner. German businesses – more than 250 of which negotiated contracts with the Red Army – were particularly prominent in weapons production, including the manufacture of artillery, tanks, poison gas and aircraft on Soviet soil. In exchange, the Germans gained a place to employ expert engineers and, in theory, develop munitions stockpiles in the event of a future war.

Given the early success of the economic partnership, the German military and Soviet state decided to expand cooperation in 1923. In that year, German pilots began arriving to train Soviet cadets at an airbase located near Lipetsk in south-central Russia. Two years later, the Red Army offered to lease the base to the Reichswehr in exchange for training assistance and access to German aircraft prototypes.

Lipetsk would be the first of four jointly operated military facilities on Soviet soil. A chemical weapons testing ground opened near Moscow the following year; a second, much larger, facility would replace it in 1927, located near Samara. That same year, the two sides began work on a joint armoured warfare training and testing ground near Kazan. These facilities would operate until 1933, when Hitler deemed them no longer necessary.

These 11 years of corporate and military cooperation would play a significant role in preparing Germany for future war. Less than a thousand Germans participated in the training work in the U.S.S.R., but, for context, the entire German officer corps numbered only 4,000. Those who did complete training in the Soviet Union would disproportionately reach senior ranks: more than 40 Luftwaffe or Wehrmacht generals visited, studied, trained, or taught in the U.S.S.R., including future marshals Heinz Guderian, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich von Manstein, Walter Model and Friedrich von Paulus. Given how few German officers had practical experience with tanks or aircraft in 1933, alumni of the Soviet facilities would play an outsized role in training the next generation of officers during the expansion of the German army and air force between 1933 and 1939.”

paras 10-13 

Manstein and Paulus were both responsible for the destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad and had previous military ties to the (Jewish-controlled) Soviet Union. HMMM…

WW2 was a pre-designed and controlled war.

Protocol 1: "Our power will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it."

Protocol 5:4: "We have no rivals in the drawing up of plans of political actions."

Protocol 9: "WE ONLY shall provide the GOYIM with a leader & direct them along the road that leads to our goal."


The Jews are stunningly purposeful and consistent from generation to generation. Their journey is from the Ghetto to the throne. 

From Celsius and the authors of the counter-gospels, through the Thirty Years' War, Cromwell, the French Revolution, and Napoleon, throughout the 19th and 20th century, all its revolutions and bloodbaths are marked only by the tombstones they have erected and behind which they have been able to hide with blindness so that even today one can hardly guess, that those great events in world history were precisely the indicators of the measure of the progress of Jewry towards the goals of world domination.

Pages 11-12 

Protocol 13: "We alone shall be offering them new directions for thought . . through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us."

Henry Ford

"The Jews told me how they started & controlled war." 

Perfectly to plan;

Douglas Reed

"In the same way it was only these three movements – Communism, Zionism, and World Government, that profited from the suffering and destruction of the Second World War. The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe."

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

The Cordova daily times, 29 July 1922, Page 6:


German scientist: “There is an undercurrent of suspicion in Germany today that RUSSIAN & GERMAN JEWS ARE PREPARING A NEW WORLD WAR [...] and that the seeds for this war were SOWN IN SECRET CLAUSES OF THE TREATY OF RAPALLO. [...] Many of the attempts to establish Soviets in Germany had been made by Jews. Everyone knew that many important government officials were being held by Jews, notable Scheidemann, Rathenau, Rosen, Mayer.”

“England’s efforts to give Germany another chance economically have been interpreted by the anti-Semites, according to the authority, as indicating that England is entirely under the dominion of Jews. They cite as example the confidential friend of Lloyd George, Sir Philip Sassoon, and Lord Reading, viceroy of India.” 

Foreign Policy Journal No, 37, Article “All Quiet on the Eastern Front”:

“Weimar Germany turned toward Moscow because of the West. The Treaty of Rapallo with its anti-Western nationalism contributed to the rise of Hitler AND his 1939 pact with Stalin.”

pp. 163-164

“Remarkably, the cooperation engendered by Rapallo endured through various treaty updates and regime changes, ending only with the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941.”

14th para

Insight at how dependent Nazi Germany was on the Soviet Union for their delivery of petroleum and metals for Germany's war effort on the Western Front in the early stages of WW2;

German officers at May Day parade in Moscow, USSR (1941)

What was the purpose of invading the USSR?

Jewish communist Lenin, in his Collected Works, wrote: 

"The World War (1914-1918) will see the establishment of Communism in Russia; a second world war will extend its control over Europe; and a third world war will be necessary to make it worldwide"

Page 243

Again, we can note here - Jewish planned/controlled wars. Nazi Generalplan Ost was a sham to justify Soviet 'liberation' in cover to impose communism on E. Europe. 

“One task: Germanization. Never have I heard a German express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword”

“There is only one task: Germanization through the introduction of Germans [to the area] and to treat the original inhabitants like Indians. … I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination.  I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.  What people think of me at present is all of no consequence.  Never have I heard a German who has bread to eat express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword.  We eat Canadian wheat and never think of the Indians.”

Just so happens that the Nazi Generalplan Ost was the land 'liberated' by the Jewish Soviets. Do you get it?

Soviet WW2 veteran, testified how Soviet weapons WERE SABOTAGED BY THE JEWS CONTROLLING RUSSIA, so they would lose first stages of Operation Barbarossa (GeneralPlan Ost). A few months later, KGB roughs him up.

Op. Barbarossa eventually fails and Hitler lets Soviet's win Operation Bagration, so as to impose communism on E. Europe in cover of 'liberation'.

“The commander of the German 9th Army, General Jordan could scarcely believe the order he had been given.”

Douglas Reed

"There exists a Communist-Zionist-Supercapitalist nexus. National Socialism was a stooge meant to further the aims of the Communist Empire & the Zionist ambition."

1st para

Henry Ford: "The Jews told me how they started & controlled war."

8th paragraph

Rabbi Waton 1939:

"The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. The communist soul is the soul of Judaism. The fascists believe they're struggling vs Judaism, but in fact they're struggling for Judaism."

sec 93

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Dec. 16, 1939,  Page 14:


At a time when neither Germany nor Russia was in a position to build up strong military forces independently, this agreement permitted them to do so by cooperating. Germany has been thoroughly disarmed by the Treaty of Versailles, and could not create her own territory even the nucleus for an offensive army. But the agreement with Russia permitted her to set up training centers on Soviet territory, where the FUTURE OFFICERS OF HITLER’S PRESENT ARMY were trained over a period of years. Without Russian assistance, Germany could not so quickly have become the decisive factor in European politics which she is to-day.

On the other side of the picture, the Russian Red Army owes much of its present strength to German assistance. German instructors gave it its shape, and German technical experts created most of its munitions factories in Russia. Without German help at a time when assistance was not forthcoming elsewhere, it is doubtful whether Russia would have been ready in time to ward off the Japanese threat to her possessions in the Far East, thus turning the Japanese armies southward into China


Many observers at that time believed the military agreement had already been broken off. They were mistaken. When Hitler came to power, he found that the German army still maintained training centers in Soviet Russia for military aviators and tank drivers and artillerymen. It was assumed that Hitler, the great anti-Bolshevik, would soon put an end to these Russian agreements.

Anglo-French statesmen waited expectantly for Hitler to abrogate these agreements. To their horror, he did not. Foreign embassies in Berlin reported that Hitler had decided not only to retain but even to expand the commercial and trade agreements with Russia. Later, secret agents in Russia reported that the German army training centers there were still functioning, adding to the skeleton structure of the present German offensive army. Apparently both Hitler and Stalin had agreed not to disturb the secret military deal.” 

More documents from the German Foreign Ministry, from 1933 AFTER Hitler became chancellor - You will notice how the Soviet Union seems to be dictating what policies Germany should have:

M. Litvinov saying: "Hitler had in his radio address dealt with the conditions in the Soviet Union itself and subjected them to vehement criticism. That meant that official personages had taken a position opposed to the Soviet Government itself"

"I vigorously countered M. Litinov's statements: The Reichs Chancellor in his radio address had expounded his views on the Bolshevik ideology in general and had occasionally referred to the Soviet Union for specific examples"

An admission that Hitler's talk against the Soviet Union is just rhetoric and he wasn't opposed to the Soviet Government?

"The Soviet Government had no desire to change its foreign policy and especially its relation to Germany. But it considered a GERMAN-FRENCH ALLIANCE AS CONTRARY TO ITS INTERESTS AND WOULD SEEK TO PREVENT IT"

And that's exactly how it played out. There was no German-French alliance because there couldn't be for the pre-designed & controlled upcoming war. A decision made in the interest of the Soviet Union.

The Jew Soviet Union wanted the ratification of the Jew-created Berlin Treaty, and again Germany complied.

"He then asked whether measures had been taken to SAFEGUARD THE BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF SOVIET INSTITUTIONS IN GERMANY. I replied in the AFFIRMATIVE"

Nazi Germany here is safeguarding the business operations of the Soviets in Germany, on top of the fact that most of the key positions that dealt with Nazi-Soviet relations, to begin with, were held by Jews-not including crypto-Jews. The geopolitical forward planning that paved the way for the Nazi-Soviet alliance was through the Jew-created Treaty of Rapallo (1923).

Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 18:35
Quote from joshf731 on January 10, 2023, 09:49
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18

The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.

“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”

1st para

As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.

“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.

Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'

The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.

The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.

There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”

Paragraphs 2-6

Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.

Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.

Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.

Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?

The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?

Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):

“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]

“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”

25th para

  • This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)

“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Partners in Arms – How Years of Soviet-German Cooperation Set the Stage for World War II

“Germany soon became the U.S.S.R’s largest trading partner. German businesses – more than 250 of which negotiated contracts with the Red Army – were particularly prominent in weapons production, including the manufacture of artillery, tanks, poison gas and aircraft on Soviet soil. In exchange, the Germans gained a place to employ expert engineers and, in theory, develop munitions stockpiles in the event of a future war.

Given the early success of the economic partnership, the German military and Soviet state decided to expand cooperation in 1923. In that year, German pilots began arriving to train Soviet cadets at an airbase located near Lipetsk in south-central Russia. Two years later, the Red Army offered to lease the base to the Reichswehr in exchange for training assistance and access to German aircraft prototypes.

Lipetsk would be the first of four jointly operated military facilities on Soviet soil. A chemical weapons testing ground opened near Moscow the following year; a second, much larger, facility would replace it in 1927, located near Samara. That same year, the two sides began work on a joint armoured warfare training and testing ground near Kazan. These facilities would operate until 1933, when Hitler deemed them no longer necessary.

These 11 years of corporate and military cooperation would play a significant role in preparing Germany for future war. Less than a thousand Germans participated in the training work in the U.S.S.R., but, for context, the entire German officer corps numbered only 4,000. Those who did complete training in the Soviet Union would disproportionately reach senior ranks: more than 40 Luftwaffe or Wehrmacht generals visited, studied, trained, or taught in the U.S.S.R., including future marshals Heinz Guderian, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich von Manstein, Walter Model and Friedrich von Paulus. Given how few German officers had practical experience with tanks or aircraft in 1933, alumni of the Soviet facilities would play an outsized role in training the next generation of officers during the expansion of the German army and air force between 1933 and 1939.”

paras 10-13 

Manstein and Paulus were both responsible for the destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad and had previous military ties to the (Jewish-controlled) Soviet Union. HMMM…

WW2 was a pre-designed and controlled war.

Protocol 1: "Our power will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it."

Protocol 5:4: "We have no rivals in the drawing up of plans of political actions."

Protocol 9: "WE ONLY shall provide the GOYIM with a leader & direct them along the road that leads to our goal."


The Jews are stunningly purposeful and consistent from generation to generation. Their journey is from the Ghetto to the throne. 

From Celsius and the authors of the counter-gospels, through the Thirty Years' War, Cromwell, the French Revolution, and Napoleon, throughout the 19th and 20th century, all its revolutions and bloodbaths are marked only by the tombstones they have erected and behind which they have been able to hide with blindness so that even today one can hardly guess, that those great events in world history were precisely the indicators of the measure of the progress of Jewry towards the goals of world domination.

