WEF’s Klaus Schwab is Jewish

Klaus Schwab (R), Founder and President of the World Economic Forum and Rabbi Arthur Schneier (C), Founder and President of Appeal of Conscience, light candles February 3, 2002 at Ground Zero during visit of religious leaders participating at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in New York.—Getty Images

By Valentin Katasonov
Aug. 25, 2021 Anno Domini
Translated from the Russian

Dr. Klaus Martin Schwab , President of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has become one of the key figures in world politics since last year. In 2020, he put forward a “Great Reset” plan designed to completely revolutionize the world order. This plan is outlined in sufficient detail by Schwab in his book COVID-19: the Great Reset , published in the summer of 2020. Schwab continued this theme in the book of Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet ( Capitalism stakeholders : the global economy is working for progress, people and the planet), which appeared at the beginning of 2021.

Schwab, who turned 83 in March, is, one might say, at the zenith of fame. True, scandalous fame. For the plan of the “Great Reset” presupposes the seizure of power over the world by a small group of the “chosen”. Naturally, interest in the biography of Klaus Schwab grew. The Internet gives a detailed description of the life of our hero, but for some reason only from the moment he graduated from high school and entered in 1957 to study at the Federal Swiss Institute of Technology.

What about that? Two or three lines of the following content: born on March 30, 1938 in the German city of Ravensburg. He also studied at the gymnasium, which he graduated from in 1957. Nothing is said either about his parents, or about his ancestors and relatives, or about studying at the gymnasium, or about childhood friends, habits. It seems that someone put the stamp “secret” on the biography of Klaus during his life in Ravensburg. Naturally, versions appeared.

NEW YORK, NY – DECEMBER 13: Klaus Schwab (C), Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, walks into Trump Tower on December 13, 2016 in New York City. President-Elect Donald Trump continues to hold meetings with potential members of his cabinet at his office. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Some of them are sensational in nature. For example, there is a picture on social networks depicting the ancestry of Klaus Schwab. It follows from it that his father is Fred Schwab , his mother was Marianne Schwab , nee Rothschild (born in 1919). In turn, Marianne’s father was Louis Rothschild (1864-1942), a banker from the German city of Bad Homburg. Later, most of the materials belonging to Klaus Schwab to the Rothschild clan disappeared, as the authors of the sensational news made confusion. Indeed, there were such Fred and Marianne Schwab, and Marianne was indeed from the Rothschild clan, but Klaus Schwab was not among their children. It turns out that Fred and Marianne are the namesakes of our Klaus.

Yet find out why Klaus never mentions his parent’s name. In the most concentrated form, information about Klaus’s father is collected in the material Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich (Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich) , published  on March 18, 2021.

Klaus’s father’s name was Eugen Wilhelm Schwab . Born in 1899. When Klaus was born, his father was the director of Escher-Wyss & Co., which was based in Ravensburg. Evgeny Shvab continued to work for the company as Honorary President until his death in 1982. Company Escher-Wyss was founded in 1805. In the twentieth century, she developed unique high-strength materials intended for the production of gas turbines, compressors, electrical equipment, heat pumps and other heating equipment, hydraulics, ships, aircraft, etc. understand what Escher-Wyss was up tounder the leadership of Eugene Shvab before and during World War II: the company was under the special patronage of Hitler due to its importance in the military-industrial complex of the Third Reich and was awarded the honorary title of “exemplary national socialist enterprise”.

ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIAN FEDERATION—Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands with Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum during a plenary session at the 11th International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, 10 June 2007. —NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA/AFP via Getty Images

Escher-Wyss was, in modern parlance, Ravensburg’s “backbone enterprise”. In a sense, Klaus Schwab’s father ran not only the company, but also the city. And the city is famous for practicing eugenic principles to kill “useless eaters”; Ravensburg was a testing ground for technology developed by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Ravensburg, located next to the German-Swiss border, is also known for the fact that at the end of the war it became a transit point through which gold plundered by the Nazis in different countries was sent to Switzerland.

