(Editor’s note: the following call for a Eurasian proclamation seems to fill in the missing gap between the old Jewish kingdom of Khazaria and the Jewish world imperium of today, with its true seat of power residing in the far east rather than in New York, London, or Tel Aviv. It seems probable that the Khazar Khaganate was absorbed by the Kievan-Rus/Russian Empire, eventually becoming more and more Judaised but without losing harmony with its Islamic and Eastern Orthodox constituents. One still wonders though if Eastern Orthodoxy all this time was helped along by the Jewish hidden hand as a counter to Christ’s Roman Catholic Church. It seems that the more we dig, the more harmony we find between Judaism, Slavic lands, Eastern Orthodoxy, and anti-Westernism/Catholicism.)
“The Khazar Khaganate is the first and successful edition of the Eurasian project.”
Source unknown
Translated from the Russian
“And who knows, is it not for such a time that you have reached the dignity of a king”, Russia?
Everyone knows the expression of the sages of the Talmud “Eisav hates Jacob”, and Israel can be saved from this hatred only in the G-d G-d, in His Torah. But there is another, less well-known expression, “Eisav hates Esav.” And in order to be saved from Esav, Esav will also have to turn to the Torah, to the God of Israel through Jacob. Esav has no other choice. Now our fatherland is in such a position that it is forced, simply obliged to make a non-standard move that will change not only the geopolitical, but also the metaphysical situation in the world.
For centuries, the Russian Empire was the protector of the Orthodox peoples who fell under the Ottoman yoke. This was the idea of the Russian Empire, for this idea the Russians massively went to war, liberated the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula and Transcaucasia. Unfortunately, they did not manage to fully liberate Armenia, Anatolia, Cappadocia and Syria, which turned out to be a tragedy for the Christian peoples of these territories. Today, thanks to Russia, there are such peoples as Armenians, Bulgarians, Georgians, Serbs. If not for the fraternal help of the Russian Empire, they would have been exterminated and expelled from their ancestral lands.
These peoples, except for the Serbs, turned out to be ungrateful, betrayed Russia, at the first opportunity they plunged a knife into our backs, they did worse to us than Amalek and Israel, and we will never forgive them for this. But we have fulfilled our mission, the peoples live. Every Russian is overwhelmed with pride for this, and every Russian feels remorse for not being able to avoid the genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians in the First World War. Although if we won freedom to them, then they would sell us out and, at the first suitable opportunity, they would shoot us in the back, unite with the West in a coalition against us and hate us with every fiber of their soul.
We do not have the right to forget the meanness and betrayal of the peoples we saved (Deuteronomy 23:3-6): “Do not wish them peace and prosperity all your days, forever,” because in this case we ourselves become traitors to the memory of our ancestors. Meanness and betrayal must certainly be punished. The scripture says about this: “Therefore, when the LORD your Gd calms you from all your enemies on all sides, blot out the land that the LORD, your Gd gives you as an inheritance to take possession of it. the memory of Amalek (vile traitor brother) from under heaven; forget not” (Deuteronomy 25:17-19).
The attitude of the Russian state towards the people of Israel was different. As a result of the three divisions of the Commonwealth, Russia turned out to have the largest Jewish population. Instead of becoming its protector and patroness, Russia did not make sure that the Jews felt like full-fledged citizens of this country.
Pogroms and discrimination accompanied the centuries of our coexistence with God’s chosen people. At the time when Alexander II was liberating the Slavs, the Zionist movement was gaining strength. If by this time the tsarist government had developed partnerships with the Jewish diaspora, then Russia could use Jewish influence to advance its interests in the West and in the East. Alexander II could organize a military campaign to restore the state of Israel, freeing along the way the Christian peoples of the Middle East and Asia Minor. But this was not done, the Christian peoples were exterminated, and the salvation of the Jews came at a different time and from the other side, although it is not worth minimizing the role of the USSR and personally Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in restoring the state of Israel. But then relations between the USSR and the state of Israel developed almost exclusively in a negative way. To annoy the United States, we supported the reactionary Arab regimes in the fight against Israel, and as a result received the aggression of Islamic terrorism on our territory. As if it was said about us (Psalm 9:16): “The nations fell into the pit that they dug; in the net which they hid, their feet were entangled.” although it is not worth minimizing the role of the USSR and personally Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in the restoration of the state of Israel. But then relations between the USSR and the state of Israel developed almost exclusively in a negative way. To annoy the United States, we supported the reactionary Arab regimes in the fight against Israel, and as a result received the aggression of Islamic terrorism on our territory. As if it was said about us (Psalm 9:16): “The nations fell into the pit that they dug; in the net which they hid, their feet were entangled.” although it is not worth minimizing the role of the USSR and personally Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in the restoration of the state of Israel. But then relations between the USSR and the state of Israel developed almost exclusively in a negative way. To annoy the United States, we supported the reactionary Arab regimes in the fight against Israel, and as a result received the aggression of Islamic terrorism on our territory. As if it was said about us (Psalm 9:16): “The nations fell into the pit that they dug; in the net which they hid, their feet were entangled.” and as a result received the aggression of Islamic terrorism on their territory. As if it was said about us (Psalm 9:16): “The nations fell into the pit that they dug; in the net which they hid, their feet were entangled.” and as a result received the aggression of Islamic terrorism on their territory. As if it was said about us (Psalm 9:16): “The nations fell into the pit that they dug; in the net which they hid, their feet were entangled.”