Pages 11-12 

Protocol 13: "We alone shall be offering them new directions for thought . . through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us."

Henry Ford

"The Jews told me how they started & controlled war." 

Perfectly to plan;

Douglas Reed

"In the same way it was only these three movements – Communism, Zionism, and World Government, that profited from the suffering and destruction of the Second World War. The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe."

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

The Cordova daily times, 29 July 1922, Page 6:


German scientist: “There is an undercurrent of suspicion in Germany today that RUSSIAN & GERMAN JEWS ARE PREPARING A NEW WORLD WAR [...] and that the seeds for this war were SOWN IN SECRET CLAUSES OF THE TREATY OF RAPALLO. [...] Many of the attempts to establish Soviets in Germany had been made by Jews. Everyone knew that many important government officials were being held by Jews, notable Scheidemann, Rathenau, Rosen, Mayer.”

“England’s efforts to give Germany another chance economically have been interpreted by the anti-Semites, according to the authority, as indicating that England is entirely under the dominion of Jews. They cite as example the confidential friend of Lloyd George, Sir Philip Sassoon, and Lord Reading, viceroy of India.” 

Foreign Policy Journal No, 37, Article “All Quiet on the Eastern Front”:

“Weimar Germany turned toward Moscow because of the West. The Treaty of Rapallo with its anti-Western nationalism contributed to the rise of Hitler AND his 1939 pact with Stalin.”

pp. 163-164

“Remarkably, the cooperation engendered by Rapallo endured through various treaty updates and regime changes, ending only with the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941.”

14th para

Insight at how dependent Nazi Germany was on the Soviet Union for their delivery of petroleum and metals for Germany's war effort on the Western Front in the early stages of WW2;

German officers at May Day parade in Moscow, USSR (1941)

What was the purpose of invading the USSR?

Jewish communist Lenin, in his Collected Works, wrote: 

"The World War (1914-1918) will see the establishment of Communism in Russia; a second world war will extend its control over Europe; and a third world war will be necessary to make it worldwide"

Page 243

Again, we can note here - Jewish planned/controlled wars. Nazi Generalplan Ost was a sham to justify Soviet 'liberation' in cover to impose communism on E. Europe. 

“One task: Germanization. Never have I heard a German express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword”

“There is only one task: Germanization through the introduction of Germans [to the area] and to treat the original inhabitants like Indians. … I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination.  I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.  What people think of me at present is all of no consequence.  Never have I heard a German who has bread to eat express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword.  We eat Canadian wheat and never think of the Indians.”

Just so happens that the Nazi Generalplan Ost was the land 'liberated' by the Jewish Soviets. Do you get it?

Soviet WW2 veteran, testified how Soviet weapons WERE SABOTAGED BY THE JEWS CONTROLLING RUSSIA, so they would lose first stages of Operation Barbarossa (GeneralPlan Ost). A few months later, KGB roughs him up.

Op. Barbarossa eventually fails and Hitler lets Soviet's win Operation Bagration, so as to impose communism on E. Europe in cover of 'liberation'.

“The commander of the German 9th Army, General Jordan could scarcely believe the order he had been given.”

Douglas Reed

"There exists a Communist-Zionist-Supercapitalist nexus. National Socialism was a stooge meant to further the aims of the Communist Empire & the Zionist ambition."

1st para

Henry Ford: "The Jews told me how they started & controlled war."

8th paragraph

Rabbi Waton 1939:

"The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. The communist soul is the soul of Judaism. The fascists believe they're struggling vs Judaism, but in fact they're struggling for Judaism."

sec 93

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Dec. 16, 1939,  Page 14:


At a time when neither Germany nor Russia was in a position to build up strong military forces independently, this agreement permitted them to do so by cooperating. Germany has been thoroughly disarmed by the Treaty of Versailles, and could not create her own territory even the nucleus for an offensive army. But the agreement with Russia permitted her to set up training centers on Soviet territory, where the FUTURE OFFICERS OF HITLER’S PRESENT ARMY were trained over a period of years. Without Russian assistance, Germany could not so quickly have become the decisive factor in European politics which she is to-day.

On the other side of the picture, the Russian Red Army owes much of its present strength to German assistance. German instructors gave it its shape, and German technical experts created most of its munitions factories in Russia. Without German help at a time when assistance was not forthcoming elsewhere, it is doubtful whether Russia would have been ready in time to ward off the Japanese threat to her possessions in the Far East, thus turning the Japanese armies southward into China


Many observers at that time believed the military agreement had already been broken off. They were mistaken. When Hitler came to power, he found that the German army still maintained training centers in Soviet Russia for military aviators and tank drivers and artillerymen. It was assumed that Hitler, the great anti-Bolshevik, would soon put an end to these Russian agreements.

Anglo-French statesmen waited expectantly for Hitler to abrogate these agreements. To their horror, he did not. Foreign embassies in Berlin reported that Hitler had decided not only to retain but even to expand the commercial and trade agreements with Russia. Later, secret agents in Russia reported that the German army training centers there were still functioning, adding to the skeleton structure of the present German offensive army. Apparently both Hitler and Stalin had agreed not to disturb the secret military deal.” 

More documents from the German Foreign Ministry, from 1933 AFTER Hitler became chancellor - You will notice how the Soviet Union seems to be dictating what policies Germany should have:

M. Litvinov saying: "Hitler had in his radio address dealt with the conditions in the Soviet Union itself and subjected them to vehement criticism. That meant that official personages had taken a position opposed to the Soviet Government itself"

"I vigorously countered M. Litinov's statements: The Reichs Chancellor in his radio address had expounded his views on the Bolshevik ideology in general and had occasionally referred to the Soviet Union for specific examples"

An admission that Hitler's talk against the Soviet Union is just rhetoric and he wasn't opposed to the Soviet Government?

"The Soviet Government had no desire to change its foreign policy and especially its relation to Germany. But it considered a GERMAN-FRENCH ALLIANCE AS CONTRARY TO ITS INTERESTS AND WOULD SEEK TO PREVENT IT"

And that's exactly how it played out. There was no German-French alliance because there couldn't be for the pre-designed & controlled upcoming war. A decision made in the interest of the Soviet Union.

The Jew Soviet Union wanted the ratification of the Jew-created Berlin Treaty, and again Germany complied.

"He then asked whether measures had been taken to SAFEGUARD THE BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF SOVIET INSTITUTIONS IN GERMANY. I replied in the AFFIRMATIVE"

Nazi Germany here is safeguarding the business operations of the Soviets in Germany, on top of the fact that most of the key positions that dealt with Nazi-Soviet relations, to begin with, were held by Jews-not including crypto-Jews. The geopolitical forward planning that paved the way for the Nazi-Soviet alliance was through the Jew-created Treaty of Rapallo (1923).

Quote from joshf731 on March 14, 2023, 09:24

Adolf Hitler at Berghof standing behind two crypto-Jews Magda Goebbels and Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe (bottom left). Top from left: Lord Rothermere, Ward Price, Fritz Wiedemann, and Joseph Goebbels. January 1936.


Adolf Hitler at Berghof standing behind two crypto-Jews Magda Goebbels and Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe (bottom left). Top from left: Lord Rothermere, Ward Price, Fritz Wiedemann, and Joseph Goebbels. January 1936.


Quote from joshf731 on March 14, 2023, 09:54
Quote from joshf731 on February 9, 2023, 16:36
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 17:11

Information from the documents of the German Foreign Ministry.

Conversation between Ribbentrop and Mussolini that was recorded on March 10, 1940.

Look at the outrageous claims made by Ribbentrop - And being that this is coming from the Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany, this means this was the official belief of Nazi Germany.

He goes as far as to imply that Lazar is probably not even a Jew but a Georgian - Classic controlled opposition talking points. Ribbentrop was likely another Soviet plant and/or crypto.

Ribbentrop talking to the Italian Ambassador Attolico.

Ribbentrop notes that Mussolini had recommended an easing of the German-Russian relation and admits that both Mussolini and Hitler had always agreed on England and France being principal enemies of the Axis.

Also look at Ribbentrop, making excuses for the Soviet attack on Finland, putting the blame on England, and making it seem like Russia had no choice but to invade Finland.

Back to the Lazar point - For the foreign minister of a country that's supposedly run by a Jew-wise government with the intent of supposedly fighting international Jewry, this statement is HIGHLY SUSPECT.

A bit into Ribbentrop's background - not too deeply but enough to find a few interesting things:

He had worked for a bank in Canada, Molson's Bank. I haven't looked into this bank much but working for a bank before becoming a prominent politician for a prominent nation is always a red flag. 

But here is where it gets interesting:

When he returned to Germany, he married a woman by the name of Anna Elisabeth Henkell who was the daughter of the wealthy champagne producer Otto Henkell.

"From the beginning, Von Ribbentrop was heavy under influence of Annelies who both loved and dominated him and she wears the trousers. She was a very controlling woman and she made all the political decisions; it was she who urged her husband to join the National Socialist Party.

The Ribbentrop's hosted the secret Nazi meetings that led to Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933 and at one of these meetings, Hitler himself remarked on how Annelies wore the trousers in the relationship. Becoming a close confidant of the Fuhrer, much to the disgust of long-serving party members, Von Ribbentrop became the Ambassador to Britain in 1936 and then Foreign Minister in February in 1938 due to his strong contacts in Britain."

paras 2-3

A detailed account of Ribbentrop's career:

"Of all the bizarre individuals projected into high office by Hitler's revolution, none was more improbable than Joachim von Ribbentrop. A successful middle-class BUSINESSMAN WITH JEWISH FRIENDS, a romantic conservative who dreamt of restoring Germany's fallen monarchy and colonial empire, Ribbentrop joined the Nazis on the eve of their taking power. In spite of the hostility from both traditionalists and old-guard Nazis, he began the spectacular rise which led to his becoming Hitler's Foreign Minister in 1938, a post he held until the end of the Third Reich. Ribbentrop was universally regarded as foolish, incompetent, and intolerably arrogant. He owed his position largely to the fact that he was deeply in thrall to two people - an ambitious and dominating wife who pushed him forward; and the Fuhrer who saw him as a creature he might bend totally to his will. Though a yes-man, Ribbentrop nevertheless influenced his master's policy." (source)

“During the Weimar Republic, Joachim von Ribbentrop liked to count wealthy Jews among his partners and friends. The Nazi authorities also know that the Ribbentrops had many Jewish friends and acquaintances during the Weimar period.”

Subtitle & para 5

"During most of the Weimar Republic era, Ribbentrop was apolitical and displayed NO ANTI-SEMITIC PREJUDICE. A visitor to a party thrown by Ribbentrop in 1928 recorded that Ribbentrop had no political views beyond vague admiration for Gustav Stresemann (Crypto-Jew who also had a Jewish wife as seen on this forum).

Several Berlin Jewish businessmen who did business with Ribbentrop in the 1920s and knew him well later expressed astonishment at the vicious anti-Semitism Ribbentrop was to display in the Third Reich, saying that they did not see any indications that he had held such views when they had known him. As a wealthy partner in the Henckel-Trocken champagne firm. Ribbentrop did business with Jewish bankers, and organized the Impegroma Importing Company (''Import und Export grober Marken'') with Jewish financing."

The family of the Jewish entrepreneur Fritz Bendix was friends with the Ribbentrops. The photo shows Bendix and Annelies Ribbentrop with children in Westerland / Sylt (around 1926). Photo: © Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Schenkung von Evelyn Fielden.

This Henkell family was likely crypto-Jewish. And is it not suspicious that Ribbentrop despite the opposition from other NS members, his lack of experience in diplomacy, and how the common consensus of him was that he was an utter fool who enjoyed being dominated by his most likely Jewish wife, Hitler thought it was a great idea to appoint him as an ambassador to Britain and then Foreign Minister? Again, another strike towards Hitler.

REPORT BY SIR FREDERIC K LEITH-ROSS. Part I.—General Political and Economic Situation in Germany (September 28, 1934):

“The present Government represents a form of bolshevism in the sense that policy is directed by fanatically energetic but inexperienced and often ill-educated elements.”

pg. 577

⁨⁨The Sydney Jewish News⁩, 18 April 1941:

“It is the irony of fate that Jews themselves unintentionally helped their Nazi-Fascist foes attain power by befriending them in their early days of poverty and want.