In the Hitlerite state, the  Escher-Wyss company occupied a special place in the military-industrial complex, since it was entrusted with the task of creating … nuclear weapons. Hitler did not manage to create this weapon, but some developments in the Escher-Wyss company were made, they found application in the post-war period.

After completing his higher technical education in Switzerland, Klaus worked under his parent’s guidance for Escher-Wyss . He was entrusted with the merger of the German company Escher-Wyss and the Swiss company Sulzer AG . Klaus Schwab solved the problems associated with the illegal supply of components for the production of nuclear weapons by Escher-Wyss to South Africa. This he did at least until 1971, when he established the World Economic Forum (then called the European Management Forum ). The supply of materials and components for the production of nuclear weapons was banned by a UN decision.

There is no doubt that Klaus Schwab was involved in their smuggling of nuclear weapons components to South Africa, but escaped punishment. Therefore, he is afraid to even mention his father’s name.

As for the mother of Klaus Schwab, until recently there was no mention of her at all. Surprisingly, in 2021, Klaus Schwab publicly announced the names of his parents for the first time. Schwab’s book Capitalism of All Stakeholders is dedicated to parents: To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle. Named not only the father, but also the mother – Erika Epprecht (Erika Epprecht) , but this is a shameless lie. Erica Epprecht is the stepmother of Klaus Schwab. And his blood mother is Emma Gisela Tekelius Schwab , nee Kilian, the first wife of Eugene Wilhelm Schwab. She was 100 percent Jewish. Soon after the birth of Klaus, the persecution of Jews in Germany intensified, and his mother was forced to leave the country. On December 9, 1938, Emma Schwab emigrated to the United States under the name Gisela Schwab, leaving behind an infant named Klaus. Her further fate is unknown.

(L to R) Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, Egyptian sheikh al-Zafzaf, President of the permanent Committee for dialogue among Monotheistic Religions, Lord Carey of Clifton, former Archbishop of Canterbury, David Rosen, International director for interreligious affairs of the American Jewish Committee, Rabbi Awraham S Soetendorp of the Netherlands and Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum attend a Holocaust Commemoration ceremony held in Davos city hall 26 January 2005. (Photo by ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP via Getty Images)

Soon, my father married again. His wife was the woman whose name is indicated in the dedication of Klaus Schwab on his book – Erika Epprecht. Klaus’s stepmother, as the author of the publication “Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich” notes, “was a strong Aryan, acceptable to the Nazis . At the same time, no records of a divorce from Emma or a remarriage with Erica were found. Perhaps Erica Epprecht was not quite the legitimate stepmother of the future president of the World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab, brought up in early childhood in the spirit of National Socialism, in every possible way hid who his mother really was. Even in his youth, our Schwab entered the role of a 100% Aryan. The Aryan spirit tried to convey to him his father. Probably, after the flight of Emma, ​​Eugene Schwab breathed a sigh of relief: she would have interfered with his career in the Third Reich.

Klaus Schwab has an older brother who was born into the family of Eugene and Emma Schwab in 1927. His name is Hans Schwab . He, unlike Klaus, always considered himself a full-fledged Jew (Jewry is determined not by his father, but by his mother), he did not renounce his mother, but he also maintained relations with his father. In Brazil, a company was created, which became part of Escher-Wyss , and Hans took over the management. Once Klaus Schwab let slip that Eugene and Erika Epprecht visited Brazil in 1960 …

The author of the article “Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich” writes: “Klaus Schwab almost never smiles. We now know why. He knows that he is a swindler – a circus barker who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, whose heart has nothing to share with the world. “

Such a person is a convenient figure for those who conceived The Great Reset. No, he is not from the Rothschilds. But he is undoubtedly the agent and protege of the Rothschilds. I write about this in my book “Reading Schwab. Inclusive Capitalism and the Great Reset. An open conspiracy against humanity ” (Moscow: Knizhnyi mir, 2021).


