Excerpts from an interview with Chief Rabbi of Kazan and Tartastan Yitzak Gorelik Russia in the Business Gazatte of Russia, January 22, 2016 Anno Domini. Translated from the Russian:
- The Pope said last year that World War III had begun. Is this how you perceive world events?
“I will tell you how the Jews view these events. Everyone senses that something is happening. It can be called that, and in another way, but clearly something is happening. According to Jewish tradition, this happens on the eve of good times.”
- Do you think that the Messiah or in Hebrew the Mashiach came?
“The Mashiach is coming. He is already on the doorstep. According to Kabbalah, the Mashiach is already in the world, and these global events are associated with it. And when he appears, the wars will end. But this is already included in the secrets of Kabbalah …
“For all of us, ordinary people, something will change in consciousness. Thirty years ago, no one in Russia would have believed that a time would come when synagogues would open and a rabbi would be invited for an interview in a newspaper. Not only did they not dream about it, but they could not even imagine it. Only a few decades have passed, and today we can no longer understand how we lived without it before ?! But changes have taken place, and, thank God, no war. And we believe that everything can change for the better all over the world.”
- What do you think is the role of Russia for Jews?
“I see how Victory Day is celebrated here in Russia. This day is special for Jews as well. It is like a symbol of salvation. Perhaps, officially it cannot be called that, but for us May 9 is the same as the day of the salvation of the Jewish people, deliverance from great trouble.”
Roman Abramovich emigrates to Israel.
Uri Geller returns to Israel.
Gene Simmons returns to Israel.
Simmons is no longer spitting fire and sticking his tongue out during concerts and live
performances. He is now raising money for the Israeli Defense Forces in the Los Angeles area.
A number of Hollywood celebrities were more than happy to join him: Mark Wahlberg, Liev Schreiber, Antonio Banderas, Jason Segel, and Jason Alexander. “The event featured a musical performance by the Beach Boys.”[2]
Haim Saban, of course, was there. Some of the biggest names in Hollywood also joined Saban in raising at least $33 million for the IDF:
“Barbra Streisand, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Avi Lerner, Pamela Anderson, Ben Silverman and Chris Tucker were among the 1,200 guests at the star-studded fete, which featured a gourmet three-course kosher dinner, spirited musical performances by David Foster, Canadian quartet the Tenors and Ricky Martin, and an emotional reunion between American and Israeli vets brought together through Heroes to Heroes, a philanthropic foundation that funds trips for U.S. soldiers to Israel to help them heal from the devastating effects of war.”[3]
Indeed, their messiah will be appearing soon. Everything is reversed for them. they rejoice while the world mourns.
Dark things are in motion all over the world. Their plans are accelerating like never before. They feel their objective of total domination is in sight and they are getting anxious, and sloppy. But they never calculated the internet in their plans. It enabled people to learn the truth. Yet soon the internet will be censored and worthless. But in the meantime spread as much truth as you can. Save all the information that you can and back it up for the future. Keep fighting. People are waking up like never before. I see it more and more every day. Do not get distracted or disheartened from our goal of waking up our sleeping brothers and sisters.
It is not enough to know the truth, you must spread it. Make websites, comment in forums, message boards, etc. The truth is like a fire, all of us lighting little fires all over the world, and suddenly — an inferno!
Bloody History Of Communism.
But I have to remind everyone that Russia is responsible for creation of holocaust myth, because all Nazi “death” camps were in Soviet occupation zone. It was Russian prosecutor who stated during Nuremnberg trial that they have evidence about mass murder of 4 million people, in Auschwiz, millions of people in other “death camps” and at least 2 millions of Jews by SS Sonderkommandos on the territory of USSR. No credible evidence were given to the tribunal, but no one really care about that, and holocaust myth was created.
As for the promotion of national pride, this “national pride” that Putin promotes is in fact just the worship of multicultural and multiracial nature of Russia. The focal point of this “national pride” is the cult of Soviet victory “against the evil Nazis who wanted to kill poor Jews”.
So, the cult of Soviet victory is a tool for political correctness and repression of any pro-white and nationalist elements. It claims that fascism is the worst enemy of civilization and Putin linked fascism of the past with the modern nationalists. It justifies actions like this.
It serves as the foundational paradigm and legitimization for thought crimes and “anti-fascist” / “anti-racist” (anti-white) hysteria and can be considered as the twin tool of holocaustianity.
Holocaust revisionism in Russia is banned because of Jewish and Judeophilic power of the Russian government. The Ministry of Education included the holocaust in the curriculum schools in Russia. This theory is just a cheap pseudo-argument to keep Putinphilia constant. According to Ian Kagedan, holocaust memoir is central to the New World Order:
Good post, Dave. It makes sense that the ones who invented the official Holocaust narrative are the same ones pushing the idea that the greatest liberation in history is the one of the Russians “freeing” the world of Nazi occupation.
Victory Day became a religious Jewish holiday
“Starting this year, all who profess Judaism will celebrate a new religious holiday called “Yom Shihrur ve Atsala” (“Day of Salvation and Liberation”). It is dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.”
The Day of Salvation and Liberation is celebrated annually in hundreds of Jewish communities. Solemn ceremonies, memorial prayers, the study of the Torah in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War: the people of Israel are grateful to the saviors, remember them and hope that the Almighty will not allow the followers of the possessed Fuhrer in the post-Soviet space to take revenge
Pics of Lazar included