...In the German Who’s Who his (Ribbentrop) early beginnings are glossed over, but the following are the true facts. ... Herr Hermann Sichel, the head of the Jewish wine firm Sichel and Co., not only engaged him as a salesman but also gave him the opportunity to learn the wine trade, and even helped him to start a wine importing firm of his own. Through Herr Sichel, Ribbentrop made the acquaintance of the prominent Jewish banking families, the Rothschilds, the Goldschmitts, the Gutmanns, and others. In 1927 Herbert Gutmann financed his wine-importing company, Impegroma, a majority of whose stock he still owns.

He was an especially welcome guest at the home of Mme. Rothschild. The social graces which he acquired in the Jewish salons of Berlin, Cologne and Frankfort made it possible for him to marry the daughter of Germany’s leading champagne magnate, and later to impress the then-socially crude Adolf Hitler.” 

B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩, 11 December 1936⁩:

“Wonder whether Hitler likes the non-Aryan company that his London ambassador, Von Ribbentrop, is keeping. . . . Ribbentop’s closest friend in England is the pro-Nazi Lord Londonderry, one of whose daughters is married to F.A.I. Munz, Jewish automobile magnate, while another is the wife of a son of the late Lord Jessel. . . .Another of Ribbentrop’s friends in England is Lord Mount Temple whose wife was the daughter of the celebrated Jewish banker, Sir Ernest Cassel. . . .Leslie Hore-Belisha, minister of transport in the British cabinet, acquired his peculiar name by blending the Hore of his step-father and the Belisha of his mother. . . .Hore-Belisha is the youngest member of the cabinet next to Malcolm MacDonald. . . .And with MacDonald he forms a bachelor minority among the King's ministers.

...Tid Bits

The eagle-eye of Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, Hebrew Union College professor of history, has unearthed documents showing the existence of a Jewish family by the name of Goering in the German town of Eisenstadt during the late 18th and 19th centuries. . . .An Israel Goering was among the Jewish community officials whose signatures appear on a document dealing with the honors due a Jewish community officer.” 

Quote from joshf731 on February 9, 2023, 16:36
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 17:11

Information from the documents of the German Foreign Ministry.

Conversation between Ribbentrop and Mussolini that was recorded on March 10, 1940.

Look at the outrageous claims made by Ribbentrop - And being that this is coming from the Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany, this means this was the official belief of Nazi Germany.

He goes as far as to imply that Lazar is probably not even a Jew but a Georgian - Classic controlled opposition talking points. Ribbentrop was likely another Soviet plant and/or crypto.

Ribbentrop talking to the Italian Ambassador Attolico.

Ribbentrop notes that Mussolini had recommended an easing of the German-Russian relation and admits that both Mussolini and Hitler had always agreed on England and France being principal enemies of the Axis.

Also look at Ribbentrop, making excuses for the Soviet attack on Finland, putting the blame on England, and making it seem like Russia had no choice but to invade Finland.

Back to the Lazar point - For the foreign minister of a country that's supposedly run by a Jew-wise government with the intent of supposedly fighting international Jewry, this statement is HIGHLY SUSPECT.

A bit into Ribbentrop's background - not too deeply but enough to find a few interesting things:

He had worked for a bank in Canada, Molson's Bank. I haven't looked into this bank much but working for a bank before becoming a prominent politician for a prominent nation is always a red flag. 

But here is where it gets interesting:

When he returned to Germany, he married a woman by the name of Anna Elisabeth Henkell who was the daughter of the wealthy champagne producer Otto Henkell.

"From the beginning, Von Ribbentrop was heavy under influence of Annelies who both loved and dominated him and she wears the trousers. She was a very controlling woman and she made all the political decisions; it was she who urged her husband to join the National Socialist Party.

The Ribbentrop's hosted the secret Nazi meetings that led to Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933 and at one of these meetings, Hitler himself remarked on how Annelies wore the trousers in the relationship. Becoming a close confidant of the Fuhrer, much to the disgust of long-serving party members, Von Ribbentrop became the Ambassador to Britain in 1936 and then Foreign Minister in February in 1938 due to his strong contacts in Britain."

paras 2-3

A detailed account of Ribbentrop's career:

"Of all the bizarre individuals projected into high office by Hitler's revolution, none was more improbable than Joachim von Ribbentrop. A successful middle-class BUSINESSMAN WITH JEWISH FRIENDS, a romantic conservative who dreamt of restoring Germany's fallen monarchy and colonial empire, Ribbentrop joined the Nazis on the eve of their taking power. In spite of the hostility from both traditionalists and old-guard Nazis, he began the spectacular rise which led to his becoming Hitler's Foreign Minister in 1938, a post he held until the end of the Third Reich. Ribbentrop was universally regarded as foolish, incompetent, and intolerably arrogant. He owed his position largely to the fact that he was deeply in thrall to two people - an ambitious and dominating wife who pushed him forward; and the Fuhrer who saw him as a creature he might bend totally to his will. Though a yes-man, Ribbentrop nevertheless influenced his master's policy." (source)

“During the Weimar Republic, Joachim von Ribbentrop liked to count wealthy Jews among his partners and friends. The Nazi authorities also know that the Ribbentrops had many Jewish friends and acquaintances during the Weimar period.”

Subtitle & para 5

"During most of the Weimar Republic era, Ribbentrop was apolitical and displayed NO ANTI-SEMITIC PREJUDICE. A visitor to a party thrown by Ribbentrop in 1928 recorded that Ribbentrop had no political views beyond vague admiration for Gustav Stresemann (Crypto-Jew who also had a Jewish wife as seen on this forum).

Several Berlin Jewish businessmen who did business with Ribbentrop in the 1920s and knew him well later expressed astonishment at the vicious anti-Semitism Ribbentrop was to display in the Third Reich, saying that they did not see any indications that he had held such views when they had known him. As a wealthy partner in the Henckel-Trocken champagne firm. Ribbentrop did business with Jewish bankers, and organized the Impegroma Importing Company (''Import und Export grober Marken'') with Jewish financing."

The family of the Jewish entrepreneur Fritz Bendix was friends with the Ribbentrops. The photo shows Bendix and Annelies Ribbentrop with children in Westerland / Sylt (around 1926). Photo: © Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Schenkung von Evelyn Fielden.

This Henkell family was likely crypto-Jewish. And is it not suspicious that Ribbentrop despite the opposition from other NS members, his lack of experience in diplomacy, and how the common consensus of him was that he was an utter fool who enjoyed being dominated by his most likely Jewish wife, Hitler thought it was a great idea to appoint him as an ambassador to Britain and then Foreign Minister? Again, another strike towards Hitler.

REPORT BY SIR FREDERIC K LEITH-ROSS. Part I.—General Political and Economic Situation in Germany (September 28, 1934):

“The present Government represents a form of bolshevism in the sense that policy is directed by fanatically energetic but inexperienced and often ill-educated elements.”

pg. 577

⁨⁨The Sydney Jewish News⁩, 18 April 1941:

“It is the irony of fate that Jews themselves unintentionally helped their Nazi-Fascist foes attain power by befriending them in their early days of poverty and want.

...In the German Who’s Who his (Ribbentrop) early beginnings are glossed over, but the following are the true facts. ... Herr Hermann Sichel, the head of the Jewish wine firm Sichel and Co., not only engaged him as a salesman but also gave him the opportunity to learn the wine trade, and even helped him to start a wine importing firm of his own. Through Herr Sichel, Ribbentrop made the acquaintance of the prominent Jewish banking families, the Rothschilds, the Goldschmitts, the Gutmanns, and others. In 1927 Herbert Gutmann financed his wine-importing company, Impegroma, a majority of whose stock he still owns.

He was an especially welcome guest at the home of Mme. Rothschild. The social graces which he acquired in the Jewish salons of Berlin, Cologne and Frankfort made it possible for him to marry the daughter of Germany’s leading champagne magnate, and later to impress the then-socially crude Adolf Hitler.” 

B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩, 11 December 1936⁩:

“Wonder whether Hitler likes the non-Aryan company that his London ambassador, Von Ribbentrop, is keeping. . . . Ribbentop’s closest friend in England is the pro-Nazi Lord Londonderry, one of whose daughters is married to F.A.I. Munz, Jewish automobile magnate, while another is the wife of a son of the late Lord Jessel. . . .Another of Ribbentrop’s friends in England is Lord Mount Temple whose wife was the daughter of the celebrated Jewish banker, Sir Ernest Cassel. . . .Leslie Hore-Belisha, minister of transport in the British cabinet, acquired his peculiar name by blending the Hore of his step-father and the Belisha of his mother. . . .Hore-Belisha is the youngest member of the cabinet next to Malcolm MacDonald. . . .And with MacDonald he forms a bachelor minority among the King's ministers.

...Tid Bits

The eagle-eye of Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, Hebrew Union College professor of history, has unearthed documents showing the existence of a Jewish family by the name of Goering in the German town of Eisenstadt during the late 18th and 19th centuries. . . .An Israel Goering was among the Jewish community officials whose signatures appear on a document dealing with the honors due a Jewish community officer.” 

Quote from joshf731 on March 14, 2023, 11:02

Hitler, Goebbels & Dönmeh Jew Ataturk:

Józef Piłsudski, the former Chief of State of Poland who Hitler seemed to have admired and respected:

“Jews [who were] born on the Polish soil, wherever they are, revere the greatest hero of the Polish Nation who made the dreams of generations of Poles come true, and who led the Polish Nation and all its sons towards the joy of Liberation and Independence." This is how Aleksander Hafftka described the affection of Polish Jews towards Józef Piłsudski in a letter of the Union of Jewish Participants of the Struggle for Polish Independence in early 1935, a few weeks before Marshall’s death.

There were a number of reasons why the majority of Polish Jews held a positive opinion on Piłsudski. Already as an activist of the Polish Socialist Party [PPS], the future Marshall openly opposed racial discrimination. In 1902, he wrote in the PPS magazine Walka [Struggle]: "Let us eradicate all the animosity towards people of different origin, religion or language." More importantly, he did practice what he preached.

There were Jews among Piłsudski’s friends and acquaintances. Hundreds of Jews joined his legions to fight for independent Poland. Piłsudski considered the pogroms and all sorts of antisemitic incitement manifested openly during the first years of Polish independence as a national disgrace.

Piłsudski rejected discrimination and antisemitism; he saw no reason why a Jew should not be a citizen of Poland with equal rights to ethnic Poles. One cannot say the same thing of the National Democrats who were carrying out an openly antisemitic campaign.”

paras 1, 3-4 & 6

Adolf Hitler attending the memorial service of the Polish First Marshall Jozef Pilsudski in Berlin, 1935 

Here is a document titled “Jews Policy In the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland 1919-1933 Leopold Halpern Warsaw 1933” which records the leaders of Zionism in Poland and the established Jewish community making “first official contact” with the government officials of the (then) reborn Polish state. It contains a letter to the Jews which Piłsudski SIGNED.


Zionist Jews supporting him:

More facts Piłsudski:

1. Seemed to share the same notion as Jewish revolutionaries, I.E opposing the Tsar and the monarchy in general, and favored 'democracy' or federalism.

2. His brother, Bronislaw, was involved in a plot to assassinate Alexander III. This article claims that Joseph had no clue about this aim. However this could be false as Bronislaw gave Joseph's address to one of the conspirators, and the latter helped the Russian comrade to procure some chemicals necessary for the attempt at murder. Are we to believe that Joseph didn't know about this?

3. Very much into Socialism and when he was punished by the Tsarist government after being deemed as an accomplice to the assassination attempt by being sent to Siberia, he had RE-READ 'Das Kapitel', and studied the writings of Engels. This is where he turned into a socialist.

4. He was part of the Polish Socialist Party for 20 years! And a quote from this article:

“That is why, soon after his return from Siberia, Pitsudski joined the Party and immediately plunged into the underground world of conspirational activity, secret meetings, clandestine printing presses, smuggling of weapons, pamphlets, and leaflets.

The stand taken by both Marx and Engels toward Russia and Poland could not go unnoticed by the young revolutionary. It bound him to the Socialist movement for a generation.”