  1. Klaus Schwab quick facts:

    Honorary Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

    Trustee, The Peres Center For Peace, Tel Aviv, Israel

    1999 Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel

    2017 Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy of Haifa University, Israel

    2002 ICCJ – International Council of Christians and Jews Award

    2004 Dan David Prize, Tel Aviv University


    1. Much love from Macedonia, thank you for exposing the ultratotalitarian Ing-Soc like government these filthy HAZARS are trying to achieve!

  2. Hey Timothy, and all contributors of this site. I love your work. I am French Canadian (obviously I also speak English) and I sometimes read and watch content in French from the French alternative media and let me tell you, the alternative media in France is filled with Duginist, Putinist, Eurasianist, Stalinist garbage. It’s horrific. In particular, the largest alternative media website “Égalité et Réconciliation” in France led by Alain Soral is totally pro-Putin, pro-Chinese and anti-American/Anti-NATO. Alain Soral has admitted to being a “former” communist and is one of those fake “Anti-Zionists” who yet supports Putin and even started promoting Trump for crying out loud. He is ludicrous. It’s obvious that he is knowingly lying to his audience. He can’t possibly be that stupid. He must be some sort of operative. His website very often republishes material from RT and Sputnik, they also promote Dugin, Israel Shamir, Xavier Moreau and all sorts of Kremlin propagandists. Alain Soral calls Putin’s Russia “the number one resistance to the New World Order”. What a joke.

    A new channel on BitChute called House56 started making content critical of Jews yet he shills for Putin and promotes the myth that he kicked out the Jewish oligarchs. Thankfully he’s not gaining much traction as of now. I don’t know if he’s a shill or just completely deluded because I had a debate with him where I showed him multiple facts about Putin’s Jew loving with sources to back it up and his strategy was sheer denial and accusing me of believing in the Illuminati and not criticizing Jews enough and that Putin can’t possibly be with them. People in the alt media have been so brainwashed by this pro Putin stuff it’s insane. They are cult literally members of the Putin cult.

    1. Thank you for the valuable insight on the alt-media in France. It is no surprise that people in alt media have been brainwashed by this pro-Putin, pro-Russia narrative as alternative media, specifically the alt-right is a (Jewish) KGB operation. The alternative media platform GAB is also a MOSSAD-KGB operation that is flooded with anti-NATO, anti-Western, Pro-East, Pro-China, Pro-Russia nonsense.

      Plot vs the Church: M. Pinay

      “The JEWISH danger also for the Right & Patriots. It’s a 1000 year policy of Jews, to infiltrate these areas.”


      Crypto-Jew Dugin: “The New Right is a project & we are designers & implementers. The future is ours.”

      Page 146 http://pismofronda.pl/wp-content/uploads/Fronda11-12.pdf

      Crypto-Jew Nick Fuentes Is Looking to a “Eurasian Coalition Led by Russia” for ‘liberation’ of the West:


      Crypto-Jew Richard Spencer with Fuentes:

      Spencer “I wish there were more Conservatives like Nick.”


      Robert Sepehr is a Jew who shills hard for Putin & China


      E Michael Jones, a crypto-Jew


      Crypto-Jew Roosh & Crypo-Jew Fuentes shilling for the Crypto-Jewish Taliban, extremely anti-West


      Jew Roosh with Jew EMJ


      Jack Murphy pumping out numerous videos/interviews with Jew Dugin shilling for Russia


      Alain Soral is also likely a crypto-Jew. All the front-line alt-righters are Jews. They do not & cannot trust gentiles in such key positions, in case one of them suddenly acquires a conscience. The front-line alt-righters have been kicking their shilling for China & Russia into high gear in the past few months as we move towards the end game – which is WW3, the destruction of the West and a Eurasian-led Neo-Soviet world government that brings Antichrist to power.

      1. Yeah Nick Fuentes is ridiculous. Larps as a trad cath yet he went on a date with a gay “catboy” prostitute and you can easily find those videos on YouTube.

