Freemasonic founders of popular corporations, according to the Grand Lodge of Russia

Below is a slideshow published by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Russia. It reveals the masonic founders of popular international corporations, such as Apple, KFC, Dunlop, and JC Penney, as well as a couple in pro sports.

One comment

  1. Well, maybe some of them were lower-degree freemasons that ddn’t know all the luciferianism-satanism in disguise. Albert Pike and Manly P Hall (both 33 degree freemasons) said that the lower degree members must be deceived and the real meaning of the symbols occulted (york rite using cross and chi-rho for example, to decieve christians). Also, extra ecclesiam nulla sallus and sede vacante since 1958, the catholic church is the only true church so true christians (catholics) that know the teaching of the holy church against (((freemasonry))) would never join, but in protestants sects there’s no consensus about freemasonry and other secret societies.

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