Seemed like he was heavily inspired by Marx;

“In a memorandum to the First Congress of the International, Marx explained why the workers of Europe should occupy themselves with the Polish question:

'In the first instance, because middle-class writers and agitators conspire to suppress it, although they patronize all sorts of other nationalities, even Ireland. Whence this reticence? Because both aristocrats and bourgeois look upon the dark Asiatic power in the background as a last resource against the advancing tide of working class ascendancy. That power can effectively be put down only by the restoration of Poland upon a democratic basis. In the present changed state of Central Europe, and especially Germany, it is more than ever necessary to have a democratic Poland . . . The working class movement will continually be interrupted, checked, and retarded until the great European question is set at rest.’

As a matter of fact, initially both Marx and Engels, frightened by the specter of a "Cossack Europe", wanted to re-establish Poland as a powerful shield against the East, a Poland within her 1772 frontiers, i. e. much larger than Polish Socialists ever demanded and also more than most Poles regarded as achievable.”

He was in complete agreement with Marx and Engels in this regard:

“Pilsudski was here in complete agreement with the two great Socialist founding fathers and in discussions with the Russian comrades he insisted that these views should be respected.”

5. He wanted to unite all revolutionary groups together under the banner of socialism to fight against the Tsar.

6. Taking inspiration from other Jewish 'thinkers';

“He would apply to Tsarist Russia the image that Moritz Hartmann used to describe Austria of the first half of the nineteenth century: ‘a ship loaded with slaves, unhappy people who could only be freed after a shipwreck.’ Pilsudski would agree also with Alexander Herzen that neither an individual nor a nation can be free as long as they keep others in serfdom and captivity.”

7. Supporter of the 1905 Russian Revolution.

8. “Any sentiment or idea of racialism was alien to him. Although he disagreed with many ideas of the Jewish "Bund", including its nationality program, Pitsudski often expressed and manifested his sympathy for the Jews.”

9. Under his watch, he allowed Warsaw to recognize the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the same entity that would orchestrate the Holodomor a decade later.


Friedrich Nietzsche - crypto-Jew

On 11 July 1941 Hewel records Hitler explicitly saying: "Nietzsche... the actual philosopher of National Socialism".

Fragments of this can be found on Irving's own website. 

Jews helped make Nietzsche known and was called a rabbi by some of the founders of Zionism;

Nietzsche and Zion by Jacob Golomb:

“In modern Europe, Jews excelled at being the purveyors, explicators, and popularizers of the intellectual products of the countries in which they lived. This was especially true of Germany, so that Arnaldo Momigliano could joke that the Jews invented Goethe. Even today, no mastery of Kant, Hegel, Heine, Marx, or Heidegger is likely without taking into account works by Jews on these luminaries.

And Nietzsche? Suffice it to mention Georg Brandes (1842-1927), an eminent Danish literary critic who late in the 1880s lectured on Nietzsche in Copenhagen and was instrumental in spreading the latter’s fame. Though Nietzsche was aware of the fact that his promoter was a Jew, not many knew that Brandes was born with the name Morris Kohen. This is one of the intriguing facts one learns from Jacob Golomb’s intriguing Nietzsche and Zion. Similarly, one discovers that the young Martin Buber set about translating Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra into Polish and actually completed a rendering of part I; that some of the founders of Zionism referred to Nietzsche as their “rabbi”; that Micha Josef Berdichevski visited Nietzsche’s notorious sister Elizabeth Förster-Nietzsche; and much more.”

paras 1-2 

Nietzsche praising the Jews;

“Every Jew can find in the history of his own family and of his ancestors a long record of instances of the greatest coolness and perseverance amid difficulties and dreadful situations, an artful cunning in fighting with misfortune and hazard. And above all it is their bravery under the cloak of wretched submission, their heroic spernere se sperni that surpasses the virtues of all the saints.

And then where shall an outlet be found for this abundant wealth of great impressions accumulated during such an extended period and representing Jewish history for every Jewish family, this wealth of passions, virtues, resolutions, resignations, struggles, and conquests of all kinds—where can it find an outlet but in great intellectual men and works! On the day when the Jews will be able to exhibit to us as their own work such jewels and golden vessels as no European nation, with its shorter and less profound experience, can or could produce, when Israel shall have changed its eternal vengeance into​ an eternal benediction for Europe: then that seventh day will once more appear when old Jehovah may rejoice in Himself, in His creation, in His chosen people—and all, all of us, will rejoice with Him!”,+an+artful+cunning+in+fighting+with+misfortune+and+hazard.+And+above+a&pg=PT769&printsec=frontcover

A LETTER TO HIS SISTER (Christmas 1887)

“You have committed one of the greatest stupidities—for yourself and for me! Your association with an anti-Semitic chief expresses a foreignness to my whole way of life which fills me again and again with ire or melancholy. . . . It is a matter of honor with me to be absolutely clean and unequivocal in relation to anti-Semitism, namely, opposed to it, as I am in my writings.”

Article: Nietzsche and the Jews

"The most telling case of dismissal of anti-Semitism in Nietzsche’s private life is a brief correspondence (in 1887) with the editor of Der Hammer4 – Theodor Fritsch. Nietzsche ends the first letter with the following request:

Please publish a list of German scholars, artists, poets, writers, actors, and virtuosi of Jewish extraction! That will be a valuable contribution to the history (and criticism!) of German culture."

paras 14-15


“In this seminal book, David Ben Moshe goes beyond generalities to describe how the Jews have re-established a Jewish State in an area coveted by every major power throughout history.

Friedrich Nietzsche is as often misunderstood as the Jews. Ben Moshe highlights Nietzsches admiration for the Jews of the Bible, and looks into the remarkable similarity between many of Nietzsche's writings and Jewish sacred texts.”


"Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism Marxism & Nietzschism. To us Jews, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM."

Hitler, Goebbels & Dönmeh Jew Ataturk:

Józef Piłsudski, the former Chief of State of Poland who Hitler seemed to have admired and respected:

“Jews [who were] born on the Polish soil, wherever they are, revere the greatest hero of the Polish Nation who made the dreams of generations of Poles come true, and who led the Polish Nation and all its sons towards the joy of Liberation and Independence." This is how Aleksander Hafftka described the affection of Polish Jews towards Józef Piłsudski in a letter of the Union of Jewish Participants of the Struggle for Polish Independence in early 1935, a few weeks before Marshall’s death.

There were a number of reasons why the majority of Polish Jews held a positive opinion on Piłsudski. Already as an activist of the Polish Socialist Party [PPS], the future Marshall openly opposed racial discrimination. In 1902, he wrote in the PPS magazine Walka [Struggle]: "Let us eradicate all the animosity towards people of different origin, religion or language." More importantly, he did practice what he preached.

There were Jews among Piłsudski’s friends and acquaintances. Hundreds of Jews joined his legions to fight for independent Poland. Piłsudski considered the pogroms and all sorts of antisemitic incitement manifested openly during the first years of Polish independence as a national disgrace.

Piłsudski rejected discrimination and antisemitism; he saw no reason why a Jew should not be a citizen of Poland with equal rights to ethnic Poles. One cannot say the same thing of the National Democrats who were carrying out an openly antisemitic campaign.”

paras 1, 3-4 & 6

Adolf Hitler attending the memorial service of the Polish First Marshall Jozef Pilsudski in Berlin, 1935 

Here is a document titled “Jews Policy In the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland 1919-1933 Leopold Halpern Warsaw 1933” which records the leaders of Zionism in Poland and the established Jewish community making “first official contact” with the government officials of the (then) reborn Polish state. It contains a letter to the Jews which Piłsudski SIGNED.


Zionist Jews supporting him:

More facts Piłsudski:

1. Seemed to share the same notion as Jewish revolutionaries, I.E opposing the Tsar and the monarchy in general, and favored 'democracy' or federalism.

2. His brother, Bronislaw, was involved in a plot to assassinate Alexander III. This article claims that Joseph had no clue about this aim. However this could be false as Bronislaw gave Joseph's address to one of the conspirators, and the latter helped the Russian comrade to procure some chemicals necessary for the attempt at murder. Are we to believe that Joseph didn't know about this?

3. Very much into Socialism and when he was punished by the Tsarist government after being deemed as an accomplice to the assassination attempt by being sent to Siberia, he had RE-READ 'Das Kapitel', and studied the writings of Engels. This is where he turned into a socialist.

4. He was part of the Polish Socialist Party for 20 years! And a quote from this article:

“That is why, soon after his return from Siberia, Pitsudski joined the Party and immediately plunged into the underground world of conspirational activity, secret meetings, clandestine printing presses, smuggling of weapons, pamphlets, and leaflets.

The stand taken by both Marx and Engels toward Russia and Poland could not go unnoticed by the young revolutionary. It bound him to the Socialist movement for a generation.”

Seemed like he was heavily inspired by Marx;

“In a memorandum to the First Congress of the International, Marx explained why the workers of Europe should occupy themselves with the Polish question:

'In the first instance, because middle-class writers and agitators conspire to suppress it, although they patronize all sorts of other nationalities, even Ireland. Whence this reticence? Because both aristocrats and bourgeois look upon the dark Asiatic power in the background as a last resource against the advancing tide of working class ascendancy. That power can effectively be put down only by the restoration of Poland upon a democratic basis. In the present changed state of Central Europe, and especially Germany, it is more than ever necessary to have a democratic Poland . . . The working class movement will continually be interrupted, checked, and retarded until the great European question is set at rest.’

As a matter of fact, initially both Marx and Engels, frightened by the specter of a "Cossack Europe", wanted to re-establish Poland as a powerful shield against the East, a Poland within her 1772 frontiers, i. e. much larger than Polish Socialists ever demanded and also more than most Poles regarded as achievable.”

He was in complete agreement with Marx and Engels in this regard:

“Pilsudski was here in complete agreement with the two great Socialist founding fathers and in discussions with the Russian comrades he insisted that these views should be respected.”

5. He wanted to unite all revolutionary groups together under the banner of socialism to fight against the Tsar.

6. Taking inspiration from other Jewish 'thinkers';

“He would apply to Tsarist Russia the image that Moritz Hartmann used to describe Austria of the first half of the nineteenth century: ‘a ship loaded with slaves, unhappy people who could only be freed after a shipwreck.’ Pilsudski would agree also with Alexander Herzen that neither an individual nor a nation can be free as long as they keep others in serfdom and captivity.”

7. Supporter of the 1905 Russian Revolution.

8. “Any sentiment or idea of racialism was alien to him. Although he disagreed with many ideas of the Jewish "Bund", including its nationality program, Pitsudski often expressed and manifested his sympathy for the Jews.”

9. Under his watch, he allowed Warsaw to recognize the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the same entity that would orchestrate the Holodomor a decade later.


Friedrich Nietzsche - crypto-Jew

On 11 July 1941 Hewel records Hitler explicitly saying: "Nietzsche... the actual philosopher of National Socialism".

Fragments of this can be found on Irving's own website. 

Jews helped make Nietzsche known and was called a rabbi by some of the founders of Zionism;

Nietzsche and Zion by Jacob Golomb:

“In modern Europe, Jews excelled at being the purveyors, explicators, and popularizers of the intellectual products of the countries in which they lived. This was especially true of Germany, so that Arnaldo Momigliano could joke that the Jews invented Goethe. Even today, no mastery of Kant, Hegel, Heine, Marx, or Heidegger is likely without taking into account works by Jews on these luminaries.

And Nietzsche? Suffice it to mention Georg Brandes (1842-1927), an eminent Danish literary critic who late in the 1880s lectured on Nietzsche in Copenhagen and was instrumental in spreading the latter’s fame. Though Nietzsche was aware of the fact that his promoter was a Jew, not many knew that Brandes was born with the name Morris Kohen. This is one of the intriguing facts one learns from Jacob Golomb’s intriguing Nietzsche and Zion. Similarly, one discovers that the young Martin Buber set about translating Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra into Polish and actually completed a rendering of part I; that some of the founders of Zionism referred to Nietzsche as their “rabbi”; that Micha Josef Berdichevski visited Nietzsche’s notorious sister Elizabeth Förster-Nietzsche; and much more.”

paras 1-2 

Nietzsche praising the Jews;

“Every Jew can find in the history of his own family and of his ancestors a long record of instances of the greatest coolness and perseverance amid difficulties and dreadful situations, an artful cunning in fighting with misfortune and hazard. And above all it is their bravery under the cloak of wretched submission, their heroic spernere se sperni that surpasses the virtues of all the saints.

