Hitler & the Kabbalistic, Talmudic creation of WW2.
Quote from joshf731 on December 12, 2022, 10:17The Swastika closely resembles the shape of the Hebrew letter Aleph & can be viewed as a cryptic form of it. This idea is supported as well by the fact the Communist Sickle is a cryptic form of the letter Aleph.
“As David Luhrssen tells the tale in his absorbing 2012 book, Hammer of the Gods: The Thule Society and the Birth of Nazism, Hitler learned from Krohn that the leftward-facing swastika signified universal order and redemption from the cycle of rebirth in Buddhist usage. Krohn also cautioned him that the opposite movement, the rightward turn, spelled annihilation. The future Führer unhesitatingly ignored Krohn’s caveat and reversed the direction of his swastika. He also straightened the curved legs of the Thule symbol and set the symbol at a 45-degree angle.”
12th paragraph https://scroll.in/article/769058/stop-the-outrage-india-doesnt-have-a-monopoly-on-the-symbol-used-to-protest-modis-uk-visit
“Although it is now the most common and universally recognized sign of Judaism and Jewish identity, both within and outside of the Jewish community, it has only achieved this status in the last two hundred years.
The earliest known Jewish use of the hexagram was as a seal in ancient Israel (6th century B.C.E.) and then eight centuries later in a synagogue frieze in Capernaum. But these early hexagrams may have been only ornamental designs; ironically, a swastika, another popular ancient motif, appears alongside the hexagram on the Capernaum synagogue wall.
The hexagram was also widely regarded as a messianic symbol, because of its legendary connection with David, ancestor of the Messiah. On Sabbath eve, German Jews would light a star-shaped brass oil lamp called a Judenstern (Jewish star), emblematic of the idea that Shabbat was a foretaste of the Messianic Age.”
Paragraphs 1,3 & 6 https://www.menorah.org/starofdavid.html
Rabbi Harry Woton:
“Even the Swastika was stolen by the nazis from the Jews. Think of it, the holy swastika was stolen from the Jews? How poor is the mentality of the nazis that for their holy symbol they had to go to the hated Jews and steal from them the swastika!”
Section 49, Paragraph 2 https://mailstar.net/waton-program.html
Jewish swastika
"Description - English: A mandala-like swastika, composed of Hebrew letters and surrounded by a circle and a mystical hymn in Aramaic. Appears in the Kabbalistic work "Parashat Eliezer" by Rabbi Eliezer ben Isaac Fischel of Strizhov, a commentary on the ancient eschatological book "Karnayim", ascribed to Rabbi Aharon of Kardina. The shape of the symbol and the contents of the hymn show strong solar symbolism."
Date: 18th century, possibly much earlier
Jewish invented enemy of Nazis -
Hitler’s Eagle Nest
Was built to fulfill Obadiah 1:4. The chapter deals with the destruction of Edom because of their pride in the wrong they did to Jacob: the salvation and victory of Israel.
“Though thou exalted as an EAGLE & set thy NEST among the stars: I bring thee down, says the Lord”
See: Obadiah 1:4 & 10 http://www.drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drb&bk=36&ch=1&l=4#x
“The purposes of the occupation of Germany by which the Control Council shall be guided are:
The complete disarmament and demilitarization of Germany and the elimination or control of all German industry that could be used for military production. To these ends…”https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1945Berlinv02/d1383#fn:
The Swastika closely resembles the shape of the Hebrew letter Aleph & can be viewed as a cryptic form of it. This idea is supported as well by the fact the Communist Sickle is a cryptic form of the letter Aleph.
“As David Luhrssen tells the tale in his absorbing 2012 book, Hammer of the Gods: The Thule Society and the Birth of Nazism, Hitler learned from Krohn that the leftward-facing swastika signified universal order and redemption from the cycle of rebirth in Buddhist usage. Krohn also cautioned him that the opposite movement, the rightward turn, spelled annihilation. The future Führer unhesitatingly ignored Krohn’s caveat and reversed the direction of his swastika. He also straightened the curved legs of the Thule symbol and set the symbol at a 45-degree angle.”
12th paragraph https://scroll.in/article/769058/stop-the-outrage-india-doesnt-have-a-monopoly-on-the-symbol-used-to-protest-modis-uk-visit
“Although it is now the most common and universally recognized sign of Judaism and Jewish identity, both within and outside of the Jewish community, it has only achieved this status in the last two hundred years.
The earliest known Jewish use of the hexagram was as a seal in ancient Israel (6th century B.C.E.) and then eight centuries later in a synagogue frieze in Capernaum. But these early hexagrams may have been only ornamental designs; ironically, a swastika, another popular ancient motif, appears alongside the hexagram on the Capernaum synagogue wall.
The hexagram was also widely regarded as a messianic symbol, because of its legendary connection with David, ancestor of the Messiah. On Sabbath eve, German Jews would light a star-shaped brass oil lamp called a Judenstern (Jewish star), emblematic of the idea that Shabbat was a foretaste of the Messianic Age.”
Paragraphs 1,3 & 6 https://www.menorah.org/starofdavid.html
Rabbi Harry Woton:
“Even the Swastika was stolen by the nazis from the Jews. Think of it, the holy swastika was stolen from the Jews? How poor is the mentality of the nazis that for their holy symbol they had to go to the hated Jews and steal from them the swastika!”
Section 49, Paragraph 2 https://mailstar.net/waton-program.html
Jewish swastika
"Description - English: A mandala-like swastika, composed of Hebrew letters and surrounded by a circle and a mystical hymn in Aramaic. Appears in the Kabbalistic work "Parashat Eliezer" by Rabbi Eliezer ben Isaac Fischel of Strizhov, a commentary on the ancient eschatological book "Karnayim", ascribed to Rabbi Aharon of Kardina. The shape of the symbol and the contents of the hymn show strong solar symbolism."
Date: 18th century, possibly much earlier
Jewish invented enemy of Nazis -
Hitler’s Eagle Nest
Was built to fulfill Obadiah 1:4. The chapter deals with the destruction of Edom because of their pride in the wrong they did to Jacob: the salvation and victory of Israel.
“Though thou exalted as an EAGLE & set thy NEST among the stars: I bring thee down, says the Lord”
See: Obadiah 1:4 & 10 http://www.drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drb&bk=36&ch=1&l=4#x
“The purposes of the occupation of Germany by which the Control Council shall be guided are:
The complete disarmament and demilitarization of Germany and the elimination or control of all German industry that could be used for military production. To these ends…”
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:18Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank:
“With three leading managers, the Salomonsohn family helped shape the development of Disconto-Gesellschaft for sixty years (1869-1929). The first among them was Adolph Salomonsohn. He came from an old rabbinical family and belonged to the first generation to pursue a secular career. After studying law, he worked as an assessor and guardianship judge in Berlin, where David Hansemann became aware of him when Salomonsohn substituted for the counsel of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in some legal work.”
“Director (Jew) Mankiewitz, of the Deutsche Bank, and Director (Jew) Salomonsohn, of the Diskontogesellschaft, financed the movement of a Hitler forerunner, one Dr. Eduard Stadtler, who demanded the establishment of a German National Socialist state and who was instrumental in the smashing of communism in Berlin—then called Spartacism—and in the killing of its leaders, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In the Ruhr, Stadtler's movement was backed by the very same steel producers who, as will be shown, later backed Hitler: Emil Kirdorf, the venerated but dreaded God Wotan of German heavy industry, Albert Voegler, Fritz Springorum, of the Hoesch steel group, and also by Paul Reusch, of the Haniel group, and August Thyssen, father of Hitler's later financier Fritz Thyssen”
Source: Hallgarten, George W. F. (1952). Adolf Hitler and German Heavy Industry, 1931–1933.
The Bolsheviks had a vested interest in opposing the French occupation of Ruhr.
“When French forces occupied the Ruhr Valley in the summer of 1923, Krivitsky and six other officers were sent to the area to encourage resistance. This involved working with the German Communist Party. They created "small units of men whose function was to shatter the morale of the Reichswehr and the police." Krivitsky was involved in forming assassination units who "struck swiftly and effectively in various parts of Germany, picking off police officers and other enemies of the Communist cause.”
5th para https://spartacus-educational.com/SSkrivitsky.htm
Krivitsky was a Jewish Soviet intelligence officer & here we see another example of the Bolsheviks having reasons to ally themselves with the German right wing.
More on Krivitisky: “Walter Krivitsky, a former NKVD agent, gave evidence to the House Committee on Un-American Activities on 11th October, 1939. Dies asked Krivitsky if Soviet intelligence agencies cooperated with German and Italian agents and therefore faced with "a combined espionage problem?" Krivitsky admitted that even before the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had been co-operating. He argued that an "exchange of military secrets and information, as well as other forms of collaboration, is indispensable to both Hitler and Stalin." After the session he provided additional information in closed chambers on Soviet agents working in the United States.”
14th para https://spartacus-educational.com/USAdies.htm
Corroborated by the following news article. Seems like there was a collaboration between the Nazis and the Communist to start a strike in the airport industry in the U.S. This was during the Nazi-Soviet Pact
More on Soviet-Nazi connections/alliance:
“The Hitler-Stalin pact was, in fact, merely a public proclamation of the covert alliance between the Nazis and the Soviets which dated back to the early days of Hitler's rise to power. The 1932 Berlin transport strike, in which Nazis and communists worked in organizational tandem to disrupt Germany's democratic government, is but one case in point. Recall that at the very time that Stalin and the Comintern were calling for "collective security" against Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R. was secretly helping to train the Wehrmacht on Russian soil. Soviet propaganda then and now loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia.
The pact, moreover, included secret clauses partitioning Poland and delivering the three independent Baltic republics to Moscow. When Hitler attacked Poland from the west, Stalin backstabbed by invading from the east. Comrade Falin, it should also be noted, says nothing about the vast amounts of oil and other militarily significant supplies to the Nazis - hardly the act of a country preparing to go to war with Germany. When the Nazis did strike, Stalin complained of "betrayal" by an ally.
The evidence of Soviet intentions was clear in the activities of Moscow-directed Communist parties throughout the world. French Communists made common cause with French Nazis during the pact period and did their best to sabotage the war effort. In the United States, CIO unions called strikes in defense plants supplying the Western Allies.
But so confident was Stalin of Hitler's friendship that he purged Marshall Tukhachevsky, one of the most brilliant military strategists in Europe, and scrapped his plans for the defense of the Soviet Union at the behest of the German general staff.”
Paragraphs 2-5 https://web.archive.org/web/19991007082112/http://www.powerup.com.au/~dominion/ff/c06.htm
After Germany invaded France and Holland, Molotov assured Soviet citizens that “the friendly relations between Germany and the USSR were based on the fundamental interests of both countries” (Source: Speech on July 31, 1940, quoted in Stalinism in Britain, Robert Black.)
Hitler's Birthday Greeting To Stalin
If we consider the optics of Germany because of Hitler from the outside world, it does not look good when you have Hitler congratulating the biggest mass murderer to have ever existed, Stalin, on his 60th birthday.
The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.
“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”
1st para https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Rapallo_(1922)
As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.
“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.
Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'
The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.
The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.
There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”
Paragraphs 2-6 https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/army-cccp-rapallo.htm
Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.
Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.
Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.
Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?
The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?
Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):
“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]
“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”
25th para https://acienciala.ku.edu/communistnationssince1917/ch4.html
- This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)
“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”
The Northern Herald, Sat 26 Aug 1939 Page 2:
“Stalin’s international policy during the last six years has been a series of maneuvers designed to place him in a favorable position for a deal with Hitler. When Stalin joined the League of Nations, when he proposed the system of collective security, when he sought the hand of France, flirted with Poland, courted Great Britain, intervened in Spain, he calculated his every move with an eye upon Berlin, “in the hope that Hitler would find it advantageous to meet his advances.”
The world was astounded by Stalin’s friendly overtures to Hitler. Three days later, it was dumbfounded to find Stalin’s speech followed by Hitler’s move in Czechoslovakia. The record of Stalin’s policy of appeasement of Hitler - both the open and the secret record - reveals that the more aggressive Hitler grew both at home and abroad, the more Stalin pressed his courtship. And the more strenuous became Stalin’s wooing, the greater was Hitler’s appetite.”
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Wed 23 Aug 1939 Page 8:
“Although the agreement between Russia and Germany for a non-aggression pact has come as a thunderbolt, the possibility has been widely discussed since Hitler ceased his almost daily fulminations against Communism.”
Hitler’s non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union agreed to split the Eastern European states between them. Germany should not have been surprised that the Soviets were taking territory because that’s what the Germans agreed to. This was then utilized as an excuse by Hitler to say the Soviets were gearing up for war against Germany. A complete sham of a situation. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was all about supplying Germany with enough raw material to build up their war assets and giving them the necessary territories to initiate Operation Barbarossa.
“For while the Nazi-Soviet Pact lasted, the Russian government turned imperialist and expansionist with amazing success. The anti-imperialist policy was reversed completely during the Hitler-Stalin Pact. The Hitler-Stalin Pact from the Russian point of view was a great success for it gave the Russians an unparalleled opportunity for imperialist expansion and opportunity which they employed to the fullest. It is small wonder that the Communist Parties throughout the world considered themselves duty bound as loyal supporters of Russia to uphold the pact by attacking, opposing, and impeding the war efforts of the anti-Nazi.”
pages 11, 12 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.$b86578
An aspect of Soviet policy which helped Hitler rise to power:
“From 1928, in harmony with the increasing shift to the left at home, foreign and Comintern policy once again became radicalized, with the emphasis on the treason of the Social Democrats of the West.
From 1933 to 1934 the context changed abruptly. Hitler’s accession to power in Germany had been facilitated by Moscow’s refusal to let the German Communist Party cooperate against him with the Social Democrats and others. In fact, Nazi rule was at first interpreted as a victory for the communists, in that capitalism had been driven to its last resource, of naked force, and must soon collapse.”
Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:18Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank:
“With three leading managers, the Salomonsohn family helped shape the development of Disconto-Gesellschaft for sixty years (1869-1929). The first among them was Adolph Salomonsohn. He came from an old rabbinical family and belonged to the first generation to pursue a secular career. After studying law, he worked as an assessor and guardianship judge in Berlin, where David Hansemann became aware of him when Salomonsohn substituted for the counsel of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in some legal work.”
“Director (Jew) Mankiewitz, of the Deutsche Bank, and Director (Jew) Salomonsohn, of the Diskontogesellschaft, financed the movement of a Hitler forerunner, one Dr. Eduard Stadtler, who demanded the establishment of a German National Socialist state and who was instrumental in the smashing of communism in Berlin—then called Spartacism—and in the killing of its leaders, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In the Ruhr, Stadtler's movement was backed by the very same steel producers who, as will be shown, later backed Hitler: Emil Kirdorf, the venerated but dreaded God Wotan of German heavy industry, Albert Voegler, Fritz Springorum, of the Hoesch steel group, and also by Paul Reusch, of the Haniel group, and August Thyssen, father of Hitler's later financier Fritz Thyssen”
Source: Hallgarten, George W. F. (1952). Adolf Hitler and German Heavy Industry, 1931–1933.
The Bolsheviks had a vested interest in opposing the French occupation of Ruhr.
“When French forces occupied the Ruhr Valley in the summer of 1923, Krivitsky and six other officers were sent to the area to encourage resistance. This involved working with the German Communist Party. They created "small units of men whose function was to shatter the morale of the Reichswehr and the police." Krivitsky was involved in forming assassination units who "struck swiftly and effectively in various parts of Germany, picking off police officers and other enemies of the Communist cause.”
5th para https://spartacus-educational.com/SSkrivitsky.htm
Krivitsky was a Jewish Soviet intelligence officer & here we see another example of the Bolsheviks having reasons to ally themselves with the German right wing.
More on Krivitisky: “Walter Krivitsky, a former NKVD agent, gave evidence to the House Committee on Un-American Activities on 11th October, 1939. Dies asked Krivitsky if Soviet intelligence agencies cooperated with German and Italian agents and therefore faced with "a combined espionage problem?" Krivitsky admitted that even before the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had been co-operating. He argued that an "exchange of military secrets and information, as well as other forms of collaboration, is indispensable to both Hitler and Stalin." After the session he provided additional information in closed chambers on Soviet agents working in the United States.”
14th para https://spartacus-educational.com/USAdies.htm
Corroborated by the following news article. Seems like there was a collaboration between the Nazis and the Communist to start a strike in the airport industry in the U.S. This was during the Nazi-Soviet Pact
More on Soviet-Nazi connections/alliance:
“The Hitler-Stalin pact was, in fact, merely a public proclamation of the covert alliance between the Nazis and the Soviets which dated back to the early days of Hitler's rise to power. The 1932 Berlin transport strike, in which Nazis and communists worked in organizational tandem to disrupt Germany's democratic government, is but one case in point. Recall that at the very time that Stalin and the Comintern were calling for "collective security" against Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R. was secretly helping to train the Wehrmacht on Russian soil. Soviet propaganda then and now loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia.
The pact, moreover, included secret clauses partitioning Poland and delivering the three independent Baltic republics to Moscow. When Hitler attacked Poland from the west, Stalin backstabbed by invading from the east. Comrade Falin, it should also be noted, says nothing about the vast amounts of oil and other militarily significant supplies to the Nazis - hardly the act of a country preparing to go to war with Germany. When the Nazis did strike, Stalin complained of "betrayal" by an ally.
The evidence of Soviet intentions was clear in the activities of Moscow-directed Communist parties throughout the world. French Communists made common cause with French Nazis during the pact period and did their best to sabotage the war effort. In the United States, CIO unions called strikes in defense plants supplying the Western Allies.
But so confident was Stalin of Hitler's friendship that he purged Marshall Tukhachevsky, one of the most brilliant military strategists in Europe, and scrapped his plans for the defense of the Soviet Union at the behest of the German general staff.”
Paragraphs 2-5 https://web.archive.org/web/19991007082112/http://www.powerup.com.au/~dominion/ff/c06.htm
After Germany invaded France and Holland, Molotov assured Soviet citizens that “the friendly relations between Germany and the USSR were based on the fundamental interests of both countries” (Source: Speech on July 31, 1940, quoted in Stalinism in Britain, Robert Black.)
Hitler's Birthday Greeting To Stalin
If we consider the optics of Germany because of Hitler from the outside world, it does not look good when you have Hitler congratulating the biggest mass murderer to have ever existed, Stalin, on his 60th birthday.
The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.
“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”
1st para https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Rapallo_(1922)
As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.
“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.
Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'
The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.
The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.
There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”
Paragraphs 2-6 https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/army-cccp-rapallo.htm
Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.
Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.
Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.
Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?
The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?
Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):
“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]
“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”
25th para https://acienciala.ku.edu/communistnationssince1917/ch4.html
- This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)
“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”
The Northern Herald, Sat 26 Aug 1939 Page 2:
“Stalin’s international policy during the last six years has been a series of maneuvers designed to place him in a favorable position for a deal with Hitler. When Stalin joined the League of Nations, when he proposed the system of collective security, when he sought the hand of France, flirted with Poland, courted Great Britain, intervened in Spain, he calculated his every move with an eye upon Berlin, “in the hope that Hitler would find it advantageous to meet his advances.”
The world was astounded by Stalin’s friendly overtures to Hitler. Three days later, it was dumbfounded to find Stalin’s speech followed by Hitler’s move in Czechoslovakia. The record of Stalin’s policy of appeasement of Hitler - both the open and the secret record - reveals that the more aggressive Hitler grew both at home and abroad, the more Stalin pressed his courtship. And the more strenuous became Stalin’s wooing, the greater was Hitler’s appetite.”
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Wed 23 Aug 1939 Page 8:
“Although the agreement between Russia and Germany for a non-aggression pact has come as a thunderbolt, the possibility has been widely discussed since Hitler ceased his almost daily fulminations against Communism.”
Hitler’s non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union agreed to split the Eastern European states between them. Germany should not have been surprised that the Soviets were taking territory because that’s what the Germans agreed to. This was then utilized as an excuse by Hitler to say the Soviets were gearing up for war against Germany. A complete sham of a situation. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was all about supplying Germany with enough raw material to build up their war assets and giving them the necessary territories to initiate Operation Barbarossa.
“For while the Nazi-Soviet Pact lasted, the Russian government turned imperialist and expansionist with amazing success. The anti-imperialist policy was reversed completely during the Hitler-Stalin Pact. The Hitler-Stalin Pact from the Russian point of view was a great success for it gave the Russians an unparalleled opportunity for imperialist expansion and opportunity which they employed to the fullest. It is small wonder that the Communist Parties throughout the world considered themselves duty bound as loyal supporters of Russia to uphold the pact by attacking, opposing, and impeding the war efforts of the anti-Nazi.”
pages 11, 12 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.$b86578
An aspect of Soviet policy which helped Hitler rise to power:
“From 1928, in harmony with the increasing shift to the left at home, foreign and Comintern policy once again became radicalized, with the emphasis on the treason of the Social Democrats of the West.
