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Biden affirms Noahide Laws for third year in a row with declaration on false messiah Schneerson's birthday

Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on April 22, 2024, 20:07

Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the USA, 2024

President Joe Biden signed a declaration announcing April 19, 2024, which corresponds to the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nisan, "Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the United States."

The birthday of the Rebbe of King Moshiach has again become a day of special attention for American citizens. President Joe Biden signed a declaration announcing April 19, 2024, which corresponds to the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nisan, "Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the United States."


Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the USA, 2024

President Joe Biden signed a declaration announcing April 19, 2024, which corresponds to the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nisan, "Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the United States."

The birthday of the Rebbe of King Moshiach has again become a day of special attention for American citizens. President Joe Biden signed a declaration announcing April 19, 2024, which corresponds to the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nisan, "Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the United States."


Post Reply: Biden affirms Noahide Laws for third year in a row with declaration on false messiah Schneerson's birthday