And then where shall an outlet be found for this abundant wealth of great impressions accumulated during such an extended period and representing Jewish history for every Jewish family, this wealth of passions, virtues, resolutions, resignations, struggles, and conquests of all kinds—where can it find an outlet but in great intellectual men and works! On the day when the Jews will be able to exhibit to us as their own work such jewels and golden vessels as no European nation, with its shorter and less profound experience, can or could produce, when Israel shall have changed its eternal vengeance into​ an eternal benediction for Europe: then that seventh day will once more appear when old Jehovah may rejoice in Himself, in His creation, in His chosen people—and all, all of us, will rejoice with Him!”,+an+artful+cunning+in+fighting+with+misfortune+and+hazard.+And+above+a&pg=PT769&printsec=frontcover

A LETTER TO HIS SISTER (Christmas 1887)

“You have committed one of the greatest stupidities—for yourself and for me! Your association with an anti-Semitic chief expresses a foreignness to my whole way of life which fills me again and again with ire or melancholy. . . . It is a matter of honor with me to be absolutely clean and unequivocal in relation to anti-Semitism, namely, opposed to it, as I am in my writings.”

Article: Nietzsche and the Jews

"The most telling case of dismissal of anti-Semitism in Nietzsche’s private life is a brief correspondence (in 1887) with the editor of Der Hammer4 – Theodor Fritsch. Nietzsche ends the first letter with the following request:

Please publish a list of German scholars, artists, poets, writers, actors, and virtuosi of Jewish extraction! That will be a valuable contribution to the history (and criticism!) of German culture."

paras 14-15


“In this seminal book, David Ben Moshe goes beyond generalities to describe how the Jews have re-established a Jewish State in an area coveted by every major power throughout history.

Friedrich Nietzsche is as often misunderstood as the Jews. Ben Moshe highlights Nietzsches admiration for the Jews of the Bible, and looks into the remarkable similarity between many of Nietzsche's writings and Jewish sacred texts.”


"Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism Marxism & Nietzschism. To us Jews, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM."

Quote from joshf731 on March 17, 2023, 13:51

Quote from earlier post:

U.C. Berkeley Professor Mel Gordon: “A surprising number of industrialist Jews supported the Nazis in the 20s”

(Quoted in The Jewish News of Northern California⁩, 22 March 1996⁩, p. 52)

Kost Name Meaning - Jewish (Ashkenazic)

“On June 20, 1925, Heinrich Kost married Martha Pattberg. His father-in-law, Heinrich Pattberg, was General Director of the Haniel mines in Rheinpreussen and Neumühl. Heinrich Kost took over this position in 1932”

4th para 

“The surname Patberg is surely of German or Dutch origin OF TOPONYMIC ORIGIN and most probably Jewish, because the ending BERG was used for someone who lived on or by a hill or mountain, from Middle High German, mostly used by people of Jewish origin.”

Another Jew supporting & likely financing Hitler:

"Hugenberg's main confidante, Reinhold Quaatz, had, despite being half-Jewish, pushed for Hugenberg to follow a more völkisch path and work with the Nazi Party, and after the collapse of the Schleicher talks, this was the path he followed."

2nd para's_rise_to_power 

“Reinhold Quaatz was a German conservative politician who was active during the Weimar Republic. Although associated with right-wing and völkisch tendencies, Quaatz was half-Jewish in ancestry.

Despite his mother being Jewish, Quaatz endorsed anti-Semitic policies as a DNVP politician and even encouraged Hugenburg to work closely with Adolf Hitler. Away from politics, he was an industrialist and financier and in early 1933, he was appointed to the board of the Dresdner Bank.[6] He was removed from that position in February 1936, as the Nazi laws barred the Mischling from such positions.

He had high-level contacts in Nazi Germany."

paras 1 & 4-6

Quote from earlier post:

U.C. Berkeley Professor Mel Gordon: “A surprising number of industrialist Jews supported the Nazis in the 20s”

(Quoted in The Jewish News of Northern California⁩, 22 March 1996⁩, p. 52)

Kost Name Meaning - Jewish (Ashkenazic)

“On June 20, 1925, Heinrich Kost married Martha Pattberg. His father-in-law, Heinrich Pattberg, was General Director of the Haniel mines in Rheinpreussen and Neumühl. Heinrich Kost took over this position in 1932”

4th para 

“The surname Patberg is surely of German or Dutch origin OF TOPONYMIC ORIGIN and most probably Jewish, because the ending BERG was used for someone who lived on or by a hill or mountain, from Middle High German, mostly used by people of Jewish origin.”

Another Jew supporting & likely financing Hitler:

"Hugenberg's main confidante, Reinhold Quaatz, had, despite being half-Jewish, pushed for Hugenberg to follow a more völkisch path and work with the Nazi Party, and after the collapse of the Schleicher talks, this was the path he followed."

2nd para's_rise_to_power 

“Reinhold Quaatz was a German conservative politician who was active during the Weimar Republic. Although associated with right-wing and völkisch tendencies, Quaatz was half-Jewish in ancestry.

Despite his mother being Jewish, Quaatz endorsed anti-Semitic policies as a DNVP politician and even encouraged Hugenburg to work closely with Adolf Hitler. Away from politics, he was an industrialist and financier and in early 1933, he was appointed to the board of the Dresdner Bank.[6] He was removed from that position in February 1936, as the Nazi laws barred the Mischling from such positions.

He had high-level contacts in Nazi Germany."

paras 1 & 4-6

Quote from joshf731 on March 21, 2023, 15:27
Quote from joshf731 on March 14, 2023, 09:19
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 18:35
Quote from joshf731 on January 10, 2023, 09:49
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18

The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.

“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”

1st para

As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.

“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.

Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'

The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.

The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.

There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”

Paragraphs 2-6

Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.

Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.

Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.

Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?

The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?

Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):

“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]

“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”

25th para

  • This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)

“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Partners in Arms – How Years of Soviet-German Cooperation Set the Stage for World War II

“Germany soon became the U.S.S.R’s largest trading partner. German businesses – more than 250 of which negotiated contracts with the Red Army – were particularly prominent in weapons production, including the manufacture of artillery, tanks, poison gas and aircraft on Soviet soil. In exchange, the Germans gained a place to employ expert engineers and, in theory, develop munitions stockpiles in the event of a future war.

Given the early success of the economic partnership, the German military and Soviet state decided to expand cooperation in 1923. In that year, German pilots began arriving to train Soviet cadets at an airbase located near Lipetsk in south-central Russia. Two years later, the Red Army offered to lease the base to the Reichswehr in exchange for training assistance and access to German aircraft prototypes.

Lipetsk would be the first of four jointly operated military facilities on Soviet soil. A chemical weapons testing ground opened near Moscow the following year; a second, much larger, facility would replace it in 1927, located near Samara. That same year, the two sides began work on a joint armoured warfare training and testing ground near Kazan. These facilities would operate until 1933, when Hitler deemed them no longer necessary.

These 11 years of corporate and military cooperation would play a significant role in preparing Germany for future war. Less than a thousand Germans participated in the training work in the U.S.S.R., but, for context, the entire German officer corps numbered only 4,000. Those who did complete training in the Soviet Union would disproportionately reach senior ranks: more than 40 Luftwaffe or Wehrmacht generals visited, studied, trained, or taught in the U.S.S.R., including future marshals Heinz Guderian, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich von Manstein, Walter Model and Friedrich von Paulus. Given how few German officers had practical experience with tanks or aircraft in 1933, alumni of the Soviet facilities would play an outsized role in training the next generation of officers during the expansion of the German army and air force between 1933 and 1939.”

paras 10-13 

Manstein and Paulus were both responsible for the destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad and had previous military ties to the (Jewish-controlled) Soviet Union. HMMM…

WW2 was a pre-designed and controlled war.

Protocol 1: "Our power will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it."

Protocol 5:4: "We have no rivals in the drawing up of plans of political actions."

Protocol 9: "WE ONLY shall provide the GOYIM with a leader & direct them along the road that leads to our goal."


The Jews are stunningly purposeful and consistent from generation to generation. Their journey is from the Ghetto to the throne. 

From Celsius and the authors of the counter-gospels, through the Thirty Years' War, Cromwell, the French Revolution, and Napoleon, throughout the 19th and 20th century, all its revolutions and bloodbaths are marked only by the tombstones they have erected and behind which they have been able to hide with blindness so that even today one can hardly guess, that those great events in world history were precisely the indicators of the measure of the progress of Jewry towards the goals of world domination.

Pages 11-12 

Protocol 13: "We alone shall be offering them new directions for thought . . through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us."

Henry Ford

"The Jews told me how they started & controlled war." 

Perfectly to plan;

Douglas Reed

"In the same way it was only these three movements – Communism, Zionism, and World Government, that profited from the suffering and destruction of the Second World War. The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe."

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

The Cordova daily times, 29 July 1922, Page 6:


German scientist: “There is an undercurrent of suspicion in Germany today that RUSSIAN & GERMAN JEWS ARE PREPARING A NEW WORLD WAR [...] and that the seeds for this war were SOWN IN SECRET CLAUSES OF THE TREATY OF RAPALLO. [...] Many of the attempts to establish Soviets in Germany had been made by Jews. Everyone knew that many important government officials were being held by Jews, notable Scheidemann, Rathenau, Rosen, Mayer.”

“England’s efforts to give Germany another chance economically have been interpreted by the anti-Semites, according to the authority, as indicating that England is entirely under the dominion of Jews. They cite as example the confidential friend of Lloyd George, Sir Philip Sassoon, and Lord Reading, viceroy of India.” 

Foreign Policy Journal No, 37, Article “All Quiet on the Eastern Front”:

“Weimar Germany turned toward Moscow because of the West. The Treaty of Rapallo with its anti-Western nationalism contributed to the rise of Hitler AND his 1939 pact with Stalin.”

pp. 163-164

“Remarkably, the cooperation engendered by Rapallo endured through various treaty updates and regime changes, ending only with the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941.”

14th para

Insight at how dependent Nazi Germany was on the Soviet Union for their delivery of petroleum and metals for Germany's war effort on the Western Front in the early stages of WW2;

German officers at May Day parade in Moscow, USSR (1941)

What was the purpose of invading the USSR?

Jewish communist Lenin, in his Collected Works, wrote: 

"The World War (1914-1918) will see the establishment of Communism in Russia; a second world war will extend its control over Europe; and a third world war will be necessary to make it worldwide"

Page 243

Again, we can note here - Jewish planned/controlled wars. Nazi Generalplan Ost was a sham to justify Soviet 'liberation' in cover to impose communism on E. Europe. 

“One task: Germanization. Never have I heard a German express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword”

“There is only one task: Germanization through the introduction of Germans [to the area] and to treat the original inhabitants like Indians. … I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination.  I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.  What people think of me at present is all of no consequence.  Never have I heard a German who has bread to eat express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword.  We eat Canadian wheat and never think of the Indians.”

Just so happens that the Nazi Generalplan Ost was the land 'liberated' by the Jewish Soviets. Do you get it?

Soviet WW2 veteran, testified how Soviet weapons WERE SABOTAGED BY THE JEWS CONTROLLING RUSSIA, so they would lose first stages of Operation Barbarossa (GeneralPlan Ost). A few months later, KGB roughs him up.

Op. Barbarossa eventually fails and Hitler lets Soviet's win Operation Bagration, so as to impose communism on E. Europe in cover of 'liberation'.

“The commander of the German 9th Army, General Jordan could scarcely believe the order he had been given.”

Douglas Reed

"There exists a Communist-Zionist-Supercapitalist nexus. National Socialism was a stooge meant to further the aims of the Communist Empire & the Zionist ambition."

1st para

Henry Ford: "The Jews told me how they started & controlled war."