From 1933 to 1934 the context changed abruptly. Hitler’s accession to power in Germany had been facilitated by Moscow’s refusal to let the German Communist Party cooperate against him with the Social Democrats and others. In fact, Nazi rule was at first interpreted as a victory for the communists, in that capitalism had been driven to its last resource, of naked force, and must soon collapse.”
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:31Quote from joshf731 on November 18, 2022, 13:15“The rise of Hitler to power in Germany, with its ruthless forms of anti-Semitism, has driven home the Zionism of Herzl and given a tremendous impetus to Jewish national feeling all over the world.”
"The Jewish Zionists could never have taken over the control of the land of Israel without the help and support of the majority of the world Jews"
pp. 29-37
Stephen B. L. Penrose, President, American University of Beirut, Lebanon - The Palestine Problem Retrospect And Prospect (December 1951):
“The dreadful Nazi oppression of the Jews in Europe evoked deep sympathy for the Jews among the Western Powers and established in their minds, and notably in the minds of the American people, a feeling of obligation to provide recompense for the horrors which the Jewish people of Europe had undergone. The Zionist Organization was not unwilling to capitalize on this feeling and made numerous efforts to advance the cause of Jewish nationalism through proposals for the establishment of a Jewish army with its own Hag and presumed national status. In the U. S. Congress, this proposition was headed off on security grounds by the direct intervention of General Marshall. Oddly enough, it was at this time that the theory of a Jewish race, more or less formally enunciated in its origin by Hitler and Rosenberg, was seized upon by the Zionist organization as a valid political theory upon which to raise the structure of the new Zionist State. It is ironic in the extreme that the argument used by the Nazis for Jewish oppression should be utilized by the Zionists themselves for their own promotional purposes.
With the close of the Second World War, vigorous attempts were made to secure international recognition for the Zionist State, now no longer a vague concept of a national home, but that of a definite political entity, the establishment of which was considered to be a right arising out of Jewish suffering in Europe.”
Pages 8-9
“The Nazi persecutions gave Zionists their opportunity to transform a philanthropic movement into a worldwide, aggressive political movement to establish a Hebrew state in the Holy Land”
pg 53 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015081352513
Nazis collaborating with a Jewish banker to get Jews safely out of Europe:
“On September 7, 1940, an official Nazi bus escorted by two German military vehicles commanded by Nazi officers arrived at the Lissauers’ house, and the two families – 11 people in total – boarded the bus. They drove them through occupied Belgium and France, and finally the Nazis reached their final destination at the Spanish border, dropping off the two families and returning home. Once in Spain, the Lissauers and Griessmans took a train to Portugal and traveled to Brazil via ship.
“Basically, they were escorted to freedom by Nazis. How was this possible?” von Oppenheim’s grandson, Florian von Oppenheim, asked at a memorial in the Israeli Consulate in Shanghai in 2015.
He explained that through his grandfather’s high-level connections with the German Central Bank von Oppenheim was able to get them exit visas, convincing them that the only way the metal company would be able to pay back their massive loans was through frozen funds they had in the United States.
“This was all an elaborate ploy and the funds were never sent to Germany,” he said.
After saving the lives of the two families, von Oppenheim continued to work to save the lives of more people, demonstrating to the Nazi authorities that the metal company was crucial for the German war effort, and its workers – almost exclusively Jewish refugees, most of whom had no experience at all in the metal business – needed to remain in the vicinity of the metal operation.”
paras 2-7 https://www.jpost.com/christian-news/the-banker-who-used-nazis-to-help-save-jews-469841
He got caught, thrown in jail, and sentenced for treason. But as expected, he wasn’t executed. The Americans managed to “save” him before the Nazis could execute him…as if the Nazis had any intention of executing him in the first place.
Quote from joshf731 on November 18, 2022, 13:15“The rise of Hitler to power in Germany, with its ruthless forms of anti-Semitism, has driven home the Zionism of Herzl and given a tremendous impetus to Jewish national feeling all over the world.”
"The Jewish Zionists could never have taken over the control of the land of Israel without the help and support of the majority of the world Jews"
pp. 29-37
Stephen B. L. Penrose, President, American University of Beirut, Lebanon - The Palestine Problem Retrospect And Prospect (December 1951):
“The dreadful Nazi oppression of the Jews in Europe evoked deep sympathy for the Jews among the Western Powers and established in their minds, and notably in the minds of the American people, a feeling of obligation to provide recompense for the horrors which the Jewish people of Europe had undergone. The Zionist Organization was not unwilling to capitalize on this feeling and made numerous efforts to advance the cause of Jewish nationalism through proposals for the establishment of a Jewish army with its own Hag and presumed national status. In the U. S. Congress, this proposition was headed off on security grounds by the direct intervention of General Marshall. Oddly enough, it was at this time that the theory of a Jewish race, more or less formally enunciated in its origin by Hitler and Rosenberg, was seized upon by the Zionist organization as a valid political theory upon which to raise the structure of the new Zionist State. It is ironic in the extreme that the argument used by the Nazis for Jewish oppression should be utilized by the Zionists themselves for their own promotional purposes.
With the close of the Second World War, vigorous attempts were made to secure international recognition for the Zionist State, now no longer a vague concept of a national home, but that of a definite political entity, the establishment of which was considered to be a right arising out of Jewish suffering in Europe.”
Pages 8-9
“The Nazi persecutions gave Zionists their opportunity to transform a philanthropic movement into a worldwide, aggressive political movement to establish a Hebrew state in the Holy Land”
pg 53 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015081352513
Nazis collaborating with a Jewish banker to get Jews safely out of Europe:
“On September 7, 1940, an official Nazi bus escorted by two German military vehicles commanded by Nazi officers arrived at the Lissauers’ house, and the two families – 11 people in total – boarded the bus. They drove them through occupied Belgium and France, and finally the Nazis reached their final destination at the Spanish border, dropping off the two families and returning home. Once in Spain, the Lissauers and Griessmans took a train to Portugal and traveled to Brazil via ship.
“Basically, they were escorted to freedom by Nazis. How was this possible?” von Oppenheim’s grandson, Florian von Oppenheim, asked at a memorial in the Israeli Consulate in Shanghai in 2015.
He explained that through his grandfather’s high-level connections with the German Central Bank von Oppenheim was able to get them exit visas, convincing them that the only way the metal company would be able to pay back their massive loans was through frozen funds they had in the United States.
“This was all an elaborate ploy and the funds were never sent to Germany,” he said.
After saving the lives of the two families, von Oppenheim continued to work to save the lives of more people, demonstrating to the Nazi authorities that the metal company was crucial for the German war effort, and its workers – almost exclusively Jewish refugees, most of whom had no experience at all in the metal business – needed to remain in the vicinity of the metal operation.”
paras 2-7 https://www.jpost.com/christian-news/the-banker-who-used-nazis-to-help-save-jews-469841
He got caught, thrown in jail, and sentenced for treason. But as expected, he wasn’t executed. The Americans managed to “save” him before the Nazis could execute him…as if the Nazis had any intention of executing him in the first place.
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 10:53Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:18Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank:
“With three leading managers, the Salomonsohn family helped shape the development of Disconto-Gesellschaft for sixty years (1869-1929). The first among them was Adolph Salomonsohn. He came from an old rabbinical family and belonged to the first generation to pursue a secular career. After studying law, he worked as an assessor and guardianship judge in Berlin, where David Hansemann became aware of him when Salomonsohn substituted for the counsel of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in some legal work.”
“Director (Jew) Mankiewitz, of the Deutsche Bank, and Director (Jew) Salomonsohn, of the Diskontogesellschaft, financed the movement of a Hitler forerunner, one Dr. Eduard Stadtler, who demanded the establishment of a German National Socialist state and who was instrumental in the smashing of communism in Berlin—then called Spartacism—and in the killing of its leaders, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In the Ruhr, Stadtler's movement was backed by the very same steel producers who, as will be shown, later backed Hitler: Emil Kirdorf, the venerated but dreaded God Wotan of German heavy industry, Albert Voegler, Fritz Springorum, of the Hoesch steel group, and also by Paul Reusch, of the Haniel group, and August Thyssen, father of Hitler's later financier Fritz Thyssen”
Source: Hallgarten, George W. F. (1952). Adolf Hitler and German Heavy Industry, 1931–1933.
U.C. Berkeley Professor Mel Gordon: “A surprising number of industrialist Jews supported the Nazis in the 20s”(Quoted in The Jewish News of Northern California, 22 March 1996, p. 52)
Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:18Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank:
“With three leading managers, the Salomonsohn family helped shape the development of Disconto-Gesellschaft for sixty years (1869-1929). The first among them was Adolph Salomonsohn. He came from an old rabbinical family and belonged to the first generation to pursue a secular career. After studying law, he worked as an assessor and guardianship judge in Berlin, where David Hansemann became aware of him when Salomonsohn substituted for the counsel of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in some legal work.”
“Director (Jew) Mankiewitz, of the Deutsche Bank, and Director (Jew) Salomonsohn, of the Diskontogesellschaft, financed the movement of a Hitler forerunner, one Dr. Eduard Stadtler, who demanded the establishment of a German National Socialist state and who was instrumental in the smashing of communism in Berlin—then called Spartacism—and in the killing of its leaders, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In the Ruhr, Stadtler's movement was backed by the very same steel producers who, as will be shown, later backed Hitler: Emil Kirdorf, the venerated but dreaded God Wotan of German heavy industry, Albert Voegler, Fritz Springorum, of the Hoesch steel group, and also by Paul Reusch, of the Haniel group, and August Thyssen, father of Hitler's later financier Fritz Thyssen”
Source: Hallgarten, George W. F. (1952). Adolf Hitler and German Heavy Industry, 1931–1933.
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 11:00Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:18Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank:
“With three leading managers, the Salomonsohn family helped shape the development of Disconto-Gesellschaft for sixty years (1869-1929). The first among them was Adolph Salomonsohn. He came from an old rabbinical family and belonged to the first generation to pursue a secular career. After studying law, he worked as an assessor and guardianship judge in Berlin, where David Hansemann became aware of him when Salomonsohn substituted for the counsel of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in some legal work.”
“Director (Jew) Mankiewitz, of the Deutsche Bank, and Director (Jew) Salomonsohn, of the Diskontogesellschaft, financed the movement of a Hitler forerunner, one Dr. Eduard Stadtler, who demanded the establishment of a German National Socialist state and who was instrumental in the smashing of communism in Berlin—then called Spartacism—and in the killing of its leaders, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In the Ruhr, Stadtler's movement was backed by the very same steel producers who, as will be shown, later backed Hitler: Emil Kirdorf, the venerated but dreaded God Wotan of German heavy industry, Albert Voegler, Fritz Springorum, of the Hoesch steel group, and also by Paul Reusch, of the Haniel group, and August Thyssen, father of Hitler's later financier Fritz Thyssen”
Source: Hallgarten, George W. F. (1952). Adolf Hitler and German Heavy Industry, 1931–1933.
The Bolsheviks had a vested interest in opposing the French occupation of Ruhr.
“When French forces occupied the Ruhr Valley in the summer of 1923, Krivitsky and six other officers were sent to the area to encourage resistance. This involved working with the German Communist Party. They created "small units of men whose function was to shatter the morale of the Reichswehr and the police." Krivitsky was involved in forming assassination units who "struck swiftly and effectively in various parts of Germany, picking off police officers and other enemies of the Communist cause.”
5th para https://spartacus-educational.com/SSkrivitsky.htm
Krivitsky was a Jewish Soviet intelligence officer & here we see another example of the Bolsheviks having reasons to ally themselves with the German right wing.
More on Krivitisky: “Walter Krivitsky, a former NKVD agent, gave evidence to the House Committee on Un-American Activities on 11th October, 1939. Dies asked Krivitsky if Soviet intelligence agencies cooperated with German and Italian agents and therefore faced with "a combined espionage problem?" Krivitsky admitted that even before the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had been co-operating. He argued that an "exchange of military secrets and information, as well as other forms of collaboration, is indispensable to both Hitler and Stalin." After the session he provided additional information in closed chambers on Soviet agents working in the United States.”
14th para https://spartacus-educational.com/USAdies.htm
Corroborated by the following news article. Seems like there was a collaboration between the Nazis and the Communist to start a strike in the airport industry in the U.S. This was during the Nazi-Soviet Pact
More on Soviet-Nazi connections/alliance:
“The Hitler-Stalin pact was, in fact, merely a public proclamation of the covert alliance between the Nazis and the Soviets which dated back to the early days of Hitler's rise to power. The 1932 Berlin transport strike, in which Nazis and communists worked in organizational tandem to disrupt Germany's democratic government, is but one case in point. Recall that at the very time that Stalin and the Comintern were calling for "collective security" against Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R. was secretly helping to train the Wehrmacht on Russian soil. Soviet propaganda then and now loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia.
The pact, moreover, included secret clauses partitioning Poland and delivering the three independent Baltic republics to Moscow. When Hitler attacked Poland from the west, Stalin backstabbed by invading from the east. Comrade Falin, it should also be noted, says nothing about the vast amounts of oil and other militarily significant supplies to the Nazis - hardly the act of a country preparing to go to war with Germany. When the Nazis did strike, Stalin complained of "betrayal" by an ally.
The evidence of Soviet intentions was clear in the activities of Moscow-directed Communist parties throughout the world. French Communists made common cause with French Nazis during the pact period and did their best to sabotage the war effort. In the United States, CIO unions called strikes in defense plants supplying the Western Allies.
But so confident was Stalin of Hitler's friendship that he purged Marshall Tukhachevsky, one of the most brilliant military strategists in Europe, and scrapped his plans for the defense of the Soviet Union at the behest of the German general staff.”
Paragraphs 2-5 https://web.archive.org/web/19991007082112/http://www.powerup.com.au/~dominion/ff/c06.htm
After Germany invaded France and Holland, Molotov assured Soviet citizens that “the friendly relations between Germany and the USSR were based on the fundamental interests of both countries” (Source: Speech on July 31, 1940, quoted in Stalinism in Britain, Robert Black.)
Hitler's Birthday Greeting To Stalin
If we consider the optics of Germany because of Hitler from the outside world, it does not look good when you have Hitler congratulating the biggest mass murderer to have ever existed, Stalin, on his 60th birthday.
The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.
“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”
1st para https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Rapallo_(1922)
As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.
“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.
Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'
The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.
The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.
There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”
Paragraphs 2-6 https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/army-cccp-rapallo.htm
Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.
Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.
Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.
Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?
The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?
Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):
“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]
“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”
25th para https://acienciala.ku.edu/communistnationssince1917/ch4.html
- This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)
“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”
The Northern Herald, Sat 26 Aug 1939 Page 2:
“Stalin’s international policy during the last six years has been a series of maneuvers designed to place him in a favorable position for a deal with Hitler. When Stalin joined the League of Nations, when he proposed the system of collective security, when he sought the hand of France, flirted with Poland, courted Great Britain, intervened in Spain, he calculated his every move with an eye upon Berlin, “in the hope that Hitler would find it advantageous to meet his advances.”
The world was astounded by Stalin’s friendly overtures to Hitler. Three days later, it was dumbfounded to find Stalin’s speech followed by Hitler’s move in Czechoslovakia. The record of Stalin’s policy of appeasement of Hitler - both the open and the secret record - reveals that the more aggressive Hitler grew both at home and abroad, the more Stalin pressed his courtship. And the more strenuous became Stalin’s wooing, the greater was Hitler’s appetite.”
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Wed 23 Aug 1939 Page 8:
“Although the agreement between Russia and Germany for a non-aggression pact has come as a thunderbolt, the possibility has been widely discussed since Hitler ceased his almost daily fulminations against Communism.”
Hitler’s non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union agreed to split the Eastern European states between them. Germany should not have been surprised that the Soviets were taking territory because that’s what the Germans agreed to. This was then utilized as an excuse by Hitler to say the Soviets were gearing up for war against Germany. A complete sham of a situation. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was all about supplying Germany with enough raw material to build up their war assets and giving them the necessary territories to initiate Operation Barbarossa.
“For while the Nazi-Soviet Pact lasted, the Russian government turned imperialist and expansionist with amazing success. The anti-imperialist policy was reversed completely during the Hitler-Stalin Pact. The Hitler-Stalin Pact from the Russian point of view was a great success for it gave the Russians an unparalleled opportunity for imperialist expansion and opportunity which they employed to the fullest. It is small wonder that the Communist Parties throughout the world considered themselves duty bound as loyal supporters of Russia to uphold the pact by attacking, opposing, and impeding the war efforts of the anti-Nazi.”
pages 11, 12 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.$b86578
An aspect of Soviet policy which helped Hitler rise to power:
“From 1928, in harmony with the increasing shift to the left at home, foreign and Comintern policy once again became radicalized, with the emphasis on the treason of the Social Democrats of the West.
From 1933 to 1934 the context changed abruptly. Hitler’s accession to power in Germany had been facilitated by Moscow’s refusal to let the German Communist Party cooperate against him with the Social Democrats and others. In fact, Nazi rule was at first interpreted as a victory for the communists, in that capitalism had been driven to its last resource, of naked force, and must soon collapse.”
"They remind the readers, especially those who are abroad, that there has been once a treaty between Germany and the Soviets, the Rapallo treaty, which might be revived for the mutual benefit of both countries. And to give more credence to this theory, the Soviet newspapers point to the fact that Germany has just granted Moscow a $50,000,000 commercial credit payable over a period of five years."
This astute observation was made in 1935. Even then, there were signs of collaboration between Hitler and the Soviet Union, such as the example cited above. What a cozy relationship.
"The possibility of German war upon Russia is remote, the speaker declared, and related the background of Russo-German friendship from the treaty of Rapallo in 1922 through the RENEWAL OF THAT TREATY BY HITLER IN 1933"
Quote from joshf731 on December 13, 2022, 09:18Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:18Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank:
“With three leading managers, the Salomonsohn family helped shape the development of Disconto-Gesellschaft for sixty years (1869-1929). The first among them was Adolph Salomonsohn. He came from an old rabbinical family and belonged to the first generation to pursue a secular career. After studying law, he worked as an assessor and guardianship judge in Berlin, where David Hansemann became aware of him when Salomonsohn substituted for the counsel of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in some legal work.”
“Director (Jew) Mankiewitz, of the Deutsche Bank, and Director (Jew) Salomonsohn, of the Diskontogesellschaft, financed the movement of a Hitler forerunner, one Dr. Eduard Stadtler, who demanded the establishment of a German National Socialist state and who was instrumental in the smashing of communism in Berlin—then called Spartacism—and in the killing of its leaders, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In the Ruhr, Stadtler's movement was backed by the very same steel producers who, as will be shown, later backed Hitler: Emil Kirdorf, the venerated but dreaded God Wotan of German heavy industry, Albert Voegler, Fritz Springorum, of the Hoesch steel group, and also by Paul Reusch, of the Haniel group, and August Thyssen, father of Hitler's later financier Fritz Thyssen”
Source: Hallgarten, George W. F. (1952). Adolf Hitler and German Heavy Industry, 1931–1933.
The Bolsheviks had a vested interest in opposing the French occupation of Ruhr.
“When French forces occupied the Ruhr Valley in the summer of 1923, Krivitsky and six other officers were sent to the area to encourage resistance. This involved working with the German Communist Party. They created "small units of men whose function was to shatter the morale of the Reichswehr and the police." Krivitsky was involved in forming assassination units who "struck swiftly and effectively in various parts of Germany, picking off police officers and other enemies of the Communist cause.”
5th para https://spartacus-educational.com/SSkrivitsky.htm
Krivitsky was a Jewish Soviet intelligence officer & here we see another example of the Bolsheviks having reasons to ally themselves with the German right wing.
More on Krivitisky: “Walter Krivitsky, a former NKVD agent, gave evidence to the House Committee on Un-American Activities on 11th October, 1939. Dies asked Krivitsky if Soviet intelligence agencies cooperated with German and Italian agents and therefore faced with "a combined espionage problem?" Krivitsky admitted that even before the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had been co-operating. He argued that an "exchange of military secrets and information, as well as other forms of collaboration, is indispensable to both Hitler and Stalin." After the session he provided additional information in closed chambers on Soviet agents working in the United States.”
14th para https://spartacus-educational.com/USAdies.htm
Corroborated by the following news article. Seems like there was a collaboration between the Nazis and the Communist to start a strike in the airport industry in the U.S. This was during the Nazi-Soviet Pact
More on Soviet-Nazi connections/alliance:
“The Hitler-Stalin pact was, in fact, merely a public proclamation of the covert alliance between the Nazis and the Soviets which dated back to the early days of Hitler's rise to power. The 1932 Berlin transport strike, in which Nazis and communists worked in organizational tandem to disrupt Germany's democratic government, is but one case in point. Recall that at the very time that Stalin and the Comintern were calling for "collective security" against Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R. was secretly helping to train the Wehrmacht on Russian soil. Soviet propaganda then and now loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia.
The pact, moreover, included secret clauses partitioning Poland and delivering the three independent Baltic republics to Moscow. When Hitler attacked Poland from the west, Stalin backstabbed by invading from the east. Comrade Falin, it should also be noted, says nothing about the vast amounts of oil and other militarily significant supplies to the Nazis - hardly the act of a country preparing to go to war with Germany. When the Nazis did strike, Stalin complained of "betrayal" by an ally.