      2. Thank you for clarifying the identity of Robert Sepehr. There were inconsistencies about him that didn’t sit well with me so I’m glad you brought them to light.

  3. Anyone with a brain

    No, dipshit….the list of destruction was 100% the result of the anti-white agenda of organized jewry.

    White Christian people have ZERO agency, no voice, no power, no input, NOTHING.

    Proof is the list itself, that shows what organized jewry WON, and white people LOST:

    Stripped us of all of our Constitutional rights (except the Second Amendment!)
    Collapsed the economy and destroyed all small businesses
    Flooded us with primitive third world savages
    Declared white people (native American population) to be terrorists
    Promoted black riots and violence
    Censored anyone who questions them
    Forced racial integration
    Legalized gay anal sex
    Legalized interracial marriage
    Gave women the right to vote
    Gave homosexuals direct access to children
    Legalized pornography
    Ran a years-long Russian conspiracy hoax that they designed and knew from the beginning was fake
    Allowed Jewish bankers total dominance of the US economy
    Forced us to fight meaningless wars for Israel
    Overturned the most important presidential election in history through obvious fraud
    Classified people as terrorists for protesting election fraud
    Coercively vaccinated most of the population with a dangerous gene therapy, claiming it will save them from a virus that doesn’t exist
    Injected children
    Forced people to wear face masks
    Destroyed the middle class
    Completely opened the borders and put all of the savages on welfare
    Allowed millions to die from opioid overdoses
    Destroyed the energy sector
    Promoted gay sex to children
    Injected children with tranny hormones
    Mutilated children’s genitals
    Taught gay anal sex in schools
    Banned prayer from schools
    Legalized no-fault divorce and therefore destroyed the institution of marriage
    Legalized abortion
    Established family courts which give children to women after they leave their husbands
    Promoted women to positions of power over men
    Given unlimited economic and social privileges to nonwhites
    Purposefully driven down the white birthrate
    Tried to force people who refuse the vax out of society
    Spied on everyone
    Created a track and trace system in the name of medical tyranny
    Allowed the Israeli Mossad to run a blackmail ring
    Given billions upon billions to Israel
    Destroyed the education system on purpose
    Locked everyone in their houses

    It’s the jews, stupid.
    It’s not Christians.
    It’s not boomers.
    It’s not women.
    It’s not even negroes.

    It’s organized jewry that planned and engineered and orchestrated ALL of the destruction and degeneracy and chaos and misery and arson and looting and murder.

    1. WOW! One of the most important things I have read about the JQ and I have read ALOT!
      This MUST go absolutley viral. Thanks for your insight.

  4. The real surprise would be if he had NO Jewish ancestry! That seems to be a main requirement to be part of the ruling elite of the world, or at least, the ruling elite of the West. It goes without saying that he is connected to Israel and the Mossad just like Epstein was. The puppet masters all reside in Tel Aviv as a backup and Jew York City otherwise.

  5. Does anyone know what category Webster Tarpley belongs to? He propagates the Jesuits are in charge of the whole show together with Black Nobility narrative.

    1. Merry Christmas, Christine. I would definitely say Tarpley is controlled opposition. Not only is he a Jew denier, he was heavily involved with Lyndon LaRouche’s movement and has been spreading his Venetian conspiracy theories for decades, which as you point out, dovetails with the Jesuit conspiracy theories that the Jews love so much.

      1. Thank you Timothy and Merry Christmas or better said Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ to you too. Thank you for clarifying my suspicions of him. Trouble is so many who simply don’t understand how deep this psy-op goes then peddle his stories as gospel truth that’s why people are so screwed up and I’m talking about those who aren’t lazy to research not the sleeping ones. People are so divided because they’ve been listening to so many different sides of conspiracy claims which clash with each other so they simply don’t know what to believe so they just go with whatever appeals to their tastes. Then they get very defensive of their side of the story and argue amongst each other in an arrogant and vulgar way. It’s really horrible to watch because it only helps the enemy, that is the bolshevik jews and their proxies the Freemasons. Thank you for your website. You have helped me put the missing pieces of a puzzle together. God bless you.