8th paragraph

Rabbi Waton 1939:

"The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. The communist soul is the soul of Judaism. The fascists believe they're struggling vs Judaism, but in fact they're struggling for Judaism."

sec 93

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Dec. 16, 1939,  Page 14:


At a time when neither Germany nor Russia was in a position to build up strong military forces independently, this agreement permitted them to do so by cooperating. Germany has been thoroughly disarmed by the Treaty of Versailles, and could not create her own territory even the nucleus for an offensive army. But the agreement with Russia permitted her to set up training centers on Soviet territory, where the FUTURE OFFICERS OF HITLER’S PRESENT ARMY were trained over a period of years. Without Russian assistance, Germany could not so quickly have become the decisive factor in European politics which she is to-day.

On the other side of the picture, the Russian Red Army owes much of its present strength to German assistance. German instructors gave it its shape, and German technical experts created most of its munitions factories in Russia. Without German help at a time when assistance was not forthcoming elsewhere, it is doubtful whether Russia would have been ready in time to ward off the Japanese threat to her possessions in the Far East, thus turning the Japanese armies southward into China


Many observers at that time believed the military agreement had already been broken off. They were mistaken. When Hitler came to power, he found that the German army still maintained training centers in Soviet Russia for military aviators and tank drivers and artillerymen. It was assumed that Hitler, the great anti-Bolshevik, would soon put an end to these Russian agreements.

Anglo-French statesmen waited expectantly for Hitler to abrogate these agreements. To their horror, he did not. Foreign embassies in Berlin reported that Hitler had decided not only to retain but even to expand the commercial and trade agreements with Russia. Later, secret agents in Russia reported that the German army training centers there were still functioning, adding to the skeleton structure of the present German offensive army. Apparently both Hitler and Stalin had agreed not to disturb the secret military deal.” 

More documents from the German Foreign Ministry, from 1933 AFTER Hitler became chancellor - You will notice how the Soviet Union seems to be dictating what policies Germany should have:

M. Litvinov saying: "Hitler had in his radio address dealt with the conditions in the Soviet Union itself and subjected them to vehement criticism. That meant that official personages had taken a position opposed to the Soviet Government itself"

"I vigorously countered M. Litinov's statements: The Reichs Chancellor in his radio address had expounded his views on the Bolshevik ideology in general and had occasionally referred to the Soviet Union for specific examples"

An admission that Hitler's talk against the Soviet Union is just rhetoric and he wasn't opposed to the Soviet Government?

"The Soviet Government had no desire to change its foreign policy and especially its relation to Germany. But it considered a GERMAN-FRENCH ALLIANCE AS CONTRARY TO ITS INTERESTS AND WOULD SEEK TO PREVENT IT"

And that's exactly how it played out. There was no German-French alliance because there couldn't be for the pre-designed & controlled upcoming war. A decision made in the interest of the Soviet Union.

The Jew Soviet Union wanted the ratification of the Jew-created Berlin Treaty, and again Germany complied.

"He then asked whether measures had been taken to SAFEGUARD THE BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF SOVIET INSTITUTIONS IN GERMANY. I replied in the AFFIRMATIVE"

Nazi Germany here is safeguarding the business operations of the Soviets in Germany, on top of the fact that most of the key positions that dealt with Nazi-Soviet relations, to begin with, were held by Jews-not including crypto-Jews. The geopolitical forward planning paved the way for the Nazi-Soviet alliance was through the Jew created Treaty of Rapallo (1923).

More on the Rapallo Treaty - WW2 forward planning

Ogdensburg journal., July 14, 1963, Page 12:

“In 1922, “realistic” German politicians and businessmen signed at Rapallo a secret economic and military treaty with Soviet Russia’s emissaries under the very noses of the victorious Western allies.

Rapallo prepared the ground for Hitler’s war almost two decades later.” 

M. Lucien Bourguès wrote in the newspaper/journal PETIT PARISIEN (1939): “In response to the strong and numerous criticisms that manifested themselves in Germany, and even in the ranks of the loyal supporters of the Nazi Party, against the policy of friendship with the Soviets, the Chancellor would have provided some embarrassed explanations highlighting that his opposition to communism was stronger than ever and that his current policy was only of a temporary nature dictated by immediate necessities.”


The special correspondent of the JOURNAL in Zurich writes again:

“'Some information suggests that the intimacy of Nazi-Bolshevik relations will become more and more accentuated and that it is to be expected that the two powers of prey will sign an alliance in good and due shape. Talks are currently taking place for this purpose in Moscow, where a Nazi military commission is staying, deeming the activity unrelated to the war in Finland.”

1933, German article: “The Kremlin's cooperation with Berlin dates from April 1922, when both Germany and Russia—rejected and humiliated by the great powers at the Genoa Conference—recognized that the security and prestige of both states required close diplomatic and economic cooperation. The Treaty of Rapallo, concluded by Tschitscherin and Walter Rathenau at that time, became the key point of Soviet policy in Europe, “Rapallo” a principle. "RapaIlo" found devoted advocates in the highest Bolshevik circles. The Soviet Union was a fierce opponent of Versailles. Germany was seen as the victim of a bad and unjust peace treaty. Chicherin repeatedly told me that Soviet Russia should stand by the weaker nations. And Germany was weak.

Germany was better known and understood in the leading circles of Russian communists than France. Karl Radek, Moscow's leading publicist, always had something special interest in Germany. Krestinski, the former Soviet ambassador in Berlin, feels deep respect for the German Reich. As late as December 1931, Stalin formulated Russia's pro-German feelings in an interview with Emil Ludwig: "If we are talking about our sympathy for any nation or, to put it more correctly, for the majority of any nation, then it is certainly necessary, first and foremost to speak of our sympathy for the Germans.”

Quote from joshf731 on March 14, 2023, 09:19
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 18:35
Quote from joshf731 on January 10, 2023, 09:49
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18

The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.

“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”

1st para

As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.

“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.

Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'

The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.

The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.

There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”

Paragraphs 2-6

Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.

Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.

Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.

Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?

The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?

Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):

“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]

“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”

25th para

  • This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)

“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Partners in Arms – How Years of Soviet-German Cooperation Set the Stage for World War II

“Germany soon became the U.S.S.R’s largest trading partner. German businesses – more than 250 of which negotiated contracts with the Red Army – were particularly prominent in weapons production, including the manufacture of artillery, tanks, poison gas and aircraft on Soviet soil. In exchange, the Germans gained a place to employ expert engineers and, in theory, develop munitions stockpiles in the event of a future war.

Given the early success of the economic partnership, the German military and Soviet state decided to expand cooperation in 1923. In that year, German pilots began arriving to train Soviet cadets at an airbase located near Lipetsk in south-central Russia. Two years later, the Red Army offered to lease the base to the Reichswehr in exchange for training assistance and access to German aircraft prototypes.

Lipetsk would be the first of four jointly operated military facilities on Soviet soil. A chemical weapons testing ground opened near Moscow the following year; a second, much larger, facility would replace it in 1927, located near Samara. That same year, the two sides began work on a joint armoured warfare training and testing ground near Kazan. These facilities would operate until 1933, when Hitler deemed them no longer necessary.

These 11 years of corporate and military cooperation would play a significant role in preparing Germany for future war. Less than a thousand Germans participated in the training work in the U.S.S.R., but, for context, the entire German officer corps numbered only 4,000. Those who did complete training in the Soviet Union would disproportionately reach senior ranks: more than 40 Luftwaffe or Wehrmacht generals visited, studied, trained, or taught in the U.S.S.R., including future marshals Heinz Guderian, Wilhelm Keitel, Erich von Manstein, Walter Model and Friedrich von Paulus. Given how few German officers had practical experience with tanks or aircraft in 1933, alumni of the Soviet facilities would play an outsized role in training the next generation of officers during the expansion of the German army and air force between 1933 and 1939.”

paras 10-13 

Manstein and Paulus were both responsible for the destruction of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad and had previous military ties to the (Jewish-controlled) Soviet Union. HMMM…

WW2 was a pre-designed and controlled war.

Protocol 1: "Our power will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it."

Protocol 5:4: "We have no rivals in the drawing up of plans of political actions."

Protocol 9: "WE ONLY shall provide the GOYIM with a leader & direct them along the road that leads to our goal."


The Jews are stunningly purposeful and consistent from generation to generation. Their journey is from the Ghetto to the throne. 

From Celsius and the authors of the counter-gospels, through the Thirty Years' War, Cromwell, the French Revolution, and Napoleon, throughout the 19th and 20th century, all its revolutions and bloodbaths are marked only by the tombstones they have erected and behind which they have been able to hide with blindness so that even today one can hardly guess, that those great events in world history were precisely the indicators of the measure of the progress of Jewry towards the goals of world domination.

Pages 11-12 

Protocol 13: "We alone shall be offering them new directions for thought . . through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us."

Henry Ford

"The Jews told me how they started & controlled war." 

Perfectly to plan;

Douglas Reed

"In the same way it was only these three movements – Communism, Zionism, and World Government, that profited from the suffering and destruction of the Second World War. The Western Powers helped the World Revolution to entrench itself deep in Europe."

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

The Cordova daily times, 29 July 1922, Page 6:


German scientist: “There is an undercurrent of suspicion in Germany today that RUSSIAN & GERMAN JEWS ARE PREPARING A NEW WORLD WAR [...] and that the seeds for this war were SOWN IN SECRET CLAUSES OF THE TREATY OF RAPALLO. [...] Many of the attempts to establish Soviets in Germany had been made by Jews. Everyone knew that many important government officials were being held by Jews, notable Scheidemann, Rathenau, Rosen, Mayer.”

“England’s efforts to give Germany another chance economically have been interpreted by the anti-Semites, according to the authority, as indicating that England is entirely under the dominion of Jews. They cite as example the confidential friend of Lloyd George, Sir Philip Sassoon, and Lord Reading, viceroy of India.” 

Foreign Policy Journal No, 37, Article “All Quiet on the Eastern Front”:

“Weimar Germany turned toward Moscow because of the West. The Treaty of Rapallo with its anti-Western nationalism contributed to the rise of Hitler AND his 1939 pact with Stalin.”

pp. 163-164

“Remarkably, the cooperation engendered by Rapallo endured through various treaty updates and regime changes, ending only with the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941.”

14th para

Insight at how dependent Nazi Germany was on the Soviet Union for their delivery of petroleum and metals for Germany's war effort on the Western Front in the early stages of WW2;

German officers at May Day parade in Moscow, USSR (1941)

What was the purpose of invading the USSR?

Jewish communist Lenin, in his Collected Works, wrote: 

"The World War (1914-1918) will see the establishment of Communism in Russia; a second world war will extend its control over Europe; and a third world war will be necessary to make it worldwide"

Page 243

Again, we can note here - Jewish planned/controlled wars. Nazi Generalplan Ost was a sham to justify Soviet 'liberation' in cover to impose communism on E. Europe. 

“One task: Germanization. Never have I heard a German express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword”

“There is only one task: Germanization through the introduction of Germans [to the area] and to treat the original inhabitants like Indians. … I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination.  I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.  What people think of me at present is all of no consequence.  Never have I heard a German who has bread to eat express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword.  We eat Canadian wheat and never think of the Indians.”

Just so happens that the Nazi Generalplan Ost was the land 'liberated' by the Jewish Soviets. Do you get it?

Soviet WW2 veteran, testified how Soviet weapons WERE SABOTAGED BY THE JEWS CONTROLLING RUSSIA, so they would lose first stages of Operation Barbarossa (GeneralPlan Ost). A few months later, KGB roughs him up.

Op. Barbarossa eventually fails and Hitler lets Soviet's win Operation Bagration, so as to impose communism on E. Europe in cover of 'liberation'.

“The commander of the German 9th Army, General Jordan could scarcely believe the order he had been given.”

Douglas Reed

"There exists a Communist-Zionist-Supercapitalist nexus. National Socialism was a stooge meant to further the aims of the Communist Empire & the Zionist ambition."

1st para

Henry Ford: "The Jews told me how they started & controlled war."