The evidence of Soviet intentions was clear in the activities of Moscow-directed Communist parties throughout the world. French Communists made common cause with French Nazis during the pact period and did their best to sabotage the war effort. In the United States, CIO unions called strikes in defense plants supplying the Western Allies.
But so confident was Stalin of Hitler's friendship that he purged Marshall Tukhachevsky, one of the most brilliant military strategists in Europe, and scrapped his plans for the defense of the Soviet Union at the behest of the German general staff.”
Paragraphs 2-5 https://web.archive.org/web/19991007082112/http://www.powerup.com.au/~dominion/ff/c06.htm
After Germany invaded France and Holland, Molotov assured Soviet citizens that “the friendly relations between Germany and the USSR were based on the fundamental interests of both countries” (Source: Speech on July 31, 1940, quoted in Stalinism in Britain, Robert Black.)
Hitler's Birthday Greeting To Stalin
If we consider the optics of Germany because of Hitler from the outside world, it does not look good when you have Hitler congratulating the biggest mass murderer to have ever existed, Stalin, on his 60th birthday.
The war between Russia and Germany was already being planned & in the implementation phase from at least the early 1920s: One of the main reasons for the Versailles Treaty was to give the Jew-run government of Weimar Republic the excuse to collaborate with the Soviet Union under the Treaty of Rapallo.
“The Treaty of Rapallo was an agreement signed on 16 April 1922 between the German Republic and Soviet Russia under which both renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other and opened friendly diplomatic relations. The treaty was negotiated by Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin and German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau. It was a major victory for Russia especially and also Germany, and a major disappointment to France and the United Kingdom. The term "spirit of Rapallo" was used for an improvement in friendly relations between Germany and Russia”
1st para https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Rapallo_(1922)
As the German Army had been heavily reduced by the Versailles Treaty, the German military could use this as an excuse to engage in secret military cooperation with Soviet Russia - Which they did.
“Thereafter Germany annually sent to Russia a certain number of officers to instruct the new Russian armies, and other officers for experience with heavy artillery, armor, air force, etc., with a view to their instructing German cadres upon their return. The Allies had a Control Council in Germany to keep that state disarmed, but it could not reach the operations in Russia. Germany also furnished Russia with scientists and technicians for the current 5-year Plan. Net result was to modernize Russia and its army, and secretly prepare German forces to circumvent the Versailles Treaty.
Specifically there were three requests to be made of the Red Army. The first was for the use of military bases to exercise aviation, motorized troops and chemical warfare techniques. The second concerned freedom of action to conduct weapon tests and carry on tactical training. Thirdly the Reichswehr asked for a full exchange of the results of work in the military field. Soviet agreement to this was forthcoming, receiving in exchange an annual financial payment for the lease of these bases, as well as full participation in the technical, tactical and theoretical results gained in the tests and training on the Soviet sites.'
The result was was a remarkable military symbiosis that lasted for almost 10 years. The Germans had a reservoir of technical knowhow, but needed places to test and evaluate their ideas and equipment away from the prying eyes of the League of Nations' Disarmament Committee. The Russians, on their part, were eager to see how their own ideas of mobile warfare would appear when hitched to the wheels and wings that German technology was capable of providing.
The eventual result of these negotiations was the establishment of three cooperative ventures: an aviation school at Lipetsk, a gas school at Volsk, and a tank school near Kazan on the River Kama. By 1928 or 1929, all were organized and operational. Officer observer exchanges had been going on for some time, and by autumn of 1928, General Werner von Blomberg was visiting all three installations and observing the Red Army's exercises. The report he submitted was 54 pages long and is ihteresting both for its personal and for its technical insights.
There is a temptation to think that the Russian contribution was restricted to providing grounds and hospitality, but the Germans themselves felt otherwise. Erickson paraphrases Blomberg's opinion of the benefits accruing to the Germans: "The German Army could learn from the Red Army in matters concerning troop equipment, engineers (especially pontoons), military aviatlon, chemical weapons, propaganda techniques, the organization of defense against aerial attack for the civilian population, and the mobilisation [sic] of the population for defense purposes."”
Paragraphs 2-6 https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/army-cccp-rapallo.htm
Just look at the benefit that Soviet Russia received from this collaboration. The Red Army was not modernized and they still used horses as part of their military, it was fairly weak and that's (partially) why it lost the war in the Polish-Soviet War - That was until this treaty.
Side note - Report on the Polish-Soviet War from August 1920: The Battle for Warsaw was the turning point in the war, the report states all civilians had evacuated the city, apart from the Jews, who were on friendly terms with the Bolsheviks.
Many officers and Generals that helped to build up the Red Army were part of Hitler's crew such as General Werner von Blomberg who was the first minister of war in Hitler's government. Hans von Seeckt was also another one.
Also, notice how Blomberg said that they had learned 'propaganda techniques' from the Bolsheviks. Isn't that very interesting?
The Treaty of Rapallo built up the Red Army for a future major war. Let me also point out, this collaboration only helped to consolidate the Bolshevik power even further because with the Red Army having been built up, now they could more easily shut down resistance and enforce their incredibly tyrannical law. And this was thanks to many within the German military under the Jew-run Weimar Republic, many of those in the military would, later on, align themselves with Hitler. You would think Hitler would put Werner von Blomberg or Von Seeckt to death for treason, but no, of course. Hitler lovers will talk about the crimes of the Weimar Republic but again, this is one aspect they will NEVER mention. When have you seen a neo-nazi mention the Rapallo Treaty?
Excerpt from Die Erzbischofsschrift: Antwort eines Deutschen, by Hans Grimm (1950):
“And nothing in Germany's past - neither the Treaty of Rapallo nor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- suggests that German loyalty to 'Western ideals' is such that it excludes separate arrangements with the enemies of the West."—'The Economist of London', quoted by James Reston in New York Times, Jan. 1949. [p. 146]
“Hitler agreed to renew the Treaty of Berlin (1926), and trade relations (between Soviets & Germany) continued as before.”
25th para https://acienciala.ku.edu/communistnationssince1917/ch4.html
- This Treaty's purpose was "confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo." (source)
“Long before the rise of Hitler, Soviet-German co-operation became a fact dictated by the pressure of events. Stalin’s policy toward Germany had its roots in the Moscow-Berlin tie formed more than sixteen years ago after the conclusion of the Rapallo pact in 1922. Both the Soviet Union and the German republic were then treated as outcasts on the world stage; both were in disfavor with the Allies; both opposed the Versailles system; both had traditional economic bonds and mutual interests. Both have had smouldering hatreds. It is now common knowledge that for ten years before the Nazi triumph there was a secret arrangement between the German Army, headed by General von Seeckt (who had a Jewish wife), and the Red Army. Soviet Russia enabled the German republic to circumvent the Versailles prohibitions for the training of Germany artillery and tank officers, and for the development of aviation and chemical branches of warfare.”
The Northern Herald, Sat 26 Aug 1939 Page 2:
“Stalin’s international policy during the last six years has been a series of maneuvers designed to place him in a favorable position for a deal with Hitler. When Stalin joined the League of Nations, when he proposed the system of collective security, when he sought the hand of France, flirted with Poland, courted Great Britain, intervened in Spain, he calculated his every move with an eye upon Berlin, “in the hope that Hitler would find it advantageous to meet his advances.”
The world was astounded by Stalin’s friendly overtures to Hitler. Three days later, it was dumbfounded to find Stalin’s speech followed by Hitler’s move in Czechoslovakia. The record of Stalin’s policy of appeasement of Hitler - both the open and the secret record - reveals that the more aggressive Hitler grew both at home and abroad, the more Stalin pressed his courtship. And the more strenuous became Stalin’s wooing, the greater was Hitler’s appetite.”
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, Wed 23 Aug 1939 Page 8:
“Although the agreement between Russia and Germany for a non-aggression pact has come as a thunderbolt, the possibility has been widely discussed since Hitler ceased his almost daily fulminations against Communism.”
Hitler’s non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union agreed to split the Eastern European states between them. Germany should not have been surprised that the Soviets were taking territory because that’s what the Germans agreed to. This was then utilized as an excuse by Hitler to say the Soviets were gearing up for war against Germany. A complete sham of a situation. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was all about supplying Germany with enough raw material to build up their war assets and giving them the necessary territories to initiate Operation Barbarossa.
“For while the Nazi-Soviet Pact lasted, the Russian government turned imperialist and expansionist with amazing success. The anti-imperialist policy was reversed completely during the Hitler-Stalin Pact. The Hitler-Stalin Pact from the Russian point of view was a great success for it gave the Russians an unparalleled opportunity for imperialist expansion and opportunity which they employed to the fullest. It is small wonder that the Communist Parties throughout the world considered themselves duty bound as loyal supporters of Russia to uphold the pact by attacking, opposing, and impeding the war efforts of the anti-Nazi.”
pages 11, 12 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.$b86578
An aspect of Soviet policy which helped Hitler rise to power:
“From 1928, in harmony with the increasing shift to the left at home, foreign and Comintern policy once again became radicalized, with the emphasis on the treason of the Social Democrats of the West.
From 1933 to 1934 the context changed abruptly. Hitler’s accession to power in Germany had been facilitated by Moscow’s refusal to let the German Communist Party cooperate against him with the Social Democrats and others. In fact, Nazi rule was at first interpreted as a victory for the communists, in that capitalism had been driven to its last resource, of naked force, and must soon collapse.”
"They remind the readers, especially those who are abroad, that there has been once a treaty between Germany and the Soviets, the Rapallo treaty, which might be revived for the mutual benefit of both countries. And to give more credence to this theory, the Soviet newspapers point to the fact that Germany has just granted Moscow a $50,000,000 commercial credit payable over a period of five years."
This astute observation was made in 1935. Even then, there were signs of collaboration between Hitler and the Soviet Union, such as the example cited above. What a cozy relationship.
"The possibility of German war upon Russia is remote, the speaker declared, and related the background of Russo-German friendship from the treaty of Rapallo in 1922 through the RENEWAL OF THAT TREATY BY HITLER IN 1933"
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 11:37Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, President of Czechoslovakia (14 November 1918 – 14 December 1935)
CHABAD: “One may recite Yizkor for any Jew who has passed”
Was recited for crypto-Jew Lenin as well
1924: “Rabbi Maze said the Jewish laboring class is deeply afflicted by Lenin's death. Synagogues which held Yizkor services on Saturday were overcrowded.”
A leading official of the Sudeten German nazi party & lawyer:
https://archive.org/stream/brownbook1965/brownbook1965_djvu.txt (https://archive.org/details/brownbook1965)
Neuwirt is listed as a Jewish last name
A Czech Jew with the last name 'Neuwirth'
More on Heinlein:
“Despite the statement made by Konrad Henlein, leader of the German National Socialist Party in Czechoslovakia, during his recent visit in London that his party was not anti-Semitic, the anti-Jewish boycott movement in the German districts of Czechoslovakia is growing in intensity and is causing great concern among the Jews.
In Eger young German National Socialist agitators distributed leaflets in front of a restaurant, where a lecture on Palestine was being delivered, in which the statement was made that it is high time the Jews were treated in Czechoslovakia as they were being treated in Hitler Germany.
Karlsbad Jewish inhabitants also receive regularly a replica of a railway ticket with the inscription: “Free passage to Palestine, but no return journey.”
Paragraphs 1, 4-5 https://www.jta.org/archive/nazis-continue-anti-jewish-drive-in-czechoslovakia
Heinlein with Hitler
“Under the leadership of Konrad Heinlein’s Sudetendeutsche Partei (SdP) the Sudeten minority became increasingly radicalised, and with the active support of Nazi Germany, triggered a political crisis in 1938 that resulted in the partition and dissolution of the First Republic, and thus, the fall of Europe’s last democracy east of the Rhine”
Very possible that Heinlein was another crypto-Jew.
"After the Saaz rally, Henlein was widely viewed as the "man of the hour" and knowing that the Czechoslovak authorities were about to ban the two main völkisch parties in the Sudetenland as treasonous, Henlein decided to enter politics to fill the vacuum.[8]
The dominance by Henlein's political party of the Sudetenland in the 1930s set off the crisis that led to the Munich Agreement on 30 September 1938(*). On 12 March 1938, the British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax once again told Jan Masaryk, the Czechoslovak minister in London, that his government should try to negotiate with Henlein, only to be rebuffed with Masaryk saying that Henlein was not to be trusted and it was a waste of time to talk to him.[40] The Anschluss in March 1938 caused much excitement in the Sudetenland and throughout the month of March the StP had huge rallies where portraits of Hitler were prominently displayed while the crowds shouted "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!" and "Home to the Reich!".[41] Henlein in his speeches at these rallies now declared that now more than ever his party was the only party that spoke for the Sudetenland.[41]
On 28 March 1938, Henlein secretly visited Berlin to meet Hitler, where it was agreed that Henlein would make demands for autonomy for the Sudetenland that would provide the pretext for a German invasion.[41] Henlein was informed that Hitler now believed that Italy could hold both Britain and France in check and there was no danger of a German attack on Czechoslovakia causing a wider war.[37]
On 9 September 1938, Benito Mussolini in a speech formally endorsed all 8 points of the Karlsbad programme and denounced Czechoslovakia as a state "tainted" by its alliances with France and the Soviet Union(†)."
(*) Info on the Munich Agreement
(†) Despite the (Jewish-controlled) Soviet Union being allied: "The world was astounded by Stalin’s friendly overtures to Hitler. Three days later, it was dumbfounded to find Stalin’s speech followed by Hitler’s move in Czechoslovakia."
"Soviet propaganda then and now loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia."
Subversive tactics employed by the Nazis in Poland before their invasion:
“The Young German party in Poland, however, was in sharp competition with another German organization, Deutsche Vereinigung (DV) . In addition to JDP, another National Socialist organization was active in Poland - Landesgruppe Polen der NSDAP - publishing the newspaper "Idee und Wille"
In the mid-1930s, JDP became the main nationwide pro-Nazi political party of the German minority in Poland, based on the ideology of National Socialism.
In May 1939, the leader of the party, Rudolf Wiesner, with the support of two Wehrmacht captains from Wrocław, Capt. Fleck and Capt. Funka initiated the creation of the so-called Freikorps der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Arbeiter (Volunteer Corps of the German Workers' Union) [6].
The aim of the Freikorps before the attack on Poland was to collect weapons and conduct military training as well as sabotage and organize provocative actions. During the war, the Freikorps' task was to protect important industrial facilities, roads, and bridges from destruction, and to conduct guerrilla warfare against the Polish Army. After the decision, which was made between 8 and 10 September 1939 in Berlin, to create a paramilitary organization Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz from members of the German minority in Poland, the Freikorps became part of it.
paras 3-6 https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partia_M%C5%82odoniemiecka_w_Polsce
Leader of this group -
“The Young German party in Poland was built by Wiesner on the principle of leadership and directly imitated the NSDAP. [12] Wiesner was called the "Führer" and greeted in a manner similar to Hitler. [12] Party members actively collaborated with the intelligence of the Third Reich. One of the planned provocations prepared before the outbreak of World War II – similar to the Gliwice provocation – was the bombing of Rudolf Wiesner's villa at Sobieskiego Street in Górne Przedmieście. The action was thwarted by Polish counterintelligence on August 24, 1939 [13].”
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, President of Czechoslovakia (14 November 1918 – 14 December 1935)
CHABAD: “One may recite Yizkor for any Jew who has passed”
Was recited for crypto-Jew Lenin as well
1924: “Rabbi Maze said the Jewish laboring class is deeply afflicted by Lenin's death. Synagogues which held Yizkor services on Saturday were overcrowded.”
A leading official of the Sudeten German nazi party & lawyer:
https://archive.org/stream/brownbook1965/brownbook1965_djvu.txt (https://archive.org/details/brownbook1965)
Neuwirt is listed as a Jewish last name
A Czech Jew with the last name 'Neuwirth'
More on Heinlein:
“Despite the statement made by Konrad Henlein, leader of the German National Socialist Party in Czechoslovakia, during his recent visit in London that his party was not anti-Semitic, the anti-Jewish boycott movement in the German districts of Czechoslovakia is growing in intensity and is causing great concern among the Jews.
In Eger young German National Socialist agitators distributed leaflets in front of a restaurant, where a lecture on Palestine was being delivered, in which the statement was made that it is high time the Jews were treated in Czechoslovakia as they were being treated in Hitler Germany.
Karlsbad Jewish inhabitants also receive regularly a replica of a railway ticket with the inscription: “Free passage to Palestine, but no return journey.”
Paragraphs 1, 4-5 https://www.jta.org/archive/nazis-continue-anti-jewish-drive-in-czechoslovakia
Heinlein with Hitler
“Under the leadership of Konrad Heinlein’s Sudetendeutsche Partei (SdP) the Sudeten minority became increasingly radicalised, and with the active support of Nazi Germany, triggered a political crisis in 1938 that resulted in the partition and dissolution of the First Republic, and thus, the fall of Europe’s last democracy east of the Rhine”
page 21 https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/bitstream/handle/2123/10257/Wright%2C%20T_thesis_2013.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Very possible that Heinlein was another crypto-Jew.
"After the Saaz rally, Henlein was widely viewed as the "man of the hour" and knowing that the Czechoslovak authorities were about to ban the two main völkisch parties in the Sudetenland as treasonous, Henlein decided to enter politics to fill the vacuum.[8]
The dominance by Henlein's political party of the Sudetenland in the 1930s set off the crisis that led to the Munich Agreement on 30 September 1938(*). On 12 March 1938, the British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax once again told Jan Masaryk, the Czechoslovak minister in London, that his government should try to negotiate with Henlein, only to be rebuffed with Masaryk saying that Henlein was not to be trusted and it was a waste of time to talk to him.[40] The Anschluss in March 1938 caused much excitement in the Sudetenland and throughout the month of March the StP had huge rallies where portraits of Hitler were prominently displayed while the crowds shouted "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!" and "Home to the Reich!".[41] Henlein in his speeches at these rallies now declared that now more than ever his party was the only party that spoke for the Sudetenland.[41]
On 28 March 1938, Henlein secretly visited Berlin to meet Hitler, where it was agreed that Henlein would make demands for autonomy for the Sudetenland that would provide the pretext for a German invasion.[41] Henlein was informed that Hitler now believed that Italy could hold both Britain and France in check and there was no danger of a German attack on Czechoslovakia causing a wider war.[37]
On 9 September 1938, Benito Mussolini in a speech formally endorsed all 8 points of the Karlsbad programme and denounced Czechoslovakia as a state "tainted" by its alliances with France and the Soviet Union(†)."
(*) Info on the Munich Agreement
(†) Despite the (Jewish-controlled) Soviet Union being allied: "The world was astounded by Stalin’s friendly overtures to Hitler. Three days later, it was dumbfounded to find Stalin’s speech followed by Hitler’s move in Czechoslovakia."
"Soviet propaganda then and now loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing Czechoslovakia."
Subversive tactics employed by the Nazis in Poland before their invasion:
“The Young German party in Poland, however, was in sharp competition with another German organization, Deutsche Vereinigung (DV) . In addition to JDP, another National Socialist organization was active in Poland - Landesgruppe Polen der NSDAP - publishing the newspaper "Idee und Wille"
In the mid-1930s, JDP became the main nationwide pro-Nazi political party of the German minority in Poland, based on the ideology of National Socialism.
In May 1939, the leader of the party, Rudolf Wiesner, with the support of two Wehrmacht captains from Wrocław, Capt. Fleck and Capt. Funka initiated the creation of the so-called Freikorps der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Arbeiter (Volunteer Corps of the German Workers' Union) [6].
The aim of the Freikorps before the attack on Poland was to collect weapons and conduct military training as well as sabotage and organize provocative actions. During the war, the Freikorps' task was to protect important industrial facilities, roads, and bridges from destruction, and to conduct guerrilla warfare against the Polish Army. After the decision, which was made between 8 and 10 September 1939 in Berlin, to create a paramilitary organization Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz from members of the German minority in Poland, the Freikorps became part of it.
paras 3-6 https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partia_M%C5%82odoniemiecka_w_Polsce
Leader of this group -
“The Young German party in Poland was built by Wiesner on the principle of leadership and directly imitated the NSDAP. [12] Wiesner was called the "Führer" and greeted in a manner similar to Hitler. [12] Party members actively collaborated with the intelligence of the Third Reich. One of the planned provocations prepared before the outbreak of World War II – similar to the Gliwice provocation – was the bombing of Rudolf Wiesner's villa at Sobieskiego Street in Górne Przedmieście. The action was thwarted by Polish counterintelligence on August 24, 1939 [13].”
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 12:41Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 16:39Forward planning:
"Refugees Unwanted."
"When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933, Americans were struggling to survive the greatest economic depression the country had ever seen. Many Americans feared that needy immigrants would take precious jobs or place an added strain on an already burdened economy.