        1. Glad I could be of some help, Christine. Merry Christmas and happy new year! Most people hate and refuse to admit when they have been lied to. They’d rather carry on a clown show than admit they were wrong about.

      2. the jesuits are jewish the same as the catholic church is jewish, venice is were the jews
        setup their global banking empire and then took it through europe and britian, the kahal
        control it all

  6. ⁣No Evidence Of Genocide……….
    One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: “In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp …” (Vol. III, p. 83).

  7. Uh remember Charles Schwab of wall street fame? It’s pretty clear that similar names and ways of doing things are clearly of talmudic/kabbalist heritage. Know them by their works is pretty straight forward but today we need 1000 references(accurate or just made up) and some permission to publish and be spread around by the press to be “factual”. It’s becoming clear that war profiteering and manipulation for both political and religious goals has been happening since at least the Bank of England was founded with the jew servant Cromwell if not long before. The whole defense of Catholic Europe from various invaders was manipulated by the jews for profit and other goals all through Christian history. Look at the foreign based usurping of legitimate monarchs in europe and you will likely see jew gold and tactics with a greedy filthy frontman or crypto in charge. WW2 had jews in all leading positions on all sides, flash political movements like Naziism require boat loads of money and jew talent for organization and kabbalistic tactics. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Stalin, the jew controlled britain, the masonic sawdust caesar in italy and the end result. The creation of the abomination of the state of israel(decoy and also sign to jews all over, remember the SIX day war theatrical production?) and handing over half of europe to marxism. I mean the talmudics probably consider Hitler like another Cryus but they’ve had the financial and other control to actively make these things happen unlike back when.

    Modern media is just jew programming with jew financial criminality making it possible for the purpose of the age old satanic kingdom of talmudics on earth. You can see the TERRORISM by the media pretty clearly with the covid narrative, the marxist messages about race, etc all over and the terrorism in the streets but especially staged drama for the jew cameras. This reset is pure satanism by the head of the snake the talmudic/kabbalists. Major organized criminality is totally talmudic controlled in todays world, sure there is a chaos level but once it gets to a certain level it’s quickly invaded and controlled by either cryptos or open jews. Watching mob movies it’s pretty clear that it’s all really about jews regardless of names and nominal traditions, I’m talking specifically about the media portrayals here but also in a more occult way about the real thing. Only thing that matters to the truth of it is the spirit and the actions. Anyone who has dealt with talmudics and those who follow them can see that criminality flows naturally and supernaturally there, how could it not?

    The tactics today within the jew matrix we live in are kabbalistic in order to control humanity and the natural unpredictability of life. It’s active and not to the immediate benefit of those using it but eventually it will have a major dialectical synthesis that results in the complete negation of Jesus Christ in mens hearts and minds. These filthy mongrels are so devious and satanic that even those who call themselves Catholics support the satanic “reforms” gradually implemented in the Church. Infiltrated cryptos and others into the Church from various origins and their gangster tactics of promotion have turned the hierarchy into an abusive mafia which is working ever so slowly towards the common satanic order. Sacred dogmas such as those in the Council of Trent and the many other councils as well as the explicit writings and actions of the acknowledged Saints have been disregarded, banned and otherwise falsely framed into modern marxist meanings by the filthy mongrels in the academic/literary wing. I mean there are thousands of books and histories throughout the ages about this criminal cabal.

  8. So, before you start parroting neo-con propaganda and inadvertently make the situation for White America even more untenable, take a few minutes to learn the truth, and remember: it isn’t the Chinese; it’s the Jews, stupid.