And although after the restoration of the state the possibilities of the Jewish people have grown many times, they are still not able to fully fulfill the function of light for the peoples of the world. It hinders the need to compete in a rigid capitalist system, to defend their right to exist among aggressive neighbors. Until now, the Temple has not been restored and worship has not begun, and this does not give Israel the opportunity to fully fulfill all the commandments given by Gd. Israel needs help, and the fate of our people will depend on whether we give it this help. Taking spiritual things from Israel, we are obliged to give them material things. At the moment, Israel faces the Palestinian problem. The leaders of the Palestinians, working off the capital invested by the reactionary Arab and not only Arab regimes, are inciting their population to many of whose representatives have Jewish roots to enmity with their Jewish brothers, with the goal of crucifying Israel again, destroying it physically and spiritually. God gave Russia many territories, riches and strength. With the help of Russia, Israel will be able to return its Arab brothers to true Islam (to submission to the Almighty), which can only be based on the Torah, but not on its substitutes. For this, God will give us even more land. Russia will receive the moral right to return Ukraine and northern Kazakhstan to its composition. At the first opportunity, we will secure access to the Baltic Sea by identifying the peoples of the Baltic states in their rightful place – in Europe. Having carried out a civilizational reboot in the Torah system, we will expand the limits of our expansion to the whole world, to the entire Universe. If Russia does not intervene and come to the aid of Israel, then “freedom and deliverance will come for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows, is it not for such a time that you have reached the dignity of a king? (Esther 4:14).
Russia missed its chance to revive Israel in the 1870s, participated in the restoration of Israeli statehood in 1948, but now there is an opportunity to help Israel survive, having received in return the spiritual basis of its existence, to become the subject of sacred history. We, Russians, are strangers, both in the West and in the East, and only in the G-d Gd of Israel can we find our place and consolation. We do not need to seem good to everyone, there is no need to get out and strive to please everyone, everyone will hate us anyway. Those who believe that this hatred is the result of purposeful anti-Russian propaganda that Western ideologists have been conducting for more than eight hundred years are very mistaken. This is far from being the case – it comes from the very depths of the subconscious of the European peoples, including our Orthodox “brother Slavs”, and has deeply mystical roots. Even when we surpass other nations in terms of socio-economic and cultural development, they will not begin to respect us, on the contrary, they will hate us even more. Only the Almighty, if it is his will, can be our ally, friend and comforter. Only He will pity and understand us, if it is His Will and, therefore, to receive favor in His eyes, to help His people, and, consequently, Himself, since the people of Israel, the Torah and Gd are one in their essence, is our task and our only hope of salvation. Otherwise, we will perish – the whole world is now up in arms against Russia and predatory looks at our expanses and our wealth. The whole of Edom, the whole post-Christian world from the Dnieper to Alaska united against us, wanting to destroy and wipe it off the face of the earth. He has allies inside our country – liberals, democrats, nationalists, Black Hundreds, jingoistic patriots, sectarians and pagans, individual representatives of small nations, many of whom themselves do not know what they are doing and whom they serve, but this does not make them any less dangerous. An invisible war is going on against us on all fronts, and only the right, life-giving idea, the idea of everyday service to G-d, can mobilize our people and help them survive in this confrontation.