America's immigration laws have always placed quotas on the number of people allowed to enter the United States from other countries. For example, in 1939 the quota allowed for 27,370 German citizens to immigrate to the United States. In 1938, more than 300,000 Germans —mostly Jewish refugees —had applied for U.S. visas (entry permits). A little over 20,000 applications were approved. Beyond the strict national quotas, the United States openly denied visas to any immigrant "likely to become a public charge." This ruling proved to be a serious problem for many Jewish refugees who had lost everything when the Nazis took power and might be in need of government assistance after they immigrated to the United States."
“The rise of the Nazi Party to power in Germany was a catastrophe for German Jews. The Nazis enacted a series of racist laws aimed at isolating Jews from society, stripping them of their rights as citizens and barring them from schools, parks, and other public places. Jewish businesses and even personal property were confiscated.
In desperation, hundreds of thousands of Jews tried to emigrate. But almost every country in the world, including the United States, refused to accept them as immigrants. These restrictive immigration policies remained in place throughout WWII, as millions of Jews across Europe fell under control of Nazi Germany.”
Paragraphs 1 & 3
Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1936, declared:
“It is not our task to establish in Palestine a home for selected people, not even a state for a small portion of our people. The aim of our efforts is to organize a systematic massive Jewish evacuation from all the countries in which they live...”
Pg 224, ref. 4
That is to say, the ingathering of the exiles for the completion of ‘prophecy’ for coming of the Jewish Moshiach.
Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organisation in November 1936 warned that Jews had neither hope nor future in Europe
The same year he also said:
“Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming Holocaust, but they will be ready for life in Palestine”
"Mussolini aided the future Jewish state’s defense force, helping Zionist leader Jabotinsky establish the Betar Naval Academy officer training camp in Civitavecchia, Italy, which would become the Israel Navy"
para 4
Official SS newspaper, 1935:
“The time may not be far distant, when Palestine once again receives the sons whom it lost 1000 years ago. Our wishes & the good will of the State accompany them.”
pg 70
"Jon & David Kimche confirm the fact that Hitler with unambiguous determination, ordered the promotion of mass immigration to Palestine."
txt pg 69
JTA February 24, 1943:
"Palestine, Mr. Shertok stated, is ready to absorb immediately tens of thousands of Jews from Nazi Europe who would be given employment as soon as they reach the country. ... The primary interest of the Jews in Palestine, at present, is to have as many Jews as possible saved from the Nazis ... concrete action to rescue the Jews in those Nazi-dominated countries from which they can still emigrate."
JTA January 19, 1944:
"A Jewish emigration of 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 souls may be anticipated following the war, according to Ilija M. Digour, secretary of the Hias-Ica Emigration Association, writing in the Jewish Social Service Quarterly.
Emigrants who because of their idealistic tendencies may be suited be colonization enterprises, will no doubt go to Palestine ... Palestine will be called upon to play an important role in the solution of the tremendous Jewish refugee problem after the war"
JTA August 1, 1945:
“An appeal to “all the free peoples of the world” for justice for the Jews, in the form of a manifesto which will soon be published throughout the world, was completed here today by representatives of 4,000 surviving victims of the concentration camps of Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz, Theresienstadt and Mauthausen, who are now in Switzerland. ...
“In the name of Jewish survivors of the German concentration camps ... we demand ... a national home in the country of our forefathers ... compensation for damages suffered by the Jewish people in their totality ... In the name of our victime ... we appeal to all men of good will to come to our aid in the struggle for freedom of equality of the Jewish people”
“Those living in the camps for displaced persons would like to get settled somewhere else. Persistent propaganda on behalf of the Jewish Agency has continuously been carried on in their midst, and they appear to have been told that they would find a haven in Palestine.. As a part of its scheme to acquire a State, the Jewish Agency has been doing all it can, with the help of funds supplied by world Jewry, to at-tract as many Jews to Palestine as it can. Most of the other countries in the world have not been willing to receive them so far and it is, therefore, not surprising to hear that a majority of the Jewish residents of the camps for displaced persons have expressed their preference for Palestine.”
“The Jews who escaped Nazi extermination are on course for their new exodus across the continent”
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume 1, Chapter VII - 7. ADOPTION AND PUBLICATION OF THE PROGRAM FOR PERSECUTION OF JEWS: A. The official program of the NSDAP, proclaimed 24 February 1920 by Adolf Hitler at a public gathering in Munich, Point 23 (8):
Zionism should be energetically supported in order to promote the departure of German Jews-in numbers to be determined annually-to Palestine or generally across the border." (2842-PS)
“As I said yesterday, I represented the point of view that the Jewish question could be solved only internationally, since there were Jews in all countries. For that reason we published articles in my weekly journal referring to the Zionist demand for the creation of a Jewish state, such as had also been provided for or indicated in the Balfour Declaration. There were therefore two possibilities for a solution, a preliminary solution within the countries through appropriate laws; and then the creation of a Jewish state.”
“It is further established that in many, articles in my weekly paper, the Stuermer, I advocated the Zionist demand for the creation of a Jewish state as the natural solution of the Jewish problem.”
Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 16:39Forward planning:
"Refugees Unwanted."
"When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933, Americans were struggling to survive the greatest economic depression the country had ever seen. Many Americans feared that needy immigrants would take precious jobs or place an added strain on an already burdened economy.
America's immigration laws have always placed quotas on the number of people allowed to enter the United States from other countries. For example, in 1939 the quota allowed for 27,370 German citizens to immigrate to the United States. In 1938, more than 300,000 Germans —mostly Jewish refugees —had applied for U.S. visas (entry permits). A little over 20,000 applications were approved. Beyond the strict national quotas, the United States openly denied visas to any immigrant "likely to become a public charge." This ruling proved to be a serious problem for many Jewish refugees who had lost everything when the Nazis took power and might be in need of government assistance after they immigrated to the United States."
“The rise of the Nazi Party to power in Germany was a catastrophe for German Jews. The Nazis enacted a series of racist laws aimed at isolating Jews from society, stripping them of their rights as citizens and barring them from schools, parks, and other public places. Jewish businesses and even personal property were confiscated.
In desperation, hundreds of thousands of Jews tried to emigrate. But almost every country in the world, including the United States, refused to accept them as immigrants. These restrictive immigration policies remained in place throughout WWII, as millions of Jews across Europe fell under control of Nazi Germany.”
Paragraphs 1 & 3
Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1936, declared:
“It is not our task to establish in Palestine a home for selected people, not even a state for a small portion of our people. The aim of our efforts is to organize a systematic massive Jewish evacuation from all the countries in which they live...”
Pg 224, ref. 4
That is to say, the ingathering of the exiles for the completion of ‘prophecy’ for coming of the Jewish Moshiach.
Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organisation in November 1936 warned that Jews had neither hope nor future in Europe
The same year he also said:
“Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming Holocaust, but they will be ready for life in Palestine”
"Mussolini aided the future Jewish state’s defense force, helping Zionist leader Jabotinsky establish the Betar Naval Academy officer training camp in Civitavecchia, Italy, which would become the Israel Navy"
para 4
Official SS newspaper, 1935:
“The time may not be far distant, when Palestine once again receives the sons whom it lost 1000 years ago. Our wishes & the good will of the State accompany them.”
pg 70
"Jon & David Kimche confirm the fact that Hitler with unambiguous determination, ordered the promotion of mass immigration to Palestine."
txt pg 69
JTA February 24, 1943:
"Palestine, Mr. Shertok stated, is ready to absorb immediately tens of thousands of Jews from Nazi Europe who would be given employment as soon as they reach the country. ... The primary interest of the Jews in Palestine, at present, is to have as many Jews as possible saved from the Nazis ... concrete action to rescue the Jews in those Nazi-dominated countries from which they can still emigrate."
JTA January 19, 1944:
"A Jewish emigration of 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 souls may be anticipated following the war, according to Ilija M. Digour, secretary of the Hias-Ica Emigration Association, writing in the Jewish Social Service Quarterly.
Emigrants who because of their idealistic tendencies may be suited be colonization enterprises, will no doubt go to Palestine ... Palestine will be called upon to play an important role in the solution of the tremendous Jewish refugee problem after the war"
JTA August 1, 1945:
“An appeal to “all the free peoples of the world” for justice for the Jews, in the form of a manifesto which will soon be published throughout the world, was completed here today by representatives of 4,000 surviving victims of the concentration camps of Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz, Theresienstadt and Mauthausen, who are now in Switzerland. ...
“In the name of Jewish survivors of the German concentration camps ... we demand ... a national home in the country of our forefathers ... compensation for damages suffered by the Jewish people in their totality ... In the name of our victime ... we appeal to all men of good will to come to our aid in the struggle for freedom of equality of the Jewish people”
“Those living in the camps for displaced persons would like to get settled somewhere else. Persistent propaganda on behalf of the Jewish Agency has continuously been carried on in their midst, and they appear to have been told that they would find a haven in Palestine.. As a part of its scheme to acquire a State, the Jewish Agency has been doing all it can, with the help of funds supplied by world Jewry, to at-tract as many Jews to Palestine as it can. Most of the other countries in the world have not been willing to receive them so far and it is, therefore, not surprising to hear that a majority of the Jewish residents of the camps for displaced persons have expressed their preference for Palestine.”
“The Jews who escaped Nazi extermination are on course for their new exodus across the continent”
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume 1, Chapter VII - 7. ADOPTION AND PUBLICATION OF THE PROGRAM FOR PERSECUTION OF JEWS: A. The official program of the NSDAP, proclaimed 24 February 1920 by Adolf Hitler at a public gathering in Munich, Point 23 (8):
Zionism should be energetically supported in order to promote the departure of German Jews-in numbers to be determined annually-to Palestine or generally across the border." (2842-PS)
“As I said yesterday, I represented the point of view that the Jewish question could be solved only internationally, since there were Jews in all countries. For that reason we published articles in my weekly journal referring to the Zionist demand for the creation of a Jewish state, such as had also been provided for or indicated in the Balfour Declaration. There were therefore two possibilities for a solution, a preliminary solution within the countries through appropriate laws; and then the creation of a Jewish state.”
“It is further established that in many, articles in my weekly paper, the Stuermer, I advocated the Zionist demand for the creation of a Jewish state as the natural solution of the Jewish problem.”
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 13:47Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 16:39CATASTROPHIC (HITLER) ZIONISM -
“Herzl’s policy aim was a Jewish exodus from Europe.” (p. 934)
The Jews understood that 2 steps were necessary to acquire the land of Palestine and that long-term reliance on Britain wouldn’t work out. Hitler lovers are unable to see this basic fact because they don’t want to admit that without Hitler, there would be no State of Israel as we know it today; Moreover, the Zionist movement would have died out by the end of the 20th century.
Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Vol. 3 (pp. 112-113, 163-164, 319):
"The British awakened to a self interest in Palestine and realized that they could profit from the Suez Canal as a trade route to the British colony of India. The Zionist Jews, who wanted Palestine all to themselves, felt compelled to destroy British Imperialism, so as to eliminate British interests in holding Palestine.
The Zionist Jews were able to lure England into advancing their cause in Palestine in the name of protecting British interests in the Suez as a route to India, just as Napoleon was able to lure the French into their sacrifices for the Jews in the name of taking the Suez for France. But after the First World War and the Balfour Declaration, it became apparent to the Zionists that they would have to break the back of British colonialism with a Second World War, in order to destroy the British interests in Palestine which they had created. Just as they had used German war to create a British Zionist cause in the First World War, they used German war to weaken British colonialism and attempt to sever European connections to Palestine in the Second World War.”
“The British had no lawful authority to make this declaration. The British did not control Palestine, and even if they had, they would have had no right to offer it up to the Jews for settlements. Henry Morgenthau pointed out that leading Jews misrepresented the precise language of the Balfour Declaration, which did not offer to give Palestine to the Jews, but merely expressed support for the idea that Jews might wish to live there under the rule of the indigenous population,
“"It is worth while at this point to digress for a moment from my main argument, to point out that the Balfour Declaration is itself not even a compromise. It is a shrewd and cunning delusion. I have been astonished to find that such an intelligent body of American Jews as the Central Conference of American Rabbis should have fallen into a grievous misunderstanding of the purport of the Balfour Declaration. In a resolution adopted by them, they assert that the declaration says: 'Palestine is to be a national home-land for the Jewish people.' Not at all! The actual words of the declaration (I quote from the official text) are: 'His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' These two phrases sound alike, but they are really very different. I can make this obvious by an analogy. When I first read the Balfour Declaration I was temporarily making my home in the Plaza Hotel. Therefore I could say with truth: 'My home is in the Plaza Hotel.' I could not say with truth: 'The Plaza Hotel is my home.' If it were 'my home,' I would have the freedom of the whole premises, and could occupy any room in the house with impunity. Quite obviously, however, I would not venture to trespass in the rooms of my friend, Mr. John B. Stanchfield, who happened at the same time also to have found 'a homeland in the Plaza,' nor in the private quarters of any other resident of that hostelry, whose right to his share in it was as good as mine, and in many cases of much longer standing.” (98)*
* FN 98 - H. Morgenthau, “Zionism a Surrender, Not a Solution”, The World's Work, Volume 42, Number 3, (July, 1921), pp. i-viii, at iii-iv.”
"The big Jews wanted to break up the British Empire in Asia so as to eliminate the incentive for Great Britain to keep Palestine for itself as part of its trade routes to India"
ENCYCLOPAEDIA JUDAICA, Second Edition, Volume 21, p. 553:
“Nordau and Jabotinsky [...] were equally convinced that the British government, the holder of the Mandate, would find reasons of its own for making the LARGE-SCALE immigration of Jews into Palestine an ever more difficult enterprise. Nordau proposed, melodramatically, that without any meticulous planning or preparation, or even arrangement for solid housing, Jews, mainly from the pogrom-afflicted areas, should be led in their hundreds of thousands simply to appear in Palestine. He agreed that many might suffer extreme hardship, but that it was better for that to happen than to wait for the slower horrors in Europe and the hardening of the anti-Zionist policy of the British. At least, this mass movement would immediately achieve majority status for Jews in Palestine and would assure possibilities for the future. This then-wild idea of “catastrophic” Zionism was rejected but it remained dormant, and even in the quieter years of the 1920s it was the countertheme to the then-dominant notion of “building step by step,” according to plan.
By the 1930s Jabotinsky and the Revisionists called for the implementation of the “Nordau plan” and for an orderly mass “evacuation” of East European Jewry. Though this call evoked bitter internal controversies among Zionists, Jewish need, and the growing foreboding of worse horrors to come, were ever more the driving force attracting support to Zionism as a solution all over the Jewish world.
Alt. source: Encyclopedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1055-1056
Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky, Tisha b’Av adress, Warsaw, August 1938:
“It is for three years that I have been calling on you, Jews of Poland, the glory of world Jewry, with an appeal. I have been ceaselessly warning you that the catastrophe (“shoah” in Hebrew) is coming closer. My hair has turned white and I have aged in these years, because my heart is bleeding, for you, dear brothers and sisters, do not see the volcano which will soon begin to spurt out the fire of destruction. I see a terrifying sight. The time is short in which one can still be saved. I know: you do not see, because you are bothered and rushing about with everyday worries … Listen to my remarks at the twelfth hour. For God’s sake: may each one save his life while there is still time. And time is short.
I want to say one more thing to you on this day of the Ninth of Av: Those who will succeed to escape from the catastrophe will merit a moment of great Jewish joy — the rebirth and rise of a Jewish State.”
History Of Zionism - A Handbook And Dictionary (2019)
“Every Zionist theory, from the far left to the far right, was based on a feeling of impending catastrophe. A somewhat ironic juxtaposition exemplifies this reality quite nicely. During the 1930s Ze’ev Jabotinsky, leader of the Revisionist Zionists and a staunch critic of Socialist Zionism, quoted as a virtual mantra Ber Borchov’s statement that “we must liquidate the diaspora before the diaspora liquidates us.” In the Zionist view, Jews had two choices: flee Europe or be overwhelmed.” This orientation, which has come to be known as “catastrophic Zionism” (or, less often, catastrophe Zionism) led Zionists to denigrate the diaspora.”
pp. 108-109
In 1920, Zionists informed Albert Einstein's close friend Paul Ehrenfest that they had commissioned someone to attack the Jews (I.e., Hitler):
“I just read a few novellas by Zangwill (Tauchnitz Edition). Artistically worthless ghetto scenes.[18] Where is literature concerning Jews that, if only on a reduced scale, does to some extent what Dostoyevsky has done for Russians, or at least Tolstoy, or Turgenev, or Gorky or at the very least Herzen?[19] I would like to hope that it is just my own ignorance that I am unaware of this literature.—It must exist, or it would be a death sentence.
Something quite discontinuous is about to happen in Europe now, isn’t that true?—And on this occasion a devil will surely come, on special commission, to grab all Jews in Europe uniformly and synchronously by the scruff of the neck and give them a tremendous shake. Will the great miracle then happen that our prophets foresee, which will awaken and unite us all, orthodox and atheists alike, to a new living faith?—Maybe you have already seen something of it, even just a hint? I can’t see it anywhere yet.”
Source: Volume 9: The Berlin Years: Correspondence, January 1919-April 1920 (English translation supplement) Pages 253-254
Sjonizm (1916), by Pasmanik', Danil Samoilovič (1869–1930):
“Jewish defenders of this theory (Zionism) forget that all nations, although dispersed, do not give a damn whatever territory (Palestine) they call their own and to which they are attached.”
p. 4
“A congress was convened (related to Palestine colonization) [...] but then it turned out that Western European Jewry did not sympathize with the "hidden zionism", i.e. the Palestinophilic movement. [...] In this way, the Palestinophilic movement for a long time only waved among the Russian Jews.”
p. 9
On page 11 of this book, the author records how the Zionists were focussing on the breakdown of the assimilationist ideals among Western European Jewry.
Forward planning:
"Refugees Unwanted."
"When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933, Americans were struggling to survive the greatest economic depression the country had ever seen. Many Americans feared that needy immigrants would take precious jobs or place an added strain on an already burdened economy.
America's immigration laws have always placed quotas on the number of people allowed to enter the United States from other countries. For example, in 1939 the quota allowed for 27,370 German citizens to immigrate to the United States. In 1938, more than 300,000 Germans —mostly Jewish refugees —had applied for U.S. visas (entry permits). A little over 20,000 applications were approved. Beyond the strict national quotas, the United States openly denied visas to any immigrant "likely to become a public charge." This ruling proved to be a serious problem for many Jewish refugees who had lost everything when the Nazis took power and might be in need of government assistance after they immigrated to the United States."
“The rise of the Nazi Party to power in Germany was a catastrophe for German Jews. The Nazis enacted a series of racist laws aimed at isolating Jews from society, stripping them of their rights as citizens and barring them from schools, parks, and other public places. Jewish businesses and even personal property were confiscated.
In desperation, hundreds of thousands of Jews tried to emigrate. But almost every country in the world, including the United States, refused to accept them as immigrants. These restrictive immigration policies remained in place throughout WWII, as millions of Jews across Europe fell under control of Nazi Germany.”
Paragraphs 1 & 3
Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1936, declared:
“It is not our task to establish in Palestine a home for selected people, not even a state for a small portion of our people. The aim of our efforts is to organize a systematic massive Jewish evacuation from all the countries in which they live...”
Pg 224, ref. 4
That is to say, the ingathering of the exiles for the completion of ‘prophecy’ for coming of the Jewish Moshiach.
Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organisation in November 1936 warned that Jews had neither hope nor future in Europe
The same year he also said:
“Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming Holocaust, but they will be ready for life in Palestine”
"Mussolini aided the future Jewish state’s defense force, helping Zionist leader Jabotinsky establish the Betar Naval Academy officer training camp in Civitavecchia, Italy, which would become the Israel Navy"
para 4
Official SS newspaper, 1935:
“The time may not be far distant, when Palestine once again receives the sons whom it lost 1000 years ago. Our wishes & the good will of the State accompany them.”
pg 70
"Jon & David Kimche confirm the fact that Hitler with unambiguous determination, ordered the promotion of mass immigration to Palestine."
txt pg 69
JTA February 24, 1943:
"Palestine, Mr. Shertok stated, is ready to absorb immediately tens of thousands of Jews from Nazi Europe who would be given employment as soon as they reach the country. ... The primary interest of the Jews in Palestine, at present, is to have as many Jews as possible saved from the Nazis ... concrete action to rescue the Jews in those Nazi-dominated countries from which they can still emigrate."
JTA January 19, 1944:
"A Jewish emigration of 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 souls may be anticipated following the war, according to Ilija M. Digour, secretary of the Hias-Ica Emigration Association, writing in the Jewish Social Service Quarterly.
Emigrants who because of their idealistic tendencies may be suited be colonization enterprises, will no doubt go to Palestine ... Palestine will be called upon to play an important role in the solution of the tremendous Jewish refugee problem after the war"
JTA August 1, 1945:
“An appeal to “all the free peoples of the world” for justice for the Jews, in the form of a manifesto which will soon be published throughout the world, was completed here today by representatives of 4,000 surviving victims of the concentration camps of Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz, Theresienstadt and Mauthausen, who are now in Switzerland. ...