8th paragraph

Rabbi Waton 1939:

"The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. The communist soul is the soul of Judaism. The fascists believe they're struggling vs Judaism, but in fact they're struggling for Judaism."

sec 93

A little more on Rapallo Treaty:

Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Dec. 16, 1939,  Page 14:


At a time when neither Germany nor Russia was in a position to build up strong military forces independently, this agreement permitted them to do so by cooperating. Germany has been thoroughly disarmed by the Treaty of Versailles, and could not create her own territory even the nucleus for an offensive army. But the agreement with Russia permitted her to set up training centers on Soviet territory, where the FUTURE OFFICERS OF HITLER’S PRESENT ARMY were trained over a period of years. Without Russian assistance, Germany could not so quickly have become the decisive factor in European politics which she is to-day.

On the other side of the picture, the Russian Red Army owes much of its present strength to German assistance. German instructors gave it its shape, and German technical experts created most of its munitions factories in Russia. Without German help at a time when assistance was not forthcoming elsewhere, it is doubtful whether Russia would have been ready in time to ward off the Japanese threat to her possessions in the Far East, thus turning the Japanese armies southward into China


Many observers at that time believed the military agreement had already been broken off. They were mistaken. When Hitler came to power, he found that the German army still maintained training centers in Soviet Russia for military aviators and tank drivers and artillerymen. It was assumed that Hitler, the great anti-Bolshevik, would soon put an end to these Russian agreements.

Anglo-French statesmen waited expectantly for Hitler to abrogate these agreements. To their horror, he did not. Foreign embassies in Berlin reported that Hitler had decided not only to retain but even to expand the commercial and trade agreements with Russia. Later, secret agents in Russia reported that the German army training centers there were still functioning, adding to the skeleton structure of the present German offensive army. Apparently both Hitler and Stalin had agreed not to disturb the secret military deal.” 

More documents from the German Foreign Ministry, from 1933 AFTER Hitler became chancellor - You will notice how the Soviet Union seems to be dictating what policies Germany should have:

M. Litvinov saying: "Hitler had in his radio address dealt with the conditions in the Soviet Union itself and subjected them to vehement criticism. That meant that official personages had taken a position opposed to the Soviet Government itself"

"I vigorously countered M. Litinov's statements: The Reichs Chancellor in his radio address had expounded his views on the Bolshevik ideology in general and had occasionally referred to the Soviet Union for specific examples"

An admission that Hitler's talk against the Soviet Union is just rhetoric and he wasn't opposed to the Soviet Government?

"The Soviet Government had no desire to change its foreign policy and especially its relation to Germany. But it considered a GERMAN-FRENCH ALLIANCE AS CONTRARY TO ITS INTERESTS AND WOULD SEEK TO PREVENT IT"

And that's exactly how it played out. There was no German-French alliance because there couldn't be for the pre-designed & controlled upcoming war. A decision made in the interest of the Soviet Union.

The Jew Soviet Union wanted the ratification of the Jew-created Berlin Treaty, and again Germany complied.

"He then asked whether measures had been taken to SAFEGUARD THE BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF SOVIET INSTITUTIONS IN GERMANY. I replied in the AFFIRMATIVE"

Nazi Germany here is safeguarding the business operations of the Soviets in Germany, on top of the fact that most of the key positions that dealt with Nazi-Soviet relations, to begin with, were held by Jews-not including crypto-Jews. The geopolitical forward planning paved the way for the Nazi-Soviet alliance was through the Jew created Treaty of Rapallo (1923).

More on the Rapallo Treaty - WW2 forward planning

Ogdensburg journal., July 14, 1963, Page 12:

“In 1922, “realistic” German politicians and businessmen signed at Rapallo a secret economic and military treaty with Soviet Russia’s emissaries under the very noses of the victorious Western allies.

Rapallo prepared the ground for Hitler’s war almost two decades later.” 

M. Lucien Bourguès wrote in the newspaper/journal PETIT PARISIEN (1939): “In response to the strong and numerous criticisms that manifested themselves in Germany, and even in the ranks of the loyal supporters of the Nazi Party, against the policy of friendship with the Soviets, the Chancellor would have provided some embarrassed explanations highlighting that his opposition to communism was stronger than ever and that his current policy was only of a temporary nature dictated by immediate necessities.”


The special correspondent of the JOURNAL in Zurich writes again:

“'Some information suggests that the intimacy of Nazi-Bolshevik relations will become more and more accentuated and that it is to be expected that the two powers of prey will sign an alliance in good and due shape. Talks are currently taking place for this purpose in Moscow, where a Nazi military commission is staying, deeming the activity unrelated to the war in Finland.”

1933, German article: “The Kremlin's cooperation with Berlin dates from April 1922, when both Germany and Russia—rejected and humiliated by the great powers at the Genoa Conference—recognized that the security and prestige of both states required close diplomatic and economic cooperation. The Treaty of Rapallo, concluded by Tschitscherin and Walter Rathenau at that time, became the key point of Soviet policy in Europe, “Rapallo” a principle. "RapaIlo" found devoted advocates in the highest Bolshevik circles. The Soviet Union was a fierce opponent of Versailles. Germany was seen as the victim of a bad and unjust peace treaty. Chicherin repeatedly told me that Soviet Russia should stand by the weaker nations. And Germany was weak.

Germany was better known and understood in the leading circles of Russian communists than France. Karl Radek, Moscow's leading publicist, always had something special interest in Germany. Krestinski, the former Soviet ambassador in Berlin, feels deep respect for the German Reich. As late as December 1931, Stalin formulated Russia's pro-German feelings in an interview with Emil Ludwig: "If we are talking about our sympathy for any nation or, to put it more correctly, for the majority of any nation, then it is certainly necessary, first and foremost to speak of our sympathy for the Germans.”

Quote from joshf731 on March 21, 2023, 15:31

Quote from joshf731 on February 19, 2023, 17:32

The Times, 26 May 1920, Page 12:

“He (M.Krassin) escaped to Berlin. There, owing to the good offices of a friend, who was also a director of the firm of SIEMENS AND SHUCKERT, he obtained employment in that firm, though his name was mentioned in connection with the discovery of a revolutionary depot in Berlin. Siemens and Shuckert stood well with the Russian Court and bureaucracy and they sought and obtained M. Krassin a free pardon and he returned to Petrograd in 1909 as a director of the Petrograd branch of the firm, a position he held until 1918.”

Archive: British Pathé newsreels

“M. KRASSIN, head of Bolshevist Trade Delegation, and confidant of (Jews) Lenin and Trotsky, arrives on an important mission”

“During World War I Siemens-Schuckert also produced aircraft. It took over manufacturing of the renowned Protos vehicles in 1908. In World War II, the company had a factory producing aircraft and other parts at Monowitz near Auschwitz. There was a workers camp near the factory known as Bobrek concentration camp.”

2nd para

The Argus, Mon 28 Nov 1921, Page 7:

“It is believed that Herr Hugo Stinnes, the German millionaire, as a result of a conversation with M. Krassin, head of the Russian commercial delegation in England, went to London to discuss a plan for his reconstruction of Russia. He favors obtaining German, British, French, and American capital, Germany to undertake the work of reconstruction. German firms have submitted plans for rebuilding Petrograd. A german delegation to Moscow is negotiating the exchange of seeds and agricultural machinery for linseed, timber, and hides.”

This is proof that Jew Stinne's anti-Bolshevism was a fraud. The 'Anti-Bolshevik League' was massively supported by Jews because, for one, they didn't want Germany to be openly communist that early: they had other plans for Germany (Hitler). 

Siemens also funded the Anti-Bolshevik League.

Quote from joshf731 on February 19, 2023, 17:32

The Times, 26 May 1920, Page 12:

“He (M.Krassin) escaped to Berlin. There, owing to the good offices of a friend, who was also a director of the firm of SIEMENS AND SHUCKERT, he obtained employment in that firm, though his name was mentioned in connection with the discovery of a revolutionary depot in Berlin. Siemens and Shuckert stood well with the Russian Court and bureaucracy and they sought and obtained M. Krassin a free pardon and he returned to Petrograd in 1909 as a director of the Petrograd branch of the firm, a position he held until 1918.”

Archive: British Pathé newsreels

“M. KRASSIN, head of Bolshevist Trade Delegation, and confidant of (Jews) Lenin and Trotsky, arrives on an important mission”

“During World War I Siemens-Schuckert also produced aircraft. It took over manufacturing of the renowned Protos vehicles in 1908. In World War II, the company had a factory producing aircraft and other parts at Monowitz near Auschwitz. There was a workers camp near the factory known as Bobrek concentration camp.”

2nd para

The Argus, Mon 28 Nov 1921, Page 7:

“It is believed that Herr Hugo Stinnes, the German millionaire, as a result of a conversation with M. Krassin, head of the Russian commercial delegation in England, went to London to discuss a plan for his reconstruction of Russia. He favors obtaining German, British, French, and American capital, Germany to undertake the work of reconstruction. German firms have submitted plans for rebuilding Petrograd. A german delegation to Moscow is negotiating the exchange of seeds and agricultural machinery for linseed, timber, and hides.”

This is proof that Jew Stinne's anti-Bolshevism was a fraud. The 'Anti-Bolshevik League' was massively supported by Jews because, for one, they didn't want Germany to be openly communist that early: they had other plans for Germany (Hitler). 

Siemens also funded the Anti-Bolshevik League.

Quote from joshf731 on March 21, 2023, 15:37
Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 12:37
Quote from joshf731 on November 4, 2022, 20:58

The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 1

Anti-Comintern short for 'Agreement against the Communist International' was supposedly an anti-communist pact between Nazi Germany and Japan that had the purpose of combating Communist International (Comintern).

However the question is, how come we've never heard of any blow against Communist International as a result of this pact? An example we can point to where the Communist International met any resistance from this pact? How many even know that this pact even existed?

The short conclusion was that this pact was never meant to have any effect against Comintern as neither Germany nor Japan took this pact any seriously and did anything with it together as allies against the Soviet Union.

The first interesting thing to point out was that this pact was signed between the Japanese ambassador to Germany, Kintomo Mushanokoji, and the German ambassador, Joachim Von Ribbentrop. Ribbentrop was also the one who signed the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, which pretty much made the 'Anti-Comintern' pact ineffective and even more useless, as the supposed fight against Comintern was now replaced by an alliance between Germany and the Soviet Union, the same country Germany was supposed to fight against.

Ribbentrop arranged the signing of the Germany-Soviet Pact and admitted that;

"To seek a settlement with Russia was my very own idea which I urged Hitler because I sought to create a counterweight to the West and because I wanted to ensure Russian neutrality in the event of a German-Polish conflict."

Ribbentrop also contributed to the switch of the narrative from being anti-Communist to being anti-West within the Anti-Comintern. Instead of focusing his attacks on the Soviet Union, it was instead directed against England and France, both countries that Germany would be at war against during WW2.

According to German historian Wolfgang Michalka, the Anti-Comintern pact was only "anti-communist" in appearance but anti-British in actuality, he claims that people even jokingly said that "Someday Stalin may join the Anti-Comintern Pact". Does this not smell like your typical Communist-controlled opposition group?

This type of propaganda was typical Communist propaganda to stir up revolutions in the West which had still yet not been completely engulfed in Communism as was seen in Eastern Europe.

According to Lenin, the major task confronting the revolutionaries of Russia was "preventing the West European counter-revolutionary states from crushing us".

So it only makes sense for the propaganda of the Comintern would have an anti-Western theme, but the question is why would Anti-Comintern repeat that same propaganda?

A very revealing Soviet memorandum dating back to July 27, 1939, which was less than a month before the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, reveals the desire of the Soviet Union of establishing a friendly relationship with Germany and Italy and says the one common ideology shared by Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union was their opposition to capitalist democracies I.E the West. Molotov admits that the Anti-Comintern Pact was a camouflage for an alliance aimed against the Western democracies and stated that "Our relationship to Japan was that of a well-founded friendship, which was not, however, aimed against Russia. German policy was aimed against England".

The Soviet Union knew already that the Anti-Comintern pact was a scam and that's why despite the pact's existence could still see itself allying with Germany. You have to think that the emergence of rising anti-Western propaganda, especially against England, was being pumped out by both Communists and by Germany very shortly before the start of WW2 and Germany's eventual war against 'Western democracies' such as England and France is very suspect. This propaganda helped put Germany in a position that could never threaten the existence of the Soviet Union during the war. If Germany, which was at war with England and France, were to attack the Soviet Union, it would put itself in a two-front war, a war they would lose[see]. The Soviet Union could also, if they wanted, use this opportunity to strike Germany, forcing Germany to fight a two-front war.