Russia must proclaim itself the successor not only of the USSR, Tsarist Russia, Kievan Rus, but also the empire of Genghis Khan, and first of all, the Jewish Khazar Khaganate, which united various Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian and Turkic-speaking peoples. This, from a historical and cultural point of view, legitimizes our presence on the territory of the CIS countries, will allow the Turkic-speaking and other peoples to feel like state-forming nations. The proclamation of succession from Khazaria will contribute to the adoption of the Talmudic tradition, to restart the religions of the peoples of our country based on it. This, in turn, will allow, from a moral, religious, political point of view, to justify the expansion of Russia not only in the territory of the countries of the former USSR, but also in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the Israeli tribes of the northern kingdom, Iran, Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, up to Ghana and Ethiopia, where Jewish states and autonomies once existed, as well as to Eastern Europe, where the Khazar tribe of Kavars, who professed primitive Judaism, moved along with the Hungarians, and even to the Iberian Peninsula. The Khazar idea will be able to unite the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries, which today are held together only by pragmatism and the strength of Russian weapons. The Khazar idea, the idea of religious Eurasianism, based on the Talmudic tradition, will become our Russian Monroe Doctrine, into which socialism, communism, pan-Slavism, pan-Turkism, and Vernadsky’s doctrine of the noosphere can be inscribed. It is only necessary to legitimize it in the religious circles of the Jewish people by organizing the liberation of Eretz Israel and the Palestinian people from terrorist occupation.
Undoubtedly, many Palestinians are descendants of ancient Jews, many know about their origin from Jews and Samaritans. But they are under severe pressure from their religious-criminal-political elites, and their return to Judaism at the moment is not possible. But it is likely that the catastrophe they experienced in the future in the form of exile and the correct education system in the new place will help them return to the bosom of Judaism, and this will be another merit of Russia before G-d and Israel.
Russia must proclaim itself the successor not only of the USSR, Tsarist Russia, Kievan Rus, but also the empire of Genghis Khan, and first of all, the Jewish Khazar Khaganate, which united various Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian, and Turkic-speaking peoples. The Khazar Khaganate is the first and successful edition of the Eurasian project.
“Eurasianism fully integrates the messianism of the Zionist movement, in connection with the piece of the continent, given by the Creator – Israel. IT IS REFLECTED IN THE JEWISH PROPHETS & THE LAWS OF TALMUD”
paragraphs 36/37
What Laws of the Talmud? – There are only The Laws of Moses as outlined in the Torah. The Talmud is an aggregation of Rabbinic opinions that rambles on for 36 volumes ( Soncino version ) and says some of the most despicable things .
Please do not conflate Jewish Prophets with The Babylonian Talmud. We conflate modern day “so called Jews” with the Judahites to confuse and obfuscate to confused Christians.
Judaism had to deal with was their supposed ancestors of the first century AD, and their relationship with Jesus and His crucifixion.
However, I will not share with you what the Pharisees of Judea actually thought about Jesus, as recorded in their early writings, namely The Talmud ( 200 -600 AD)or how modern Jewish orthodoxy regards Jesus today; suffice to say His Messiahship will always be denied. Though, surprising as it may seem they need Him, and they need Him to be a Jew.
The rationale being that His Jewishness must naturally flow back through their claimed ancestors David, Jacob, and Abraham.
Quote from Article : “proclamation of succession from Khazaria will contribute to the adoption of the Talmudic tradition, to restart the religions of the peoples of our country based on it. ”
That dear readers is the beginning of The Tyrrany of the Pharisitic Rabbi elite !- woe to the poor Goy
What do you think about this video Tim. Two presentations one verbally, one as text on screen , The text talks about Israel requiring Nuclear weapons cover from Heavenly Jerusalem (Ukraine) which appears erroneous as Israel has 100s of nukes as I understand it, its quite well known if not overtly so.
Putin and Zelensky jewish roots.
Hi Timothy Fitzpatrick
As somebody who obviously knows more than I do, I am genuinely keen to ask you whether you agree with the basic premises of the following two web pages and whether you know of any inaccuracies in the list of countries containing white people on both of these web pages:
Thanks a lot for any assistance you can provide.
Andrew Mackinnon
Hello, Andrew. Yes, I tend to believe that the white races are descendants of Jacob and are the ethnic and spiritual heirs of Israel (this would explain a lot). However, they still need to accept Jesus Christ in order to obtain eternal life.
Thanks a lot for your reply, Timothy. I appreciate it!
Do you think it is correct to say that there are white people originating from Russia, Ukraine, Poland and the Czech Republic who are descendants of Jacob and the Israelites?
Do you think it is correct to say that white people who are categorised ethnically as “Slavic” are descendants of Jacob and the Israelites?