“In the name of Jewish survivors of the German concentration camps ... we demand ... a national home in the country of our forefathers ... compensation for damages suffered by the Jewish people in their totality ... In the name of our victime ... we appeal to all men of good will to come to our aid in the struggle for freedom of equality of the Jewish people”
Weizmann stated in The Times on 1 March 1918, that "By the establishment of a Jewish National Home we mean the creation of such conditions In Palestine as will enable us to move large numbers of Jews into the land ... so that the country may become as quickly as possible as Jewish as England is English"
- The British would not & could not * approve of Palestine becoming "as Jewish as England is English". They also wouldn't allow the Zionists to move anywhere close to the amount of Jews they were looking for to Palestine. We also find that the top Zionists not only were 'predicting' a major event would arise & affect all of European Jewry, but they were also making demands that could only be carried out with a 'justification' behind them of large-scale antisemitism (in order to bypass the British). The correct understanding of the British role in regard to Zionism is that they were used merely as a transitory tool to gain a foothold in Palestine - A second world war to follow which would secure a Jewish State.
* For example, strong Arab resistance against Zionism & other factors prevented the British statesmen from giving the Zionists what they wanted without jeopardizing the British Empire itself. There were many millions of Muslims in the British Empire and the plight of their fellows was deeply disturbing them. The great agitation caused by Zionist advancements in Palestine in the Muslim world had become a very serious threat to the British Empire.
1932: “As I have warned my colleagues before, Arab hostility is to-day not merely hostility to the Jews, but hostility to the British Government as the authors of immigration.”
p. 315 http://filestore.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pdfs/large/cab-24-248.pdf
"In 1921, Dr. Eder, a member of the Zionist Commission in Jerusalem, told the British court of inquiry appointed to investigate the causes of the first riots to break out between Arabs and Jews that ‘There can be only one national home in Palestine, and that a Jewish one, and no equity in the partnership between the Jews and Arabs, but a Jewish preponderance as soon as the numbers of the (Jewish) race are sufficiently increased**.’" (Sami Hadawi, Journal of Historical Review).
Historian Jerome Slater writes (p. 173, p.4/30 of pdf), “The evidence is now irrefutable that David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, and the other leading Zionists ‘accepted’ the UN compromise only as a necessary tactical step that would later be reversed, a base from which Israel would later expand to include all of biblical Palestine.”
** (Jew) Feivel Polkes informed (Crypto-Jew) Eichmann:
“Jewish nationalist circles were very pleased with the radical German policy, since the strength of the Jewish population in Palestine would be so far increased thereby that in the foreseeable future the Jews could reckon upon numerical superiority over the Arabs”
Douglas Reed:
“But for one later event, the undertaking [of Zionsm] would have died a natural death within a few years and would survive today in the annals merely as Balfour's Folly. This event was the coming of Hitler, which for a while filled the gap left by the collapse of the legend of "persecution in Russia" and produced in some Jews a desire to go even to Palestine. For the Zionists, Hitler, had he not arisen, would have needed to be created; a collapsing scheme was made by him to look almost lifelike for some time”
Page 197 https://www.controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/reeedcontrov.pdf
Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 16:39CATASTROPHIC (HITLER) ZIONISM -
“Herzl’s policy aim was a Jewish exodus from Europe.” (p. 934)
The Jews understood that 2 steps were necessary to acquire the land of Palestine and that long-term reliance on Britain wouldn’t work out. Hitler lovers are unable to see this basic fact because they don’t want to admit that without Hitler, there would be no State of Israel as we know it today; Moreover, the Zionist movement would have died out by the end of the 20th century.
Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Vol. 3 (pp. 112-113, 163-164, 319):
"The British awakened to a self interest in Palestine and realized that they could profit from the Suez Canal as a trade route to the British colony of India. The Zionist Jews, who wanted Palestine all to themselves, felt compelled to destroy British Imperialism, so as to eliminate British interests in holding Palestine.
The Zionist Jews were able to lure England into advancing their cause in Palestine in the name of protecting British interests in the Suez as a route to India, just as Napoleon was able to lure the French into their sacrifices for the Jews in the name of taking the Suez for France. But after the First World War and the Balfour Declaration, it became apparent to the Zionists that they would have to break the back of British colonialism with a Second World War, in order to destroy the British interests in Palestine which they had created. Just as they had used German war to create a British Zionist cause in the First World War, they used German war to weaken British colonialism and attempt to sever European connections to Palestine in the Second World War.”
“The British had no lawful authority to make this declaration. The British did not control Palestine, and even if they had, they would have had no right to offer it up to the Jews for settlements. Henry Morgenthau pointed out that leading Jews misrepresented the precise language of the Balfour Declaration, which did not offer to give Palestine to the Jews, but merely expressed support for the idea that Jews might wish to live there under the rule of the indigenous population,
“"It is worth while at this point to digress for a moment from my main argument, to point out that the Balfour Declaration is itself not even a compromise. It is a shrewd and cunning delusion. I have been astonished to find that such an intelligent body of American Jews as the Central Conference of American Rabbis should have fallen into a grievous misunderstanding of the purport of the Balfour Declaration. In a resolution adopted by them, they assert that the declaration says: 'Palestine is to be a national home-land for the Jewish people.' Not at all! The actual words of the declaration (I quote from the official text) are: 'His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' These two phrases sound alike, but they are really very different. I can make this obvious by an analogy. When I first read the Balfour Declaration I was temporarily making my home in the Plaza Hotel. Therefore I could say with truth: 'My home is in the Plaza Hotel.' I could not say with truth: 'The Plaza Hotel is my home.' If it were 'my home,' I would have the freedom of the whole premises, and could occupy any room in the house with impunity. Quite obviously, however, I would not venture to trespass in the rooms of my friend, Mr. John B. Stanchfield, who happened at the same time also to have found 'a homeland in the Plaza,' nor in the private quarters of any other resident of that hostelry, whose right to his share in it was as good as mine, and in many cases of much longer standing.” (98)*
* FN 98 - H. Morgenthau, “Zionism a Surrender, Not a Solution”, The World's Work, Volume 42, Number 3, (July, 1921), pp. i-viii, at iii-iv.”
"The big Jews wanted to break up the British Empire in Asia so as to eliminate the incentive for Great Britain to keep Palestine for itself as part of its trade routes to India"
ENCYCLOPAEDIA JUDAICA, Second Edition, Volume 21, p. 553:
“Nordau and Jabotinsky [...] were equally convinced that the British government, the holder of the Mandate, would find reasons of its own for making the LARGE-SCALE immigration of Jews into Palestine an ever more difficult enterprise. Nordau proposed, melodramatically, that without any meticulous planning or preparation, or even arrangement for solid housing, Jews, mainly from the pogrom-afflicted areas, should be led in their hundreds of thousands simply to appear in Palestine. He agreed that many might suffer extreme hardship, but that it was better for that to happen than to wait for the slower horrors in Europe and the hardening of the anti-Zionist policy of the British. At least, this mass movement would immediately achieve majority status for Jews in Palestine and would assure possibilities for the future. This then-wild idea of “catastrophic” Zionism was rejected but it remained dormant, and even in the quieter years of the 1920s it was the countertheme to the then-dominant notion of “building step by step,” according to plan.
By the 1930s Jabotinsky and the Revisionists called for the implementation of the “Nordau plan” and for an orderly mass “evacuation” of East European Jewry. Though this call evoked bitter internal controversies among Zionists, Jewish need, and the growing foreboding of worse horrors to come, were ever more the driving force attracting support to Zionism as a solution all over the Jewish world.
Alt. source: Encyclopedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1055-1056
Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky, Tisha b’Av adress, Warsaw, August 1938:
“It is for three years that I have been calling on you, Jews of Poland, the glory of world Jewry, with an appeal. I have been ceaselessly warning you that the catastrophe (“shoah” in Hebrew) is coming closer. My hair has turned white and I have aged in these years, because my heart is bleeding, for you, dear brothers and sisters, do not see the volcano which will soon begin to spurt out the fire of destruction. I see a terrifying sight. The time is short in which one can still be saved. I know: you do not see, because you are bothered and rushing about with everyday worries … Listen to my remarks at the twelfth hour. For God’s sake: may each one save his life while there is still time. And time is short.
I want to say one more thing to you on this day of the Ninth of Av: Those who will succeed to escape from the catastrophe will merit a moment of great Jewish joy — the rebirth and rise of a Jewish State.”
History Of Zionism - A Handbook And Dictionary (2019)
“Every Zionist theory, from the far left to the far right, was based on a feeling of impending catastrophe. A somewhat ironic juxtaposition exemplifies this reality quite nicely. During the 1930s Ze’ev Jabotinsky, leader of the Revisionist Zionists and a staunch critic of Socialist Zionism, quoted as a virtual mantra Ber Borchov’s statement that “we must liquidate the diaspora before the diaspora liquidates us.” In the Zionist view, Jews had two choices: flee Europe or be overwhelmed.” This orientation, which has come to be known as “catastrophic Zionism” (or, less often, catastrophe Zionism) led Zionists to denigrate the diaspora.”
pp. 108-109
In 1920, Zionists informed Albert Einstein's close friend Paul Ehrenfest that they had commissioned someone to attack the Jews (I.e., Hitler):
“I just read a few novellas by Zangwill (Tauchnitz Edition). Artistically worthless ghetto scenes.[18] Where is literature concerning Jews that, if only on a reduced scale, does to some extent what Dostoyevsky has done for Russians, or at least Tolstoy, or Turgenev, or Gorky or at the very least Herzen?[19] I would like to hope that it is just my own ignorance that I am unaware of this literature.—It must exist, or it would be a death sentence.
Something quite discontinuous is about to happen in Europe now, isn’t that true?—And on this occasion a devil will surely come, on special commission, to grab all Jews in Europe uniformly and synchronously by the scruff of the neck and give them a tremendous shake. Will the great miracle then happen that our prophets foresee, which will awaken and unite us all, orthodox and atheists alike, to a new living faith?—Maybe you have already seen something of it, even just a hint? I can’t see it anywhere yet.”
Source: Volume 9: The Berlin Years: Correspondence, January 1919-April 1920 (English translation supplement) Pages 253-254
Sjonizm (1916), by Pasmanik', Danil Samoilovič (1869–1930):
“Jewish defenders of this theory (Zionism) forget that all nations, although dispersed, do not give a damn whatever territory (Palestine) they call their own and to which they are attached.”
p. 4
“A congress was convened (related to Palestine colonization) [...] but then it turned out that Western European Jewry did not sympathize with the "hidden zionism", i.e. the Palestinophilic movement. [...] In this way, the Palestinophilic movement for a long time only waved among the Russian Jews.”
p. 9
On page 11 of this book, the author records how the Zionists were focussing on the breakdown of the assimilationist ideals among Western European Jewry.
Forward planning:
"Refugees Unwanted."
"When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933, Americans were struggling to survive the greatest economic depression the country had ever seen. Many Americans feared that needy immigrants would take precious jobs or place an added strain on an already burdened economy.
America's immigration laws have always placed quotas on the number of people allowed to enter the United States from other countries. For example, in 1939 the quota allowed for 27,370 German citizens to immigrate to the United States. In 1938, more than 300,000 Germans —mostly Jewish refugees —had applied for U.S. visas (entry permits). A little over 20,000 applications were approved. Beyond the strict national quotas, the United States openly denied visas to any immigrant "likely to become a public charge." This ruling proved to be a serious problem for many Jewish refugees who had lost everything when the Nazis took power and might be in need of government assistance after they immigrated to the United States."
“The rise of the Nazi Party to power in Germany was a catastrophe for German Jews. The Nazis enacted a series of racist laws aimed at isolating Jews from society, stripping them of their rights as citizens and barring them from schools, parks, and other public places. Jewish businesses and even personal property were confiscated.
In desperation, hundreds of thousands of Jews tried to emigrate. But almost every country in the world, including the United States, refused to accept them as immigrants. These restrictive immigration policies remained in place throughout WWII, as millions of Jews across Europe fell under control of Nazi Germany.”
Paragraphs 1 & 3
Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1936, declared:
“It is not our task to establish in Palestine a home for selected people, not even a state for a small portion of our people. The aim of our efforts is to organize a systematic massive Jewish evacuation from all the countries in which they live...”
Pg 224, ref. 4
That is to say, the ingathering of the exiles for the completion of ‘prophecy’ for coming of the Jewish Moshiach.
Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organisation in November 1936 warned that Jews had neither hope nor future in Europe
The same year he also said:
“Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming Holocaust, but they will be ready for life in Palestine”
"Mussolini aided the future Jewish state’s defense force, helping Zionist leader Jabotinsky establish the Betar Naval Academy officer training camp in Civitavecchia, Italy, which would become the Israel Navy"
para 4
Official SS newspaper, 1935:
“The time may not be far distant, when Palestine once again receives the sons whom it lost 1000 years ago. Our wishes & the good will of the State accompany them.”
pg 70
"Jon & David Kimche confirm the fact that Hitler with unambiguous determination, ordered the promotion of mass immigration to Palestine."
txt pg 69
JTA February 24, 1943:
"Palestine, Mr. Shertok stated, is ready to absorb immediately tens of thousands of Jews from Nazi Europe who would be given employment as soon as they reach the country. ... The primary interest of the Jews in Palestine, at present, is to have as many Jews as possible saved from the Nazis ... concrete action to rescue the Jews in those Nazi-dominated countries from which they can still emigrate."
JTA January 19, 1944:
"A Jewish emigration of 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 souls may be anticipated following the war, according to Ilija M. Digour, secretary of the Hias-Ica Emigration Association, writing in the Jewish Social Service Quarterly.
Emigrants who because of their idealistic tendencies may be suited be colonization enterprises, will no doubt go to Palestine ... Palestine will be called upon to play an important role in the solution of the tremendous Jewish refugee problem after the war"
JTA August 1, 1945:
“An appeal to “all the free peoples of the world” for justice for the Jews, in the form of a manifesto which will soon be published throughout the world, was completed here today by representatives of 4,000 surviving victims of the concentration camps of Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz, Theresienstadt and Mauthausen, who are now in Switzerland. ...
“In the name of Jewish survivors of the German concentration camps ... we demand ... a national home in the country of our forefathers ... compensation for damages suffered by the Jewish people in their totality ... In the name of our victime ... we appeal to all men of good will to come to our aid in the struggle for freedom of equality of the Jewish people”
Weizmann stated in The Times on 1 March 1918, that "By the establishment of a Jewish National Home we mean the creation of such conditions In Palestine as will enable us to move large numbers of Jews into the land ... so that the country may become as quickly as possible as Jewish as England is English"
- The British would not & could not * approve of Palestine becoming "as Jewish as England is English". They also wouldn't allow the Zionists to move anywhere close to the amount of Jews they were looking for to Palestine. We also find that the top Zionists not only were 'predicting' a major event would arise & affect all of European Jewry, but they were also making demands that could only be carried out with a 'justification' behind them of large-scale antisemitism (in order to bypass the British). The correct understanding of the British role in regard to Zionism is that they were used merely as a transitory tool to gain a foothold in Palestine - A second world war to follow which would secure a Jewish State.
* For example, strong Arab resistance against Zionism & other factors prevented the British statesmen from giving the Zionists what they wanted without jeopardizing the British Empire itself. There were many millions of Muslims in the British Empire and the plight of their fellows was deeply disturbing them. The great agitation caused by Zionist advancements in Palestine in the Muslim world had become a very serious threat to the British Empire.
1932: “As I have warned my colleagues before, Arab hostility is to-day not merely hostility to the Jews, but hostility to the British Government as the authors of immigration.”
p. 315 http://filestore.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pdfs/large/cab-24-248.pdf
"In 1921, Dr. Eder, a member of the Zionist Commission in Jerusalem, told the British court of inquiry appointed to investigate the causes of the first riots to break out between Arabs and Jews that ‘There can be only one national home in Palestine, and that a Jewish one, and no equity in the partnership between the Jews and Arabs, but a Jewish preponderance as soon as the numbers of the (Jewish) race are sufficiently increased**.’" (Sami Hadawi, Journal of Historical Review).
Historian Jerome Slater writes (p. 173, p.4/30 of pdf), “The evidence is now irrefutable that David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, and the other leading Zionists ‘accepted’ the UN compromise only as a necessary tactical step that would later be reversed, a base from which Israel would later expand to include all of biblical Palestine.”
** (Jew) Feivel Polkes informed (Crypto-Jew) Eichmann:
“Jewish nationalist circles were very pleased with the radical German policy, since the strength of the Jewish population in Palestine would be so far increased thereby that in the foreseeable future the Jews could reckon upon numerical superiority over the Arabs”
Douglas Reed:
“But for one later event, the undertaking [of Zionsm] would have died a natural death within a few years and would survive today in the annals merely as Balfour's Folly. This event was the coming of Hitler, which for a while filled the gap left by the collapse of the legend of "persecution in Russia" and produced in some Jews a desire to go even to Palestine. For the Zionists, Hitler, had he not arisen, would have needed to be created; a collapsing scheme was made by him to look almost lifelike for some time”
Page 197 https://www.controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/reeedcontrov.pdf
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 14:03Quote from joshf731 on April 20, 2022, 11:04The UN taking into account the Holocaust moving toward their decision on Palestine
Post-1948 statements from the UN
UN General Assembly: A/364 Add. 13 September 1947.
This brings use to the most important question-that of the future form of government which Palestine should have.
The Jewish claim to have the whole of Pales-tine as a Jewish State, or to have a Jewish State in a fairly large portion of Palestine, has been based on:
(a) The historical association of the Jews with Palestine;
(b) The religious significance which they attach to Palestine;
(c) The improvements effected by them at considerable cost, and tea resulting increase in Palestine's economic prosperity;
(d) Their "homeless,
(e) The promises contained in the Balfour Declaration, subsequently incorporated in the Mandate, and agreed to by a large number of nations;
(f) Jewish persecution generally throughout the world, and particularly the massacres by Hitler during the Second World War.”
The position of the delegation of Uruguay is summed up in the terms of its substantive proposal which states:
"The creation of a Jewish State will provide the territorial solution for the European Jewish problem, and will permit reparation in part for the terrible damage suffered under the nazi persecution by the Jewish people, who are still exposed to new wrongs and racial discrimination."
It is obvious that if the Palestine problem is directly linked with the problem of immigration, this latter problem has in turn been connected with, and is stimulated by, two well-known facts: first, the nazi persecution which cost the Jewish people of Europe the lives of six million persons, who were systematically exterminated in the gas chambers and crematories of the nazi regime; and second, anti-Semitism, which has continued to exist and may result in fresh outbursts of persecution and violence.
Hence, the urgent necessity of finding a territorial solution to the Jewish problem and of providing a basis for the solution in Palestine.”
V, B, 8. Jewish immigration and the development of the Jewish community:
“The immigration of Jews into Palestine, from 1930 up to 1939, took place under significantly changed circumstances. As a consequence of the economic crises and unemployment, and primarily because of the growth of fascist forces and the subsequent persecutions of the Jews beginning in 1933 in Europe, the number of immigrants began to grow rapidly. [...] Many of these immigrants were specialists and highly skilled workers. Investments in Jewish industry, which in 1930 amounted to 2,095,000 Palestine pounds, multiplied five times and reached the sum of 11,064,000 Palestine pounds in 1937. Thus, Jewish industry became a determining factor in the country's economy.
The political and cultural life of the Jewish community took on a broader aspect, so that at the beginning of the Second World War the Jewish community in Palestine was no longer simply a small minority but rather a first-rate factor in the life of Palestine. The significance of this community grew, not only in relation to local conditions in Palestine and the Near East but also in relation to the difficult position of the Jews in those areas of Europe which little by little were falling victims to Hitler's invasion.”
Andrei Gromyko was Jewish,
"In the Wall Street Journal of May 13th, 1948, Ray Cromley, an American journalist, confirmed that not only at Yalta but well before that conference, a secret agreement had been concluded between Nelson A. Rockefeller on the one hand and Gromyko, the Jewish representative of the Kremlin, on the other, to divide the globe into two hemispheres**."
page 279 http://432thedrop.com/NewDrop/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/MARSCHALKOLouis-The_World_Conquerors_1958-OCR.pdf
To occupy a key position as this (also for such a long time) requires to be a Jew; they don't trust non-Jews for this:
** From the book ‘The Hidden Empire’ 1938.
How the synagogue secretly govern the world through the Kahal, dividing the world into East and West Hemispheres.
Text Pgs 36-39
This Kahal also mentioned in the Protocols of Zion 17;
Newspaper from 1939 details Jewish control of both East & West.
"The powerful banking interests which rule the American Government are also the power which governs Russia."
“Political Zionism with its demand for the creation of a Jewish State is strong among the Jewish survivors. Accounts of life in Palestine given before the war are remembered and rendered doubly attractive by contrast with the ordeals they have endured. These accounts are repeated now and play their part in inducing the Jews to set out on the road to Germany which is believed to lead to Palestine.”
Section ‘Poland’, Paragraph 11 https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/angap02.asp
In 1937, Ben-Gurion wrote to his son Amos, “every increase in strength helps in possession of the land as a whole. The establishment of a state, even if only on a portion of the land, is … a powerful boost to our historical endeavors to liberate the entire country.”
