By Timothy Fitzpatrick
November 3, 2022 Anno Domini
Leftists today argue that immigration is absolutely necessary because of a mass die off of baby boomers and increase demand in labour.
The mass die off of boomers wouldn’t be a problem for the maintenance of the overall population of Western nations had not social engineering disturbed the natural cycle of Western reproduction (parents having two or more children to replace themselves) through their Satanic schemes of abortion; the queering and oversexualization of both men and women, but especially men; miscegenation (promotion of race mixing); increase in artificial environmental sterilants—all of which unnaturally perpetuate the endless cycle of mass immigration.
Increasing demand in labour is correlated, in general, to expansion of the population. The more people there are, the more demand there is for goods and services. As a result, growth of the economy is required to accommodate the added demand, as is the labour to produce the extra goods and services.
If a nation’s population growth stagnates or only grows very modestly, the demand for goods and services can easily be accommodated without the need for much, or any at all, immigration. In the case where there might be an immediate shortage in labour, it can be argued that temporary labour could be drawn from other Western nations of same host race stock or by encouraging married couples to have more children. Ideally, a well-planned population would foresee any significant demographic shifts and implement measures to avoid potentially troublesome scenarios (no, I don’t mean a planned economy).
These are reasonable arguments that are completely absent from the immigration debate today, if there ever even was one allowed in the first place. Instead, we are told that we must open the borders and let in everyone, no matter the stock, so that we can meet labour demand. End of discussion. Any counter argument is dismissed and rendered racist, bigoted, and foolish. Arguments from the controlled opposition alternative media and “conservative” mainstream media, like Fox News, tend to focus on the problem being “illegal immigration”. They all ignore the elephant in the room that nobody has the balls to address, through cowardice, selfishness (being bought off), or ignorance. Immigration is a problem itself. It is not as necessary as they make it out to be—certainly not the way they propose.
So, we have opened the borders to everyone (thanks to ethnic displacement schemes like the Hart-Celler Act, the devilish spawn of the Jewish Kalergi Plan) and, you guessed it, demand has increased commensurately with the expansion of the population. But it doesn’t stop, because the borders never close. Demand continues to rise and rise. More and more labour is needed, and justification for more immigration is given to the bewildered masses to the point where it becomes an unsustainable self-perpetuating cycle.
Eventually, the system will collapse under its own disproportionate weight, and the nation will become dysfunctional and eventually die (and be conquered). This could happen even if the population expansion maintained the homogeneity of the host nation. But dysfunction is even more likely if the population expansion were to take in foreign stock, as multi-culturalism has never worked in human history and never will.
While unfettered economic growth might be good in the short term for corporations and their shareholders, selling their cheap, Chinese-made garbage products, eventually the host nation will begin to implode and with it, the corporation; although, it could simply pack up and find another host nation to exploit. But eventually, the supply of fresh host nations will run out (sort of like today) and where does that leave the fate of corporations? One could argue that this is what could lead the corporate trajectory to nationalisation and collectivism, which is where we seem headed now.
In contrast, small businesses are not so much focused on growth as they are on service, innovation, and quality. Growth, then, is a bonus, not an end itself. The West was built on the backs of small businesses. Small businesses are more connected with the communities they serve and, thus, have a vested interest in the health of those communities. The international orientation of corporations seems to detach them from this important responsibility, and so, corporations fail to see or don’t care about the hazards of unfettered immigration. They just go along with the agenda, so long as their earnings continue to rise. “Deal with the fallout later”, the irresponsible refrain goes. Or they don’t see a fallout at all.
I have said it before and I will say it again, the key element to securing the implementation and worldwide acceptance of one-world Communist anti-Christ government is demographic change. The international Kahal know that the American-British stock is too strong to accept slavery disguised as the workers revolution, thus the need for massive immigration. The answer is not legal immigration but immigration restriction. Also, Westerners need to get comfortable again with a smaller, more manageable economy. One can still make profits and advance in a smaller, small-business-dominated economy. In such an environment, corporations would dwindle, as their shareholders wouldn’t tolerate diminishing profits and would have to innovate to find ways of putting their capital to better use.
Excellent article. Straight to the point.
Imagine an Economics professor teaching this in Economics 101. I would be applauding, but it would be his only lesson; he would be fired the next day.
Unfortunately, for those who turned the professor in to the thought police, they will be the ones most adversely affected by mass immigration. Tens of thousands in student loan debt, sleeping in their parents basement, eating Ramen noodles, serving Starbucks for a paycheck, never being able to buy a home, etc., and never realizing how “the man” is keeping them down.