We can see how this propaganda which was shared by both Communists and the Anti-Comintern was beneficial to the Soviet Union and not so much to Germany.

The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 2

Why was the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union so important for the Soviet Union?

Khrushchev admits that the pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was PROFITABLE for the Soviet Union, one of the reasons was the war could have started earlier against them, much to their disadvantage because the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war.

Many are unaware that in 1939 the Soviet Union was still in military conflict against Japan and that one of Stalin's nightmares was having to fight a two-front war against both Germany and Japan and he wanted to avoid this at all costs.

Remember that at this time when Japan was in military conflict against the Soviet Union, the Anti-Comintern pact was supposedly still alive and well, and here was Japan, Germany's ally, attacking the Soviet Union, a correct move, but instead of aiding Japan by using this opportunity to attack the Soviet Union, Germany signs a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union which allowed Stalin not having to fear a two-front war anymore AND it gave him the freedom to deal with an isolated Japan, leading to Japan's defeat in this conflict.

We know that the Soviet Union knew fighting a two-front war would lead to their demise. If we put this into perspective when we consider that Stalin had received multiple warnings of an impending German attack on the Soviet Union ...but entirely ignored them*. Could it be because he welcomed this attack as it would put Germany into a two-front war with Stalin knowing that the Soviet Union would still have the advantage over Germany?

*     Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1953), edited by Barnes, F. R. Sanborn wrote the following:

In mid-January, 1941, another and more fateful thread was woven into the pattern. The American State Department, at Mr. Roosevelt's specific instruction, warned (138) the Russian ambassador, Mr. Constantine Oumansky, (139) of the contemplated German attack, and these warnings were later repeated. (140) By early February, 1941, the eastern movement of the German troops was well known. (141) Everything pointed toward an extension of the war by a German attack on Russia, but Anglo-American power politics succeeded in delaying it for five weeks. (142) The great cost of the sacrifice, made in order to obtain this small delay for Soviet Russia's benefit, was the loss of Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete, the crippling of the British Mediterranean Fleet,(143) and the British defeat in Libya.(144) In the diplomatic intrigues in Greece and in Yugoslavia Americans (145) played a substantial and quite successful part in opposing Germany. Later, as the time approached for the commencement of the attack on Russia, Mr. Churchill meditated upon what his policy should be and concluded that he should "give all encouragement and any help we can spare." He cabled this to Mr. Roosevelt,(146) who replied in the sense of carte blanche-he would publicly endorse "any announcement that the Prime Minister might make welcoming Russia as an ally."

According to historian Arsen Martirosyan, Moscow knew of the German invasion as far back as 1935.

On November 7th, 1938, in the special edition of the Soviet propaganda organ Pravda, marking the 21st anniversary of the Bolshevik October revolution, Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov (who led the Communist International from 1935 to 1943)  predicted the Germans would attack the Soviet Union "in the autumn of 1941".

Knowing that the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war at all costs, and having the knowledge that a German attack was incoming. Would you believe me if I told you that Japan aided the Soviet Union in giving them that desire?

Around two months before Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union signed a Neutrality Pact with Japan, which ended the hostilities between the two countries. This means that by the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union didn't have to fear fighting a two-front war with Japan now out of the picture. All seems to be playing into the hands of the Soviet Union it seems, coincidentally...

This neutrality pact was heavily beneficial to the Soviet Union. For example, the German attack on Moscow was halted with the help of forces that were previously stationed in the Soviet Far East. They were sent to stop the German attack when the Soviet Union learned that Japan would not attack the Soviet Far East..

In the book ''Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939 by Alvin D. Coox, he states:

''There is little doubt that if the Soviet Union had to fight on two land fronts simultaneously, The Germans would have won the war on the Eastern Front.''

Maj. Gen. A.K Kazakovtsev, the operation chief of the Far Eastern Front said to Grigorenko in 1941: ''If the Japanese enter the war on Hitler's side..our cause is hopeless''...

Just as Germany didn't aid Japan when they were at war against the Soviet Union, Japan did the same when it was Germany's turn to be at war against the Soviet Union. Even though a military alliance and collaboration against the Soviet Union would have eventually led to the demise of the Soviet Union. The question is how TRULY opposed were Germany and Japan to the Soviet Union when they continuously played into their hands?

Germany, at the behest of the Soviet Union, influenced Japan to sign the non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Japan.




More info from the German Foreign Documents

Quote from joshf731 on January 25, 2023, 12:37
Quote from joshf731 on November 4, 2022, 20:58

The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 1

Anti-Comintern short for 'Agreement against the Communist International' was supposedly an anti-communist pact between Nazi Germany and Japan that had the purpose of combating Communist International (Comintern).

However the question is, how come we've never heard of any blow against Communist International as a result of this pact? An example we can point to where the Communist International met any resistance from this pact? How many even know that this pact even existed?

The short conclusion was that this pact was never meant to have any effect against Comintern as neither Germany nor Japan took this pact any seriously and did anything with it together as allies against the Soviet Union.

The first interesting thing to point out was that this pact was signed between the Japanese ambassador to Germany, Kintomo Mushanokoji, and the German ambassador, Joachim Von Ribbentrop. Ribbentrop was also the one who signed the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, which pretty much made the 'Anti-Comintern' pact ineffective and even more useless, as the supposed fight against Comintern was now replaced by an alliance between Germany and the Soviet Union, the same country Germany was supposed to fight against.

Ribbentrop arranged the signing of the Germany-Soviet Pact and admitted that;

"To seek a settlement with Russia was my very own idea which I urged Hitler because I sought to create a counterweight to the West and because I wanted to ensure Russian neutrality in the event of a German-Polish conflict."

Ribbentrop also contributed to the switch of the narrative from being anti-Communist to being anti-West within the Anti-Comintern. Instead of focusing his attacks on the Soviet Union, it was instead directed against England and France, both countries that Germany would be at war against during WW2.

According to German historian Wolfgang Michalka, the Anti-Comintern pact was only "anti-communist" in appearance but anti-British in actuality, he claims that people even jokingly said that "Someday Stalin may join the Anti-Comintern Pact". Does this not smell like your typical Communist-controlled opposition group?

This type of propaganda was typical Communist propaganda to stir up revolutions in the West which had still yet not been completely engulfed in Communism as was seen in Eastern Europe.

According to Lenin, the major task confronting the revolutionaries of Russia was "preventing the West European counter-revolutionary states from crushing us".

So it only makes sense for the propaganda of the Comintern would have an anti-Western theme, but the question is why would Anti-Comintern repeat that same propaganda?

A very revealing Soviet memorandum dating back to July 27, 1939, which was less than a month before the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, reveals the desire of the Soviet Union of establishing a friendly relationship with Germany and Italy and says the one common ideology shared by Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union was their opposition to capitalist democracies I.E the West. Molotov admits that the Anti-Comintern Pact was a camouflage for an alliance aimed against the Western democracies and stated that "Our relationship to Japan was that of a well-founded friendship, which was not, however, aimed against Russia. German policy was aimed against England".

The Soviet Union knew already that the Anti-Comintern pact was a scam and that's why despite the pact's existence could still see itself allying with Germany. You have to think that the emergence of rising anti-Western propaganda, especially against England, was being pumped out by both Communists and by Germany very shortly before the start of WW2 and Germany's eventual war against 'Western democracies' such as England and France is very suspect. This propaganda helped put Germany in a position that could never threaten the existence of the Soviet Union during the war. If Germany, which was at war with England and France, were to attack the Soviet Union, it would put itself in a two-front war, a war they would lose[see]. The Soviet Union could also, if they wanted, use this opportunity to strike Germany, forcing Germany to fight a two-front war.

We can see how this propaganda which was shared by both Communists and the Anti-Comintern was beneficial to the Soviet Union and not so much to Germany.

The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 2

Why was the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union so important for the Soviet Union?

Khrushchev admits that the pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was PROFITABLE for the Soviet Union, one of the reasons was the war could have started earlier against them, much to their disadvantage because the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war.

Many are unaware that in 1939 the Soviet Union was still in military conflict against Japan and that one of Stalin's nightmares was having to fight a two-front war against both Germany and Japan and he wanted to avoid this at all costs.

Remember that at this time when Japan was in military conflict against the Soviet Union, the Anti-Comintern pact was supposedly still alive and well, and here was Japan, Germany's ally, attacking the Soviet Union, a correct move, but instead of aiding Japan by using this opportunity to attack the Soviet Union, Germany signs a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union which allowed Stalin not having to fear a two-front war anymore AND it gave him the freedom to deal with an isolated Japan, leading to Japan's defeat in this conflict.

We know that the Soviet Union knew fighting a two-front war would lead to their demise. If we put this into perspective when we consider that Stalin had received multiple warnings of an impending German attack on the Soviet Union ...but entirely ignored them*. Could it be because he welcomed this attack as it would put Germany into a two-front war with Stalin knowing that the Soviet Union would still have the advantage over Germany?

*     Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1953), edited by Barnes, F. R. Sanborn wrote the following:

In mid-January, 1941, another and more fateful thread was woven into the pattern. The American State Department, at Mr. Roosevelt's specific instruction, warned (138) the Russian ambassador, Mr. Constantine Oumansky, (139) of the contemplated German attack, and these warnings were later repeated. (140) By early February, 1941, the eastern movement of the German troops was well known. (141) Everything pointed toward an extension of the war by a German attack on Russia, but Anglo-American power politics succeeded in delaying it for five weeks. (142) The great cost of the sacrifice, made in order to obtain this small delay for Soviet Russia's benefit, was the loss of Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete, the crippling of the British Mediterranean Fleet,(143) and the British defeat in Libya.(144) In the diplomatic intrigues in Greece and in Yugoslavia Americans (145) played a substantial and quite successful part in opposing Germany. Later, as the time approached for the commencement of the attack on Russia, Mr. Churchill meditated upon what his policy should be and concluded that he should "give all encouragement and any help we can spare." He cabled this to Mr. Roosevelt,(146) who replied in the sense of carte blanche-he would publicly endorse "any announcement that the Prime Minister might make welcoming Russia as an ally."

According to historian Arsen Martirosyan, Moscow knew of the German invasion as far back as 1935.

On November 7th, 1938, in the special edition of the Soviet propaganda organ Pravda, marking the 21st anniversary of the Bolshevik October revolution, Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov (who led the Communist International from 1935 to 1943)  predicted the Germans would attack the Soviet Union "in the autumn of 1941".

Knowing that the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war at all costs, and having the knowledge that a German attack was incoming. Would you believe me if I told you that Japan aided the Soviet Union in giving them that desire?

Around two months before Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union signed a Neutrality Pact with Japan, which ended the hostilities between the two countries. This means that by the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union didn't have to fear fighting a two-front war with Japan now out of the picture. All seems to be playing into the hands of the Soviet Union it seems, coincidentally...

This neutrality pact was heavily beneficial to the Soviet Union. For example, the German attack on Moscow was halted with the help of forces that were previously stationed in the Soviet Far East. They were sent to stop the German attack when the Soviet Union learned that Japan would not attack the Soviet Far East..

In the book ''Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939 by Alvin D. Coox, he states:

''There is little doubt that if the Soviet Union had to fight on two land fronts simultaneously, The Germans would have won the war on the Eastern Front.''

Maj. Gen. A.K Kazakovtsev, the operation chief of the Far Eastern Front said to Grigorenko in 1941: ''If the Japanese enter the war on Hitler's side..our cause is hopeless''...

Just as Germany didn't aid Japan when they were at war against the Soviet Union, Japan did the same when it was Germany's turn to be at war against the Soviet Union. Even though a military alliance and collaboration against the Soviet Union would have eventually led to the demise of the Soviet Union. The question is how TRULY opposed were Germany and Japan to the Soviet Union when they continuously played into their hands?

Germany, at the behest of the Soviet Union, influenced Japan to sign the non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Japan.




More info from the German Foreign Documents

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