“The Holocaust justified a Zionist state in Palestine on the grounds that the Jews need a special refuge from an alleged worldwide anti-Semitism.”
page 26, left column
Quote from joshf731 on April 20, 2022, 11:04The UN taking into account the Holocaust moving toward their decision on Palestine
Post-1948 statements from the UN
UN General Assembly: A/364 Add. 13 September 1947.
This brings use to the most important question-that of the future form of government which Palestine should have.
The Jewish claim to have the whole of Pales-tine as a Jewish State, or to have a Jewish State in a fairly large portion of Palestine, has been based on:
(a) The historical association of the Jews with Palestine;
(b) The religious significance which they attach to Palestine;
(c) The improvements effected by them at considerable cost, and tea resulting increase in Palestine's economic prosperity;
(d) Their "homeless,
(e) The promises contained in the Balfour Declaration, subsequently incorporated in the Mandate, and agreed to by a large number of nations;
(f) Jewish persecution generally throughout the world, and particularly the massacres by Hitler during the Second World War.”
The position of the delegation of Uruguay is summed up in the terms of its substantive proposal which states:
"The creation of a Jewish State will provide the territorial solution for the European Jewish problem, and will permit reparation in part for the terrible damage suffered under the nazi persecution by the Jewish people, who are still exposed to new wrongs and racial discrimination."
It is obvious that if the Palestine problem is directly linked with the problem of immigration, this latter problem has in turn been connected with, and is stimulated by, two well-known facts: first, the nazi persecution which cost the Jewish people of Europe the lives of six million persons, who were systematically exterminated in the gas chambers and crematories of the nazi regime; and second, anti-Semitism, which has continued to exist and may result in fresh outbursts of persecution and violence.
Hence, the urgent necessity of finding a territorial solution to the Jewish problem and of providing a basis for the solution in Palestine.”
V, B, 8. Jewish immigration and the development of the Jewish community:
“The immigration of Jews into Palestine, from 1930 up to 1939, took place under significantly changed circumstances. As a consequence of the economic crises and unemployment, and primarily because of the growth of fascist forces and the subsequent persecutions of the Jews beginning in 1933 in Europe, the number of immigrants began to grow rapidly. [...] Many of these immigrants were specialists and highly skilled workers. Investments in Jewish industry, which in 1930 amounted to 2,095,000 Palestine pounds, multiplied five times and reached the sum of 11,064,000 Palestine pounds in 1937. Thus, Jewish industry became a determining factor in the country's economy.
The political and cultural life of the Jewish community took on a broader aspect, so that at the beginning of the Second World War the Jewish community in Palestine was no longer simply a small minority but rather a first-rate factor in the life of Palestine. The significance of this community grew, not only in relation to local conditions in Palestine and the Near East but also in relation to the difficult position of the Jews in those areas of Europe which little by little were falling victims to Hitler's invasion.”
Andrei Gromyko was Jewish,
"In the Wall Street Journal of May 13th, 1948, Ray Cromley, an American journalist, confirmed that not only at Yalta but well before that conference, a secret agreement had been concluded between Nelson A. Rockefeller on the one hand and Gromyko, the Jewish representative of the Kremlin, on the other, to divide the globe into two hemispheres**."
page 279 http://432thedrop.com/NewDrop/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/MARSCHALKOLouis-The_World_Conquerors_1958-OCR.pdf
To occupy a key position as this (also for such a long time) requires to be a Jew; they don't trust non-Jews for this:
** From the book ‘The Hidden Empire’ 1938.
How the synagogue secretly govern the world through the Kahal, dividing the world into East and West Hemispheres.
Text Pgs 36-39
This Kahal also mentioned in the Protocols of Zion 17;
Newspaper from 1939 details Jewish control of both East & West.
"The powerful banking interests which rule the American Government are also the power which governs Russia."
“Political Zionism with its demand for the creation of a Jewish State is strong among the Jewish survivors. Accounts of life in Palestine given before the war are remembered and rendered doubly attractive by contrast with the ordeals they have endured. These accounts are repeated now and play their part in inducing the Jews to set out on the road to Germany which is believed to lead to Palestine.”
Section ‘Poland’, Paragraph 11 https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/angap02.asp
In 1937, Ben-Gurion wrote to his son Amos, “every increase in strength helps in possession of the land as a whole. The establishment of a state, even if only on a portion of the land, is … a powerful boost to our historical endeavors to liberate the entire country.”
“The Holocaust justified a Zionist state in Palestine on the grounds that the Jews need a special refuge from an alleged worldwide anti-Semitism.”
page 26, left column
Quote from joshf731 on December 20, 2022, 14:13Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:11Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 14:42Quote from joshf731 on September 7, 2022, 09:56"Why did the Nazis send weapons/support to Arabs in Palestine?"
Al-Husseini was a crypto-Jew, selected by a top Zionist Jew Herbert Samuel to be Mufti of Jerusalem, in order to secretly control the Muslims.
Samuel with Edmond Rothschild, 1920
With masonic crypto-Jew Churchill at a tree planting ceremony at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1921
With Weizmann, 1951
He was not prosecuted after WW2. Despite being a wanted Nazi war criminal, the Mufti of Jerusalem ‘mysteriously’ 'escaped' the French
"The French police guarding the villa were apparently more preoccupied with securing the mufti’s safety than with preventing his escape"
Samuel also created the Supreme Muslim Council in 1921 which was the highest body in charge of Muslim community affairs in Mandatory Palestine under British control.
"(Jewish-controlled) Moscow had intelligence agents operating in Palestine immediately after the Russian Revolution (1917)."
"Active propaganda against England...The Arabs are also to be subverted" - This rhetoric/giving lip service to popular sentiments is important for subverting the Arabs, and absorbing them into their sphere of influence.
"... Arab-nations sections of the [Jewish-controlled] Comintern...the Comintern’s Arab Affairs Office..."
We can deduce that there was a combination of crypto-Jews and Soviet assets on this council. The COMINTERN also intensified its activity in Palestine as early as 1930.
We can plainly see here that the communists were secretly on the side of the Jews
More proof the communists were only pretending to work with the Arabs, but secretly in league with the Jews: 15m 4s - end of the video
It's noteworthy that while heading the AHC (Arab Higher Committee), Husseini REJECTED the White Paper of 1939 which put an end to Zionist goals, and handed the Arabs security & power over the land. The Zionists immediately rejected the WP 1939 as well.
With Himmler (Given "Aryan" documents even though he doesn't qualify)
With Jew Eichmann.
"Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 & subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent"
"Husseini established a close working arrangement with Adolph Eichmann."
16th paragraph https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-grand-mufti-arafat-and-abbas/
Also, there looks to be a seeming contradiction in Samuel's actions/words - Which points to deception in managing the control of the Muslims
1923: “Mr Samuel [is] being too soft-handed in dealing with the Arab.”
but “in this recording (1915), Samuel discusses the necessity for a permanent Jewish state in Palestine.”
Nazi weapons were also sent to Haganah
So this collaboration was managed/controlled by the secret Jewish structure in Palestine on both sides.
Notably, Husseini was also a mentor to future Palestinian leader & crypto-Jewish KGB agent, Yasser Arafat
5th paragraph
The main reason for Nazi-Arab collaboration was to add another layer of defense for the Zionist program, by staining the Arab cause(s) in Palestine with Nazism, resulting in the shutting out/undermining of Arab requests when it came to the defining of Palestine post-WW2:
“This “in-between” timing was not helpful for the Palestinians in their effort to gain international support and sympathy for their national movement. The international reluctance to support the Palestinian cause against the Zionist one was further curtailed because of the rather enthusiastic alignment of certain prominent Palestinian personae with the Fascist and Nazi regimes, whose terrible consequences for the Jewish people were widely known. This alignment of Palestinian leaders with these regimes in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s further strengthened the mainstream Zionist reading of the Palestinians as irreconcilable enemies, who could not be partners in any shared future.”
Page 140
More results of the above:
Contributed to the nullification of the WP 1939.
Arab leaders, it seems for the first time (from my evidence) after the war, were forced to seriously seek “a compromise solution with Zionism” instead of retaining their complete rejection of it. The Zionists now had the "moral" upper hand that they didn't have before, standing behind the Holocaust and Hitler, backing the Arabs into a corner. The Arabs no longer had the previous leeway to fight Zionism. This is not to say, however, that all Arabs went down this path of seeking compromise.
Page 6, right column (1948)
The conflicts between Jew and Arab escalated by the Nazis via their support resulted in 10s of thousands of Arabs leaving Palestine (good for the Jews)
last paragraph
Zionist leader Jabotinsky in The Texas Jewish Herald Vol. 24, No. 44, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 11, 1932, p. 1
“The (British) Mandatory (in Palestine) has become an unmitigated hindrance to any progress in Zionism.”
JTA News - June 12, 1941 - Tel Aviv strengthens defense after Luftwaffe air-raid against Haifa.
Some will attempt to interpret this as an ‘anti-Zionist’ move. However, it was related to the British rule over Palestine, from 1917 until 1948. It was not an attack against Zionism, it was an attack against British rule which the Jews required as a step to create Israel. They needed the British kicked out.
“In 1936, the first "intifada" began in Palestine against the British mandate and the project of creating a Jewish state. Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Amin al-Husseini acted as its ideological inspirer and leader. Back in 1931, he chaired the World Islamic Conference, and then became chairman of the Supreme Arab Committee, which became the center of control of the uprising.”
8th para https://russian7.ru/post/dzhikhad-za-germaniyu-kak-gitleru-udalos/
“A Mufti normally has a religious task, but in the former British Mandate of Palestine, Al-Husseini was also the main political leader of the Palestinian Arabs. He was chairman of the Arab High Committee and the Supreme Islamic Council.”
1st para https://www.cidi.nl/ik-zag-de-palestijnse-moefti-in-auschwitz/
With barely two months of Hitler’s rise to power, the Mufti (who was put into power by elite Zionist Jews) rushed already to forge contact with the Nazi regime, on March 31, 1933
Congressional Record, Volume 107, Part 24 (1961) p. A5735:
“Shukairy joined the Arab Higher Committee which was also headed by the ex-Mufti. Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists led by the ex-Mufti. This gang cooperated with the Communists and prior to the Hitler-Stalin Pact sought in every possible way to sabotage the Allied war effort against the Nazis in the Middle East. However, when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists, and went all out for Hitler.”
Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186 - Publicaciones !Ahora!, 1967. P.9:
“Shukairy cooperated with the Palestinian Communist Party, led by Moscow ahead of the Second World War. However, after Hitler attacked Russia and communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler for his anti-Jewish programs.”
“During World War II and the Holocaust, the Nazi regime engaged in an intensive effort to appeal to Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa. It did so both by presenting the Nazi regime as a champion of secular anti-imperialism, especially against Britain, as well as by a selective appropriation and reception of the traditions of Islam in ways that suggested their compatibility with the ideology of National Socialism. [Employing Operation SIG tactics like today where Putin says ‘Islam is close to Orthodoxy’]
The mutual attraction between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and Arab radicalism had emerged during the Arab revolt in Palestine between 1936 and 1939. Then both German and Italian propaganda, and probably also with money and arms, supported the rebellion and attacked the British Mandate while Husseini and his supporters deepened their enthusiasm for the Nazis and the Fascists.
A significant historical scholarship has also documented the actions and beliefs of the most important public face and voice of Nazi propaganda aimed at Arabs and Muslims, Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Hitler would “give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power.”
In the above paper, it is noteworthy that German propaganda aimed at the Arabs asserted they could never be friends with Britain (even though the British collapsed the Zionist scheme with the White Paper of 1939) & that the Jews were backed by Britain and the U.S.A. & that they were “the arch-enemies of Islam.” (pp. 14-15). Rather interesting the Nazis barely spoke about the Soviets - and when they did, it was insufficient in relation to what their purported goals were in this region. This is because (Soviet) Nazism was secretly allied (at the leadership positions) & this proved to be fatal to the Arabs because they were being subverted by the COMINTERN with skillful propaganda & they were their ‘friends’ in the region.
Summons to a Intifada Against Britain - A "Fatwa" Issued by Haj Amin al-Husseini, May,1941*
*Translated from: - "Oriente Modemo," 1941, pp. 552-553; broadcast over the 'Iraqi and Axis radios.
“In the name of Merciful and Almighty God.
I invite all my Moslem brothers throughout the whole world to join in the Holy War for God, for the defense of Islam and her lands against her enemy. O Faithful, obey and respond to my call. [...] The ENGLISH have tried to seize this Arab-Moslem land [...]
Whoever knows the history of the East has everywhere seen the hand of the ENGLISH working to destroy the Ottoman Empire and to divide the Arab countries. BRITISH politics toward the Arab people is masked under a veil of Hypocrisy. The minute she sees her chance, ENGLAND squeezes the prostrate country in her Imperialist grasp, adding futile justifications. She creates discord and division within a country and while feeding it in secret openly she assumes the role of advisor and trusted hiend. The time when England could deceive the peoples of the East is passed. The Arab Nation and the Moslem people have awakened to fight British domination.”
Document #2 http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~jkatz/nazis.html
“The Mufti lobbied the Nazis hard to kick the British out of the Middle East [This is exactly what the Jews wanted - my note], and he was instrumental in raising recruits for a largely Muslim unit of the SS called the 13th Armed Mountain Division of the SS Handschar.”
14th para https://www.thedailybeast.com/hitlers-henchmen-in-arabia
Ribbentrop promises the Mufti that Germany will give all assistance to destroy a “Jewish National Home” by attacking the BRITISH
“The courtship of Muslims was to pacify the occupied Muslim-populated territories and to mobilize Muslims to fight on the side of Hitler's armies.
Many of those Muslims who worked with the Nazi regime had pragmatic reasons. They believed that Nazi Germany in 1941-1942 would be victorious and that it would determine the future world order and that the Nazis could help them become liberated from, for example, British imperial rule.”
One of the most pro-Israel historians, Martin Gilbert, wrote:
“Avraham Stern who had formed a breakaway 'Irgun in Israel' movement (also known as the Stern Gang), tried to make contact with Fascist Italy in the hope that, if Mussolini were to conquer the Middle East, he would allow a Jewish State to be set up in Palestine. When Mussolini's troops were defeated in North Africa, Stern tried to make contacts with Nazi Germany, hoping to sign a pact with Hitler which would lead to a Jewish State once Hitler had defeated Britain. After two members of the Stern's Gang had killed the Tel Aviv [British] police chief and two of his officers, Stern himself was caught and killed. His followers [chief among them Yitzhak Shamir who led the Stern Gang after Stern's death] continued on their path of terror.”
German intervention established a new dynamic in Palestine that resulted in the weakening of the British:
“As German planes had massively bombarded Alexandria shortly before, the bombing raid was glorified as a vital advance into the area controlled by the British in the eastern Mediterranean.”
13th para
“At this stage British authorities recognized the urgent need to strengthen anti aerial defences in Palestine. Unable to send anti-aircraft units from Britain and wishing to keep those in Egypt defending the port of Alexandria and the Suez Canal, the British military was forced to opt for a measure it had thus far hesitated to implement.”
page 334 https://www.jstor.org/stable/20720675
Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Vol. 3, Pages 20, 112-113:
Note: This is not an endorsement of the author or the book as a whole.
“The Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine, was racked by Jewish revolution and war, and then was dissolved. The British took Palestine for Jewry in exchange for America's entry into the war on the side of the Allies. Few Jews took the opportunity to migrate to Palestine.
The British awakened to a self interest in Palestine and realized that they could profit from the Suez Canal as a trade route to the British colony of India. The Zionist Jews, who wanted Palestine all to the themselves, felt compelled to destroy British Imperialism, so as to eliminate British interests in holding Palestine.
The Zionist Jews were able to lure England into advancing their cause in Palestine in the name of protecting British interests in the Suez as a route to India, just as Napoleon was able to lure the French into their sacrifices for the Jews in the name of taking the Suez for France. But after the First World War and the Balfour Declaration, it became apparent to the Zionists that they would have to break the back of British colonialism with a Second World War, in order to destroy the British interests in Palestine which they had created. Just as they had used German war to create a British Zionist cause in the First World War, they used German war to weaken British colonialism and attempt to sever European connections to Palestine in the Second World War.”
“It’s also worth keeping in mind that the (Zionist) Revisionists, in their effort to end British colonial rule, conducted serious negotiations with the Nazis well into the War itself.”
last paragraph
“Ben-Gurion wanted to deport Palestine’s (non-Jewish) inhabitants. So long as the British ruled Palestine, he could not act.”
paras 68-69
“80,000 battered and demoralized British troops withdrew from the Holy Land and the State of Israel arose.”
“The Jewish Stern gang & Betar received funding and arms from Italian Fascists to resist British forces in Palestine. In fact, Stern gang's collaboration with the Fascists and Nazis was going on while their Jewish brothers were being persecuted in Nazi concentration camps (as late as 1941).
It should also be noted that when the Americans, British, and their Arab allies were busy blocking the Desert Fox's (Erwin Rommel) advances in north Africa, the Stern gang's leader Yitzhak Shamir and the Irgun gang's leader Menachem Begin were busy sabotaging allies' war efforts during WWII, ambushing British soldiers, blowing up the vital Haifa-Cairo railroad supply line, and terrorizing British and Palestinian civilians (Righteous Victims, p. 174).”
“When Italy entered World War II on the side of Germany in June of 1940 they attacked the British in North Africa from their bases in Libya with the strategy of moving through Egypt pushing out the English, taking the Suez Canal, and moving into Asia and capturing the Mosul oil fields of Iraq, and possibly bringing an early end to the war with an Axis victory.”
December 14, 1938:
Article: A Fresh Look at How the Jews Drove the British Out of Palestine
“There can no longer be an armistice between the Jewish Nation and its youth and a British administration in the Land of Israel which has been delivering our brethren to Hitler,” Menachem Begin’s February 1944 declaration of revolt announced. “Our nation is at war with this regime and it is a fight to the finish.”
Multiple factors contributed to the British decision to withdraw. Economic hardships weighed heavily on the war-weary British public. American Jewish protests were blackening England’s name and straining American-British relations. The plight of Holocaust survivors languishing in Displaced Persons camps, dramatized in the voyage of the Exodus and other postwar refugee ships, created additional headaches for London. But the Jewish revolt in Palestine “played a salient role” in forcing out the British, Hoffman concludes, because it created “a sense of hopelessness and despair” among government officials, which, when combined with the other factors, simply could not be overcome.”
1938: “Can't the Jews themselves realise that it is suicidal for JEWRY TO WEAKEN GREAT BRITAIN so perilously in-the face of the obvious dangers that threaten? One would have thought that a man of Weizmann's intelligence would have seen that quick enough. It's such an obvious truth.”
p. 451 http://filestore.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pdfs/large/cab-24-281.pdf
If the Jews were banking on the British the entire way through to create a Jewish state, then yes, it is both suicidal & endangering for Zionism. But, in proper context of the war being a script on top of the fact the Jews were not relying on the British the entire way through, it makes sense why they would weaken the British along with the Nazis and Arabs.
If the leading Zionist Jews did not control Hitler, and Nazism wasn’t a Zionist operation, why in the world are they weakening British influence in Palestine AND EVEN EXTENDING THEIR HAND TO HELP THE NAZIS? The answer is that Hitler was their operation, and they knew the ‘Holocaust’ and World War 2 were set in place, thus giving Jewry the upper hand when it came to fundamental decisions towards Palestine. The British weren’t behind Zionism. This explains the activities of the Jewish terrorist groups against British army bases, hotels, etc., in the period before & after WWII, before the British withdrawal from Palestine.
Again, from the book Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Vol. 3 (p. 163-164):
“The British had no lawful authority to make this declaration. The British did not control Palestine, and even if they had, they would have had no right to offer it up to the Jews for settlements. Henry Morgenthau pointed out that leading Jews misrepresented the precise language of the Balfour Declaration, which did not offer to give Palestine to the Jews, but merely expressed support for the idea that Jews might wish to live there under the rule of the indigenous population,
“It is worth while at this point to digress for a moment from my main argument, to point out that the Balfour Declaration is itself not even a compromise. It is a shrewd and cunning delusion. I have been astonished to find that such an intelligent body of American Jews as the Central Conference of American Rabbis should have fallen into a grievous misunderstanding of the purport of the Balfour Declaration. In a resolution adopted by them, they assert that the declaration says: 'Palestine is to be a national home-land for the Jewish people.' Not at all! The actual words of the declaration (I quote from the official text) are: 'His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' These two phrases sound alike, but they are really very different. I can make this obvious by an analogy. When I first read the Balfour Declaration I was temporarily making my home in the Plaza Hotel. Therefore I could say with truth: 'My home is in the Plaza Hotel.' I could not say with truth: 'The Plaza Hotel is my home.' If it were 'my home,' I would have the freedom of the whole premises, and could occupy any room in the house with impunity. Quite obviously, however, I would not venture to trespass in the rooms of my friend, Mr. John B. Stanchfield, who happened at the same time also to have found 'a homeland in the Plaza,' nor in the private quarters of any other resident of that hostelry, whose right to his share in it was as good as mine, and in many cases of much longer standing.” (98)*
* FN 98 - H. Morgenthau, “Zionism a Surrender, Not a Solution”, The World's Work, Volume 42, Number 3, (July, 1921), pp. i-viii, at iii-iv.”