These Marxist trained college grads will blame people like us for all their woes. The sad part is that we’re their best friends; we’re telling them the truth.
Thanks, Chris. The unwashed masses stick out more and more with every passing day.
Well it’s planned and in an anti-Catholic capitalist mammon worshipping country that suffers from top heavy finance meme jobs, a capital flow sustained only by useless retail and planned obsolescence, the system will eventually collapse and they know this and they are letting it happen. The idea of a welfare state is good, if one takes into account the def. of welfare, but only under Catholic rule. Under Communist rule, its death, under Judeo-Capitalism, its surveillance and social credit under the guise of noachidism.
They do not want a monolithic Christian Indo-European base to sort out the conspirators, so they open up the borders and allow every walk of life, no matter his/her religion, to come to America, without ever told the need to assimilate.
The anti-Christ is close, and they know this and are planning for the liquidation of America. March 2025 will be the end of America as we know it, judging by the predictive programming I see by the tribe. The turn into 2025 will cause a civil war. I know this because they openly say it will happen and it will and Cabalistic Trump will be its doing.
Buying a home? Mortgage and rent will be the only answer. And they won’t give you the rate they give their tribesmen, so find a Catholic Mortgage lender, rare. And that’s how the tribe wants it. House prices are astronomical in my area. I live in a shack, 600 sq feet, and have all I need but had my house been sold on the market maybe downtown, 380-480,000 dollars w/ 45 acre property which was grandfathered in.
If you’re autonomous, have chickens, goats, veggies and solar, make passive income, around 5-19,000 dollars a year, all going to survival and maintaining your home and the necessities of life, as I do for my children, all the while going to Church and helping others, your townsmen and the clerks might be nice enough to not come to your house and take everything from you with a Zio officer.
Went to the townhouse with no presumptions and got a hold on property tax, by way of showing that I make no profit and buy only necessities while living a life w/ nature. They cannot force me to work at McDonalds or some other god forbidden slave wage job to pay 2300 in property tax (yes, that’s how terrible my town is) thus taking AWAY MY SUSTENANCE OF LIFE. I work longer hours than they do on my own accord for my own survival and for the health of my child. This is far better living in my book but the downside is you almost cannot do this now without a lot of money and money is getting scare and things are getting expensive. Property was cheap back in the day. In fact, in the 70’s at 14 years of age, working with grandfather, I got maybe 60cents over minimum wage which was the equivalent of purchasing power of $23.45 today. So, as an old fella, living back then was far easier than now, much easier, and your dollar went a long way. Now it doesn’t. Minimum wage is worse now, than it was back in the 70’s.
“Increasing demand in labour is correlated, in general, to expansion of the population. The more people there are, the more demand there is for goods and services. As a result, growth of the economy is required to accommodate the added demand, as is the labour to produce the extra goods and services.”
Well said. This is especially true with the expansion of uneducated latino immigrants, who create the need for more blue collar jobs feeding, clothing, and housing all the new blue collar latinos. It’s not vertical growth up, but rather stagnant horizontal growth, which feeds the jew cretaed myth that 2/3 of this economy is consumer spending. The jews have so fucked this country…
Bob Geldoff.(Another Charity front for International Jewry.)
Robert Frederick Zenon “Bob” Geldof, KBE (born 5th October 1951) is a Jewish singer, songwriter, author, occasional actor whom the Zio–Marxist regime has elevated to spokesman for the global conscience. His widely recognisable trademark is convincing ever more destitute Europeans to part with their hard earned cash for the ‘poor starving Africans’-another charity front for international Jewry. Geldof was born and brought up in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland, a son of Robert and Evelyn Geldof. His paternal grandfather Zenon Geldof was a Belgian immigrant and his paternal grandmother, Amelia Falk, was a Jewess born in London. Geldof has received many awards including in 2011 an honorary doctorate of Philosophy from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, for his decades of ‘charity’ work for the Jewish agenda. His daughter Peaches who died at the age of 25 of a heroin overdose was married to a Kohanim-the Jewish pop musician Thomas Cohen. Just prior to her death Peaches Geldof faced a criminal investigation for tweeting names that may have identified victims of paedophile rock star Ian Watkins. Bob Geldof’s ex-wife Paula Yates wrote that Geldof had threatened them repeatedly with the phrase, “Don’t forget, I am above the law”.
Putin hails diversity as foundation of Russia’s strength.