    It wasn’t the Chinese who blocked the PayPal accounts of patriots and stole the balances they contain – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who get patriots fired for their political and social views – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who maintain a dossier on millions of patriots and draw from them to defame and destroy – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who have been bent upon bankrupting and imprisoning so many that I know – it was and is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who had Ernst Zundel deported and punished for “thinking wrongly” – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who have hijacked my government – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who have made it virtually — and in some countries, literally — illegal to criticize them – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who have hijacked the American legal system and now are transforming it to conform to Talmudic law – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who own and run the Federal Reserve Bank, which is in the process of destroying the dollar and the American economy – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese rigging the US stock market and commodities futures markets – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who refuse to serve in the US Military in numbers proportionate to their population percentage – it is Jews (1/10 of 1%, vs. 2-1/2%).
    It isn’t the Chinese who erect menorahs in public venues – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who continue to impose “racial diversity,” disfavoring America’s founding race, upon us in all walks of life – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who began and continue to expand militant “feminism,” destroying the traditional relationship between the sexes – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who promote sex perversion and “transgenderism” and do everything they can to reduce the White birth rate – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who buy off all our legislators with our own tax dollars – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who tried to sink the USS Liberty and killed and maimed so many of its crew members during an extended attack – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese enacting “hate crime” laws designed to outlaw opposition to the multiracialist, open-borders agenda – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who run NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who sued to force us to allow homosexuals to lead Boy Scout troops – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who started and ran so many ostensibly Black anti-White organizations like the NAACP – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese importing huge numbers of Somalis and Bantus and Mestizos into American cities – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who formulated American legislation providing pensions to Russian Jewish immigrants for doing nothing – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who run organized crime throughout America – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who created and promoted the drug counterculture – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who literally own and run nearly all of Hollywood’s movie-making enterprises – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who literally own and run almost all of America’s mainstream media – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese spewing obscenity and race-mixing propaganda from the TV and movie screens – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese trying mightily to block and censor alternative views and alternative media – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese lying about and guilt-tripping all Whites about slavery and the supposed “holocaust” – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese stealing American tax dollars to fund all their holocaust monuments throughout America – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who forged the Anne Frank “diary” – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about gas chambers at Dachau and Auschwitz – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about mass graves at Treblinka – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about Jews being made into lamp shades and soap during World War 2, such lies resulting in the deaths of millions of White people – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who doctored WW2 prison camp photos to appear to be belching smoke from crematoria – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who used WW2 pictures of dead Whites, falsely claiming they were Jews – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who made criticism of Jews punishable by death in Soviet Russia after they took power – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who killed over 20 million Russians – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who looted and destroyed the Russian economy – it was Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who have amassed an illegal arsenal of over 300 nuclear weapons in the Middle East – it is the Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who brag about controlling America – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who advocate the use of torture by, and on, Americans – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who twist American laws to punish speech criticizing themselves – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese endeavoring to get America to outlaw anti-semitical speech – it is jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who sell goods that it is now illegal for Americans to boycott – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who extort millions in “fees” for putting their worthless “kosher” label on goods – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who retaliate against rock-throwing children by shooting them in the head – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese stealing land in Palestine – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer – it was the Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who have caused America to spend uncounted trillions in the Middle East with zero benefits for our country – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who send teams of trained assassins into foreign countries, including America, to kill people with whom Israel disagrees – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who run the ADL, which maintains dossiers on thousands of law-abiding American citizens, for the purpose of punishing those with whom they disagree – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who break into and enter the offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure “dirt” both for their database, and in the hopes of getting data they can pass to a compliant FBI to enable false, politically motivated prosecutions – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who have caused America to go from being the most-loved country in the world to the most hated – it is Jews.
    It isn’t the Chinese who regularly phony up “hate crimes” against themselves – it is Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who caused the Great Depression – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who got America into WW1 – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who started WW2 – it was Jews.
    It wasn’t the Chinese who reaped the bloody “benefits” of the 9/11 attacks – it was Jews.