“The key is the opening sentence, in which “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” But alongside this sentence we must pay attention to what is missing from the letter of British Secretary Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter does not speak of establishing a Jewish state and not of turning Palestine into a Jewish state, but rather of the establishment of a “national home.”
The declaration does not declare that Palestine will become the national home of the Jewish people, but that a national home will be established there. This is intentionally ambiguous wording and over the years it has had many contradictory interpretations.
Obviously, the complicated wording of the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate put Britain in an impossible position. It had to advance the building of a national home for Jews in Palestine without harming the rights of the Arab population, whose positions were increasingly nationalistic."
“It should not be such a mystery. Britain wanted Palestine for its own empire, for simple geostrategic reasons born of World War I. Towards that end, the British government sought to exploit the Zionist movement - not to create a Jewish state, but to partner with Zionist settlers in managing Palestine over the predictable opposition of the Palestinian Arab majority.”
A key point I am drawing here is that the Nazis with their efforts in Palestine, always had a prime focus on the British in a Soviet-Operation SIG fashion, acting as a controlled anti-Zionist force, pretending as if the booting out of Britain will solve their Jewish problem in the region.
(the EXACT OPPOSITE was the case -
“The continued enforcement of the White Paper went VERY FAR toward meeting the Arabs’ demand to prevent Jewish immigration.”
Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Vol. 48, No. 16, Ed. 1 Friday, August 18, 1939, p.1:
“At Geneva, the World Zionist congress appealed to the League of Nations council to reject Britain’s plan for an Arab-dominated state in Palestine.”
Other than that, the Nazis accomplished in a few short years what 40 years of Zionist lobbying could not.
It should be noted:
“Looking at recent historiography on the chronology of the war reveals that at every step of the way the Germans had grand plans for the region.”
However, these grand plans were never to materialize as there was a safeguard in place.
“The Germans were not capable of providing sufficient arms and air support to defeat the British with success. [...] The cause for failure probably may be attributed to the focus of Hitler and the German General Staff on Operation Barbarossa. Führer Directive No. 30 from May, 1941 confirms this: “Whether it may be possible, in conjunction with an offensive against the Suez Canal, finally to break the British position between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf is a question that will be answered only after Barbarossa.”
Military options in support of Arab nationalists would have to wait until the end of Operation Barbarossa. In the meantime, the Germans waged a massive propaganda campaign at a much smaller cost.”
The grand plans could have never taken place as the safeguard in place was Operation Barbarossa: The operation that guaranteed the defeat of Germany. Therefore, there was no real threat to the Jews. The contained & limited military action in Palestine that did take place by the Germans and Italians ended up weakening British influence in the region & therefore this intervention was an important step for the creation of Israel – all while having no real threat to the Jews’ hold.
Extra facts/notes:
Info section #1)
“Churchill’s partition plan ended up in the dustbin of history, alongside numerous other plans for dividing the Holy Land in various ways”
12th para
Churchill, a crypto-Jew working for Zionism, clearly did not believe in the plans he drew up; Rather, we see the common theme the Jews use in making the historical development of Zionism look organically developed and also making himself appear to the (largely) goyim government, that he has a balanced approach. The same idea can be applied to any seemingly anti-Zionist statement from Nazis. One could take it a step further and point out that Churchill was playing the dialectic, giving more ammunition to the Zionists and their position that they cannot rely on the British for the creation of a Jewish state. The quote continues:
“...including the Churchill government’s 1944 offer to Arab leaders (reported by Meir Zamir in Haaretz in 2008) to establish a “Greater Syria” that would unite Syria, Transjordan, and Palestine, with a small autonomous area for Jews under Syrian sovereignty. Every new revelation concerning wartime British diplomatic maneuvering seems to validate Begin’s skepticism regarding London’s promises.
The Irgun and the Stern gang, neither privy to these British internal machinations nor likely to be impressed by them, intensified their attacks. Among the most notorious was the Sternists’ assassination, in November 1944, of the top British official in the Middle East, Lord Moyne. “The main reason that Lehi targeted Moyne [and other senior officials],” Hoffman notes, was not because of anything about them personally, but simply “the offices they held and the British rule they represented.”
Info section #2)
The Jews paid Arabs to join the British army
14th para
A large portion of Arabs that did fight in Palestine enlisted with the intention of acquiring weapons for themselves. Moreover, “Arab leaders who moved to Germany, led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, a former Mufti of Jerusalem, incited on German radio the Arabs to defect from the British army. Amin al-Husseini actively assisted in the establishment of Arab and Muslim battalions in the German army.”
“About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often times stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey conducted in 1941 shows that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British mandate.”
15th para https://www.ynetnews.com/article/s1bpi7cl5
It's almost as if the Jews knew that they were going to utilize Nazism to get Arabs to abandon the British Army with the help of crypto-Jewish and Soviet agents planted in Arab leadership positions such as al-Husseini.
And then there is Ahmad Shukeiri’s testimony in his book about almost no Arab agreeing in 1940 to help in the British war effort. See Elie Kedourie (Professor of Politics Emeritus), "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies," (Cass books on the Middle East, Psychology Press, 1964), pp. 189-190; Elie Kedourie, "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies," (Routledge, 2012), pp.189-190 for details.
So plainly, they used Britain to establish a foothold in Palestine, to then create an 'enemy image' directed to the Arabs; Thereafter, they leveraged the 'enemy image' and had the controlled Nazis move into the region to "liberate" them from this 'enemy', falsely believing it will be the end of the Jewish threat. Fast forward to today, we have the same "liberation" script when it comes to America.
Info section #3)
“Haj Amin did not even stop there: He became a close friend, adviser, and confidant to Himmler and Eichmann”
9th para
“Eichmann is the man who brought Hitler and the Mufti together.”
Info section #4)
B. Lerner, “Behind the British Conspiracy," B'nai B'rith Messenger, 12 July 1946, p.6:
Achmed Shukeiri chief of the Arab Office “warned that his side was ready to play along with Moscow.”
Also quoted here, Jewish News, July 17, 1946.
This is because the communists were pretending to be friends with the Arabs & were united with Nazi Germany's propaganda against the British.
The following document speaks for itself:
Info section #5)
More proof Husseini was a crypto-Jewish agent.
Amin al-Husseini “studied at the ‘Alliance’ Jewish school in Jerusalem, under the direction of Albert Entabi”
Jew Avraham Albert Entabi was an early business and settlement leader in Palestine. He was also a Freemason.
La Question de Palestine - Henry Laurens, chapter "Hajj Amin et l'holocauste", p. 467:
“In terms of his initial formation, Haj Amin was far from being an antisemite. He had learnt French at the Alliance Israélite Universelle institute in Jerusalem and Albert Antébi had been one of his mentors.”
According to historian Rashid Khalidi, Husseini learned Hebrew while attending the Alliance Israélite school (source - Khalidi, Palestinian Identity, p. 69. See also Mandel, The Arabs and Zionism, p. 65.)
British non-fiction writer and documentary producer, Christopher Hale:
“At the beginning of May 1945, the Grand Mufti and his entourage at last packed up and fled. He knew that once the British reached Berlin they would waste little time tracking him down. After many tribulations, they managed to reach Constance in the French zone of occupation. Recalling how well he had been treated after his flight from Palestine, when he escaped to French Beirut from British Palestine, the Grand Mufti surrendered to the French authorities. He was soon relaxing in an opulent villa near Paris. The British urgently petitioned the French authorities to hand over the fugitive Muslim cleric who had slipped out of their hands so many times.”
Proof Husseini was a secret Jew:
“He was also a close relative of Yasser Arafat and the current Temple Mount Mufti. "Arafat's actual name was Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He shortened it to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini." Howard M. Sachar, A HISTORY OF ISRAEL (New York: Knopf, 1976). The Bet Agron International Center in Jerusalem interviewed Arafat's brother and sister, who described the Mufti as a cousin (family member) with tremendous influence on young Yassir after the Mufti returned from Berlin to Cairo. Yasser Arafat himself keeps his exact lineage and birthplace secret.”
In 1999, Dr. Ghazi Hussein, a senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), reported that Yasser Arafat is descended from Moroccan Jews and was born in Cairo:
Soviet defector Ion Mihai Pacepa:
“The KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat’s birth in Cairo, and replaced them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth.”
4th para https://thewashingtonstandard.com/how-the-palestinians-were-invented/
“The KGB fabricated his new identity, as a native of Jerusalem and not of Cairo, providing the relevant papers.”
7th para
Arafat, quoted, after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, in the London-based Arabic newspaper Al Sharq al-Awsat:
“There were a number of attempts to get rid of Haj Amin, whom they considered an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 war, and I was one of his troops.”
"In North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, and even from Asia Minor to Yemen, the branch of clandestine Judaism composed by the super hidden society of false Moslems who are secretly a part of the nation and religion of Israel, has a very ancient origin ...
Clandestine Judaism in Yemen, Egypt and other Arab countries of North Africa for the same reason plays a very illustrious role in the history of the people of Israel.
Going back to the report of Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II, it is inferred that the Hebrews of Alessandria, although they had not in those days recovered the ancient splendor destroyed by St. Cyril when they were expelled, remained very strong at the middle of the past century.
The cited Hebrew authority reports that there were two communities one of the Italian rite and another of the native rite, but led by only one Chacham. This was Rabbi Solomon Chasan. Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II also says that there were other two communities in Cairo, one of the Italian rite and another one of the native rite, the last one with six thousand families and the Italian with only two hundred. He also says that in 1846 the two communities sent to Jerusalem for a new Chacham because theirs had died"
pp. 22, 28-30
1974 - Arafat lays a wreath at the grave of Jew Lenin.
Crypto-Jew Yasar Arafat:
"The PLO is continuing the path set by the Mufti”
“He was always right.”
In an Aug 2, 2002 interview, Jew Arafat called the Mufti “our hero”
“Exhausted by the war, the British no longer felt strong enough to keep the peace in the Middle East. [...] The Arabs felt that they had lost everything - including more than half of Palestine.”
p. 74 https://books.google.ca/books?id=QUkEAAAAMBAJ
“The SS collaborated with the Zionist underground paramilitary organization in Hagan Palestine, providing support for emigration and even smuggling arms for the Zionists”
“Stern's militants considered Great Britain the main enemy of the Zionists, as she tried to protect the civil rights of the Palestinians and made attempts to limit the immigration of Jews to Palestine”
“Harry Truman helped the Zionist overthrow the British mandate in Palestine.”
p. 34 https://books.google.ca/books?id=0UUEAAAAMBAJ
“Pressure grew and Britain decided that she would have to relinquish the Palestine mandate.”
p. 7 https://books.google.ca/books?id=UKj0CtT-ZvsC
“In May of 1942, while engaged in a bitter, punishing and cataclysmic war, the British Government took time away from the critical business at hand to issue a communique, the relevance of which to Britain's wartime efforts may have been somewhat abstruse to observers who were untouched or unmoved by the tragic circumstances delineated in the cold words. His Majesty's Government informed the world at large, combatant and non-combatant alike, that it was hereby reaffirming its policy of "taking all practicable steps to 'discourage' illegal immigration into Palestine."
The discouragement mentioned in the statement issued from London, by way of definition, involved the use of the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, radar-equipped police posts, and secret agents in the very few ports from which refugee ships, nondescript and unseaworthy as they were, were able and permitted to depart. Britain was waging war not only against the evil forces of the Axis powers, but also against Jewish men, women and children who were trying desperately to flee from imminent and complete annihilation.
This 1942 proclamation was a reiteration of the MacDonald White Paper of May 17, 1939, and served to place an added emphasis on it. That historical document had marked, for the Jewish people, the close, the official termination, of a period of premise and hope which had been conceived with the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
His Majesty's Government, in the White Paper of 1939, made it explicitly clear to the Jewish people, to the Arabs, and to the rest of the world, that it no longer entertained, or would be affected by, the sentiments expressed in the Balfour Declaration or in the Mandate conferred on it by the League of Nations. [...] The White Paper also served to abrogate the terms of the Mandate over Palestine.
Whatever elements were factored into the equation, the end result, the only result in the judgment of this observer, was that His Majesty's Government had decided to adhere to a Munich-like policy of appeasing the Arabs. Having arrived at that decision, it proceeded to look for reasons to justify it; in the process, it utilized any and all methods available.”
More on the theme that the Jews couldn’t rely on the British for the formation of the Jewish State they desired:
Weizmann's statement was addressed in the British Government White Paper of 1922: "Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become 'as Jewish as England is English'. His Majesty's Government regard such expectations as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated ... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine."
Quote from joshf731 on December 10, 2022, 10:11Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 14:42Quote from joshf731 on September 7, 2022, 09:56"Why did the Nazis send weapons/support to Arabs in Palestine?"
Al-Husseini was a crypto-Jew, selected by a top Zionist Jew Herbert Samuel to be Mufti of Jerusalem, in order to secretly control the Muslims.
Samuel with Edmond Rothschild, 1920
With masonic crypto-Jew Churchill at a tree planting ceremony at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1921
With Weizmann, 1951
He was not prosecuted after WW2. Despite being a wanted Nazi war criminal, the Mufti of Jerusalem ‘mysteriously’ 'escaped' the French
"The French police guarding the villa were apparently more preoccupied with securing the mufti’s safety than with preventing his escape"
Samuel also created the Supreme Muslim Council in 1921 which was the highest body in charge of Muslim community affairs in Mandatory Palestine under British control.
"(Jewish-controlled) Moscow had intelligence agents operating in Palestine immediately after the Russian Revolution (1917)."
"Active propaganda against England...The Arabs are also to be subverted" - This rhetoric/giving lip service to popular sentiments is important for subverting the Arabs, and absorbing them into their sphere of influence.
"... Arab-nations sections of the [Jewish-controlled] Comintern...the Comintern’s Arab Affairs Office..."
We can deduce that there was a combination of crypto-Jews and Soviet assets on this council. The COMINTERN also intensified its activity in Palestine as early as 1930.
We can plainly see here that the communists were secretly on the side of the Jews
More proof the communists were only pretending to work with the Arabs, but secretly in league with the Jews: 15m 4s - end of the video
It's noteworthy that while heading the AHC (Arab Higher Committee), Husseini REJECTED the White Paper of 1939 which put an end to Zionist goals, and handed the Arabs security & power over the land. The Zionists immediately rejected the WP 1939 as well.
With Himmler (Given "Aryan" documents even though he doesn't qualify)
https://fitzinfo.net/forum/topic/hitler-the-kabbalistic-talmudic-creation-of-ww2/?part=13#postid-445With Jew Eichmann.
"Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 & subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent"
"Husseini established a close working arrangement with Adolph Eichmann."
16th paragraph https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-grand-mufti-arafat-and-abbas/
Also, there looks to be a seeming contradiction in Samuel's actions/words - Which points to deception in managing the control of the Muslims
1923: “Mr Samuel [is] being too soft-handed in dealing with the Arab.”
but “in this recording (1915), Samuel discusses the necessity for a permanent Jewish state in Palestine.”
Nazi weapons were also sent to Haganah
So this collaboration was managed/controlled by the secret Jewish structure in Palestine on both sides.
Notably, Husseini was also a mentor to future Palestinian leader & crypto-Jewish KGB agent, Yasser Arafat
5th paragraph
The main reason for Nazi-Arab collaboration was to add another layer of defense for the Zionist program, by staining the Arab cause(s) in Palestine with Nazism, resulting in the shutting out/undermining of Arab requests when it came to the defining of Palestine post-WW2:
“This “in-between” timing was not helpful for the Palestinians in their effort to gain international support and sympathy for their national movement. The international reluctance to support the Palestinian cause against the Zionist one was further curtailed because of the rather enthusiastic alignment of certain prominent Palestinian personae with the Fascist and Nazi regimes, whose terrible consequences for the Jewish people were widely known. This alignment of Palestinian leaders with these regimes in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s further strengthened the mainstream Zionist reading of the Palestinians as irreconcilable enemies, who could not be partners in any shared future.”
Page 140
More results of the above:
Contributed to the nullification of the WP 1939.
Arab leaders, it seems for the first time (from my evidence) after the war, were forced to seriously seek “a compromise solution with Zionism” instead of retaining their complete rejection of it. The Zionists now had the "moral" upper hand that they didn't have before, standing behind the Holocaust and Hitler, backing the Arabs into a corner. The Arabs no longer had the previous leeway to fight Zionism. This is not to say, however, that all Arabs went down this path of seeking compromise.
Page 6, right column (1948)
The conflicts between Jew and Arab escalated by the Nazis via their support resulted in 10s of thousands of Arabs leaving Palestine (good for the Jews)
last paragraph
Zionist leader Jabotinsky in The Texas Jewish Herald Vol. 24, No. 44, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 11, 1932, p. 1
“The (British) Mandatory (in Palestine) has become an unmitigated hindrance to any progress in Zionism.”
JTA News - June 12, 1941 - Tel Aviv strengthens defense after Luftwaffe air-raid against Haifa.
Some will attempt to interpret this as an ‘anti-Zionist’ move. However, it was related to the British rule over Palestine, from 1917 until 1948. It was not an attack against Zionism, it was an attack against British rule which the Jews required as a step to create Israel. They needed the British kicked out.
“In 1936, the first "intifada" began in Palestine against the British mandate and the project of creating a Jewish state. Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Amin al-Husseini acted as its ideological inspirer and leader. Back in 1931, he chaired the World Islamic Conference, and then became chairman of the Supreme Arab Committee, which became the center of control of the uprising.”
8th para https://russian7.ru/post/dzhikhad-za-germaniyu-kak-gitleru-udalos/
“A Mufti normally has a religious task, but in the former British Mandate of Palestine, Al-Husseini was also the main political leader of the Palestinian Arabs. He was chairman of the Arab High Committee and the Supreme Islamic Council.”
1st para https://www.cidi.nl/ik-zag-de-palestijnse-moefti-in-auschwitz/
With barely two months of Hitler’s rise to power, the Mufti (who was put into power by elite Zionist Jews) rushed already to forge contact with the Nazi regime, on March 31, 1933
Congressional Record, Volume 107, Part 24 (1961) p. A5735:
“Shukairy joined the Arab Higher Committee which was also headed by the ex-Mufti. Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists led by the ex-Mufti. This gang cooperated with the Communists and prior to the Hitler-Stalin Pact sought in every possible way to sabotage the Allied war effort against the Nazis in the Middle East. However, when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists, and went all out for Hitler.”
Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186 - Publicaciones !Ahora!, 1967. P.9:
“Shukairy cooperated with the Palestinian Communist Party, led by Moscow ahead of the Second World War. However, after Hitler attacked Russia and communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler for his anti-Jewish programs.”
“During World War II and the Holocaust, the Nazi regime engaged in an intensive effort to appeal to Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa. It did so both by presenting the Nazi regime as a champion of secular anti-imperialism, especially against Britain, as well as by a selective appropriation and reception of the traditions of Islam in ways that suggested their compatibility with the ideology of National Socialism. [Employing Operation SIG tactics like today where Putin says ‘Islam is close to Orthodoxy’]
The mutual attraction between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and Arab radicalism had emerged during the Arab revolt in Palestine between 1936 and 1939. Then both German and Italian propaganda, and probably also with money and arms, supported the rebellion and attacked the British Mandate while Husseini and his supporters deepened their enthusiasm for the Nazis and the Fascists.
A significant historical scholarship has also documented the actions and beliefs of the most important public face and voice of Nazi propaganda aimed at Arabs and Muslims, Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Hitler would “give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power.”
In the above paper, it is noteworthy that German propaganda aimed at the Arabs asserted they could never be friends with Britain (even though the British collapsed the Zionist scheme with the White Paper of 1939) & that the Jews were backed by Britain and the U.S.A. & that they were “the arch-enemies of Islam.” (pp. 14-15). Rather interesting the Nazis barely spoke about the Soviets - and when they did, it was insufficient in relation to what their purported goals were in this region. This is because (Soviet) Nazism was secretly allied (at the leadership positions) & this proved to be fatal to the Arabs because they were being subverted by the COMINTERN with skillful propaganda & they were their ‘friends’ in the region.
Summons to a Intifada Against Britain - A "Fatwa" Issued by Haj Amin al-Husseini, May,1941*
*Translated from: - "Oriente Modemo," 1941, pp. 552-553; broadcast over the 'Iraqi and Axis radios.
“In the name of Merciful and Almighty God.
I invite all my Moslem brothers throughout the whole world to join in the Holy War for God, for the defense of Islam and her lands against her enemy. O Faithful, obey and respond to my call. [...] The ENGLISH have tried to seize this Arab-Moslem land [...]