I probably should have added these two questions to my initial comment.
Thanks a lot for any assistance you can provide.
Yes, I think there are descendants all over, but mainly they are from Europe. I don’t know about Slavic. There seems to be a lot of mongol/tatar mixing with the Slavs.
Thanks, Timothy.
If you look at the biblical story, it becomes clear, Jacov and Esav are not only brothers, they are twins. Nevertheless, Jacov was middle eastern looking while Esav was white, the father of the white people. I hope these facts may help you correct your views.
“middle eastern looking” Middle East is btw of course a Eurocentric term / for say a Pakistani or a Chinese for instance this tomtom indication does not work…
The Lachish relief in the British Museum clarifies how the Hebrews of 2000+ years in that area looked like : https//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK0V4GApX-c
12.39 Lachish is close to Jerusalem & is in the territory of the kingdom of Judah / the relief depicts the Hebrews captivated by the Assyrian invaders in approx. 700 BC / they clearly have negroid features….
Furthermore this vid. shows the findings of skulls of skeletons found in archeological digsites in Lachish & in Lebanon carbondated from that period : negroid skulls & DNA tests matching the DNA of presentday members of the Yoruba people living in West Africa E1B1A
29.23: 60 % of todays black Americans have E1B1A
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDa2fom2zDs 100+ Byzantine Icons ( most probably crypto – fake – j. Vlad P. posing as a Russian Orthodox Christian had a tiny hand in the whitewash operation that took place with these original icons in the background).
Till a month ago P. recruited in his latest Ukraine invasion mostly Asian (Russian) soldiers / till recently white European Russians were also called upon ( did he run out of “brownies” ?).
( And yes / the latest Ukrain war is a j. bankers orchestrated conflict starring crypto fake j. Putin /
fake j. Zelensky & US zionist Biden & the rest of the top the “free” ZioNato countries ( > WW III ?)
https://blackhistory.neocities.org/BlackChrist.html Black Christ thoroughly analysed ( this author refers to the skincolour of the feet of JC in Revelation / they were of the color of brass as if coming right from an oven / so, deep brown / “”his head was white and his hair like wool ” he does not mention the white head of JC in this Rev. vision / the whiteness must necessarily point to the – what I call the S.O.W. L. the SOUL of which all Creation is an Emanatiion (indeed s.o.w.l. has not a nano iota to do with skincolour).
Since 1492 we live in Silly Icon times / the year that Spanish Rodrigo Borja became Pope Alexander VI / he commissioned the creative genius & heretic Leonardo da Vinci to alter the existing “black” icons of JC & his Hebrew crew / Borja’s son Cesare was his model / imv the real Da Vinci Code….
“Ukraine” so that is what it was all about!! Jew Putin used as Wolf(all theatre ,but deadly as all Wars are Jew Banker Wars ) to scare Ukraine and Jew Zelensky to join Jewropean Union -Jew Digital Coin Slavery-JewJab and Third World take over by open Borders.
Ukraine Is Now Officially A Candidate For The European Union.
Last White Christian countries follow suit with Jew inspired border conflicts the impetus, same as used against Germany with Versaille Treaty to spark WW2.
Georgia recommended for EU candidacy, but with conditions.
Moldova officially applies for EU membership
Capitalism and Marxism/Communism are two sides of the same coin with capitalist banking systems funding the exploits of global communism. Capitalism (democracy) and Communism (Marxism) are merely products of the Jewish mind manufactured to control slave Nations. Therefore, given the ‘divine right to rule’ both are ideologically lower than Judaism in the paradigm of the Jewish Zionist. The nature of the game for the Zionist Capitalist is to withhold a land’s wealth from its people. Henceforth the Zionist Capitalist gets immensely rich while the nations conquered suffer crippling dept. Consequently capitalism is basically state sponsored usury and any revolutionary response from the slave nations are corralled into Jewish Marxist (Communist) state funded trade unions whose organizers are earmarked to become the leaders of the new Jewish Zionist regime. Thus Jewish Zionism controls both rich and poor. This vicious circle is a representation of the Jewish Marxist one party state.
Schengen open borders death trap for Bulgaria Romania and Croatia.(As stated above Democracy is Jewish Govt. that takes decisions that are good for Jews and bad for Whites.)
Decision on Schengen membership of Bulgaria is expected on December 8.
Romania to be in Schengen in a month’s time, social democratic leader says.
Croatia gets green light for Schengen admission from European Parliament
Bulgaria’s experience of Afghan Migrant Rapists.