    Source: based on an article at The Foremost Problem

  9. I think the story that Klaus Schwab was related to Fred Schwab who married Marianne Rothschild may have been originated by Benjamin Fulford (https://benjaminfulford.net/2021/07/12/great-victory-for-humanity-as-european-royals-reject-rothschilds/). He linked to a website for the biography of Fred Schwab and wrote: “For example, Mossad sent us proof last week that Klaus Schwab, head of the Davos World Economic Forum, is a member of the Rothschild family.” Fulford always has these anonymous sources at Mossad or CIA or the P2 lodge or Asian secret societies, but I think he pulls them out of his hairy Jew ass. Fulford didn’t say that Fred was the father of Klaus, but later someone else made an image where Fred was said to be the father of Schwab.

    By googing for site:geni.com "schwab" "rothschild", I found a total of 5 marriages between Schwabs and Rothschilds, but I couldn’t find evidence that any of the Schwabs were related to Klaus Schwab:


    There’s more serious research on Schwab’s family here:

    http://mileswmathis.com/schwab.pdf – this was attributed to “a new guest writer from Europe”
    https://www.reddit.com/user/MartinStoll38/comments/ – this may be the same person who wrote the PDF on the website of Miles Mathis
    https://www.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyII/comments/leglc5/klaus_schwab_family_connections/ – I think this was posted by another account of the same person who made the account MartinStoll38, because both accounts only have a few posts which are all about Schwab and which were all made about 11 months ago
    https://aim4truth.org/2021/03/16/klaus-schwab-is-the-great-barker-of-the-fourth-reich/ – this is based on an interview of Michael McKibben, who did original research about Schwab in various archives, the article was written by the interviewer who inserted statements demonizing the Nazis which were not actually said by McKibben

    Schwab’s book “Stakeholder Capitalism” was dedicated to “my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab (†) and Erika Epprecht (†), who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle” (https://books.google.com/books?id=0OQSEAAAQBAJ&q=eugen+wilhelm+schwab).

    However I think Schwab’s real mother was the Jew Emma Gisela Schwab née Kilian. She may have abandoned Klaus by escaping the Nazis, because Klaus is supposed to have been born in March 1938, but she was registered as having arrived to the United States in December 1938 (https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/1938-12-09-Gisela-Schwab-aka-Emma-Gisela-Tekelius-Schwab-nee-Kilian-(arr-Dec-09-1938-Manifest-of-Alien-Passengers-on-SS-Washington-sailing-from-Hamburg-Nov-30-1938-List-5-US-Nat-Arch-Dec-12-1938.pdf).

  10. ⁣During the Second World War and from then on up to our present time the Jewish clique which rules the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, continues to be very numerous, for at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a long time was regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. But it has been revealed that he belongs to the Jewish race; for Djougachvili, which is his surname, means “Son of Djou”, and Djou is a small island in Persia, where many banished Portuguese “marranos” migrated, who later settled in Georgia.
    Today it is almost completely proved that Stalin had Jewish blood, although he neither confirmed nor denied the rumors, about which mutterings began in this direction.(33).

    …………………………⁣It is only too well known, that the Anti-Semitism of Stalin was a misrepresentation of the facts, and that the blood bath among the Jews (Trotskyites) which he carried out in order to assert his power, was performed by other Jews. In the last instance the struggle between the Jew Trotsky and the Jew Stalin was a struggle between Jewish parties for control over the communist government, which they created; it was purely a family dispute. As proof, the following list of Commissars of Foreign Affairs, during the period when Stalin got rid of some certain Jews, who had become dangerous for his personal power.

    1. WEF is a proxy mouthpiece for the world bank. A lightening rod if you will.

      The genuine purveyors of communist misery appear in tailored suits and address a room full of dorks who cheer their policies and approve the usury they provide.

      Here is one: (skip to 6:20 and stop at 7:30, unless you like the smell of his farts as much as he does)


      They all have praise for the Chinese government and their model. There was a video from the same conference that was taken down – an irate woman at the microphone called him on the carpet for the mess the world bank had made, the camera panned to him holding the microphone in one hand with his free hand rubbing the back of his neck. He was run out of Kenya shortly after this because it became “unstable”. He was transferred a couple of times and whisked out of Turkey late 2019 (whew). Now director for Brazil.

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