Whoever knows the history of the East has everywhere seen the hand of the ENGLISH working to destroy the Ottoman Empire and to divide the Arab countries. BRITISH politics toward the Arab people is masked under a veil of Hypocrisy. The minute she sees her chance, ENGLAND squeezes the prostrate country in her Imperialist grasp, adding futile justifications. She creates discord and division within a country and while feeding it in secret openly she assumes the role of advisor and trusted hiend. The time when England could deceive the peoples of the East is passed. The Arab Nation and the Moslem people have awakened to fight British domination.”
Document #2 http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~jkatz/nazis.html
“The Mufti lobbied the Nazis hard to kick the British out of the Middle East [This is exactly what the Jews wanted - my note], and he was instrumental in raising recruits for a largely Muslim unit of the SS called the 13th Armed Mountain Division of the SS Handschar.”
14th para https://www.thedailybeast.com/hitlers-henchmen-in-arabia
Ribbentrop promises the Mufti that Germany will give all assistance to destroy a “Jewish National Home” by attacking the BRITISH
“The courtship of Muslims was to pacify the occupied Muslim-populated territories and to mobilize Muslims to fight on the side of Hitler's armies.
Many of those Muslims who worked with the Nazi regime had pragmatic reasons. They believed that Nazi Germany in 1941-1942 would be victorious and that it would determine the future world order and that the Nazis could help them become liberated from, for example, British imperial rule.”
One of the most pro-Israel historians, Martin Gilbert, wrote:
“Avraham Stern who had formed a breakaway 'Irgun in Israel' movement (also known as the Stern Gang), tried to make contact with Fascist Italy in the hope that, if Mussolini were to conquer the Middle East, he would allow a Jewish State to be set up in Palestine. When Mussolini's troops were defeated in North Africa, Stern tried to make contacts with Nazi Germany, hoping to sign a pact with Hitler which would lead to a Jewish State once Hitler had defeated Britain. After two members of the Stern's Gang had killed the Tel Aviv [British] police chief and two of his officers, Stern himself was caught and killed. His followers [chief among them Yitzhak Shamir who led the Stern Gang after Stern's death] continued on their path of terror.”
German intervention established a new dynamic in Palestine that resulted in the weakening of the British:
“As German planes had massively bombarded Alexandria shortly before, the bombing raid was glorified as a vital advance into the area controlled by the British in the eastern Mediterranean.”
13th para
“At this stage British authorities recognized the urgent need to strengthen anti aerial defences in Palestine. Unable to send anti-aircraft units from Britain and wishing to keep those in Egypt defending the port of Alexandria and the Suez Canal, the British military was forced to opt for a measure it had thus far hesitated to implement.”
page 334 https://www.jstor.org/stable/20720675
Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Vol. 3, Pages 20, 112-113:
Note: This is not an endorsement of the author or the book as a whole.
“The Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine, was racked by Jewish revolution and war, and then was dissolved. The British took Palestine for Jewry in exchange for America's entry into the war on the side of the Allies. Few Jews took the opportunity to migrate to Palestine.
The British awakened to a self interest in Palestine and realized that they could profit from the Suez Canal as a trade route to the British colony of India. The Zionist Jews, who wanted Palestine all to the themselves, felt compelled to destroy British Imperialism, so as to eliminate British interests in holding Palestine.
The Zionist Jews were able to lure England into advancing their cause in Palestine in the name of protecting British interests in the Suez as a route to India, just as Napoleon was able to lure the French into their sacrifices for the Jews in the name of taking the Suez for France. But after the First World War and the Balfour Declaration, it became apparent to the Zionists that they would have to break the back of British colonialism with a Second World War, in order to destroy the British interests in Palestine which they had created. Just as they had used German war to create a British Zionist cause in the First World War, they used German war to weaken British colonialism and attempt to sever European connections to Palestine in the Second World War.”
“It’s also worth keeping in mind that the (Zionist) Revisionists, in their effort to end British colonial rule, conducted serious negotiations with the Nazis well into the War itself.”
last paragraph
“Ben-Gurion wanted to deport Palestine’s (non-Jewish) inhabitants. So long as the British ruled Palestine, he could not act.”
paras 68-69
“80,000 battered and demoralized British troops withdrew from the Holy Land and the State of Israel arose.”
“The Jewish Stern gang & Betar received funding and arms from Italian Fascists to resist British forces in Palestine. In fact, Stern gang's collaboration with the Fascists and Nazis was going on while their Jewish brothers were being persecuted in Nazi concentration camps (as late as 1941).
It should also be noted that when the Americans, British, and their Arab allies were busy blocking the Desert Fox's (Erwin Rommel) advances in north Africa, the Stern gang's leader Yitzhak Shamir and the Irgun gang's leader Menachem Begin were busy sabotaging allies' war efforts during WWII, ambushing British soldiers, blowing up the vital Haifa-Cairo railroad supply line, and terrorizing British and Palestinian civilians (Righteous Victims, p. 174).”
“When Italy entered World War II on the side of Germany in June of 1940 they attacked the British in North Africa from their bases in Libya with the strategy of moving through Egypt pushing out the English, taking the Suez Canal, and moving into Asia and capturing the Mosul oil fields of Iraq, and possibly bringing an early end to the war with an Axis victory.”
December 14, 1938:
Article: A Fresh Look at How the Jews Drove the British Out of Palestine
“There can no longer be an armistice between the Jewish Nation and its youth and a British administration in the Land of Israel which has been delivering our brethren to Hitler,” Menachem Begin’s February 1944 declaration of revolt announced. “Our nation is at war with this regime and it is a fight to the finish.”
Multiple factors contributed to the British decision to withdraw. Economic hardships weighed heavily on the war-weary British public. American Jewish protests were blackening England’s name and straining American-British relations. The plight of Holocaust survivors languishing in Displaced Persons camps, dramatized in the voyage of the Exodus and other postwar refugee ships, created additional headaches for London. But the Jewish revolt in Palestine “played a salient role” in forcing out the British, Hoffman concludes, because it created “a sense of hopelessness and despair” among government officials, which, when combined with the other factors, simply could not be overcome.”
1938: “Can't the Jews themselves realise that it is suicidal for JEWRY TO WEAKEN GREAT BRITAIN so perilously in-the face of the obvious dangers that threaten? One would have thought that a man of Weizmann's intelligence would have seen that quick enough. It's such an obvious truth.”
p. 451 http://filestore.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pdfs/large/cab-24-281.pdf
If the Jews were banking on the British the entire way through to create a Jewish state, then yes, it is both suicidal & endangering for Zionism. But, in proper context of the war being a script on top of the fact the Jews were not relying on the British the entire way through, it makes sense why they would weaken the British along with the Nazis and Arabs.
If the leading Zionist Jews did not control Hitler, and Nazism wasn’t a Zionist operation, why in the world are they weakening British influence in Palestine AND EVEN EXTENDING THEIR HAND TO HELP THE NAZIS? The answer is that Hitler was their operation, and they knew the ‘Holocaust’ and World War 2 were set in place, thus giving Jewry the upper hand when it came to fundamental decisions towards Palestine. The British weren’t behind Zionism. This explains the activities of the Jewish terrorist groups against British army bases, hotels, etc., in the period before & after WWII, before the British withdrawal from Palestine.
Again, from the book Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Vol. 3 (p. 163-164):
“The British had no lawful authority to make this declaration. The British did not control Palestine, and even if they had, they would have had no right to offer it up to the Jews for settlements. Henry Morgenthau pointed out that leading Jews misrepresented the precise language of the Balfour Declaration, which did not offer to give Palestine to the Jews, but merely expressed support for the idea that Jews might wish to live there under the rule of the indigenous population,
“It is worth while at this point to digress for a moment from my main argument, to point out that the Balfour Declaration is itself not even a compromise. It is a shrewd and cunning delusion. I have been astonished to find that such an intelligent body of American Jews as the Central Conference of American Rabbis should have fallen into a grievous misunderstanding of the purport of the Balfour Declaration. In a resolution adopted by them, they assert that the declaration says: 'Palestine is to be a national home-land for the Jewish people.' Not at all! The actual words of the declaration (I quote from the official text) are: 'His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' These two phrases sound alike, but they are really very different. I can make this obvious by an analogy. When I first read the Balfour Declaration I was temporarily making my home in the Plaza Hotel. Therefore I could say with truth: 'My home is in the Plaza Hotel.' I could not say with truth: 'The Plaza Hotel is my home.' If it were 'my home,' I would have the freedom of the whole premises, and could occupy any room in the house with impunity. Quite obviously, however, I would not venture to trespass in the rooms of my friend, Mr. John B. Stanchfield, who happened at the same time also to have found 'a homeland in the Plaza,' nor in the private quarters of any other resident of that hostelry, whose right to his share in it was as good as mine, and in many cases of much longer standing.” (98)*
* FN 98 - H. Morgenthau, “Zionism a Surrender, Not a Solution”, The World's Work, Volume 42, Number 3, (July, 1921), pp. i-viii, at iii-iv.”
“The key is the opening sentence, in which “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” But alongside this sentence we must pay attention to what is missing from the letter of British Secretary Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter does not speak of establishing a Jewish state and not of turning Palestine into a Jewish state, but rather of the establishment of a “national home.”
The declaration does not declare that Palestine will become the national home of the Jewish people, but that a national home will be established there. This is intentionally ambiguous wording and over the years it has had many contradictory interpretations.
Obviously, the complicated wording of the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate put Britain in an impossible position. It had to advance the building of a national home for Jews in Palestine without harming the rights of the Arab population, whose positions were increasingly nationalistic."
“It should not be such a mystery. Britain wanted Palestine for its own empire, for simple geostrategic reasons born of World War I. Towards that end, the British government sought to exploit the Zionist movement - not to create a Jewish state, but to partner with Zionist settlers in managing Palestine over the predictable opposition of the Palestinian Arab majority.”
A key point I am drawing here is that the Nazis with their efforts in Palestine, always had a prime focus on the British in a Soviet-Operation SIG fashion, acting as a controlled anti-Zionist force, pretending as if the booting out of Britain will solve their Jewish problem in the region.
(the EXACT OPPOSITE was the case -
“The continued enforcement of the White Paper went VERY FAR toward meeting the Arabs’ demand to prevent Jewish immigration.”
Gainesville Daily Register and Messenger, Vol. 48, No. 16, Ed. 1 Friday, August 18, 1939, p.1:
“At Geneva, the World Zionist congress appealed to the League of Nations council to reject Britain’s plan for an Arab-dominated state in Palestine.”
Other than that, the Nazis accomplished in a few short years what 40 years of Zionist lobbying could not.
It should be noted:
“Looking at recent historiography on the chronology of the war reveals that at every step of the way the Germans had grand plans for the region.”
However, these grand plans were never to materialize as there was a safeguard in place.
“The Germans were not capable of providing sufficient arms and air support to defeat the British with success. [...] The cause for failure probably may be attributed to the focus of Hitler and the German General Staff on Operation Barbarossa. Führer Directive No. 30 from May, 1941 confirms this: “Whether it may be possible, in conjunction with an offensive against the Suez Canal, finally to break the British position between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf is a question that will be answered only after Barbarossa.”
Military options in support of Arab nationalists would have to wait until the end of Operation Barbarossa. In the meantime, the Germans waged a massive propaganda campaign at a much smaller cost.”
The grand plans could have never taken place as the safeguard in place was Operation Barbarossa: The operation that guaranteed the defeat of Germany. Therefore, there was no real threat to the Jews. The contained & limited military action in Palestine that did take place by the Germans and Italians ended up weakening British influence in the region & therefore this intervention was an important step for the creation of Israel – all while having no real threat to the Jews’ hold.
Extra facts/notes:
Info section #1)
“Churchill’s partition plan ended up in the dustbin of history, alongside numerous other plans for dividing the Holy Land in various ways”
12th para
Churchill, a crypto-Jew working for Zionism, clearly did not believe in the plans he drew up; Rather, we see the common theme the Jews use in making the historical development of Zionism look organically developed and also making himself appear to the (largely) goyim government, that he has a balanced approach. The same idea can be applied to any seemingly anti-Zionist statement from Nazis. One could take it a step further and point out that Churchill was playing the dialectic, giving more ammunition to the Zionists and their position that they cannot rely on the British for the creation of a Jewish state. The quote continues:
“...including the Churchill government’s 1944 offer to Arab leaders (reported by Meir Zamir in Haaretz in 2008) to establish a “Greater Syria” that would unite Syria, Transjordan, and Palestine, with a small autonomous area for Jews under Syrian sovereignty. Every new revelation concerning wartime British diplomatic maneuvering seems to validate Begin’s skepticism regarding London’s promises.
The Irgun and the Stern gang, neither privy to these British internal machinations nor likely to be impressed by them, intensified their attacks. Among the most notorious was the Sternists’ assassination, in November 1944, of the top British official in the Middle East, Lord Moyne. “The main reason that Lehi targeted Moyne [and other senior officials],” Hoffman notes, was not because of anything about them personally, but simply “the offices they held and the British rule they represented.”
Info section #2)
The Jews paid Arabs to join the British army
14th para
A large portion of Arabs that did fight in Palestine enlisted with the intention of acquiring weapons for themselves. Moreover, “Arab leaders who moved to Germany, led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, a former Mufti of Jerusalem, incited on German radio the Arabs to defect from the British army. Amin al-Husseini actively assisted in the establishment of Arab and Muslim battalions in the German army.”
“About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often times stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey conducted in 1941 shows that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British mandate.”
15th para https://www.ynetnews.com/article/s1bpi7cl5
It's almost as if the Jews knew that they were going to utilize Nazism to get Arabs to abandon the British Army with the help of crypto-Jewish and Soviet agents planted in Arab leadership positions such as al-Husseini.
And then there is Ahmad Shukeiri’s testimony in his book about almost no Arab agreeing in 1940 to help in the British war effort. See Elie Kedourie (Professor of Politics Emeritus), "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies," (Cass books on the Middle East, Psychology Press, 1964), pp. 189-190; Elie Kedourie, "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies," (Routledge, 2012), pp.189-190 for details.
So plainly, they used Britain to establish a foothold in Palestine, to then create an 'enemy image' directed to the Arabs; Thereafter, they leveraged the 'enemy image' and had the controlled Nazis move into the region to "liberate" them from this 'enemy', falsely believing it will be the end of the Jewish threat. Fast forward to today, we have the same "liberation" script when it comes to America.
Info section #3)
“Haj Amin did not even stop there: He became a close friend, adviser, and confidant to Himmler and Eichmann”
9th para
“Eichmann is the man who brought Hitler and the Mufti together.”
Info section #4)
B. Lerner, “Behind the British Conspiracy," B'nai B'rith Messenger, 12 July 1946, p.6:
Achmed Shukeiri chief of the Arab Office “warned that his side was ready to play along with Moscow.”
Also quoted here, Jewish News, July 17, 1946.
This is because the communists were pretending to be friends with the Arabs & were united with Nazi Germany's propaganda against the British.
The following document speaks for itself:
Info section #5)
More proof Husseini was a crypto-Jewish agent.
Amin al-Husseini “studied at the ‘Alliance’ Jewish school in Jerusalem, under the direction of Albert Entabi”
Jew Avraham Albert Entabi was an early business and settlement leader in Palestine. He was also a Freemason.
La Question de Palestine - Henry Laurens, chapter "Hajj Amin et l'holocauste", p. 467:
“In terms of his initial formation, Haj Amin was far from being an antisemite. He had learnt French at the Alliance Israélite Universelle institute in Jerusalem and Albert Antébi had been one of his mentors.”
According to historian Rashid Khalidi, Husseini learned Hebrew while attending the Alliance Israélite school (source - Khalidi, Palestinian Identity, p. 69. See also Mandel, The Arabs and Zionism, p. 65.)
British non-fiction writer and documentary producer, Christopher Hale:
“At the beginning of May 1945, the Grand Mufti and his entourage at last packed up and fled. He knew that once the British reached Berlin they would waste little time tracking him down. After many tribulations, they managed to reach Constance in the French zone of occupation. Recalling how well he had been treated after his flight from Palestine, when he escaped to French Beirut from British Palestine, the Grand Mufti surrendered to the French authorities. He was soon relaxing in an opulent villa near Paris. The British urgently petitioned the French authorities to hand over the fugitive Muslim cleric who had slipped out of their hands so many times.”
Proof Husseini was a secret Jew:
“He was also a close relative of Yasser Arafat and the current Temple Mount Mufti. "Arafat's actual name was Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He shortened it to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini." Howard M. Sachar, A HISTORY OF ISRAEL (New York: Knopf, 1976). The Bet Agron International Center in Jerusalem interviewed Arafat's brother and sister, who described the Mufti as a cousin (family member) with tremendous influence on young Yassir after the Mufti returned from Berlin to Cairo. Yasser Arafat himself keeps his exact lineage and birthplace secret.”
In 1999, Dr. Ghazi Hussein, a senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), reported that Yasser Arafat is descended from Moroccan Jews and was born in Cairo:
Soviet defector Ion Mihai Pacepa:
“The KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat’s birth in Cairo, and replaced them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth.”
4th para https://thewashingtonstandard.com/how-the-palestinians-were-invented/
“The KGB fabricated his new identity, as a native of Jerusalem and not of Cairo, providing the relevant papers.”
7th para
Arafat, quoted, after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, in the London-based Arabic newspaper Al Sharq al-Awsat:
“There were a number of attempts to get rid of Haj Amin, whom they considered an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 war, and I was one of his troops.”
"In North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, and even from Asia Minor to Yemen, the branch of clandestine Judaism composed by the super hidden society of false Moslems who are secretly a part of the nation and religion of Israel, has a very ancient origin ...
Clandestine Judaism in Yemen, Egypt and other Arab countries of North Africa for the same reason plays a very illustrious role in the history of the people of Israel.
Going back to the report of Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II, it is inferred that the Hebrews of Alessandria, although they had not in those days recovered the ancient splendor destroyed by St. Cyril when they were expelled, remained very strong at the middle of the past century.
The cited Hebrew authority reports that there were two communities one of the Italian rite and another of the native rite, but led by only one Chacham. This was Rabbi Solomon Chasan. Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II also says that there were other two communities in Cairo, one of the Italian rite and another one of the native rite, the last one with six thousand families and the Italian with only two hundred. He also says that in 1846 the two communities sent to Jerusalem for a new Chacham because theirs had died"
pp. 22, 28-30
1974 - Arafat lays a wreath at the grave of Jew Lenin.
Crypto-Jew Yasar Arafat:
"The PLO is continuing the path set by the Mufti”
“He was always right.”
In an Aug 2, 2002 interview, Jew Arafat called the Mufti “our hero”
“Exhausted by the war, the British no longer felt strong enough to keep the peace in the Middle East. [...] The Arabs felt that they had lost everything - including more than half of Palestine.”
p. 74 https://books.google.ca/books?id=QUkEAAAAMBAJ
“The SS collaborated with the Zionist underground paramilitary organization in Hagan Palestine, providing support for emigration and even smuggling arms for the Zionists”
“Stern's militants considered Great Britain the main enemy of the Zionists, as she tried to protect the civil rights of the Palestinians and made attempts to limit the immigration of Jews to Palestine”
“Harry Truman helped the Zionist overthrow the British mandate in Palestine.”
p. 34 https://books.google.ca/books?id=0UUEAAAAMBAJ
“Pressure grew and Britain decided that she would have to relinquish the Palestine mandate.”
“In May of 1942, while engaged in a bitter, punishing and cataclysmic war, the British Government took time away from the critical business at hand to issue a communique, the relevance of which to Britain's wartime efforts may have been somewhat abstruse to observers who were untouched or unmoved by the tragic circumstances delineated in the cold words. His Majesty's Government informed the world at large, combatant and non-combatant alike, that it was hereby reaffirming its policy of "taking all practicable steps to 'discourage' illegal immigration into Palestine."
The discouragement mentioned in the statement issued from London, by way of definition, involved the use of the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, radar-equipped police posts, and secret agents in the very few ports from which refugee ships, nondescript and unseaworthy as they were, were able and permitted to depart. Britain was waging war not only against the evil forces of the Axis powers, but also against Jewish men, women and children who were trying desperately to flee from imminent and complete annihilation.
This 1942 proclamation was a reiteration of the MacDonald White Paper of May 17, 1939, and served to place an added emphasis on it. That historical document had marked, for the Jewish people, the close, the official termination, of a period of premise and hope which had been conceived with the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
His Majesty's Government, in the White Paper of 1939, made it explicitly clear to the Jewish people, to the Arabs, and to the rest of the world, that it no longer entertained, or would be affected by, the sentiments expressed in the Balfour Declaration or in the Mandate conferred on it by the League of Nations. [...] The White Paper also served to abrogate the terms of the Mandate over Palestine.
Whatever elements were factored into the equation, the end result, the only result in the judgment of this observer, was that His Majesty's Government had decided to adhere to a Munich-like policy of appeasing the Arabs. Having arrived at that decision, it proceeded to look for reasons to justify it; in the process, it utilized any and all methods available.”
More on the theme that the Jews couldn’t rely on the British for the formation of the Jewish State they desired:
Weizmann's statement was addressed in the British Government White Paper of 1922: "Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become 'as Jewish as England is English'. His Majesty's Government regard such expectations as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated ... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine."